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Durham Chronicle (1867), 22 Oct 1914, p. 6

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Durham fligh School Canada’s example in instituting; free distribution of forest tree' s“Things. cuttings, etc.. to prairie homesteaders for planting out as' ahelter belts. etc.. bids fair soon to be followed by the United; States Department of Agriculture. The prospect is that this distribu- tion will be made from the newly. established' Field Station at Man-E ‘ dan. N1). Mr. W. A. Peterson. the Superintendent of the station. late- ” Vié‘ited the Dominion Foresrry Bran-‘53 Nursery Station at Indian Head Sask. in order to investi- gate Canadian methods of carry 102' our. the enterprise. The record Of [111‘ St ML (m1 m p.- lst \g 1" 183 flattenng mw. 'llw UHSM'P :m) progress“? E‘lllh' :ztiun: all} and sp; 1r 9 m. 33an to 599 th u t9: l( he] s and pupik ave an my adumtave fm thy 1,”, per Pi‘PSt‘ntdtiUn and zurqnistinn of knowledve. Intending Studc-ms slxmzldvntvt'at1h»- beginning of thv .0111) if possible. Board canhe nhtnixwd at reasonable rates. ’Dm'hwm 1s :1 healthy and at- tractive tun"). making it .1 mml desir- able place f’fz I'vsidcm-e. 1.1-108- .AI‘I‘£\.\'. I)['in('ipnl 'vincial Mndel 5mm} Tm, Class Certificate»: .,.Tl()()l‘i>‘ [hmnugiglv e qui} pm achinvahilitv in chvmiu .I and t ic-a1511p[)iie~.nnlfictizrgs.e~h..t-1' unior qu'ing an}. .\I:L{_1"iu 1:. work. Yong P and ( hulies sheets. Tmrtun u baa Natimmi Rvpumtion ful'SlUN' i w Faint.» and S‘nnuhaml Edm- .Ltinn. Catalwgup free. («HUMP nc-e imw. M.ELLIUT'1'. Prim. 72H Ymmg St. Is the one leading to a course of 6 or 8 months 111 the Attend the Best. It Always Pays )K) ELLIOTT 0,. M Msu‘md V. W. H. HARTLEY. J. F. .GRANT. 5:11 31 m : :31 per month in advance GEO. SP( )TTUN, President. Thousands of ambitious young peopeare being instructed m their homes by our Home Studv Dept. Youmay finish at Cnll- ege if you desire. Pay when- ever you wish. Thirty Years’ EXperience. Largest trainers in Canada. Enter any day. Positinns guaranteed. If yuu wish to save board and learn while you earn, write fur partico ulars. â€" BLANKETS â€"â€" Large 11 t Flannelette Blankwts. pier pair ..... $1.00 'I'er‘y large 12-1 Flam)?!- ette Blankets. per pair 1.8.3 ‘Vool Blankets from $3.60 pair â€"- BED COM FORTERS â€"â€" Bed CumfnrteI-s 81.2.3 m {2.50 for Cotton Bed Comforters $4.25 to $5.01) for Down \Vhite Honey-emu?) Shawls at 50c" 750 . $1.00 and $1.50 each Motor Vails from 50c up \Voman‘s Misses Motor Hoods Idents and Graduates assxsted to ’itions. .Entrer any time. Full rticulars m free catalogue. A. McLachlan. G. M. Hem-y, President. Principal. ‘Vmuans Vests 2.5. 5U. 75". $1.1 Children's Vests in all sizes The” Easy Road to a HOME STUDY Cold Weather Goods S. P. SA UNDERS He Sells Cheap Machine Oil. Harness ()z‘ Ame Grease and Hon Ointment. 90 to \Valkerton Business College Mt. F0 est 'SINESS COLLEGE GOOD SALARY W. H.3EAN CALL AND SEE US .OWIN 3 CA.'.~XDA’S LEAD N1) VACATIUN Chail‘nmn \' ESTS â€" The Harnesgn‘ 9 k9 lpzu em Teacher 75". $1 9).; Seem-[MW that Spoke of the master cracksman. his face against the cold steel. his ears fairly peaked with the tensity of his listening for the click of falling tum- blers. His expression betrayed no anxiety. He knew his worth. knew the pregnahility of the safe in which his master placed so great confidence and to which he had consigned the papers and orders he had just received from Washington until the ball was over and he had time to study the in- structions at his leisure. The cracksman heaved a sigh of re- liet as his sensitive finger tips told him the last tumbler had fallen. The great iron door swung open to his tug. ‘ He was swift: he was certain: he was sure Not a pa per was disarrang- ed. His fingers fluttered like little white birds. drifting among the gen- eral‘e papers with a certitnde that be spoke great familiarity. With a Sign A cautious fraction of an inch at a time, a sound so faint that nothing lived between it and silence succeeded the departure of the general‘s aid and the girl he loves. the girl he means to marry. As the butler‘s face framed itself on the threshold theldoor was opened that led to the ballroom. a burst of music vibrated there. then all was silence. The butler closed the door swiftly behind him and glided across the floor. stopping before the safe. his dexterous fingers manipulat- ing-the knobs with a careless certainty with disreputable houses that leaned at drunken angles toward one another. the filthy windows winking blearily to their neighbors. he paused before the largest of these places. His hand reached toward the bell pull. From some distant part of the house came back an echo. Slowly, very slowly. the door swung open. swallowing up the figure of the thief-butler. And there the butler and his employer made their plans. . I I Q O I I General Sumpter Love. U. S. A.. smiled tolerantly to himself as be over- heard the low voices of his aid and Lacflle coming from the little cozy cor- ner in which the young lieutenant had