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Durham Chronicle (1867), 19 Nov 1914, p. 2

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LOT 30 BEING _Lm‘ LOT NO. 5 ON THE END CON- cesaion of Egremont, containing: 100 acres; about 60 acres cleared. balance in timber and pasture: convenient to church and school: four miles from Durham; well fenced. Well Watered: good frame barn fair house; good orchard. will sell on easy terms. Apply to Fred Noble, Varney, RR. No. 1. 9 17 tf A“ was, “‘R"bb;:a7‘"°§vm.me house; large enough to keep bmrders: convepiently gituazted REMEMBER THE FAMOUS SPIR- ella Corset; any size, type or price; with perfect laundering qualities, and unbreakable steels: positively hygenic. Not sold in stores. Mrs. J. C. Nichol, Rep- resentative, Box 107, Durham. Ontario. 4 18 6111 0T 30. CON. 10. BENTINCK. 1N acres: good stone house: well Watered; under pasture for ten years: about eight acres good hardwood bush; will sell cheap. as owner lives in city. Apply to ) MrS. Alex. Coutts, Elmwmul, l. h \' ‘ . \. I A TWO YEARS OLD: DRIVER: GOT by King Sherman. Apply to Adam Watson,_ Lambton Street. _ ‘AKI‘I’ REGISTERED TAMWORTH BOAR for service. At Lot 14, Con. 3. Eyre mont â€"Wm. Allan, Jr., Var- ncv R R No. 1. 10 229pd Glenelg. (:onta n r on orem so» are m haunt: hOUSC. .Sneds J. ARTHUR COOK WILL GIVE vocal instruction in singing ex- ery Tuesday afternoon and evening at the home of Mrs. S. F. McComb. Pupils may apply for appointments to Mrs. Mc- 4‘ ‘Qn- Advertisements of one inch. or nboeqnont insertion. Over on SYNOPSIS OF CANADIAN NORTH WEST LAND REGULATIONS. The sole head of a family, or any male over 18 'years old, may homestead a quarter-section of available Dominion land in Mani- toba, Saskatchewan or Alberta. Applicant must appear in person at the Dominion Lands Agency or Sub-Agency for the District. Entry by proxy may be made at any Dominion Lands Agency (but not Sub-Agency), on certain conditions Dutiesâ€"Six months residence upon and cultivation of the land in each of three years. A home- steader may live within nine miles of his homestead on a farm of at least 80 acres, «on certain condi- ”mlâ€"US$30 yvuvvu...._-_, t all public works; newâ€"Gdec- orated; cheap rent. Apply to N. McIntyre, Durham. 61? In certain districts a home- steader in good standing may pre- empt a quarter section alongside his homestead. Price $3.00 per 150118. A habitable house is re-- quired except where residence is2 performed in the vicinity. g Dutiesâ€"Six months residence in each of three years after earning homestead patent; also 50 acres extra cultivation. Pre-emption patent may be obtained as soon as homestead patent, on certain con- A settler who has exhausted his homestead right may take a pur- chased homestead in certain dist- rictS. Price $3.00 per acre: Duties 0.1- _0__ _--_LL_ _._ ---L of three years, cultivate 50 acres and erect a house worth $300. The area of cultivation is sub- tect to reduction in case of rough. scrubby or stony land. Live stock may be substituted for cultivation under certain conditions. W. W. CORY, CM.G., Deputy of the Minister of Durham, R. R. No 4 Comb it any time. Farms for Sale. Boar for Service Spirella Corsgts Colt For Sale publication will not be 8 5 14 v .v-.- ouse, inâ€""good locality. to Dan. McAuliffo. 10 Stf (2 li( g) ‘01]! SMALL ADS. men. or loss. 25 cents for first inserti . and 10 cents for each we: one inch and under two inches. double the shove amount. Yearly rites on appliutxon. ND CON- 10 29tf 10 22tf ; FFICEâ€"Over .3 P. Telford’s office 2 , ueariy oppusite the Registry uffiue. Resxdence Second house south m Registry nfficv on east. side of Albert Strut-Y. Office Hmns 9-11 3.111., 2-4 p. 112.. 7-9 p. m. Telephone cmmnnniczm- tit!!! hctweon offilw and residence at all hum's. l ‘ L AV'- . 'â€"â€" x} short (instance out of Knapp’s Hotel. Mb ton Street, Lower Town, Durham W536 hours from 12 to .3 o'clock ’â€".. --.