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Durham Chronicle (1867), 1 Oct 1914, p. 3

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.+.????? ....+..:.:...? Pillow Shams, emb.â€"E.A Hay, E. Limin. ouLOV.V Lo. .8. Continued from Daze 2. Mrs. Maurer. Handkerchiefâ€"Mrs. Richsu Pin cushion, emb.â€"Mrs. Richard-:15. Limin. son. Mrs .Towner. ' Drawn workâ€"Mrs. Townen Pin cushion, lace-M. Latimer {Richardson Mrs. Maurer. 1 i Nettingâ€"Mrs. Towner, Toilet setâ€"E. Limin. Savage. Five crochet table matsâ€"Mrs. Battenburg laceâ€"Mrs. Town Maurer. Limin. Shirt Waist, emb.-â€")l. Latimer. Point laceâ€"Mrs. Towner. MPS- Savage. Knitted laceâ€"J. Matthews, Shadow embroideryâ€"E. Limin. Maui-ex Wallochin embroideryâ€"Mrs. SaVâ€" Punch workâ€"M. Latimer. 51:13. E. Limin‘. Maurer. Eyelet embroideryâ€"Mrs. Rich- ardson, E. Limin. Regular $18 for $14 Regular $15 for $11 50 Regular $12 for $8 50 DURING THE MONTH OF H. H. ENGEL (i: 00. OCTOBER HANOVER AT COST ALL MEN’S SUITS Piilow Shams, any otherâ€"W October 1, 1914‘ SOUTH GREY PRIZE LIST DON’T FORGET Gigantic Sale 120 Sweater Coats E++é¢+éé+++éé+é¢%+%+é+++++¢éé+é+$é%éééé+%é++d In Conclusion I say to every Man. Woman and Child, I have gone to great expense to get this specialist here for the benefit of the EYE and HEADACHE sufferers of the surrounding tilef‘iCC. The old system of trying on glasses and the confusing entirely done away with. This SPECIALIST “LOOKS INTO THE EYE” and scientifically measures the defects and corrects chem in a vex-37 few minutes. As I said before, I am taking this s of sight testing in order to cary on the successful work that this specialist will start. Many headaches {trecaueegi by defecrivn, Vision. Many children are suffering- fmm defective vision unmnqnimm When Engel‘s Say Soâ€"â€"lt Is So l have made arrangements with FREDERICK W. MAYOR, of Toronto, to take a special advanced course in the SHADOW TEST SYSTEM OF EYESlGHT TESTING. This uwnns exactly what, it savs. En- tir‘) S’()f3k ¢'»f2'.)69l1its Headaches Cured In Most Cases HE LOOKS INTO THE EY E Come one, come alk- MORNING, AFTERh DON, .30 a.m. to i p.m. 2 p.m. to'6-p.m. - 0- T.WN~ v v Jéweler. and . Opt," A f. Mayor doés busir ess at our §tbre ONLY, :0 bewar Consultation Free CLASS Xâ€"FRUIT. Apples, Alexandersâ€"T. Petty, \V. Ramage. Colvertsâ€"W. Livingston, J. writing, N.B.c'. contestâ€"M. Ha- ley. Writing, 2nd classâ€"J. McNab, S. Grierson, K. Davis, R. Livingston Writing, 3rd classâ€"V. Reay, M. New ell, VelVy Reay, M. Whitmoxe. “ riting, 4th classâ€"M. Haley, E. Rea), M. Adlam, S. Adlam Map Co. Grey, 2nd classâ€"M. Rid- dle. Burnt wood workâ€"E. Limin, Mrs Mam-er. SPECIAL FOR SCHOOL CHILD’N :«:~~2--§.