West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 26 Nov 1914, p. 1

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his administration of war affairs. They might better give him credit for what he has done and leave iheir fault-finding for some mere enfifenier‘rt season. The arm-chair his At a time like the present the gfauIt-finding spirits could spend their time much better than by making attacks on ‘the Minister of Militia for the real or imagine an? grievance they try to find against him. Some of the news- papers 'are hoWling against him for alleged breaches of etiquette and~ other trumped up detects in , f #‘11‘5. 4 lucilt‘au or 2.30 as at present. arrived The Durham branch of the \VO-gtends t -. men’s Institute will hold a “Scotch ‘I 311‘, Ali meeting” at the home of Mrs. Jos. 1 life Mr. Brown on Thursday. December ” 'last Sat 1) I at 2 p.m. Mrs .Rev. Wylie willfboth pl give an address on Scotland. A" g He calls -u‘1 members are expected, to answer ! ins: and E roll cell by a short quotationiin the l ' from Burns. A charge of ten cents j petite. 1 will be made for a Scotch tea. All i seems hi are invited. iHe is ce We have in our office a l.~oti~le§?nd It i of natural- gasoline from the .1 m com'e . Dingman oil well 18 miles west of: Okatoks Alberta The sample is Relief F‘ iust as it was taken out of thefwe woulc {yell and Without any refining.fin2 the ;_.and is used iii-the crude st ate for tention 1 . . y . motive power for automobiles for g the prooe use in gasoline lamps and fox-fer for 3r: other purposes. It compares favor- l Vance w $ny in appearance with our regu- i from whi gilar refined gasoline is quite clear i $2.3 . gin appearance and could scarcely;.been 310 ;-be distinguished from the regular 3 help us ti Eflasoline of commerce. It was- sent i fer remai E‘here to Mr. Alice by J. J. McRae ’ of this m E01 Gayley, Alberta, and was taken i tances be Bram the test well owned bv the . at the sex Calgary Petroleum Products Com- l large nun rmum? Limited. . -__--. Our cc v- v“- VV“”"‘~J re not asleep' and- they’ll not fail the olitical dis- {fection of the p Changes in the Grand Trunk time-table will 9:0 into effect Mon- day next. Trains will leave at 7.15 a.m and 4 p.m.,,and arrive at 11.45 a.m., 2 p.m. and 8.55 p_.m, is the departure of the afternoon train. which leaves at 4 O‘clock instead of "2.45 as at Dresent- Mr J. M. Kilbourn of Owen SouDd has headed the list of subscriptions to the Patriotic Fund there with a 0fit of $100 a month as long as the u 31‘ lasts up to $5 000. â€" -uc ”u- Analllé I «mu ‘:1 X010 cnain between The answer “There are as good' We are pleased to see Mr. Cal-I_ Cameron’s livery stable and Miss ple - ld D h . fwell Marshall out again and ap- Rutherford’s residence in upper Deo' mo uram as in anv . . . . . t ' ' town. Finder w 11 be t b] - other placeâ€"Central Drug Store. Daren ly 4" nght, hm mg almost 1 SUI a .V re fullv recovered from an operation warded by leaving it at Edward We have on hand a number of .for appendicitis Kress’s furniture store History Charts for professional ' , , , Photographs.â€"-Don’t worry over Rev. D. W. Snider field secre- nurses. They are md‘sDef‘S‘ble for Christmas gifts this war. Remem- tary of the Lord’s Day keeping records in the Sick room. ber each of your friends w‘th . Get them while they last at 1 a new 11 t - dollar a hundred, large size. p O °Fmph 0‘ yourself, Mak A mass meeting in the interests of local option will be held in' . ickers on f ‘ ' ° ' ‘ Friday, _December 4. A d: Poole of Grand Valley will be the, l 200 . program will be given. Admission Speaker for the occasmn. I _ 10 cents; ladies with boxes, free. Rev. C. L. Poole of Grand valley . Proceeds in aid of Will occupy the pulpit of theglief Fund. Q'sold locally and have all Methodist church on Sunday next; The Sunday school of the Meth- , taken up part Of them being pur- Rev. Mr.. Prudharn Will be in d V ll ' th ’ t r st of 0di5t Church will celebrate Christ-l chased by a reSIdent of Durham. 1 GYarf a ey in e 1n 9 e mas on December 31_ Thiq 1700!. :h c n.