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Durham Chronicle (1867), 1 Oct 1914, p. 4

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l After a ve1V enjovable Visit 11;; the Pacific Coast. Mr. and VIILV. J l I A. Brown returned last week 1111 l ' are still the recipients of 111111.3': welcomes from their numerous friends in tOVV'n and vicinitv nur- - ing the trip extending 0V er six ’91- seVen VVeeks, they Visited many important VVestern tOVV ns and cities and renewed acouaintances “iéll :1 number of former friends andxac- quaincances. They saw the e\\’\cl‘ genial John Kilmer at Victoria, Dr Roy Gordon, son of the late Aale' (wrdon. at Field B.C., Chas. Leavens. Oscar, Emerson and! Bethel Kin-nee, all former resiâ€"' dents of Durham‘ but now fixtures! in our gre eat most western heritag; Amongst the places Visited are Winnipeg. Regina, Saskatoon, L'd- monton, Calgary. Victoria and . Vancouver At Regina. they hadl a pleasant visit at Government House, the home of Governor \George Brown, of Saskatchewan, a cousin of Mr. Brown. Our return- ed tourists are looking hale and 'heartv after such a- pleasant rest u..â€" m”. 'The' German forces are evidentl» I aware they are in a losing gan1:.l and one of their great aims is til cause as much destruction as 110? sible. Thev make use of all means; at their disposal determine-:1 to; win by methods either foul (r! fair. Thev show no regard for tht . proprieties of War. The\ min:o t‘n seas where they can, without legit- imate consideration of other 11a~ tions, whether at war or in a% state of neutrality. They haxe no. regard for honfn': in fact thev I never. had from the leginning off the 913151719 Red Cross, 1e31, cc‘c- i by all other civilized nations.1 ly no" respect £10111 ' ies. 'lh'e Red ,security and even a: 1 rted Show that ' ”(landed Germa soldiers have demeratelx shot down the 101‘ Cross nurses \\ ho stmo‘ht to (rive them comfort. 1 l l I l extra! C St. In the east the Russians are moving on.” The) are mm- 9 Eu;- mfl in théitMi: 'VL .nf .L3 {21 in The German navy is still hid b9- hind her fortifications, and the British fleet is only too 2111\i >u to ghrgve th‘m in the open so it i§ no cowardice, but prudence on fie. part of the British fleet. not gto dmout of their hiding and the ever varying changes of the climate and scenery through| which they passed. From. the exalted opinion Mr. Brown has formed of the west, it will be no surprise if he should decide soon to make his home there. We don’t feel like giving up good citizensn but it they leave to better their conditions we should never blame them for doing so. However, as Mr. Brown says farming is the only avocation he could engage in there, and as he claims to be a poor farmer, it may be some time before he leaves his comfortable home here. ' ies in West. it Mus: 'm' . ed, hOWeVer. that the ‘ j figfitmg strength of (301'- is being directed against :12; 5nd! and British forces. 'i‘n; y e fighting. but \\ 1th 2111 their rength, and all their preparation tey are sure to be defeated. VARNEY. We are pleased to report that Mr. Richard Barber, who accident- ally broke a bone in his right ankle a few weeks ago, is able to be around with the aid of crutches. Mir. Alf. McCabe has started to prepare for winter by laying in a six-ton supply of coal last Thurs- ”‘1‘. All. Aubvuvv -- â€" â€" vwâ€" - - --vâ€"â€"v' â€"wâ€" â€" prepar for winter by laying in a Mayor Martin of Montreal was dainty wedding supper was serv-l six-ton supply 0f coal laSt Thurs- ’presented With a. purse Of $10,- ed and the the evening Was pleas- day. . 