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Durham Chronicle (1867), 26 Nov 1914, p. 5

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Judge Barhorst was Relieved of Rheumatism After Doctors Failed. If you have tried many other “remedies and doctors’ treatments '0! Rheumatism and found thev “mad do ' - . not be ske tlcal about 23:33 _I§H_I'IQMA._ Rea the testi- J. Bryan, of the United States may reture early in It is reported that Secretary W. Produce flesh..and you am sure to get the Top Price. I" you “ant to wet V: Lim- for \0111' Horses bux smne of mu International or Royal Purple 111011: :11“ 11111" 911154 111' S‘1'1Hi11gs 011 11111 “'1' 1.1111 :111i11121is 01 if .1'01‘1 11.111} cuts ()1 s11v!!i111.4 01' if 3111' 11191111111“ of 1 0111 fam- 111 11:11' any cuts or 5111111111143, 01" if any of 111111: neighbours have any . cuts or swelling-s, buy a bottle-1 of (111 1' celebrated _ - v v v - - V ' U m VI A handsomely mugtmt :d Weesly. Eulatxonzgf .any s<_-:c:x::r?azou:na man. 1'.) a year pus ve pm a!) newscxetger}. ’ I . v v v v ' com'nsczars c. )5 nv-ono sending a sketch and dnscfinflnn ms!“ emcny ascertain om- nr-iuion free “1.4.5: 1 . xyvezxifin is probabry paienmh‘le. ommun‘m. on Patents 2131):!tff'ict37C0n3d mini. HALBLOO so :: :r-e. owes: acenvy for snout-mg patents. Patents .takcn throuch Mum 6; CO. recczve 9px! mace, without. charm, in the _ O A _ A-“ .â€" November 26, I911 If you want to gut. 13h» best price for your Cattle, buy some nf our International or Royal Purple STOLK FOOD. Which will pr”- duce flesh Very fast. amlyun aw snrw Hf Hw highest price w Aug; STOCK FOOD Silver Pine HEALING OIL her I. (H H] V 0111' E 101; 'l.‘ CK FOOD logs are Grip- Punt finishing )me of 0111' tmt :d weesly. Lameiv :1: csxztffc joumal. 'l'erms to: r, postage prepaid. Sold by t th These texts do not give them in the order of utterance The first is for- glveness. the second is glory. and the third covers all that we need while Pail not to notice with much prayer 918 £13va sayings from the c-ross re- corded in Man. xxvii. 40;: Mark xv. 34: Luke xxiii. 34. 43. 46: John xix. 23-30. Then was the veil of the temple rent in twain from the top to the bot- tom. the earth did quake. and the rocks were rent. graves were opened, and after His resurrection many hod- les of the saints arose and appeared to many in the holy city (verses 37. 38; Matt. xxrii. 51-53:. These probably Went with Him to glory. With hands and feet nailed to the cross. without baptism or any good Works. he believed. confessed Christ. and went to glory. There was dark- ness; from the sixth hour to the ninth hour. and at that hour He died. ° priests and scribes mockedtHim, the soldiers also mocked Him and offered Him vinegar. and they that were cru- cified with Him reviled Him (verses 25-32: Luke xxiii. 36-38). One of the two thieves repented and went to Paradise with Him that day (Luke 111114043). w‘vâ€"vâ€"Q IVs buku vuc 3d! 101' be,” and consider. it you can. the cost of your redemption. It was all foretold. the placed the casr‘ing of lots and all else (Ps. xxll. Isa. liil and elsewhere). Though God foresaw it all. that did not miti- gate the guilt of cruel hands (Acts 11, 23: iv. 27. 28L He was crucified at the third hour. or 9 a. m. (verse 25). The passersby railed on Him. the chief [11, 8: Isa. xiii. 9-13). Luke also tells us in the same pas- sage that there were two malefactors ied with Him to be put to death. Thus He was numbered with transgressors (Isa. liii. 12). and we must be content- ed to be so numbered for His sake. â€"â€"._- v“â€" 11‘ we will let Him live His life in us we must be content to suflfer with Him and to be miscalled, misjudged, misunderstood, falsely accused and in every way ill treated for all who will live godly in Christ Jesus shall suffer persecution (II Tim. iii, 12). . They came to the place of crucifix- lon. the place of a skull. called in Matthew. Mark and John “Golgotha” Ind in Luke “Calvary." and there they crucified Him. on either side one bf the malefactors and Jesus in the midst. Never did so few words have huch awful significance. The Son of God. the Holy One of Israel. treated as the vileSt criminal. but it was for us He sun‘ered. let each one say “for I..- n __» - See the whole baud gathered about Him. clothing Him with purple, crowning Him with thorns. putting a reed in His right hand. mockingly saluting Him as king of the Jews. smiling Him and spitting: Upon Him. me. that l. redeemed by His great sacrifice. might learn how to bear something for His sake and be con- tent to be killed all the day long." Let us consider Him in tbé hands of the soldiers. and through it all let our hearts keep saying. "For me. all for We have seen our blessed Lord in the hands or the band who arrested Him; in the hands of the religious hypocrites called (me? priests and scribes and elders; in the hands of the knew to be right. and now He is in the hands of the soldiers whose orders are to kill Him. 'l‘hey crucified the Lord of Glory (1 Cor. ii. 8). They had no pity. and He could truly say. “I looked for some to take pity. but there was none. and for comforters. but I found none" (1’s. lxix. 20. 21). Text of the Lesson, Mark xv, 22-37. Memory Verses. 25-27â€"Golden Text, Isa. liii, 4â€"Commentary Prepared by Rev. D. M. Stearns. THE INTERNATIONAL SERIES. Lesson lX.