on premises are new [mm brick house, sheds and on ings; runnzng stream {1 Drapex'ty: 1.33021? 10 ;.(.':'CS wood bush, rest in 9:0le ;~. cultivaton. P03505540!) gi‘ Nov. lst- 1913. For furthe- ticulars. apply on prom Mrs John Staples, Rural NO. l Durigxm, Ont †LOT NO. 5_ 9x Tm; 2ND SEVEN ACRES. 13;; MILES EAST of Durham: small. but comfort- able brick house. large wood- shed. frame stable and driving shed: running water: daily mail service: gOOd location {or tradesman with small family: a snap for the man who acts quickly. Apply to J. P. Telford Durham, Ont. Piaf BEIN ' LOT ‘1' REMEMBER THE FAMOUS SPIR- ella Corset; any size, type or price; with perfect laundering qualities, and unbreakable steels: positively hygenic. Not sold in stores. Mrs. J. C. Nichol, Rep- resentative, Box 107, Durham. Ontario. 4 18 6m To the Ratepayers of Glenelg. and all who so heartily responded ‘o the call of Britain’s needs. Kindly accept our thanks. Signed on behalf of the Council. THOS. NICHOL. Reeve. SYNOPSIS 0F CANADIAN NORTH WEST LAND REGULATIONS. The sole head of a family, or any male over 18 years old, may homestead a quarter-section of available Dominion land in Mani- toba, Saskatchewan or Alberta. Applicant must appear in person at the Dominion Lands Agency or Sub-Agency for the District. Entry by proxy may be made at any Dominion Lands Agency (but not Sub-Agency), on certain conditions TWO YEARS OLD: DRIVER: GOT by King Sherman. Apply to Adam Watson, Lambton Street. Durham, R. R. No. 4. 10 29tf Dutiesâ€"Six months residence upon and cultivation of the land in each of three years. A home- steader may live Within nine miles of his homestead on a farm of at least 80 acres, £01] certain condi- tions. A habitable house is re- quired except where residence is performed in the vicinity. In certain districts a home- steader in good standing may pre- empt a quarter section alongside his homestead. Price $3.00 per Dutiesâ€"Six months residence in each of three years after earning homestead patent; also 50 acres extra cultivation. Pre-emption patent may be obtained as soon as homestead patent, on certain con- homestead right may take a pur- chased hpmestead in certain dist- rictS. Pnce $3.00 p81: acre. Duties â€"Must .reside six months in each of three years, cultivate 50 acres and erect a house worth $300. The area of cultivation is sub- iect to reduction in case of rough. scrubby or stony land. Live stoc may be substituted tor cultivation under certain conditions. W. W. CORY, .CJLG†Deputy of the Minister of 5““ I..â€" ' ‘ ‘ , ' l L Mrs John Staples. hum; No. 1. Durham, On! â€4. 01‘ NO. 5 ON THE END CON- cession of Egremont. containinr 100 acres; about 60 acres cleared. balance in timber and pasture: convenient to church and school: four miles from Durham; well fenced. Well watered: good tram-c barn fair house; good orchard. will sell on easy terms. Apply to Fred Noble, Varney, R.R. .\'o. 1. 9 1? ti KING LOT 33. Glenelg. cont GOOD COMFORTABLE FIVE- room house. in good locality. Apply to Dan. )chuliife. 10 Stf LARGE. ROOMY D WELLING hause: large enough to keep bï¬arders: conveniently situated v 2 all - public works; newly dec- orated; cheap rent. Apply to N. McIntyre, Durham. 612 EGISTERED TAMWORTH BOAR for service. At Lot 14. Con. 3. Egremont â€"W.m Allan, Jr., Var- ".c'V R R No.1.10229pd A settler who has exhausted his A écertiwmems of one inch or leis. 25 canto for ï¬rst inserti , and 10 contiformh nbwl‘l"~†:nwrtion Over one web and under two inches. double “IO “’0'" amount Yearly rates on applicanon ‘ Boar for Service Spirella Corsets 21111 of Thanks "ea-mus for Sale. .â€"Unauth0rized publication is advertisement will not be M? 8 5 14 Colt For Sale To Rent SMALL ADS. Priceville. v (mm:- 1nd Ollt‘ 911m {121' V0 11 1‘011 251 on ; FFICEvâ€"Over J P. Telfm-d’s office. \ nearly opposite the Registry ofï¬ce. Rendr-nce 59901161 1102188 south nt Regisi x-y nfliumm east, side- of Albert S: reef. Office. Hull: 5 9-1] al.112., 2-4 p. m.. 7-!) p. m. Teleplmne cummunica» tiun hetwevu ufï¬'w and residence at all hours. “111 he at â€)0 '3." Oct. 19. Nn‘ Hams. 1 to 5 p.311. “L6 Ofï¬ceâ€"Over Dnnglas‘ J ewellerv Store. JFFLCE AN VI; RESIDENCE A . short distance ea...