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Durham Chronicle (1867), 23 Jul 1914, p. 5

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°0pposit3 the 01.. St and. Durham, Ont. z o g 9 ~m9‘6+§§9¢9§§§§§§§§9§¢9§§4 OOQOOOO §§§§§§§ O§§§§¢§§§§O Miss Laura Bryon is visiting her uncle, Mr. J. C. Wright, at Proton Station. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Livingston of Toronto motored from the Queen City last week, and visited Lv. Montreal “.00 pm L: .Toronto 8.6mm AnLondon 11.06am Ar.Detroit 1.45pm Antihicago 8.4!.» pm Miss Muriel Hoig of Chatham spent a few days with her friend. Miss Bessie Telford. Mr. and Mrs. W. Harding of Hamilton, are visiting relatives in town. T0 RONTO=CH1CAGO TORONTO=IVIGNFREAL Miss Helen Dunbar and brothel. Harr y of Owen Sound and Miss Irene Stares of Hamilton. are \is- iting with Mr. and Mrs. J D. Abraham and family. Miss Jessie Barton... Toronto, is spending a few holidays at the rectory With her sister. Miss Emma Barton. [NH ov#¢¢¢¢+¢+¢¢o¢¢¢¢+¢996§5Q¢¢¢¢<¢6¢¢++¢+¢¢+§¢§¢¢+§¢¢¢; Mr. Geo. McKechnie is \isiting his brother in Taunton, Mass. Mrs. Luther Grasby and daugh- ter Irene, of Wyandotte, )lich., are visiting the former‘s sister, Mrs. T. C. Morton, Sr. Miss Bessie Telford left this week to spend a couple of weeks at Penetunguishene and Honey Harbor. f+++++++++++++++++++++++++vv¢9¢++*++++++++++é%+éééé¢ Miss Harriet Anderson of Ham- ilton is the guest of Miss Sarah Vollet. The Down Jown Shoe Store: 3. S. Mollraith 3 ‘0 . ‘7' 4: 9‘ wane» 36$vvvv‘36¢v$33¢$6660906v$¥¢33v $3333.. Magnificent Programme of Attractions. Two Speed Events Daily. New Fireworks Every Night. Western Fair Reduced Railway Rates commencinngept. Ssacial Excursion Days. Sept, 15, 16. 17. All fitickets ' good till September Slat. J 1113‘ ‘23. 1914. H )UCI \V‘ LONDON. CANADA Ontario's Popular Exhibition September Ilth to 19th, 1914 IMPORTANT IMPROVED and gel :1 p Lit iwfme- sizes axe um. Um stm: k of thew gum! i large: than um: 11. hi: I tin-x me swim: fast Ladie: Pumps m difi'eieut st\ 195 ii! 1.50 1.75 MieSt’s 1.00 ( hildien 5 85c and Inf mt ~ 750. Lndies' high button hunt $2.25 Some fine lines nf children’s Li-zle H-h‘t‘ in black. tan. pink and bin». Ladies' Italian Silk Mack 0r tan 250 per pair. black nr tun Sill-z 35¢ per pair. black or hm Cathm 1 5c. Men's heavy or light, wear at different prices. Give ['5 Your Repairing It will be Promptly and Neatly Done ' PERSONAL U \Ve haw :mrviVul a stock o-t' Ye \‘Jnoiit-n Goods and finite inspectmx before buying. but if ;)rvso'=»nt Warm Weather mmtimzes prrmpw-ts :u-e- fm- :t lung smxsnn fur \Vhite antwear. DAILY SERVIL‘ NOW IN EFFEC The Con. T Kennedy Shows will fill the Midway. m}; Musxc by “he best available Bands. 3 '3 nf U \( - again >t-I-timl and l :russ the fire»: and {less “'9 z-L‘k fur a nil h ‘m'st and (1mm INCREASED PRIZE LIST All Information from the Secretary RVILL .L‘hicago 5.45 .Detroit “.05 .London 5.45 iontreal 5.45;) lu H n IHH‘ "HWY DI'EHHSRM \\' .\ Y BE WISE J.Uopm 5.45pm 9.00am "V [.80 15 we I‘m \' m mt imm KV friends here and around the old Ehomestead in Bentinclg. DEFINED. “What is ‘innate wisdom’ ?" “It's knowing all the little meannesses of your neighbor be- fore the town gossip or a real es- tate deal put you wise.”