West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 19 Nov 1914, p. 4

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sex-vat ut eCOHU I111 C kw good th‘ng or 1111.119). if good (111119.: the \V at in months has done more in “dry” territory than all t perzmce acitation of It may i temporary . told that the transforms Russia has been so 2:! public Opinion there is z Bunch; ....., _ public Opinion there is ir-i resistibly in favor of permanvnt‘ E prohibition of the manufacmro‘HARBOTTLE...‘ and sale of vodka. ‘ vember 4, t0 ‘ garbottle, :11 most Mr. Wm. C lost his home by fire. Hydro-Electric current is n bemg used in Elora. Ebenezer Kof met almost instant death in m tempt to dislodge a. stone 3 digging machine. a a” 1 people 0I morning alt {on}- be the aw ' ’ ‘ ’ army. .1. boarded the Laurentm smece I 1omed the . wful 1 . , . S‘.,Ilt depot there W358 angSnS '- ‘ ‘I . )" .'. . '3 ' . . “.m-u st!“ 81*""“ ion the " __.- A: nnrds “h-L of stuff““?'go_x}_;-n.:nn r‘nm er of Camsville, near was found dead in a field With two whiskey bottles beside him. Capt. Abel of the tel. Midland. was fined $10 costs, by Magistrate Jackel, for selling liquor without license. 4. oi COOper’s Jas. Bailey, aged 1 accident- Mills, near Orillia, was ‘ ‘ L“ «3 vnunger bOV‘ n addressing l soldiers the most te the StOCK. J. C. Richardsos. formerly of din Detroit Beeton. was arreste on a charge of stealing $900 from the Dominion xpress Co. at W31- ravine at Elora stumbied over lost his way. - R “A1‘;“0“9nnd' c reas was taken to week. J. Wy ant, of C0111ng\~u:2u, Kingston for .se\- en and Proprietor- for stock. §£ealin2 a 111111 WITH THE CANADIAN con- ! TINGENT AT SALISBURY 14. of 000981"5 younger dent- bov ,1 pvzb- "'n 30 days in‘iafl Orr’s ieweller)’ a quantl 'tv 0f Collin-gw09‘? SaraVV 3k Father \V \v w ' 1;) WV. ““““ auu K3 1n alt-aux“ “‘ '- " - M . . 0111 ENT AT SALISBURY ink. feehng pretty §§§§3£atiqns m“ ma outskirts of immune: Poor Beth In trouble~ ‘50 V ., situated on the which presents i . aram-e at :1 makes appeal K, Falkmham- tO' picket ourhorsxest.hem tied up. the appe . , overt-d with spikes. o e to our Social with-all the ‘\ Batt" ’ISt ’Bfigg‘rigé %m. xgznawgréi: tough-1001‘“)? ggfllslgagicgegfopegsg :noumain are “039” SO 0 :iends V011 can bring; . ° ‘. e .' 8 -' - ' ' Y ‘ ExpggéhonEggland bunch that morpmg. W; :5: few studded with stone poluums or pan It may mean a new wrap ora 11:31 22’ 191’. ting things Sumghtene mg to feel sades. These mlumns are five t; perhaps a full meal I , and are begmn d as garge aroun To some of the needyâ€"who 3.0““ me. - t . . u ts a . . . | I suppose more} at ho ‘n- Campbell took 3 an average mans bod?‘7 which bask praises W111 31mg. 1 a ' . We each , of nature , . ’ ‘ phes remarkable uplift owe???“ of being the 2 Yours smeeveh t v . we could bég.‘ the appearanf'e. h - :- One side 1 Junior Bible Classu‘: _. ‘An‘I Ioffpr :Iu‘St the and everythlng. T Am» N.D+fi 11.1? {'0‘ handiwork 0t . , -. ‘‘‘‘‘ nnondh‘ll. ‘4 , A. no! -Ai‘nnf:l\n (If 1"]? v reaCIlL’Kl a Dblalu’gv- - October. blow-out, you bet. We and apple 1 Devonshire I arday, the roast Dora, Lransports ed with the} Have had fine wea‘ but . to ur hOI‘SeSIthree days ago, 110‘ UUCK"'112\S kept up :1 ste 50 W9 “311 "I‘he horses are mud 1 " " “#11 r-ntxn £11 in: L 1 I'Ouuu. The villages are just like youl Won by a New Hat. 1 ee i3 pictures. I am getting a ‘ew ays’ leave to visit relatives . s; 30 will go up into Yorkshire to Rube Weddell dwas. not only the 3 visit grandfather and mother. greatest left ban pitl her in his time. ; boys have got Off al-‘ but the most eccentriv. Back in the ' be late nineties Some of the ready, but I expect it will some time before I. I ' .4 l. the minors. too* - ' '1. Nationals at that time and wanted the d t ‘1' He was authorized by . 