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Durham Chronicle (1867), 8 Oct 1914, p. 2

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(I 200 ACRES 13' bunnguva ., in.-- class buildings, solid brick house, and woodshed; cement floors in all stables; small orch- ard; well watered: about 35 acres of fair hardwood bush: in good state of cultivation. Ap- ply to W. J. Wilson. Yarney. Lot '20. Con. :20, Egremont. 0 9“ limvmfl LOT 30. COX. 10. BENTINCK. 10.‘ acres: good stone house: Well watered; under pasture for ten years; about eight acres good hardwood bush; will sell cheap. as owner lives in city. Apply to Mrs. Alex. Coutts, Elmwood, R. Mrs John Staples. Hurcil rmuw‘ No. 1. Durham, Out 9 ' -'-:~"~t;*. LOT NO. 5 ON THE 2ND CON- cession of Egremont. containing 100 acres; about 60 acres cleared. balance in timber and pasture: convenient to church and school; four miles from Durham; well fenced..well watered: good frame barn fair house; good orchard. will sell on easy terms. Apply to Fred Noble, Yarney, R.R.-No. 1. 9 17 tf ’\ b. 7. OK SEVEN ACRES. 13.; MILES EAST of Durham: small. but comfort- able brick house. large wood- shed. frame stable and driving shed: running Water: daily mail service: good location for tradesman with small family: a snap for the man who acts quickly. Apply to John Hewitt. R. R. No. 4. Durham. Out. 9 24tf REMEDfBER THE FAMOUS SPIR- ella Corset; any size, type or price; with perfect laundering qualities, and unbreakable steels: positively hygenic. Not sold in stores. Mrs. J. C. Nichol, Repâ€" resentative, Box 107, Durham. Ontario. '4 18 6m I LARGE, ROOMY DWELLING hmse; large enough to keep bmrders: convergiently gituated THE SOUTH PORTIO}. OF THE brick store and residence on East Garafraxa Street Durham, occupied by Mrs. Beggs Son. For terms, apply to J. P. Telford, Durham, Ont. 625 COLLIE PUPS FOR SALE. W. Styles. caretaker Durham ceme- tery. (‘24 9-3" THE EAST PART OF A LOT near McGowan’s mill, formerly owned by William Whit- more, v blacksmith W111 sell cheap to quick purchaser. Apply for particulars to 3113. John Whitmore, V,arney RR. \0. 1, or W. J. McFadden. Durham. 8591) SYNOPSIS 0F CANADIAN NORTH WEST LAND REGULATIONS. The sole head of a family, or any male over 18 years old, may homestead a quarter-section of available Dominion land in Mani- toba, Saskatchewan or Alberta. Applicant must appear in person at the Dominion Lands Agency or Sub-Agency for the District. Entry by proxy may be made at any Dominion Lands Agency (but not Sub-Agency), on certain conditions Glenelg. CO on ("2211:5185 brick house. provji'ljt) Duties-Six months residence upon and cultivation of the land in each of three years. A home- steader may live within nine miles of his homestead on a farm of at least 80 acres, «on certain condi- tions. A habitable house is re- quired except where residence is performed in the vicinity. In certain districts a home- steader in good standing may pre- empt a quarter section alongside his homestead. Price $3.00 per â€"â€"..â€"__â€"_â€" GOOD COMFORTABLE FIVE- room house, in good locality Apply to Dan. MC \uliffe. 10 Stf Duties-Six months residence in each of three, years after earning homestead patent; also 50 acres extra cultivation. Preâ€"emption patent may be obtained as soon as homestead patent, on certain con- J ‘(lluvsa I t all publchVEVO'râ€"Es'; {fem-y dec- orated; cheap rent. Apply to N. McIntyre. Durham. 