000 and a gold-headed €311,335 3 antly spent with music and other' Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Wllton, and testimonial of the confidence plac- entertainment. The guests from a daughter 031'?in and Mrs. Wm. Ed in him. He said thefmoney distance were: the‘ groom’s par- Grant, took in the concert at would be used to alleviate distress ents, MI. and Mrs. J, Leader, Dromore 133‘: 1‘11“”an and 1:990“ this winter. . fir. and * Mrs. J. McPherson, Mrs. having spent an enwyable tune. The Duchess of Connau ht has Jag. Blackburn! and, Miss Jennie Mrs. Leeson. Sr» of Mt- Forest, received a cheque for 32 857-7 7 Blackburn; all of Mt. Forest. Mr. ' ° ' ' relatives in this village. from the officers of the Can dial! and. Mrs. Leader left on Friday for M‘ Metho-q Women’s Hospital Ship Fund. 0! ._th.e.i." new home, .at London, . the _ __._ ---d L- L‘. HOME FROM Tm? WEST W' E itm Mtmeorietnr. P“ that“ past Week has Nimbus pull. Each fig with all the deter- its 1 command. The Aiane has been in Jinn-1v three \\ 90k ‘* wecisive has gig)“: 'trugg-l’e. The 1, aiming ground but the E‘ WAR .HRUNEU Show that: Rheumatic Complications Checked! soldiers haVn! and the “Human Sewers” Re- I stored. gwn the led. - § _ r o ‘ ' I l the Kidneys, Bowels and Smn‘ Vamoht o v'vc: ° ’a h t '4 are the “human sewers” Which: :carry off the impurities in the, 1‘ g lood. When these‘are clogged: Iussians my; Uric Acid sediruent lodges in “the: are mm'e cu_?r{m59195 and 10mts and Rheuma-z : ‘1 ‘ ztxsm follows. RHEUMA, the great! '1':"‘L’4“-‘i“'t5 Uiilillrcmedy for all forms of the ter- ast. It mm»: by} rible disease, checks the depOSit of‘ 'er. that thelumc Amd. . rno'th of (“ml :‘For many. years I suffered *" _‘ "“ lW’lth Rheumatism. I am 71 years N911 113111351 {its old, but am proud.to say that af- forces. 'iht y'iter using one bottle of RHEUMA with all ”Haunthe Rheumatic pains are entirelv 10h, 7‘r“b"r'1"'u gone. I daily.recommend.RHEU- “ -’ ‘-“ ‘“ “iMA to my friends.”vâ€"Wilhs Goff e defeated. lBridgeburg, Ont. A "‘ _L__.._ 1, 1914. a visitor at the fair. 1 R'. J. Ball, M.P., of Hanover, was! ‘ Mrs. Beggs of Linwood visited speeding contests on fair day. Miss Rita Irwin returned, last Thursday after visiting for 'three .or four weeks with friends in Tor- onto. Newmarket and Thornbury Editor MacKenzie of Paisley gave us a short-call on Thursday llast while in town at the bowling I match 'râ€"Le-..‘ ‘ 131“ UV I Dr. .Jamieson went to Toronto Monday to be present at the fun- eral obsequies of the late Premier Whitney. _ _ - ‘I ‘ - A IV lAAVoow y o Mrs. M. Y. Legate of London is visiting: her brother-in-law and siste r-in- -Law, Mr. and Mrs. Thus Haskins. " ‘ 1 t Llaaal;nao Mrs. Wm. Aitkinus, her son and daughter. of Markdale, visited Mr. and Mrs. John Carson and stayed over for the fall fair ,__. _, ‘ 58 Advance RHEUMA WILL STOP URIC ACID DEPOSIT. 1 Mr. D. Ldge was in Holstein on :Tuesday. judging some of the exhibits at the fair there. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. McMillan of .Alliston. and Mr. Robt. Moffat of lToronto, are guests of the Moffat “LA“nwvu-nl Macfarlanevâ€"éi Co. will return your money if it fails; 50 cents a bottle. G1 Miss Nona Willi ms is spending a week with frien s in Toronto. Mrs. A. Hooper of the south line was visiting her brother, Mr. T Greenwood lagt week. C -‘O \‘I vv ‘1‘, v‘ w§e\.l\1r. Whaley is holding a pun er meeting in the Grange Ha ‘1‘ this Tuesday e\ening._ -- I‘I p LLLI- ux-rv-v... . -_____h 311'. and Mrs. Thos. Bothwell of Albeiti are \isitino' among the Green“ 00:! families _this \\ eek family at present. Mrs. C. Williams had the mis- fortune one evening last week to fall down stairs and fracture her wrist. Mr. A. Greenwood had his silo filled on Thursday and Mr. C. H. Moffat is having his filled tO-day, Tuesday. Mr. R. J. McGillivray had both contracts. The town of Kenora a carriage library. The officers of the newly-form- ed Berlin. Ont. city regiment. have. been announced. 