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Durham Chronicle (1867), 26 Nov 1914, p. 6

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He Sells Cheap Cold Weather Goods u“““‘ \mems \ 6' childrt‘lfS Large 11 t Flanneletw Blankvta pPr pair ..... $1.50 Very large 12»! Flannel- $1.85 ette Blankets. per pair “'00! Blankets from $3.60 pair w BED COM FORTERS «â€" Bed Comforters $1.25 to 32.50 for Cotton Mutm‘ \Voumn's Winter Term Opens January 4th Bed Comforters $4.: for Down Durham High Lyn-:1 J uni wm‘l {mum} Mm '1 ;:.\n~:1«: ( 1’: Ex) vincml 1' H U 54 Intending beginning: Board mm rates. "’ ahl“ P The wrm'd "T is a t\:tUN‘|Ҥ-' Pt’ngl‘vsmvt' t". pains t0 59“ have P" {‘1'}, p9? prt-M’zltd knnwledf’JP- “alkmum Bum Ex). SWYI‘TUN, C A LL :‘ F555;: ~â€"- VESTS - Vests 25'. 5‘), 75¢, 11% Vests in all s t Flannelette H V ~. Hwy-comb bhaw Is at $1.00 and $1.50 each Vails from 500 up 8: Misses Motm' HnndS l) The 31 achine Oil. Harnem ()u Ame Grease and Hoo‘ Ointment. go it: M NU \'.\('.\TIUN '5 by “311' Huuw mun» u may fimsh at (THU- I desire. PM’ when- wish. ’l‘hirtv Ywurs‘ [;:Ll“,.:“$-I trainer: P. AN 1) SEE US s )W '1 .HARTLEY. nf zuubilimm ynuug wing insmurtml m in’ mn' Huuw Stnflv mm m- m-zmtw $1 per month mu (l htsme Mt Uhnil'ln CHARGE) -) D ud and 10:11! the fur p.11 iv 6:" 81-1ng in past yen-um me. The trustees mm fat ion-ally and spam m at teachers and pupils Lvuntnge fur tho pm m and acquistinn of all sizes l) 3H1.) FA “(.3139 HWY ‘5. Comt‘gt‘ The Harnessm um: President an. COLLEGE MN in advancv Lt! chm F. GRANT. “Culling: \‘t' as SUUGODI)’ mam: L'vu ', of the fact that she was very \‘ervously she hn"el ed the ruby '; lace about her thr.o:1t trying to of some way another of the pr Estones might be made to work it: to influeme. She could buy a p i with it, could bribe many aboa ‘ boat but she must not be se ‘ Hugo Louheque Sweretnfl D \m Fiercely she fasten In her lower lip. 81 the precious_papers else he would never haw serenely to himself as he boat. She had his diary. not be used against him would come a time wh '51 “It icsu ”'91. :‘d‘. 1914‘ ,«41! ”Gambian: Caz-twicd by the Vn’vcno! Film ‘ w)“ Company, which i: no» GM: and 0‘71."er in lending tbeatcu. A-‘ A -‘t..--41-'ll fim‘cat “M§%§’E‘ER PE '0'- 7" want: an o. o. d 08 akt She Shrank 5W3)! prove of the utmost What could she «in? “Well. aboard." the shit)- . gain Louneque u, soldier. but the man s vehemently. “He must search the are his orders.” inn-r1 then. "you really can’t ? min." ’lbe officer :3 grimly that he thing that did boats sailing ‘ Uillb Dun-u... v" - . As the eavesdropping girl watched the soldiers mam-h tn- gungplank and disappear in different parts of the boat according to the instrm'tious given them by their superior. she could set from the spy’s wurds that he would not delay his own departure to assist her: that om-e more his motive of re- venge wasan dominant in his nature; that tenderness for the daughter of i the woman be loved would never again ~ interfere with the carrying out of his ‘ plans. she fastened her little teeth V less“ er lip Hugo Loubeque had terrible mm; us papers in his possession . vibrations 5‘ mild never have smiled so lime“ Lucille o himself as he boarded the l they were .1 > bad bIS diary. b“ it could alone here it ’ W. There : Terror best D mo :1 time when it would 'scampered z ‘ uuuuuu