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Durham Chronicle (1867), 29 Oct 1914, p. 1

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â€"â€" 4‘.” â€"~-- . - 1 L ‘ t'u. ,- :lwgment. knowing that i . . He is about 80 years of age “meats are to be investigate . case his remarks will b . . dfBis two sons. Archie. of against two of ou ‘ Arizona, and profitable. ‘ Ifand Dam. of Wilkie. Sask.. are A musical program is also and one grocer for:I f . t . t Tl fare home on account of his illness. provided. and We hope _ a1 0 in oxxcan 8. 1c, _ ‘ ; . . . , emu.» themselx es. charge against Mr. ROWe is a com-3 The second annual com ention of I, is ow - ,- Sunday School As- " n plete surprise to everybody, and’the South Grey 1’ . . f - . - . ittle Belo 00 one, We beheve, ever thought; SOClatIOD W111 be held in the Ram "tl . . him guilty.- of anv \vflful Violation; tist church. Hanover. on Tuesday. “' ‘ starxati of the license law. or any otherf"\T‘Wemb‘?r 3- ‘ gOOd program “v“! the face. They ha" law, for that matter. The charge {be presented. :1 1110129: the subjects 9m!" Simply of foo " We understand, is for selling cider i discussed bemo- “n Communitv Ser- f0" their sakfi and human “overproof” and What the resulliVice~ 193’ Mr. H ee a liberal . VIVE‘U. e inter . H. Burrows of 5'3"" we home to s lation of Public uoqve to an honest call for l . He tells us heian-d Sunday School in Religious In“: ‘15 make a small sacrifice ation. by Inspector Campbell, {the sake Of those who are sacri 1- time he ever I and Church Attendance by the in: their .all in a cause that , complaint for irregu- . Sun-day SChOOl’ by Mrs. W‘ W' :3??? :éazatege (fie makeh laxity. 'He avoided the danger that! mdhm m; .Belgjans: let us do muac h if fight result. by refusing to keep After a residence of many years ‘wIE cider 1n warm weather, or’ ' : - I. I . 3 . I 4' was I: In!!!) 1““-301‘ hotel keeper‘s the illicit sale . . are home on accoun' of mtoxxcants. The charge against t 311‘. ROWe 'is a c ' . . plete surprise to everybody, andfthe Seuth qu‘e“: ‘ - no one, we believe, ever thOno-hnsomahnn m- Id... _- n- flight, “The T} Burning of Ru “The Diamond reels, Will be and 10c. night, “The Tyrant Nero, Burning Of Home,” in fu'r .- h is stat H ed the Owen 2n n 0 f ‘ UDIne‘wn ing and S money to BardW‘are Your nece -.- quarterly sacramental ser-f vice will be held in the Methodist; ‘ church. Yarn-e). at 3 p.m. Rev. W." W'. Prudham will officiate. There 11' Dyre, 0f appm’nted 4 “19 quarts-fly 5;, "509 Will be heldi The Star T Changed last Hour Theatre. Smith s ons, The T‘vent)’ paper at drawer, AH invited to atts Institute will Rexall goods 5,. » cu. Admission on good ant hOrity”: Sound Times, “th 1: ’ (118,” m two .Makers ” i: gi "en. Ad m- f this paper. 113 back in I schoolyarj '13‘ amminted in--. uulL zuxu nvez- With - + ' - ’ 7 - , after 1 goods and help swell! Coat a. S. A. Rxfe Cr) 5. Ladnes ' I ’ ' Kin : n Patriotic Fund. For and Gents taxlors. Durham. Ont. g Macfarlane’s. . ; l < ‘ Tn I fly sacramental ser-, f1” held in thp M'Q.L_-p_. ucacnpuon of? 1911’s Institute)»; XXII ladies are; attend f u we services or e are now preparedi great variety, of ladies’ tailoring. and fashion plates 8. A. Rife Co I 09 ‘J‘ A _- [of dress goods in Fre a ia"0r bv (3511:; as ”Make the recovered I 1 a the Red Front' Dd ab] nged With an W. Black. A..‘ _, 0“ ‘ Q l unshrinkable and Women, 1n m'nO' of thefto the Kings: .11 be hem] Vanced to the . McGirr’ a “t. Attorney n33. We are giv- tra photographs . see the new styles; The ma F.W. Kelsey. [F W. Kelsev. e. (um ue- ClaSSEQ, as was shown by the first nun, . .1 i i u o e posxtion of account-4 $5311,12:15::pgjteghzndfifiica? 