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Durham Chronicle (1867), 6 Aug 1914, p. 8

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O .0. 9‘. 0‘. '0‘ O... '0‘ ,9. 90A 0 o o o o o O O O If mm «1011 t kmm how to ope tmch \ on in a few minutes. 1 ome and SH) MACFARLANE C0. The Rexall Store Orient and Hallowi Dates Cox and Knox Gelatine Wine Half-gallon (Bums, wide month, per dozen - - - - $1.10 Imperial Qudart. Gems. wide mouth. special per doze - - - 1.00 IIprPrial Pint Gems, wide month, per dozen - - - - - .90 Best quality Rubber Rings for all sized gems, (102. in box, per box .10 2 packages fur lilfiSERVIXG Season is now in full swing and never heme were we better prepared to meet the demands of the public in thisv line than at this season. All new goods, fresh from the nnn‘mfacturers, of the best quality and at the lowest price posâ€" with you on your vacation CROW-”N FRUIT JARS how to operate one we will minutes. Easy to learn. .9. u o o 4 A 0.00. $969096960.9c9 9 O 9 C Q 9 Q Q 'Ofifivoooooooooooooo. 9 660060600 Canned Goods O O O O Q 0 o O o 9 OHWOOOVQO a. O. o. 0 O O 0 ‘ I O ‘EhmanDnLUJ-‘o I. I‘lnv- gun, THE DAUGHTER ‘ OF PERSONAL ‘l The Methodist _. Ladies’ Aid had alextended viVsi-tfih’ith‘ her sister. who . . . passed away after a lengthy illnese. MISS Grace Hunter spent over very successful garden party last . \Ve overlooked last week the Je- DAVID KB RR Sunday in Stratford. week the proceeds being over $100. Pparture “f MES? Florence Thurston ‘0" C . i ‘ m a 7 MrS. Rozzell of Hanover visited A baseball‘ match. played between Lszgo‘aghavgixfci: fflsili'gg'fl'; n :nhnufldit in mm 413 28 J _. her sister, Mrs. R.E. Richards-om. {Markdale and Vaindeieiir teams. was daughter in Toronto. e rea ith if per ano m“ \ T t is won by he former.. A football match} Mr. and Mrs. XV. Moore vimted the warmed w a se -Bat18fied glow to MT- Hugh Rose Of oron O gbetween Flesherton and Hviand Con- .former‘s father near Durham over think that he had ‘thought of it. He .- - - relatives here. . . still lived in the age of personal jour- ”Slang . ‘ “mono“ Camp, Eugema’ wag won by ’ ' Miss Margaret Farr as the guestrhe former. During: the evening there the Misses Hughes. was firework-s and a balloon ascension. . . . . Liskeard are Visiting the former‘s o g . I ‘ \ . o o ‘ low persgnally was part of 1118 edito- Messrs. Alex. and Eddie Hilde- ‘ Fleshu ton hand. supplied mnsxc. ‘ mother, Mrs. S. Pedlar. 'ml cree ' brandt are visiting in Stratford. l Flesmrto" 19%“ ”hm” S‘Ude'lte‘ Miss Annie Howard is home from Before the paper came out, Wright 0 made a good showing in the entrance Tum-into. to holiday with her mother telephoned Gloria that he would be un- Mr. Duncan McLean of Bury to Normal exams as reported in the fora‘nnnfil. able to drive with her but that he Q - t few (33er in town. . . 3 Hrs. Honovweli of Spam]... “’34 ‘18. Speln a “ I ‘ o \‘ v ' , ~ 9.3 . . o a ‘ n v . ‘ 1.. ’ I tlle ddllefi lr‘léb “ EER. Ollt Of SIXC ( n i; ‘s \"SItIna 1].}? Slgy‘er. )1 rs \\ . :x. a 1‘!