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Durham Chronicle (1867), 1 Oct 1914, p. 5

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HG Elliott, G P. Agent. Montreal. Tréins arrive at Durham at 10.30331. 1.50 n m.. and 850 p m. EVERY DAY EXCEPT SUNDAY 3.48 7.07 “ 3.59 7.18 “ 4.02 7.21 “ 4.11 7.31 “ .25 7.45 " A! Durham “ M c1Villiams“ Glen “ Priceville “ Saugeen J. " Toronto Lv. A.M 12.11 11.59 11.56 11.46 11.35 7.45 P. M 3.00 3.14 3.24 3.14 6. 34 3. 24 643 3.; 6. 0’2 3. 48 7.07 3. 59 7.18 4. 02 7.21 .111 7‘21 7.55.11-20Ar Toronto L\'. 7.45 5.05, R. BIACFARLANE. - Town Agen! Trains will arrive and depart as f0} 0 1v 3. until further noticez-â€" Canadian Pacific Railway Time Table v _- -.'_‘ VI‘r" .u. â€"x . --v-- .‘1 V‘l‘r‘vvh' \'$§l inclusive. iRBgeiztlld' from Crown JeWel fluurâ€" . . 1 an. Two loaves and one specialâ€"W Full particulars from Grand Trunk ticket :tgvnts, or write 0. E. HORN lNG. D. P.A.. Union Station. Toronto i "“‘ XV. Calder. Town Agent, Phr’ne 3:» J. Towner. Station Age-m: Phone 18 n _ _ .‘ _ _ _ __ I ALBERTA BRITISH COLUMBIA ARIZONA CALIFORNIA COLURADO IDAHO MONTANA KEV um OREGON TEXAS. UTAH “‘ASHINGTON. Etc. On Sale Scptmuher'flth to October 8th . ‘nclnsivv. COLOMST FARESM: ‘“ ‘ Trains leave Durham at 7.1531 m..anc' J. TOWNER Depot Agent JAMES R. GUN. Tum Agem Particulars from Canadian Pacific Tlckt't Agents or write E.F.L. Stun-doe. MI}. Murphy. Asst. U. P.A. D. P.A., Toronto From Toronto and Stations \Vest and North of Tm-outo.‘ Proportion ate fares from Stations East, vf Torim to. Winnipeg Return $35 Edmonton 81. Return. 43 Homeseekers’ E x c u i" s i o n s Grand Trunk Railway TIME-TABLE at the Paris Millinery Parlors g Each Tuesday until October 2"th inclusive __ 1‘0 ._. Manitoba, Alberta, Saskatchewan FALL MILLINERY ONE WAY SECOND-CLASS 'Odtober 1, 1914. Ah“. 6 20 Lv.\Vz-leermn 6.31 “ Mlee Hill 6.43 “ Hanover 6.5:. “ Allan Park ’rou. an Stations in Ontario tn cextain points in R, Mncfarlane, Town Agent E. A. Hay, Station Agent: Return Limit. Two Months This season the Ladies are. afforded ample latitude for selec- tion, as the styles are varied main! from the very small tight fitting tux-bans to the‘ extremely large sailor shapes. we have everything that is NEW and UP-TO-DATE . PRICES REASONABLE Call and make your choice EARLY as the sale of Imported Mfllinery this season is limited. . GRAND DISPLAY OF A 0 A‘PJI. PWM .1444) 10. 