West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 19 Nov 1914, p. 3

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Trains leave Durham at 7.153 m. anr Thos. Sampxe‘ a prominent Ear- wich townslpb fiarmer‘ was acci- dentally 'knled when he was pierced thrpugh the chest by a bullet ' thch his 12-year-old nephew was attempfing to extract ; u a 32 Calibre r1fle.. : o : M‘erkley 0f Horning’s ; met With a bad Qccident on . He Was workmg in a . pit when thetop. o! the in. burymg hlm up to " ~" It took about one 9,80. Barbour of Hi-llsburg was 39C1demallv shOt in the .foot when Install name was- taken for a rabbit. I H, G. Elliott, G. P. Agent. Montreal. Canadian Pacific Railway Time Table Leaves 11.35 p.m. arrives Detroit 8 a.m. and Chicago 3 p.11). daily. assur- ing important connections thh prin- cipal trains for \Vestern States and Canada. FOR MONTREAL Leave Toronto9 a.m.. 8.30 p.m. and 11 p.11). daily. Berth reservations, etc. t G.T.R. ticket oflices. W. Calder, Town Agent, Phone 3a. J. Towner, Station Agent Phone 18 BRITSH AMERICAN COLLEGE Leaves Toronto 8 a.m.. arrives Detroit 1.45 p.11). and Chicago 8.40 p.111. daily. LAST TRAIN OUT OF TORONTO AT NIGHT The International Limited Canada’s Train of Superior Service Leaves Toronto 4.41) p.m. daily, :u-rives Detroit 9.55 p.11). and Chicago atS a.m. TORONTO-CHICAGO T ORONTO- MONTREAL Trains will arrive and depart as fol ows. until further notice:-- DOUBLE TRACKS ALL THE \\'A\' Yonge McGill Streets. Toronto for a Busingss or Shorthand Course Fall Tex-m IS_ now open. “I": ask ‘1’ rdIl LC‘III ls you to write fox-Eax-ti‘c‘uâ€"lâ€"zâ€"ws. T. \V \Vauchope. Principal. .48 7.07 “ Durham “ 12.11 .59 7.18 “ Mc\Villizuus“ 11.5!) .02 7. 21 “ Glen “ 11.56 .11 7. 31 “ Priceville “ 11.46 .25 7. 45 " Saugeen J. 11.35 .55 11. 20 Al Toronto LV. 7.45 J. TOWNER Depot Agent JAMES R. GUN. TIWD Agent .. MACFARLANE. - (on cam not, do beuter than at tend To Tm: LAND 01; Sunshine and Summer Days K MONTREAL-TORONTO DETROIT-CHICAGO UH Z E N U S C L A R K DURHAM - - ONTARIO November 19, 1914. Shingles and Lab Aiways on Hand At Right Prices. The undersigned begs to announce to residents of Durham and sm‘oundmg country. that he has his Planning Mill and Factory compl'eted and- is prepnrvd to take orders for THE “CANADIAN” FAST TIM 1~: BETW [SEN “IN 1‘ ER T0 L’RS £1. A'l o 6 20 Lv.\Valkert(m 6.34 “ Maple. Hill 6.43 “ Hanover - g and Yang H. Mucfnrln 11'in I'ic (-9 Custom Sawing Promptly At= tended To Hause Fittings SASH,DOORS MORNING SERVICE ,\. Hay. ulnx' and all kinds of -- ()1 All L‘s}: :3, :m Pau' 1 E. Dufi', D. P. Agent. l‘oronu Town Agent AP. 1.0” 10;“) ‘° 13.43 10.13 “ 12.35 10.05 CA 0 9.41 In 1913 the following prizes were donated by the‘ County COUDCII at the Guelph Winter Fair: For the best Stallion shown by an amateur exhibitor, resrdent of the County of Grey: rst, $12; 2nd, $8. For the best Gelding or Mare. any draught breed, shown by an amateur exhibitor resident of . the County of Grey: rst, $10; 2nd, 35 5. The Stallion prizes were won by Myles and the other prizes Continued on page 8. - 121.344 tons of green com for feeding were cut from 15,168 acres sown in Grey in 1913. The yield per acre wa§8 tons and the mine was $485,300. ORSES to the number of 33,435 were on hand in Grey County on July ISt, 1913. 'lhese were valued at $4,680 900. ficcording to the returns made to the District Representative at Markdale there were on hand in the County the following numbers of pure-bred horses. Clydesdales 109; Hackneys, Io; Thoroughbreds, 6: Welsh Ponies 4; Arabs, 1. French Coach, 3; and 12 that were pure- bred but no name giv en, making a total 0f 145 horses_ I66 acres of 8032‘s “020 50“!) in Cncv in H)! 