- ‘___, {ice in the New Hunter Block. Oflicc ‘10:”st to It) a. m. to 4p. m. and? to ~. :21. Special attention ngem to disease n' «v men and «thisdren. Residence 018 Wait? Presbvterian Church. 0! Ors. Jamieson 6r. lamieson. 31:19:03 AND REQDENQE‘ A Mum's, 1 to 5 p.12). ..ur gsaxstant Rm. Lnn‘dm (u.- '5“ uamu kior' ng. ' and to Golleu Sn Thzmn and Nose kc: ’ U SPECIALIST: E E: 5A8, THROAT 8v. NOSE Ofli(_re~â€"O\'er Douglas’ Jewellel'v SLOI'P. 7 Office. nearly opposite the Registry mice Lambton at. Durham. Any amount ). monex tr man a! 5 nor- cent. on farm :ropertv. \gent. ' Money‘ “gage Lxcenses. 1999 transacted. Holstein Conveyancer. Issuer of Marriage Licenses. Money to loan at lowest rates, and terms to suit borrower. Fire and Life Insurance placed in thorr oughly reliable compnaies. Deeds, Mortgages, Leases and Wills, executed on shortest notice. All work promptly attended to. . B. Hutton. TENDERS WILL BE RECEIVED A. H. Jackson. mum PUBLIC. COMMISSION er, Conveyancgr. c_. lnsgriapce iR.-\DULATE of London NPW r quk Am} Chi-ram) Diseases of Eye. Ear Nose and Throat. \Vin he at, the Hahn House, July Oct. 19, Nnvmulwr 16. Dev. 21, ND SU RG EON 0_F In the matter of the estate oil Elizabeth Warner, late of the Town of Durham in the County of Grey deceased. ‘NJTICE is hereby given, pur- suant to “The Revised Statutes of Ontario” 1914, chapter 121. that all crcd1tors and others having clalms against the estate of the said Elizabeth Warner, who died on or about the 12th day of February. 1914 are required, on or before the 27th day of November, 1914. to send by post prepaid or deliver to the undersigned Executors of the last Will and Testament of the said deceased. their Christian and surnames. addresses and descrip- tions. the full particulars of their claims. the statement of their ac- counts and the nature of the se- curities, if any. held by them. And further take notice that afâ€"; ter such last mentioned date the‘ said Executors will proceed to dis-i tribute the assets of the deceased; among the parties entitled there-' to. having regard only to the claims of which they shall then have notice, and that the said Executors will not be liable for the said assets or any part thereof to any person or persons of Whose claims notice shall not have been received by them at the time of such distribution. Dated at Durham, this 24th dav of October, 1914. IVA PEARL BURNETT. 439 Munro Ava, Detroit. Mich. Chas. Wood of Owen Sound had his arm seriously injured in a sawing machine. l. P. Telforrfi. ARRIS r3 . somcnoa. ETC bv the undersigned up to Thursday evening ,December 10. for the erection of a school for S S. No. 3, Bentinck, during the summer of 1915. Plans and Speci- fications may be seen at the cf- fice of the Secretary-Treasurer. â€"J. W. Vickers, Secv.-Treas. 19 '. Notice to Creditors DURHAM' ONT. (Lower Town.) Medical Directorv. Tenders Wanted Arthur Gun. M. D. Dr. W. 6. Pickering Dentist. Dental Directorv W. J. SHARP Lam! ‘Dz’redorv ARTHUR H. JACKSON. Durham, Ontario, Executors of the last Will and Testament of Elizabeth Warner, decedséd. 13, FR at 5:. Owen ~‘mmd BR. 8851'. Over; :0 Loan. Issuer of Mar- A general huancxal buss- 1101‘ Unhmaxmlc Hoe [111110 10294 The Methodist, Ladies’ Aid gave a good concert in the town hall on Friday evening last, the pastor, Rev. Mr. Dudg‘eon', presiding. An: excellent program was given, on. which a leading part was taken‘ bv Mr. Bert Fetch. elocutionlist, of Toronto, a former Fleshertonl boy. who appeared here for the, first time in the role of enter-3 tainer and was accorded a Very ‘ hearty reception. He has a good, stage appearance, possesses a fine} voice, and vividly portrays the: picture in his mind. His numbers! dramatic and hiimorous, were giv- en with good effect, and: the pleasure of the audience was indi- cated in the hearty recalls m“ received. Bert