34), Porbnto ’ THE HOLSTEIN FAIR :Groat. ; Point laceâ€"RM. Sitzer. Runs. fancyâ€"D. Bruce. Miss Ad-;‘ Irish crochetâ€"J C. Fairbairn. P. The Holstein Fair on Tuesday ams. ' IMUtCh and Wednesday is generally re- Buns, plainâ€"E. Gardner, W. Fer-l" Tattingâ€"Miss _-)oupe lzarded as the best in the history :guson. . . . . ‘ Drawn Workâ€"H Sinclair, 3- M- 'of the society. The weather Wag, Tea biscuitsâ€"W. Gllhes. H. Mc- Sitzer 9 fine and the number of entries. Dougall. . . _ i Corset cover-J C. Fairbairn. M'rs. iu'as away in excess of px'ex'ious'c.Fm11.t cakeâ€"J.C. Fairbaxrn. H §Jordan years. The attendance was umclalr. , , 5 Work bagâ€"R M. Sitzer. thought to be some-What smaller Layer cakeâ€"J, SlflClall‘, B. F; Handkerchief caseâ€"R M. Sitzer. than usual, but the gate receipts Sharp.‘ 8W Gillies. . twere considerably higher, and Marble cakeâ€"G. Tebby, T. Bun-g WhISk holderâ€"W Ferguson. G. reached something over $300. The ston. . . . w. ,Tebby . § adult admission for this year was’ Ginger breadâ€"W. Gillies 1-. _Burnt woodâ€"R M. Sitzer, R. A.{ increased ,to 25c., which was Bunston. , . . EI‘iChOISOD ‘ thought to have affected the Tug-“'3' Rogers, MISS Me Lamp shadeâ€"B R Sharp, M135! general attendance in a slight:SChen‘" . ’ 'Doupe . degree. “Bigger and better than? Apple.p1eâ€"W. AldCOI‘na E. V g Table matsâ€"Miss Doupe. R Irvin ever” was the Society slogan and;Matthe“§° . . . 3 Tea 0053’, Battenburgâ€"R M. SHE-I they succeeded in their effortsJTSgrgpkm DIGâ€"“r. Aldcorn. 0' 293': . l" d W F l .- cr ° ' ' . . .- 2 :ea cosr. .. ' â€" «- The folio“ 1na 1s the prize hst. 2 Doughnutsâ€"R. M. Sitzer is“. W. ngiefis'oly 1n ergu 3 _ SCHOOL CHILDREN. Lemon pieâ€"Mrs: Jordan, W. Fc:‘-} 'No’mltiesâ€"E, V. Matthew’s, Tl' Coll. weeds, plants, etc.â€"J. A. @139”. , fiGrier. . Ferguson, 8.8. No. 9. i MID“? Pieâ€"G- TfBbb.\.‘- i Mending patchesâ€"J. Adams, M. Plain apronâ€"W. J. Eccles. , Cookxes_â€"J.L. Woods. 1. Rob‘s. ,schenk. . - ' Hand paintingâ€"Mrs. F. Jordanfi Honey 1“ combâ€"MISS DPUPG- I Fancy cushion, Berlin woolâ€"W. C. Drumm. F. McClocklin. . Honey, extractedâ€"J. Ellis. Miami Reid; \V. Ferguson. Tea biscuitsâ€"W. Gillies. F. Mc- Doupe. , I Fancy cushion, emb.â€"R.M. Rit- Ciocklin, J.A. Ferguson. ’ i .Maple sugarâ€"W. J- ECC193~ Jd zer, J. Brown. Penmanshipâ€"F. Main. ;Srncla1r. , i Fancy cushion, any otherâ€"A. Judges: G. Binnie. C. Firth. ! .M‘aple syrupâ€"W. Aldcorn. \V'. (1.: Aitkin. Jr“ J, Brown_ DAIRY PRODUCTS. BCC-GS- ' 9 Pincushion, fancyâ€"A. Aitkin, Jr., ‘ - - a... l . -' , - lOle. dairy butter, printsâ€"J. S. ‘ rHom- made cancqâ€"J. L- V‘ 0065,. W. J. Eccles. \VOOdS A. BICCIUV. D. Bruce. 5 "1 H’. Rovgers._ _,_ - I Dnrnino' wnnl smokeâ€"D Tmrin f‘ Pair men’s mittsâ€"J.C. Fairbairn J.A. Ferguson. Rag: carpetâ€"H. Sinclair, J. C Fairbairn. Rag mat, hookedâ€"W'. Aldcorn H. Lamont. (3011. floor matsâ€"Miss Doupe. Straw hatâ€"J.A. Ferguson. B. F Sharp.‘ fudge: C. L. Grant. PASTRY,'ETC. Home-made breadâ€"Miss J. Ad- ams ,D_. Bruce. \\ oollen socks. fineâ€"P .31utch,a ' A: Ferguson. Butter. 51b5., moderately saltedâ€" W Gillies. T. J. Reid. W. Aldcorn. HOME MANUFACTURES. StOckinE Yarnâ€"Miss E. Doupe. Mrs. P. Jordan. Woollen socksâ€"J. A. ' Ferguson Mrs. Jordan. Tub-butter. 