â€"-Fourth Quarter, For Nov. 29, 1914 .t .Iosxxs \veukm ' load :11 ’oming 1 SERIES. xv, 22.37. time the most reliable news service in the world. In addition they rc- ceive the war cables of The New among the best published in America, together with the full Canadian Press service and Can- adian Associated Press cable. '1 he Chronicle will publish a weekly review of the war news and with these tWO neWSDaners vnn mi” 1‘" i THE WORLD-WIDE WAR. ! The world wide war now being :waged between practically all the ‘civilized nations and which is the gbiggest and most terrible in the ,‘history of the world. has created interest unparalleled. The de- imands of the public for early and g prompt reports of the war happen- 'ings are such that We have ar: franged to club The Chronicle with EThe Toronto World. which will. enable the residents of this county to keep in close touch with the happenings in the War zone. ’ld THE DURHAM CHRONICLE I was told by several that if an :appeal were made for funds for this purpose, many would give gladly. The farmers of the sur- rounding townships have sent car loads of produce. In addition to What I have handled, other organizations of the town have sent worthy sums. If it will facili- tate matters, I shall still gladly forward any ,amounts placed at mv disposal, or, if anyone wishes to send direct, let him address Mr. Hector Prud’homme Hon. Treas. of the Executive Committee handling this matter. His office 18 the Belgian Consulate. Montreal. 59 St. Peter St. The need is certainly great. The sup-plv of food in Belgium is al.- most exhausted. At least 7,000,000 people, almost as many as in our g some way. Winter is coming on, to The following letter was intend- . add to the distress. No adjacent ed for publication last week, but : country is able to render much - . assistance unless it be Holland. regghedsus too late for last issue. and alreadv her resources are 5 ar “"- . , , taxed to care for 1,000,000 refugees. Elsewhere in this issue will be As many as 400,000 children have found a' statement of what I been adopted in Dutch families. It have received for Belgian relief is estimated that fullyOSO per cent. up to date. Apart from the Of the DeODIe of Belgium are out - , , . of work, and many of these out Thanksgivmz Day offering, n0 of homes as well. It will not only special appeal has been made. he a good advertisement for Those interested have passed in Canada, but a good investmenti their contributions, and all has as well. " I been goggardeld. h At first I re- w. w. PRUDHAM.l an e roug t e Women’s Pat- Durh , N ' ‘ -' ‘ riotic League of Toronto. but am_,_ ovemoer 1"1914' ! since larger amounts have come “-O--- y m I have sent direct to the Bcl- l gian Consulate in Montreal. A BEAUTIFUL HAIRâ€"A CLEAN letter of acknowledgement apâ€" COOL SCALP. i Dears elsewhere. ,7“ fl ,_ ,_ THE BELGIAN RELIEF FUND; is estimated that quy 80 per cent. '1 our ages run from seven to of the Ineonlg of Belgium are outéeightvfievenp of wor', an. many of these out ’ . ,5 b st-k own of homes as Well. It will not only. Some Of .Canada - e . n be a good advertisement for Writers of fiction are contributors Canada, but a good investment 3to The Companion, besides mam? as well. . Iof the most prominent figures in W. W. PRUDHAM.i Durham. November 17. 1914. ‘ 1 politics and literature in the old country. The Whole world is “my.-- scoured for the best that is totbe 'said on anv subiect of general in- BEAUTIFUL HAIRâ€"A CLEAN. lterest. COOL SCALP. ‘ The Boys’ Own Page, the Girls’ M Meeee l... m ‘ It Ea." Félllffy and Abundant. , ltic economy, cookery, the use of hair 1:11:58 is esznfotlifiiou tgh I:iawtg'tools. etc.. the doctor’s Weeklv f t If ‘t - y - g or .0 health talkâ€"these and a score of pelr ec ° ° 3 IS falling out, 108mg.lother features make The Compan- .. emeee eeeeeeeeeeee from M.acfar1an,e’ Co. or anv has once found its Way into a drug counter a 50-cent bottle of home. Parisian Sageâ€"use it frequentlyâ€"g If you d0 00‘? know The Com- the first application removes dan-i Dan-ion. let us send you one or two druff, invigorates the scalp, and 2 current issues with the forecast for beautifies the hair until it is glor- 1915. Every new Canadian subscrib- iously radiant. ter for 1915 who sends $2.25 for the Parisian Sage supplies hair needs;52 “’88le issues Of 1915 Will re- -is perfectly harmless. It con-Yceive free all the issues of the to make the hair soft, Wavy, gloss-19143 3180 The Companion Home gy and to make it grow thick amiiCalendar for 1915. 3 THE YOUTH’S COMPANION. 144 Berkeley St.. Boston. Mass. , eW Subscriptions received at this most delightful hair tonics known , Office. some way. Wigtér is aiming: 011,756 -13 A, l fed} THE COMPANION IN CANADA If you do not know The Com- panion, let us send you one or two current issues with the forecast for 1915. Every new Canadian subscrib- er for 1915 who sends $2.25 for the 52 Weekly issues of 1915 will re- ceive free all the issues of the Daper for the remaining weeks of 1914: also The Companion Home Calendar for 1915. THE YOUTH’S COMPANION. 144 Berkeley St.. Boston. Mass. New Subscriptions received at thxs Office. One of our Canadian subscriber; writes us: “No other paper or 'magazine coming to our house is 'so Highly prized as The Youth’s Companion. It is welcomed by Severy member of the familyâ€"and

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