1 Essex county residents have of- fered to raise and fully equip wihtin a month a regiment of 1.000 French-Canadian soldiers fOr active service. John McKinnon, manager of the. east end branch of the Union Bank at Hamilton. and John M'unn. a relative. Ahave __been arrested. A Vauv- charged with theft. . The Finance Department re- ports that up to August 31. Dom- inion notes amounting to $750,000 had been issued under the emer- gency legislation of the war session. The Department of Trade and Commerce will organize an adver- tising campaign embracing the whole Dominion. to increase the! consumption of Canadian apples; § When the evaporator of A. E. Robinson Co. at Ingersoll was destroyed by fire Saturday night the damage amounted to $4,023 Gurdit Simgh the Vancouver Hindu. convicted of making bombs was sentenced to four years penal servitude and his‘ ' companion to two years; - ‘ ‘ I ~ ~-- LL . Alfred Floyd, deserter from the Worcestershire regiment, England, who gave himself up at London. Ont. has been ordered to'prooeed to London and report at militarv headquarters.” ‘ PERSONAL EDG G E HILL. is spending is to haw? cam-m Hurrah for the Skies The Rex“. Dr. Marsh,$3.1).,F.R.A.S.,flolstein ~â€"C0.‘2HNGâ€"* ' 001319 see thme m'fiing “ondm-s that, people immensxtv The Giant J upiter with his belts and moons Saturn the Queen Hf space. with .her tings and muons - Max's with her snow caps and waLcr- way .< Our Old Mom), with her hiils. valleys, 01d volcanrmcs and sat beds The Sun mu- orh of day wit.) his spots faculav. rice grains, and great fires, “H.000 miles hlgh By Lime Light you will sit at, the eve. piece of the greatest Telescopes in the wurld and see, far beyond mur- tni vision the Stars by the mil- lions Under the auspices of the \Vomerfs Insrltute The above. features give an ouLline of the insWnctive and entertaining Lime Light Talk, to he glven 1n the Admission 25c School Children 150 FRI DAY, OCTOBER 9, ’ l4 OW'EN SOUND FAIR. OCT. 7-9. Owen Sound Fair, the County Town Show, which takes place on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday of nekt week, promises to be the best yet. Over $3,000 has been offered in prizes and the entries in all classes are surpassing any pre-e vious year. The speeding events in the last two days of the show are special features. Bands will be in attendance and the judging of the stock will take place on the last two days. Both railway-s are offering fare and a third rates to Owen Sound on Fair days. The residence of Mr. and Mrs. T.’ J. Fisher was the scene of as pretty wedding on Tuesday even-‘ inlg. September ‘22, when Ethel JI,; eldest daughter .of Mr. and Mrs.: James Fisher, was united in mar-‘ riage with Mr. S. N. Leader of: London, formerly of Mt. Forest! The ceremony, which took place at: six o’clock. was conducted by Rev.‘ R. C. Kerr, in the presence of. about .35 'guest\s. The .bride’s sis-g ter, Miss Edna Fisher, played the; Wedding march and while the register was being signed th Igroom’s mother sang Promise Me. The young couple were unattend- ed. The bride. who 'was given Iaway by her father, wore a very pretty gown. of white shadow lace, over satin, and carried -a bou-i quet of white asters and maiden-," hair fern. The only ornament iworn- Was. a necklace set with chip diamonds, .the gift of the ism-00m. After the marriage a dainty wedding supper was serv- ed and the the eveningwaspleas- antly spent with music and other entertainment. The guests f_rom a Don’t; miss the treat of a life time Town Hall‘, Durham Sir James P. Whitney. Late Premier offlntario FLESHERTON. TEE DULLHAM CHRONICLE. in a neat suit of Lard. In. mifh hat m . unrm the evidence produced was fin-"d $100-and costs. This case re- sulted from that we reported three Works am) when Richlrd Hay was char-Ted with the offence. but ac- :wuitted. A case of liquor Was re.