â€"Judge. Thex reached their seats just as the fourth and last part of the movie play was thrown upon the screen. “Oh, good». ' ’ exclaimef 1 the girl delightedly. “ z’ts just like turning to the last chapter of :1 story first to see how it comes Miss B. McGowan left yesterday for Portage La Prairie, with her uncle, Mr. John Gray, who has been visiting his sister, Mrs. John McGowan, for the past five or six out 1y 0! Amt iated whiie Miss Rene Cargo of Flesherton, spent a week with Mr. and Mrs. John Bryon and family, returning home on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Johnston and two children ofALacombe, Al'lzgrtg. ‘ " weeks. Mrs. A. E. Iliffe and two (laugh-7 ters, of Vancouver, B.C., are vis-: iting relatives and friends in this; locality. Mrs. Iliffe is a- daughter; of the late Samuel Lawrence. ' Mr. Exeâ€"Soâ€" you were at Swellton‘s five o‘clock tea. V did you have? Mrs. Exeâ€"A good appetite v I got home, my dear. Mr. Boddy of Hamilton was in town Sunday. Mrs. Boddy re- turned to Hamilton Monday, after spending a couple of Weeks with her sister, Mrs. Kelly. Miss Victoria Aljoe, teacher at Chesley, is. home for the holidays. but is suffering severely from an ulcerated finger, which mars the pleasure of her vacation. Hi TRUE TO HER TRADITIONS lenry Botsford, aged of Amherstburg, w ed while digging a 1- lmsinvss in the shut“? ed suppm‘f NO CANARY BIRD. thinks: m m the the store In remain assuring: 1'”! he 33. former- as asphyx- well on his \Vhat My “1-1;:1'11111'1; “1'"..1'r“> 111) :11 11:1.11'... i'tlggfli PI ;\1111 11111111111114~1hv13.1111. ”35111111111111-11k~. H11" m 1:111! 11'9:1k~' '1‘1311" 1-1' 1 11 H11 is 111' 1x111. “11111[11'111111111:2.11~\"1111v 51111112", J111~ 11111111111111: \v.i 111111 1 1111' ‘1111159. Just 31:1:1g>:t\\:1}' ”\1 11191111 1:1'11:1_' I 111111 hi~ ;..::1 111.114.9- . 11:11 111:: 1' 111i~1. I 115111 1111111111; 111\ Xltignhn: 11': 1s A 111:1111'11111111111111591151. “'1' 1111\‘1'1'111111 :1 iognl fight 9.1111111 11111'11311 line 19111.99. .1 “'9, 1!!\\'.1\‘.~' 11111'111111111 1.1111 We lunged All the things hath 111 us owned, A1111 not :1 wm'd H1111 e’er 111:1:111'1'811 T11 1311159 1111 enmity : But now I'm (luggnue guud 11.1111 5111'1- At. that gazann whu livvs next 110111â€"â€" 1'111 going nut to get his gore. As sure-1y as can be. \Vhe-n I wnnld rest my 11111 11111111 lwad, My wife comes to my downy bed' And shakes my well k1: it 111111112. She avs ' "(wt up, )1111 lazy 11.111 - The neighhm 111 LS his lawn "IOWt‘I 111.1 ; \\ hy (11111 [2 ynu 1111 the same 2’ And that’s what makes 11111 fighting Illzitl. It iMft that the nuise is badâ€" I (Ollld pm up \\ ith that: 'l he fine exmnple th: lt he sets ”I it 15 [he Lhi og that, “Ls .1}~ gets My Lyn-1.1.111 tell \ou fl. u. If he w '«mld ”any sruv mdoms And newx mind bi~ bousenuld ( unlv> "l‘wnuld he a. l:lis.~ful bnnn : I‘m then nfy wife COuld not recall 1' h: Lt uncut glass of our: at a.“ ' And I («3: 11d .~|w~p till npgn. Japanese Birthday Feasts. In Japan no notice is taken of the actual anniversary of a birth, but ev- ery one adds a year to his or her age on the Setsubun. a movable festival which occurs either late in January or at the beginning of February. Thus a child is said to be a year old that is in its first year directly it is born, and on the following Setsubun it will be two, although in fact it may be only a few days old. The feast is not kept in any marked manner. except that akemeshi «rice boiled with small red beans which give it a red color) is eaten, and in the evening parched beans are scattered about the room from a square rice measure to the cry of “Fuku ga ouchil Oni ga soto!"â€"“Good fortune within! Out with the demons!" Every one is supposed to eat the number of beans «'nrt‘esponding with his age and one over for luck. Friends and acquaint- ances'also congratulate each other with words of good omen and good fortune. Cleanse the System Canadian National Exhibition :PEACE YEAR i TOBGNTQ L'nitcd States {ind Canada Educational Exhibits Goods in Process of Making Athletic Sports Acro-Iiydropflane Flights Grand Water (.