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Durham Chronicle (1867), 30 Jul 1914, p. 2

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LOT BEIN} L01 Glenelg. I on premis: brick hon: infl‘S; PU SMALL RO'frIHC755T ‘11 A MOST PROMISING 3â€"YE.AR- 01d filly. bred from King Shorâ€" man, and a good coach mother. Has size, action and qualities that are desirable in the best type of a driver. Is a good worker to boot; broken double. Also a big 2-year-old gelding, from heavier stock. Will make a good roadster, or general pur- pose beast. Prices most reason- ableâ€"R. '1‘. Edwards, RR. No. 1, _Mark dale ti .. ~0-â€"â€"-â€" HEAVY DRAUGHT MARE, FOUR years old, and colt a; 5,..331"°"R' '-â€"â€"â€"_â€"â€"-â€" OT 30. CON. 10.. BENTINCK, 100 acres: good stone house: weil watered; under pasture for ten years: about eight acres good hardwood bush; will sell cheap. as owner lives in city. Apply to Mrs. Alex. Courts, Elmwood. R. R. SO. 4. 7 1601K} "I t f a .. -. _. A. H. Jackson. 101mg 31‘“ L km bale: \TOTARY PUBLIC,COMMISSION GOOD YOUNG MARE FOR SALE. At the foundry. REMEMBER THE FAMOUS SPIP- ella Corset; any size, type or price; with perfect laundering qualities, and unbreakable steels; positively hygenic. Not sold in stores. Mrs. J. C. Nichol, Rep- resentative, Box 107, Durham. Ontario. 4 18 6111 All persons are warned against trespassing for fishing on the Rocky Saugeen River crossing Lots Nos. 14 and 15 of the lst Conâ€" cession, Glenelg; also Lots Nos. 31 and 32 ’and south half of Lot 30 in the 2nd Concession, Glue‘nglg. Any- snow -uw one founavgo doing will bé proseâ€" cuted according to law.-â€"James H. Spence, Toronto. 5 14tf 0* .)..r'x.:... contfimma . . 3 1' 9dL - perches of good 1.". a] waded down thh tim- othy. goon} brick house; ham and soft water, burn, orchzu sheds. etc. Apply to T. Baskins or to A. E. Jackson. Durham. ‘5‘ bflar THE SOUTH PORTION OF THE brick store and residence on East Garafraxa Street. Durham. occupied by Mrs. Beggs Son. For terms, apply to J. P. Telford, Durham, Ont. 6 '25 Of‘d rooms {UNI ‘WOOGSRBU: l ter Well: on Saddler str ALL PERSONS ARE HEREBY NO- tified that trespassing on the National Portland Cement Com- pany’s old track between the Base Line and Wilder’s Lake is strictly prohibited. Any person found trespassing on this prop- erty will positively be prosecut- ed to the full extent of the law, This notice means everyone: no person excepted.â€"Jas. Matthews. P 04-? idvortiwmonts of one incn nbneqnent insertion. Over PROTESTANT. FOR 8. S. NO. 2. Egremont: professional second- class certificate: duties to com- mence at the opening of the term; state salary. Apply to James Mack, Secretary, R. R. N'o. T. Cook, Lot 7, Markdale, R.R. 3 Mr. and Mrs. James Main of Hagers- ville spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. John Moore of this vicinity. M r. and Mrs. Main have just returned from a. business and pleasure trip to the North West. Mrs. Main visiting her father, Mr. Thomas )igore, there. ° A I‘ 1 “Skistwj- 6.11..“ 11â€"65136: became installed in her new home last Thursday. May she always enjoy‘it. ‘ .,L l__r__ aux WV'wuv-g 'â€"J' Mrs. homas‘Bmwn has not been feeling Well lately. We hope she will soon be better. Mr. Harold Lee spent over Sunday a'oyyerty: about and bush, rest near “the lake. Mr. Robert Baxter. upon returning from Markdale on the 12th of July, took an all-round trip, be taking the Owen Sound train by mistake as far as Chatsworth before. notieing his mis- L2__2..._ A: a LAKELET BREEZES. (Recen'ed too late for last week.) a. livery outfit Ior his return home. He certainly Would enjoy the scenery of the country and the night air. Lessee. Farms for Sale. 1. Varney. Teacher \Vanted LV Spirella 001'ng L01 53. COX. lg, containing emises are :1-."~‘-' house, sheds a Fishing: N utice L'. “I!