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Durham Chronicle (1867), 29 Oct 1914, p. 3

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3? 013g: .Arthur Caruslé": e wen accepted as c Wipdsor world may .be heard me second cont]. all}, to phemers Trains. arriv Bat D! l430;)!!!"and8i§0pm Trains leave 3 45 p m. cannec do â€"â€" and an kinds of ._ House Fittings Shingles and Lath Always on Hand At Right Dr;nno :bope, 'fiqfirtiâ€"culax‘s. 1W VV‘I“ announce to residents of Durham and surrounding country. that he has his Planning Mill and Factor . Um] w “â€".v i , I and the isheep shall be There is an interesti Trains will arrive and depart as fol I this connection in M1 uws, until further notice:â€"- ‘ (onnnnh:_ â€" Grand Trunk Bailwa TIME-TABLE Y ll Leave fun. and Chicago 3 p.m. dail y. assur-é and as a Sheep duml mg important connections with prin, ers. 30d in the ban ester-n States and and Smeitting to a Canada. Him and 16 Hi1 Iona] Limited ; (verse 57; John: 3 Train of Superior Service I an inconceivable. . . ' w r 01.25:: 2:28;: mago at 8 a.m. ; A ‘ .ve Toronto 9 gun um. daily2 Berth nndex signed h better than at tend gt Dnrha Durham “ Mc‘ 'illiams“ Glen u Pricesille '" S: uxgeen J. '1 010nm Lv. 3. Town Agent '. Station Agent Phone 18 , Phone 31 j I _;58)‘ OctOber '29, 1914. EXCEPT SUJQAY A‘ Er; Qua, "98:5 to ‘ all the coum - Town Agemi false witnesses amim 7.15 a m.‘ am- .‘ at 10.30 3.1?) i .. . Agent, Poront. ...... muuux Because thou didst it” I xxxviii. 13; xxxix. 5)). It is ‘ ing that “whnso ke " and his tongue ' troubles" tProv. uUl (PS. :1 Wise say- epeth his mouth ‘d wisely when he usphemous letter before Kings xviii, 36; xix, 14). “’hen the high priest said, Thee by the Living God that Thou be the Christ the Son then an answer w sary, and Jesus assented, savino “Than kenâ€"L - ‘ ‘ “ the Lord (II not. and I was - dumb man that openeth not his mouth?" “I was dumb. I opened not my month because thou didst it” (PS. xxxviii. 13: xxxix. 0). It Is ' ing that , inst Him to put @dent here a few months ago, has . Him to death. but t in partnership with Mr! It}. A. Blakeley in the planing mill an 01: agree. At the . - . if , _ testifi ithat Jesus choppmg busmess. 3e“ mac , destroy the temple hes been recently added, . Wlnch . of God and to bail . wfll facxhtate matenalu m the. in n boys won, more the but cruelty.” than redeeming the former losses“: arge things that , The score was 18 to ' I! I. - vii 19- xxxv 11) . The Women’s Missionary Socie- . ‘ , ~’ 7 o . . Oh. the CI‘UPI iffhlcvi-{nfi -n .. _ +1‘ :9; ‘L- “ un, 11'; xii. l7: xiii. 35; xxi. 4: xxvi 54, 56; xxvii. 9. 35). After His resur ' rection He said that all things must be fulfilled. which were written in the . and in the prophets and ‘ concerning Him (Luke ll all Scrip- ' ; all concerning the ' - . as He has fulfilled the pal ‘- . . lid to my charge things that not” (PS. xxvii, 12; xxxv, 11). cruel injustice of it all, the red of those who were fully Could Turks -u.-. If. “ came to fulfill all Scrip time had come for Him 1 take Him. It was their ho power of darkness. times in Matthew‘s “that it might be fulfilled’ was fulfilled" filatt i "0 . O. ‘ ‘ ‘ b-‘ 111 viii. 17; xii. l7: xiii 2:. THE INTERNATIONAL SERIES. Lesson V.