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Durham Chronicle (1867), 29 Oct 1914, p. 8

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EIGHT. It has as much style about. it as any Fifteen‘ . and the Work- a; manship is_ of the big 11-““ - é: will surprise you. COME it SEE TI means that the ”17“; I‘ .-_ rmwder ahght. ._ n. a‘ of G0ulb()url‘ ‘ Â¥h 1:. 1L ‘ ' s 10kt bul Carleton county, was ' sm'xous c tmx‘nslnp gored t') death by a bull \Vltlllll “ 100 yards of his house. No person the?" W‘ \Vitn-PSSE‘d the tragedy. A son of his Was drowned at Haileybury a few months ago. Marne ‘ Miss Edith Lavalier of Sandwich. th'ree ds slashed was probably fatally injured When hich she was McNicol an automobile in w riding: with Arsene Perry of River fidelity. Rough. was struck by a Wabash‘three m f engine. Perry escaped uninjured, Â¥/ . 4 .fi . o '2. . ++++o++++++é%+ 9 ‘0 ’5 . E. MOONEYS This season the ‘ Linn. as the styh tight fitting tnr \Ve have every and make Midland’s new, post office is a; mcil has insured» ”King. who went. GRAND the Ladies: ar e afforded am 19d ranging ‘ .' ‘ _ to the extremely STAND. Lambton Mrs. T. ything that is PRICES B “Au-v ‘- the bank ' your chmve E. )Ifllinery thl‘ s I SUI’L’U ‘ , s . r . t taChEd. t1 he tL;;:Â¥1 32“£}'1e rear Llcmvtu-o #thrOWD in o .3 1‘ . ‘ hen the fight was over he [lumen 1 was first discuvexcu v -_-_ “___ 0f the arm0r188~ and m a Sh?” 080k and found the boy lying dead, the \ Nicke ‘ was made Of it. staunch Liberal I} With a deafening .1 ed tichtl ,stedt in 1751. l\o use 1 fi - ‘ l . bridle reins Sh .1 wrapp, '5 y ; as it was found only in small amounts. mace Snturduv at S ' - ime ex )lOded brink t 1 1d be heard OVLT d.”-â€"Y011th’3" th G from th lLSld;l ‘ l t) ‘ J ' ) if.“ a man ears e erman ‘ ‘ . - s A“ .For a gre t y S llcClllloug‘h. the yen ‘ 3 t '. ()U . d t‘imtgfégfnga‘tgr inmfion of the town l‘Ound bl , tne Fortunatelv, no one was 193mm} Companion. ,miners called it kquemiCKe‘v or devil’s ‘ .. \ {Md '1 but manv ”of the armory \K’lndm“, .._.....,.....___......â€"â€"-~ 5 copper. It was believed by those Sim' $313332)? “‘1 (" 1‘ startâ€""l were smashed by th\e dete‘rigggg (1)111 Queer Story of agra‘mt a ple folk that 01d Nick. or the devil. ‘ ' “L .._.â€"-.:.--- bstiuu the exploding 130m (1) were badlv A curiOUs barren moun is to eseen made this ore purposely to bother the wupithe neighbm'doo d ubt the pC‘kâ€" in Montgomery churchyard. What- Q minerS, as it looked exactly like cop- ("ORXER (-(y ”3““ 'mghtmwtufid 13011311 act Would ever the Gauss there ‘5 913ml" ‘0 be ‘ per ore and Yet “0 COP?“ ”“1“ be 9" While a .. etrator 0 u 1? dealt with seen a strip of sterility in the form of . tracted from it. *ickel was scarce rotutées "31;; 3‘12}; mung a mass 0f verdure. until a New York assayer found a this long-uh 4,: Vin;1 hipment 0‘ ore Wilson “had 011 hm than a! ' . ‘ v :‘v ' own be 58“??? - . ‘ i ”n , 0 ’On CVldPntly 13‘! 8 cross a nded as 11 With the mound a melancholy legend quantity of it in a 8 He stated its value in are five feet in 1m 1 . . 'l 1-; t it Was only mt? ‘ .. ’ ‘1‘)“E‘.“-‘.l§o§e but it might "have been 1, ls cunnevted. It is called Roberts from Canada. :1” 5.9110115 one and it astg be homh Grave.” and the story is that beneath his report, and the owner of the mine Although the fal $1.52: the?" will be no repltltwns' this barren hillock lie the remains Of Prospected for more and found large a fin? one. the co‘; Egon bf _.____...