“ Lil‘s). ousâ€"vu- _.v possesspm of another fih'é young Store For Sale II lblic « cheap "'i'tb‘on‘f‘fimixu rge enough to __ keeg For “'arning' convenier Posscsgi woodshm )nrhm‘d ren‘iently sitx orks: neWLv rent. Apply Salv SMALL ADS. )IU \ 6n, 6, Glcnclg - 1- T lodt E. ,1" through h _m0ther. qualities the best II‘T 4:34 ti COU- 16H t0 ' 9tf ()flit. Ora. lamieson 6:. Jami‘eson. ; FFICE AND RESIDENCE a‘ 4 short distance 82.»! 01 Knapp’s Hotel, numb ton Street, Lu Ne! Town, Durham )rfica hours mm: 12 m 3 o'clock u! lit‘glsu '~ umcm): Stun-t. Office Hun m.‘. 7-“ p. m. Irlrl [inn hetWevu otfi'm :lH html'S. hours. b’ I.“ <‘ D. m. SOC-«'1 bath aux-nu. 3113;, am H Arthur '8: DHYSICHN ATM L]. t) of Toronto Graduate Damage Dental SurgeonsoiOx‘ tario Dentistry in all ih branche: (Mimeâ€"4 )ver Dnn‘glns‘ J mvellerv a. a. Hutton, .3 [u THE sole head of a family, or any male over 18 years old may homestead a quarter-section of available Dominion land in Maniâ€" toba, Saskatchewan or Alberta. ‘The applicant must appear in é'person at the Dominion Lands ! Agency or Sub-Agency for the :District Entry by proxy may be [made at the office of any Local éAgent of Dominion Lands (not Hub-agent), on certain conditions, ‘1 er Conveyancer c. Insurance» kgent. Money to Loan. Issuer ut Mar riaxre Licenses. A general!) financial busi 1688 transacted Holstein Conveyancer. Issuer of Marriage Liecnscs. Money to loan at lowest rates, and terms to suit borrower. Fire and Life Insurance placed in thor- oughiy reiiable compnaies. Deeds. Mortgages. Leases and Wills, executed on shortest notice. All work promptly attended to. SYNOPSIS 0F CANADIAN NORTH WEST LAND REGULATIONS. I .none‘ tog-.ertv \Vill Duties.â€"Six months residence upon and cultivation of the land in each of three years. A home- steader may live Within nine miles of his homestead on a farm of at least 80 acres, on certain condi- tions. A habitable house is re- quired in every case, except when residence is performed in the vicinity. J P. Telforfi. Adii‘fli‘m. bbLIGI'i‘UR. Eli. Ufiice. near!) opposite the Registr) 5m Lambtou tunurhun. Anydmon. .mqu V» man in 5 In" cent. on farm In certain districts 3 home- steader in good standing may pre- empt a quarter-section along- side his homestead. Price $3 per acre. Duties.â€"Six months resi- dence in each of six years from date of homestead entry (includâ€" mg the time required to earn homestead patent) and 50 acres extra cultivation. A homesteader who has exhaust- ed his homestead right and cannot. obtain a pre-emption may take a purchased homestead in certain districts. Price, $3 per acre. Dut- ies.â€"Must reside six months in each of three years, cultivate 50 acres and erect a house worth The area of cultivation is sub- ject to reduction in case of rough. scrubby or stony land. son, which arrived on the July 13th. It came pretty near being an Orange- Now that haying is nearly over (which has turned out fairly well) we will soon notice berry-pickers moving about wearing all the out-of-style dresses which are much more conveni- ent for stepping over logs and getting through brush. NB.â€"Unauthorizéd publication at this advertisement will no_t be Daid tonâ€"37085. 2 8 13 Cavalry charged street car riot- ers at St. John,g NEE, Friday. nwa rly QC ’ g uaa.v. :5, y, y 0503 GRADUATE IUURHAM - ONT. (Lower Town.) 11811 A nTTI ism". uflicwuu east. side of Amer! . Office {Innis ‘J- 11 21.11:...” 41..) ' p. m. ”M phone cmumuuic #- Q’C\Vet‘u otfi'w .. and lesideuce at 'I‘f SPECIALIST .- ZA ?. THROAT '43:. N03 W. J. SHARP 0! Ian Sr. m! r1327261101“; r Gun, Ni. 0. A :4 .1, sum EON. or m) W. W. CORY. Deputy of the Minister of the Interior. Hunter Block. Office to 4p 0‘. and? 30“ mm given to disease ran. Rpsidence nr BB lU'C m W N m N )uhtmum BTW!) and N UNI Y tin 102' Rev. A. McVicar and familv are waving}??? week .to holiday for rece: Mr. Robt. Bellamy was home from the city for a ,short rest, not feeling well, for a few davs. He returned to his duties on Mondav. Rev. Hugh Crozier of Guelph wilt supply the Presbyterian pulpit next Sabbath. Mr. Charlie Jamieson was home from Toronto on a holiday. Mr. John Fisher was da11g91‘:111t~131 ill last \1 eek with heart trouble is 11011 slouly improving. ‘ Mr. and Mrs. \V. H. Brown of Stuyner visited the former’s purl. ents here last week. Miss Mary Wilson. teacher in N0. 