West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 24 Sep 1914, p. 8

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Jéwmxnmmmwmmxmw% § Large Sales ' Small ProfitS § When_ in Town Show Dayâ€"Come and See â€"â€"â€"-â€" _â€"_â€"‘â€"â€" __â€"_ r. We \\ ant vou to feel at "home heI‘e. Pure Spices Olll‘wStockâ€"Leave your wraps with us. MACFARLANE 8: CO. The Rexall Store C. P. R. Ticket Office. Buy your tickets here. IE: 0% o »+++e+ee+++eee+e+e+¢+¢+++++eee+eee+e+e+e++e++e+ mm Ia. mm W '0.“- ', . I §#;_ - ' T. 0.7 ' . I ft ‘I .. ’ ’. u 1 ‘ ‘ ‘5 3 f‘ .. g‘!‘ I mewmsm: You cannot have Good Pickles or Sauces Wit-bout PURE SPICES. Don’t be disappointed Our Pure Spices Guarantee you against failure. color add a squeeze or tvib of Mrs. Jag Tucker is spending a‘ Mr Mayor Of Toronto is 3395“"! blue ’to the water in Whigh it is couple of weeks with her sisterJin, Dr E Mrep Ruddy, of Wimg'ham, Who “:35 deiartmegif to establish an Optical boiled. ~ Dbl Luncu W ll.“ 6 ya; “I: 5“â€" U u an-x whichwve h0pe will prove of 3? Rev. T. 3- Ibbott left Wednesday . ‘morning for a tri 10 Cal ar mfld type. - {and other points. p g y IIIâ€".- A 1A” D‘nn‘y A; “nano‘or A as to break his leg. Although he will remain cheerful during his affliction, yet he has had to suf- fer a good deal - since his acci- dent of three years ago in the woods. While some dread the spring of the year, the fall will alwayg seem _t_h_e worst to hing: _ ‘ Mr. Thos. Wilson has had light- ning rods placed on his barn and house. The last storm gave his barn a close call, and had ap- parently fired the roof, but the rain put it out before much dam-1 age was done. As there are no great events happening in this part our budget must in consequence be short, be- sides, people are so interested at present with events at a distance that they give but little time reading home news, and we be- lieve everyone is beginning to feel his or her responsibility. We all claim to be good citizens, and loyal to our country and Wish to do pretty near the right thing. Under any circumstances it is to be hoped War may not come again to Britain. during the present generation, and the opportunitv to Show our loyalty in reality mav never be with us again. Q0 We. fancv our people will all help with the burden of w ar, according to their ability. _ . Winnipeg expects to have a religious 'campaign next May, un- der the conductorship of Billy Sunday. ' EOLSTEIN. dered in the hall on Wednesday evening of last Week, the funds of which are to be applied to "the patriotic fund. Rev. Mr. German of Dungannon gave an excellent address along patriotic lines. The character and object merited a better attendance. The proceeds amounted to $23. -Bush fires have been raging south and'east of us, but the rain on Tuesday evening cooled mat- ters. Milford Dowling's driver de- cided Tuesday to take a Spirith trip on its own account. The track chosen was "Main street, Holstein, rate '25 knots an hour, destination the G. T. yards; result, a badly dagiaged buggy. Nobody else hu t. ‘ Died.â€"In Toronto, Mrs. J. Ferne nee Maggie Stephens, .aged 25 years. Maggie was Well and favorably known here, being the second daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Stephens, now of Hanna, Al- berta. She leaves two children, the youngest being only three days old. The remains were brought to Holstein Monday. The funeral service was held in the Methodist church. Rev. T. H. Ti» bott conducting it. The remains were then interred in Woodland cemetery. A husband, two child- ren, her parents, four sisters and four brothers mourn her early demise. Judge Sutherland of Owen S’d attended the final revision of the Voters’ List for Egremont on Friday of last week. Jas. W. Hunt is in the cement business as a business. He has purchased the land east of the hall along the river edge and has erected a building and installed machinery for the manufacture of tile. His machine has a capacity of about 1,500 per day. He has already commenced operations. Before another issue the 13,6:- remont Agricultural Societv will have held its 47 th annual shou. Mr. 