â€"--â€"â€"-- an innocent man who was hanged on quantifies of it. Nickel is hard. duc- f)? “£111“ smako' f; hurv a) , . . mistaken evidence. It is said that tile and malleable. Itis Whiteincolor. “ )011 7‘ ”’m‘UM ‘ -' d to his Polish bride but . , 1 t. It ranks next crow. Marne . whlle the man stood on the galows with a yellowish cas , . ‘ . new Our mall man \\ (1 his DECK he sol- to iron and cobalt in magnetic proper- nreciato his new c f ind emnly declared. as a proof of his inno- ties and is extensively used for 1318an centlv manufactur purposes, because it will take a high and Wm. Long. 1 -.~.. . - . , was sentenced t0 cence. that grass should never grow on , . , . , )f Rn Ll .f1deht5’_i--+uc and she Was ordered his grave. And even so it was and is. polish and W111 not rust. Nickel added composed m'mcma - .- a-.- M emanate the to steel makes it harder and strongel'o“ roomv. hut witha _. “ nr-u'lor. ' . ‘. Milse, a -~ ’ qunes ' at Port with the rope roun \‘C ‘13 with .n pel‘SO n wwâ€"â€" DISPLAY OF rive EARLY at: the a ‘c , :‘ SUVCL» opinio only in might ‘ ‘- n evidently is tended as a have been a d it :is to be honed U "â€"-â€"._I, Street, (one door west 01 mum... H. McClocklin ’ ’ ' +é++++é~0éé~+é+é+4~+~é } Q 4 . ’ r~.°‘. «v-i'v'rvn- Z-XRIA Spam,“ is limite 2;" “‘r j; , {Kent ‘7 })I’Htea‘ti‘d Hnu = Rubbers. mn‘v awn wit} 'ded ample 1 uple latitude for from the very ' large sai‘sor 5‘ Novszmbws 10) Blast fox! and this can be Wm» have just '.n‘. with any size at nude for selec- 19 very small sai‘sor shapes. and ‘C‘xflj :;{JULY.fip ” said an omcer - Mr. Barry Kréss of Owen Sam; at the- my of Nomeggmzrrfi visited at his home here. I: over sixteen. We‘ . Miss. Gladys Sanford of Toroni 1 him as only a boy, 9.!- \ IS visatmxg relatives in town. ‘ Mr. Foster Saunders of Town t with the regiment on *. .IiVed with it in {spent over Sunday in town. '13 a cross J 1‘ “’ith the mound a me“ (1, ls cunnevtt‘d. ' ‘ Grave.” and t this barren hillock an innocent man w mt mistaken evidence. It is said that lo. While the man stood on the gallows fit with the rope round his neck he sol- ma emnly declared. as a proof of his inno- t" cence. that grass should never grow on T“ his grave. And even so it was and is. . Any one who attempts to frustrate the "â€" fulfillment of this prophecy by sowing ~§~ grass on this spot pays the penalty ' Instances are given of ho have been rash enough ve met their doom soon _ «Iona mnnfnm “Inil‘ he story is that beneath lie the remains of he was hanged on Stammered to I To those who stutter we suggest my pets about fourteen I was bad habit of stammeri 91.1. A._ “n’s” had to start z a few davs of deli! the stammer done delivered entirely London Standard. un‘lu "Hug-v- _- erant street entertain- ers in London are a number of tiny Japanese children. usually boys. The)~ make their vva~ into hotel and public bars. saloons and restaurants and. producing a sheaf of knives from their pockets. suddenly begin juggling, with them in the most expert manner. accompanying the performance with a monotonous singson be inseparable from Being very smal Without receiving :1 to which they respond 3 with a little chant of thanksgiving. Japanese g which seems to the exhibition. l, they seldom depart shower of copperS. t the doorway It ‘ the age of Japaâ€" e of the tiny tots to be er C11,), uuu ..-o w her for a couple or day she called on he “And so you hare hora?" said Mrs. r10 "Yas‘um." smiled t little boy." “And What did queried Mrs. 80180? “Well. we calls hi the colored woman. “Eggnog!" said it funny name for a C “Well. yo see. Ellanom. “(let on lives nex‘ (loan to l Tom and Jerry. an outdone by her."