West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 13 Aug 1914, p. 8

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EIGHT. The warm weather of last. week made itself felt. and the harvest came in fast. Mr. and Mrs. James Craige of \Vin- nipeg are at: present visiting for a few days at Mr. David Hamilton’s. Mr. Craige is Mrs Hamilton‘s brother. A6 4;. young couple was driving: tn town one evening they apied S'vme r-hnkecherries. and after provuring some of them were so taken up wth the feast. and interesting cnnversa' ion at the time that the wheels of their buggy became entangled with one they met that it took quite .‘t ht of engineering and gum] horsemzmship to Separate them. In their eXcitlement they fmgnt tn share some ut‘ the frui' .wiih the gentlemen Whom they run .intn, as was their intentinn amt re compence. \Ve hupe the chnkecher- lies neztr Ebenezer (Yurners will not he :lii eaten. .‘lS it may runs» fruit to h.-- vmne scztree. - 311;.quln of Toxontn is spending a. few davs at \Ir. Aus'in Haun’s of ths vicinity. C ‘ 0 O a little rough. the slivers hwingvéhm'n .---_---â€"â€"â€"-â€"é. O..- o -_-y and necessitating the use of thniz' lmndkerchivfs fur rushinns. However. rm duumgc was done. - A yuuug couple upnu returning from Aums church one“ evening sat Llprm IllH fence until Hwy lwcmn? hungry. and gain; to tho huuse for lunch the Vnung lady hxxmu'ht, forth a dcliuiutxs‘ h. n: m L xakv. The gmxtlt-umn nf the lmuse maxing: lunch in pI-ngx-o-ss and being: also :1. little hungry HI‘I'A't-(i upuu thv sumw. and remarking that mid- nigh! huu h nu banana value was \‘UI‘V .w-utizim; he shared in the cake. llnnt \nu think. young: law-rs, you “r. and )1!<.R:Hl)age nf 'l‘numtn are visiting 101 a fa“ (Lus at, Mt. \\. Rallnagcs of these puLs‘. L'he} being: C(moins. An auto lund 0f friends from Elma vmted Mr. David Hamiltnn on Sun- (1%". The 5.1311111 11 par-1v at F benezer w 13 :1 gr11111is1iccess.Q11ite a lax-«1°11 111111111111 wns‘p111~1111L1°.r1usi1i11ri11g rhe l11w111° 1111.: uppedruuc, 113 the cunning. H119 L11- l1l1~s were well l:1111311 with the g11111i things which the ladies 1111111111111. 'l‘lw [111111111111 was 11111111111111. it [wing h.1t11 1 njmahle 111111 inspir ing. $011111 11f 1111- 111111.13 1°:1111111°k111i 111110 11111. seating; was :umi gnmg to t young lady hr lmnun‘t (fake. ho’HISt‘ haw-wing: UH app Um WU l 133%?! €a= Ranch Ozfice. d I" 10 f LAKELET BREEZES. H. hr-u'mg your hut) in the Inture. a" 3819 THE DURHAM’ CHRONICLE. mire prepmd. 'smd'b l" v ‘ ““3" P393” at . \Vaabmzton. D. 1 " HGE‘V bmcton. 8 id... f-EZ L UM“ Mr. and Mrs. Ruhel‘t Gunphell 0f Durham spun Sunk)" win. the lat,- ter’s sister. Ml"- Thxh‘. Fllfiker. - A bright little ha‘vy QiIJ‘vgt-fi'ivc. the hum» of Mr. D-maId \Vus 11 early pm" of l‘lst \V’Pt‘k. the hump or Mr. Umufld “7.1m n the early pm" 0f lust Week. Although the dry. hot, weather i»: much felt by ex'wry une. thnsn. wh.» are engaged fighting a bu-h fire a liftle suuLh of Pualuck’s cm'ncv- must; find it, much worse. Fix-es started in Lhe eufly summer in swampv plâ€"Loes are :thie [0 huh! thrJh' ground uni hn‘c lafr. smne‘ f‘r-mm's hahveun ()x'ch'ml- ville and M'v'nt, Forest minus their hay crop Mr. L'nhm't ‘slmd‘s new barn isahnnt, compluLeLl and Wm he ammngsc the best in the Township. It is *L credit; to Mr. Bun Shm'pu. thv builder, as We“ 3% t0 ‘hv nwm'r. RH?! alwn vs ku- ps his head lb‘Vt‘l and m $85 a. gemd imh wlw? he: in Lima 'Lf Wu m peave ()m g-(udm. pnrv hvld nu the S!) h was aimnl; the usn :Ll 'sm L .L.