11 me 0‘ mner. the club owners to pay the eccentric What do you ,gfiégk “(3: {Stilt 5022:! pitcher $3.500 a year. While two other ‘ l clubs already had offered Rube more. a stranger? V bet. V e had rat in . - .J . " Loftus went out to meet the Rube ' said to the south- one afternoon .3116 . ' . ‘yn this." and Weigh! will soon have w 1 halt Am keepin.h ' and 0'c‘tting fabâ€"as 3 am not \ou cou a IOO‘O'inO' ch be back after aud sound and all the Rovul Famih axe ‘ “M“‘V‘m n10 to all the {1' a logging chamnnum, be back after the war and sount, - 0M It Dy Lily y.___ and there is an old Wb-vu- . and has mthstm: a. All that is stanz‘nng ‘ . ages. 'lbe spnkes and they are proppeu tiement that nmk time I get a chancei look ‘ pear from a (11sz ”M are just like youi I am. getting. a Won by ’u m Vfik‘g‘fififi‘fi Rube Wadde“ . but the most ec V 11mm. u \M \‘U\. .9. l ( ”)H ’-v‘â€" I v ' . I\W - simat 3. It was five . which presents TEE DURHAM CHRONICLE. L1 and me to dinner.‘ the club owners w .u. - Lmk of that {or‘ pitcher $3500 a year. Wbi‘ gen vs}? mad 53;“: 1 clubs already had offered I 3t. ‘e 11,3 rd} )1 ". Loftus went out to me apple px‘e plastcrq afternoon and mid I '.hire cream. ‘one ‘- , ‘. . 3““. "(’30th on. Eddie. 51! ,> weather up to I D but since then it : presented the (-untrtu't. :1 steady (h‘ibNt‘n. “But. Tum." staid Rube. mud t0 the 0111‘?” fiot [noref‘ soon have to (um; "That's all x‘lght." r1 dug in bully he‘l‘L'I‘I‘ soothingly. "Just Sign t \v ___I \7hrk ‘vu Landed Moxieo’n Spiked Mountain- morn- one of the most remarkable geolog- ’ and teal treaks in Mexico, 18 a IUO‘mmin 'Dear Friend8~ ratIODS situated on the outskirts of I’m-hue: Poor Belgium in tro 3 five :d up which presents the appem-gm'e at :1 makes appeal coking ‘ distance or being "over“! mm 59““3‘ So come to our Social re get- § The sides of the Inoummn are closely friends vou can .+ nnw.. mmnpd with Stone vohmms 01: WW I ..- h. It mav meana I $1 ()0 to $1 U0 . 1 (M to 1 US.) 48 to 5G Will F. \v i to to to to won. xendS best panama h. . Tom." replied Eddie. “That‘s a an. and he signed the Chivago contract.â€" ‘New York Worm. made as foilmvs 3 pentine mix on Puck half am <. ‘ and [no ounces ‘ in a large main Homemade Liniment. A cheap stimuimiug i‘m'uuem, which will he alnmst ndnrhass and yet ef- fective for untsidv :umlicutinn. can be ' ”mm. of rur- Whittier’s Visntor. Pilgrims usml lo visit Whittier con. tinually. A typical one came from 3 Missouri. Though told that Whittier: had a heachache, he " ‘ed his way} into the poet’s stu clared that he adored all works, which he knew almost by; heart. He asked Whittier to write me : name several hundred times on a large so that he could cut I . . . , \ it was all the poet co l the enthusiastic M issou \ ping all the buttons from his coat as souv enirs. _ ‘ ‘ .8 m A” _Qn Whltuel am; “‘0 WV wt- ‘ W11 of mine has nd he has invited my wife and my. ‘ you to buy your wife a new hat. new kings. new twelve gloves. new 3111: stoc new opera dollar shoes. 21 l cloak and :ent a taxicab for the night.” when these two 9 avoided then it is liable to beâ€"dry. The truth Hes between u dome?