“- would call in the evening. They had . . i reached the point in their fast friend-Q Mr. John Morriso returned ‘ who wrote twelve were successful as istrmlg. ship where she was not unwilling to " from an extended trip (.0 the “’eSt‘ifoliows, one with honors: Louieei Dr. and Mrs. Fwd Min-my nf T.,_ to 4 Bennie. Harrv Field. Katie McMillan, 1 v-«mtn are 0" :1 "”"Ph’ ”f “‘H‘ks imii- pout and let him know how disappoint- Mr. J. p. Telfomd‘ motored ‘ , OMS by“, ‘ ed she was. Strathrd on buSiDveSS 011 3101102157., Stella OW“. Viva Seilley. Hazel Shnnk. ‘ iir. Frnonk Tate :md familv. il"('(ihg- It was four O’CIOCK when Morrison Miss Artina Gun is holidaving in“ Ruth Spencer. Minerva" Stafford. Dem panied by Prof. Anderson. niotmwi ' ' ’ Thurston, Gladys White (honors). El- ‘ from Lucknow on Saturday. The gen- i visiting her aunt. Mrs. D. Mc'l‘nvish. nalism and to lambast the other . fel- of her aunts. arrived at the News office with a copy Muskoka of the pr0posed franchise. AS he ‘ " ' x - W ,- t W - - - , .tlemen returned home on Monday. threw it on the table in Wright’s pri- Mr. C. Embree of Toronto is Visâ€" Slsr'h 13:11}; dfllfih‘vriltt‘lkenl 7 lbut Mrs. Tale. and children remained vate office he exclaimed: iting his sister, Mrs. iWrn. Moore.‘ 9 1 e n .‘St‘ 9 “”3 3mm“ 5 1‘31“) ‘ to visit her parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. - i been greatly improved With a contm- K. Richardson. “If that goes through, the company ‘ ' . can do anything according to its pro- 'er his“? sayindla/Ilingf' Eorontoiuation of the iron fence. so as tofili Mrs;i “91'"!1339‘1 Chgreghaw re- . was in. own ox er a,, . the. oneninz made hy the removal of 3 tnrne from Visiting at t. . orest. 9L _._-â€"_AA_ ,’ \lhm Innnio Rlonkhin-n rptni-nmi rn Before the paper came out, Wright telephoned Gloria that he would be un- able to drive with her but that he would call in the evening. They had reached the point in their fast friend- ship where she was not unwilling to pout and let him know how disappoint- ed she was. arrived at the News office with a copy of the proposed franchise. As he‘ threw it on the table in Wright’s pri- vate office he exclaimed: “If that goes through, the company can do anything according to its pro- vision except commit murder.” “I suspected as much,” replied Wright- “What right of way have “I suspected as much,” repueu‘ Wright. “What right of way have 1-; they?” Morrison went to the map of Bel-I mont on the wall and located the city terminus of the proposed line. “Here’s where they start on their own tracks," he explained. “You see, there's a provision in the charter of1 the Belmont Traction Company where‘ by any interurban line can use itsi tracks into the heart of. the city upon payment of a fair rental. Here’s the Townsend Park Line coming down. , Bluff Street, and right here where; ; Bluff Street crosses Maple Avenue the -T Interurban’s own tracks will start.” :i “Then how does it run?” . ; “South on Maple Avenue and Maple .. road, to a private right of way which begins east of the stock-yards and par- ; allels the county road to Corona.” 1 Wright studied the map earnestly. ! “You see, I’m too new to know that . neighborhood,” he said. “Why did 1 they pick Maple Avenue?” THE DURHAM CHRONICLE .Vnm‘v -(1 3.321.: a: a. wamwawfiew w an: 033'. 6. 623 F St... Wash ingtun.1;. x . ‘- ‘_‘ g" «xy‘ewaiagaan'5 £17559 35' "A ‘- \"' pifi l. .9_ Finest Valencia Raisins Contigued next week. "““‘J “-4 9“ 9‘. y 9".1 C‘ -' "c fru:11:1‘.'1c”r" “5.5;“: a, 5m». puntage prepaid. Soul 3 lbs for 25¢! A -OLJ .