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Durham Chronicle (1867), 19 Nov 1914, p. 6

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Attend the Best. It Always Pays lflELuorr a fl” Hll‘llu ‘lly UVO“ -. -â€"â€" n "J , ' Yonge and Charles streets. Toronto has a Natumul Reputation fm' superior Busmess and Sht‘u'thand Education. Catalogue free. Cmmntnce now. «If 1 12" l nvr'r- Prim. 734 X'Ullllg St. e and Charles streets. Tornmn National Reputation for superior hand Education. Commence now. 73% Young St. Yong has a Business and Short Catalogue free. W. J. ELLIOTT. Prim. Durham I‘HOS. ALLAN. Principal and vincial Model School Teacher Class Certificate. Intending Students should enter at the beginning of the wan if possible. Board can be ohtainpd at reasonable. rates. Dan-Inn: H a healthy and at tractwe town. making It a most desir- able place fr. ;: residence. The record of the Schnm 1 is a. flatter-mg one. The progressive educationally pains tu so» that teache have every advzmtasze per presentation and 2 knowledge. Students 300 uruuu...-., po- itions. partic D. A. McLa Enter any mm‘e.‘ 7 ulars in free catalogue. chum. G. M. Henry, President. Principal. F. H. HARTLEY» Chairnmn. The Easy Road toa.a GOOD SALARY Machine Oil. Harness On, Ame Grease and H00! Ointment. go to Is the 9118 $1 per month in advance thm-nugblv equipped in ty. in chemical and elec- '. and fittings, etc.. fur full 'im: and Matriculation f the Scbnol in past. years 1;: one. The trustees are éducntionnlly and spare- no that teachers and pupib advantage fur the pro- ntion and acquistion of High School 1 he Harnessm 3k? 0 F0 -GRANTQ Secretau'v her but ed and dropped me murderous expression. Then he march- AL- ohnnahnlfl find upon the Captain Wetherell sullenly marching under the impetus of the revolver in ‘ Lucille’s hand they straightened and I stared. open mouthed. unable to be lieve the evidence of their own eyes. Gradually it dawned upon them that the tyrant. the brutalizer. the man they all hated and feared. had been sub jugated, cowed by this slip or a girl. Whispers grew louder, louder. and she caught“ the approval in the eyes that loser to her own un- ded by a cordon at Only through winning the crew to , her side could she maintain her posi- 11 tion. Backing away, but still holding 3 the revolver level upon the captain, she (cast an appealing glance about upon “rmsma P": caSt an appeaung gluuxc uuv‘..- -r-‘ the men. “Friends.” she whispered, then. sur- prised at finding how low her voice was. swallowed the lump in her throat and continued bravely: “Friends. I am just a weak girl. and I need your uelp. 1 have two enemies upon this ship. anything or anybody in the world until i a short half hour ago. He will do any. ‘ thing to steal from me some papers I l accused Of the that! and 0: wen-u And 3 I have fought 1M: haul lu kc'wlo mum!" l mu sun! ‘ Her voice Drukr :1 mm, 1 Itralzhtened Um \‘ely. man. still gluwn- “‘ “’5‘ dc.“ 3 fixed of fighting. ' The murmur of a: 1 men died 60““ D“ spirals that seemed other side of the majestically. the ' ., huge boat. The 8‘ .1 from that sight. “ mg face of her vict “But I am more rain, men!” she cr Ingly vibrant. ”H cabin and demant threatened me. 88 -'~" and tried to make -"» this to a weak g‘ treat me as he ha you all to protec from this man‘s what a coward m ‘. X 'a ‘ finger. and from ou 1 '1 9 [n8 on her hashes. ”I‘m no urea tired of fighting." The murmur at sympathy from men died down beture a still I 4 sh... h lu‘ UV“ ‘5‘ ‘â€" Duly, u..â€" ___ finger. and from out two great smoke - 391,319 that seemed to name from the were roaring in real earnest now. as it was evldent that the filibuster had other side or the ocean rose slowly. .3 mm outlines of a no intention of obeying the signal to majestically, th . huge boat The girl. scenting Managed haul m' , from that eight. read it on the an The pair who had fought one another lng face or her “cam . so cordially stared at the scene until both boats melted into the sun, below ‘ “But i am more afraid 01' your cap-1 ‘ tam, men,m she cried. her voice mm. the sun. then dropped beyond the horiâ€" lnxly vibrant. “He came to me In my 200- Hugo Loubeque was watching Lu- cabin and demanded the papers. Ho cine narrowly. Their predicament threatened me. seized me in his arm: and tried to make love to me. He did ~ He would that the captain of the filibusters had ('(msiglwd hill sud} :I (ate Was of little account. Lite treat me as be has Rented you. 1 as! you all to protect me and yourselvel from this man’s brutality. You see what a coward be Is. You see how no does not dare"â€" " '~- AM. Ah“ ““9 “V‘ w- ‘ Her voice was drowned in the cm as of shouts that rose at the welcoml announcement. W ethereu’s shoulder- slaped still more. while his eyes darted from face to face. triumphant. cun- ning. tetocions. A taint boomingsonnd a scant fifteen seconds the THE j [u kt'fi‘}' ‘Iu'w- u'tth‘. "m 2900 Ivan still gllflwn' "“1“ I0 mw‘” C1C(totun v- - tiny craft bobbed about on the bosom l 5119 rim-(1w 111111 11 “M. o o ‘ ‘ 1 \ f the waters. fie did not move. I" mm 11111:: him W he Wm WM :1 ‘1”, ., Seabed 3 again! a nightmareiz 3°90 i1 11111101 mm :1 tom. . snrntim M the st. 11's on eque s ent y. grmy. se e an Tm." 9,... mam, ‘)7 LC: :3“ \li‘ f I I . O O O Q ’11)!) «12' 1121111 in : 1"“H’li Weir": * O O O O f 0 O oar, motloning her toward the second. ‘ She mm m :1 “my“ ‘We must get out of the firing zone.’ her m. M m “(m .11 WW . ‘ he said quietly, reassuringly, almost‘ rest?“ N ”I.” q, ._, ”5“}: .‘t- m 1 ~11 gently. Singularly enough as she tug- to cm“ ,. .. 11 ‘ W, .m' .1 H, m ged at the great oar she almost felt ' "‘ ‘ ‘ kindly toward the spy ‘ 1 she did not realize “here she was. _,_____..â€"- ‘. stared about her perplexedly, tried to o o " identif) the gentle undulating motion ping sound . Ontario of the boat, the soft sw ee Then her eyes met the CHAPTER XI. In an Open Boat. HE great copper ball or sun\ squatted comfortably upon the ‘ horizon‘s rim. flattening lnto itself and surveying with tol- erunt contempt the tiny bobbing craft â€"-‘-.. amm Ioubeaue and; .1 of the waters. fl6|\1 "The papers. Miss Lucille.” Loubeqne mm quietly. “will you kindly give me tmo papers to take care of?" The papers! Then the spy did not know that Captain Wetherell had pos- sessed himself or the preciopg bag be: spoken, she fou heriojce thigk. “Then is 0° I I t I - t. The dictionary Aum- n oxnca Ion . says mg m, "f_"',.£'u','. 1’ ‘_' 3.3% _‘.v .z .A . ‘ , - . ,' 3 - ‘1‘ « .‘ â€" ; ~ . .'_. : v 1 . Intonation IS “ poisoning, or xic, substanca produced within the due to the stomach, bowels, mdneys, liver, 0-: _4 .1 P/\ n' _! A AA.- 6621371" This is a condition aue w uu; sewn”... WNW, , _ pores of the body failing to throw off the poisons. More than 50% of admits his trouble. This is probably why you are suffering from are suffering from t ' . . ’ eadaches, loss of appetite, lack of ambition, and many other nervousness. ‘n . symptoms produced by Auto-Intoxication. Your whole system needs stirring up. ( In Tablet or ”quid Form) will remedy the trouble. It first aids the system to expel accumulated poisons. It acts as a tonic and finally enables the body to eliminate its own poisons without any outside aid. Obey Nature’s warnings. Your dealer in medicines will supply you, or you may send 50c for a sampie a , ._ “a- i... a...“ Addrm‘: Dr.R.‘.’.Picrce, Burialo.N.Y. 90000900000WW 00+ 9" 1U. LL lev V'â€" ll'y Sore Throat Cute. Wine of (‘ ndliver Oil and Olive Oil Emulsion. Don’t fail to see our GREETING C A R U 8. Un- doubtedly t h e finest. line in the Fr it. Also Cold Tahlgts Seize Throat Cure. Wipe town. 31‘ Codliver Oil and Ohve Dil Emulsion. B E XML "“ go; ;SEED GROWERS’ ‘ ‘ The Provincial V\ i at Guelph early in 1year has many ex! *tion‘al f-eatuyes hc How Are Your Eyes ? dIe-pai \Ve test and fit; glassesâ€" satisfaction guaranteed- prices moderate. ‘terest. - , The Boys’ Own Page, the Girls’ ment an 0W0 gage. the Famgg Pagedtreat-' ‘ ' d, ore ing 0 farming. gar ning omes- vemfifen agrcotéfded mand ‘tic economy, cookery, the use of - d ltools. etc.. the doctor’s weeklv.‘ health talkâ€"these andha score 0 ‘.°- r lotscfixeld. fort sad. 3 . ‘ , od ance 0 $90 e .. fihave a go . 1915. Every new Canafian subscrib- One of our Canadian subscnbers paper f _ ‘ or 1914' also The Companion Home 'Wr'tes 118: “No other paper ‘ ‘1 ‘ our house is Calendar for 1915. 3maz1ne coming to 18° highly prized 9.3 The Y0uth’s THE YOUTH’S COMPANION\ ICompamion. It 18 welcomed by 144 Berkeley 81;. Boston. H ; __ _ 91‘ 0f the famllyfland New Subscriptions received, at ,. ' \every memb [our ages run from seven to Office. ‘ . W9 , Eyes are bread winâ€" nersâ€"don’t neglect them. uyg‘vw“ " 'â€" fized by the ma nage-a this year increased been aIIOtte d1 = been DTOVid9d more and .v.;..§ ..!..§..;..t»% ++°§“§"§'+'§”I~'§'+~I °1*+°s"§"§"‘°'3~~§”§~+'§*+ . 6 § ‘ In November 19, Tye latest edition of Dr herpes Common Sense Magma) Auviscr_ shank: be m every famfly No rcasqn why you should be Without It when It will be sent free to you if you will remix cost of wram pm: and mailing-4'31 one- cent Maytagâ€"to Dr R V. I3 \3 cent: mW"W - ' Remy dBufim’ N

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