3. left on Monday to visit at Weston and Toronto. ' Miss Rita Irwin of Durham was the guest of Miss Maud Richard- son from Friday till Monday. Mrs. J. \V. Henderson and Miss Kate BeilamV Visited at Hanover and Chesley last week. Mrs. Lefflel and three children of Fort Scott, Kansas, are Visiting the latter‘s sister. Mrs. \V. A. Armâ€" strong. Miss Margarct Cornwall of :l‘or- onto is the guest of the stses Mitchell. Mrs. Kallmeyor of joined her three dz: Visit hvre. the r0 m Sh T he P Success of the Stand; Cream Eclm-I'zttnr Mr. I". l). Vicki-rs. manager of tliei {enfrew 31:; l.lllt‘l‘} (‘ompaiqx Liniit-' ed. was 11- mun last week. \\'c are glad in lat‘itl' lllzlt lmsim-ss is good in his line. Last \‘eai- this company 01)- cned a lnamh (.mw in the L'nittd States. lumitu: at Milwaukee, \Vis., and are succes~fully competing with machines iiiamil':ectim d oy our friends to the son? h. '1 hey also have matters} under ha} in uprli .1 launch in Smith Africa. 'lhe standaitl line of Clean) Separators, Gasoline Engines and Handy Truck Scales are now well and favorably known throughout the D0- minion. They are. being sold from Prince Edward to Vancouver. and the demand is constantly growmg. The records of skimming done by the Standard Cream Separator at the Government Daily Schools in Guelph, Kingston and Ottawa are such as to warrant the use of this machine by our shrewd and careful farmers. Glad to see this Canadian industry meeting with such success. Ed. Hopkins of Allan Park is the local agent; C. M. Orr, Uurhani, district representative. DEPARTMENT OF MILITIA AND DEFENCE Notice to Contractors Department of Militia and defence Notice to contractros heading SEALED TENDERS marked on the envelope “Tender for con- struction of a Drill Hall at Campbellford Ont,” and address- ed to the Director of Contracts Department of Militia and Defence Ottawa will be received until noon August 10. proximo, for the ' con- struction of 3 Drill Hall at Camp- bellford Ont. Specifications may be seen and full particulars obtained at the office of the Officer Commanding 3rd Division. Kingston, the Town Clerk Campbellf-ord, Ont, or the Director General of Engineer Ser- vices fleadquarters. Ottawa. Tenders must be made on the form supplied by the Department and each tender must be accom- panied by an accepted cheque on a Canadian Chartered Bank for ten per cent. (10 p.c.) of the amount thereoi payable to the order of the Honourable the Min- ister of Militia and Defence which amount will be forfeited if the party tendering declines to enter into a contract or the cnotractor fails to complete the contract in accordance with his tender. The Department does hot bind itself to accept the lowest or any tender. E'U’GENE FISET. Colomel, Deputy Minister. Ottawa July .9, 1914. Newspapers will not be paid of this advertisement is inserted without authority from the ’De- partment. 63 7 23 2 10m I'thvl Trimble is home from Soul: (1 for holidays J. Bull and Miss Rita Black- )f (.‘0 llinguood mutmed from ke tmm and visited Vlr. and F. J. Fishm on Monday. Humid Karstedt Was home no (if Mr. to hold tht’ FLESHERTO N. burn Sbyt IKE DURHAM CHRONICLE. 1K 1‘ Sunday. Guild drove to and Mrs. L}. H. regular meet- .ch was largely 0:; the meeting 1‘. John Sloan’s. Toronto has ughtcrs on a , paid the \1 \VCC‘K 211' Fall Wheat}5 all out, many ha"; ‘ When boiled frosting has béen finished h.ay1n.g and barley an booked too long, add a piece of oats are rlp-emng fast. §butter to soften. Zionites have arranged for then“. big annlual gardgn party to lie 13?