3g ivi ng :1 Vicki of 14.2 bushels to the acre. '1 ne total )icld was .3 bushels. with a value“ $2.300. N U! \l Com for husking yielded at the rate of 00 bushels In 1913 there. were I ,2 (Let; s of Carrots m the County per 39"“ i” '913- The 553 acres 50“” gave a Yk‘ld “f of Grey, yielding at the rate of 223 bushels per acre, or 33,180 bushels valued at $xg,900. a total of 29.436 bushels. These were valued at $3,000. ‘ " ‘ b ' ‘ t ' buahus par 4ch md .::uc a total value of$7 5,000. Grey had 20.315 acres of Fall \that in 1913. The X 5 total yield was 513,970 bushels, or at the rate of 25.3 The acreage of Ryc in Grey in 19: yielding at the rate of l9. 8 bushels per acre. The value the rate of 94 bushels pct‘ :u‘rc. or a of the 20 .65: bushels was $12. 390. bushels. These were valued at $281. 22,054 acres of mixed grains sown in Grey in 1913 yielded 803,390 bushels. or at the rate of 35 bushels per acre. The total value was $402,000. acres sown in 1913. This was at the rate of . 2.669.637. Thcyicld of hay was small in 1913 on account of the cold. wet spring. Only 129,487 tons were harvested from 162.542 acres, or at the rate of 80 tons per acre. The value of this was $1,294,900. In 1912 Grey County had 162,382 acres under hay and clover. This yielded at the rate of 1.44 tons per acre, ora total of 233,564 tons. with a market value of There are about 16.880 acres of orchard and fruit, 12.985 acres of summer fallow and 154,751 acres of pasture in the. County. Can the farmers of the County, with the assistance of the business men of the towns. find a way to make use of these unused areas? 69.921 acres of cleared land are not included in these , \ figures. 63.5 per cent. of this cleared land is under crop, or 443. 588 acres. FACTS ABOUT GREY C’OE‘NTY s . t 'Ihercare 1.063.443 acres of (ISSCSSt‘d land It) the bushels ‘f 3r rural portion of the County of Grey. .mm“ 65.65 per cent. ofthis ms 955 cd land. or about 698,- 125 acres, is cleared. Grey hag! 6,041 acres. of potatoes in 1913 yielding at Buckwheat yielded £50,612 bushels from the “0.387 Issued by the Grey County Board of Agriculture OL GREY COUNTY AGRICULTURE OUR APPLE EXHIBIT AT TORONTO. 1913 The total area. cropped in the County of Grey in 1913 was 440,620 acres. From this acreage was harvested crops to the value of $5.966.997, or at the rate of $13.54 per acre. some 784,271 bushels Wan: harvested. The mtc 0! yield was 28! bushels per acre and the value. was $73,000. The 462 acres of feeding Sugar Beets sown in 1913 yielded 110.880 bushels. or at the rate of 04,0 bushels per acre. These were valued at $1 1,088. bushels. These were v. led at $283 900. There. were x.624.x33 bushels 'of 'I‘m'nips harvested from 5.659 acres in Grey County in 1913. This was at the rate of 28'; bushels pm" ru‘rc. ’l‘hv value was $162.400. In 1913 there were in the County 31 05 7 acres of Barley yielding 900.655 hushcls. or at the rate of 29 bushels per acre. The total value of the crop that year was $450,326. Barley to win is grown. F. \\'ickham of \Valter's Falls in 1013 won Second Prize for his Barley at the Guelph imcr Fair. The 13,878 acres of Peas sown in Grey in 1913 yielded 15.6 bushels per acre. The total yield was 216,497 bushels with a. value of $194,700. In each of the years 191 I, 19:: and 1913 Foster Bros. of Clarksburg won First l’rizc for their \Vhitc Oats at the Guelph \Vinter Fair. This shows that Grey grows Oats of quality as well as quantity. There were in the County of Grey in 