+-:-~:~+4~ Pen anduink sketchâ€"Mrs. Savage Mrs. Maurer. Painting an ahinawareâ€"Mrs Maurer. Painting on veliv'etâ€"M. Latimer. Mrs. Savqge._ Painting in water colors. landg scapeâ€"Mrs. Savage, Mrs. Maura-r Painting in water colors, fruit or flowersâ€"Mrs. Savage, Mrs. Maurer Painting in water colors. animals â€"M. Latimer, Mrs. Savage Painting on satin or silkâ€"M. Latimer, Mrs. Savage. Crayon drawingâ€"Mrs. Maurcr, M. Latimer. Painting in India inkâ€")1. Lat- imer, Mrs. Maurer. Painting in oil, fruit or flowels â€"-Mrs. Savage. Painting in oil, landscapeâ€"M. Latimer, Mrs. Savage. CLASS VIIâ€"CHILDREN’S WORK Gggmggggf‘ Dressed dollâ€"W. Grahlmann. . Wealthyâ€"l Crochet in.cotton-â€"Mrs. SaVagE. Baldwinâ€"J Piece of fancy workâ€"Mrsjavagel Ben Davis Darning on stockingsâ€"A. Ander- Edge. son. . ? TolmanKSQl ButtonholeSâ€"A. Anderson. J. “ J.W. Mat er Mather. ' . Standard. ; Layer cakeâ€"A. Herd. lMorrison. Tea biscuitsâ€"RS. Sproat, J S.| Crabsâ€"8.} McIlraith. g Plums, Lox Marie Galbraith. Viola )Icfda- McLean. hon, J.W. Blyth. Judges i Slums. an) ‘ 3 01 .. CLASS VIIIâ€"FINE ARTS. .Har‘vimpears Pencil draWingâ€"Mrs. Savages Winter pee Mrs. Maurer. ;Barber. Drawn workâ€"Mrs. Towner, Mrs. Richardson. Nettingâ€"Mrs. Towner, Mrs. Savage. _ .Bqttenburg laceâ€"Mrs. Towner, E. Henderson. Work bag, fancyâ€"E. A. Hay Mrs. Maurer. Handkerchiefâ€"Mrs. Richardson Mrs. (Rev.) Kendell, N W. Campbell, Judges. $6"?+$+~§+$M+éééé+++$+++~I~+é°§u§°§°éé+°§~§°++€~++++4n§°§°+++§+++~I‘+++*I"§”I"I~-§~E~ $¢+++éé+éé+é4~éé++++++++m ‘2"!-‘1-{niuf‘{'€‘+-I-+++++-?~§~++°§°%W "§°-}°+'§°+Ԥ"§°+°§°'§°~I~+'§‘%'§°'§‘~I"§"i‘++'i"§°+%°§'I*°§*+°§°-§‘+é+$+$+++++$++é+é€~+~Â¥4~§~i~+{fink-Z":- '§"§”§"§°'§“§"§'°§”§“§“§'°§"§"§°'§"§“§"§"§"§”§"§"§’++'§"§°4”§°'§”§”K~é?~§°°§"l”i‘+'§'°I"}"I"§”§“§-'§"}°}°W’ ‘ Mrs. Petty, J. S. M’cIlraith ‘ ' HORSES. Ivy geranium, \ariegatedâ€" C. CLASS XVIIIâ€" HEAVY DRAUGHT Lang, Hugh McDonald. % Brood mare uith foalâ€"W. Baker r. Oleanderâ€"T. Petty, J. S Mc- G. Ritchie. Ilraith. ' Foal of 1914â€"W. Baker, 3. Ivyâ€"T. Petty, Hugh McDonald. Ritchie. Hibiscusâ€"J. S.Mc11raith. N Har-' Filly or gelding, 