‘arn-‘aval Chesapeake a Bigges r M Edw Peace Year F; America’s Greg test LiveStock Shdwr Acres of Manufactures“ Exhibits by the Provinces . Exhibits by Dominion Government thibits by West Indies Dragoons’ Musical Ride Auto-Pom Matches Circus and Hippodrome Dozen Shows in Smgle Hour Boy Scouts’ Review Canada’s Biggest Dog; Show Paintings from England, Scotland Score of other Dozen Band C In a revised edition of their lat est successful offering; “Kidding the Kid’ and their two trick dogs Com 'dy. singing. dancing, ta king and acrobatic features tpecial at the Star Theatre on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. July 27 . 28, 29. Admission 100. I mp“ Internaiional Peace Taft: 10 Bands 490 Musici: Creaéore’s Grenadier Guarris Band (Ezeatest Orientai Spectacle ever presented on Cpntinent â€"â€" From Lheâ€"Grnnd Rapids‘ Press. GOURLAY KEENAN THE SF.“ 31 ER PEST BA I) BYLGN r Bands Ionccrts Daily 12d Shannon ay ever .reworks Famous Band l'llv LIIZ‘ 5k“) c It] 11111111155. (1111113! I'.111?11is<.1+11>c.\ 1 \"1111ilv 111' t?) eigir 11+ . Hv 1'1 ‘inZlv 1.1 111» I111111-.~.wh'11:11 he- 1:31 111111. 111111111 ._--..â€"-â€"â€" 111 H : 1111} was :1 :511.1k1+ 11:1.11115 '11 'f1°i1+11d.:. A 1111 zhllh‘ BU»\\H Ht TB'ILY'i‘H's CORNERS. ‘ " '1 Making hay is now the order of the ; day around the Corners. and a. few of our farmers got considerable of the same bleached badly with the excel» lent showers of the past week. The hay crop is much larger than it was 13.83 year. . ' 1 Mr. James Blyt-h raised the frame of 1 his fine new sheep house last Monday 1 evening. Its size is 50x24 and Will be. 7 when completed, a. commodious build- ; ing and quite in keeping with all his other fine buildings. After the shed was placed in position all repaired to. the house, where a table ladened with ‘ a host of goo! things. in the making of which Miss Bell» is an adept, was a thing of beauty and complete satis- 2action for the hungm.‘ boys. We will leave it to you, Mr. Editor, to guess what happened in the next few hours. '3‘, . heartily uppi hum, .‘vltfthm mad Illitdf.‘ a, dress and an) the. choir ha :mthwxn. 5341‘ ('hzmrt‘ul and (“mum ('ll mwes. which he said tn mm. amlacvepu fu }}‘ um} “'15:“ wi.’ shake hands witha friends. A duet by Mi.“ Brown Hf HOI ingly rem'icretl: a1». Hnnwr and Mr. 05 Wna Wei! sung. Mi swan, which we [hi mm: for her the 58"08‘6 rillfl't‘l‘ of H0 Mi.“ b’mwn «if Holstein was charm-l ingly romim'wl: zilm- :L duet; by Miss' HHILH' and Mr. Osborne of Holstein' “an wul: sung. Miss Brown sang IL. .‘Htfi. which We think should easily? nun 101' her the title of “Tue. swvet singer uf Holstein." Rev. 1313; film-sh Was next. called and held the ligc vi‘nwd at his will by his ready f mi, and lnu:m1~, and then he neatly; sandwiched his liuimn-nns ream-irks by; .1 Ir“ very excellent, and practicali suggestions in all ymmg men seeking. life partners. The: various anthems sung by the (filUil‘ Wtd'e much enjoyed by all and praised by the different; speakers. and i'oaiiects gl'tff-LL credit on [hr‘il' leader. 311'. Haulage, and not it little bit. Cu their charming organist. ; Miss Reuwick of Druniore. Afu-r' (warty Votes of thanks to all assxating in the excellent pi'ugrmn the meeting was wrought to a. closv by all heartily joining in singing “God Save the king." Alias Mary 8100115, who has taught in (1111' schuul N(1.14.duri11gt.hepasn ye 11. can shake hands winhi5 VIiss MC- 1\' nzie. as 511w. £1111. succeeded 111 p: [.83- inc her (1118 pupil who tried at the Him. 11: (:9 exam, \_1z., Miss Al 09. Stew- 21H“. The sermon preached in Knox church last, Sunday by our pastor. Rev. B. M. Smith, was a most uiztSLer- ful elfm't, and for a practical, inspiring and applicable sermon was never