West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 26 Nov 1914, p. 2

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V8 200 ACR . , , class buxldmgs, sohd bnck‘ house, and Woodshed, cement FFICE AND RESIDENCE A et: floors an all stables smal orchid , short distance aw: oi Knapp’s Hotel. Al about 3:) “dub ton Street, Loner Town. Durban. ce hours from 12 to 1 o‘clock F“ ard; Well Watered: ‘ fair hardwood bush; in} ma ' Ap-r -/________.____â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" acres of . good state of cu}t1vatxon.q I 2 my to w. J. wuson. Vamey» :. s. Hutton. m. 0.. c. m. ea Lot 20, Con. ‘20. Egremont. ‘ th 8 20 imvd }I“FIL’Eâ€"â€"O\'ex- a P. Telford’s office m "' "" "“‘ ’ ‘ heath opposite the Registr} k1 " nd house south M ‘ Office Hours 9.11 aim, 2-} p. p Glenelg . - , , , on pren'uses are new [“me‘béi? ': Street. brie}: house, ‘sneds and 0“} an; {r}: m.. 7-9 p. m. Telephune cmmmmicn- p ings; runntng “H‘Nm “”Of‘f'x 't'mn between offit-e and residence at a prOperty: about 10 acres haltt: ~ an hours. \1 wood bush, rest m good fjtnti‘ 01 . _ w~-,..-___.~-_w,.d__.,,_e-,.-_,__._ i1 u-throfinn, Possession ngen ()1) r - ~ Arthur Gun, M. D. x _._ .‘- + ROOMY Fause- large enough to keep , . , A: 9 . . 2-“ ( . . t ‘ v Â¥ bfinriiers: convemently . )‘t 1); 3"" t an public works; newly dec orated: cheap rent. Apply to'_â€"â€"-â€"-â€"-â€"â€"â€"-â€"" N. McTnty‘re. Durham. 612 - Denial 13.8.6 E. n7? 2‘) aNel‘IAN NORTH Hut-:tein Conveyancer. " ' isauer of Marriage Licenses anv male over 18 year may and terms to suit borrower. Fire ' " of .mi Life Insurance placed in thor- Milm- ">‘Jgh1v reliable compnaies. Deeds O 0 available Dominion land in . . . Alberta. Mnrtgages. Leases and Wills, Ail toba, SaskatcheWan or . Applicant must appear ID person executed on shortest notice. at the Dominion Lands Agency Ol‘{\\'!_>rk promptly attended to. for the District. Entry ‘ __ mav be made at any , 4._.._.,.-4. V_ __ _ ‘1); prong: Lands Agencv (but not , ‘ Sgb‘lfiéencyi, on certain'conditions 1911(101‘S Vante residence TENDERS WILL BE RECEIV::1 1:: upon and cultivation of the land E1 bv the undersigned up A homc- Thursday evening, December 1( in each of three years. . , ° ' n mne mll‘e‘S‘.~ for the erection of a school fo . . S S. No. 3, Bentinck, during th on certain conch-4l summer of 1915. Plans and spec: house 15 re-. fications may be seen at the (:1 tions. A habitable . . quired except Where reeidence 15" fice of the Secretary-Treasure petformed in the Vicmity. _ ' The above building is to b . . ‘ bempleted by September 1 191 In certain districts a home-i -â€"J. W. Vickers, Secv.-Treas. 1§ steader in 800d standing may We" ___________.._...____â€"____._..__,, .-_.. .. “flatter section aiongside! “or ‘1 L9. . A LA l‘mnt‘i’fnmg Sui fella. C Dutiesâ€"Six months residence m; each of three years after earning homestead p tent; also 50 acres ' Pre-emption M 'ith, ‘ pe'rfect =1 and unbreakable steels” Lv hygenic. Mrs. J. . Nichol, \ep-i .ive, Box 107, Durham. Georgie )\ '59 r“ U. ‘..' ; o‘llCCc ltww-w Eng 100 acres: E of Registry oi uew frame baI'D'ESu-epu. Ofiic ls and outb’li“l{ 111.. 7-9 p. m. throng) ‘ tim) between 10 acres barn; ‘ all hours. u n .