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Durham Chronicle (1867), 24 Sep 1914, p. 6

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MOUNT FOREST, ONTARIO Is prepared to fit you for a Business Career. Our graduates are all in pos- itions. Fall term begins September lst. Write or call for particulars. D. A. MCLACHLAN. G. M. HENRY. President. Principal. Mount Forest Business College High Yonge and Charles streets. Tor-onto. Yes our graduates succeed. They have that habit. VVx-ite for Catalogue. The record of the School in past years is a flattering one. The trustees are progressive educationally and spare no pains to see that teachers and pupils have every advantage for the pro- per presentation and acquistion of knowledge. Intending Students should enter at the beginning of the germ if possible. Board can be obtained at reasonable rates. Durham 13 a healthy and at- tractive town. nmking it a most desir- able place for residence. For J‘HOS. ALLAN, Principal and Prp vincial Model School Teacher Ist Glass Certificate. The school is thoroughlv equipped in teaching ability, in chemical and elec- trical supplies and fittings. etc., fur full Junior Leaving and Matriculation Work. We are afiliated with the Gen- tral Business College. Stratford. Our free catalogue gives particulars Write for it at once, D. A. McLachlan. G. M. Henry, President. Principal. Durham High School And train for a. better situation. We prepare you to occupy lucra- tive positions. Decide to LEARN HOW. Mt. Forest BUSINESS COLLEGE N0 VACATION \‘ ‘O “a \Valkerton Business College GEO. SPUTTON, President W‘ ~~‘m“s“~“. V. W. H. HARTLEY. J. F. GRANT. Chairman. Secretarv FEES : $1 per month in advance ENTER ANY TIME SpringPrints Are Nowln . gh School Public Sch We have a Large Range to select from and Prices are Moderate As Well Our S. P. SA UNDERS An Early Call is Your Advantage} Thousands of am bitions young"; peopeare being inatructedjnfl' their hpmes by our Home Study Dept. You may finish at Coll- ege if you desire. Pay when-1‘ ever you wish. Thirty Years’ -. Experience. Largest trainers. in Canada. Enter any day. Poeitions guaranteed. If you " Wish to save board and learn while you earn. Write for partic- ulars. Machine Oil. Harness Oil, Ame Grease and H00! Ointment. 9:0 to HOME 5' EFFICIENCY AND ARE A THING 0F BEAUTY! Calder’s Block ‘ W. H. BEAN The Big4 ELLIOTT ichool and Senior ic School Pupils Attention. BIG 4 The Harnessm aka “You Can’t {Foo} Us‘ With That Soft- Soap Talk.” vously twig-.ing her handkerchief“ ‘ cw. .‘ her hands, at one last mighty offor the bolt yielded, the door new open and two men stumbled into the room Little Ella recognized them both i' 'stantly. They were Buck Kelly a'. Turkey Ryan, notorious denizens ( the underworld. If ever there “or. ‘two vicious-looking cutthroats, these This was not long in happening. As she stood in front of the trunk ner- ,Then cars? the heavy thuds as the men threw themselves against the door. The knocking at the gate in "Macbeth” had no more portentious sound in the play than had this at- tack upon her stronghold to Gloria. She felt all the nervousness of troops under fire that must remain inactive awaiting orders. There was nothing she could do but wait until the door was battered down; “Let ’er go,” answered the first one, grow faint. “Aw! Let’s bust it in. He’s in there all right." “Joe, listen to me. If you can hear E,me dear listen. Don’t stir, don't you hear me, Joe?” But he was deaf to .all entreaties. Seeing this was so, §she turned to Little Ella: “Get him fto go away. Offer him anything, prom- iise him anything. I ’11 do it; oniy keep that man on the other side of that onr n "You git away rom that door, an’ leave me alone.” “Open this door, you she-devil,” threatened the besieger, “or 111â€"” And then interrupted another voice v.i h a su geStion that made Gloria This was easier said than done, but Little Ella was willing to make the effort. “There’s at least two of ’em." “That doesn’t matterâ€"afthousande it’s all the same. Get them to go away.” How she ever maneged to get him, .