“vdlyo 2'," "c "r 11:11:11. Mi_ss Grace Hunter spent over Sunday in Stratford. Messrs. Alex. and Eddie Hilde-1. brandt are visiting in Stratford. I O ‘ Mr. Duncan McLean of Bury" Que., spent a few days in town. Q Mr. John Morriso returned‘l Miss A. C. MacKexnzie is visiting in Tomato and Milton. Mr. F. C. Webber of Toronto spent a few days with ‘Mr. and Mrs. James Hopkins of Glen'elg. - Mrs. Mockler, and daughter. Miss Mockler, Toronto, are visit- ing friends in town. Mr. Fred Kelly, of the Bank of Hamilton, Toronto, is visiting his parents here. - Miss Irene Latimer of Owen Sound Business College, is home for August on a holiday. Messrs. Alex. Mc-Comb and ‘Erm est Wright of Cheysley were in town on Monday. visited for a few days w tives here and in Glen'elg. M‘i‘: and Mrs. J. Nicholls of Tor- onto are visiting with Mr. and Mrs. E. McClolcklin. Master Sherwood Rmve has re-iThe bride. who IS a (mum turned home. after \‘iSitixlg Withlhue Mr. and Mrs. \\'m S I‘E‘liltifl'flq 3((1â€"uehfl1‘ ‘ft‘rlj‘IDEPIY one Of FIGShGI't prmular young ladies. \\"t 1 Miss Richardson 0f FICShETUm-fricndsin heart-y good wisl sum). 21 f. w 1‘10".11'5 in tuwn lastyfmmp happinesq. ‘ 'j Dr. Bibby has purchased _ ‘ } Mr. A. Mnnshaw on Mary Miss J01!” MCLNW 0f Torontohmsite Dr. Ottewell‘s. on visited over Sunday with Mrs. J°gpurposes erecting a fine F. Irwin. Mience. Mr. (7. J. Bella‘my haq‘ \v 09 k. . _-. - 0 § - I.-- â€". 5“ ‘ Miss Jean McLean of Toronto Visited over Sunday with Mrs. J. F. Invin. Mr. Thxos. Ham-is is home from Quebec on account of :the serious illness xof Mrs. Harris. Mrs; “’21th of Brooklyn, N.Y.. visiting Mr. and Mrs. George Everett. Mr. M. E. L-egute of visited Mr. :{nd Mrs. Th _ . . , ‘ v] KIIUJltV\lI.y liar v. M? George Smlth left Tuesuu} 1 Mrs. \V. Bentham and little son of for.baSKEltChG‘Yan, .“hf’l'e. he C’3Ҥ'I‘0r()rn'rs are visiting the fm-mer‘s pa,- pects to remmn until Chmstmas. ,3 ”mm. Mr. and Mrs. 01.08919“ Mm P’J'm 'md (i‘mtrhter EliY’lJ Mr. Bentham holidaypd with his ‘ ‘ - , ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ h ' “ 1 fan'lilv hut: wepk 2 . " 0' a few davs ‘ ‘ " ' 1K3: “it; g;’f:~(:mfi F10 I'dWich ‘ I The omnpms from here who annual- ” ‘ “ ' ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ E 1y spend :1 couple of weeks: holidaying » follows: Dr. E. (.-. Mm'my. (hm-19y sin-mt Ci‘nc Holiday With 311'. um: R3 .1- 'd' (‘i' .1) . B H‘ . . “"1! 31:33. 11105. Cook. i 1 1'11 52m. MI (3. . e (no). t iMoor-e. (morge Mt‘InVISh. Wes Arm- . f1 Mr. J 0th Mrs. J. spending Hedges." Mr. Wm. Bell of Winnipeg, who was present at the funeral of bus father, left for the West on Wed- ncsday afternoon. Miss McKenzie, and Alexander. of Montreal, of their cousins, the families here. i as for a Mrs. J. J. Smith, and sister, Miss Isabel Mzchenzie, are spending a couple. of weeks at Jacksons Point, on Lake Simcue. Rev. Mr. \Vethemll. brotherâ€"imp. law of Mr. John McKechni-e, occu- pied the Presbyterian pulpit on Sunday last. ‘ l l t | ’. lliffe and two daugh- telzirslAi‘xniaE and .Alberia, left MopJ day" morning for their hpme h in V’zinc.ou\'e1‘, after speriding tbfee\ weeks visiting her sisters, 1);: James HOpkins and Mis. érpe 12 On their return, they W111 misnoa . Toronto. Niagara Falls: Chicaho, St. Paul. ,‘Mioa‘den, B-ggma. Edmon- ton, Revelstoke arid »Kam100ps. - . was formerly Miss Minnie zi‘efirjirty of Gienelg, and the young couple, ‘recenfly married, are C 1.1, -2... annvvmf\l\i'fi :“ +k‘g épenfiiihg vicimty. .. PERSONAL A. Black of Cheslcy. few days with rela- f 9W (1 a ,V their honeymoon ii: this a. 