11:11:11th campaign. Roughly speak- hos. McGirg-f ant. term 1‘ 5th. at "’0!" H, they marshalled 8,500,000 men ' ed by all who knew her A choral societv is be' g , against 10,500,000 mustered bv their g SO IF! MORLOCK ’ ' .. ‘ , .. .lng' farmed Besides her nine surviving child- foes. But the Germans were pre- imanners in??? by Mr. J. Arthur Cook, and mm she leaves 45 grand-children, Dal‘ed. They Were in the 091m"? 0f 7 _ , at is expected that a musical con- and 14 great film”? unicert Will be 0" ’ ~grandchildren. Interâ€" Europe, and had to travel compar- the end ment took pl ace in Durham ceme~ atively short distances to reach \ . .~ ~ L .5 to join tery on Monday afternoon, the the strategic points. and >1 are invited to be present at the remains being first taken to Trim 9110 :ription of, Institute." l ladies are at the it}: church, my’s troops prevented where an impressive prompt intrrcommunication ’ J" 1“ hbmt’Y- service was held by Rev. Mr. Mor~ each other. Great Britain W i . v . . o .1 [gm ff}? Mr. Wm. Ritchie and family mov- r15~ the DPWIE-appomtcd rector, in re is “he 3. ed to tow adiness and had n the fore part of the ass:sted by Rev. .' o . - 4 . , . . . . p . Mr. Whaley, pas- troops 111 India, Australia, n. : i“ ppk ‘lnd are noxv (yet-tinc- Settlpd tor of the Presb‘yterian congregzl_ Zealand and Canada; to 10111 in the : F0 E S : h n - . , , - l rut (m l’m'jin their new home We Welcome two. There was a large attend-.'defense of France. Ihe strength : ‘ r u_“"““”:'them as residents and hope thev ance of mourning relatives and Of the military organizations or z ' : on Sutm._3m:1v be Ion-"- spared to oniov. ”18:". sympathizing’ friends. .Gemnanv and Austria were as “3- p . : .‘ , . '5 J v 1...; . 0 y . b . or the, well earned rest from a strenuous ----â€"0~-â€"-â€"~ Plous ’ an : u look 'hfe of tor] E ‘ , g Germany. {I 4 I" No; x n H. h b . ' .2! “LR ON THE WAR ; Standing Army..- were.) > 3, mission .3? ‘ '9 l m” as 99“ CIFCUIatC‘d ~ ~' \V'r F "in" iUW (:00 p ‘ raskin}: the council to submit a vote “v don’t Want to say too much3 d 00} hm "f ...... ‘ ’ t : l . 1, t ‘1 P‘ h d . ; Austria-Hungary. lat the next municipal election for a on ‘ r ‘10 ar so“ as a public -- -u ‘ ’ athoiit ‘. ‘ ' '3 1- W , ' Standing Army... 4.2,000 > ‘ '3 the repeal of local option. We sneaxer. e prefer to haxe people W r Footin'r 1 MAM“ 5 1L3, "tn Lelmm signatures have hem warm dISaDDomted in getting more than a ‘c ‘- 1‘ s ' . f I \ h ‘ f:\x\-‘ “ fill) h‘thf more than rho o: ~~ . rig..._-. sevens It one paper. A pp! 9' to â€" nvvua ‘1‘ _ '1 on piatéé’ Dopiins, silks. etc. At Fe 5‘ CO" Mr. Geo. Frape, beinl with appendicitis last indebted jforced fio remain indo horse- d its name 5; Mr. Allan McKinno: _' seriously ill. and thou; 011v was not looked fdays off all ’iof more than the 25 ‘irvuired by law. Our (lief is that the effort ‘ {1955. Local option in i inot be all the people 60 per cent. of the e] I {not Willing to see it r: ' Mr. Allan McKinnon 0 _I fih‘n- A‘h {week and are In in their new be them as residem may be 101112 spa] well earned rest : life of toil. cart will be :3 0f the 3"(xar. are invited to ~. -v évgl‘t’t [0 C} m I The first snow 01’ an ’old of the season fen , . and yon Monday morning. October '26. mom?" 1“ the i 1 George Adlam, W} under-I Mr H. R. Koch has purchased last at the Home 1 great: the Townsend property Mrs. Robert Mars ,' Montreal has a problem in the The maiden nam [mu-ma" thousands of destitute Austrians Ed was Margaret .