'Mayor of Tordnito assisted the Methodist choir Sunday. and rendered two solos in the evening. Mr. Will Harris is home from Fort William for a time. Miss Agnes Tookey is visiting her cousin, Miss Florence Clark. Mrs.N.W’.Czâ€"1mpbelland Miss Harris were judges yesterday at the Egremont school childrens7 fair. held at Holstein. Mr. J. R. Mundie. representing the Maclean Publishing Co. of Toronto. was in town Tuesday on business. Mr. Wes. ’illiams. of Edmonton. after an absence of ten years in the west. is visiting his narents. Mr. and Mrs. Ben. VViHiams. and other relatives and friends He will likely remain over until spring. Mrs. E. D. Camnbell. Wife of the late Due‘ald Campbell. of Los Angeles. Cal. visited her brother. Alex. Campbell. and sister. Mrs. J. Dunsmoor and other friends in Rentinck durinO' the past couple of u eeks. Mr. and Mrs. A.W.H‘. Laud-er and son. Martin. returned Fridav night from a three or four Weeks’ trip to Hamilton. St. Catharines, Brantford. Niagara Falls and sev- eral other niaces in the Niagara peninsula. On the home trip thev were accompanied by Dr. and Mrs. P. C. Park and child. of Hamilton. To cut down exnenses Without cutting down the comforts of home, to encompass the need. to save Without losing. is worthy of intense study. Certain simple rules underlie all successful at- tempts at domestic economy: 1. Have an allowance and keep Within it. 2. Eliminate the unnecessary. 3. Substitute the inexpensive. 4. Utilize the by-product. ' a. Buy carefully. A true economist is .not only a (good saver ,but a good buyer. Here again; certain simple rules blaze'the way: 1. By careful investigation de- termine the best place for general trading. '2. Do your own marketing. 3. Watch the scales. 4. Consider qualityâ€"the cheap- est in price is ’not always the cheapest in value. 5. Buy staples, as flour, pota- toes. etc. bv the barrel. 6. Do not buy in quantity when a forced using must follow the purchase. 7. Buy the smallest possible a- mount of perighable goods. ' 8. Take advantage of food sales when quality is guaranteed. 9. Buy country produce directly from the farmer. Company buying has its advan.ta;g1e_e_. _ 10. Pay cash. This is the key- stone of the arch. Without this the structure has no stability, the individual no economic independ- ence. Old stocking legs covered with part of an old kid glove make excellent iron holders. When pouring boiling ,Water into an empty glass. put a spoon into the glass first. This will prevent it from cracking. To clean Willow furniture use salt and water. Apply with a brush and rub dry. After frying onions, pour a lit- tle vinegar. into the frying pan, let it get hot, and it Will‘remove the smell from the pan. l HOUSEHOLD HELPS. PERSONAL To render artiaes non-inflam- mable, dissolve two ounces of alum in one gallon of cold Water and use for rinsing. To Wash lace, squeeze in hot. soapy water, then. in cold. Dip in milk to stiffen its Press on the wrong side with a fairly hot iron '1‘o_m£1_k_e white linen~ a good i Trains leave Durham at 7.15 a m.. am 3.43 mm. Trains arrive at Durham at 10. 30 a m. :50.pm. and8.50p.m. EVERY DAY EXCEPT SUNDAY H. G. Elliott, A. E. Duff, G. P. Agent, D. P. Agent. Montreal. I‘orontt 900 §¢O 4 06000 O O 6 000.0090. 