301bs.â€"-T. Bunston? W. Ferguson, G. Tebby. ; Crock butter, 201bs.â€"D. Bruce A ‘ McCaW. a . E Crock butter, 101bs.â€"B.F Sharp; Prints. 61bs.â€"-J. McEachern Sons. W'.H. Rogers. ZENUS CLARK DURHAM PLANING MILLS Shingles and Lath Always on Hand At Right Prices. i‘he unclexsigned begs to announce to residents of Durham and surmundmg Cuumr)‘. that he has his Planning Mill and Factory mmplered and is prepared to take orders for Custom Sawing Promptly At- tended To â€" and all kinds of â€" SASH,DOORS Heuse Fittings . ONTARIO Large work apronâ€"D. Bruce. E. Spring turkeysâ€"Raw!) Bros. V. Matthews. Ducksâ€"V. Alles, J. Brown. Fancy apronâ€"J. C. Fairbairn, Spring ducksâ€"V. Alles. T. Bun- M‘rs. J. Bruce. ston. Fancy table COVE râ€"M, Sahenk Brahmaâ€"C. Gilstorf. Dresser Drapeâ€"P. Mutch T. J Barred Rockâ€"H. Reid, G. Tebby Reid Barred Rock, chickensâ€"A. Mc- Fancy tOWBISâ€"W. Ferguson. E Caw 12. Sinclair White Rocksâ€"J. Calder 12. Pillow coversâ€"J.C. Fairbairn. T. White Rock, chickensâ€"H. Reid. J. Reid. Leghornâ€"R. A. Nicholson . Battenburg laceâ€"A. Aitkin. Jr.. Leghorn, chickensâ€"RA. Nichol- J. Adams son 12. Centre Piecer’ fancyâ€"J Brown, Dorking, chickensâ€"A. McCaw. W H. Rogers. White Wyandotteâ€"G. Legge Embroidery on cottonâ€"R A. White Wyandotte, chickeDSâ€"C. Nicholson, W J. Eccles. Gilstorf, G. Legge. Shadow embroideryâ€"RM Sitzer Minorcaâ€"J. McArthur. R Irvin. ’ Minorca, chickensâ€"J. McArthm, Mount Mellickâ€"RM. Sitzer. '. J. A. Ferguson Punch workâ€"B F. Sharp. H Buff Orprnagtonâ€"I. McEachnie Sinclair Sons, H. -M‘cDou.ga11. Toilet setâ€"P Match, Miss Doupe. Butt 0 rpinazton. chickensâ€"H Mc- Fancy . slippersâ€"J Adams. R. Do_1_1_gall 12. 9 _ _. __ .. _ Coll. Stocksâ€"W. Groat, W. Fez“ guson. }‘ Coll. Dahliasâ€"W. Great, C iDrumm. lin. C011. Astersâ€"T. Bunston, 1-" Aitkin 1 GladiOIiâ€"C. Drumm F. McClocl: 1n. Pansiesâ€"C. Drumm. F Mr-(lnr-l' Warwelonsâ€"E. V. Mutthe w 3. To oesâ€"Tribe 8: Do“ ling, V. Matthews. Citronsâ€"D. Grier. H. Sinclair. . FLOWERS Collectionâ€"C. Drumm. F‘. 1‘ Clockiin, Mrs. Geddes. Cut flowersâ€"W. Groat, F. B Clocklin. ' Hand bouquet-JV, Grout, Drumm. Coleusâ€"C. Drumm, F lin. Jr. Fall apples, Irilvrgeâ€"W. Ferguson \V._ fiamage. Ijanqy _shawlâ€"J C. Fall apples, smallâ€"W. Ramage W. H. Rogers. - ' Pearsâ€"A. Aitkin, Jr. Crabapplesâ€"W. Allan. A. Aitkin Ornamental work. framingâ€"Mrs. Jordan Miss Donne. Pen and ink sketchâ€"B. F. Sharp, Miss Walmsley. ' ' Judges: G. Binnie, Mrs. C. B. Moffatt. Hand painting, satin or ‘vch'ct-r- Mrs. Jprdan, Lizzie ‘W';.:lrnsl;2\‘. Hand painting, flowersâ€"F. Mc- Clocklin, Mrs. Jordanx Hand painting, glassâ€"Miss Walmsley, Mrs. Jordan. - Hand painting, oilclothâ€"Mrs. Jog‘dan, F. McClocklin. --__ â€"-â€".