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Durham Chronicle (1867), 1 Oct 1914, p. 2

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REMEMBER air hardwood bush; in? good state of cultivation. Ap-‘ ply to W. J. Wilson. Yarney. Lot 20, Con. '20. Egremont. ‘ Q :70 .1m'nd Advertisements "1 .nbmneu t insert“ 31911812, containing LU" gun»- on Premises are new frame bgun. brick house, Sheds and outbu h..- tugs; runnng stream: through property: {Cum}? 10 2":2‘38 hm". Wood bush, rest in goon state cultivation. Possess-gin) given m Yovg‘lst. 1913. For further 3.: ticulars. apply on men". Mrs John Staples. Rut-'11 Ru No.1. Durham. Out 9.4.?!“ .021? NO. 5 ON THE END CO.\- (session of Bgremont, containing 100 acres; about 60 acres cleared. balance in timber and pasture: convenient to church and school; four miles from Durham; well fenced..well watered: good frame barn fair house; good orchard. will sell on easy terms. Apply to Fred Noble, Varney, RH. No. 1. 9 1? ti I l ‘ I. n 1 Hit '9 1“ l o l v c .a _,,_,___._,.__.. A L ' GE, Roofi-Y DWELLINU Farms for Sale. occupied by Mrs. Beggs 5: Son. For terms, apply to J. P. \ Telford, Durham, Ont. . Pups For Sale COLLIE PUPS FOR SALE. W. Styles, caretaker Durham ceme- " 027.4 2;) L‘_ THE EAST PART OF A LOT near McGowan’s mill, formerly owned by William Whit- more, blacksmith. Will sell cheap to quick purchaser. Apply for particulars to Mrs. John Whitmore, Varney, R.R. No. 1, or W. J. McFadden. Durham. 8 591) SYNOPSIS OF CANADIAN NORTH WEST LAND REGULATIONS- The sole head of a family, or} any male over 18 years old, may:‘ homestead a quarter-section of ; available Dominion land in Mani-i toba, Saskatchewan or Alberta.‘ Applicant must appear in person at the Dominion Lands Agency or' Sub-Agency for the District. Entryi by proxy may be made at any; Dominion Lands Agency (but not; Sub-Agency), on certain conditions} Dutiesâ€"Six months residence. upon and cultivation of the land{ in each of three years. A home-i steader may live Within nine miles‘, of his homestead on a farm of’; at least 80 acres, on certain condi-l tiona. A habitable house is reJ quired except where residence is: mformed in the vicinity. i ”Ivâ€"vâ€" EMEMBER THE FAMOUS SPIR-f type or} laundering ‘ qualities, and unbreakable steels: enic. Not sold in stores. Mrs. J C. Nichol, Rep- resentative, fiox 107, Durham. " ° 418 6m ,, 1......A In certain districts a home- steader in good standing may pre- empt a quarter section aiqngside his homestead. Price $3.00 per tery. Dutiesâ€"Six months residence in! each of three years after earning homestead patent; also. 50 acres extra cultivatlon. . Pre-emption A ' settler who has exhausted his (1 right may take a pur- homestea . chased homestead 11: certain dist-e .4- Mm 33 no ner acre. Duties .de: 0! mac Jaw" -_..-_-V and erect a house worth $00- 0: cultivation is sub- .;....