‘a dead weight, across the intervening .space and safely stowed behind the trunk she never knew. She dragged, .she hauled, she pulled, she rolled, and ithe forlorn hOpe that she would save him yet gave her strength. As she snatched skirts from the hooks and fall the clothing from the chair to pile fupon him, the pounding upon the door became more and more vindictive. iT he girl was out of breath, but as she {bent over the prostrate form of the :man she loved, she managed to gasp: “That’s only a. closet under the stairway.” was Little Ella’s whispered explanation. “They’d find him there in a minute.” ' “You wouldn’t let them kill him, would you ?" “I can’t help you. I’m so weak 1 can hardly turn over in bed.” “Open this door, I say,” came from the man without as he pounded on 'the door ominously, “or I’ll crack you 'over the bead.” Gloria understood that there was no time to temporize. She must do something and that quickly. Close by where she stood next the bed, and room in full view lay the man whom! they were seeking. Once they burst the single barrier they would be upon him, to do what further harm she knew not. It might be that he was now already beyond all human aid. He still breathed, however, and Gloriai was willing to fight if there was even‘ only one chance in his favor. Hence it would not do for them to find him the minute they broke down the door. I She must hide him somewhere to give ‘ her time to parley with his assailants. ! i She looked vainly about for some place to put him. “For'God's sake, help me hide him,” she beseeched. “I can't give him up. Where does that door lead to?” She pointed to the door close by the one which led into the hall. on the side away from the door, was Little Ella’s trunk. Behind it on hooks hung a number of garments, and on a. chair were more clothes. It was the only chance and Gloria took it. ‘ by Harry, King Tootle Copyright by A. C. McClurch 00., 191?. The tone of his voice made Gloria feel that he would make good his threat. There in the center of the DAVID KERR DO, "1'98 o _..â€" oubuvu. “This is yer chanct, Ella. You know what she’d say to you if you was in her house. Are you with us? I’ll see you git'yours.”- - ,1 It was a moment when a man’s life was at stake. Gloria believed that if the " woman told and . they tore Wright from her she, might never see him alive again. She had prayed si- lently for help to come, but she w still alone. Already she was giving f‘Yes, that’s true. I don’ want say anything, butâ€"” .Ryan immediately pressed the vantage he thought:. he had gained. I‘mL .0 _ 0 1598 is. Don’ stan’ together It was the < to serve a 3811 Kelly. ises take < jugged? stay he feeds vc Thts ifzrvat had an unpleasah. sound. Hitherto the girl had n01. feared for her own safety, but his surly ren ark frightened her. The one thing that kept her steadfast was the; thought that she was protecting the man she had loved; yes, the man she mow loved more than she ever had. She did not know how he happened te :‘be there; she did not know how he regarded her; she only knew that she loved him. that she would give her We a sacrifice to save him. Ryan next appealed to Little Ella. “Ella, that guy come in here. Where is he? We ain‘t goin’ to be scared by any fool girl. She don't know who wants him. Now give ’im up.” “Don’t say a word,” Gloria told her. “You gotta stick by rs, Ella. This ain’t no ordinary iob.” At Ryan’s injunction to stick by him, Little Ella seemed to waver. “Don’t you ferzit who var fvfinhrln- "There’s no man ere,” she ex- plained in her most W nning manner. “You can see that plainly for yourself. :I came over from the mission to take. care of this sick Woman You are- {only making her worse by bursting- :into her room in such a. rude fashion. Please go out gently; she must have .it: perfectly quiet.” Turkey Ryan so far forgot himself in the presence of his betters as to grin at. this explanation. “We don’t want to have to make you give ’im up.” The way he said it made Gloria feel- that he meant business. All she could do was play for time and pray for Mrs. Hayes to return. “And he come into this room, too,” Ryan added doggedly. “We don’t want to make you uncomf’table, lady, but we gotta git that man.” still open she did not dare make a moxe in N right’s direction. She de- termined to close the door and pull: the washstand in front of it, wedging it under the knob before trying fur- ther to succor the injured man. When. she walked toward the