Surely. some power greater than that of even the international spy was look- ing over and defending her! She how- ed her head in mute gratitude. She was roused from the mood by a flurried clamor aboard the boat. The coolies were working madly now. while upon the deck she saw signs of ac- _ tivity that told her the ship was about to get under way. Under the lashing rushing toward the bales any further figuring i . reached i For just a second eyes there. then. w l she stepped inside. darti tween piles of merchandise. 1 I tongue of a boss. five stevedores were behind which 1 she was concealed Lucille knew the time had come for her to act without ‘ In two swift. (railike leaps she had the yawning side of the boat. she hesitated before an a little shrug. ng about he- leaning “5. with the knowledge that she possessed the international spy’s diary. This much she had concluded when the captaim stamped hea vily, across to her, followed ': by the sailor. his face frowning black. ly, but with a curious twinkle in his l l l eyes the girl was quick to discern. \ l “And so the young lady with murder ous tendencies was on board my boat all along. 01? course you understand! that I must put you in irons and turn you over to the authorities at San Francisco." Some impulse impelled her. an im-1 pulse to put on a manner altogether at variance with her nature. She drew herself saucily erect. meeting his eyes with laughter lurking in her own. “Of course. you don’t intend doing any such thing," she retorted bold- u “I was sick and the woman the? Away In the Shadow of a Packing Case. ‘9. “44!! moving pistum right: 5: Vaclav-Jo! Film Nancie:- ny, which i: no» “hibitinfl n In (mm theater.» :6} rim}.- «oigoroasly pmccatcd. r alauc gfiuax. suua was very weak. soldier‘s words. ting an Amerimn girl a- town. It appears she uded her nurse and bound lldier, taking his clothes 1191’ escape." said the spy. V‘I'P‘s no such person there." : he sturte listen”«- Again troubled ville knl gtpml '0‘ the ruby neck- trying to think of the precious _0 work its mag- } buy a passage [any aboard the not be seen by nodded consent. adding e would stand for any- I not eutaii delaying the on schedule. I value. but not now further and further away from the wires that rem-Ned but dimly to her now. hiding away at every slightest sound. CHAPTER XIII. boy or something like that?" sue sug- v: A Pretty Stowaway. {rested vaguely. as the ship's master ”E AME ”W “magi“? 0‘ the enâ€" threw back his head and gave vent gines. the quaklng of every to such laughter that tears rolled down ,3 part "f the great leviathan. his weather beaten cheeks. cl lesser sounds from above. the “That‘s a good one." he roared. “By «1 ”f the cargo ”3 the Georgel believe that would straighten ° htened it into place. the whole mess out and make me the I suddenly aware that master of the first boat that has had . way '. that She was a cabin boy since the old sailing days. ‘ alone here in the bowels of the boat. Young man." he added with mock 'l‘error beset her on every side Rats gravity. “I‘ll take you to my cabin their paws making now. where your enemy will have no 0 mi? 9336‘ chance of seeing you. The steward “1 surface will be the only one in our secret. He \can outfit you and pass his instructional terrible creaking vibrations straig‘ Then Lucille was they were under sea tapered a bout. a