--== SMALL Sfiirella Corso --Avvf‘ Store For Sale mm at one inch or In», " insertion Over one inch L containing 100 acres: es are new fr .me bgzm. se, meds and out‘m lu- mung ht!e:11:‘.t‘h£0‘.;..x 5mm; 10 ztcxes hav» 1), rest in 9:00 x state a. n. Possess 3n ghen m; 1913. For £11.11“; 1-2. '3'"« in apply on New ‘ To Rent ale. - ( The Board of Trade of the Town rad patent, on certain con’EOf Owen Sound having arranged s gto make a county-wide contribuâ€" tler who has exhausted his; tion of oats and potatoes for thél sad right may take a pm-\ boys at the front, the loyal peOple homestead in certain distâ€" of Glenelg, not wishing to be be- . , ties Pnce 33-“ 99" 3°” D“ ' bind in matters of this kind, will .reside six months in each . :e yearS, cultivate 50 acres consult the several members 0! the act a house. worth $300- bâ€"‘ Council as follows: In Division 1. area 01 cultivation {Isaiah iRobert Lindsay; Division 2, Thos.' 1:211;th 1120335913“? “5:1; gichol: Iii?sionh3,YGeo. shrew;| 00'? - 'v‘sion , ose oun ; ‘vis'o :flbfifimted tor cultivation 5.1 i A. Mcilfllafim. g 1 n certain conditions- d Theszéentlemten $1131 agrange {011- Y CMG ates pain a o e ‘very o 1):th wy. 3‘01:th MW ' ”er 01 contribution made by the loyal Interior. beagle of Glenelg towards a de- ‘ se cause. ~ - ~0de 9953“”; Glenda, September .21, 1914. . . ‘ n .u ,. v..- ,_ w . . 1' ‘ M A I I I ,4“ h _ _‘ 'n‘,J » .. . _ . ' .1 ~‘ -‘ ,,. _- ».- ' W . ' ’ . . a - ~ . a . g. ‘.; _V .L .a ~_.‘.‘ '5, . ~‘.- ‘ I A. ‘ ., “"~~;..--"; ‘ ’3'" ”a '- ,. M o r. A- ~ n'» ._', I -‘3 ...§.~l.~.. -'L_M *r' n ,3; BOIIQD‘L Yearly its 25 can“ for first insert: .-:nd 10 cents for each :h and under two inches. double the above u‘ly rates. on applioamon. ‘FFICEâ€"-0ve1~ J P. 'l‘elford’s office . nearly appusixe the Registry Offiztt'. Resndmwe Second house south of Regisu‘v uf‘fiov rm east side of Albert. Sues-t. ()t’five szms 9-)] 3.111., 2-4 p. m.. 7-9 p. m'. Tvlvphone (tmnumnicw tinn heswwn office and residence at; all hours. ‘ ‘. L'Avu putâ€"v short distance em: étiknapp’s Hotel, Mum ton Street, Lose! Town. Durham ‘fiice hours from 12 m. 3 o'clock HYSICLAN AND SURGEON , 0F [ fice in the New Hunter Block Ofiicpi wars. 8 to 10 a. m. to 4 p. m. and ? :u G r». -n Special attention given to divas-61 of «man and children. Rflsideucee : 'yosita Presbvterian (Thumb. Jrs. Jamieson lamieson. armor: AND RESLDENQQ f3 Late 5.3318th Roy. L¢ hm. md to Golden Sq. {VRADULATF KI York and "hie-Au“ Dimsea of Eye. Ear Nose. and Throat \Vill he at. the» Hahn House. July 2.0 Oct. 19. Nnvembm' 16. Den 2], HUIH‘b, 1 to 5 p.111. f1 ty of Torontu. Graduate R033 2. ailvge Dental b‘xgrgeom 0i Ontano Dentistrx“ m a“ Its- Branches Officeâ€"Over 1301:0135. Jewellerv Scorn )F ‘iOE «, AKRISTEL, b’bbhil'l‘i-)l{ ETD '1 Ufice. nearly upposite the Registry office.Lambtou ‘t..Durh-4m. Anyamoum Jf mouev V- ;oan a? 5 w- mat. on farm oropertv. .‘ er. Gonveyaxmer. 