- M Life Belts urn“. nnnl'nlp if ii i a ! Girl Shopperw \\' by alesmnn Du him. So I . ~Boston Transcript. Here is a Slulluc a“--_ And yet it’s ‘ Cleveland Plain Dealer. ”Pan" was we mu Greek gods. The W or “universal.” Hen the doctrine that all too, “PanAmerican” ls American. all the I and South America. Love of thp brotne‘ us to the love or the m-‘nh4 “Don’t go in“) the :IWhy not?" Pleasant 'Lr Amateur-J few minutes. are a number of tiny ren. usually boys. They 1y into hotel and public Moons and restaurants ; a sheaf of knives from suddenly begin juggling, the most expert manner. m{+‘r\ q cou‘un't Dcab I 'v-- Ellanora Mrs. Hopson‘s for sevem her for a day she c “And so you have said Mrs. nopson. nora '3" .A\Yasmu1’v little boy. "And wh had been the negro coupie 0 filled on her former a little son, Ella- ' smiled the wumn )Q maid at 1 years and left ‘he moved to anoth- ' g had been seen of 1’ years. when one mistress. I) ~ “:1 nice at did you name him?" 31 Buy“- v- suddenly begin juggling he most expert manner. the performance with a ngsong which seems to e from the exhibition. nan, they seldom depart "ing a shower of copperS. respond at the doorway L...” n? thanksgiving. it “ nd what did you [131 queried Mrs. Bopson. ”Well. we onus him Eggno the comred woman. “ ‘mmogt" said the other. name for a boy.” funny “We“. yo see. missus." Elianom “(let cuilud wo ' (loan to me name ' l‘)‘ lives nex Wflum Watson. qu 0 .use it’s sure to get you 111 Baifimore American. M we see will help Father we do not ”w.“- of the brother has law: or the Himself. r or stammer let ID ‘1“. .- rehearse that again. M ail. ;21? “digging ow that may SOD Tomniy hen 3’0“ buy with a YeuOWiSh “it altngggkgrggg; Our mail man will begin to ay- ' 1m gd for lating Dreciato his new C<m\'0.\':m<ft’~ 1“ ’ ey use p . centlv manufactured by himsvli it will tiake a high and Wm. Long. It is light. luring will not rust. Nlckel added composed m'incipall}; of shoot irmu. polish and to steel makes 1t harder and strongel'o“ roomv. but withal as cosy as a New York World. parlor. . ____________.._....__â€"- Mrs. Wm. Hannah and her 5m). . . Wm.. of Fergus. spent a few ttons. , , . Peacock Super: ' ' davs a week ago ‘mth relatlves in edan tradition. this part edthe W1Cket°t para- Mr. Frank Grasby has been laid th . dise to admit the prince 0'5 dame“ up for the past fortnight with and received a share 01 1118 13113153“ tvphoid fever, but is recovering- - ...... .. u. {half moon: ‘Dr_ Gun and nurse Car- W _______,___..__.._â€"â€".______ , t - DR. H. R. McCULgouen DEAD PER:€2NA~.. _ AT EARRLSTON. . Henry. Reid McCullough. M. 13.. t and respected citizx :1 mg relatlves m toun ' d _. a ust 14, 1863. an was a son r Sgggersfgugfif tgfix'gmmo the late Robert McCullough M I), of Georgetown. He gra ust; i â€" Y M Ln fvnm Trinitv Medlcal College Tm- Life Belts Aren't you n- “w. at life belts George‘ and Missay Edit Most people if asked wu omposed of would answer. Clark, left on Tuesdav were 0 “Cork." But it isn‘t so nowadays. mer‘f, home in dem Cork life belts are nearly as (1930 as gammy a month‘s \‘isi the dodu. The substance alums: all. 1“,}:‘f(’“ hOmC‘SftGarl. ways used Illnvzulzlys is a fibrous stuff 'l()\:'11$0§wnftm}:.11.“? Dill-1'5 called lmpoli. obtained froma plant ‘ffm filltbh. {\‘X’J‘nnl‘ that grows in Java. Kapok was used l‘::1(‘.l<m‘s :u‘o \'<'~1‘\" 1m; to stuff cushions for many years no clinod. 1n.\\.]1_.lt‘(.omj fore the idea was hit on of using its will Satan pen tlmqo beautifully buoyant qualities for no- Tho O‘Neil Bros. fix‘ bler purposes. The (11081; buoyant ma- season‘s threshing te'rihl known to hem existence is.nuw' \Vhiffh has been :1 w- ever. made of poppy heads. Experi- 01qu 3 f; mental buoys have been made of this (-0nSpgqigfl02:0033022: . . .tb v‘ery sansfac- Wards of 106 basis of ts- P0993 heads crush too tatoos to the Bblg‘ian “US$033" on Friday and Satur Pearson‘s Weekly. Week. ‘ ..._...._...,,__.