444¢+444¢¢+4+++44e44+¢+++4+++a++4¢++4¢44<. c zizzéiy ascertain." c r an: invention is prob_a_1,!y pa. “(Nut ..3 ‘ycomldcz at: .11. HAYS-330K on Patent-.3 sent free. ("Host 311371937 for mmurmg Uat....r_s. '31» ..ub téhen vllr‘)u;1h MLUIAD» 5': CO. ICCBXVC spegiaznoti cc, wizpo -0 marge, in the; A handsomely must- “anal weeniy. Largest. cir cmation of any scientific journal. Terms for Canada, $3.75 a year. postage prepaid. Sold by all newsdealers. MUNN Co. 36.3mm, New York Btanch omce. 625 F St. Washington. D.C. $$é++§é+++éW+W+éé$A ’ ’ -§"§"§°~I"§~§- PLANlN-G MILLS J. TOWNER Depot Agent JAMES-R. GUN. T3Wn Ages: Anyone ser ding a aketc“ DURHAM Scieseflfic mam. ZEN'US CLARK Grand Trunk Railway TIME-TABLE l‘he undczsignecf begs to wmmume Lu teaitiems of Durham and sunoundmg country. that he has his Planning Mill and Factory completed and is prepared to take orders for Shingles and Lath Always on Hand At Right Prices. at \the Paris Millinery Parlors FALL MILLINERY Custom Sawing Promptly At- tended To â€" and all kinds of â€"â€" SASH, DOORS House Fittings This season the L: uiies are afforded ample) lat'itndo fm selec tmn, as the. styles me vhried winging f1 am the ve: v small ght fitting turbans to the extxemely I more sai 101 .811: apes. 0. SMITH 85 SONS, Agents; Durham; . MOON EYS STAND, Lambton Street, (one door west of Standard Bank) - Mrs. T. H. McClocklin \Ve have everything: that is NEW and UP-TODATE and PRICES REASONABLE Call and make yam choice EARLY as the Q3]? of Imported Millinery this season is limited. Lower Prices on Ford Cars All retail buyers of new Ford cars from August lst. 1914. to August lst, 1915, will share in the profits of the com- pany to the extent of $10 to $60 per car. on each car they buy, PROVIDED: we sell and deliver 30.000 new Ford care during that period. Ask for particulars Buyers to Share in Profits FORD MOTOR COMPANY Ford, Ontario Effective Augustlst.1914 to August 181:. 1915 and Guaranteed against any reduction during that time. All cars fully equipped f. o. b. Ford Ontario Runabout - ' -' $540 Touring Car - - 590 etch and dr acrivtinn may opznizzn free \sixcllzrl‘ an pzuet‘mhm. Cummuzxicw al._ Hfii‘ESBOOK on Pawnee Runabout - -' $54 Touring Car - - 55 Town Car - - 84 (In the Daminion of Um uh only) GRAND DISPLAY OF ONTARIO ALBERTA , BRITISH COLUMBIA ARIZONA CALIFORNIA COLORADO IDAHO MONTANA NEVADA OREGON TEXAS UTAH \VASHINGTOX. Etc. On Sale Septembertltth to October 8th inclusive. COLOR [ST FARES Full particulars from Grand Trunk ticket agents, 01- wrire (3. E. HORN- ING, D. P.A., Union Station. Toronto \V. Calder. Town Agent, Phone 3.1 J. Towner, Station Agent Phone 18 Canadian Pacific Railway Time Table 3. (N) 3. 14 3.24 . .33 3.48 7 .07 “ Durham “ 122.11 9.41 3.59 7.18 “ Mo‘Villiams“ 11.59 9.29 4. ()2 7. 21 “ Glen “ 11.56 9.26 1.11 7. 31 “ Pricevine “ 11.46 9.16 .23 4.43 “ 82111290111" 11.35 9.05 75511. .2’) A! Toronto Lv. 7.45 5.05 R. MACFARLANE. - Town Agent. 3.59 4.02 4.11 .25 Winnipe'g Return$35 Edmonton Return 43 {From Toronto and Stations “'est and North of Toronto. Proportion ate fares from Stations East of Toronto. Trains will arrive and depart as fnl uws. until further noticezu Particulars from Canadian Pacific Ticket Agents or write E.F.L.S§11£dce. ling ABIUJJPIIY. Each Tuesday until October 27th inclusiv e .~"10â€" Manitoba, Alberta, Saskatchewan Asst. U.P.A. D.P.A.,T8{-3dto From all Stations in Ontario to cex tain points in ONE WAY SECOND-CLASS Return Limit TWn Months i. .Ilacfarlane. Town Agent E. A. Hay, Station Agent; 6. 34 ‘ 6. 43 “ 6.02 “ 2.07 “ ’11 6‘ ‘6 r‘r'r‘r‘ geosw ulr-‘P-‘U: M 6 20 L\'.\V:ivlkertnn Ar. 1.00 10.30 6.34 “ Maple Hill " 12.43 10.13 6.43 “ Hanover “ 12.35 10.“.5 6.52. “ Allan Park “ 12.25 9.55 of Canada, Limited o o o o o a .9060 9 o O’DooovooQH‘owtov 09H 09 ”OOHOOWoQMOQmOOWI i’é'OMMM-b'i'é’é-{ni- '-24, 191?. 12.11 11.59 11.56 11.46 11.35 a

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