-â€"-v I! x§5¢60u1w V . Hand paintina , lancsc‘wLâ€"n M Sitzer._F‘ E. V. Matthews Hand painfifié,“ Hfi-guresâ€"E. V Matthews 12. A] Canned \egetablesâ€"I..M. Sitzcr J. S. Woods. Cookiesâ€"J.L. Woods. 1. Robb. Honey in combâ€"Miss Doupe. Honey, extractedâ€"J. Ellis. Miss Doupe. - Maple sugarâ€"W. J. Eccles. J. Sinclair. - Maple syrupâ€"W. Aldcorn. W. J. Eccles. ' Home-made candyâ€"J. L. Woods, W. H. Rogers. . 1 Apple jellyâ€"E. V. Matthews, R. -rvm. f‘urrant jellyâ€"W. Groat, J. A. Smith. Raspberry Vinegarâ€"H. Sinclair, J. Sinclair. ’ RaSpberry wineâ€"J. C. Fairbairn. H. Sinclair. C01}. jellyâ€"W. G-roat,aF. Mc- Clocklin. Coil. picklesâ€"C. Drumm, F. MC- C1ock1in. u Preserved fruitâ€"C. Drumm, F. M'cClocklin. Pumpkin pieâ€"W. Aldcorn. G. Tebby. Doughnutsâ€"R. M. Sitzer Lemon pieâ€"Mrs: Jordan, W. For- ‘guson. Minge pie:â€"_G. Tebby. Marble cakeâ€"G. Tebby, T. ston. Ginger breadâ€"W'. Gillies Bunston. Wfiite Orpingtonâ€"C. 2Gjlstor'f. ‘J. shawlâ€"J C. Fairbairfi Rice. . < i 1 woolâ€"JC. Fairbairn. Rhode Islend Bed Gillies, J ;i FINE ARTS m‘-‘ 1’“ fl; Drumm, F. McClock- Sinclair. . McClocL- A. Aitkin‘ Mc- Fat ox, cow etc.â€"G. McBride, B. F. Sharp. Four dairy cowsâ€"BF. Sharp. Three dairy cowsâ€"G. Calder. Sweepstakes: Pedigreed herdâ€"J Dowling, W. Gilli-es T. Bunston, Judge: A. Drummbn-d. POULTRY; Pair 2-year-old steersâ€"W. Ait- -__â€"T__â€"____“â€"â€"â€"â€" kin Rawn Bros. Q! _ Pair 1-year steersâ€"EL Reid. W. ft 'Q‘Q’QQQ‘QQ9‘QQQQQ999998399389£91u999necng Aitkin 23. ’ . cbw_3. McBride 12, 51; Irm‘z :3 Are You Buymg Your Shoes At The i',‘ Heifer. '2 yearsâ€"R. Ai ’in 18: . a. H. Reid. ‘ , . 7 3% RIGHT ‘ pLACE ? ’ 7He1fOerj. 1 yearâ€"(x. McBrlde 18:... ‘5 . Do you-getastyle that makes 7: W- .fihtklfl. r . Q3 yourfootlook trim. The shoe a. Helfer calfâ€"W - Ferguson 13 Q we sell will suit; vou for style 0 R3"; Brolsf' W A'tk'n BF Sharp :3 and price' ~ 5. ercaâ€".-11~, .- ’4 ...... G. McBride. .co hyHEP‘YfXQd‘Zd P9““":31-~*d51 2‘! Bull calfâ€"T. Bunstofi, W. Gillies, J. Bowling. Heifer. 1 yearâ€"J. D-OWlin'g, "W. “:‘xillies T. Bunston. Heifer. 2 yearsâ€"J. DOWIinlg. W'. Gif‘xies. T. Bunston. URHAM. Bull, 1 yearâ€"R. Aitkin. H. Reid. Bull calfâ€"JV. Fairbairn 13 .T. Fairbairn ‘2. Cowâ€"W. Fairbairn. Heifei, 2 vear.sâ€"J Rice 12 Heifer calfâ€" W. Fairbairn. JERSEY Heifer. 1 yeaIâ€"F. McClocklin. HEREFORD. Bull. 1 yearâ€"J. Dowling, W Gillies. Cowâ€"W. Gillies 13, J. Dow- ling '2. f ya" “it“ natâ€" ’ bruc9. Sm‘in: \\ hoatâ€" B F. Sharp wRamaoe. ‘ Bar‘Pv . Six-rmvodâ€"P..’.~L W W . Nichol- son. VLW. Ramage, D Bruce Sééd onionsâ€"EN. l‘lafthEVVS, M. Schenk. Beets, shortâ€"D. Grier, Rawn Bros. ‘ Parsnipsâ€"EV. Matthews, J. A. Ferguson. ' . Yellow mangeISâ€"JA. Ferguson A. Hunter. Sugar mangelsâ€"J.A. Ferguson BE,“ Sharp. Carrots, short redâ€"J. Sinclair. G. Tebby. Ferguson. Swede turnipsâ€"W. W. Ramage. Turnips, a.0.k.