__ singing Pigeons. The queer Chinese (than into song birds by fasteniy to their breasts The W11 ‘ flight then causes a weird a 3 music that is seldom sile: ., pigeon haunted cities of 1 Canton. '1 a Couldn’t Beat Her. vanâ€" â€" §valk dgcartfelfi atdr. - reme 188 ear sed to catch me ”by” physicians. Not; d How 1 cute M good until I used 11pr. an haunted cities 0 t Peking blilulllv . Va _-r Chinese change pigeons )irds by fastening whistles NEURITIS feasts. The Wind of their causes a weird and plaintive Painful Ef: t is seldom silenced in the atism ‘ ‘ ‘ -‘A Ll! CDJKAL‘. all “That’s a Potatoes and mangolrls are my.” housed, corn is under cover. and a missus.” explained goodly number have their turnips Mud woman what in the rootâ€"houses. But this Wintrv 3 weather dropped in too soon. Mr Harold McKechnie 12d his pe,‘°‘ ‘ ‘ ‘..,~ {aidntwant to. Sister May, of the Rocky. Visitea ie other. Delineator. at Mr. Will Jack’s the first of the - dâ€"--~â€" week. ’ Aren’t Cork- Mrs. Harold Clark, Master Georgei and Missy Edith. and Miss Clark, left on Tuesday for the for- 5 home in“ Famohton. aft-r ,\ isked what life belts or would answer. _ .. _... “(\“Vuflflv1 mer, 4‘. sings 80!] «s that now .9 a Musician. an accomplished ,;_w ordsworth. While there are plenty of large potatées this vem‘. feW can 5mm" the length of Vine that Mr. Tum Wilson had on new,1;xnd. Thvy are five feet in length. Although the {all has been such a fine one. the cold weathvr now on will make farmers anxious about the remainder of their mm CPOD. 3--...Es- J.“ n,L_ nicely. Dr. Gun an! mount had the case Illvugav â€"â€"â€" Mr. Peter Black is again Well 01 the road to recovery from pneu mania and a broken leg. ‘ AA“ lll‘llllu u-- v- __ Mr. Joe Lenxnox has built a com- modious hen house. Mr. Archie McDonald did the carpenter work and he is pronounced a hustler. St. Paui’s Sunday school enter- tainment is to be held in Allan‘s school-house on Tuesday evening. November 10. and judging from. the success the various committees are having in their work, will be a1: lla'll‘h JAG v-uv an excellent one, t3 say nething‘ oi the tea and eatables that will be thrown in, for 15 cents. TRAVERSTON'. Mr. and Mrs. L. T. Spencer left on Tuesday morning to Sand a Week or more with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Henry, near ’Dungzmnun. Mr. Will Jack treated himself Is“ a no‘nby top burg? some time ago. Mr. T. Gloncrnss and family :‘m‘ moving this W001: from T. E. Blair‘s hom".<t~:1d U.) the fine Ritchie homo. ym‘chagod :1 5'0.” ago. Mary and Rita \vi‘fi he mi»- od by both terw‘ru‘w and schnaâ€" Wtes of No. 5. :13 they are bright little Izzssies. ' ..A._L.-. ‘ ‘-‘ h '9‘ I 1‘ v 9" CORNER C()‘.\ PERT»: Miss Sarah expected up \W‘Ok on a fireside. and [7Elk‘l\\1.‘) u. k, - ‘-.. dined. In'what corners of ' will Satan pen those fel‘mws The O’Neil Bros. finished season’s threshing this which has been a very sum 0119. n- - n4 1‘ n one The {armors on the Gth and SH} cone xx ards of 100 1330‘s of oats and 1mâ€" tatoes to the B on Fridas and Saturday of this week. October 29, 19141 A boy of twelve found a revolv- er on the street in New York after a fight. and prompfiy proceeded to frighten a small girl by pulling the trigger. The loaded. and the little girl died. ._ If your nerves are all crippled from attacks _of Rheumatism, Neu- ritis can easily get a strong hold on the nerves. This most painfu disease is one of the Through SZEEV'ES’ Maciarlane cents a bottle. rah (“firv'v'il of anoni up on V» olnosdr-u' of a ten days’ visit to :h a mistake in a Dre- 3 man died in hew York druggxst and doctors were zs are away :95 are still at *ans that pork oggishhfi i_n- to ap- well on m‘onh ‘Iis W09“- successful at thPiT aappxed

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