“ of Knapp ’8 Hotel mmbcon Street L1, sex Town Durham )fï¬ce hours from 12. Ht» . o†clock Holstein Conveyancer. Issuer of Marriage Licenses. Money to loan at lowest 'rates, and terms to suit borrower. Fire and Life Insurance placed in thor- oughly reliable compnaies. Deeds, Mortgages. Leases and Wills, executed on shortest notice. All work promptly attended to. A DOUBLE HEATING COAL stove, practically as good as new. Apply to Chas. Ritchie. Durham. 10 8 Singing J. ARTHUR COOK WILL GIVE In the matter of the estate of Elizabeth Warner, late of the Town of Durham in the County of Grey deceased. ’ Utï¬ce. nearly opposite the Registry \‘tice, Lambtou -§t.,Durham. Anyamount ot .nunev tr. man at 5 per cent. on farm rrvoertv. J F GRANT. D. D. S .LD 8 HONOR (:RADUATE. UNIVERSI- ‘v of Toronto. Graduate Roya allege Dental Surgeons or Ontario Dentist†in all its Branches. NOTICE is hereby given. pur-' suant to “The Revised Statutes of Ontario†1914. chapter 121. that all creditors and others having claims against the estate of the said Elizabeth Warn-er, who died on or about the 122th day of February. 1914 are required, on or before the 27th day of November, 1914. to send bv post prepaid or deliver to the undersigned Executors of the last Will and Testament of the said deceased. their Christian and surnames. addresses and descrip- tions. the full particulars of their claims. the statement of their ac- counts and the nature of the se- curities, if any. held by them. ‘ er, Conveyanner. 8w. Insurance \gaut. Mmmy to Loan. Issuer of Mar- iagb Licenses. A general ï¬nancial busi- mss tramacted. 'f‘FICE And further take notice that af-:’ ter such last mentioned date the. said Executors will proceed to disJ tribute the assets of the deceased? among the parties entitled there-* to. having regard only to the: claims of which they shall then: have notice, and that the said Exefstgors will not be liable fori the 'd assets or any part thereof ' to any person or persons of whose} claims notice shall not have been‘ received by them at the time of such distribution. I l. P. Telford. 24RRI5TB 1., SOLICITOR ETC Dated at Durham, this 24th dav of October, 1914. IVA PEARL BURNETT. 2'53. Jamieson Jamieson. .3 R LT P..1,UNDUN ENG _: “A DULATE 08’ London Na“ K York rind Chicago Diseases oi Eye. Ear Nose and Throat. V" 779D A. H. Jackson. JOTARY PUBLIC, COMMISSION- vocal instruction in singing ev- ery Tuesday afternoon and evening at the home of Mrs. S. F. McComb. Pupils may apply for appointments to Mrs. Mc- Comb at any time. 10 22tf Notice to Creditors w Pres DURHA \I ONT. (Luwer Town.) gunman, liny.Lu1nhm (nuanzmmc Hos 8nd toGuHmz Sq Throat and Noni? F09 SPECIALIST : "7A3. THROAT . NOSE 6 (0 Sam . Huï¬cn. 3‘1. 3.. C. M. Dr. N. 0. Pickering Dentist. Med ical Dir eclorv . Denial Director!) W. J. SHARP Legal ‘Dz’recl‘orv Durham, Ontario, Executors of the last Will and Testament of Elizabeth Warner, deceased. 439 Munro Ave., Detroit. Mich. ARTHUR H. J ACKSGN. w a. m. to 4:9,:13. and? t V ~ia| attentim: given to dismae and children. Resxdence up†.'t'>\'trri:u' (limu'h. For Sale [33. 325R? Hw Hahn House. July Nuvmnbm' 16. Dev. 21. Uver J J Hunter’s 3:5 81' \VN (‘v'om vand 10294 THE BABYLONIAN KAISER. Daniel, 3. The man who was Kaiser in Baby- lon of old Prepared for his glorv an image of gold: Then with an ambition which none could restrain He set up the image on Dura’s great plain. Bv harp and by flute and bv cor- ' net and drum All nations and peoples were hidden to come: By all kinds of music he bade them draw nigh And \\ orship the imaoe \\ h1oh he set on high Then loudly the hera‘ld proclaimed the decree Which said that each conscience submissive must be; If any resisted the Kaiser‘s desire That one should be burned in :1 furnace of fire Then came certain statesmen, ac- counted most \xise And said to the Kaiser, in tones of surprise; f Amongst thx chi: f servants. 0; Kaiser, arc three. ‘ \V ho p: 1}! 