â€".â€"J.C. Fairbairn. E Robb. P.9d mangelsâ€"J.A.F010uson. J. A. Smith. White c'arrotsâ€"JA. Ferguson. W Gillies. ROOTS. (oil. potatoesâ€"W. Fervuson, J.A Fezuuson, J. McEachem 64: Son. .3 Rice. Bush potatoesâ€"BF. Sharp. \V. Forgusom J.. A. Smith, J. Mc- Eachexn Son. ._ Bush m:i-:1r etable potatoesâ€"W. Oats. shalt Whiteâ€"R. A. Ni hol- s:..;n, 1i. l‘vlcllobb. W.” Rama 30.3 Oats, blackâ€"H. Lamwont B. F Sharp EV. Matthews. Peas. small Whiteâ€"J. A. Smith, W. J. Eccles, "H. Reid. Ensifasge Cornâ€"W. Gillies. Threshcd grainâ€"WAY Ramag‘e. Sweet cornâ€"W. Gillies, I. V. Matthews. F1.1\â€" W. W. Ramage. Sunflou ersâ€"J. A. Ferguson. W. \V.R.â€"1m'-.Lg‘.e. Oats Reid. B. Oats. Sun, 1;“ Oats, Mom: vhiteâ€"J. Sinclair, B 3.3. Silaxl‘p shalt Whiteâ€"R. 313-:0bU. \XVY. V‘r blur. }:â€"-H. Lamont. A. Nichol Ramage. B.F Tea'cosy, any kindâ€"W Fergu- sou. W. Gillies. ‘ -N0'-.'eltiesâ€"E. V. Matthews, D. Grier. . Mending patchesâ€"J. Adams, M. Schen‘k. , ‘ ' Fancy cushion, Berlin woolâ€"W. J. Reid,‘ W. Ferguson. Fancy cushion, emb.â€"R.M. Sit- zer, J. Brown. Fancy cushion, any otherâ€"A. Ai kin. Jr.. J. Brown. Pincushion, fancyâ€"A. Aitkin, Jr... W. J. Eccles. Darning wool socksâ€"R. Irvin, C. Drumm. Coil. Buttonholesâ€"J. Adams, M. Schenk, ' (7031. ladies’ workâ€"RM. Sitzer. Irvin. Set women’s underwearâ€".7, Brown. P. Mutch. Whisk holderâ€"W Ferguson. G. Tebby . Burnt Woodâ€"R M. Sitzer, R. A. Nicholson Lamp shadeâ€"B F. Sharp, Miss Doupe ‘ Table matsâ€"Miss Doupe, R Irvin Tea cosy, Battenburgâ€"R M. Sit- Judge: Lizzie Ellwood. GRAIN. DURHAM. CHRONICLE. CATTLE. CLYDFS Brood mareâ€"C. Gilstorf. Spring; coltâ€"C. 'Gilstorf. One v’ear fillyâ€"G. Harris. C. Gils torf, J. Russn‘ell. Two year fillyâ€"G. Harris 12. J Sinclair. Team horsesâ€"J. Spicer GENERAL PURPOSE. , Brood mareâ€"T.J. Stevenson. E M‘QRObb, SJ. Robb. Spring; coltâ€"E. MoRobb Robb, J. Sinclair. BLACK BREEDS. Spring boarâ€"R. Irvin. Brood sowâ€"W. Aitkin. J. Rice Spring sowâ€"R.M. Sitzer. W. Lamont. RED BREEDS. . ~â€" W'HITE BREEDS. Boar, agedâ€"A. Stewart. ' Spring boarâ€"J. Rice, A. Stewart. Brood sowâ€"A. SteWart 12. Spring sowâ€"R. Irvin. Ewe lambâ€"W. Fairbairn. H. La- mont 23. Penâ€"W. Fairbairn. SHROPSHIRES. Ram agedâ€"J. .A. Shand Ram lamb J..A. Shand 12. Eweâ€"J. A. Shand 12. Ewe, shearlingâ€"J .A. Shand 1- 3. Ewe lambâ€"J. .A. Shand 12. Penâ€"J. .A. Shand. Fat lamb, any breedâ€" J. R. Philp. H. Reid, J..A. Shand ' S\VINE Ram shearlinrgâ€"W Fairbairn. H. Lamont Ram lambâ€"W. Fairbairn 13 H. Lamont 2. Eweâ€"W. Fairbairn 13 H. La- mont 2. Ewe, shearli’negâ€"H Lamont 13 W Fairbairn 2. Penâ€"J.R. Philp. OXFORD DOWNS. LEICESTER. Ramâ€"J. S. Woods, J R. Philp. 