is a pupil of 3133. Elwood Genoe, and is a rising artist in his profession. We. mam pleased to receive a call from him and be favorei by his splen- did portrayal of “Down by the Rio Grande.” Miss Maui Boyd and Miss Reta Buskin gave two pra-ttv duets, and responded to hearty encoros. A little tut, Miss Lauzai Boyd, was verv cute and takin:y 'in a song st'crtly sung. A Sail.) teach by Miss Irene Wilson and E311: H. Suiiixun. a (‘lllirt by 3115s lTrimble and Mr. Jones, a trio by {Miss Richardson. Miss 'irimblz‘ and 5311's. iiaclchurn. and a chorus ‘ny isix hovs, were pleasing: numbers. ’ziml uncures \VUl'L.‘ I‘cspdxlzictl to, ng. LesJ-o. tum-her at Kimhq‘lvy'. 'gave two splendidly renalerni solos, in both of which. he \ms rt..- .(‘illlt‘t‘l in "ch:- most ;:;.',u1'u:i:r.lxli‘ inunmrr. The National Antham \‘x 11:; the closing llllllliwl‘. {he Mayra-.432. .‘s’vrr 39.1.01" which .1 :Iuati -i‘- nation will be «given the Bird ('rn‘... Society. The Rod Cross Society 110M 1: cake sale and served ton cent 1m in the town 11:11} on Saturday Lhâ€" ternoon at which 3533 Werc rm!- izcd. The Toronto line north 55):;1‘ES had :1 secret hunt one day last week at which C. Stewart and W. Swanton \\"‘1‘0 captains. the" fur- mer’s side winning. In the (‘VD'Ing' the hungry hunters enjoyrd a fowl supper at the home of' M:- Jake Lever. - - Mr. G. B. Welton has moved to .Mr. Shunk’s residence on Calling- ; Wood street. ' Mr. John Kerr of this place has ‘sold his farm at Inistioge to .Mr. 'J. Flynn of Holland Centre. The mnmbt 1.5 (,f the hunt: 13”,:015‘01‘1 OI tms place, nearly 331311: 0 'unu'c Lodg1 cola ‘01-: 1t: ti 'l-uy “Pd 3 half 330- Fawkes’ Din \kith their annual Ml‘bo J- A Williams 0f Eugenia: hunt during: the (lay, and fm‘x'i iHSItL‘d 1191‘ SlSter, Mrs D MCIHV“ supper in the cvcning‘. which was ish, on Monday, returning from :1 given at the home of Mr. Sam. week’s visit in the Cit-V- Pedlar. About 50 ladies 21rd $2011th The Presbyterian Sunday schoml men were present in the evening has begun practice for their annu- and a very pleasant time W35 :11 Chmstmas entertainment. spent. ..___ ._ _- -.â€"-__.-.__ .~ Mrs. Geo. Mitchell gave an en- joyalfle afternoon tea to a largo number of her lady friends on Fri- dav last. in honor of her guest. Mrs. Will Southgate, of Seaforth. The hunting xiérti/es to Parry Sound have returned safely, after an enjoyable holid_ay. Mr Jos.Cornfieid and family. who are going to reside in Toron- to. left on Monday for their new home Mr. and Mrs. Cornfield were highly reSp-ected residents here for the past 14 years, and We regret their removal. Mrs. John Walker moved last. week to her residence purchased recently from Mr. Cornfield. “Mr Jos. Duncan has sold his residence to Mr. W H.11emphiil. who recently sold his farm on the 4th line and will move to town. Mr. Duncan, who joined Mr. W. Boyd in the stock buying re- centh will continue a resident here. At the Baptist church on Sunday morning Rev. Mr. Kerr’s sermon was on Baptism, after which one candidate was baptised and re- ceived into church fellowship. At the Methodist church in the eVen- ing, Rev. Mr. Dudgeon commenced a series of sermons on the Life of Abraham. -- w- w...-â€": Mr. Bert'Petch. who was the guest of Mr. Will Moore while in NOTICE is hereby given pursu-‘ ant to “The Revised Statutes of Ontario,” chapter 121 that all creditors and others having claims? against the estate of the said‘ Martha Adlam, who died on or about the 23rd day of October. 