1 yearâ€"G. vey. Ritchie, H. McLean. T. McGirr - Arnarylisâ€"Mrs. W. J McFadden Filly or gelding, '7 yearsâ€"'W. Tricolor geraniumâ€"H, Manonald Hugh McDonald. Ivy geranium, plain leafâ€"T. Pgtty, J. S. McIlraith Sin‘glé' geranium. any other .var- @1353. McDonald, CLLang L'oll. beéonias, floweringâ€"T. Petty, C. Lang. Coll. coleusâ€"A. McDonald, C Firth. Coll. six foliage plants--Hugh McDonald; C. Lang. Double geranium, whiteâ€"A. Mc- Donald, H. McDonald. Double geranium, any other \ar- ie‘Eyâ€"T. Pettv. C. Firth ° Single geranium. whiteâ€"C. Lang T. Petty. Coll. single geraniumsâ€"T. Pettv, C. Lanig Coll. scented geraniumsâ€"N. Har- \ey, T. Petty. L011. begonias,f10weringâ€"T. Petty, C. Lang. Coll. Coleusâ€"A. McDonald, C Firth. Coll. house plants, 12 varietiesâ€"- N. Harvey, J. S McIlraith. Coll. house plants, 6 varieties-â€" C. Firth, H. M'cDon-ald Coll. double geraniumsâ€"T. Petty. A. McDonald. Coll. hothouse\ plants, 20 varie- tiesâ€"C. Lang. C011. house plants, 20 varietigsâ€" T._P_etty. , W infer pearsâ€"A. S. Hunter,‘\M Barber. Chris. Filth, Judge. CLASS XTâ€"PLALTS. Standard. 21.0 k «--W. Scarf, P Morlison. Crabsâ€"S. Puthex bong h. Plums, Lombaldâ€" A. g‘Ramag'e, H. McLean. Plums. am Otherâ€"D. Edge. C011. pearsâ€"J. Marshal], Mls J_. Hanev. L. All parents to avail themselveg OfthlS()ppOItl;nltV CONSULT TH E SPECIALIST. THE DURHAM CHRONICLE. Glasses not prescribed unless needed WEDNESDAY AND SATURDAY EVENINGS 7 p.m,‘t0 9.30 p.m; ' v-“ ------- , .. Mawâ€"n. muuxa u .- w , ' ‘ ars or ve -- ‘= '- CLASS XVIIâ€"DUCKS GEESE. .1 and 2, W. Leggette. L “ 12ml 2.4 we P r 3’“ l“? Pekin drakeâ€"C. Lang 1 and '3’. 3 Heifer. 1 S'Qarâ€"D. RObinSOIL. W. 2 Shearling eweâ€"Al. Muir. ‘ Pekin duckâ€"C. Lang 1 and 2. iLlVlnigStOD, W. Leggette. Ewe lambâ€"A. Mir. 7 Rouen drakeâ€"C. Lang. DDCkâ€"g Heifer calfâ€"D. Robinson, J.Hahn. Penâ€"A. Muir.~ .3“ ~ ,4: C, Lang. . gW. Livingston. ' Fat sheepâ€"H. Herd, A. Pat-ha Drake, a.o.vâ€"C .Lang. Duckâ€"F." Herdâ€"W. Livingston. Muir. I Lang. - .,HE~REF.ORDS. _ John Wright, Judge. Emden gander-J). Lang, { Bull, anyageâ€"A. S. Hunter. : . , - . , Toulouse gander-C. Lang. Goose; COWâ€"A. S. Hunter, 1. 2. 3. , , ‘ SWINE. " ' (‘5. Lang. - I Herdâ€"A. S. Hunter. XORhSHIRh- -' ,- ’a C. Firth; Judge. gAYRSHIRE. Boar any ageâ€"R. Herd. . 