612 nbflmilo :xt Insertion A settler who has exhausted his? homestead right may take a p - chased homestead in certain. dish! ricts. Price $3.00 per acre. Duties. â€"Must .reside six months in each‘ of three years, cultivate 50 acres and erect a house worth $300. I The area of cultivation is sub-i iect to reduction in case of rough. acrubby or stony land. Live stock ma be substituted tor cultivation anger certain conditions. W. W. CORY, 991.59., n.3,..Unauthorized publication 0'! this advertisement will not be "‘1‘ far. .8 5 14 AJYerti-m'nnnts $9.331}: 3333310131 FIRST kr‘hl: Farsns fur-5 “V119- Spirclla Corsets Store For Sale 1)!)th wFor S ups For Sale To Rent my 0 .1 "A “fin. J... 13*. ‘ our 1 est in .f on.- inch or lane. 25 com.- for first iv sax-ti ; ud lea-nu form‘s inn ¢)ve-r one inch and under two imhea. double the .hon non'nlnt Yearly rates on spplicanon. O I] .311 355: SMALL ADS. f1 ,xr'il Run: 0 4 .szt ii [â€"0 given you :2u‘!‘ nu; - lfignd t0 0 FFIOE â€"Over 5 . P."l‘-vlford’s office nearly pppnsile L119 Registry uflice. RESldHIH'P St'i'tflid hunse sumh ut KPgisLl'} uflit'w an east. side 0f Alhel't SI Wm. Uffive ”Nils 9-11a.1u.. 2 4 p. m.. 7".) 3.). m. 'l‘vla-plu‘me IJUIHHIHDiUEL- {inn hens'cvn 01“? and residenm‘ at. all ilUUI‘m , rs. lamieson 8L lamieson. r‘F‘lL‘cE AND RESIDENCE. A j short (instance 82»! 01' Knapp’s Hotel. -v.:.;-:. ton Street, Lower Town. Durhapx NHL-a hours from 12 to 3 o'clock 1,94. 239‘ VVN s. R (‘ P. LUM"O=.\' ENG «HAMIL Fi‘ nf London. New I ank “I“; “hicago Diseases of Eye. Ear Nose and Throat. “'ill he at, the Hahn House, JuYy 21.} Oct. 19. Nnvvmber 16. Dev. 21, 1101115. 1 m 5 p.11). Officeâ€"~0ver Douglas” Jewellerv SLOPP. U' . Oflice. warty opposite the Regis‘ry 1tfice.Lambtou ~t..Durham. Anyamoum :i monev tn :Oalx at 0 per cent. on farm .rupertv. sm- Araslntaot k: )y Holstein Conveyancer. Issuer of Marriage Licenses. Money to loan at lowest rates, and terms to suit borrower. Fire and Life Insurance placed in thor- oughly reliable compnaies. Deeds, Mortgages. Leases and Wills, executed on shortest notice. All work promptly attended to. ty uf anouto. Graduate Rays. ‘mHMge Dental Sqrgemgs ofOntano 0 Dentistry 111 all Its Branches 500 BUSHELS; SECOND CONCES- sion of Holland. Andrew Shrider Son. Dorn‘och. ‘ er. Conveyancer, 8m. Insurance \gent .‘vluuey to Loan. Issuer uf Mar- ‘izuze Licenses A general financial busi- mss tranmcted. z". 6 huttun, t5 ?.HYSIC1AN ANDSURGEON. my five in the New Hunter Block. Uthc .".;‘.'~. {'5 £0 '10 a. m. to 4 p. B]. and 7 '..‘I‘ - , Special attention given to dismsu‘ Amman and whiidren. Residence "p MU: Prehb'vteriaxz thumb. 200 ACRES. LOTS 27, 28, CON. 3. Egremont: two set of buildings good stabling': Water ahead of stock, also piped to house and garden: litter carrier in stable; cement floors; two orchards; Well fenced; 155 acres cleared. balance splendid hardwood tim- ber: first class soil: two miles north of the village of Holstein. For particulars apply .to H. H. Miller. Hanover, or J. D. Main, Holstein. A. H. Jackson. \TO’I‘ARY PUBLIC, COMMISSION. 01'. Cciuweyanner. 820.. Insurance ALSO GOOD COMFORTABLE x. nu! to Go ON OR ABOUT THURSDAY, SEP- tember 24, a hound (109:, black and White, tan spot over each eye; about half grown. Reward for information as to his Where- abouts or return to Wm. Ed- wards, Glenelg, Priceville R. R. No. 1. 