“ "5 Visitor. - 6 , vim Whittier con- or cal one came from g u told that Whittier : k 9 study. where he de- 3 O ldored an Whittier’s ; z zat‘inn. can be quart of m:- of (foul Oil. alkzlnvt root rizod capsicum 191 Over this ’9 -80 Whittier Basement There was a mu m pant Breezes of late, but plowing 1' land will knock the blow out most of us. - “-‘L- “ LAKELET BREEZES. “-- Mr. John Moore, who 2-: centlv disposed of his far: J08. Lawrence, has Durch fine residence in the. su Holstein. Mr. Will Hunter lost a heifer from pneumonia. Horse trading is qmte in this locality. “Mr. Ma son traded his fine driv: Wi‘il Atchison for a {in ent of Methodist Church November 19 1914. 0+oooooooooooooof§+0¢¢¢o¢+o‘ er 19 ~ 1914. ‘3 ‘ in trouble. to vou‘: DURHAMFLOUR mus ALL ’ METAL WEATHER STRIP lull in Lakelet but plowing new No Job Too Small :- SPECIAL ATTEX'IION Gn'Ex 'ro IXSTALLA'rxox ESTIMATES CHEERFULLY GIVEN W RITE, PpONE on ‘ We \.\ ish to remind you that on: M FEours and Feeds were larger than a ETIFURBER CO. Lustom Lhoppmg. Storm Sash liuiits ventilation and is a. continual Source of expense for Glass and Paint, caused by repeated handling and storage. much cheaper and more effect- All-Metal Weather Strip is arp or get out of shape ive, is Rustless and cannot w IGIV ‘vVvvu-r I 3 ‘ '3 Mrs. Ayers of Toronto. is the accompamed bv gguest of her son, Mr. \\ . H. Bean. an, spent an! Miss Lizzie Byers has returned :ek at the mge -,home from Buffalo. : Mr. and Mrs. E. T. McCloainn I r-er is home from ‘ have gone to Toronto for e )n’s for a short ‘Wmter. h. --.--- T“ 3‘0: “13- ¢9§00¢4§ Applicable purchas IS LWYS in ma J03 $11 DDT of km“ a mes" cured Farm '1 zed Bums and Digestion BINDER TWINE mum BY SUNS“? MN“ $¢§¢§§ ¢0¢§¢§9¢0§¢¢0§0§¢ 909400.900 to all Does Not Limit la ST. 5r. Bomsacn DE SHAWINIGAN, ng. Feb. 3rd. 1914. ‘ ‘It is a pleasure to me to inform you that after sufiering from Chronic Constipation for 2 y; years, I have been cured by “Fruit-a-tives”. While I was a student at Berthier College, I became so ill I was forced to leave the the college. Severe pains across the intestines continually tortured me and it came to a point when I could not ll, and my Digestion stoop down at a became paralyzed. Some one advised me to take “Fruit-aâ€"tives’ ’ and at once I felt a great improvement. After I ‘ ‘ - » 1' ~A-1:-AA 1 1611 a grcaL [mytvv wupvâ€"â€"-_ had taken four or five boxes. I realized that I was comp made me glad, were acting gently, causing no pain whatever to the bowels. All those who sufier with Chronic Con sti ation take should follow my example an “ Fruit-a-tives ” for medicine that cures" “Fruit-aâ€"tives" are sold by all dealers at 50¢. a box, 6 for $2.50, trial size, 25c. or sent postpaid on receipt of price by Fruit-afives Limited, Ottawa. PHONE Mrs. Adam Brown. Jr.. has ro- turn-ed to town. aftvr 51’:-€»n=3'x‘.;’: me summer_ at Parry Sound. \X'nc in Mr. Frank Toronto the Week. I‘IE J03 ND LASTS A LIFETIME wood Sash and Doors â€"- New or Old to is in town on b‘ shaking hands \xit' friends. A4 m 7,_ “r4 at Ori‘dia this Wednesday in response to a ten,“ nouncing the serious 11 his sister there. Mr. John ‘0 Kerr 05 left for '1.‘01‘ont-3 on ,morning‘ Where he purl ine: a six months’ can: Shaw Business College. 11 Winter and the Dust in Summer Frank Lonah an PERSONAL MAGLOIRE PAQUIN Oat Crushing. beginnin 0111‘ 7 r0 ()Ck Oi TUTOR" 30.9.5. and his many ill Was in of the the 10K me 1nâ€" 03 CALL of

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