--!_. -- I -- â€" missmns. bonds to the amount of two mil- lion dollars at 5% per cent. .tide them over the war to It is reported that 6.000 Germ ’ an students at Berlin were snuffedfi out in the battle at the Yser. This ' will be a great backset to Ge)» The query is:"‘How can . such beautiful goods in Durham?"i The answer: “There are as For sale.â€"A SGVCR-hOI‘SE-DO‘ gasoline engine. Apply to Smith 6: Sons, Durham. . The largest stock of perfumes m the county.-â€"Central Drug Store. Leather hand bags. mesh bags. wallets, purses. portfolios, - are. _. Central Drug Store. War’ more enggngs of our - country the fault-finding Even if 3431- Gen. entirely What ,, he traduoers should _--.. W. ; “1F. lulu Aime was 8.9 years of age sday. December 3 .‘last Saturday and is still smart .Rev. Wylie will ; both physically and intellectually. on Scotland. ’ All l He called on us yesterday pected to answer f ins: and reported himself well and short quotationjin the enjoyment of a good 9.3:- org-e of ten cents 5 petite. The failure of his eyesight a Scotch tea. All i seems his greatest present trouble. iHe is certainly a. bright old man‘ r Office a boa-19;?“ it is a .pleasure to hear him line from the 3 m conversation. morn- ne from the 18 miles west of The sample is ken out of the h-V , . . . ’3\‘ t a west of. Our contnbutlon to the Belgxangséapa 1113 sample is feRelief Fond is much smaller than; me 0 1t of the f we would like it, to be. Since makâ€" ; One Of refininmfing the announcement of 0111' in- pondents state forg’tention to give-10 per cent. . of;that he. »biles forgthe proceeds on subscription 03th- We have 1 and for 5 er for arrears or one year in ' res favor- I Vance we haveoreco ived only $ng It was in )ur regu-Hrom which we have handed over that som' lite clear 5 $99 . ..... . We would like if it hail office. ate scarcely;.been $10 but the people didn’t parcel of 3 regularfheln us to do anv better. The of- then depa was Sent ! fer remains 200d n'nf'n flan Inn. Urnnfl 4-- ot fail will be spent between nmv .and a] diS- Christmas than on any former oc- indin}? casioni Charity towards the hon- - Gen. est but starving poor, has a t .» he claim on every man or woman should with a heart and to meet the _ ~We imperative demands for charity 5 ,liar- :we must deny ourselves some of need} the luxuries we would indulge in 5 life; under other circumstances. .2492 horseâ€"power __ v- fuo other reason. Other necessities [having crept in it is highly prob. éable a curtailment of expenditure will be'practised this year espec- ially among the poorer classes many of whom. perhaps have an unfounded fear of hard times ,‘tuuk uxuct'cus on subscription ”"1- W“ , A ' ° ‘er for arrears or one year in {Vance We have'recnived only .53; it was in response to t gfrom which we have handed over that some kind soul er $2.3 . We would like if it ha.‘ office. \stealthily deposit fbeen $10 but the peOple didn’t parcel of butter on our fbeln us to do am; better. The. of- then departed Without 5 tier remains good until the lam word to anybody. We of this month. including all remit- must have been a Germ tances bearing that postmark date madeath-e raid and R'Ot a at the sending office. We hope a large number will respond to this EOOd that the very tho: who have lost and suffered So day. Many thanks for .5 much in defence of their just angehc VJSit. rights and for the advantage of; Appeals for help to the us all It’s only four -â€"v‘ Mr. Alice during the rest life. Mr. Aljo-e was 89 years last Saturday and is still both physically and intelle He called on us vmtm-nav V‘- off bv German soldiers. Mrs. Matthew Scott of Montana arrived here Monday last and in- tends to remain with her father Mr. Alice during the rest of his The Barrie Examiner says that a Barrie lady recently received a letter from a doctor on duty in one of the London hospitals where Wounded soldiers are being treat- ed. In this letter it was stated that among the patients in the hospital were six Red Cross nurses who had both hands cutl' off bv German soldiers The Sunday school of~the Meth- odist church will celebrate Christ- mas on December 31. This year in- stead of making Christmas a time of receiving gifts the Sunday school plans to have everyone give something for the Belgians, vv‘l program will be given. Admission 10 cents; ladies with boxes, free. Proceeds in aid of the Belgain Re~ lief Fund. .'