(3' I John Bentin ”friends. and “IS. Ab. N‘ Lll- ~"v â€"-* GreenWOOdv 3T {I‘TlRY [F GRANT.D. D 3.1.1] (.)N(‘.R GRADUATE. UNIV ty of T-‘n'onto. Graduate .6319- Dez'.ta' Surgeons of Ontario Dentistry 111 all its Branche: nun. H: :nn'lt; s. J (3 \\‘ «119M ..... TENDERS WILL BE RECEIV:JD bv the undersigned up Thursday evening; December 10. “ALAA‘ fnv 1 nur (1V CV tall; La“, 3 . for the erection ofa school fm S S. No. 3, Bentinck during the summer of 1915. Plans ands speci- fications may be seen at the cf- nnnnnn “Oil summer of 1915. Plans anu spew» fications may be seen at the cf-it fice of the Secretary-Treasurer.‘ The above building is to be bempleted by September 1 1915.‘ --J. W. Vickers, Secv.-Treas. 19 Lmenses A 28116? Over U 'Illu of Eye. Ear Nose and Throat. at the Hahn House. July 1!). Nm‘emhm' 16. Dev. 21. n .3 p.111. IV.’ ua-v‘ Bid WN knew them as w W 7 P.. LUN DON ENG Our men, who represent us. an 'whose business it is to sell our W ” of London 1 "“ 'goods, have been questicmed by "u Lineage almost every dealer Whom th )~ “83’“ B" M“ "‘d “‘“m' ' solicited for orders, as to why flu ”t ”W Hahn ”0'19“ July name of their firm dirt not nmwa W. Nm't’mm‘l‘ “1 Der. 3L in the list Not having been 113m ’3 lmu. in the meantime. they were not i] ________________._..â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"- a position I» in}: us right in th 'mind of the «110.12.91‘. AS the‘i. .u'l' "\1100 m Canaan mm! Directory (1113‘s whm - ,. , . . the slogan and the mot1ve 1 ‘ I «i .n Imes'mng tnc 11:11u'_>\_'m' Lat v.1; ' NC. P‘CHB‘ .59 unduubtruq tn SCI Hzmxn'cr rig: {mi 1111211185 (--:::1 DenhSt. in the vyors of ‘ - . mumty, and further. as evm I J W > ‘ [I‘M $‘1!;"I‘i'(‘ ( xbtou 1 V... SHARP Ri' UNT (Lawm- '14 Jackson. PUBLIC. con: U eyanflgr Yekfm AV-IU Mum Allan Parkâ€"ho” om.. Executors of the last Will and Testament of Martha Adlam. deceased. ,402‘ i. » aw.”â€" a Winnie Lander, 3 daugh- (for? 00 RS )3 ISSION [finer M “M d hnnncm! bu- ’u VER ow n visited Swin- 33 day last ,ETTER TO THE EDITOR .tlquHVL-J -7 -- ‘ Ename di .1 nut appear as a con- tributor, a grave doubt was ° ' e minds of those who knew them as to their loyalty. and to sell qur me twvi‘ British to 0 u .buninrss. W;- 5; mt: represented elther "" ""!\if..{'.'l,1 \‘s'OI'ld O 1' pu niture Companv’s name was onlv one omitted. Trusting you will give this ox- planation a place in your valued pap-er simplv because many of your rea original. deré may have read the and kindly requesting anv local papers which COpi‘Gd the former article to cooy this, and oblige. am Yours sincerely, R. J. BALL. M. P., ~ South Grey. Ont. Mgr. Ball Furniture Comp-any. Limited. I I V i DUJLCJu Hu.;\. «1d: our loyalty before the >1ic unm‘cessarilv but at .w'time we do not wish to have wrong 1mpression created in - minds of our Cunauian {6110\V- izens. Nor is it right that our sin-C's and mfliticrtl reputation ‘ ' ' =4- 1”: 5.: the Hanover [LSL um my to set Ham‘Ner right has; of the huji'ng'SS (sum- and further, as every of the 13:11 Furniture Co ’96: British descent and - .