110 would to thy rox al decree. ; As soon as the Kaiser: the state- ments had heard, His spirit with rage and with fury was stirred: In haste thet inna“ Hebrews before him \\ ere brought To tell \xhy as men for them- selxes the-v had thoumht. The Kaiser was anxious his plan to make clear, And strongly appealed to both reason and fear: But changeless decision by them Was made known: The} said “We \\ 111 worship Je- hm ah alone. They said of that race which is vile as the dust Three men thou hast placed in positions of trust; And yet at thy bidding they drink not the cup, Nor worship the image which thou hast set up. “We know He is able to shield us from harm. And therefore. 0 Kaiser, we feel no alarm; In life and in death our decisions shall hold; We will not bow down to th},r image of gold.†The Kaiser, exclaiming, “Meinself. I am Gottl†Gave charge for the furnace ex- ceedingly hot; The Hebrews were bound in their garments entire And cast at his bidding right into the fire. And then while his anger so fur-. iously flamed, The Kaiser in tones of amaze1 ment exclaimed, “Bound into the furnace we sure- ly cast three: But four in the midst of the burning I see. “My heart at the main of these men is alarmed; They walk in the midst of the furnace unharmed; The three haxe full freedom from fetters and rods: The Fourth Onne resembles a son of the gods.†And when to the furnace the Kai- ser drew nigh, He said to the men who had served the Most High, “Y our God is the God unto \1 hom shall be gi\ en All honor and glory on earth and in heaven.†And like that same Kaiser another to-xday Has claimed for himself an. om- nip-otent sway: And like that same Kaiser the other must see ‘ How vain is his claim the Al- mighty tor =be. The nations of Europe unitedly say No more will we worship an. im-1 age of clay; And He who is Ruler the victory will send To those who have chosen on Him, to depend. In the matter of the estate of Martha Adlam, late of the Town of Durham in the County of Grey, Widow, deceased. Ridgwetown, Ont, 191-1. NOTICE is hereby given pursu~ ant to “The Revised Statutes of Ontario,†chapter 1‘21 that all creditors and others having claims against the estate of the said Martha Adlam, who died on or about the 23rd day of October. 1914, are requested, on or before the 28th day of November, 1914, to send by post prepaid or deliver to the undersigned Executors of the last Will and Testament of the said deceased, their Christian and surnames, addresses and descrip- tions, the full particulars of their claims, the statement of their ac- counts and the nature of the se- curities, if any, held by them. And further take notice that af- ter such last mentioned date the said Executors will proceed to dis- tribute the assets of the deceased among the parties entitled there- to, having regard only to the claims of which they shall then have notice, and that the said Ex- ecutors Will not be liable for the said assets, or any part thereof. to any person or persons of Whose claims notice shall not have been received by them at the time of such distribution. Dated at Durham this 28th dav of October, AD. 1914. WILLIAM ADLAM, Alla.) Park P.0.. Ont†and DAVID ADLAM. Notice to THE DURHAM CHRONICLE. Allan Park P.O., Ont.. Executors of the last Will, and Testament of Martha Adlam‘ deceased. - 3k Creditors â€"T. Watson. ’Ihe present War has brought us face to face With manv cities and towns about which we know. little or nothing. Though penhaps jg- norant of their existence, and never having 'heard of many of them, they are places of consider- able importance, and our readers will be glad to know something of their populations industries, ant; other features. The. iniormation givemhâ€"erewith has been gleanm from Blackie’s Modern Cycloneuia. in eight volumes, published about 20 years ago. and reliable at the time, but a little out of date now. OSTEND is a seaport of Belâ€" gium. 67 miles north-west of Brussels. It is situated on a sandy plain. and is protected against the sea by a solid wall of granite. Codand herring fish- ing and the cultivation of oysters have been industries of consider- able importance. It dates back to the 9th century. From the 4th of July, 1601, to the 28th of Sep-tem- ber, 1604. when it capitulated, it sustained a siege by the Span- iards. Population, about 30.000. PRZEM‘YSL.