door, it again framed the forms of Ryan and Kelly. As a result of a short conference just “at of earshot, they had decided to return and get their man. “What do you want?” Her heart sank. 05‘.Y' ’re lookin’ fer a man ” Kelly snarled. v~n~+ “.3. effect upon them. Both quailed b” \. ere Gloria, who stood eyeing them If Gloria believed‘that she had put to flioht for all time such gentlemanly ass: ins as Mr. Kelly and Mr. Ryan, tor Sfooling of triumph did not last long. As the door into the hall was "321132111911 thev lookéd a't each other, and without a word of apology s‘u..mLIed out into the hall. "'i‘nat‘s none of your business. You (-323? out. both of you.” This encouraged Little Ella to take her part in the discussion, which she c'id with her most strident tones. ‘fo‘liat do youse mean, buttin’ into here? Beat it, you two. I’m a lady, an’ w hen I have a lady frien’ avisitin" me they ain’t no place .for bums. On yer way. ” . long cut- across his cheek where Wright’s ring had left its mark with a slashing blow. He had done even more damage than this. but these showed the plainest. Needless to say, their *1. are PM: no: heuz sfieetened by U’ '/ ow, dam", :mun-W R3"n began "ely. - top!” Gloria commanded. “What S av ’12:“ they bore the znarks of their recent encounter. Kelly’s left eye had swelled ‘almost closed, and Ryan had . -' <v .-”'f VL‘ )U... (4KJAKX’1 “\JLV“. ":le1 we huflke they had not seen er. and ”amp men were taken much ‘nvf-t. To find a lady there was "fie“hing they bed not expeCIed. 00v.Ԥ «at theâ€"3’ Ryan gasped, but 3:11:12 hilt.:‘.‘(.1f and then continued 1 z; siLthIy more respectful tone. “I 95...; 3b.; pan-con, miss, but what are V"- . ’ ‘5. 1’ 0:1 mm at. c? ‘That’s It was not this tirade which had the fi$~wfim here you? -‘. '30. )rdinary iob.” m’s injunction to le 311a snemed to you fergit who y ho keeps you f Mike Noonan. WI 3 when you can’1 .? Mike Noonan.” .e old, old selfish end‘ CHAPTER XX. you.” to, g know u 1" you 1' down quick “But He You 23.: Noonan‘ has be goin’ t0,” sneered What church prom- r. fergit we gotta 11 here, all of us." ”‘3 avDDeal of class to to catch the now I’m goi: "1m 3 L been to stick to waver. > yer fri‘ from I Who lets an’t pay, the note going to good friends . bein’ ets you ad- g'Now'“ it all depended upon Littlo fl ,_ ' lever‘ stroke,- that of Ryan’s; asking her how she " would be treated in _ this woman’s - 110133. Against this appeal to class ;:'ejudice Gloria had not scored. “I’ll tell,” said the woman. , The two men looked at each other and smiled. i Little Ella was enjoying herself hugely. Gloria’ 8 every pleading tone was music in her ears. Her eyes “You’re out of your head. Yo’u’re mad. Keep still, .I tell you.” The men still standing irresolute, she turned upon them. “Why are you standing there? Leave this room.” Gloria tried to gather herself to- gether to meet this new attack. but without much success. She felt so weak from the shock that she was only able to rise from her chair with diffi- culty. The last words 'she utttered in piercing tones horrible to hear as she "You want them t6 go, do you? Ha! Ha! The boss’ daughter! The boss’ daughter!” “What’s the matter, Ella?” Ryan asked. “Let them go, I say. Please let them go,” Gloria, implored. the ultimate disclosure of Wiiglit’s hiding place, Little Ella was now bent most of all on making the daughter of the boss suffer to the limit. Feverishly stimulated to an unac- customed mental acuteness by the thoughts of her wrongs as Gloria had lain them bare, all the cruelty of the woman’s nature asserted itself. Re- venge with her was sweetness long drawn out. It was the dainty morsel over which the gourmet lingers. It was the tantalizing antics of the cat that gloats over the mouse beneath its paw, and even lets it run a little way to arouse the wild hope that it- may yet escape. Having decided upon lid, and her blazing eyes were fixed upon Gloria, who had shrunk into a weak lump in her chair. Only a few moments had passed since all had admitted that Little Ella dominated the situation. That fact she recog- nized as readily as did the others. Now she determined to make use of her power. Gloria herself had aroused the savagery of the woman by having inflamed her against the boss, not knowing that the creature’s