10 12p The above reward win be paid! for information leading to the conviction of the parties who cut the wires, damaged the buildings and committed other depredations on my \property. the J. J. Fai- laise farm at the Township Hall. Glenelg, on the night of the Glenelg Centre Farmers’ Club meeting, September 18. or the morning‘ of September 19. _-â€"._- . _A‘- ‘ J F GRANT.D.D S.L.D S . {0mm GRADUATE UNIVERSI- FARM IN GOOD STATE OF iCUL-l tivation, with good buildings, 1005 to 200 acres for a term of years: willing to pay good rent for good property. Apply at The Chronicle office for information. . : ~ . -. '~ 10 8 3nd S. P. Teifard. ARRHTEJL, souorvon ET!) residence and double lot in Vil- lage of Holstein, Witli stable and every convenience; also 40 cords of 16in. and 20in. hardwood for sale. For particulars apply to J. D. Main, Holstein P. Q. _ _ Q DURHAM ONT. (aner Town.) ”15mm thy.Lun~ion Ophtnmmxc in» ad tufint Em: Sq. Throat and Nay-r 9'14 SPECIALIST : , VAR; THROAT 5,. mesa Med 1m! Directorv. Dr. 14.8. Pickering Dentist.‘ . $ ‘0 Reward Farms For Sale Wanted to Rent Dental Dwaorv rthur “an. M. 0 \V. J. SHARP lime For Sale Lam! ‘Dz’recz‘orv Hound Lost JOHN A. BEATON; PrOp. Uvex J 6;.) Hum. BUR}. 6,"an \‘nnud '9 9 17 4pd '5 “Being afâ€"rére}{r;an fiarentage‘ 1 ___; sympathl‘ze. W1th_ the Qermansln {Be_;2'}éat struâ€"gjélé ngw in progress .in Europe. But Whv so many Germans in 'America .so rabidly es- pouse the German cause when it represents all that most Germans left ’Germanv to escape from. is more than I can see. “Moreover, as a consistent ‘ member of the German Reformed;l Church. it seems to me but a. intl thre: shade better than sac'rilegre for the 1101‘!) Kaiser to continually refer to God as being with him in this crusade of murder and pillage If the Kaiser is not responsible for this War, he certainly did nothing to prevent it. One can hardly believe that the venerable Franz Josef 11 ould hzne attacked Servia withâ€" out the sanction of the German Emperor. To me it seems as ab- said to call upon God. the Prince war as it would be for a bank bmglai to 11111 to the iord for; no“ er to murdex the night watch- man blow 0111 n the safe. and make good his escape.” ploti neve n'ort prim subs "troo ‘of t] who u o 0 i 11(t of Peace. for aid 1n an avmdablwt 1 arm pern the pero .LA'II INCREASE GRAIN PRODUCTION . Manv farmers. when urged to: trv grown g fall \v heat, have ens-U cused themseive. s on the plea that; it did not pay: but it is likely for; for the next year or two there will’ be ready sale at good prices for" every bushel of Wheat grown in Canada. EVerv farmer should: endeavor to increase his promic- tion of grain next year by putting into use eVerv acre capable of pr”- ducing it There are hundreds of acres in central and eastern Can ada that would successfully grow fall wheat. By preparing the land immediatelv a great number oil farmers could sow at least a few.» acres each this fall. No risk 1s} being taken in so doing. as the: extra cultivation for the fall Wheat1 would increase the yield of a spring sown crOp in the event or the \v heat being winter-killed lhe land would need only to be dis‘ ed or cultivated to prepare it foi spring gram; - _.â€"â€".« -.._.â€"__â€" -__ .