‘V prosperity. seen. i... -- Mr. Walter Marr moved his fam-' ‘ they cannot ily to Proton Station last . week. mention shor accompanied her pictures shm Mrs. Colquette he Winter. ments made daughter, to spend t , Mr. Thos. Whitten has sold his conveniencet farm on the east back line and. his T. 3331a ,wiézh s as removal Will be a loss to the Cana the Allan Liz Baptist congregation here. The W. M. S. of the Methodist ginian, Calg f the We can but church had a good turnout 0 ‘members at a quilting in the clemency of rutljlgu‘» ‘lvuy a connection Of’ei‘ wfitici‘g'eon,'Wa's read with the usual Mr. Geo. Shepherd wuxm g, )f Canada. reachmg degree of interest, and the .ques- team of horses last week. \ .. uh“ the tion drawer was instructive in the Mr. H. W. Hunt spent last week\ and (germ. and . _ . his article their Dat- hands of Principal White. ~‘11pptr- with relatives in Toronto and St. . .‘er (mes- ary” was pleasingly rendered by Catharin‘es. ien 11111821151; oif clon- th§1 (Bile?1 Clu}? h l t (1 Mr. Robt. Adlam of Hanlovel' ft '° - n' t (’1? . '1 05. exit am 135 re urne - - . -S \\"t t ' e a 1" spendma a couvle of wFuneral Dll‘ECtOf‘V zip-pear as :1 c<m- from the west, and is visuing his his brother and sister in this \‘1- \ Full line of f‘athuliv Robes. and b1:v-k grave doubt “’85 :broth-er here; On his way hoxne cinity. minds Of those who he purchased a Ford (’31. 1” Mr. Geo. Herd Visited his sit-101‘, and whitekinhsfnrnL‘IPd people. a to their loyalty. rioronto, and on account of‘ the Mrs. W. G. McCulloch, recently. H , represent us. and snow. met with some difficultv in Miss Ambrozine Bailey Sundayed Embalming a Specialty 53 it is to sell our bringing it from Orangevid‘e here. with Miss Blanche Wise, Allan M‘n wu‘csti‘lV-fit‘d Us" Reeves Mciavish and lVIcKemi.: Park. ‘ . am”? “"“m‘ th 7" “1““ “tom“ 50‘1““ this We“ '4“ Mrs. Wm. Grierson I'V'tm'nfid‘. 3mm meme m: 5/201’7:'€ )I‘JUX'S, 115 t" \Vhy 111" tending county council. _ [1‘08] Guelph, 11111011 knurux’gd 1.x‘i I. 9 . rim} (11.1 not uz-‘N‘ul- . Mr. Chas. Jamie‘son left on Sut- health. ! IIOJCLI. 0t i131"i'*‘2‘ been h ”’30 “l'ddY t0 5119111 the winter in a Kurse Derby is atlnjoselfl nurfi'\ Snow mumâ€"Ix.“ in Swallvw' ime' they were ‘nOt 1n DOSitmn at Porcuvnw' . in}? 3115- D1" LanL‘, Pl‘lu’Vm‘“ . 1 Bax-her H'nuh. HHsH>i-.x(‘r;~ 7 ex 1 1‘1}; ”3 right 111 the fill‘. fiaruxd iiarstedt was 1191118 151155 Diary Adlmn Of‘ Durham; dnm'fiuulh uf' \\'. .i Lawn) ne' ”1‘195‘1 4‘35 “1957 3‘?" from Sili’IUUI‘D'C 0"” SUIIddLW spent the week end with her ”in "5 hid‘ksniiih sh”... . Miss Celia \‘unDusen of loronto ents here. ‘ d 1 ‘ ' 15L" 5 MW in visited her mother over SUIIHIIB' H. W, Hunt purcnp i '1 . 'an‘nmt‘l‘ 1-3L ”“5"” 11110 Alonuilhfi _ » nr. .‘. “m ..I4 ‘ u 0: ‘-- 'l‘t.‘r{\‘l\r4| ‘QHT \'\'\i31‘o ‘ ‘. i . A _ ._ m- .a u 1‘ I!" IDS invthc bu \VC‘ 4"... before .1188 be ive this GK- your valued many 0f e read the requesting h copied the v this. and ill ’- Lllvc ‘ a. v "w - ' V - wâ€" J -l (but ‘4 __ f _ _ .. ' V drer Miss Richarison was shipped; _â€"_â€" . . _ \ AdVCl‘tlSlng For transient advertisement: [0 to headquarters. rIorCmto. On ‘ cm” 1. f h a in fin: , . n u ' ._ _,_ _’ ~~__-_,,__M_...,._,.,____ PM“... ____, _ he! me or t o rat .0 . 1‘ “C1213 ufternoon, NLS' ‘V' L' ‘ Rates. ‘ " $10!); Scents perliue each sub. - quent insertion mzmon measure. Profnuioml Wright gave a tenâ€"cent tea on , . , vented manv \arnentes from at~ ‘ . . behalf Of the local Red CI‘OSzS anu ‘ . 'r " u 7 cardamom exceeding one IDCh $4.00 oer “mun . , {tendlng- MY- Ibett may “The“ Advertisements without, uneciflc diréctiongwi 1 a nice sum Was reahzed. . ‘on a bigger crowd next time. be published till forbid a! 1 chm-zed .100on 1:. Transient noticeaâ€" 'L( at. ":Found.