~s. "‘lLL ex- m t :uunnnt. made in: nut. }t t. in an an- nmmL-ed. Culll'lt‘l‘ comes. . \th take the disempuiazmzm: at [ucht‘n Ailzm is now supp complete. \Vutm- H g thv cuntim: a that have :1! pump :1) I 15L 111121 Y t \Vhen the feet eves cle breaking“. stri Una 0‘ Mon 01 1 ed on plates. Wi] sherbet glasses, " Will maK Wiches 0 To kill the W0 root of a rose, 13 a. teasnoaonful of After exposure to poison i\' the ill-effects can be Warded (i bv vigorously washing; with so. and Water: use a hand br'ush. A ter this ,\\-'11511 with alcohol. To test bread dough and . to make sure it has risen sufficiently for baking, wiress the finger on the dough. If the hole remains, the dough is in proper condition. To test ‘2 broom press the edge against the floor. If the straws remain in a solid mass, the broom is a good one. If they bristle out and bend down. it isn’t. To lemme the rustx uppoaxunco {tom suede shoes or slippers use a mixture 01 olive oil and ink in equal parts. Corks may be made airtight and Watertight by keeping them imâ€" mersed in oil for five minutes. Water when macaroni has beam boiled in 1t makes a nice thin starch for lmgerle garments. Also When washing china with gilt upon it, never use soda. Rub a little soap on the dishcloth to make a nice “lather, then rinse in clear cold water. The upâ€"to- date house“ 1fe tat)- 0095 all beau cooking utensils. Those of light aluminum, gianite and double-plated tin are great savers of energy. If you spill tea on a tablecloth cover it with common salt and leave it on for a While. When the cloth is Washed, all stains will have disappeared. A good plan is to keep buttons in glass bottle” A glance tells you exactly w t is inside, thus saving a good deal of time which would be taken up in turn- ,ibng over the buttons if put in a ox. Before washing fine lace or muslin collars and cuffs, baste them to a piece ,of heavier mus- lin and it Will not be apt to stretch or tear in the process of laundering. must To nemove coffee stains, mix equal parts of yolk of egg and glycerine, apply "to the stain, and allow to ’dry on. For a light silk .garment the glycerine shouid be mixed With Water instead of yolk of egg. . (”‘11 use O m lway, ru '0 CORNER CONCERNS 0 3 medium-sized loaf of bro -- nmke ‘20 three-cornered sax )E into hm .1. I’ pretty gloss to colored U I’D 10 This v. it has first of soap. mu. I] soft tllU il \V 0 I‘ll) S n a r 0 11 nd D plic )LD HEI ' papm- lmppens IO :33, we “'(Hldi‘l‘ how ugnl m exist. when iz- mm: «m Saturday new the war started, :- mz-Lil box whun thH l Saturnay, Lu thnse :umto News. Was it 'i‘hc. disumw he i Pnih'mk’s sidm ads ml this sectinn uf ivood ill )1 soup will ' r a mixture of Immonia to a 2‘“: :U'L‘iw d at, '1 d at .1 1' U. h W11 rst been stu may be 0:15 quart 1150 nw 0 win .1 Lu 19 least over the want thoil out ne )lum stalk. lit There is a steel setter Who has been Working in the cellar of the new Chieago municipal bpilding at ‘5‘ " a day laborer’s wages who, awfew months ago, toiled aWay up on the dizziest heights of the struc- ture. No money would tempt him to go aloft now. 'He was setting the girders on the 19th storey, about 200 feet above the ground, when he ’ ost his nerve. At lunchtime he had been given a little kitten to t 1:0 home to his children. He had put the kitten in a pocket of his jacket. which he hung: up on a post above a temporary platform near where he was at work. About midaftermoon he was stand- ing out toward the end of a beam waiting for another huge mass of steel to be swung int-J place. Suddenly he saw the kit" ten coming toward him from the opposite side. ‘-. The kitten had tired of inaction and had started out on an exploring expeditiun. STORIES OF MEN WHO LOST Sadie of 011 en Sound are \isiting THEIR NERVE. - for a few days \xith their aunt, "4.