}? . To keep_ch_air_ legs from scratch- _ _ â€"â€" v v V â€"â€"â€"wâ€"â€" -vnâ€" -- v-.. UV- “EVIL Q on Friday evpmng; All-gust 7- Bi? fin‘g' varnished floors, glue a piece ger preparatlons than ever are of heavy cloth to each leg. being made- 7 g _ A. . Miss Mary McNally and her 119 pheW, Jack Summers, returned 1" Toronto on Friday, after a happy outing of three Weeks. MN. L. Frock and baby girl and her mother, Mrs. G. Blair, of Pmy ton, spent a day or th lqsi week at the B1ai1 homes‘ead Miss 'Mury Hastie came m) from Toronto on Saturc 11y to spend some weeks at the homes uf her brother and sisteu'. Mrs. Campbell, st. McNab and Missy Chlistine, of Roclustex, an guests of their sistep 3115. John McNally. these days. Quite a number from this neighborhood purpose attending the Presbyterian garden party at Dornoch on Wednesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Currer of Toronto have gonex'ously sent tum prizes to be. competed for by the pupils of Zion Sunday schuul. A copy of 'l‘ho- Buys’ Own Annual [or the boys, and ’i'ho-Uix'ls’ Own An- nual for the girls. '1' he 'aces will m1 held at the, gurdon party. Mrs. 'lhere’s many a message for Mr. :1 McFadden of J‘Ln'm- arrival of that big Saturday _m-0rn_ing', (‘Lirrer Was fm'mcrh Hustie. and takes an est in old Z1011. MIS. W. J.Co1:1k1 is in :1tt011..(11111ce 31: 5515. Ed. Hopkins of b‘entinck. and F. Vickers of Benfre“, have an extra good joke on Mr. and Mrs. (£11115. Mc(',‘l-ocklin. 1'11e for- mel‘ recently sold them '11 15121111121141 separator. It worked i111 111L11sL-;111 but one mowing it seems :1 to 11111 111111»? 111131111111}, so they sent '11 demand for the agent to 1111.111111- 'ihe. tuo named abme soon 1111i:- ed on the scene, to find the so - motor in first- CL .135 ~(11'du' but the [fist few days the paint and be: 11-- ings (iidnt let it 11111 quite so 015» 11.1. 1111: «1111111 age 1C3 011111;,“ 1 the ioke. though it cost them My. Mm gL-imm an: the joke, though it qulte an extra drive. “ V-__V Mr. J. J. Peart is not only 'a good farmer, a practical m-ouldcr, but he’s a first-class carpenter as well. Just before haying, he put in a large window where. a small one had been. cut out a new doorway and then boarded the main part of his home with new sidin‘)‘. It adds much to the comfort and convenience of the home and when the painting: is completed will present a vastly improved appearance. Rev. B E. Newnham, of Yarney. gave Zionites a most earnest and ably-delivered sermon on Sunday, and. impressed them most favor- ably. 'l‘u he held in every enunty in the Prnvim-e, has been arranged by the Ontario Department of Agriculture. for the pin-[twee ()f stimulating the in- terest at young men in mare and bet- ter live stuck. The Grey Cuunty Unm- petitiun will he conducted by District Representative Dulf of Mz-erdztleun- der the following rules : 0“ i ,, ‘ “\/' Ullwâ€" Luv-u-.___n 1. This Umnpelition will be open Lg all funnel-5’ SUNS under 2;) years 01 age. . _-_- . l A I ,_- ,-L “-'.l .‘|\."ol.nk‘ It” 0 2. There must, he at least; five C before the cumpetitum can be ducted. .. ‘ ‘ Llltb LO“. 3 Calves must be fed and «ared for b, contestant. and a cmefui teatimzue nude of Lhe kind and amount of feed consumed. . .‘ .7.‘__‘- 4. Each contestant has the prlvuege of selecting one or more wins at the time of entering the competition and discarding the less promising ones as they develop. i 1' _ _ 4.1-:.~. l ‘r.‘\\nor;f;n‘1 Lucy ucvn‘urlu 5. Calves used for this Competition must be born on or after September lst. 1914,â€"â€"heifers will not be eligible. 6. This Competition will close in No- vember or December, 1915, the exact date to be decided later. 7. Each animal entered in the Com- petition will be carefully judged. and the young man producing the best steer in each County will be sent to Guelph to take the Course in Live Stock and Seed Judging in January, 1916. all travelling and living expenses to be paid by the Department of Agri- culture. 