'C. (P. Kinnec re- lay. after spending weeks 'with friends 1d. and bther paints. McDonald and son .milton. are Visiting .Mrs. J. F. Irwin, of Toronto, is 21’ at “lhe Thomas “rs. Hugh are guests r Mchenzie ondon nation of the iron fence, so as to,fi‘1 Mr. A. Mnnsnaw has had his: hotel reshingied. Mr. W. Moore has im- proved his residence with an addition 1 at the rear. Improvements are being made to the Fred'Armstx-ong resio dence near the cemetery, and will we used a summer home hv members of the family living in Toronto. Dr. I Mnrray_’s residence is being repainted. His Honor Judge Hattonnt Owen Sound held court of Revisinn in the town hall on Friday last. when but, «me. appeal was heard. that of Mr. Brander of Priceville. who was allow. ed a small reduction of $175 on his as- sessment. u. -/â€".~â€"-â€" Osborneâ€"Thumpsonâ€"-A quiet, mar- riage took place at; the Methodist; parsonage on \Vednesday, July 29th. when Mr. Robert Osborne of Arte- mosia and Miss Barbara, (J. 'l‘hrnnpsnn of Eugenia were joined in wedlock by Rev. James Dudgmm. - - .-‘ ( n Mr. and Mrs. Josvph H. Strain of Anaconda. Montana. announce the marriage of their sister. Miss Sarah Jane Stimson. to Mr. John Flmn'npy 'l‘rumhn on Wednesday. July 20:1). The bride. who is a daughrmwfi the late Mr. and Mrs. “'11) Strain. was formerly one. of Fleshertnn’s most wupulm- young ladies. \V'e join hm- fv'icnds in hearty good wishes for her Mr. C. J. Bena‘my ha: bought Mr. R. Irwin's ire ore-run and archery husi- moss; in Mr. \V. L. \Vright‘s nld stand. g Mr. Irwin has gone into butchering at, (fevhm. : Editor \V. Irwin of 1119 Durham I‘m-(mick) took a holiday on Thurs-'- iday last, and was a Welcmm visitor L mmmg'hF old friends hvr'P. ! Mrs. (01:) Spmnlo of Markdafie vis- jiwd 0M iriends in the village on '7 Thursd my last - I. ‘ P [(lllltl.‘ I‘tu‘v Iv \. \, 5 l -... E The mnnpms from here who ammul- ; ‘i 1y spend :1 couple of weeks holidaying ; m, Holland lakes left on Saturday as; ‘fullmvs: Dr. E. (‘.. Mun-my. (‘hm-hyj i Richardson. Chm-1m: Belhnuy. \‘Vill ' £3100w. (a‘renrge Mv'l‘nvish. \Ves Armfi a 9' pong, Dr. Fred Murray and va'ge’ Hit-.hamisml. 'i‘m'nnto. and Kendni‘. ' I Mitv'hen. Chicago. '4 1-. “\I\ II.\ 3 Rev. Hugh (Twzior. of Guelph Nlp- ; plied Lhe l’reslwtm‘ian pulpit on Sam- lday. Over 40 years ago when Mr. lCrozier was minister at Holstein he gfirst Dr'eached in Fl'eslmrton and dis- ; paused Communion. t Cmmmmion service was held in the l Methodist church on Sunday morning when Prof. Anderson. orhnnist of the . Methodist church at Lucknow. favor- led the congregmion with a well ren- ldered vocal solo. ' Prof. \Vright of l Kingston. spvnding a day or two hero, .5 ably presided at the organ morning Ilzmd evening. giving some splendidly . l rendered selections. \ . A ‘ _ ‘ A l -Yllku‘ Il‘ )1. V’a-\-\-B‘~‘ Mr. \V. D. Bunt met with {mmfu injuries one day last. \VPPk whvn thrown to the ground with much fm-(‘P by his spirited driver. which brake away when in the act of getting into the-buggy. Fortunately no tmnes MI. Bert .L nnivsnn 19ft, take a position at; Sudbml v. P.-- Lanx/ tIv V\'L'tvo-_--- .-- 7,. , Mr. \Vm. Smltb 1:: ()VM' from 39w York State on a visit; with old friends. here. g FLESHERTON. M 1's. S. Pedlar has returned frmn Effective from Augu'st 1. 1914 to August 1, 1915. and guar- anteed against any reduction during that time. .Touring . . . . $590 Runabout . . . .540 Town Car . . . . 84o . In the Dominion of Canada Only, F.0.B. Ford, Ontario FURTHER We will be able to obtain the maximum $111911)ch in our factory production, and the mammum cos. .m :31: purchasing and sales departments 1F we can reach «m ( put of 30,000 cars between the above dates. . m: the AND EhO‘lld we reach this productmn we agree to poi/£10“ t buyer’s share, from $40 to $60 per car (on orb-11mm;3 g, ‘IFUSd 1, 1915) to every retail buyer who purchaseslf n car between August 1. 