8w. insurance agent. _ Money to Loan. Issuer w? Mal:- nage Lxceuses A general financxal bus:- uess transacted. DURH é. M ONT. (Lower Town.) Hoistein Conveyancer, Issuer of Marriage Licenses. Money to loan at lowest rates, and terms to suit borrower. Fire and Life Insurance pieced in thorn- oughiy reliable compnaies. Deeds. Mortgages. Leases and Wills, executed on shortest notice. Ali work promptly attended to. A. H. Jackson. OTARY PUBLIC. COM MISSION er. Conveyaxxcgr. 8w. lusumnc 500 BUSHELS; SECOND CONCES- sion of Holland. Andrew Shrider . Son, Do-rnoch. Medical 0-1751:va 200 ACRES. LOTS 27, 28, CON. 3. Egremont: two set of buildings good stabling: Water ahead of stock, also piped tohouse and garden: litter carrier in .stable; cement floors; two orchards; Well fenced; 155 acres cleared. balance splendid hardwood tim- 2‘-.. V I-‘S'x‘ ALSO GOOD COMFORTABLE residence and double lot in Vil- lage of Holstein, with stable ‘and every convenience; also 40 cords of 16in. and 20in. hardwood for sale. For particulars apply to J. 1). Mn, Holstein P. 0. '9 17 413d Arthur Gun. 'FST PART OF LOT 28, CON. 1 j W. G R.) adgoining corporation tu' Durham, containing 15 acres 3 mods. t‘ perches of good mud. a]; seeded down with tim- othy; good brick house; hard adj-soft water, barn, orchard, sheds. etc. Apply to T. Haskins or to A. E. Jackson. Durham. ' 10 1 tf ”6.1“qu Ur--.-“â€" â€"â€" _-._ her: first class soil: two miles north of the village of Holstein. For particulars apply to H. H. Miller. Hanover, or J. D. Main, Holstein. Dr. MC. Pickering; Dentist. For Sale or Rent Dental Directorv W. J. SHARP 111118 For Sale DR. BURT. arms For Sale ()s't‘! P. Telford. i, ‘ZfiDON r ' ' (M 1;”?- . ENG. don N 9W London Ophthalmn 9'» £0. Throat and N089 Boa Notice a 117.6 1“ a U"VL 1““; Al-“- â€"â€" v v- The meat industry in Canada should not be allowed to dwindle .-â€"rather. the production of hogs! ‘sheep and cattle on Canadianl farms should be cgreatly.inereased : To obtain this increase does not mean that farmers should devote; p their whole attention to livel .. .stock. The majority of farmersg 'leill admit that with very little! 9~'ef\’tra effort and expense theul B - 0 4 :9 1could increase by several head the giive stock on their farms without â€" Lin any "Way interfering with then fpresent system of farming. , ; From reports to the Commission ’ ;01” Conservation, present conditions °“ 'indicate a' world-wide scarcity oi _ §live stock. with little likelihood of â€"_u-O mand heavy export trade developed to" the south In some districts in eastern Canada, nearly everything has been shipped out of the coun‘ try. except dairy cows. This ‘ex- port trade, together _ with many farmers selling their calves for veal. can have but one result in Canada, viz.. a greater scarcity of meat than at present exists, even in a normal market. H~__._.1. an overcrowded market for manv’; Potatoes, Whiteâ€"'1. Mcun‘r, years to come. "'he opportunity :Edge, W. Leggette. of Canadian farmers is- therefore; ,Potatoes. anvy otherâ€"W. Weir, W apparent. To take advantage oi’Henderson, \V. Grahlmann. ; this, farmers should save theirl Coil. potatoesâ€"J. W. Bivth, J31; heifer calves to produce more cat-ESmi‘th. ' , tie. while the others may be turnq‘ Swede turnipsâ€"D. Edge, ' W,’ ed off. not as veal, but as beef. Leggette. ’ . i Expert stockmen advise that Turnips, any otherâ€"W. Scarf, W.