sur- passed, if, indeed, equalled. In truth, he is a born preacher. Mr. (1‘ Gilf-oy of M t. Forest; dumped utf a brand new Bell piano. style M. at, our anode last, week for a very reasonable sum for the sake of being ()hliging. ()n Saturday evening the local po- lice receiVed a message asking some- one to me at the Grand Trunk station to meet the late train to take charge of an insane woman who was on board and who was coming through to Owen Sound. When the train came in, Constables Carson and Bone were at the. station to meet it and the woman was soon located and placed under arrest. She was taken to the police office where she spent the night in charge of the matron. In the morn- ing she was remanded to jail and in the meantime. the police got busy to find who she was and where she came from. It was found she was Mrs. Walker, wife of a contractor who spent a couple ot summers in Owen Sound some years ago. She had es- caped from London Asylum Saturday and boarded the train at a small sta- tion this side of London. The woman had no ticket and the conductor sent a‘message to the G.T.R. super-intend eat at Strattord asking what he had better do with the woman. He was instructed to take her on to Owen Sound and have some one there to take her in charge on the arrival of the train. The conductor then com- municated with the local police and asked them to he on hand to take charge of her. The poliCe got in touch with the asylum authorities and ex- pect an official from London to take ghe unfortunate woman backâ€"O. S. no. Arrives uu G.T.R. Train Saturd Night. Taken in Cufétody by P0 liceâ€"\Vill be Taken Back to London. INSANE \VUMAN lSUAPES FROM LONDON ASYLUM. «:11, w; hi: “‘00 1-055. p1 1 int .4 {h nulzac. was next, milled u m-a‘. :md :u'mrnprime mu golden (minions. A had rendered another Idlmr (J. Rnnmzv. WI Ill smtn gm ll'telflugs In Knox “exit, l';lii“(i on and 2mm :c put, Ltlfll) by a w“: v nil u .c ipnlly alum” the zinc s of ~ n1 Hjxguxw (i '95 in the HIV church in the earl} referred hrioti v and Smil ‘ 1t cent elm Linn experi- he said wem U1. Liiely new .wI epumi the 10.51le man- ::L~' willing e-LS of \‘OX'e to with any and all his old 1(va by Miss Hunter and LU Hun gm “'de :exc «allud c 1:)ut Ltinn by ipzdl} :Lhms’ (DI lngune DC I‘Ull :'J:L:Al"m and \VJS Raw. Mr. Newa- “'76 la Pulled « 6‘0000000‘60606600666+§§06 90060060600906000096000090 w+¢+§§§§§§§OOOOOOOOOOOOOOO#0005006.9660000000006009O If 11111 1111111: Feud call and see us our prices will pIeaSe 1. 011. We are: paying from 380 to 4:00 for g<md Oats at our“ elevator. The Rob Roy Cereal Mills Co. thung a. gum} stock of 21-11 kinds of Feed 011 hand, includitlg': Concentration Shag F6663 ! Feed ! Feed ! It. is better to advertise intensively than s-xtcnsively when the sum to be 3.41)th to advertising is small. This. means the regular nsv of THE DUR- H AM :‘HRUXIVLEâ€"Bfl messages a, )‘z-ar axlairesswd to the same constitu- PINS) of I'ealdHI's. Intermitivnt m- dwidvd efl'm-t i>11utlikwiy resulffn]. One fml-gnnvcrwi bluw is home: {Wu 11:91? Newt's. (Nmr‘entx'ntign of up; titan and persuasion - ere’s adxice for 3m: in this little homily to adx'crtiscrs: s: Reward with a full-â€" “:1; a i.) standiaxtiy solicx not dividedâ€"custom the mer- ilb)hlh” gone-nil. '13:: “in“: th- 33:: struzgtizen the hands of the mm bctier v.31! be the servite returned. A. WORD TO THE PUBLEC Chopped Com Chopped Corn and Oats Chopped Oats Crushed Oats . Smith’s Calf Meal Feed Meal Mixed Feed Seed Oats mt mus Oatmeal Millers. «‘lvl't t-al will dfi’ a Wurk «f that xvi?! surpriSr ya tutudlvd u'). fl!" 1mm Quad-3‘ ia‘diefi to ”Shop \Vm S 3'01! W129! than ttvh

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