‘ F those Whoâ€" Jere fully kill Him! Could Turks â€" uuuees were appointed. he was too dead ladies will at once commence upon anything. “Nev- work for the comfort of the sol- ) you, hereafter diers who have gone to the front of Man sitting from Canada. The first meeting power and com- Wiil be held {n th ‘ -_..---, VI ‘99. 'y Verses. 63, 64â€"Golden Text, i, 7â€"Commentary Prepared by . M. Stearns. was there an." to sex I more th; 10 that all things Inust hlch were written in the and in the prophets and concerning Him (Luke came to fulfill all Scrip- mi‘lo an" â€" - '.--Fourth Quarter, For NOV-1, 1914. m xvfii. 5. 6). But He I an Scripture. and the e for Him to let them. was their hour. and the mess. At least twelve ew‘s gospel it is Written be fulfilled” or “then Matt. i. 22: ii. 15. 17. 23; : xiii. 35; xxi. 4; xxvi, 9-. - - . appeared in . . ago, according. )Vhlch General Stenger, comm: [mg a brigade ce Installed in his resi~ ‘. the scribes and dance Bil. The son ht Mr. .W'. Henry, w _ ~ St Himyto gut édfent‘here a f8“? months: 00-h Lnn a.Wise sayâ€" Alexand: Ins mouth A pat] It who can n-esday e man fnmn') fireesp- _ _----u» Lillu xaue 2-3p- -7-- v-uo- propriate addresses. An appeal is ' - to the farmers of the town- :er before ship for donations of oats and Reeve McKenzie . . pm}... “1 adjure sxded at the meeti "w . t t . _ - n ver Cvprus and Malta .1 ,, _._--....ua,y or loronvto it I’loats 0 ~ . , ,s‘ struck was present and gave inspiration 091” Canada, Ind”? Hon” Kong“ bv his splendzd addresses , flvmg' \ j 4 nary, omeâ€" . , But ty of Oven Sound dis rict held ClalmB the £535 thh tot: I d their 2lst annua conventlon in r1 ODS g ’0 ,u as the M9th°d15t church here on We hoist it to Show our devotion! : ' day Friday last. There Was a 200d To our King, to our country and’ O m 2: attendance ofddelefi‘aiteg and three laws; I z ant interesting an pro i a le sessions 2 - tw rd .d v' ‘b e .. 'e to iWere held. Mrs. Dr. Wilmott of T18 was: a an Isa l em lo: Even ,Toronto was . present, and lent Of advancement and Libertv’s’ 9 this much to the interest of the occa- cause blas- lszon by her excellent addresses this place, ll . . r ~ c _- [Wright and ‘ Switzer. Ad- Yet Free om hath made It maJes. dresses conve ’ greetings, from . tic h . the-sister societies in the Presby-vé , And Tim mm. ”um-n ,. more power in His two 3 send them all to the 9 than, twelve legions ready to respond to had asked for them , - V "mus. As free as By arrangement of Orangeville wave Presbytery a Young People’s In- And bondsr stitute was held at E ugenia on loqse afternoon and eVening ’Neath_ Its laSt WhiCh “'38 quite qnnnnanc--1 __‘__....u .Luuut'u [U .er. (:Olin I‘HE UNION JALCK. Alexander McFayden. .-\ patriotic public meeting was It’s ODIY a sm hold in the town hall on Wed 1 n-esday evening: last, when Warden! hit thousands Breese, Mayor ' It’s charged w An appeal is / Andrew, the farmer} of the town- . - ' . , ship for donations of Whmlfim‘i’ffild Scotlands h oats and Potatoes. Reevn annuu ith the cross . =- xxvi. 57-68. ,éimuh ua wayville. Was issue _ -c "u“. , , ’ lereu )on. declarina' hat '8 '2 D- Flesherton and Markdale High' c' I d' t as: h t thl “1 Ian impu en 11-. . teams played anâ€" . The atrocious order had. never 1, other match here on Frld‘lV’ m theless. reallv been given and car .1: which Flesherton boys “'0“ ore ied out. and proof of it is in 'tl‘ » than redeeming the former losses...hands of the ‘ t The score was 18 to 7. , French Government . . f _ xerman prisoners r); the 112th and l42nd Regiments o; 2,: formmO‘ the Stengc: .. . now held in France 'at Montbrison and St. Etienne ave declared, under oath, .. .zhlstrate. that this order was ' ' ' Jos. Clinton. - freshments were served pleasant social time spent. .alarried.