1914, are requested, on or before the 28th day of November, 1914, to send by post prepaid or deliver to the undersigned Executors of the last Will and Testament of the said deceased, their Christian and surnames, addresses and descripâ€" tions, the full particulars of their Eclaims, the statement of their ac- counts and the nature of the se- curities, if any, held by them. And further take notice that afâ€" ter such last mentioned date the said Executors Will proceed to dis- tribute the assets of the deceased among the parties entitled there- to, having regard only to the iclaims of which they shall then have notice, and that the said Exâ€" .ecutors will not be liable for the 3 said assets, or any part thereof. ito any person or persons of whose .claims notice shall not' have been lreceived by them at the time of lsuch distribution. SATURDAY. NOVEMBER 21.â€"-â€"At 2 o’clock, sharp. at the residence of the Pr0priet0r, Mr. John Hunt, Durham: household goods, Terms Cash: see bills. R. Brig- ham, Auctioneer. In the matter of the estate of Martha Adlam, late of the Town of Durham in the County of Grey, widow, deceased. Dated at Durham this 28th dav of October, AD. 1914. WILLIAM ADLAM, Allan Park P. O. Ont. and DAVID ADLAM, Notice to {‘reditors THE DURHAM CHRONICLE. FLESHERTON. Sale Register ‘ man Park P.O., om.. Executors of the last Will and Testament of Martha Adlm deceased. 30.11- - wether with iis farm, conduc ;:e .1 successful general busnmss. \xiiieu 1:1,".{5 he has diSp-osed of. He has now a last sfarm of over 600 acres. His on; 1 W. friends here are pleased to learn (M, :01" his success, and the honor new Hing-conferred upon him. Mr. Dunc-gm. 1 1Pwho was first married to Miss Elr- jMary Hemphiil, of Artemesia, was again married to Miss Alice Nich- 13n_. Loisun of this place, nearly a yea-r guy i and a half ago. mug: Mrs. J. A. Williams of Eugenia ford \Hisited her sister, Mls D. Bic-[aw “‘35 ,ish, on Monday, returning from a Sam. 'eek’s visit in the city. 11110.; The. Presbyterian Sunday school town last week. made us a friend- 1 iv call. and entertained your cor- respondent With a splendidly- rendered dramatic number from, his repertoire. Mrs. Graham is visiting her daughter‘x Mrs. R. H. Moore, on her return from an extended visit with her son in the West. Misses Mary and Margaret Speer of Feversham, returned home Monday, after three weeks’ visit with the Misses Hemphiil, and other relatives in this Vicinity. Mrs. Welton, Sr., Mt. Forest, is visiting hqr son, G. B., here. Mr. J. A. Houden, and Mrs. Hou- den. 1130 Alva Petal, 31‘} $9011 .124: a week with Mr. and Mrs. W. 310‘11‘3 and other friend lure. Mrs. Alex. Cameron and two children, of Eugenia. are spanning 31 few days with the fomncr’s nar- ents. Mr. and Mrs. Guy Orr. 1n;- (mto 13110. Miss Belle Clinton has returned from an extended Visit with her l'n'othcr at Edmonton, 1111.! other friends in the West. Miss Edna. Stewart has gone to Toronto to spend a month with relatives there. Mrs. C. F. Ottewell and little son. Jack, returned t2) their home in 1 oronto on Monday. 'leeve Mc'i'avish was in czty over the week-end. Mr. JJS. Martin of taken a position in Tznjish’s shop. Mr. JOS. Duncan has received word of the success of his 1:11t . . Mr Wm.(‘r.Du11c:-1n. of 1“”‘1' \Vushlngmn, who \\ (15 Republican candidate for Linc. "1.11 171111.11" in the recent St.1te Olccfioi 1s. and 11115 elected with a handsome majol- itv Mr. Duncan moud 111m .7111:- mesiu to Washing ton 30 years itv Mr. Duncan mow-d Irom Arteâ€" mesiu to Washing: ton 30 yeals ago. and has made p;<__:.nd For 1.3 years he gaxe his attention whollv to farming, and £01 15 yn‘uu J. t.)- PRICEVILLE. We are here yet, although a good many have passed away from the scene of action since \\'u last wrote. This l-tth of November, 1911, sounds dreary. The winds blow from the east, and the Weather was blustery during the past week. Ploughmg was suspendeu during the last two days. This was a fine fall for ploughilw. and a large acreage was turner: over during October and Novem- The business men of this town are preparing for the cold seas- on by having ’a lot of necessar- ies attended to. It is said that timberin-g‘ will be no good this Winter, as there will be no call for lumber to send awav to foreign countries, on account of the