1913 about 143,240 acres of Oats. These yielded 2-11 the rate of 34.2 bushels per acre, giving a total yield of 4,898,808 bushels with a total value of $1,959,520. uusnms '1; :r acre. “19 value or the crop was $402,573- Thcre were .232 acres of Spring \Vheat yielding at the rate of18.3 bushels per acre in 1913. The total yield was 77,446 bushels with a value of $69,700. ‘1» er acre. The value of the crop was $462 THE DURHAM CHRONICLE )X3 “3'18 1.043 ELCFCS a 101:1] of 56".854 f Opposite the Old Stand. Durham, Ont. g 6 MWWQOONOQO WNWQW \ H . {.Vâ€" ' fl â€" â€" v V w 2? WWw «wwwmtwwe‘teasazwwwtvmfi' :9 OQOOOOOOOQOOOOQQQQQQQOO §§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§++§§ #6 g$e¢999999999+9a9299999:»' Q? 2? \re Y 0114311 m -~os1' f: . *3 :3 st 9: c: g: It 'I I I t w s 960.9906 60539969511??? 00.». v5? 9’996099909999003999999“ 9990 Oatmeal Millers. ooooooooooooooooooooooooo.ooooooooo.o¢o¢+ooo¢oooo 2090‘ f§¢§§§§§§§+§+§§§+§+§§6§§+§ o OOWMW 9+OOOOOQOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO #0000600.000000.:‘60000099 The Down Tawn Shoe Store: 1. S. Mcllraith i Central Drug Store All goods hnught before the war and our onstomers get the benefit. One of the best; selected stocks of Fancy Goods and Novelties in OLD GREY for Christmas and New Year Gifts. Meerschaum Pinsâ€"Brizu' Rootâ€"All Kinds, from 25c to $8 Fancy Cigar Casesâ€"Fancy Tobacco PunchPsâ€"Tobaccos and Cigars Violins Violin Bows Mouth Organs The Rob Roy Cereal Mills Co. What we have we hold and What we have’nt got we’re after \VA H ON PRICES No War Prices; Here Durham Are We Discouraged? AT SPECIAL PRICES Pipes Cigars and Smokers’ Sundries WAR. ON PRICES Imported and Domestic Perfumes Parician Ivory Toilet Sets Parisian Ivm-y Clocks Call and see us in our new premises. \Ve are again settled and ready for business in the store .ust across the street and as we have decided to remain in business we ask for a continued support, assuring all of fair honest and courteous treatment. We have received a stock of Yarns. Blankets and Woollen Goods and invite inspection. Learn our prices before buying. customers who gave us a share of their patron- age during our thirty years business in the Old Stand. WE take this opportunity of thanking 0m“ many The Largest Stock-~The Lowest P1 Bibles and Hymnals Willards Forkdipped Chocolates ‘ SOLID EBONYâ€"In Toiletâ€")Ianicure and MiIiLm-v Sets The Best and Cleanest Chocolates CORN CHOP The Newest Hand 81418. Music Rolls. \Vallets. Purses Brush Cases. Etc. ., Etc. Our terms on Vet-d are s!'1'i(tt}y (7:; pnvv. \\ o m» not givv any (Tl-vdix 1"1‘2111 l1: uc (11:1111 (11" am ps1 111:11k1t mix-vs fur :11 (11:1111 :11 0111' ILIOV1U11' “'0 want mnpty fved szlvks. if in and we win pay you Fl \ E bring. pru- “'9 h:\\' fall in and See Our Displayâ€"“R? will not be Undersold We Are Paying from 472C to 50c for Oats at our Elevator PHONES - - 4 and 26 CARD OF THANKS is low >1111H1'1'111111~ (7:111 and sec 1.119511 11.1111111111k111g \‘11111111'xt pm! )1 1x70. 11111110, V: 111305. Husicrv 1‘: U. :1!“ :1\~' in stock.[111(111~.1'ig111_ CUSTOM WORK AND REPIRING (1AS AUSUAL (A) ' S. SCOTT h Toilet Sets Parisian Iw-ny Manicure Sets ' Clocks Parisian Ivnrv Odd Pieces 'au'isian Ivory Milibzuy Brushes In Fancy Package and Bulk. Leather Goods gnod wv 0:1 111 ll! kind to SP” \\‘v Wi In Fanny Packages and Bulk d on hand ketbem. if ynu hnn- :my bring E (‘mx’s earl) fox ul RIGHT PLACE ? 'x'icosâ€"The Best Service .11 “‘0 will pw high- t)’ of Oats m' nthm HI i] the tiuw Ontario it ma Ihvm \‘(Hl

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