‘ there are good times ahead for Ramage. those raising sheep. 'l'he high, Llanigels, Ion-g redâ€"W. Scarf. price of mutton and of Wool and! MangelS, any otherâ€"W. Leggette the comparative ease with WhiCuiA. Herd. a flock of sheep may be sustained! Field carrotsâ€"W. Scarf. T. ,upon land which is otherwise unâ€"lPetty. !suitable for agriculture, should’i . Sugar man~gels-â€"â€"G. Ritchie, A. :suggest a great increase in 'tlie; 81‘ . . ‘ ‘number of sheep raised by Canadiâ€"3 53113811, {GEdIDgâ€"J. M. Smith, A. an farmers. , [Griersom “Al but .A;v-u. Increased production in hogs can be brought about more quickly! than in any other class of live stock and consequently should re- gceive immediate attention. - : Animal production on the :farm is desirable because it inâ€" }creases the fertility and crop-rais- {ing‘ ability 'of the soil. Good pric- ies are sure to be obtained for any ;surplus which farmers will have ito sell on account of the inevitable lshortage of supply resulting from "iwal' conditions in Europe. These gtwo conditions should be an ill-: icentive to Canadian farmers to lCan-adian farmers to increase their Hive stock production. A little : foresight now, with modern meth- ods of feeding, will make in- '|creascd production easily possible. I The world wide war now being Waged between practically all the civilized nations and which is the! biggest and 'most terrible in the history of the world. has created interest unparalleled. The deâ€" mands of the public for early and prompt reports of the War happen- ings are :such that We have ar: ranged to club The Chronicle with The Toronto World. which will enable the residents of this county to keep in close touch with the :happeningsnin the war zone. .31-;- The World is the only morning paper in Toronto taking the full leased wire COpyrighted service of the Central Nexvs. which is thel most conservative and at the same! time the most reliable neWs serVice in the world. In addition they re.â€" ceive the war cables of The New York World, acknowledged to be among the best published in America. together with the full Canadian Press service and Canâ€" adian Associated Press cable. The Chronicle will publish a weeklyI review of the war news and withl these two newspapers you will be {supplied with every event of in- sterest. ’ The clubbing offer of The Chronâ€" icle and the Toronto Morning World is advertised in another part of 'this paper, and is of Vital interest to :you from an economic 'standpoint, for in view of pre- vailinar conditions this very. ad- vantageous offer may be with- drawn at any time. tf :Arthur.-â€"â€"Oct. ‘7 and 8. :Ayton.â€"Oct. 6 and 7. 'Brussels.-â€"Oct. 1 and 2. 1Dundalk.