“, “Hm, ‘ 1 A 1‘“ Mr. and Mrs. James \IcGiHivmu m1 ,-._ 3- - heaxv passenger t‘ain. That morning; when he h‘al‘l staxted out he had told the boxs in the roundâ€" house of :1 dre am he had the night beforeâ€" â€"a fantasv of rushing utters, hissing stuxm and cries of {XL-tom: 'lhe dream Was cont}: u- slipping down the around curves and 11915, the engineer 1): (mutimlsly that the ‘ lost time. At one p line a long bridge crossed a chasm. until the engine was . it. Instead of amnw bridge slowly, as was ' engineer stonpted his 13' and sent his firemm look at the hridge. T or .amazed at’ the st‘p his eyes were bulging with fear and horror. The first section. ten minutes ahead. had jumped the rails and was at the bottnm 0f the chasm. Of course the timm-mxs m:- gineer of the second section was thanked' and praised by the offi- cials and passengers. He was Uzi-vâ€" firc on '1 modal. engine again. ,1 mn 25.. .54 Hrs? 35 £33. Emmm hinc For full 1:)11‘!.(“.Llrs 'CZRH' in v 1mg” E. F. L. ISTURDEE. Asst. D. P .A gum“. M‘.‘~- W2: :3 â€" “7‘32. - J."‘- V O .. ”3‘ August 18thâ€"- 0D gus fl U of- the Ind th Buyers to Share in Profits Lower Prices on Ford Cars 21am! Ffi'utixe 1mm Alumst ]. 1914tnAugust1. 1015. and «rum- EUHH d agnimt any leduniun dming that tiuw. Touring . . .‘ . S590 Runabout, . . . .540 Town Car . . .840 In the Dominion of Canada Only, F.0.B. Ford. Ontario FURTHER We will he able to obtain the maximum oliivimxm‘ in our factory production. and the maxiumm cost. in our purchasmg and sales departments IF we can romp-f1 an out- PW M 30M”) Pars betweén the above dates. AND should we reach this production we am-PP to pay as the hux er’s Sharp, from $40 to $60 per car (nnhm' about Angus-is 1~ 1915) to every retail hnyer who purchases a new Fora car hetWeen August 1. 1914 and August 1. 1015. . ' For further particulars regarding rh'wn lmv plums and profitsharing plan, seelC. SMITH SONS, Durham. FORD MOTOR COMPANY Ford, Ontario thc v' ;\ {IL E ‘1' of I- n Wes ____ -fi- ---1‘ Mrs. McKav and 7 children. ' .of Toronto, are spending thou Vacu- tion with her father here. Mr. Clarke of Toronto was visitor in thzs nv9ighborhood 1:: week. Miss Bessie Milligan of Toronto was the guest of her old chum. Mrs. R. J. McGillivmy. - Mr. and Mrs. Bran-don 0f Toron- to, called on their nephews, Messrs. Ereorge and Herb. Alion. recently. BIr. Robt. BIC zilli\'.av ‘ A out a few barns last Mn! grain turned out fairl} \xeYl M12. and Mrs. Roht. W11 Durham Visited the form ents. the beginning: of 1 Miss \Vinnie Binnie has from a holiday in Mitch: As a citizen of Priceville. and one who is deeply interested in all phases of its life and activity. I feel it my duty on behalf of all its people to give some slight ap- preciation of the manner in which the recent Civic Holiday celebra- tion was supported by the. sur- rounding portions of the country. To those farmers and their sons who turned out and. with no thought of remuneration or recog- nition‘ gave several days of spin)- did work on the agricultural field as Well as on the. filings streets. the citizens of Priceville proper owe a debt which they cannot ro- pay by mere words of month. The spirit of unselfish cuâ€"niwmrjuy, shown during the week prior to the day Of celel:1‘atio_n Was one that is seldom manifesto? in ihtsc days of individual and corgloratr 7 selfishness. \in “Ed! TUhCS L: 'M LETTER T0 EDlTOR (AN APPRECIATION Canad Igzt Central ll of Canada, Limited ‘OTOHIO (if entral G ,nerauon or recog- 3ra1 days of splen- * agricultural field he Village streets Priceville propel ch they cannot re- ads of mouth. 'Tlu Ram!) I] evule proper my cannot re- of mouth. “The co-Operation week prior 'to ion was one 'ested in these and corporate and m )l‘ eshed m Steel L he «k St 8520 5H --.._- 0‘ - .< IH‘A pl.» E- VIII!

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