8. After the. winners in each Count," have been selected, the first prize steer in each County, and the second prize. if thought advisable, will be sent to some central point and shown against sunilar winners in other counties. Liberal prizes will be awarded. 0 AHm. tho m-ize at the Fair IS -"vâ€" v' 9. Aftér the prize at the b‘mr IS awarded. the steers in the eompetitiuu will be sold to the highest hxdder, the cost: of transpm-tatiom eL(:.. deducted. and the balance returned to the ex- hibitor. England’s Favorite Musical Organiza- tion Coming to Canadian National Exhibition. The Grenadier Guards Band is being brought from England for the Can- adian National Exhibition this year. Of all the great bands that have visit- ed Toronto. Dr. Williams and his Grenadier Guards have made the most friends. They are popular alike with the critics and the public, and are assured of a great reception. BLIND HORSE AND DEAF MAN. A- Harrisbon despatch says: Mr. Malcolm McEachern, an old resident. of Minto township, was injured in a. peculiar manner. ‘Mr. McEachern. who is deaf, was knocked down and trampled on by a. blind horse.‘ Them- -â€""â€"â€"- ___ jured man was cutting weeds with a. scythe in a field and the horse. which was called by his son, trotted across. The animal ran into Mr. McEachern and knocked him down. His injuries are serious and he lies in a. precarious condition. The horse was ‘badly in- jured_ _bg_ tramping on the scythe. _0 -3- L___ _-A..- -11 Mr. wlitlciEaLchex-n is eighty yearé old and somewhat deaf. ‘____J 8 __‘ AB A BY 15 EB F C( )M PET 1 '1‘1 UN GRENADIER (a‘rUAR DS BAND TRAVERSTON Le prize at the r‘mr IS steers in the computitiun > the highest hidden the mutation. etc“ deducted. , cui‘ig‘l'utulutmy and Mrs. W. J. The h mmont ()Vcr the able 1m L" mum gm! ()1! these (I f. Her mothel, expensi‘ is in attendance. 1110\V. :vlib‘S acuxe e vntrics be con- â€"-'â€"v there {5 a smell offlrfishfivi‘iil ab- sorb the odor. If peas are a trifle 01d tr), boil- ing them with a lettuce leaf and a tablespoonful of suO‘zu in the \K'dtL‘I‘. Summer bed Spreads should be nude 01 mutc‘riul ‘that 15 eusslv washed. '1 here is nothing prettier than the inexpensive dimity. lin is an undesirable material for a coffee pot. ‘ianmc acid acts on. such metal and is apt to form a poisonous compound. Tarnished articles of brass \\ hen “9.8119(1 in the \\ ate in \1 Inch poâ€" tatoes have been boiléd V1111 be as bright as we“. When boiling a ham, leave it in the water in which it has been boiled until it is quite cold. This will make it juicy and tender. Mother of pe numents will brightsawd if 1 cloth m oistenec 'l'he hardy things in the veget- able line are cheap and plentiful these days, and the heavier my emuensive meats are less essential nzow. To clean pudding pans, put the little ones in the big ones, turn upside down in the' dis'lman and set on the stove to steam. They will clean in 10 minutes. 1‘0 iron raised lace, place it be- tween blankets. Or do not iron it at all. if not ironed, it should be stretched while “wet. with a pin at each point. A very sutisfactmy \\ L1} to mend shirts that 1-118 \\<)'111 :11111111 the 0011111 band is to sax . :1 narruw yoke to [it the neck and to come iust below the worn place. 11' the. fire is I‘LL-ming low and a quick oven is nwded, try opening the oven door, filling it with C()~._;1 fresh air. Then close the m'cn door and it W111 heat much more quickly. ’ To remove water Spots from a dress dampen it in lukeWurm wa- ter. Place a piece [of cloth over water spots on right side and press until both pieces of material are dry. \Vhen making baked 01 boil‘wi (-ustzud, the milk to be used should be sculded and set aside to cool. 