‘ “For 6 ’° ( ‘- ‘0 . Y L - . “:1 111‘: ABE?!iggehrzgiixlli'teglaeré‘tisg 1(6):“ ‘ A musical treat has . been . a!" one -â€"50 cents for first insertion. 25 cents fer com 0111' rlvluuy “LDVLJJ'VVJJ -vvvâ€" __ ~ I gram was the finst of a series of study of the nations at war. flus- sia was studied, and excellent papers were given by Donald Mc- Vicar and Miss Gladys White, the form-er on the military, naval and: political conditions, and the lat-3l ter on the physical and social (331- a ditions. '1 he "Astonisherfi’ the' school paper, edited by Clarence Dud'geon, was read with the usual degree of interest, and the ques- tion drawerwas instructive in the dun“ A'LVLIV‘“., . Mrs. \Vixon of Mt. Forest, \‘iiiL- 1112 her 8011 here, is returning home, accmmmmcd by her hath- grmumuughter. inc choral class, under the 18321-- Ship of Mr. Mark \v’rig‘nt. '15 pkâ€" paring for a concext, to be :ru‘cn next month. - p '. " '1‘! I\ 1119 friends here of licV. 11:05.. Watson, 01 hidg‘etown, a former pastor in the bapdst church, were pained to learn of the death 01' his beloved wife on Suxmay last. Mrs. Watson Was a very amiable woman, and held in Ahign esteem bv ad who Knsw her during: tug years she resich haw. times-1x: l sympathy is £8111 for Mr. Watson“ 1an family in tneir Ucrcavcn‘wnL. Miss Watson. {men-er at 11'1811 Lane is a daughter 01' the ueceascu. , Mr. B. L‘. Walker, 1011119143: ()1 .1113 Advance ()ILiCL‘, l‘ciUl‘llsui un ,Monday from tnc west, where 1.x. ,has been recently. ‘, ~â€"- - .- n- 4 ‘w I"; t’I'lL'E 60 ’Id Druggists 931 Take E 91“ stipation. :he Lnd i 615‘ ‘Reward for any case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by Hall’s Ca-’ I’m-111 (G H tarxh Cure. 2 JCHENEY 8: C0,, Toledo, 0. R0“ or i We the undersigned have known min- (1 ‘FJ. Cheney for the last 15 years.%stilll1i1 and believe him perfectly honor-1 iable in all business transactions; 7 L- --â€"-~n an? I! II Hall’s Catarrh Cure is taken in- ternally, acting. directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system._ Testimonials sent free. Price 75¢. per bottle. Sold by all Druggists. Take Hall’s Family Pills for con- HOW’S THIS ‘? A box social W111 uc gnu, Ebenezer school on December «1. aid of the Belgian Relief Fund. Mr. Wilfred Livingston, who assistant engineer at Armatm Thunder Bay District. 55 Visit his parents. Mr. and Mrs. W. Livingston. ‘L‘ ‘w -'--â€" that the in- weather pre- '1 “Lu“- wâ€" v-.- ranO‘ed by the Methodist choir in the form of a son" service. which will be given in the church next Sun-day evening, commencing at VICKERS. 1 Mr: and Mrs. Wm. Falkingham of Durham spent Sunday last with Mr. and Mrs. E. Roseborough. "“- "1nn thhhé‘rd bougglt a 10â€"horse power Whiie in Toroptq SW3?“ H. H. MILLER. 1 \N-ysncrl'. ufl‘m's sum in Farm Lunis in Ha Nurnmni‘oy. Can't-k. If yum i1 in may it, \1:~{ 1'1 {(11 Vuu 1111 5111411111.:11111'11 1",: inuvfi y'um 12111111?) \Vt'aik‘l'n ”MVP «11‘ 1'iI 111111111. Wing: :11 I} “fight 11~' well 1111111 j 1111 (1151 1'11ka had 11 Hm 19 some sense 11! A ii H I ll Mun 1le U) BUY 01‘ SELL, UUK- PAY YOU WELL m MILLER. 01- h filer and see him. vd. lf )‘ml w ROW or LEND it will write or phone H. H. still hiwh up and go g McWILLmMs. 