â€"October 8 and 9. =Feversham.â€"Oct. 6 and 7. EFordwich.â€"-Oct. 3. ;Grand Valley.â€"-Oct. 1 and 2. ‘Lion’s Heaiâ€"Oct. 1 and 2. iMarkdal'er-October 1'3 and 14. gMeaford.â€"Oct. 1 and 2. . ,Owen Sound.â€"Oct. 7-9. *Priceville.-Oct. 1 and 2. ,‘Rocklynr-Oct. 6 and 7. 1 Tara.-â€"Oct. 6 and 7. ' Teeswater.-â€"Oct. 7 and 8. v T‘ivertomâ€"Oct. 6. ‘Wiarton.â€"Oct. 6 and 7. ON OR ABOUT THURSDAY, SEPâ€" tember 24, a hound dog black and white, tan spot over each eye; about .half grown). Reward for information .as to his where- abouts or return to Wm. Ed- wards, Glenel-g, 1PriceVille R. R. ‘A‘n_‘ The above rewarc} will be paid for information leading to the conviction of the parties who cut; the wires, damaged the buildings ! and committed other erged'at‘i'gae THE WORLD-WIDE WAR. “wâ€" v'â€"â€"â€"_ on my rprOperty. the'J. 81 J. Paid laise farm at the Township Hall. Glenelg, on the night of the Gle'nglg Qentre Farmers Club, ‘ “““â€" ‘0 Adâ€" ‘kn meeting» 89'!) No. 1. FALL FAIS. 1914 ”V ‘.m Hound Lost 30 Reward IV” ‘ V Fallwhea 'h t," andâ€"A; Herd. ' . D. Ma‘ttiiéwsf Tm ' ~ ~ ' ‘ Bags, A. D; Edge. . . DgQuiflzi gvilkwcrazy Work-*3- MC" . - __ - _ n-a , ' . eir. v - Spnng..wheat W. W. Ramage. 'Bed spread. knittedâ€"R. Morrison,‘ Buckwheatâ€"G. Ritchie. J. M’atthews. Oats. smart Whiteâ€"A. Edge. W. Bed spread," embroideredâ€"Mun Grahlman'n, W. Ramage. Savage, M‘s- Maurer. ' . - Rag matâ€"A. Anderson, T. Petty. Oats. 10mg Whlte_J'W‘ Blyth, G‘ Knitting men’s socks, fineâ€"Mrs. ‘Ritchie, M. Barber. . Savage“ ._ Oats. blackâ€"W. Grahlman'n, W. Knitting men’s socks, coarseâ€"J. Matthews, A. McDonald. Bamage. ., Knitting men’s mitts, fineâ€"Mrs. t. Earle?“ Slk-I‘OWGdâ€"D. Edge, M°_ Savage, Mrs. W. J. McFadden. iBarbeT- Knitting men’s mitts, coarseâ€"D. E Peas. small whiteâ€"W. Grahlmann A. Campbell, J. Matthews. Knitting women’s mitts. fineâ€" !A d e i .PHer . 13- Egg . JM 8 ith Mrs. Maurer, E. A- Ray. I sas. any 0 91“ - - T ' Knitting women’s .mitts, coarseâ€" i Timothy seedâ€"T. Mc'ail‘r. D. J. Matthews, Mrs. Maurer. .Edge, W. Grahlmann. MDaI‘ging OD SOCkS"A- Anderson __ . . 7 rs. avage. ' ‘1 GFIEIX S€€d J. W . B15 th. “ Ladies, under“,ear_‘v. .5113]? : ra mann. - Mrs. E. W. Limin. I! White beansâ€"W. Grahlmann. M. Buttonhoiesâ€"A. Anderson, J Barber. Mgttheys I. .. ‘- ‘1-‘r- “‘n‘\"nn 1012p Coll. grains, 1 bus. .eachâ€"W Ramage. Coll. grain;s.. in sheafâ€"J.W, Blyth, W. 'Ramage. Adam Robertson and John Mc- Gowan, Judges. CLASS IIâ€"FIELD ROOTS. . Ilea CIULIL‘ CLU-ULUAUCJ.\.AA ;¢a hv‘vp Potatoes, Whiteâ€"T. McGirr, D. ed silkâ€"Mrs. R.J. Richardson, Mrs} Edge, W. Leggette. Maurer. ,Potatoes‘, any otherâ€"W, Weir, W Tea cloth, emb. in whiteâ€"Mrs. J, Henderson, XV, Grahlmann. iTowner. J. Matthews. Coll. potatoesâ€"J, W. Blvth, J.M : Tray cloth, emb. in colored silkâ€" Smi‘th. " 'ers. W. J. McFadden. Swede turnips-D. Edge, * W' Tray cloth, emb. in white~Mrs. - ’Savage, Mis-s E.W. Limin Leggette. , i T b1 1: Turnips any otherâ€"W, Scarf w"! a