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Durham Chronicle (1867), 30 Jul 1914, p. 3

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What About Spring ? Don’t You Want . ' Fa'rm? LOOK HER E! July 30, 100 Acres Near Listowel, «me of the best farms in Perth. Extra. goood buildings. orchard, water in stable. phone. Snap at 37.0”. [mt 30, Con. 10, Bentinck, IUD acreS. 80 elem-ed. 20 timber. Fine Stone House. Cheap. 125 Acres Scotch Block, near Hauipden. good soil. little hilly under $3500. 300 Acres Egrmn'mt. L’WS 2’3 ’54 arr! 24, Con. 14. Dr. FeLLis’ Rum. Bar- 200 Acres near Louise, Good Farm extra good buildings. timber worth nearly price asked, Land for nothing beats the west all hollow. 1 50 Acres Bentinck, North of. Dur- ham. good buildings, about $4.000. 300 Acres Glenelg. near Dornoch, Mr. Geo. Twamley’s Farm, owner in West, bound to sell, will not stick for a. dollar in the price. Get busy. 100 Acres Egremont. towards Mt. Forest. fair buildings, good soil, well watered, very cheap for quick sale, I have Emmy other Grey County bar- gains and some North \Vest land for eas or exchange. You are. not fair to yourself if you buy without apeing me. fl.fl. MILLER, Hanover 4 .):’ OJ) Canadian Pacific Railway Time Table Leads in age. influence and success- ful graduates. Specializes in Gregg anfl Pitman Shorthand and all Com- mercial Subjects. Fall Term opens Augéslst. Write for our catalogue T. . WauchOpe, Principal,Yonge .87.. McGill Streets, Toronto. . Trains leave Durham at 7.153 111.. am op:m.h . . . rams arnve at Durham at 10.30 a.m. p m.. and 8 50 pm. - EVERY DAY EXCEPT SUNDAY Elliott, A. E. Duff, .‘ . P. Agent. D. P. Agent. Montreal. Poronu LARGE S'JMS OF MONEY T0 LEM) .RlTlSli AMERICA-N COLLEGE PLANING MILLS ZENUS CLARK DURHXM .‘\ o )1 ,3 7.07 “ Durham ‘ “ 12.11 9.41 ) 7.18 “ McW'illimns“ 11.59 9.29 2 7.21 “ Glen “ 11.56 9.26 l 7.31 “ Priceville “ 11.16 9.16 5 7.45 “ Sa‘ugeeuJ. ~' 11.33 9.05 5 11.20 Ar. Toronto Lv. 7.45 5.05 MACFARLANE, - Town Agem Grand Trunk Railway TIME-TABLE announce 1*, Durham an country. th Shingles and Lath Always on Hand At Right Prices. ‘hmning Mi Custom Sawing Promptly At= tended To mp Fire mule-1' SASH. DOORS House Fittings One of the Best Investments in and all kinds of Ed md i4 prepared Depot Agent UN. Tywn Agent ..W0MW" ven roamed O ”I CIA gning ONTARIO 1mg his M P. .‘I. 10. )H 10.13 10. ()5 9.2.0. 9 26 9.16 $4.05 9.5).) SUNBAY SBHUOL THE INTERNATIONAL SERIES. Lesson V.â€"Third Quarter, For Aug. 2. 1914. Having brought the volt. they put their garments 11:1 him. :111d.lesus sat thereon. Many sprout} their gunnents in the road also. and others out down branvhes utt' 'the trees and strewed them in the way. and the multitude as He came to the descent of ()livet be- gun to rejoicea “111d tn,p1‘:~1ise God with a loud voice. s:1yi11g:"Hos:111n:-1! Bless- ed he the King: that cometh in the name of the Lord? Blessed be the kingdom of our father David!" and other words. Compare verses '1' to 10 and Luke xix. 331-38. The Pharisees lound fault. as usuul. and wanted the noise stopped. but our Lord s:1id._“l tell you that if these should hold their peace the stones would immedi- ately crv out" (Luke xix. 2.0 .401 This lessnn is willed :Tbe Triumph- al Entry." and. while thus far there is someshow of triumph. it was for our Lord :1 sad (lay-vane of the three occa- sions on whioh we read that our .Lord went. the other txvo being at the grave of Lazarus and in Gethsemane (lolm xi. 35:11eb.\. 7:.'1lie xecmd of this weeping is found in Luke xix. 41-44. and part of it is as follows: “He be- held the city and wept over it. saying: If thou hrulst known. even thou. at least in this thy (lay. the things which belong unto thy peace! But now they are hid frnm thine eyes * * * because thou kuewest not the time of thy risi- tatiun." Conware His other pitiful la- ment over the city in Matt. xxxii. 