\ v--- QV~ and only another short week .7 See Scott’s new ad on page 3. ,3 and be one of the prize winners -Central Drug Store. A; a result of the taffy social given by the boys and girls of :the junior Bible class of t {odist' church the {will receive $9. 3 9 4 l l l I he Mct -- Belgian Fund Surprise fifteen or your fnends by giving them a lovely photoâ€" graph this Christmas. We are girâ€" ing you three extra photographs with every dozen. F.W. Kelsey. We are pleased to see Mr. Cal"- “‘A‘I “' ‘ Weeks till Christ- anst. as real need. A great deal could be done to help the suffering if the unproductive stock on merch~ ants’ shelves were devoted to such charitable purposes. We shall be merchants have dead their shelves and if an they too might be Willing make liberal contributions. We all know that out of date st chasers at any price yet thev are?“ none the 1955 comfortable to those ‘; in N31 need A moni- .3--1 -. _.__ “an“, auu then departed without saying a word to anybody. We think it must have been a German Who madeath-e raid and got away with such secrecy. The butter was so good that the yery thought of it makes us hungry three times a day. Many thanks for such an angelic visit. pondents told ChrOJ that heknows it as "”5 8999“ Your presents early mic- aVOid the rush. Goods are m 'ium. [waysâ€"Central Drug); Store. Crawford, and the of the late J. A. MI sympathy is felt for severe loss. f A fire occurred Saturday morn- ing in Eyebrow, Sask., which en- tailed a loss of about $100,000. The buildings reported totally destroyed are a livery stable. a butcher shop, a laundry the opera house, an implement shed. and J. D. Munro’s general store. Mr. and Mrs. Munro are natives of this town. the laffpr 1m“... - dauv hter [ Mr. John Hunt, a highly res- :pected resident of the town for the past ten or twelve years. dis- posed of his household effects on Saturday and left on Tuesday for Unionville, Mich, Where he in- tends to remain, perhaps the bal- ance of his days. with his daugh- ter. Mrs. Young. .tide them over the war crisis. [These bonds were intended to be '[sold locally and have all been "taken up part of them being our- ychased by a resident of Durham- Mr. A. E. Bradwin has been oblig- ed to sever his connection with the Goderich Signal which he has published and edited for the past 14 months. Mr. W. H, Robertson previously editor and publisher for 15 years has resumed control. Mr. John Hunt, a highly res- p-ected resident of the town for Rev. D. W. Snider field secre- tary of the Lord’s Day town. Finder will be Mr. W. K. Reid has been ed to his bed for the 1, weeks. and his imp-rovomou very rapid. We hope 3 hear of a change for the Buy goods from Scott, and sup- ply yourself with free tea. We offer 50? bars Manitqba flour at a bar'rain prim: C‘ail Lost -â€"A Eold DURHAM.ONT. our last week’s . the latter being 1mg to be completed be- first of September. next Mr. and Mrs. J. W. 1 the former a son A. Munro. Much Chronicle readers Change for the better. re again asked for the a school at Vickers. .t as a fact that ing on faith, hope 1a has been confin- for the past ten improvement is hot' cha 1n between fed a nice l dESk, and hope $001) to corres_ \Vriiinfr {1‘0le Moosumin n. J, . \Ailtét'l 1101's date of November 19‘ Dir. ,C. .mp1; that says: “One hundrex and tu'tlx'u young men responded to the call of the limp-ire for the first and tice second coming-outs, from fluoro- 0‘13' min and district, besides many lice more who wish-ed to go after the and lisst were closed. The town gave. a the boys a fine sendâ€"off. Hope it they may all return to the west 7130 after paying: their respects to the 3th Kaiser at