dreadful scraping soun paper being run over a smoo of boardinz 3 But always. when her courage had l fairly ebhed, would come another plan \ -. ture. it was as though her horror pop- ”. her eyes twin Sta . ping eyeballs had forced poignantly the perfect working out of her dir-l ; home to her the vision of Manila; of flculties. Working at night there could ’ her father. grieving himself to death be but scant chance for Loubeque’s ' at her absence; of the shipwreck; her recognizing her. if he retained his sweetheart. imprisoned. with every \ secretive habits. and it was usually at hand turned against him. with the girl , nighttime that he paced the deck She “3““ bring back and left his cabin alone. No position “”1““: carried; could more adequately have given her an opportunity to search the man’s Day and nightwnight and day-there \ cabin for the stolen documents and T was no different-e between the two in papers. ‘ this blavlt hole. it seemed to her that The thong 7 lthey must be near the end of their net breath. »?3 l journey. .l‘lllt-‘iH-‘J by the torments she ‘ her mind while she listened I had bt‘t’n “WWI-£11. W110i) 3 swaying steward's instructions. She saw im- :5; 5 light directly over her head made her mediatel)‘ that her position aboard was ldzll‘t hilStily hilt'k and Strive to hide! ittle more than a jel‘t of the Ship’s vs behind a looming bale. The exelama- master. for she had little to do save :' flu“ “f SUVWL‘L’“ incredulity which ‘ a hit of dusting: amut the saloons, and g ' soumled in her ears told that she had l in the event of storms Mappmg the can SEX, bBL‘U (“SCUVUIKWL 11) a” iUSLlUk'u\B Cf‘ 1! min on the bridge for [)Y'O'LriH'ik‘W :4; it)”. I” hide Slll' StI'UCk :lgtllllSt 21 bale l Streti'hPS. fetphlug Min] “0‘ tr)“. Sn. ,, _ . . 2.....14‘ .ma ; “mama (with him at her position wile: regarding you}; duties at night." Lucille clasped her hands delighted rs ot delight at the papers which Lou she must clear her lover. ’9 [Lip II\ x...) . Slowly a smile spread over his weather beaten face as be scanned the silken suit in which she was arrayed. Lm'ille saw that she had made :1 friend already and ixmnediutely pressed bet “Nobody must knl there.“ she began I he started to motes Lucille had no time for regret at he! °‘ discovery. She had felt all along that b it was inevitable, but had refrained till now from figuring on what explana- tion she could make in such event. t That expression. the swift change on i the sailor's face. as he thought her on 1 the point of mentioning money~ verified 1 her instinctive knowle ge that she 1 must keep her ownership of the mag- nificent ruby necklace secret. She knew that the best of men would be tempted by such a king's ransom as the mar- velous jewels represented. Likewise she felt that it would be unwise. undel any circumstances, to entrust any one with the knowledge that she possessed the international spy’s diary. This much she had concluded when the captain; stamped hea vily across to her, followed ‘ by the sailor, his face frowning black. l ly, but with a curious twinkle in his‘. eyes the girl was quick to discern. ' “And so the young lady with murder ous tendencies was on board my boat '1 all along. Of course you understand k that I must put you in irons and turn you over to the authorities at San .’ Francisco." a ge must know mu (0me we began huuiedly. then. as m motest. “No, no. Phease sailor shook his head, a russion in his eyes. Lu- hnL She had lost and, in- nding. took the next best you found me 5.3% V -I 33 *5; left to nurse uw surunru ... ...- won) kite at night and tried to stab me 1 saw her slip out and was suspi- , s ciou he put it on a chair. Anybody would have done emu-fly the same ttfing and ' s of her, 30 1-. slipped behind the 1 door and grahhpd the man‘s gun when ' .I know. any way. that you woum never a turn an Amerivnn girl over to those . horrible Chinnmen." l l 1 I The captain's I" ”\Yell. I guess thn admitted. “But w! [(1 mo in the first you want to VOUH The captain's frown disappeared. "Well. I guess th 1t" about true.“ he 11d111ittod.“Bm \\ 11x didnt mu come [(1 1110 in the 111st place; why didn't you want to 11111113 to me when you “we 1111:1111: what do you expect is to be (111119 “1111 11111?" "I didnt 111119 tn you bemuse the as interpreter is an mu 11 who artvd I'vav‘. -..-‘..v_ ‘ Lled till ‘ ‘ , cplana- Swlftly she worked. turning every- 1: event. thing upside down and carefully lay‘ '. : nge or. (tag all signs of her search afterward. ; ..§.....0‘0‘“w‘, her on Her fear or being caught had cumplete- ‘1 verified iy faded before the urg ' BENTINCK (3014 at she the papers.. From place to place, careâ€" Council met at Lung ant to a we mag- an as any French detective thorough 'ber 7, pursu 11 19“"? *â€" 39 knew and keen as though she had been a ‘3 Turnbullâ€"â€"â€"Sl . 1.- ., orked. As aWarren be pzud mob tempted thief all her are. Lucille w 1 d (ff-mm, 9 mal‘ - y "or (r ’ D ans an SDG 1 1 Z. lkewise she went throu?h the last or the any 3 Park bridgesâ€"Carma} 1 personal belongmgs. a little sob of dis- i3 Sheweufl'fumbull ~â€" e. undel appointment and ('hagrln broke from Watt be paid .. 1; any one the very heart or her and halted at due on ablltm'entss an 93593596 'her lips. For a hand was rattling t ms mud? knob. turning it slowly. slowly. l captain 3 "Ah!" murmured Loubeque stlklly. “1 pa . 3 followed i thought I could not be mistaken in our ibridge t1mb€rfcilrrrlf 1g black- Hlittle steward! But why. my dear l 8159?; 11%;} :gflec'gcdiâ€"n ‘9 in W} child. did you walt so long to pay a lpasllchmidt---'I‘urnv1f>ull-C visit to such an old acquaintance? Why Vickers be paid $2.5 .,_.___â€"â€"- ern. ‘ murder \ such disregard for the ordinary amount iing‘ Silver Creek brt W W“ No! friendship?" l Schmidtâ€"Sheweuâ€" be paid $1.90 for re 12:38:13! S‘OWW. Without removing the cigar ., . C r'ed ; at San mm his "mm“ m’ "med ”ward be" Ibréififiafithhnfievâ€" the hateful smile still upon his lips. . treasurer be paid $4 I Be seated himself and studied he? gpense incurred by Br I" an im- carefully. spm-ulatlvely trajsin debentures altogether "Lucille." he sald Slowly, "1 saw ’schoolrâ€"Carri'ed- Schmidtâ€"Luring)?â€" a his eyes hold Raw \‘ml when the captaln came {:10 not grant cla1mt ’rngwdno 8 to you. unre- ‘wan'hed V0" ’1” "‘9 time. [1055 for ages. 0 e in ‘ ‘ «1 ' O O ‘ ' . l D" W" MW“ ““3 ' m“ "” " W you ‘inngham be refundec rted bold- ., .. . .. , l H “u‘ away . lt \\ ,1:- MM ause |. :finiffl.:2 senor in taxes.â€"â€"Carl "““ ' ' - â€" - - l Q-km§flf-Turn-bun- to bursa me sneaked in That Very evmnng aw suit urn-0mm by the inter Loubeqxw shmwd himson long arm; the middle w: torn) smotlwn'd in :1 101; SWLBIUUIH She turned the knob and entered. closing the door softly. It would be a simple place to search, the furniture being scanty and Loubeque tmvenng without (DUO Continued on 1 gm. 0‘ .2. ‘1' 3‘ b m pd .