- coived at Flesherton Station .ad- dressed to Hoy. who swore he had not ordered it and never received it. 'lfhe station records "showerl df‘liVGI‘Y to Phillips, upon Whom ‘he fine was now imposed. The High and Public schools had a wry successfui field day on Friday afternoon last though the \K't'VLthGI‘ Was uncomfortably {fowl dor out-door amusements. The schools marched in fine ori‘ler to the aqricultural grounds. Where a splendid programme of sports, too lengthy for us to enumerate, W118 run ‘off. many of the events being \(LiI‘V liven} 3' contest? 0d Revs. Mc- r::.1r. Kerr and Dudoeon acted 1-123 1s 'l.‘here was a large crowd of spectators. \vno witnessed with deep interest the events which in part consisted of bicycle races. foot races, relay rapes, donkey races. ~ three-legged races, sack. races, needle race 3. boot races,‘ Walking races. jumping, tug of war. etc., ' In the ladv teachers walking racc, iss Thistle“ aite ofI the public school won first and Miss Holmes of the high school; second. In the one-mile race lwi the high school boys, Elmer Wright won first, Murray Legate second and Tom Orr third. In the high school bicycle race T. Chard? won first, Elmer Wright second: and W. Buchanan third. In the. tug of War, form 3 of the highl school won from forms 1 and '2. l Mr. W. A. Armstrong has pur-: chased the residence in the suburbs formerly oaned by the late Wm. Tucker. and will make extensive improvements for his new tenant Mr. Fred Plewes, Who, with his Wife, will move in from the country. _ Mr. 305. Radley has moved to Mr. Alf. Thistlewaite’s _ residence near the cemetery. Mr: John Thistl'éwaite is moving; to Mr. Armstrong’s residence ”at the. publig liprary: ' Mr: W. H .Hemfihill, who will re,- tire from farming, has sold his for gal“ Without license and BORN. ents 119111;; iRe 1‘5. 1‘4 e-‘ n acted as rge (crowd esscd with a which in vole races. S, donkexfi cos, sacki vot races,' 2, tug of v teachels’ tleu aite of. first and. iO‘h school: ile race b\ i )ys, Elmer ray Legate i1d. In the e T. ChaIdj 1t second, 1. In the the high 1 and '2. has purâ€"w. the suburbs alate Wm“ extensixe 1ew tenant with his from the .. ‘._....,_..._.. 99999099OOOO;;;;¢OOOOO§O9009099990vo¢¢¢¢ooo¢¢¢7»vv H- A V moved residence a is moving; fidence 22 (â€"f _.._â€"_â€"__â€".â€" 15m fine loo-acre farm On't'he 4th.1ine, for $5.000. - M'r. ERobt. Pla‘nitt of (Eugenia, who gets possession in ”33.113111 next, is the purchaser: ' Isl?- Manufacturers Mr. W.L. Wright, W.W. Trimble‘, Editor Thu'rston, and Mr. A. S. Thurston of Toronto, attended "Durham fair on Friday. Mr. Bert Magee, who recently returned here from the west. has moved his; family to Priceviile, where he will conduct a black- smithing business. - ' Dr. Murray and Mr. (LN. Rich- ardson. attended Collingwood Fair last week. Miss -May Jamierson and Bliss Wood of M'ontclair, N. 1., who \is- ited five weeks v. 1th the f0r1ne:-’s mother here, left on Monday to resume theil professional duties‘ Mr. Fred McTavish and sister, Miss Muriel. motored to the city on Friday and were accompamcu home by Dr. Brown. formerly “:1 the high sci-2001 stajf, w-.0 is 3‘13- iting Oldfriends. Miss Lillian