2 Cowâ€"J. W. Blyth. ' Breeding sowj-R. Herd 12: . HORSES. .POLLED ANGUS. Palr Spring pigsLW. Conniith CLASS XVIIIâ€"HEAVY DRAUGHT: Bull, any ageâ€"J. Marshall, H. 940909.31‘1- « ‘33:; 1. Brood mare with foalâ€"W. Baker.’ Hunt, R. Herd. ‘ 1AM“ OKTH- t .4 G. Ritchie. . Cowâ€"H. Hunt 1 and 2. , Boar, .any ageâ€"IL Hunt‘ 18:72.“? at; Foal of 1914â€"W. Baker, Cu? Heifer, 2 yearsâ€"H. Hunt. l Breeding SUWâ€"H. Hunt my, Ritchie. a Heifer, 1 year--H. Hunt 1 and 2 Par spring pigsâ€"H. Hunt. ‘1' Filly or gelding, 1 yearâ€"G.‘ Herdâ€"H. Hun-t. ‘ Pair b30011 hogsâ€"H. ' Hunt, i Ritchie, H. McLean. T. McGirr JERSEY. .McDonald, W. Connor. “‘1' Filly or gelding, :2 yearsâ€"’W. Cow -T. Petty. R. Burnett. J. R. Philp, R. Brunt, Judgemfl ‘ CLASS XIIâ€"FLOWERS. / Snap dragons-C Firth Mrs. J Harvey. Verbenasâ€"C Fixth,N - . Haney ZinniaSâ€"Hugh McDonald T. Petty. ‘ CLASS XIVâ€"POULTR Y. CHICK’b Co-chinsâ€"N. Harvey 1 and '2. Bantamsâ€"1N. Harvey. Ph‘zox Drummondiâ€"N. HarVey Hugh 'McDonald. Phlox perennialâ€"N. Harvey, C. LaDIg. Pansiesâ€"C. Firth, (j. Lang _S_t0cksâ€"C. Firth. Hugh McDon- ald. Bouquet, house flowersâ€".18. Mc- Ilraith, Hugh McDonald. Table Ornament, e:3';er;:ne-â€"T. Petty.’ - Rosesâ€"C. Lang, C. Firth Astersâ€"C. Firth. N. qu‘vev thliasâ€"C. Firth. '1‘. Petty Dianvthusâ€"C. Firth. N. Harvey Gladioliâ€"C. Fiz'fh. J.S McIlrmth. Larkspurâ€"T. McGirr, T. Petty MarigoidSâ€"Hugh McDonald. T, Petty. B011 uet any flowelsâ€"I. S. Mc- Ilraith HuO'h McDonald. Display open air flowersâ€"T. Pet- ty. W. Grahlmann. Bduquet. large Vaseâ€"J. 8. Mc- ILrai’th. Hugh McDonald. Tuberoseâ€"J. S. McUraith. N Harvey. Rose in bloomâ€"C. Lana. f Heliotropeâ€"N Harvey C. Firth Cockscombâ€" N. Harvey. Hanging basketâ€" (‘ Lang, T. Petty. _ ‘ A. Ramage. ' Double fuchsiaâ€"131215112111. SinO‘le fuchsiaâ€"13133811211], A. McDonald. ‘Abutilonâ€".T,.S McIlraith. C Lang. galsamsâ€"N HarVey, H. McDon- a1 Hydrangeaâ€"W. Grahlmann, C. Lang. Calceolariaâ€"HuO'h McDonald, H McDonald. Mrs. Ernst. J udge. .vâ€"â€"-.-‘ -4--- F 5 cuoo' “U1“ a] DDS I“ I6 rents chem in a very few minutes As I said before, I am, bakin , , - 2; this s ecial advanced s stem vmon. Many children are suffering from defective vision unconsciouslg, therefore I appial to “\Y'fl'l n 1 f v 367:; E Cowâ€"J. Hahn, G- Ritchie, W : Livingston. 