â€" I (-0» u- C (D .+¢+++ 3 o 0" '0 0:0 9“ J t C ‘0 u: â€" u o '14 9:0 9- *2 q a :3 on. 4"? aJ‘oofiéug‘ Q ‘a '0 0-". p 0 ID EU {a I: ”(b m"! '0‘. Q 0:" {-4 4a 9: Q ‘4 9 «‘c 0 Q 9 ° ' .X‘ .{qo‘covr’cétfi-f *J‘Ol O +¢§¢¢o¢oo0ooo+ooooo¢ 3. ,Park brxdge.â€"-Carried. m l Shewxelleurnbull -- That Hugh; 0 t \V'att be paid $522.45. being! balapce : v a due on abutments, and $158.24. for -. he flooring of Allan Park bridgeâ€"C. ‘1‘ l “Lunney-Schmidt-That reeVel “I pav to treasurer $3.50 for sale of E( .m- bridge timber.-Carried. if 281‘ i SheW-ellâ€"Lunneyfl’l‘hat reeve be“l a gpaid $2 for selecting jurors.â€"-Car. ‘1 'b ! Schmidtâ€"Turnbullâ€"That Boy ‘1 y zlVickerss be paid. $2.60 for repair-1. mt "in-fr Silver Creek bridgesâ€"CarriedJi Schmidtâ€"Shewel gar .be paid $1.90 for repairing Evdt‘, 1 Jet, ibridge 7-Carried. \ Schmldtâ€"Lunneyâ€"That Brant? be paid $45.52 for exâ€"i urred by Brant Council in l ptures for Elmwood‘g Try \V in e I)Hll.i in” in NW mw (HHCICT‘NH (‘A RHS. 1'21- (inliinmiiy i ii I‘ finest line in Ihw F1) it.A1:~'0 Cold Tablets Sme Tlnoat (T m 9. \Vine mw“, )f (‘ udiivm’ Oil and Olin- Dil Emulsinn. REXAU EWarren be pa plans and 5139‘ .Park bridge-" The Rexall Store CP‘R. Town Office Get your \‘th test and fit glassy»â€" sntisfmtinn gnaumtu'adn prim's mudemlo. Eyes are bread Win- net'sâ€"- them. a a o o A 00169 a :‘9‘1r‘Q‘QIQOr‘49006’WOV VCK COUNCIL. 25c fluid-That Jas.’, E358 for draWingl ations for Allani tied. 11 ~- That Hugh; L5, being balance: , and $158.24; for? Park bridga-«C‘.1 LA- .‘ Iii; mazeâ€"c- 530 for sale ofiG e.â€"-C. “‘"“ . . . . ‘ Deport of Dwisxon I‘m. 1: reexeg L18 offiG. Shene, team, 10 h0urs...... $300 “.3. Alexander. team. 10 hours 3 ()0 ve be‘W. Smith,vteam.--... ...... 250 â€"-Car. ‘1). McGillivray, shovelling 1 50 Boy 1N. Wilson, shovelling ......... 150 epair-ZB. Dargavel, shovelling ...... 150 eriedJB. Dargavel, gravel... 245 Evdt'F. Shewell. 1 day... 200 EvdtiD McGillinay, underbrush’g 75 ° ‘ ' ' 50 Brant ? H. McCormick. gravel ........ , . 2 00 )r exâ€"gfl. Gander, «gravel.-- 200 ncil in g R. McCaslin, gravel... 1-20 nWood ‘.E. R. Ridden, Work ......... .-.... 1 20 gD. Wilkie. gravel... 200 . :ounciL; SheWell, 2% days... 500 Sand».3 4. Brown. rep bridge ......... 10 00 ?arried. Schmidtâ€"Lunneyâ€"That CounciL Led- do now adiourn, to meet at Lam-. bemz ilash on Tuesday. December 15 next. for transaction of general council lbusiness. -J. H. Chitti In ': ' .I‘ 01‘ O}. 4‘ ++ % '1. 0:“ oat . fig+.}.} O 6 ;allow collector to cancel on roll and Thos. taxes of Mrs. Lloyd mRichards of Elmwood.-â€"Carried. . â€"-Schmidt-That 13 32.13“? ‘No. 10, allowing Council to pun- :chase the Currie properts for use [of hall. receive first readingâ€"£312 1‘ Lunney~â€"-Schmidtâ€"-That request iI of Mayor Witthun of Hanover re ,voluqteers be left till next meet- ‘ ' ng.-â€"Carried. 1" ‘- See Our New Fancy China Nicely decorated vim-e 11k“. 150 and 2.5(:. pm \" Splendid Variety November ‘26, 1914. Calenjars I {I pl'H‘E elegant; display h-ade China at n, 10 ho team. 1 urs...... $3 00 hours 3 00 '2 50 ...... pzcvzv+ é+°}+'§..’ 150 245 200 50 2 00 2 00

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