e cen re 'piece, emb. in color- “ ‘ ‘ “‘ , ’ : ed silkâ€"M. Latimer, Mrs. Maurer . CLASS IIIâ€"VEGETABLES. ;. Coll. vegetablesâ€"OW. Lang, TA, Petty. A. Ramage. ' . I Salsifyâ€"A. Grierson, J.M. Smith. Cauliflowerâ€"“CD. Connor, N, Harvey. Cabbage, early-Mrs. J. Harvey, A. Grrierson. Cabbage, Winterâ€"C.W. Lang, A. ,Herd. Cabbage, redâ€"W.D. Connor, A Grierson. Carrots, longâ€"N. Harvey, '1‘. Petty. . Carrots. shorthornâ€"N. HarVey, Mrs. J. Harvey. Parsnipsâ€"A. Herd. A. Gricrsuon Celery, whiteâ€"A. Ramag‘e, M. Barber. | Radishes. winterâ€"A. Grierson, C. slang. . 'Radishes, summerâ€"W. Hender- son, J. M. Smith. ' Tomatoes, redâ€"J.W. Blyth, J.M. . Smith. - . Tomatoes, f3*e110\g':~}4. Harvey. 11 Smith. Beets, long bloodâ€"A. Grierson, J. M. Smith. Beets, tui'nipâ€"â€"N. Harvey, J. W. Blyth. Onions, from seedâ€"W. Connor, '1‘. McGirr. Onions, silverskinâ€"N. Haney, C. Lang. Potato onions-A. (irierson, T. iMcGirr. Onions. Dutch setâ€"N. Harvey. _ Six onions from Dutch setsâ€"A. Grierson, J. W. Blyth. I Table squash, winterâ€"W. Ramâ€" ia-ge. Squash, bushâ€"J.W. Blyth, A. Grierson. Vegetable marrowâ€"A. Ramage, Yellow pumpkinsâ€"A. Herd, J.M. Smith. Table turnipsâ€"A. Edge. D. Edge. Sweet .cornIâ€"J. M. Smith, M. Bar- ber. My; 0 Yellow melonsâ€"N. Harvey. Watermelonvsâ€"A. Ramage. Citronsâ€"W. Leggette, Matthews. Prank ~Maher and John braith, Judges. CLASS IVâ€"DAIRY PRQPUHCTS; VH¢L~V A v -..â€"- â€". __ _ 301bs. tin-net butterâ€"W. Hender- son, T. H. Binnie, D. Edge, W. Grahlmann. 151bs. crock butterâ€"T. H. Binnie. J. W. Mather, W. Grahlmann. Slbs. butter, in printsâ€"’1‘. H. Bin- nie, J. W. Mather, J.M. Smith. 21bs. fancy printsâ€"T. H. Binnie, J. M'. Smith. ’ Homemade cheeseâ€"_J.‘W. Blyth. ‘fiv puv g..- D. WitC‘arneâ€"ron, Judge. CLASS Vâ€"DOMESTIC PRODUCTS 2 loaves breadâ€"A. Anderson, M.1 Barber. ' . Brown breadâ€"J3. McIlraith, M. Barber. Bakers’ bread-H. Burnett. Loaf from Eclipse flourâ€"R. Bar- ber, A. Anderson. Loaf from Sovereign flourâ€"Mrs. _W.J. McFadden, W. .(g‘rrahhna’nn. U 9 I é" '10‘5‘535“ Ha; Nart'mggt ‘ Gem- M. Barber. . 6 bunsâ€"M. Barber, R. Barber. 6 tartsâ€"H. McDonald, J. WL Mather. ' - Apple pieâ€"J. Mather, A. Herd. Pumpkin ‘pieâ€"J. W. Blyth, N. Harvey. .. Lemon pieâ€"J. W. Blyth, F. S. Sproat. Pie, any otherâ€"H. McDonald, Mrs. W. J. McFadden. Jun. V' a V mova- wwâ€"VW- Fruit cageâ€"Mrs. WJ. McFadden. Mrs. Maurer. . L' ht cakeâ€"ES. Sproat, Mrs. W. J. McFadden. . C‘oll. pastryâ€"Mrs. W.J. McFadâ€" den. A. Anderson. Canned knitâ€"Mrs. W. J. McFadâ€" -l“-wâ€"â€" 011. tomatoesâ€"N. Harvey», W LIST CLASS. VIâ€"LADIES’ WORK; _ Log cabin quiltâ€"T. H. Binnie, A. Camp bell. Quilt. cottonâ€"J. Matthews, Henderson. _ _let. woollenâ€"Mrs. Maurer, Quilt, silk crazy Workâ€"H. Mc- Donflald W. Weir. Bed spread. knittedâ€"R. Morrison J. Matthews. . ‘ “ALA- ovaâ€"anâ€" â€"-â€"_V_ L! Table doylies, elnb. in Whiteâ€"l '1 Mrs. J. Towner, Mrs Richardson. L‘i Sideboard scarf, emb. in colored 'i silkâ€"Mrs. Savage. Sideboard scarf, emb. in whiteâ€"i Mrs. Maurer. i PA, Tea cosy, emb.