hidden hissweetheart away from the avid dancers who would have taken her away from him. Then he sighed heavily as he realized he stood on the threshold of another change; that the courtship of his aid had finally been SUCCeSSful and another household would soon be occupied in Otficers‘ row. leaving him alone in this great house. Faintly sweet the tantalizing perfume lingered in the room, and the rustle or Lucille Love‘s skirts seemed still to sound against the walls or the tiny room which General Sump- ter Love used as his private otfice; the echo of Lieutenant Gibson’s pleading tones had not departed when the door leading to the servant’s quarters moved. In print, as on the moving pic- ture screen, “Lucille Love” is a thrilling, rapid fire story. It takes its heroine, a young woman of charm and beauty, into the strangest of situations. There she braves the perils of sea and land for the sake of her love. As the situations unfold, with the swiftness and ease of the moving picture, the reader finds himself following, as he would the living movements of the reel, the fortunes of Lucille, her foe, Loubeque, the interna- tional spy, amid scenes of ship- wreck and the wildness of na- ture, on sea, among the islands of the cannibals and elsewhere. But Lucille and her arch foe are not the only two in the pic- ture and story whose movements are followed with the tribute of intense interest. The old gen- eral, Lucille’s father,- her lover, Lieutenant Gibson; the chief of the savages and others all stand out distinctly in the panorama of picture and story. THE GIRMt MYSTERY W559. I 9145 J” awful pic-tuna rill": Wed by we vnrmuat ram Men «1.3-. faring Company. Mba'cb :2: near exhibiting Q” Drudacfipn In 109W (beaten. [Minte- want: an?! In "womanly pmccutcd. CHAPTER I. The Work of a Spy. E was swift; he was certain; he was sure. “MASTER PEN” PROLOG UE. Lucille Love. THE General Love permitted a smile to play about the corners of his stern mduth as the rustle of a woman's skirt reached his ears simultaneously with the click of his aid‘s boots. Came a brief whispered conversation outside the door then the aid stood upon the threshold at attention, Lucille hiding behind him in an attitude of mock timidity. The old man hit his mus- tache viciously. then'smiled broadly. “Well." he demanded, fumbling among the papers that littered his ‘desk. “what have you got to say for yourself. young woman?” meek smoothing his brown. leathery one. It was the way she had coaxed him when a child, the way she had never outgrown or known to fail. “It’s about Dick’s promotion, dad." Lucille slipped across the' floor, twin- mg a pair of white arms about her fa- ther’s neck. the soft velvet of her Again the general shook his shoul- ders. striding b1iskly to his private of- (ice. Only in work could he get relief from these fits of depression. And there was always work to be done. for the little brown people loved their fighting. were never satisfied with peace and quiet. He pressed the an- nunciator on his desk, curtly command- He wondered if all fathers felt this way, wondered if he could gladly give his daughter to another man and be happy watchingr that other remold her world. And the time was so short. That may boat in the harbor now might hear the senate’s confirmation of young Gibson’s promotion to the rank and pay of captain. The two men had agreed that the marriage should wait on that, and the general had to admit that the aid had lived up to his word. But, then, Gibson always did that. lng the soldier who responded to send Lieutenant GibsOn to him. Ten minutes later Thompson. alias Tommy the Dude. alias “Chi” Tom and wanted for just such jobs in many police departments of the world. glid- ed out the rear of the house, scurrying across the moon splashed parade ground and losing himself in devious windings among the oflicers’ homes upon the military reservation. Slip- ping down a narrow side street. lined with disreputable houses that leaned at drunken angles toward one another. the filthy windows winking blearily to their neighbors. he paused before the largest of these places. His hand reached toward the bell pull. From some distant part of the house came back an echo. Slowly, very slowly. the door swung open. swallowing up the figure of the thief-butler. And there the butler and his employer made their plans. TEE DURHAM CHRONICLE. For months to come he would continue to serve in order that no suspicion might rest upon him. Not one motion had been wasted. For months he had served in his me- nial capacity for this one opportunity. of relief he stared at the sealed packet he had just seen the army otficer re- ceive and pun-e there. The butler thrust it into his pocket. drawing out a package of bank notes and putting it in the tiny vault where the papers had been. The door closed softly. the knobs whirring under the man‘s touch. Again he waited. listening. listening. The vibration of the dancer’s feet con- tinued for :1 sevond. the strains of mu- sic died. With the noiseless glide of a panther the butler slipped