â€"A town in Aus- trian Galicia, on the river San, 51 miles west of Lemburg and 140 miles east of Cracow. It has two ancient cathedrals, several Cloist- ers, and was strongly fortified. Population about 25,000. ANTWERP is the chief seaport of Belgium. It is on the Scheldt river about 50 miles from the qpep LOUVAIN is 15 miles east of Brussells. It forms almost a per- fect circle, nearly two miles in diameter, but the area is now too large for its pOpulation, and the town contains gardens and culti-1 vated fields. Among the more not-' iceable public buildings are the Hotel de Ville, one of the richest and most beautiful Gothic build- ings in the world, and the chm cli of St. Peter, built at the end of the 14th century, an edifice of vast extent and rich in \v01ks of art. It has a university, formerlv; of European reputation, and up to? recently was attended by 1,500 students. Population about 45, 000. i sea. It .was strongly fortified. being completely surrounded on the land side by a semicircular inner line of fortifications, the defenses being completed by an outer line of forts. The cathedral, with a spire 400 feet high, is one of the most beautiful specimens of Gothic architecture in Belgium. contains Ruben’s celebrated mast- erpiece. “The Descent from the Cross,†“The Elevation of the Cross.†and “The Assumption." The other churches of note are St. James,’ St. Andrew’s, and St. Paul. all enriched with paintings by Rubens, Vandyck and other mast- ers. Among the other edifices. of importance are the exchange. the town hall, the palace, theatre. academy of fine arts and the picâ€" ture and sculpture galleries. The harbor accommodation is excellent. The shipping trade was very large. The city had many and varied in- dustries. It dates back to the 8th century and in the 11th and 12th centuries had attained a high degree of prosperity. In the 16th century it is said to have had a p0pulation of 200,000. The wars between the Netherlands and Spain injured the commerce. which was almost ruined by the closing of the navigation of the Scheldt by the Peace of Westphalia in 1648. Its prosperity revived during re- cent years, but the present war has againbrought it to a state of comparative ruin, and may ut- terly destroy it. It had a p0pu- lation of more than 205,000 before the war. LILLE (pronounced Leel) is a town in France, a chief fortress near the Belgian frontier. If, is Well built, has spacious, regular streets lined with large houses of brick and stone. The country ad- iacent is flat. It is the centre of an extensive commerce, the manu- facture of linen and cotton thread and fabrics being the most .import- ant, but fine woollen cloth, vel- vets and carpets are also largely produced; in fact the factories of Lille cover almost the Whole range of textile goods. Chemicals. leath- er, machinery, paper, beet sugar, etc.. are turned out in large ouan-‘ tities. The population is about 190,000. . ope. Other noted edifices are the archiepiscopal palace (1498-1509\ occupied by French kings on the occasion of their coronation; the church of St. Remy (11th and 12th centuries) the oldest church in 'Rheims: Port de Mars, a Roman triumphal arch, erected in honor RHEIMS, a city of France, 82 miles east north-east of Paris, sur- rounded by vine-clad hills. The cathedral, erected in the 13th and 14th centuries, is one of the finest Gothic structures; existing in Egr- PLACES ‘ WE READ ABOUT .pp Miss E. Coutts was the guest of Miss .Eva Atkinscn over Sunday. WAR 0R PEACE MEN MUST LIVE Miss Glenna Campbell of Craw- ford was the guest of Miss Edna M. Ritchie over the week-end. Quite a number from town took in the Sabbath school social, and report a good time. Mr. and Mrs. John McGirr visit- ed on Sunday last with Bentinck friends. H. H. MILLER, the Hanover Con- veyancer, offers some GREAT BARGAINS in Farm Lands in Bentinck,Egremnnt. Normanby. Garrick, Brant and VVest- rn Provinces. Send for List. Mr. Robt. Lindsay has completed the repair work on Sauoeen ce- ment bridge. Miss Margaret Lindsay spent the past Week with her sister, Mrs. A \V. Hunt of Allan Park. Last Sunday was the closing of No.9 Sabbath school for this year. The Rev. Mr. Whaley was present and gave a. fine address. touching on and urging the Home Department study. t If you have ANY MONEY from 33:1!) Up to any large sum, 1']. fl. MILLER will in- vest it for you on good mortgage security and charge you nothing. \Vhy invest your money with Sharks