Armstrong has ro- turned from visiting Belleviile an - other points east. A number of youf1z people in town were entert1i11ed at a very e1110yab1e~ partv ugh m by M1520. W. Pliillipsp one evening last weeA Mrs. A. McArthur of Bunessan, and Mrs. _J. McArthur of Porcuâ€" piuc, Visited their cousin. Mrs H; LcGard, a few days ago . Mr. Mai'k Wilson], irQ'sximnf Sua- dav at his home at Durham. Mr. J. A. Houston, high sebum inspector \isited the school hcre on Tuesday a11d”:~’weinesdaiv of last week. - Mr. Geo. Cuttle of Toronto, was a visitor over the week-end at F G Karstedt’s. Mr. Cuttle and Fred Karstedt, jr, met and be- came friends on their ocean. Vog- age to England last yoar The general assembly Rally Day: program wascarried out in full bv the Sunday school at the Presbyâ€" terian church service on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Phillip-s made a short visit with friends at Cg:- lingwood lag; week. Mrs. Chas. Stew art of Torontc is visiting relatives here. Miss Oldham spent Sunday xx 1tn friends at Hanox er. l7 Miss Dell Thurston ,was homelvisiting from Model school over the week Stewart. §§§§§§§§§§O§§§Oz§§§§§§+ Ozz§§O§§§§§§§§§§§§§z¢§§ {l 6 ’ “000000009 OOOO§§§§§§§§§§§WWQ§WOQ 09 §§§§O§¢§§§§§M§“”N¢ OQOQO§§Q§§§O§§§§§§¢§§§§§§O ALL=METAL WEATHER STRIP i c. J.‘ FURB’ER o Keeps Out the Cold in Winter DURHAM FLOUR MILLS No Job Too Small Everybody or musedâ€"Ask your neighbour who has it . SPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN To INSTALLATION . ESTIMATES ‘CHEEBFULLY GIVEN â€" WRITE, PHONE on CALL SAVES 20 to 4(PPER CENT. FUEL Storm Sash limits ventilation and is a. continual source of expéqse for Glass and Paint, caused by repeated handling and storage. All-Metal Weather Strip is much cheaper and more efiect- ive, is Rustless and cannot warp or get out of shape Applicable to all wood Sash and Doors â€" New or Old We wish to remind you that our 5: ock of Flours and Feeds were nowr any better or larger than at pres- ent, and our prices consistent with the quality of our goods. ‘ustom (71'10pping. IS ALWAYS ON THE JOB AND LASTS A LIFETIME FRED J. WELSH VENTILATION Does Not Limit BINDER T‘VINE PHONE 58 and the Dust in Summer W‘HBEE FAMIlY USES THEM nan-5:4- all v-nunnn.’ ' Mrs. Alexander of Feversham is visiting her sister. Mrs. 31mm end. Miss Little of Owen Sound is visiting Miss Irene Orr. M'r. Chas. Percell of Collingwond is spending a few days in town. the guest of Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Bellamy, J. w. HAMMOND ESQ. SCOTLAND, ONT., Aug. -7) h. 1913 “Fruitâ€"a~tives” are the only pill manufactured, to my way of thinking. They work completeiv, no griping whatever, and one is p‘enty for any ordinary person at a dose. My wife vas a marty r to Constipation. \\ e tried ex ery thing on ti 1e calendar without suiisfaction,a1d spent large sums of n..:mey until we happened on "Fruit- a-tives”. I cannot say too much in their favor. “Fmit-a-tives” Keeps Young And Old In Salendid HeaEth We have used them in the family for about two years and we would not use anything else as long as we can get “F ruit-a-tives”. Their action is mild, and no distress at all. I have recommended them to many other people. and our whole family uses them”. - ”- "A--‘.A‘m 7"” d J. W. HAMMOND. Those who have been cured by “ Fruit a-Lives” are proud and happy to tell . sick or ailing friend about these wou- derful tablets made froxii fruit juices. 50C. 3. box, 6 for $2.50, trial size 250. At all dealers or sent on receipt of price by Fruit-a-tives Limited. Ottawa. Oat Crushing. No Job Too Large October 1, 1914.

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