‘ to (3,:‘8’71 Germans. ' 10"“ m .the (701.1!)1 reland, m April. ! Rexail produnts are made in therefore we]! adx name Canada Try them At Macfar- 8:..nd year {app} :' ane’s Drug Store At the age of ten I Get your Wi‘nter'suit - ! c‘l‘AIlt Coat at R A tutu n ._ _ "Wing for Cohmne thg’fili‘i’éfi 333’ has ere they Will reside in pied by Matthews 8: L" ey were accompanied lighter, Mrs. Dr. Park, mMrs. Loms Burnstem 15...; - , â€"-w.-g. Attendance 01' this he St. M'arys Bank, has be branch of en transfm Kingston brannh n .. ,3 -u ’1 ““u a :uulC‘lUS last Week. was died many ye: remain indoors for five‘ The survxvin *3, but is now fairly Well farmly are: I nd. Backus, Mrs. ‘Ph3"“D°n’t Worry ow*éi-:1»H1-e::lf $833,116 gifts this year. ,Rememâ€" :11 ad, 0 1:1 .1 your friends with a; t gdectegse 0f M'akezzlaozigusnzxzi :tment now. F'W' K917241131 of last .711 on branch, position of 9 been securc-d 3 per cent. 1%). ‘ personal be- I \Vin be frlfitâ€" transferred and ad- account- â€" ~--w4~)4 ‘lcc' â€"-~-J u ‘ C1- 3mm supply of food' in sight and ; creasing her own fleet, 2 . and humanity’slbundin‘g of the Kiel can; ee a liberal re=~ overcome Britain on the st ’call for 1191;) {the fond ambition of the mall sacrifice forz‘ W31: GOd‘ ‘TO ‘the 133' my)” to an hone Lt‘t us make a s to make the ' ing. to those initiated. “to. . owe much to‘when we shall meet the the Belgians; let us do a little fleet in battle.” The Briti Eon shipbuilding at a te ,cost, and maintained her 1 0f Mrs. .- _ new--- .. awu Ueuig; the marvel of the civilized mouded. and we hope_ all Will' emu.» themselves. 5 The British had long held . is now known that the poor’stmI 0f the seas. They Wen w- any“; mu, was fined $200 for the {1: clean of her merchant ships, whzle 31 sale of liquor ,her navy clung close to the form- 9 01‘ 86-- he Manitoulin far Icreted itself Wlthin the Kiel canal. ing- the example of other parts - of the war consisted of 60 modern . as a patriotic gift to thef ‘ battleships, 9 battle cruisers, 34 tire. Oats W‘H be the 'p ' ci- :' armored crui . I Contmued ,on page 2. I We don’t Want to say too mu about Mr. Richardson as apub sneaker. We prefer to have peo; disappointed in getting more th; they expect. rather than be disa pointed in expecting more thz thev get. To-morrow Frida night he will give a plain talk 1‘ the Methodist church on some ( the cities now affected by th great European war. We an nounced last week that he wouh speak on Germ gian cities. He w confine his rem arks to Belgiar mtiers alone 'and ' e , r e i :1 lot 25. con'ces d Mulock. whel ‘- the death of years ago. Si was held by Rev. Mr. 9 newly~appointed r i by Rev. Mr. Whaley: the Presbyterian cong There was a large at 5 mourning relnfivoc vv ubu§ll .r. Richardson as a public We prefer to have people uted in getting more than ect. rather than be disapâ€" n expecting more than He would prefer to remarks to Belgian 'and we are quite we hfm use his own Spending- it to say too much; ‘Var Footmg.. .. . lardeon as apublic’ Austma~Hungarv xfer to have people’ Standmg Army... gottlng more than War Footmg . her t‘mn be d154])â€" Maxmmn “ 31‘ SUCH}! .-m0rrow Friday ve a plain ta“‘ OBITUARY MRS. GEORGE ADLAM. regret to chronicle the "'We, and are ‘ ality, with the 1 Of her hUSban-q Since then She daughter. Mrs. 1V: '3r DOrtion of the danghter, eight mat in any resulted children.

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