rage was directed against her own father. Gloria sank into a chair gasping, "What have I said?” ~ She felt the curse upon her. “Come back, Turkey, come back," shrilled Little Ella, laughing wildly. ‘The boss’ daughter! The boss’ laughter!” - ‘ ' Her thin hands nlucked at the nmm “The boss’ daughter!” It was a witch’s screech ending in a peal of un- earthly laughter. Gloria breathed a sigh of relief as they turned to go, but in an instant the shrill scream from Ella which brought the men back to the center of the room froze her blood. “Well; we didn’t'know you was-'- why didn’t you sayâ€"” “I guess we’ll go see Noonan,” was Ry an’s method of beating a retreat. ‘He can’t git away, anyway,” Kelly whispered to him. Something in her bearing made them feel that she was telling film,- truth. Kelly, timid now and apolo- getic, was the first to speak. The two men looked at each other in astonishment, and Little Ella sat bolt upright in bed. “The boss'-â€"” “Daughter,” Gloria finished Ryan’s exclamation. “I am the daughter of David Kerr. Now go.” “What yer givin’ us?” jeered Ryan as he advanced toward the place where Wright lay hidden. “Stand back,” she cried. -I am Glo- ria Kerr.” “Stand where you are, you infamous thugs! Must I tell you the truth to be obeyed? If you are above the law, I am higher still. Mike Noonan could have told you who I am. You speak of your boss, then learn the truth.’.’ Ryan recognized that the time for action had come. On his side he had the overwhelming brute force which would enable him to do as he pleased. Kelly had turned to look into the closet when he was stopped by Glo- ria’s outburst. What Ryan had said had reminded her of her own power. was moved. “You’d better give it up, Turkey. I ain’t goin’ to let you touch that man.” “Ah, you’re a woman,” sighed Glo- ria. “You know a woman’s heart.” “Nix on that love spiel, Ella,” com- manded Ryan. “This ain’t no valen- tine party, lady. You can’t fool us with that soft-soap talk. We gotta carry out the boss’ orders. Buck, look in that closet.” . “Stop!” cried Gloria, looking not atlthe men, but at the girl who lay pale and trembling upon the bed. "“Do you remember what you said a while ago? What you accused me of? You swore that I hadn’t loved. Even to my sorrow you shall have proof of it now that I do. The very man Whom I’m defending fromthese bullies is the one man on earth. I love.” Ryan and Kelly looked at each other in amazement. “You shall see if you loved more than '1. You’ve gone through fire and storm for a man? I’ll do no less. If need be, I’ll die for this manâ€"here and nowâ€"because I love him.” The fire died out of her eyes. She stretched out her hands to Ella pathetically and begged hum- bly, “My whole heart’s happiness is here. Are you going to help them try to take him from me?” The woman, a creature of impulse, Want. thin hands plucked at the cove“ OO§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§O§§§90 #0606 OOOQOOOOOOOOOOOQQOOQ O. 90 QQQOOOzQQOOOOOOOOOOOOOO POO:OOO§OO.§O§O:.§::’ D §M§W§§§OOOOOMOMҤOMO§OOM¢ 09 00 QOOOOQOOQOQQQ oo...oo¢o¢+++oo¢ 0§§6 z0§§¢§§§§§§§§+§§§§§§§§§§O§ 9 The Rob Roy Cereal Mills Co. Central Drug Store Durham A Scribblers. Exercise Books, Note Books, ‘ Pads, Pencils, Slates, Pencil GRAIN WANTED SCHOOL OPENING High and Public School Books We are in the Market for any quan- tity of Milling Oats, Feed Oats, Peas or Barley, and we will pay Highest Prices for these Grains delivered at our Elevator. We are ready with the Largest Stock Everything Newâ€"and at the Lowest Prices and Supplies ever shown in town It will pay you to buv \ our School wantS hele STATIONERY 01’ ALL KINDS. If you need Feed or any kind call and get our Prices before you buy as we have a. good stock of Feed. on hand all the time. in oil. You feel clean, stron an strenuous instead of tired, wea and ° t. Nowadays you can obtain Dr. Pierce’s Golden Medical Discovery Tablets, as well as the liquid form from all medicine dealers, or trial box of tablets by mail, on receipt of 50c. Address R.V. Pierce, M411, Buflalo, N.Y. . HARDING It may be at present, but it’s not too soon TO LET THAT CONTRACT for your Furnace 01- Hot Water Heating System. Go At Once, and see Boxes Etc. E Ontario of

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