5‘ Hei‘fe_r,"2_ yearsâ€"_W. LivingStOn SHORTHORNS. Bull calfâ€"W. Livingston, W Leggette 2 and 3. Span horsesâ€"A. Grierson, J Hahn, J. Pickett. CLASS XXIIâ€"Horses IN ACTION Lady driverâ€"Mrs. F. S. Sprout Miss Moprison, Miss Ritchie. ' Quick hitch-hpâ€"T. H Higher, Campbell; A. Edge. CLASS XXIâ€"COACH OR CAK- RIAGE. Foal ISMâ€"H. Hunt. Filly or gelding 1 yearâ€"t2 Ritchie. Filly or adding 2 yearsâ€"'3. Rifchie, S_. Putherbough, H. Hunt. Span horsesâ€"W. Grahlmann, D l Smellie, D.A. Campbell ’ I 1 CLASS XXâ€"ROADSTERS. Brood mare with foalâ€"J. Cooper, J. M. Smith, W. G. Grahlmann. ' Foal 1914â€"J. M. Smith. W Sterne, J. Cooper. Filly or gelding 1 yearâ€"~T. Lauden Filly or Gelding '2 yearsâ€"JAIL Smith. Saddle horseâ€"J.W. Blyth. A Greenwood. Single'driving horseâ€"C. Alton, R Culliton. J. D. Roberts Span horses-â€"J. O. G-reemvo<_;d. Filly or gelding .1 yearâ€"W. Leggette, J. W. Mather, R Barber. Filly or gelding 2 yearsâ€"A. Greenwood, W. Grahlmann, ’1‘. Mc- Girr. Brood mare with foalâ€"H. â€"i\1c- Lean, M. Barber. Foal 1914â€"H. McLean J. Marsh- all, M. Barber. Span h‘orsesâ€"Wiwfiaiier, S. Puth- erboug'h, R. Barber. CliASS _ XIXâ€"AGRICULTURAL. Baker, A. Edge, A. Green-Wood Mare or gelding, 3 yearsâ€"A. 1391516. 81 Putherfigugh, Children’s Eyes Our Speéialty SHADOW TEST SYSTEM Prices Reasonable CATTLE. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED Ram lambâ€".A. Muir, B.- Park. g .3}. u ‘ Ewe 2 shears or ove ‘ 1 6.: 3 R. Herd. Shearling eweâ€"A. M. :7 Herd. .. Ewe lambâ€"A. Muir, ~ Herd. - Pen-.A. Muir. CO'l‘SWOLD. Ewe, 2 shears or. 1 and 2. 2 Shearling eweâ€" Ewe lambâ€".A. Penâ€"A. Muir. d .“ Fat sheepâ€"H. Her , A. Park, . Muir. ( ' John Wright, Judge. .55; SWINE. ~ ‘ v 7â€" â€"' YORKSHIRE. . v . 3* Boar any ageâ€"R. Herd. - 2-. Breeding sowâ€"R. Herd 12. ,, I Pair spring pigs"â€"W. Connor. A. Barn, :2 shears or ovenâ€" R. Herd. Shearling ramâ€"A. Muir; R. Herd. Ewe, ‘2 vshears or avg: ingston, H. Brigham 2 I Sheariing eweâ€"W. Livi Brigham 23. Eue lambâ€"W. Livinugs H.}511<rham. Penâ€"W. Livingston. LEICESTER. annuran 1513. :r Ram. '2 shears or q BriO'h 1m 1 and ‘23 W Shearling ramâ€"H. BH :2, \\ Li\ingston.;. D Ram lambâ€"11.5 ingston :2 and 3. SHROPSHIRE. OXFORDS. Ram. 22 shearsâ€"W1 Shearling ramâ€"W 1 Ram lambâ€"W. Patel! Exxme ‘2 shears or ow Son, 1, ‘2, 3. - Shearling eweâ€"W. ‘1 1 2. A. Herd. Ewe lamb- W. Patmi Herd. Milk cou :Wa Com Heifer, 1 vear-j-J ‘ Heifer calf-R. Be; Steer, 2 years-11’u Steer, 1 yearâ€"31W Fat animalâ€"W'. L1 Hunter. J. R. Philp, R. I SHEEP. Penâ€"\V. Paton 2.. £3?

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