-In Artemcsia, on Oc- tober 15. by Rev patriotic public meeting was ‘ . held in the town hall on Wed-lY t.thnneanr’ln (3‘19“?0191'9‘1 rag. ,. n-esday evening: last, when Wnrrlcml 9 » 1.).nhnâ€" “‘ them Flesher'tyo‘r‘x law, Mrs. Mrs. R. Fla isit 1n Toronto another Monday morn r v ‘31â€"’WulitfhaJirnE Wrightt and children of Safi‘e “633’ B 1‘ l are \181m0' - r. on ‘ ’, l managh. Ire and m 1819. and Wasqvmght, wast back “3,8 1 rs Wm his threshlnoec 8,: ‘ therefore 99 years of age. Sixty-J Mr and M18 ». ' seven years ago he came to Canâ€" ada. and for ‘ Brampton. where he w- to Miss Eliza McKenzie. who died .)~ , , .their brothers he .. years ago. After hlS marmage,’ . he brought his bride to Artemesia. to the farm on the u 0 ' on which he had formerly located. . . K. Richardson’s 51:12:; hgpgegetdmght’ and nt and there they spent their married Mr. G. Mitchell’s on Sundae Mr‘ M'r, heffe life. successful in agricultural 73mm Mitchell is . - " Mr. companied by Mr RV suits. Since retiring. Mr. Duncan ' ' ' Collincrwood Colleg; Was on thé ' ' has made his home wi .rs fate. *‘ - of his family. He is survived by . Mrs. Miller of Owen Sound is. two sons and fix: .. visiting Mrs. Thnrqhxn Wm. G.. in W ashmgton, Josenh H --. ploekn'v-‘A‘ . . Illiamls and Miss passing Williams, and Mr . -’ th' ' ' " 4 Durham Row” and Mrs. Steph e precaution to han , ’ Patterso , .. , - rs Rev. Dud eon IS \ t churches . . an, sxx children, alllgfi‘fiigzg‘ idea": airs $38er Tgronto 181 mg! masterfu , {1111: Beexihs‘ympatihy of friends h?” “firth, 13 “Egg: :2; of); gheatgm to with ‘ rs Ha'enr'riignn 3811:) leaft nipgex‘d or Mrs‘ A' S Va“ use“ Ln I’bv large 9 0 r1 ' ‘ to attepd the funeral. but who u a: t final-T 1% ‘zflf nhead, and d3“ 11-” very um: taken 111 at Toronto. and unable e \ SS 11 y f to proceed furthe ' Eixlm‘hand r . - . . Johnson '1nd5Sig‘ t Wa 1- .. ( .. . -,ed in the foxw- dfllgg’hter Ema, of Dundalk. Were hearers 0: Ship. has pass ' ' , d d. ' l - , S on Fridav’ city 0f T< , ’ 11. W50 diedfand Satuyda-‘v last '1} tiSin.g for ° ' ' - ell of Toronto only 55 b‘ the lat‘ ’3 parents conditions ,- Ilamy, ’For the s Mlss Marjory ' ' MCWilliams 01‘ three annl . ‘ : > ‘7 \‘na‘. n . A ‘ retn'mg. 13:155-. nu A ‘33 the n- Cd Dent’pr‘Isl “ A‘Q. . _ ‘- Artemesia. a] haps th? mosf am“) . -_ giiln'ess with p ! ceased. who w ' . esides his sor~ growmg mother. he 1 . . eaves a Widow . and 51:: chxldren, all of Whom hmm H19 than“ ~----- " . Kendell is a very effective speaker. number of visitors 1. , 'vv___â€"- cs. An appeal is ~.ers of the town-' is of oats and McKenzie pre- :in-g‘. :iety was organ-7 3k. with officers -u\,u LIIC IO:10\V rm" :fuw'UVFuo . “The report achell 18 ha“ 1118‘ a “9-,“ press some time Installed 1n Ins rem~ - ing statemeEitE-L appeared in the _ ing‘ a bmgade of the German ‘5’, “110 became a resâ€" armv in France. had 5 few months ago, has :nership With Mr! 1- them to give no qu . , the plramvng 11111.1 39‘; Drzsoners. but to shoot them all: 1985- 1‘9“ math???” and to finish the Wounded. ntly adfied, , “hm“ ' ' statement’ from materlally m the; Berlin. Via SayViIle. Was issued i. , ’thereupon, declaring that this mas and Markdalg nghgan ‘impudent “9.7 teams P151379 , a?