'y Mr. Thos. McGirr. tax collector H.H. MILLER, Hanover h I’m-m and 'lin_\\'n prupe ".I" yum imvv ANY p vwn- mmwy nn \"HHT John Kelly, U11 WY MONEY fmm $3M) Up .HI. H. H. MILLER will in" uu on gnnd mortgage 1 my \‘(Hl mulling. ~Vhy tummy with Sharks in' - ul‘ (-izy lots? 01' why :11 2} per (win. when in mm 30:: twice as much uyd mortgage se<_zux'iby? USU. Lula M 1'. 3111191' ill- new mu m gmui tum-t gage. . 33.3577fin.d.:::? 41W. 32:; 2:; x<¢ann 7.5...» 3:. F77 of Hanover. I? ‘ -:--- {’31. ‘kfiefiig‘ 1211 Funeral DIVECtOr‘V . ‘ Full line of (‘uthuliv Rubes. and fired his 5151913 and white (Laps for 3ng ppople och, racergly. 1 E .. S “1““? 5““ “W mbalmin a ecialt e Wise, Allan *g p y HIGH PRICES f0 ,1 kink. BUY NOW. inn )m' 0'“ imrit .x .Hunwvm' Unn- GREAT BARGAINS fwnn FARMS. .‘r cwt. PM k [0‘ mm-n-s ln-lieve Airs. \ 151nm 0‘ VV. 4\. if ()I’ SELL, 80 R- [1 01 111D uuuu \zv"; . )r for Ward 1.” r ie, who is atq ‘ '01 at HanoVei'. ii i '1‘ home here. . W C ie on the 20th‘ 3d ed themselves 30 .. riday. in the guma :umed by Mr Ho‘ . . We 15 havme; an- gai l shipped from ".0 supply the C I Donald Watson last week with Andrew. .___â€"- :ece of Price- :_______,._ days last Week mans. LWrence and Mr. . raded teams one AU :1 both seem sate is now ace of Cement Cpllege 3 old barn moved 813.311 5 new one, in an‘ plainm rill give him lots“ W. H Offices a. Sharp has the ertivs exchzlngv ‘n L") O‘- 1 «A IHE BUBHAM EHBBMELE ' ' Tan (‘nnomcu will be sent to znbscrlptlon any addreen. free of postage. for ates 81 00 per yourmayable in advance â€"$1.50 may be charged if not, so paid. The date to which ever) nbacription is paid is denoted “3' the numom «n» ma address label. K0 paper d55- continued to all arrears are paid. ~910th at fie 1m In! of the proprietor. All advertisements ordered by strangers nus be naid for in advance. .Cont'raCI rates for yearny advertmemenu f1: . mailed-on application to the office (ch: in I is fm * UN DERT HUNG: my“ manna-u... ‘x H ~;\ Avoid i AflflO‘ \\ h( n huyim \\ ax ~ tun th .g. longer fans 11 EDITOR AND Paupmmwm FURNiTURE Mr. M. Kress has upmwd a. shop at. the unu- uf the ‘x'm-t‘ziture MIHW mom and is prepared :0 do all kinds of tingnilhing. Undwtaking receives special amen! inn and W. IRWIN November %, \V'hon lmying nude: wear :1!- way< buy the best: it lasts hunger, feels nmrp comfm'tp able and will save, your tom- pet'. It is very trying u!) the temper-Lo try and squeeze a “40” body into a ”36” shirt. is now open in Central Business College. Toronto. and in earhof its Six Branches. Free Catalogue ex- plains courses. 'Write for a. copy. W. H. Shaw, President. Head Offices 393 Yonge Street. Toronto. k “household cxpgnses" and 93th A! bill: by cheque but my advantages. It show: the balance on band.the mountapaddm Mu; {or every payment and does nouequne alargedeposit to begin Rug '5. Oilcloths Winds“ Shades Lace Curtains all Household Furnishings Buy “Stanfield‘s” and be happy. No more shrinking : this is guaranteed by Lhe manufacturer’s. “he have sold the goods for years and have heard no complaints.“ guaran Lee. How about an Overcoat We have a few at” ban» gum prices. 0. L. GRANT TINSMITHSNG AUTUMN. SESSION Our Guarantee AND fir‘" (-xwd a. shop niLm-e :«nmv d 30 do all to make

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