war. However, in this mart of the county of Grey, timber is prettv Well taken out We hear the reports of guns ev- emr day in the neighboring swamps. If there were as many out 50 or 60 years ago with' their muskets the earlv pioneers would not be so scared to travel through the woods on account of coming in contact with wild animals. The young people were not as fond of being out after dark as they are nowadays, for fear of meeting a bear. or a wolf. or some other wild beast. Mrs. Robt. Shortreed met with a painful accident a couple of couple of weeks ago. Her son. a boy of 13, was coming from the field with a three-horse plow. The horses became uncontrollable and ran away. The mother, seeing them coming at a furious speed, attempted to stop them, and was trampled under their feet, re- ceiving some severe bruises, be- sides some broken, ribs. She was attended by Dr. Lane of this place and is now considered out of dan-. ger, and we hope to see her around again in a few days. There were several deaths in this little town, which were not report-ed to The Chronicle. Mrs. Brown, an old and respected lad 3', who it was said, reached the cen- tury mark died a couple of weeks ago. She was one of the. pioneers of Egremont. but a resi- dent here for over 20 years. She was buried in the graveyard in this village. __ Mrs. McArthur, relict of the late Donald McArthur, died a few days later, another of the old pioneers, at the age of about 80 years. She also was buried in the small graveyard here, Rex. Mr. Matheson officiating at both funerals. 7 “On Friday last, the 13th of November, Mr.s McRobb nee Hal- riet McDowell. of Egremont, “as laid to rest in this town. She died suddenly on Wednesday of last Week from heart failure. The entertainment held lately in favor of the Belgian sufferers u as fairly well attended, considering the unfavorable weather, but all who attended thought it a duty to help the cause. It is said that Rockefeller is giving a million a month for six months to aid those in want. Well, out of his [hundreds of millions he is not doing any more than the poor man Who gives ten cents a month for the former gives out of his abundance while the latter gives out of his po_v_erty. ‘n' ‘- 1‘. § A 'â€" aged mother and brothers. He was driven by his cousin, Jose h Black of this town. The age - mother would rejoice to see her son come ' Continued on page 5. '"Wé saw Mr. Jos. Black of Toron- to. son of the late Neil Black of Scotchtowo‘, on his Wgy to _see his W eston 311‘. I). “$63;on hear of the illness 01" Mr. Dan. McArthur. north of Durham. DARKIES’ CORNERS. The past Week has been very disagreeable} with_snow and rain. Mrs. Flora McLean of Lambton street. is visiting friends around Ton Cliff. Miss Nina Noble of Hutton is spending a few days at home of her sister. Mrs. John Gir-r. Mr. Robt. McGillivray was en- gaged cutting straw at R. Lind- say’s one day last week. ‘1‘ __ Mr. Tribe of Holstein pass-3d through our burg on Thursdav last buying up cattle and pigs. Miss Len’a Ritchie of town, sgwm the week-end with her sister. Mrs. Wm. Jacques. Mr. Andrew Lindsay is making: decided imprOVement in his stubl bv putting in cement floors. WAR 0R PEACE MEN MUST LIVE Mens’ livinzs come from FARMS, Bcef «3113 up to :5!) U1! per (:wti, Pork to $10.00. Market authurities believe these prices will continue. This must mmm HIGH PRICESifm- ARM LANDS. Take a. hint, BUY NOW. H. H. MILLER, the Han'wer Con- \ N am. u. nfi'ms SUlllt GREAT BARGAINS S in 1 mm Luids m Rentim k 1‘ gieumnt \‘mumnhx(‘;Li1--.ick.Bu-uit and \Vest- H) 1’: n i no 95. 