West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 8 Oct 1914, p. 8

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*mefimwmék § Large Sales Small Profits § EIGHT. Boots and Shoes 3 “11:1 the disappearance of Summel comes the Iall \Ve can sell \'ou a Ton of any of the above Feeds at a very close price. Get our prices before buying elsewhere you as we can save you money. I MORE BREAD AND BETTER BREAD _\\ihen you want an order of Fresh Groceries or a Bag of Flour in a Hurrx', Call Us, we will see your order gets Careful and J Prompt attention. This Flower is made from pure Man-. NO More itoba Hard \V heat milled by orie of $3.25 the largest and best equipped mills in Ontario. \\ e guarantee every bag of this Flour to give you satisfaction) or your money refunded. Don’t scold your cook for making poor bread, but buy this Flour per bag Purity Flour, Five Roses Flour, Milverton Jewel, McGowan’s Flour and Chesiey Flour 5 Bags and Over ' $3.15 Purest of all‘ McKEBHNIES’ WEEKLY NEWS MRS. A. IEGGS é PHONE No. 3‘ 5:1 ... 3-“.3“. The. People’s Provusion Store 'M++++++4-++ +w+++++++++w+++++++++w+ oi'é'éwiuhb4-+++++++++4~%+++++++4-+~Z*~§~~i«1«:-éoi~+++$$+~§~~§-++%é-+++~§°++ e-~:«:«:â€"-:«:»:~~z-~z-+++ W++++++++4oM++MMM+++wwwwww++++++++a~+~z~++++w++~z~a~+~z~~z~~z~z~ +++~x~w+w+e~w+++++wwoz-e-M-+¢++++W 6 FLGUR, .'=?€RA,N $HORTS, MIDDLlNGS FEED FLOUR, CORN AND OAT CHOP WW Are You making use of it P PINE TREE F L O U R Eon. J. D. Reid has been ap- pointed honorary colonel of the Lisgar Rifles, the 56th Grenville Regiment. . Dr. Geo. Mitchell. of Wallace- burg, ex-Warden bf Kent county, died on Friday, aged 78. the trade wmarkâ€"“The Girl with the Auburn Hair.” Accept no other. X8 Parisian Sage supplies the hair. With What is needed to make iti soft, fluffy, thick and gloriously; radiant. It is sold in fifty-cent: bottles by Macfarlane Co. and- at all drug counters. Look for? TRAVERSTON. Such beautiful autumn Weather makes one wish for leisure time to thoroughly enjoy it. V'.~A.l ‘VI-l v‘vnaav 'vvw“- Mr. Chas. McClocklin and Miss Mvrtle, attended {Holstein Fair last meek, and the latter remained as truest of Mr. W. L. Falkinghams familv for some days. If your [hair is losing its natural color, is falling out, dull, streaky, full of dandruff, too dry, or if the scalp itches and burns do not be alarmed, use Parisian Sage. Rub it well into the scalp. It will go right to the hair roots. nourish them, and stimulate the hair to grow long and beautiful. It re- moves dandruff with one applica- tion, stops itching scalp, falling hair and makes the head feel fine. The western .provinces are not crying out 'for men this fall. and many are returning to Ontario al- ready. Mr. Geo. Gray arrived home on Saturday from the neigh- borhood of Elbow, Sask. Some of our young people took a drive over to see Eugenia Falls lately. and ,Were greatly taken with its scenic beauty. It is doubtful if ever potatoes were so large in Grey countv as they were this year. When loaded into the Wagon box they look \ erx much like a load of turnips. Girls and women of all ages want to be beautiful and attract- ive, but unsightly. thin and lifeless hair destroys half the beauty of a pretty fac_e._ Mr. Will Finder and his sisters of Orchard, motored up on Saturâ€" day and spent a day or two among the Greenwood families._ Mrs. Geo. Blair is home, after spending the summer with her daughter in Proton ' The O’Neil Bros. are doing some fast threshing along the 6th con-9 cession these days. Messrs. Am- brose Haley and Lawrence Mc- Keown are hard to beat on the feed board, to say nothing of the fancy Work the owners can do. Oats and barley are turning out well. peas are a failure, and fall wheat varies greatly. .’Tis reported a Wedding took place in our midst on Monday, but we have been unable to tget pare ticulars at time of Writing, so won’t report until later. GLORIOUS HAIR. W e are p1epared 10 11 a1dle \Vheat and will paV 10u 111011651 pnce 111 exchanm for Flour. B11110 3'1011' \Vheaf to us, we want it. 11 1011 (10111: 112111t 111111 we all p31 1701103311. 1111‘: 1011511011111 uset this 110111115 :1 110111: 1101111 the DIODE)", and it 5 cheap \1’1‘161‘1 3:11.111 take 1 110111116 high 1111211111 01111. f The new port will be available ‘for ships of the “largest size and .will contain a coaling station and repairing ward. In the hands ’ of the German navy it would serve {as an invaluable base. A report which is believed to be tru~2 has been received at Grimsbv that Mr. Albert Kiesel, formerly a leading jeweller in Grimsby,. who returned to Germany a few years ago and went to reside in Berlin. has been shot for refusing to fight against Britain.’ Germany has recently brought extreme pressure ‘to bear upon; the Dutch Government, not only to se- cure this concession, but also to obtain the construction by the Uutch of fortifications at Flush- ing. barring the Waterway to Antwerp. Mr. Norman Kerr has erected a new chopping mill, but will do away with the saw mill, which will be much missed by the community. We understand that Mr. W. J. Piercey, our genial storekeeper, 15 about to leave Varney, but we hope that the village store will not be closed, as it is a great convenience. Miss Hazel Barber, who is at- tending Mt. Forest Business Col- lege, Sundayed at'home this week. The point at which the harbor is to be built is at Vlaardinvgzen. only 115 miles distant from Har- Wich. and a shorter distance from the Suffolk coast. It will be '20 miles nearer :to England than Ant- werp. of Which Napoleon once said that. in ‘the hands of a strong sea power, it iwas a pistol presented at England’s-head. The Vulkan Company has con- structed German dreadnaughts in its shipbuilding ‘yards at Stettin and Hamburg. Mrs. Margaret Grant, We are svorrv to report, is. not enjoying her usual health. being confined to her bed for a few days. Miss Emma Churchward of Orch- ard spent a few days last week with her sister, Mrs. J.J. Wilton. Germany? has got 135 miles near- er to Great Britain. Such is the effect of the purchase of a harbor near Rotterdam by the Vulkan Shipbuilding" Company, which is owned by Herr Thyssen. the mul- ti-millionaire. whose projects are invariably supported indirectly bv the State. as are those of the firm of Krupp. As showing the state of feeling in Europe before the sudden out- break of :the war, the following! is reprinted from the London Dis- patch of July ‘26: The nearest German port to British territory at the present time is Emden, which is slghitlv over 250 miles from the Norfolk coast. GERMAN’S NEW HARBOR. VARNEY. take into considera- FIVE FOR 25 Cents SEE THEM IN OUR DINIM J D. ABRAHAJ 7C0rd. ' : Velvets Men’s 100 Excelda Han kerchiefs, one week on Underwear, SWEATER COATS New Fall Dress Goods 500 60c 75c $1.00 A Complete Stock for Men, Women and Child- ren. In all the wanted shades You must see the qual- ity to appredate them. The. season for Sweater Coats is here 'and we would like an opportun- ity to Show you our stock. The prices are just a little lower than you pay elsewhere See the Materials we are showing in all the fash- ionable wears and cor- rect shades for Fall at ABRAHAM It will pay Fair and Square fl"

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