-â€"â€"E. Limin._ Mrs _ Richardson. h. Tea cosy, any otherâ€"~31rs. ‘Mau- N', rer. Mrs. '1 owner. Sofa cushion, emb.~â€"Mrs. Maurcr, y, E.A. Hay _ Sofa cushion. laceâ€"Mrs. Richardâ€" A, son, Mrs. Maurer. v-wâ€" Knitting men’s mitts, fineâ€"Mrs. Savage, Mrs. W. J. McFadden. Knitting men’s mitts, coarseâ€"D. A. Campbell, J. Matthews. Knitting women’s mitts. fineâ€"- Mrs. Maurer, E. A. Hay. Knitting women’s mitts, coarseâ€" J. Matthews, Mrs. Maurer. Darning on socksâ€"A. Anderson. Mrs. Savage. ‘ '7' A |‘_-- 0"- Iv Ladies’ underwearâ€"W. Allan. Mrs. E. W. Limin. Buttonhoiesâ€"A. Anderson, J. Matthews. Laundry bagâ€"Mrs. Maurer. Fancy towelsâ€"W. Weir, Mrs.i Savage. 1 'Work apronâ€"Mrs. Maurer. A. Anderson. Slippers. knitted-Mrs. Maurer. Slippers, crochetâ€"A. McDonald, Mrs. Maurer. ' Tea cloth, embroidered in color- ed silkâ€"411's. R.J. Richardson, Mrs. Table centre piéce. emb. in‘ white-«Mrs. W. J McFadden, Mrs. J. Towner. - _ ‘ ‘ U Table dovlies, emb. in colored silkâ€" \lrs. Richardso_n._ There is more catarrh in this section of the country than all other diseases put together, and until the last few years, was sup- posed to be incurable. For a great many years doctors pro- nounced it a local disease and prescribed local remedies. and bv constantly failing to cure With local treatment, pronounced it incurable. Science has proven ca- tarrh to be a constitutional dis- ease and therefore requires consti- tutional treatment. Ball’s Catarrh Cure, manufactured bv F. J _Chen- ev Co., Toledo, Ohio, is the only constitutional cure on the market. It is taken internally. from 10 drops to a teaspoonful. It acts directly on the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. They offer one hundred do‘llai‘as for 1‘-.. ‘Lw.’ v-“v- vuv â€"â€"__ anv case it fails tdâ€"eâ€"uâ€"re. Send for circulars and testimonials. Address F. J. CHENEY 8: 00., Toledo, Ohio. Sold by Druggists, 75c. Take Hall’s Family Pills for con- stipation. Mens’ livings come from FARMS, Beef sells up Lu $9 00 per (:wt. Pork to 31510.0(). Market authorities believe these prices win r-ontinne. WAR 0R PEACE MEN MUST LIVE (‘Yj 9», :5» .1 H.211. MILLER, the Hannver Con- veyancer, nfi'm-s some GREAT BARGAINS in Farm Lands in Beutinck.Egremnnt. Normanby. Garrick. Brant and West- ern Provinces. Send for List. “' J"“ "'" ‘ ""' ’ ' - to any large sum, [1. fl. MILLER will in- vest it for you on good mortgage security and charge you nothing. \Vhy invest your money with Sharks in Western town or city lots? 01’ why havehitlying at 3 per cent. when it might as well earn you twice as much -2. â€"----:-:‘---v J lulfitlu cur vv LIA. yew. .. ,' - _. _ â€" on first rate land mortgage security ‘81 Have some sense. Let Mr. Miller in-1 vest your money on a good mortgage. Farm and Town properties exchang- ed. If you wish to BUY or SELL. BOR-' ROW or LEND it. will PAY YOU WELL to ;write or phone [1. fl. MILLER, ’or better i still hitch up and go and see him. AfiMLKNBS. Take a mu. BUY now. fl.fl. MILLER, Hanover This must mmm If you have ANY MONEY from $300 Up I llll l Pl} ...211 :.