37- 31). He saw the judgments which would come mum the city and nation. even as He sees the wrath which will fuliupun the lmlwlieVing ' The city was nun-ell as He entered it and the question asked, "Who is. his?" (Mutt. xxi. 10. ll). reminding,' us of the same question concerning Him in Jer. xxx. ill; Isa. lxiii. l. the one referring to His first routine: as our daysman.'surety. redeemer. and the other to His coming in judgment. The reply of the multitude on this occa~ sion. "This is Jesus. the prophet of Nazareth of Galilee” (Matt. mi. 11). reminds us of His own reply to the question of Saul of Tarsus. “I am Jesus of Nazareth whom thou perse- cutest” (Acts xxii. 8!. Having entered the city. He went to the temple. heal- ed some blind and lame people. quot- ed part of the Eighth Psalm to the faultfinding chief priests who would have Him stop the children from cry- ing “Hosanna to the Son of David.” looked round about upon all things and then returned to Bethany with the twelve and lodged there (verse 11 and Matt. xxi. 14-17). According to one of the harmonies. the incidents and say- ings of‘John xii. 20-36. fit in here. I have been helped by considering the following suggestions from the in- cident of the ass colt. typifying a sin- ner brought to and then serving the Lord Jesus: "Vain man would be wise. though man be born a wild ass‘ colt” (Job xi. l2. omitting the italics). Ev- ery sinner may be said to be found where two ways meet (Mark 1i. 4). for he is in the broad way and 'can step out of it into the narrow way if he will. Every sinner is bound by 1:119 devil. hilt may be loosed by disciplé‘ and brought to Jesus Christ and may betomc at Christ bearer. Text of the Lesson, Mark xi, 1-11. Memory Verses. 7-9-â€"Golden Text, Zech. ix, 9â€"Commentary Prepared by Rev. D. M. Stearns. That’s easy. 01' course nobody. is wise enough to be able to tell absolutely what sort of a hfisband or Wife a man or woman will make. because matrimony is the» acid test of character. and anti .1“ is applied to an individual we never know for certain what isf pinchbeck and what is_ pure gold.} Matrimony doesn’t change the character of men and women. It merely brings out what is strong- est in them. It turns good men and women into angels. and it converts bad men and women into devils. and this being the case it doesn’t take any Sherlock Holmes to give a pretty good guess at the kind of husband or wife any particular maid or bachelor will make. You have to observe his or her predominant traits and multiply the-m by the common happenings of life. Take, for instance, the youth who is a lounger and a barroom loafer, who hangs about pool- rooms and saloons and who has never done an honest day’s work “The only Way to be happy, though married. is to look before you leap, instead of crying, when it‘s too late, over the bump you got.” ‘ A man writes, aprOpos of that opinion. that he will give a large, handsome chromo to anybody who can furnish any practical diagram for looking a man or Woman over 'on the safe side of the altar so aé to avoid bumping the matri- monial bumps. in his life. and who sponges on his old parents for a living. Can anv girl 10:01: him the once over without perceiving that he will make the sort of a husband who will always be too tired to work and whose wife will have to take in boarders to support him ‘? A Take the man who is stingy. A girl with eyes in her head ought to be able 'to see Whether a man has a Yale lock on his pocket- book iust as Well before she is married to him as afterward. The man who is always haggling over pennies. who invariably buys the cheapest seats in the theatre and takes a girl to the least e'xptâ€"rnâ€" sive restaurant and whose whole talk is of money. gives her ample warning that he is going to make. a rightward husbangl.’ - ‘ L‘ .5 17 u.“ â€"- “Wâ€" ._ uni. . - And the man who looks upon women with contempt. who sneers at them. and who believes that a woman should be nothing but a household slave. ‘an any woman he fool enough to marry a man like that and not know that she will get a husband who will be a grinding tyrant to her? And the tests to apply to wo- men are equally obvious. Take the little silly, fluffy-haired girl who bubbles like an infant. Can any manlisten to her for-five minâ€" utes and not know that he who marries her will get a fool for a wife. and one who will bore him stiff when her girlish beauty has vanished? , - - ‘ Take the girl who is noted for her cutting and sar ~astic speeches, Does 1t take :1 Solomon to put In a recent article upon the perils of matrimony I wrote these lines, says Dorothy Dix: V ‘.l“’.-v Take the girl who is the daugh- ter of a poor man. yet who is al- ways dressed like a fashion plate. Does it take any wonderful power of deduction for a man to reas- on it out that the girl. whose whole. soul is set on dress. and who is selfish enough to sacrifice her old father to gratify her love of finery will offer up her hus- band on the same. altar? 4' SOME PRE-NUPTIAL ADVICE \ aoWW-z-Ww w¢m¢+m+4~w+wm+ wewwwwwwwwwwww The House of Quality The House of Quality WATCH SAUNDERS AETCHISON’S ‘ ADVERTISEMENT ‘ ‘ NEXT WEEK Wm.. L.. Saunders Of course miracles do happen. Occasionally a bad man reforms and a good woman goes \xrong. A neurotic gets W811 and a heal- thy person becomes an invalid But these things do not happen often. Ninetynine times out of a hundred what a man and woman were before marriage they are af- ter marriage, only more so. It is possib1e, even easv to look before you leap. a man Wisethat her husband will be gh-e Victim of her tongue-lash- mg .7 Ti-iE BLIND CHILD SHOULD AT- TEND SCHOOL. , Take a, girl who is intelligent and sweet-tempered Doesnt it follow ~logically and inevitably that she will meet the trials and tribulations of married life with good sense and good temper? taught in public svhmds‘ ing, music and several I‘lappily :hv blind are 110 numerous to nm+cssit.a,t.c The radius of the wireless stu- tion at Cape Race is being dzmblod the new equipment beinv effecth ei for about 500 miles. g pm: pupils are many who. thou til'ely lu'imi, have sight so that; they cannot receive an in the 0111”.an pui‘mr; Shh”” reader nf Tm: (Junoxu'w: su' tzlmiulvd, ul' kimus 0f heighInn-lunul, :L Mva' ”‘1' addressed to H. I". Gardiner U. S. 13., Bruntfmd. giVing and }_mst-ut’tiq,re of [mu-Ht. 01 “fl“ help 1119 5011001 to dv n1 for .fivl‘Jich it; was ewuhlia‘f lllzlilltililwd My Luv Govern“ A great hurricane suept Budapest on Thursday. 1131‘ single boat on the Damfle cpa ed injury, and many 1% were killed. SAUNDERS 6: AITCHISON )t WIPH'B an (Quantum puh‘w m hunls. If :U. Umwxu 1.11: Mus :1 ( him ' knrms of (mv in 1135 :L it‘ILt’I' (Sr pnst (and. F. Gardiner. [’L'im'iuzl .fmd. giVing L119, mum: of {nu-wit 01 guardian. bowl to (10 all “19 \\'()}'k l) (10 nil-Uh Lathlished wernmvn i. E5: PHONE 45 11H OVGI‘ SONS i Comm!" 3' Cum. $18. ' Cmnmr. ' Cum. $13. ln justice to the Couunissioners would say that a comparison cannot be drawn between the Umumissiuners’ fees and the amount expended. not kngwing the circumstances. ChasiVIcInnis paid into Council $20, fines from auto drivers. Chas. McInnis presented a petition with 29 names, aSkiug a grant to gravel 15 sideline, cons. 15 and 16. $50 grant;- ed. to he crxpended hy (,‘um. M. Robb. Jas. \V. Hunt received contract of cement abutment at $4.45 per cubic yard. Com. Robb was appointed in- spector of work. ._ A”--- -â€" -A. McGillivray was paid $12.00 for sheep killed or injured by dogs ; ins. fees, 75c. R1 1.1(1 R1pui ts. These 19p01ts are too lengthv to be giVen in detail. The sums expended in each Division will suffice . Jummx'. McRuhb expended $233.51. 