2Iéam lambâ€"JR. Philp. J S Woods Ewe, agedJâ€"JHR Philp 18.12. J. S. Woods. . Ewe, shearljngâ€"JB. Philp 12, T J. Stevenson. ’WW {is Ewe lamb‘â€"J.R. Philp. J.S. Woods a, D10 We are again settled and ready for business in the store just across the street and as we have decided to remain in business we ask for a. continued support, assuring all of fair honest and courteoch treatment. We have received a. stock of Yarns. Blankets and Woollen Goods and invite inspection. Learn our prices All retail buyers of new Ford car: from August. lst, 1914, to August lst. 1915. will share‘ in :he profits of the com- pany to the «muent of $40 to $61) per car. on each ream they buy, PROVIDED: we sell and deliver 30,001) new Ford cars (laying that: pu'md. Ask for pii-Licular-s W E take this opportunity .of thanhin customers who gave us a share of g our many their patron- age during our thirty years business in the Old Stand. FOrd, Ontario U. SMITH SONS, Agents. Din-1mm, uu ”11;, bum, p an (.m. ASK for p rLiculm-s‘ FORD MOTOR cow-JPan Lower Prices on Ford (Ea-rs Effective AugusL 1815. 1914. to August; 15,2. x1915 and Guaranteed against any redmniony{during that time. All cars fully equipped fTOJ). Ford, Ontario SHEEP. Runabou b Touring Car Town Car (In bha D.) ninion of U m «(14. only) - J. ' Drumm: Miss Alice Betzer, of New Ham-- burg, suffered a broken neck, » and her brother received spinal in- juries when the 911' in Which they; were riding With some frien‘ turned turtle. COACH AND CARRIAGE. B1ood male-bSHJ Robb. 8min}: com? S..J Robb One wear filthâ€"E MCRObb, .21 IIunte1. is ‘ Pail cariiage (PlSOD. Caniage horseâ€"(G. McBride, W. T._ Orchard A. MbCaW. Lady drix erâ€"Bf Irvin, G. Me- 51 idt’ F. MCCTOCklin. : . Best spring colt heavy classâ€"G. Harris. ROADSTER Brood mareâ€"E. McRobb. G? Legge. , ‘5 Spring fillyâ€"G. Legge W. Sternfif‘] TWO year geldingâ€"G. Legge, Agi‘ “ fl Brood mareâ€"a, S.J. Robb. ' . ._ ..'_‘, , "~19: Spring coltâ€"J. .Spic‘er; 8.51.330] Spring fillyâ€"J. Calder. 3;; -_ One year fillyâ€"W. Fairbairn.‘ Two year fillyâ€"J. Calder. Team horsesâ€"G. McBride, A. M Grilii vray, J. Brown Team hors Ianmnt. HEAVY DRAU Brood mareâ€"QW. gag ceé‘, R.A. Nichol prim-g coltâ€"(3, atri: IiVI‘ay. G. «Harris. "m; Spring fillyâ€"W. Fél‘i Nicholson, G. Legge. One year egelding_A.-‘ One year fillyâ€"JV, Ra bairn. J. Calder TXVO year 3g?“ A. Dyimmie, T ’ Two year t" kin. J. CaldegT One year fillyâ€"E. M713! Two year geldingâ€"J, T. Bunston. ‘ - Two year‘ fillyâ€"IQ. W. J. Reid, C. Giistorf. Team horses~S. Peck Sinclair, W. Snell.‘ . AGRICULTURAL. h..- _ J Snrin der, V, 2 filly Alles Pair driversâ€"R .Iryin C. Drumm Judge: .15]. D. Campbell. of Canada, Limited 5-H) 590 840 l. x W. Barri Erris‘, J . Fergu:

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