~ THE Continued on page HIGH PRICES fur -‘ D I? S. Snbsc: y. Rates 8 â€"-$1.50 ' too whic {she nun J. coutum vnvvr‘r. "5- Advel n nates D- qucnt, cards. â€". MW!“ 1 Is PUBLISHED l- VERY THURSDAY mommm ! 42 the Chronicle Printirg Fouse Gamfraxa Street. {HE BUHHAM CHRBNKCLE ' ' Tax CHRONICLE will be sent u Snbscnptldn any address. free 01 postage, 101 Bates 81 caper yearmayablein admoo -â€"$1.50 may be charged if not so paid. The date to which ever} ~ ubscription ie paid iu denoted by the numbev m the address label. Kn paper (19 coutumm' to all arrears are paid. exoept at :1" D"? mrv of the proprietor t' in For tranmgnt adwztmngx u- Adver 18 g cgnts pet lme for the tirat muse: Rates . - Mon: 3 came. per line each who: quept insertion 7 minion measure. i‘rotansiom cards. not. exceeding one inch $4.00 per annum Advertisemems without specific directions wil be published till forbid a! 1 chm 20d acmpmxngly Tmnsie at noucesâ€" ‘L( St. ’ ‘ :F‘ound.‘ “For Sale. etaâ€"~50 cents for first insertion. 25 cents for we! aubneq uent i martian. Alladvertisements ordered by strangers muv be naid for in advance. Contract mugs {or genuy adveruaements fut nished on application to the oflice. MBELL U N DERTAKER and Funeral Directer DURHAM.0NTQ UN DERT AKING 5' WW‘OawW‘g ”my“ a... ‘. Full line of { 3atholic Robes, and b19wk and w hibe (hips for aged people. Lama Frammg (m. sham; zmtz'ce. SHuw RUUMS~NexL to Swallow' m «9.! ‘bx‘x‘ M41». «2:. ~aIâ€"N. Bm'bex-Shup. RESIDENCEâ€"Ne: doorSuuth 01’ \V. J. Lawrence's blacksmith shop. Mr. M . Kress has npexwd a shop at: the rem- of the furniture snow room and is prepared N) do all kinds of tinsmit-hing. Undertaking receives special attention ' EDITOR. AND PROPRIETOR Rugs, Oilcloths Window Shades Lace Curtains and all Household Furnishings FURNITURE? A CLEARENG of Miss White Waists Embalming a Specialty NEW GOODS is now open in Central Business College. Tomato. and in each of its Six Branches. Free Catalogue ex- pkxins courses. W’ribe for a. copy. 1“ _. 73-4. :Ann" ”ALIA EDWARD KRESS PIGIUD bus.» uvv- ,_ _ __ _ ‘ ' W. H. 'haw, Prebident. Head Offices 393 Yonge Street. Toronto. in Silk Lisle. Lisle, Mercer'- sed Cotton. a!so in \Vhite. \Vhite Catt/0n Socks for Children “Little Darling Hose” And some good values in Black and Colored Silks just in Come and See Us if in need of anv- thing in our line \Ve have a, few \Vztis‘ts left 2Lh0ut30 in all which we will seil as follows: AM Will this bank ’dnwfiehighatmmd ”Wihhmhfp-flatbe AUTUMN SESSION C. L. GRANT W. IRWIN $2.00 \Vajsts for $1 .50 1.50 \Vaists for 1 .20 1.25 \Vaists for 1 .00 TlNSMITHlNG Another Shipment Of Woman’s Hose those are in sizes 34. :56. :gSQ 4". 42 October 1, 1914. and 44 inches AND 1878 njeasu re. i‘rot‘aaeiom

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