00m. $6. Uumum Robb expended $203.05. 00111. $5 $1.00. V Aug. Thedm'f was paid $5.66 for sheep killed or injured by dogs: ins. fees. $1.00. Alf. Tucker presented a petition with 32 signatures. asking a gram to improve road between lots 15 and 16, con. 21. A grant of $75 was given Cum. Mc- Rojyb to 9xpend. s _.‘o' Sundry accounts amounting in all to #3192: 10 wele paid. Adjourned L0 meet; on Thursday. Aug. 27th, to levy the rates. appoint an assessor and general -bu.~_‘iness S(: 11001 L1 mtwes must have their esti- m; 1195 in M 01811: hefme that «1: We. as h\'- l m will Lu pun sed that d: 13'. 1). A1 LAX. (,‘lvl‘k. John Plester was paid $16 for sheep Ifilled or injured by dogs; ins. fers, Four experienced oil drillers have left Petrolea for Egypt. Magistrate Stanworth of Chat- ham ruled that a hotel pmprieum is to know all Indian listers, even “f they deny their names. George Robertson, aged 21, only out from England a short time. lost both legs in com-ding cars along the Welland canal, and (lied. The Chi}dren’s Aid Society, Owen Sound asxed fur a. grant. )9 actinn taken. Council met: July 20th. Minutes adQPt'ed--- __ - __- r... o n \‘sz‘is :u'r- : the grass, ing above I the work-d street. the ‘ the 'I'e‘ad (' S (.. of “Kw diaturbs the peace. It; is the swevrost portion uf the day, this hour of hitss: and sheep Is an abortion at such a time as this. To see the bright; sun breaking Night’s‘ chains. that had him hound : to see Lhc old world wak- ing. to try another round : to see the sh:-ulmv:5 creeping away, a routed Huck â€"â€"--uh.. who would lie. :x-sleeping till 2) or «uh, w i) .10 o'clowin : strange tints urn-ms the. sky : the this :u'v softly sighinq. the due is (m -! grass, and the i'sutIrt-f'iivs are fly: 3: above the garden sass. Huahed is 3 \x'm'k-dzxy clmnm' of busy mart and vet. the smmz’imf saw and hammer. 3 'I'E‘Hd m’ went-y f0“? : the voice of m lot boastvr. that stands in need gI'enswâ€"tho ("row ”9 \x'akefnl rooster me (mun-13$ the peace. It is the EGREMONT COUNCIL. I’UI Ferguson expended $371.36. Gordon expended 35:73.21. mother mu! eping away, mld lie. :l-slc \Valt, Masnn K? A L PROS E Fred R. Aitchison - _. “â€"‘-‘__ -c‘wwm m..- HIS PARTIXG SHOT. A tramp railed at :1 house: and asked for smnu fond As t of the house xwfnsml to give hi and as the man would Imam she told him she» would Call 1: band. “011, no. you won‘t," I'Ppl tramp. “because hv aizft hnnw. “Because. answerm sidled towards the gm marries a woman Ii home at meal time-s.” ll! The Leading Hardware Store A num ber of our cus- tmners are convinced that there is no Paint manufacturcd 8 q 11 al to the SHERWIN-WIL- LIAMS, (:unsequently smne of the best hous- «as in Durham are be- Hard ware m Sherwin = Williams Paints every day for a short time in 0N account of some of our painters being so much inter- ested in local nptmn they are only able to work about two days each week (“onse- queutly we we have been obliged to im- port a new staff of seven painters, which you will see using I’lame your order early so that we will have enough material on hand to satisfy your wants. '1‘ h is Paint is manufactured for every }‘_)ur1)0se, frmn the finest article in the parlor t0 the New. and is always kept in stmtk by mg pain m i at present with that material. (NV . Black 1 you know wnnmnwlike you is only at a. house fund AS N1 to girl.) I rmlld not; would call flare a hnnse one day md As the hulv to giro him any. 11d not. go away, mid Call her hus- he man. as: he "a man who repfied the hnuw.” aked the w n-

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