in \Vestern town or city lots? Or why have it lying at 3 per cent. when it might as well earn you twice as much on ï¬rst rate land mortgage security? Have some. sense. Let Mr. Miller in- vest your money on a, good nun-tgnge. Week, \xhich, despite a wet ev- ening, “as \\ ell attended. of Julius Caesar. and several other places. The staple imlustries are the manufacture of the wine known as champagne, and of flannels, merinos, blankets. etc. Here St. Remy converted and bap- tised Clovis and almost all the Frankish chiefs. in 496. It was at one time in possession of the Eng- lish, who Were expelled by the Maid of Orleans in 14:29. It was held by the Germans in 1870-71. Since then it has been strongly fortified. The population is about 100,000. Mens’ lix'ings mmw from I“ \RMS, Bewf Nazis up to $9 (NI 9621' MW. Pm-k to $10.0“. Max-M31, antamz'itivs believe these prices will continue. Fm 111 and 'lmx 11 pi 111191 11981 xc-1h111q- ed. If YOU \\ 11) to B" Y or SELL. BOR- ROW or LEND it, wilI PH IOU WELL to suite 01 phm e. H. H. Mll LER. 01' better 8' ill hitch 11p and g1) and see him. Ploughing is the order of the dav around these parts. EH. IviiLLER, Hanover THE This must mean HIGH PRICES for- ARM LANDS. Take a, hint, BUY NOW. APPIY lam-Bah to 111' wounds and sores and you will besurprised how quickly it stops the mating and brings case. It covers the wound ‘with g [ayeg of pro. tective balm, kills :11 poison germs already in the wound, and prevmts other: entering. It: rich healing herbal cszenca than bu'ld up from‘thc bottom. fresh than and in a wonderiuify shot! time the wound is baled! Zam Buk’l pnpularity is based on merit. Imitariom neu-rwozk cares. he sure and get the red thing. “Z..:z;-Bnk†is ; rir (ed on every packrt. o: the genuine. ienze all Otbehï¬, 50" all drug-(ms and “Ch 8 or lam-Huh Co.. anmto. DARKIES’ CORNERS. IS PUBLISHED VERY THURSDAY MORNING A! the Chronicle Printing Pause, Gan Street. [HE DURHAM EHHUNIELE quem insertion minion cards, not. exceeding one Advertisements without be published til] forbid a: Transit! at not wesâ€" ‘L( at etaâ€"50 cents for ï¬nn m... Subscription Tat CHRONICLE will be sent me any address. free of postage. 10: Rates . - $1 00per year,payable in advance â€"$1.50 may be charged if not so paid. The dc." to which ever) .~ ubscription is paid if: denoted by the nurmm or the address label. l\o paper div continnwl to all arrears are paid. except attbo n. :nm of the proprietor. _ _ IV.. "" etaâ€"50 cents for ï¬rst insertion subsequent insertion Alladvertmements ordered b be Daid for in adxmuce. Contract rams nished on ammo: Advertising Rates is now open in Central» Business )ollege. Toronto. and in each of its Six Branches. Free Catalogue ex- plains courses. VVrite for a. copy. \V. H. Shaw, President. Head Ofï¬ces 393 Yonge Street. Toronto. Full line of Nathalie Robes n: d White (Japs fm aged n« DURHAM.0NT Come and See Us if in need of thing in our line in Silk Lisle. Lisle, Mercer- sed Cotton. also in \Vhite. \Vhite Cotton Socks for Children “Little Darling Hose†And some good values in Black and Colored Silks just in NEW GOODS A CL EA RI N G of Ladies White Waists Mr. M. Kress has opened a. shop at the rear of the furniture snow room and is prepared to do all kinds of tinsniithing. Undertaking receives special attention AUTUMN SESSION SHOW R00MSâ€"â€"Next tn Swallow' Barber Shop. Rxsnmxcxâ€"l‘ ex doorSouLh of \V. J. Lawn»: an" and all [i blacksmith shun C. L. GRANT EDWARD KRESS VV'e ham: a few \V'uhts left; about 30 in :l“ which we will sell as follows: $2.01 lVV aists for $1 .50 1. 50 \V {Lists fox 1 .20 1. 25 \V'a ists for 1.00 those are in sizes 34, '$6. 38. 40. 42 and 44 inches EDITUR AN!) 1’ r m aavunce. - L rates for your; ndverusemenm application to the ofï¬ce. Another Shipment of Woman’s Hose all liousehold Furnishings TINSMITHING For transient. advertise-meme cents per line for the ï¬rst inset tion; 3 cents perlinefach anboe | hx§-.;nâ€"_ â€"--â€" November 5, 1914. . IRWIN ordered by strangers mun! AND RI ) PR] I‘ITOR _ wâ€"vw‘ measure. Profession: inch $4.00 per annum uneciï¬c directions Vi] 1 charged acmn‘dm ly “:Found.’ “For Safe.‘ rtion. 25 cents for back tubes, and bl:\"k zed people. Lawn») 33 '5 ‘, Garafmxn fut