Berlin. This is the first 1 50 season in many years that the Of farmers have finished plowing .all 3 a their land ready for spring seed- I an ing which means a big area un-‘ (181‘ CI‘Op niext year, Had a ‘reryi: .ns Tine Open fall; 5 e itable. Mr. Calder has ambitiOns : {for the Wardaenship and may use}: 1‘ that as a reason for again Wish- ,: 'y imp: for the reeveship. He has been ’> .e defeated two or three times for ’r k the position of Warden, and if e . again elected reeve may 0 e :should he decline nomination for ‘any position in the council we will f;not be surprised. As to councillors 1 {we have lots, of men. but perhaps l a scarcity of good available ma- terial. The Way elections are sometimes conducted causes a good man to hesitate before offer- ing himself as a sacrifice. ly and movin n- 67 years of age, and had been «:11â€" imaged in banking since he was: 13. His promotions were rapid. At 15 he entered as junior Citl‘k, at :0 “as manager of :1 country branch, at 26, managing head of aToronvto office, at .‘8. the camera! manaoer of the newiy orgunixed Imperial Bank, of which he 11- J\.- came president in his 60th 3'8 -11‘ and fma 1v president of the Ca1- adian Bank ers’ Association â€" râ€"â€"‘v.--v of the Canadian Bankers’ Associa- tion, died suddenly of apoplexy on Tuesday morning: of last week at his home. in Toronto. He ' 7'4 f" ‘n J”: m‘» xi- Col. Wilkie, general manager of the Imperial Bank, and president On Tuesday evening: December '15- in the town hall, the Choral Society Will give a musical pat- riotic concert consisting of char- uses solos. ducts, etc. Admission 25c. Tickets may be obtain-0d from any member of the society, Pm- c-eucds in ail of the Belgian Relief Fund. On Tuesday Mr. D. C. Town re- ceived a telegram from Orillia announcing the death of his onlv sister She has been ill for some time and Mr. Town had iust re- turned the previous night from a call received the middle of last week. The deceased was married and leaves her husband and one little girl. Mr. Dan. McLean who has had over 20 years’ experience has taken out an Auctioneer’s license for the county of Grey and is {pre- pared to make engagements for sales at any place in the county. Dates may be arranged with him- self. or at The Chronicle office. 9 “A A reception will be held on Sat- urday, November 2-8, in Calder’s Hall. by two patrols of the Girl Guides. A ten-cent tea will be’ served from 3 p.m. till 6.30 pm. Home-made bread and baking for f. sale also. Proceeds to go towards,: Belgian Christmas Ship. 1' There were seventeen homes sold at the fair here on Thurs Lay last. the prices being a little higher than they were at the fair in October. There was a large crowd in attendance. and consid- erable general business renorted.. From now until ChI/‘jétmw we are making fifteen photos on th~ dozen. Call and see the new style. F..W. Kelsey. Ladies requiring calling cards: will do Well to examine our large] stock and leave their orders We. have up-to-date styles in stationâ€"I ery and type For Sale.-A‘ number of small pig‘s six weeks old. Apply to R. Mead R. R. No. 1, Van-cw. From now kers’ Association. You Z‘IIHW rivet oid saving “Bil"(‘is of feat-her flock :1 certain amount of pride in Stanfield’s [Tushrinkable Under are follmving in our business t} principies that have made thi mumierful success. toga-eti'ier’ ’-â€"â€" ta ta e offering you wear hem-mse we 1e same s Underwear such a It was only natural that to offer you real values, should become inter» ested in the sale of Under wear whose makers have had quality and value their wateh work for over 25 years. we in our endeavor garments for winter wear, which are without a. doubt the best .filo!.v all and See Them W e I Fabrics; Colors, Styles and Prices uncommonly 10w $10.00 $12.00 $14.00 $15.00 Our Showing of Select Fall (‘oats J prises a Splgndid range of (7110 sale of Underwear whose .makers ality and value their watch work e have What you want )ats CORI- (Thoice in $1.00 PER YEAR flock

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