80nd f01 List. If 3011 11:13 9 ANY MONEY f1 0111 $30011}, 11111113 1.11-3.11 mm H. H. MILLER Hill 111- 3051 it to1 3on on good mortgage seem it3 and (-211 11119 3011 nothing. \Vhy 1113 est yom money with Shalks in \Vesteln town ox Lity lots: or Why 11.1 3'9 it lying at 3 per cent. when It might .13 well ear 11 3 on twice as much on fixst iate 1.11111 1:1oztg.1ge security? Have some sense. Let \11. Miller in- vest your money on 21 good mortgage. THE LATEST NEWS. The Greatest War in History is now on. Never since printing was invented have there been such universal need and demand for the newspaper. We have made ar- rangements by which we can sup- plv all the news of the Wide world, all the news of the war, and all the local news within the limits of our own circulation, at a price that from a bargain standpoint, leaves nothing to be desired. Farm and Town propel-Lies exchango ed. If you wish to BUY or SELL, BOR- ROW or LEND it will PAY YOU WELL to write or phone [1. fl. MILLER, or better still hitch up and go and see him. H.fl. MILLER, Hanover We will supply our own paper and The Weekly Mail and Empire â€"the two together,â€"-from now till January 1, 1916, for $1.75. This liberal offer is good until we withdraw it, therefore. we sug- gest early subscription for great- er valu-e. and request that all orders be sent to the office of this paper. tf Clement A. Foster, Haileybury, one of the largest beneficiaries of the Northern Ontario mining country. has enlist-ed for actiVe service. TORONTO L__________.____ DURHAM BRANCH, JohnKelly, IUD l ©F‘ @ANADA Hill the iIHE DURHAM EHHUNIELE IS PUBLISHED VERY THURSDAY MORNING At the Chronicle Printing House, Garafraxo Street. ° ° Tan Cnnomcu: will be neat t Subscnptlon any address. free of posture. 10: Rates - . $1 OOper year.payableinadnm -â€"$1.50 may be charged if not so paid. The (11“ to which ever) - ubacription is paid is denoted by the number rm tlm address label. No paper dip contiunvd to all arrears are paid, except at the 0914an of the proprietor. i / AVD 1I; EURNITURag Lia UNDERTAKINGQ Advertising Rates -- -.-.\ \‘I-Vll uuwt quent insertion niinion measure. i‘rofessiom cards. not exceeding one inch $4.00 per annum Advertisements without specific directions wil be published till forbid a: J charged acmrdin 1: Transient noticesâ€" 'L( st. ":Found.’ "For $3? .' etaâ€"50 cents. for first insertion. 25 cents for each snbseq uent insertion. Alladvertisement-s ordered by strung be oaid for in admace. Contracr rates for vean V advertisement: tn! nished on application to the nflice. f‘ uneral Director ”16mm D interest is the fin: essenfialofan investment; the ability to realize quickly the second. Judged by these standards. a deposit In the savings department of this Bank a an ideal {can of mvestmat. DURHAM. ONT. NoVember 19, 1914. Full line of Catholic Robes, and bin and ‘vhibe Caps fm- aged pvnplo. mmmm? is now open in Central Business College, Toronto. and in each of its Six Branches. Free Catalogue ex- plains courses. }:Vritie‘for a gopy: WH Shaw. President. Hééd Offices 393 Yonge Street, Toronto. Mr. M. Kress has opened a shop at; the rem-43f the. furniture Snow room and is prepared to do all kinds of tinsmithin". Undertaking receives special attentit m Snow Rooms Barber Slum. door Scmth at»: A GLEARING of Ladies White Waists And some good values in Black and Colored Silks just in Come and See Us if in need of any- thing in our line NEW GOODS and all Household Furnishings TINSMITHING Emrun AND PmmmETm-z AUTUMN SESSION Embalming a Specialty EDWARD KRESS in Silk Lisle. Lisle, Mercer- sed Cotton. also in White. \Vhite Cotton Socks for Children \Ve have a few \Vaists left about 30 in all which we will sell as fullows : C. 1.. GRANT $2.100 ‘Vaists for $1.50 1. 50 \Vaists fox 1.20 1.9 .5 \Vaists fox 1.00 smith shun Rugs. Oilcloths Window Shades L a c e Curtains Another Shipment of Woman’s Hose r For :Iranment advernsemeuu ’ cents per line for the first inset - Lion; Beet-ta parlineieach sub“ W. IRWIN “Little Darling Hose” those are in sizes ‘mmmg (m- ShOI’i'e'S notice. and 44 inches Next Lu SwaJ RES] 1 )EN(‘I<2-â€" \V. . 431“”? gen mun 1.” 8'2 va

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