across the floor and closed the door behind him. “It's about Dick’s promotion. dad.” “Lieutenant Gibson,” he began, his voice rivaling the sound of the scrap- ing chair. “Lucille mentioned a mo- ment ago that you had suddenly ac- quired suflicient money to justify an immediate marriage.” “Yes. sir. A legacy”- General Love snorted his disbelief. “Leaving the combination of this safe. with secrets which are invaluable to the United States. with secrets that would be of untold value to the ene- mies of the United States. with secrets that might mean the sacrifice of not territory. but countless livesâ€"does that not strike you as strange. not to say suspicious. that such a precious thing Continued on D!!! '5 the orders and papers. General Love sgddenly rose, the chair scraping rasp- ingly upon the tense silence. “No." General Love’s tone was per- emptory. crackling. He did not relish delay of any sort. “Come. comeâ€"the papers I gave you. lieutenant.” “General, they areâ€"notâ€"there.” “Not there!” Like the crackling of fire in dry twigs was the old man’s voice. “Not there. sir! Then perhaps they. too. may be in your room.” “No. sir. I distinctly recall placing them in the order box. There was no money there at the time.” But two men had access to that safe; but two' men knew of the arrival of sir 9n “Why, I don't remember these!” he cried. Then with an expression of re- lief. “You have already been here, He studied his aid curiously when he returned and began fumbling with the knobs of the safe. The door open- ed. and the lieutenant’s band auto- matically reached inside toward the place where he had put the packet. An expression of incredulous dismay was upon his face as he. drew out a bundle of lianknotes. she whispered. “It hasn't (.‘UHle on the Empress. and that means want at least another month. If there was any chance of the senate‘s failing to con- firm it we wouldn’t bother you. but a month is such a long time. andâ€"and Dick has some money now”â€" “Yes. yes. yes," the general retorted grumy, a twinkle in his eye that he- lied the tone. “But from what i’ve seen tonight and the last week since Harley Started his aeroplane maneu- vers I thought there might be some change in your plans." Lucille flusbéd prettily. her eyes flashing a mocking smile at the stal- “0h, father!" 90 §§§§§§§§§§§§§§OOO§OOO§OO 'OOOOOOOOO...’.?OOOOVOO§§ O. ¢¢¢o¢+¢¢¢++o+¢o++§¢oooooooooo§¢o+¢+++oooooooooooooou o++§¢§§§§+§§§§§§§§§§§+§oooO4+§§++§§+§+§§¢§§§§§§§§§§4 O§+§§§§W§§¢§§W§§§§§O+§§§§§§§§§§§§§NWOW H #00009006000099000000)#0904 ¢§§§§§§:z99049969 is a stomach, liver and kidney tonicâ€"by assisting the stomach to asmmxlate, the liver to filter, the kidneys to actâ€"the palsons are removed, the red blood corpuscles are increased and one feels light, fresh and active mstead of logy, dull and heavy. The “Discovery” stimuâ€" lates the stomach, increases action of heart and arter- ies and is a most satisfactory alterative in blood-taint of an character. The refreshing influence of this extract of native medictnai' plants has been favorably known for. over forty ‘ Sold by a” medicine dealers in liquid or tablet form,- or send 50 one-cent K ctarnpe to Dr. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y.,and a trial box win be mailed you. The Rob Roy Cereal Mills Co. Oatmeal Millers. AT SPECIAL PRICES Central Drug Store Scribblers. Exercise Books, Note Books, Pads, Pencils, ‘Slates, Pencil Central Drug Store Durham SCHOOL OPENING High and Public School Books Is It Hot Enough For You ? \Ve have other good Feed on hand -all the time. at prices as low as we can make them. Our terms on Feed are strictly Cash.0r Grain at market price. W'e do not give any Credit. If you have Grain of any kind to sell we will pay high- est market prices for any quantity of Oats or other Grain at our Elevator. We have a good stock of CORN CHOP on hand that we are selling in Ton lots at about the same price as Oats, and every Feeder knows bhat Corn is better feed than Oats for feeding stock. If you want heavy feed get our prices on this feed, as it is good value for the price we are asking for it. \Ve want; empty feed sacks, if you have any bring them in and we Will pay you FIVE Cents each for all you bring. We Are Paying from 45c to 50¢ for Oats at our Elevator PHONES - - 4 and 26 We are ready with the Largest Stock Dr. Pierce’s Golden . H. HARDING Everything Newâ€"and at the Lowest Prices HENthofoodreachesthestomachitissubiectedtoa ' churning movqmmt by the muscular walls of theatomch -(See Dr. Pierce’s Mgdlcal .Adviser, page 45). In the liver, kidney: and skin,thebloodns punfied of its waste materialsâ€"these org-ans act as human filters. leaving the blood are and liver, digestive tract and kidneys are clones W and Supplies ever shown in town It will pay you to buy your School wants here STATIONERY OF ALL KINDS It may be at present, but it’s not 1:00 soon TO LET THAT CONTRACT for your Furnace 01- 1101 \Vater Heating System. Go At‘ Once, and see Boxes Etc. Ontario October ‘22,

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