1914 and August 1. 1.1) a. vices and For further particulars regarding chess oivh a)”. Dealer profitshuring plan, see the ne west Ford mu ,, . _-I-' -4. I IQ___!A-1 FORD MOTOR COMPANY . Ford, Ontario left, last, week to n Int, from street. 0D- \Vhilfh he new rem- Piokerihg, where she had been on an extended visit} Witt} her_ sister. who Mr. Frank TM? and family. a-wmu- panied by Prof. Anderson. motored from Lucknow on Saturday. The. gen- tlemen returned home on Monday. but. Mrs. Tate and children remained to visit her parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. K. Richardson. § Mr. 8. Bosworth and Mr. .{. Max-tin of Paris were visitors at Mr. Mark \Viiscm’s last week. Mr. John Fisher. who has been ill with heart tumble, has gm no tn To- ronto to consult a specialist. I Miss Laura Armstrong and Mrs. Lamar visited in the (tit) (“'91- the '. week end. 1 Mt. and 31:5. Garf of 'l‘onmm visit- ?ed Mrs. \V. C. Parker the beginning fof the week. Miss Jennie Blackburn returned [0 Mt. Forest on londay :1 Mar a month's visit here. Mâ€"râ€"MJ. , A. Hutchison of Ahexdven. Sask.,f01u1e11v teachex at P01L Law, is holidaying 11 1th old hiends in this viginity. - u- ‘ . .. ‘ _‘ '___‘_ Mrs. A. Hawker: visited the past week m Toronto. v- ‘â€"__. DP. “7. Little of Owen Sound is. spending a few days. with relatives here. ~ _ .. n‘ A goodly numhvr from hen» attend- ed the sports at Pricvville nn Hominy. Among the (-iviv hnliday visitors here: Mr. Barry Hnopm' of “mam“ {visiting his mum). Mr. A. Munshaw; i Mr. \V. '1‘. I‘lodgsnn of 0mm Smmd at 5 Mr. \V. Trimhle‘s : Mr. J. Edwards of i'l‘oronm at, Mrs. '1‘. .\\'. \Vilsmx's : Mr. . Mr. \V. Fulfnrd uf 'l‘m‘omn at Mr. C. 5.3". Bellmny’s: Mrs. I’eattie and son ! George of Toronto visited the lattvr's ! brother. Mr. “Falter Max-r: Ruben-t. fand Han-y Thistlewaite 0f Tux-onto i, visited at their parents ; Mr. and Mrs. } MoMqun and Miss Vera MvMullcv 1 visited tho parental hmnv. -JV- ‘. Mrs. McLenn:m and childxvn of Tw- '\ mat-n, are visiting the fmmer a sistel 5 Miss \Vztlliure. Mr. James Chirk uf I’ivkm'ing and Mr. J. T. Clark uf T'vx'nntn amended the funeral of their falherhere last week. visited the lunencal hmnv. Miss Laura Henry has gone to the city to attend the coming millinery openings. 5 C 1‘. 3___) “A“ w a Mr. Hax'nid Mitchell of the Standard Bank is on his holidays, part of which will he spent in the city. ' New Limited Trains “THE CANADIAN" M 139t\\'(‘€’i I” Montreal, Toronto, .Detroit. Chicago, Via Canadian Pacific and Michigan Central Railroads via, Michigan Central. Gigantic Steel Tubes licuvmm \Yindsm' and Dr- imiit. Leaving Munti-val 5.43 3.111.: 'i‘m'imtin (3.10 11,111.. arriving-2: Detroit 12.35 a. In. and (‘ilit'tigu 7.45 .‘L. in. daily. Equaiiy guud set-vice returning. Through Eimiriv Lighted Equip- uncut. «s m. m Tm‘ontn-Vatwouvvr Express N0. 3 haves Toronto 5.5.") p.111 dmly. Vancouver-Towntn Express “Sn. 4 arrives Toronto 11.45 :un. daily. Manitoha EXpwss No. 7 leaves 'l‘u- 15(th daily vaept Sunday 10.50 p. m.. arriving “’itming second day. Ontario Fxpress :' . 8 leaves \Vin- nipeg 9.25 p.11). and arrives 'l‘omntn 5 15 pan. daily except Tuesday. 1" (Trifuz'thvr [rm-titulars apply m Canadian Pacific Ticket, Agent or write M. G. Murphy. D.P.A.. C. P. Ry” T¢1mmto. Toronto - Winnipeg - Vancouver of Canada, Limited 6, 1914.

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