â€" The grain production can also be increased by ploughing up the 01:1 unproductive meadows at once and sowing to grain in the spring. They should be ploughed shallow NOW and packed and disked anu kept worked until autumn. When they should be thoroughly plough- ed again. ready to be worked early next spring. The importance of ploughing the land for next spring’s crop early in the summer and keeping it worked during the autumn cannot be too strongly emphasized. Those who are now DractiSing a systematic rotation might profitably increase the grain crOp area next lyear, and to those who are following the old meadow plan :of farming, a better opportunity was never offered to change to a systematic rotation by breaking up the {old sod and putting in grain. It will pay to make use «if every acre possible in producing grain, as it is sure to be needed. Clean tarnished silver with a piece of common raw potato dip- nol imbaking soda.- - T71 and irbn should not be cit-armed when 'hot, as they rust. The v should be well dried. rest 0 it the mmhs .‘Js‘vnz' thl 053' hOW (All .V.l' kukv a “draw putt makes 9. d ‘wfm-e d: Li‘noleum which ‘has been rolled and‘ put away can be prevented 1'1"-'n cracking by placing it for a few minutes in front of a fire be- fore it is unrolled. Whex ironing, have a number of coat hangers upon Whlch to nut waists children’s dresses. etc. Before .cleaning knives on :1 twin” board dampen them slightly Thw clean more quickly and gain :1 hdtor polish. It is a 'o'nod plan to pepper :1 (‘Ill‘htt thickly just where any lie-1H: niec: of furniture has to rest 0 it This helps to keep the 111:1? hG and other insects aWu_v. .‘nvm' throw '1“ av cake. no 11111-1:- .‘:' ho“ (l1 vâ€"lmt the next time .v.1° ltukv :1 custard slice it on tim nature putting into the oven. This makes :1 delicious caramel crust. Re 11113 darning‘ stockings, hold tnlt curd 1or skein of wool over the spun- of in kettle full of boilinl, water The steam shrinks the Wool, and when the stocking-s are again Washed the mended rportion will not shrink and tear the other parts STOLEN FROM THE CENTRAL Hotel stable on Saturday night last‘ a goldine mounted single driving bridle. A bridle left in its place has been identified and a good clue is established. To save further trouble the guilty partv will show wisdom by r91 turning the stolen article. 1 Notice RE comm: or anrsmx .NOTICE is hereby given that a Court will be held. pursuant to the Ontario Voters’ List Act, by Hrs Honour, the Judge of the County of Grey, at the Town Hall, Duré- ham, on the 19th day of October. 1914. at the hour {of one o’clock in the afternoon, to hear and deter- mine the several complaints of errors and omissions in the Voters’ List of the Municipality of the Town of Durham for 1914. All persons having business at :the Court are required to attend [at the said time and place. ‘ Dated this, the 5th Bay of Octo- ber, 1914. WM. B. VOLLET DOUBLE HEATING 'COAL stove, practically as good as new, Apply to Chas. Ritchie: Durham: HO US EHOLD HELPS. For Sale Stalen a..." Q‘V'Yi.‘ ”ant-mt manuioyzuy. purring-'01?! 1.19613" saia the Marquis of Crewie ! gm. m a month ago m~annmmcmg to the S 1 progress British Reuse 0f Lordsé (the propos- so a many abidly es- When it Germans from. is consistent Reformed but 2e for the er to God is crusade If the 3 for this othing‘ to My helicve 'zmz Jusei Win with- German 113 as abâ€" ed employment of native Indian troops in the war in EurOpe. Trulv'gn a remarkable commentary the constant reports of in that vast empire, upon qthreatened- “holy wa r” of the Maâ€"1 hommedans noon the implacaulc plotting of the Bengali, upon the nexei «ending disoider on the. north-western frontier. The princes of India in ~ :1 few hours subscribe 5.500, 001') for the use. of troops in :1 Wm at the other end of the world: the Viceroy of 1113111 reports to the home government uponih Wide?a lspread disaffection to British rule f the 111 Clerk. 