“ The atrocious order h ere on Frxvd‘u, m theless. really been given and car- « on boys “ on! more ried out. and nwmr no IL ' ' 7 the former Inqmm .- 7 21d, never-Z ‘ l nuns Ll‘Ofllg ' has sold is moving from near A. .e house v-a-IEated by Mr. Shunk has recently purchased - -- w-qLAu. *1 O rm _ _- “5 k7. OIXE“--} ago he came to Canâ€" . ec' ' two years IIVEd near ‘ rhere he was married '1“ 1 McKenzie, who died .th . After his marriage. ; in agricultural pur~ Mr etiring'. Mr. Duncan ' home with members - He is survived by five daughters, viz.. “'3 J has moved to 3d " SUGCI “Th 02‘ a new - . press hxs resx- Which ing a ne :1 res- armv ago, has 1 Mr: '1‘ them ' mill an d achinm-u Drison 531' V1 9. The deems- County Fer_ !819, and Was leaves a widow I Of “’hom ha‘re of friends here. a nephew of IA£L has 16 It carries the For whicl' Britons at Montbrison They have de before the ma order was act 25th Of Aurrlm GERMAN “Grandma” Foote, the dent of Fergus. being i: year. turned on the Hy< there. Ees the cross of which Ireland have bled. has led: AI bert . and Mrs. Ge ed friends at Stayn Messrs. Jam-es an Toronto spent the .their brothers here Mr. ' swhédows ernmont. an prisoners of d Regiments 0f . forminv the are now held in France. bmson and St. Etienne. fe declared, undor 011th, le magistrate. that t‘ns LS actually issued on the August. and that- 4n fir! and the CI‘OSS the cross of St V “a. 5‘ colored rag: 9 died for shackles 0’0 longer _“"' ‘41qu: being in her Iii? 21"? :‘ds Ln en-tertamed dinner anc 3Dt_iSt churc- oronto ' Onlv 65 bov " »’~ H i .SOf , - ‘ ”a DJ} EELS ‘ Con‘dlthDS annnngll ranks E C3 n. we gaz'geSlZ ‘snm we ever _ __ . "nu 1a\'OI‘aDl€ Weather. the am- gobâ€"for the sake 0f 1.118 meal; . out. the 933-; nual entertamment of Knox ChUI‘Ch . tea in the Sunday school, to be ‘held on Fri- urch. day 6V . . em‘ng, October 30. promises _Who 15 V15- nce on Friday evening. a ‘ , '. ‘o . W A ”.111 to be an enjoyable affair. Adâ€"~ Mr. SWanstons .ChODDIDg Imll at d is now in full sWing, and . ’ is being liberally patronized. M12. and at'served. Everybody welcome. " 3n Mondav an addr e. I The serViceS conducted by .J. A.‘ N e‘ 8’ Patterson, K.C. ‘ 'Tl‘in C1,--- 01" Visiting churches on Sundan- “m“ . - .“hes, 1. Are pre t' ‘- ecti ' "0"6' ----- ' .v..v.o. 3 ¢ .3 .8. c ‘g‘°§0Ԥt{¢{..§.’.}.§.£‘ o 7 . . . . I“ .' .‘,. .1 "I Ir a" #:52597- '-.'-. o. - ‘m {"§°++o§«§..; 1N0 R 15 MEM 3 I13 H ahn H0353“ We v v - I display of Hai r GOOds on 1 Anlm'lcan Continent. For Ladies our Transformations, Pompadours, Bangs, Waves, Switches, Etc. 9 prefection' made from the finest European Ha -â€"_ "PM ti L'i “in?" '15.: is the must stxl';st,iture for 1' ever pm :d need .“ (tall .4 who win 9 free of ’Vices conduct , K.C‘. ‘ ed by .J. a. i ‘ For Bald Men Light- flnn‘__ V. v -“- “put '3" yearner. the am- R‘Ottâ€"for the sake of .1 of Knox church on ' be ‘19ch n . Mr. Andrew SteWart _ ' " on rmâ€". young peOple of this 1): Der 30- hrnh‘l;n.\n ‘1‘ . ‘ Search of e 801d bun 1 0f advef; lately: and 3'ng at the HAHN HOUSE. and J in” Goods *0: W Inter. innlmn one for and School Supplies Come and get the Goods the largest ‘Snm exceptional value (,n the ,0" air

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