'lhen make the custald in the ()1- dinurv way and it will be perfectly smooth. To remove iodine stains from a garment, mix cold starch with water and put the garment to soak in it. Lei; it remain in this mixturv until the stain has en- tirely disappeared, Mud Spots on shoes are easilv removed if rubm-d with a flannel sm‘inkled With olive oil. Leather- coverod furniture is kept from c'acking by a rubbing with oil occasionally. Haldxx 00d £10013 are mot diffi- cult to keep clean if they are dustcl m 91v ctr} “1th a dustlcss mop. These mops are treated chemically and will pick up all dust. When the provisioner is at a loss for a change in the diet try one of the attractive cheese dish- es prepared with some starchy in- gredient. Add a plain salad. fruit and cakes, and you will haVe a well-balanced meal. If you are bothered with flies during the warm weather, try keeping a pot of mignonette growing on your Window sill. Flies detest the smell of it and the pests will not. trouble you so long as the mignonette is there It is easy to repair holes in pots {uni pans udthout the and of :1 tinsmith, according to the Stock- t-on Independent. Make the hole round by inserting the point of a knife and twisting it. Place the pot or pan upon any firm, flat piece of metal. such as an anvil, a bar of iron or an inverted flat- iron, 50 that the hole is immedi- ately over and touching the iron. [n the middle of the hole place a shot about the mac of the hoka Any piece of lead will serve it shot is not handy. A few sharp blows with a hammer will flatten the lead and spread it out, filling the hole tightly and overlapping enough to hold it in place. A few strokes with a file and a rub with sandpaper completes the operation. The repair is perman- en t. TH E bag of sal_t_ sAtandjng where HOUSEHOLD HELPS. BANK REPAIRING OLD PANS. OF @ANMA ~r of pearl buttons and or- ; will be considerably Jed if rubbed ov‘er with a oistened with olive oil. IS PUBLISHED VERY THURSDAY MORNING At the Chronicle Printing House, Garafraxo Street. [HE DURHAM EHBUNIELE Subscription TEE Cnnoxxcu: will be sent a any address. free of postage, to: Rates - - $1 00 pe; year. payable in advance â€"$1.50 may be charged If not so "aid. The (13" to which ever) ubscription is paid is denoted by the number 01‘ tlm address label. K0 paper (11. continual to all arrears are paid, “3'"pr “a" 1m mp or the proprietor. Advertising f9}. 3-!‘=n'm_xexn _ M m 1 mm 9113 went insertion minion meats cards. not exceed'iug one. inch Advertisements without 3090 be published till forbid a) J ch 'l‘ransie at noncesâ€"“IA Ht. ' ‘21:. eta-50 cente for firm insertion subsequent insert ion. 3a 88 All advertisements 01 den be naid for' :11 mix nflCe Contracm rates for war. nis'ned on application. .0 ' he chtzmz and Funeral Direcmrw 1‘ “household expenses” und paying all bills b'y cheque has many advantages. It shown the balance on teedpbfiorewypaymeqtanddoa mm a large depoat to begin Full line/Hf Hath“ and Whine (flaps fl DURHAM. ONT SHAW’S BUSINESS SCHOOLS Toronto, Canada. give high grade courses and qualify young peeple to 8d! 11 good salcu 1e.» They include The Cential Business Uollege and 6 City anch Schools. Cuniculum sent on request. Enter any time. \V. H. Shaw, President. A CLEARING of Ladies White Waists SHOW ROOM Barber Shop door South <' blacksmith s NEW GOODS \Vhite Cotton Socks for Children “Little Darling Hose” And some good values in Black and Colored Silks just in Come and See Us if in need of any- thing in our line EEPING a bank account for EDITOR AXD memx'mu Embalming a Specia “’9 have a few \Vais‘Ls left; about 30 in all which we will sell as follows: in Silk Lisle. Lisle, Mercer- sed Cotton. also in \Vhite. C. L. GRANT :2)..li \Vaists for $1 .50 1.50 \\ aists fox 1 .20 1.2..) \Vaists fox 1.00 Another Shipment Of Woman’s Hose cents pm lit tinn; 3 0H t those are in sizes 712772214? (:12 1101126 musâ€"Next and 4-1 inches July 30, 1914. . IRWIN 1873 3 of W 1 Shun, ered by strangers mun line for the lane for the first inset Ma po-x- :ine («ch subs? measure. Professions inch $4.00 per annum specific directions Vi] 1 Charged acummngly ' ‘ tmedf “For 81:03 Robes *X1 in Swannw's xcslmzxcrz-Nex a :1 vernaemenm tn! - VA WV. 25 cents for out pew m wrence's 3107.755: 8X

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