108 But so it is .and so it has been. iIn the piping times tof peace, poor 201d England is “doomed”: in every mart of her far-flung dominions the favorite pastime of her 'ariâ€" icolored subjects is twisting the 3tail ofrthe old moth-eaten, dodderâ€" .inlg lion. But when danger thrmt- 3gens when the clarion call of Eng- lland’s war resounds to the farth- iest bounds of the 'empi '9. how dif- iferent the note! From China to {Peru thev troop to the threatened leolors, white. black, yellow and ibrown. India is stirred to the 'denths: Ireland closes ranks, and the word is “clear the way.” that serious dissatisfaction W111 arise unless the native troops are permitted to give their lives for the empire and for the far-off Em- peror who was crowned in the halls of the mighty Moguls. So now from “disaffected,” “re- bellious” India they come in troops “the kindly (dark faces who fought with us, faithful and few.” loyai and brave, and “first-class fight- ing men.” Tennyson \had in mind the famous \little Ghoorkas, five feet nothing, the fierce little laughter warriors who prepare for battle with “a 'happy sigh of contentment.” but the troops now come to 'the aid of their own Kais- er-i-hind are of a thousand tribes of scores of races and sub-races. of complexion varyingr from 'a light- er olive than that of the Spaniard, to almost black, of many shapes and sizes. ~' ‘ LL - 1---‘ Sikhs. the Lions of the Punjab. bravest of the brave. They are really not a race at all, but a- religious sect which comprises many different tribes. The prac- tices of their creed have. however« rendered them practically a dis- tinct race even to uniformity of stature and appearance. Tall and; splendidly pronortioned. with" black flowing beard. and unusually large turban. the Sikh looks What he is. the finest warrior in India; Almost as Well known is the hand.â€". some Dogra of Cashmere. the gen-l tleman of India. Raiput and “des-f cendant' of kings.” And the wild and turbulent Pathans of the northwestern border. formerly? among the fiercest of England’s foes. have but ohe complaint to make of their Emperorâ€"that he ,doesn’t give them enough fighting. I And so itlis with the remainder of the heter’ogenous warriors \vhose swords leap in their seab- bards with joy that they are to 'share in the defense of an empire which has become inalienablv their own since the coronation at Delhi. :The warriors beyond the Indus ihave never fought in Europe. They {are now not only to fight to their 'heart’s desire but the}r are to ,fight the great pmvers of Europe Ein defense of their Emperor. Their ‘peerage is acknowledged. Nearly :all are well-lwed and their officers ’are among the most ccmrtemis in :the world. They are proud of the privilege granted them to show their mettle son the Widest. sternâ€" est field in the World. - 1 1 ‘ uJIa A“ A\-‘ L‘. Not lie‘htly does England treat her “Indian brotherS”-â€"-“highâ€"soul- ed men” was the tribute to their worth by the Marquis of Crewe in. the House of Lords. Nor does she fear for her honor ”While it is in their keeping. This war has ‘shat- tered many a preconception; it will but shatter more if it but give these splendid and honorable sol- diers their due in the eyes of the world. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Turnbull of Vickers. visited at the home of Mrs. Henderson, Sr., 13.:‘ t Sunday. and attended _t_h_e Hampden church “‘firE‘Vfififi‘ii‘t‘fl’e ' attended the funeral of her brother’s wife last week. We are. sure Mrs. Little Ration at.this sad death. We un- derstand he was only married a year this month. A :great many from around here took .in “the Holstein Fair and seem to have enjoyed the show tooknin (011‘ seem to he. very m_u“ch._ The W. M. Society {are prepar- ing a very interesting missionary social. We hardly know-When it will be. but expect it in Oqtober. not-J Will U5. ”“5 “83‘1th A- “'5‘ v-wâ€"wwâ€" ( We must congratulate the child- ren, and [also some “of the young people in our congregation on the way they are repeating scripture passages, and also the older ones repeating catechism. ' While he and a few other ' ---v young men were cutting corn, Mr Wilfred Anderson got his finger badly 'cut. We understand it was done accidentally by another young lad, who was swinging his sickle. . _ _ vâ€"-“ We hear that a number of others around and near pup chugch wâ€"vâ€"â€" wâ€"v â€"â€"â€"â€"‘ w..â€" are intending to instal the tele- phone thia fall. rful‘ wave of ‘ HAMPDEN passing ‘51“-M' ”mi! "WV“ “.II.‘ ' U! . T. Wee} instructions t6Zse11 by mum auction ‘ at LOT 59 CQNâ€"‘ ICESSION 2, 3%.. GLENELG, on SATURDAY OCTOBER 10,1914 the fo‘ilowing. . _ 1 mare, 13 years general pur-‘ mOse. 1 «aged mare a quantitv of ihay. 1 covered buggy 1 Cutter, a mumber of hens and chickens. 1 general purpose plow 1 scuffler, 1 set single harness, 1 set heavy harness, 1 set heavy bob-sleighs. 1 set light bob-sleighs, 1 light1 Wagon, 3 logging chains, 1 set stairs, 1 scythe. 1 manure fork. 1 set iron harrows 3 sections. 2; Ditchfcrrks, 1 rake, 1 set gardei tools consisting of watering can. garden rake, hoe and spade. 1 digging set consisting of shovel. pick and crowbar, 1 crosscut saw 1 Rhandsaw. 1 bucksaw. 1 set of tools for saus, 1 0"rindstone, 1 lawn seat,1 O\f(. 1d Rixal cook- stove. 1 Cosx Hum-e ’ heutex, 1 e:-;-« tension table. :2 small tables. :2 rocking chairs, 2 Sideboards 10 small chairs. 1 press cupboard :3 shelves, 1 Daisy barrel chum No. :2. 1 single-{barrel shot gun b. l. Iver Johnson, 1 «Sit. house ladder. 3 bedsteads. 1 lounge, 1 paper rack. a small number of gem sealers a number «of stove pipes some dishes and other articles too numerous to mention. Evervthing must be sold. as the proprietor is retiring from active work. SALE AT ONE O’CLOCK SHARP TERMSâ€"All sums «of :55 and m:- der. cash: over that amount six months’ credit on appmved joint notes. Five per cent will be al- lowed off for cash in. ,lieu of notes. JOHN HEWITT, R. BRIGHAM. Hurrah for the Skies The Rev. Dr. Marsh,Sc.D., F.R.A.S.,Holstein â€"â€"COMI.\'Gâ€" Come see thnfse rniiiug wonders that peuple Innuensity The Giant Jupiter with his belts and zuoons Saturn the Queen of space. rings and 11100115 Our ()ld Moon, with her hills, valleys, 01d volcamms and sea beds By Lime Light you will sit; at. the eve piece of the greatest Telescopes in the world and see far beyond mor- tal vision -the Stars by the mil- lions Underthe auspices of the \Vomen’s Institute The above features' give an outline nf the. instructive and entertaining Lime LightTulk. to be given in the Admission 2 FRIDAY, OCTOBER 9, ’14 Mens’ livings (201119 from FARMS, Beef sells up Ln 39.00 pm- cwt. Pork to $10.00. Market authorities believe these prices will gruntinuc.‘ If 3011 hmv \NY MONEY 171111111 $30011“ to 1-1113 11.1 ge 511111 H H. Mil LER “ill 111- vest it; for 31111 on goal! 111111tg11g1: security and chm ge 3' 011 11otl1i11g.\Vl13' invest 3 our money “ith 51111115 in \Veste1n town 111 city 1 ts? 01' Why have it lying at .3 pm cent. when it might as well e11 11 3011 twic 1* as much on first rate land 11101tgage security. J Have some sense. Let M1. Miller in- vest your money on a good 11101' tgage. WAR 0R PEACE MEN‘MUST LIVE H. H. MILLER, tho ”Allover Cun- veyancer. offers smne GREAT BARGAINS in Farm Lzmds in Bentimzk.Egrenumt. Normanhy. (fax-rick. Brant, and \Vest- em Provinces. Send for List. Farm and Town properties exclfang- ed. If you Wish to BUY 01‘ SELL. BOR- ROW or LEND it will PAY YOU WELL to write or phone [1. fl. MILLER, or better still hitch up and go and see him. H.H. MILLER, Hanover The Sun 0111 01°!) of day with his spots faculae, 1ice gnu 11x and gr eat fires, 44M»U(N)111iles high Mars with her snow caps and water- ways This must mean HIQH PRICES fm' ARM LANDS. Take :1 hint. BUY NOW. TH E Don’t miss the Inn-Lt of a life time Town Hall, Durham Pr0prietorL LIME LIGHT TALK D U R H A M B R A N C 1,, . I a I“, School Child 1'01) 1‘ Auction-oer. with b er DC n .m DURHAM unnmm L "IS PUBLISHED VERY THURSDAY MORNING At the Chronicle Printing Pause, Garafmxo Street. ' ' Tau CHRONICLE ‘ subscnptlon any address. free Rates - . 81 00peryear,pay -$1.50 may be charged if not so 1 to which ever) ubscription is 93.1 the number or tlm address label. continuum to all arrears are pait ontmv of the proprietor. v ‘1‘ all“ l' quent insation n‘inion meas cards. not exceeding one inch Advertisements without aueo be published tin forbid a) 1 ch Transient noncesâ€" ‘Lt at. ":M etcâ€"50 centfi for first insertion subsequent insertion. Advert Rates ising (I: All advertisements order be naid for in adege. Contract rate.” for yeahy uivertmemenm fut nished on apphcation to the uflice. ed by strangers mun 'wâ€"W_ _ "azure memg (m. shark's notice. SHOW Roons~Next to vaath' Bal'bel'Shnp. RESIDExCEâ€"Fex doorSuuLh of \V. J Lawrennes [‘10 -1- ~- ’ Full line of (htholic Robes. and blafik and white Caps fur aged people. DURHAM. ONT “".""\. ‘“ “m is now open in Cent-ml Business College. Toronto. and in each of its Six Branches. Free Gamingue ex- plains courses. \Vribe for a, copy. W. H. Shaw, President. Head TINSMITHING Mr. M. Kress has opened a shop at the rear of the furniture snow room and is prepared to do all kinds of tinsmithing. Undertaking receives special attentinn Oflices 393 Yonge Street. Toronto. A CLEARING of Ladies White Waists blacksmith shop Rugs, Oiicloths Window Shades Lace Curtains and all Household Furnishings NEW GOODS Come and See Us if in need of anv- thing in outline And. somv good value: in Black and Colored Silkt~ just in EDWARD KRESS Burma AND P AUTUMN SESSION Embalming Wpecialty “'9 have a few \Vuists left about 30 in all which we will sell as follows: in Silk (Lisle. Lisle sed Cottun. ids!) in :53,_:u )\\’ai<ts Tm $1.50 1.50 \\ aists ft»: 1.20 l. 23 \‘Vaists 101 1.00 ..... \Vhite Cotton Sucks f1 C hi Id rcn “Little Darling Hose” . L. GRANT Another Shipment of Woman's Hose For transwm 8 cents per Pine for tion: 3 (term. per those are in sizes 34, 3F. 38, 4M. 4'.’ 1873 and 44- in chvs . IRWIN 3 (zentp per mm each subse ion measure. Profession: one inch $4.00 per annum out specific directions W“ 1! a) ‘1 charged accormn 1y .1 at. “:Found.’ “ForSa o.‘ RHPRIETOR ‘â€"‘â€"' v" 3.9 for. _the first inner 1 8d\:9rt)I-'(-n e! u Del. K0 paper (11; paid. “new at the Tm of postage. :0: pa yable in advance “0 Paid. The dflo Wind E denoted 33’ - "A may. igéénta for not Will be aem u M vrcer- \V b ite. fol

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