and see us.~Mrs. Beggs Son. Select your presents early and . . l Those wanting stockin-gette can I avoid the rush Goods are moving 1; ' . , : 399 0111‘ assortment of hand mir- . l'e it now at Grants. lrors. Direct import from Belgium. I lively.â€"-Central Drug Store. [ The largest stock of perfumes in ‘â€"Central Drug Store. d l , the county.â€"Central Drug Store. 1 , Carr’s Cough Cure cures COlds' I, I Huvlers chocolates are still the Fully guaranteed at Macfarlane’s Mr. Melbourne MacKay has ac- leading candv of America. Onlv at Drug Store. .OeDted a situation with the J. D, 'Macfarlane’s Abraham Co. l ‘ It is not new and advanced . will do well to examine our large Just arrived. One hundred kegslprices. but new fruits and fresh h ‘ . ' stock and leave their orders. We of fresh-water herring. Mrs. A. ' groceries for Christmas s.h0pp~:ri-s have up-to-date styles in station- leggs 8: Son. lat Beggs’ grocery. cry and type Mr. G. A. Watson at Priceville. has installed a first-class ohop- pin-g outfit. and is prepared to do custom work every day. Leather hand bags, mesh bags wallets, purses, portfolios, etc.â€" % Central Drug Store. 9 Toys! Toys! Something new. in- cluding the new H'ess roller pat- ent. Come early and get your For saleâ€"A seven-horse-power DiCk. Nothing over 25c. The gasoline engine. Apply to C'l Surprise fifteen or your friends Variety Store. Smith Sons,-Durham. 11337 giving them a lovely photoâ€" . . . If . . Egraph this Christmas. We are giV- The Girl Guides have forwarded , YO)? 8398 tire when I‘eadlmï¬P ing you three extra photographs 3 cheziue for $75 to the Local or sewmg You need glasses. Come l with every dozen. F.W. Kelsey. Councfl of Women. in Toronto to to us. We guarantee satisfaction.‘ . ,be used for the relief of the. Bel- Prices moderate.‘M'acfarlane 8: Co. For saleâ€"An Edison Phono- gians. . . ra h. with 16 records: a ood J. hicFadden has a [melfnacriiine Apply to Miss E Cfuld- Lostâ€"A gold chain between '8 a o ' . . ' l ' ‘ ° " " ‘ D .V DJaDOS, organs anc lwell. concession 2_ Bentinck. near Cameron’s 1n ery stable and Miss sewing machines. any: one Oleurham tf Rutherford’s residence in uDDer which would make a nice Christ-' ' town. Finder will be suitably re- , ‘ mas present. See his stock. l Mayor Black has been 3mm“ ward-ed by leaving it at Edward , . . . , , , . The query is: “How can you sell i what indisposed since a w eek ago Kress’s furniture store such beautiful goods in Durliam‘?“l SundaY- When he thinks he had a . I - - - .I Fire Chief Howard McDonald The answer: “There are as £00,.“ slight paralytic stroke. He is ablt . ° . has received the annual letter people in old Durham as in aiiv l to be around. 1"“ 1-5 far from “ 911- from the Underwriters’ Associa- other placeâ€"Central Drug Store. E PhotographS.â€"-D0n’t WOI‘I‘Y 0V9" tion warning merchants and We have on hand a number OflChristmas gifts thisnear. Roemem~ others of the dangers to life and History Charts for professional l ber eachâ€"of your friends WM“ :1 prOperty from Christmas displays nurses. They are indiSpensible for Q new photograph 0‘ yourself. Mflk" at this time of the year, The use . of Christmas greens. harvest sne- . o . ' V . , -‘- keeping records in the Sick room. I 30‘" appointment. DOW. F.W. K0. . .. - cimens and other inflammable ma- 1 Get them while they last at MSW. Durham. Mr. R. D. Cameron of Lucknow'terials such as draperies, scenery, a The result of the bv-election in i will address a mass meeting in 0.03011 to represent SnOW..and the Dundas to fill the vacancy caused I the interest of local Option in the , like. espec1ally In connection Wlth by the death of Sir James W,hjt_il\lpthodist church here on Sundae electric and. other lighting svs- nev resulted in a victory forzevening next at the close of theitems 18 decidedly dangerous, and Irwin Hilliard. Conservative. by ‘llregular services. the use Of these decorations. acâ€", . 't f -9 Th . 't . I O T d , D b cording to the statutory condiâ€" . . 4. ‘ V n I _ ' 0‘ . . . : maiori Y O D e maiori ' 1 I n ues ay 9‘ ening ecem er tions of an insurance policy. rep-- ti. dollar a hundred, large size. the last election was over 500. l15 in the town hall. the Choral dcrs it void _ . v 7 I .- '. . . (l Dat- . o The pupils of Hampden school Somety “111 give a musica , . are holding their annual Christmaslrio‘tic concert consisting Of chor-- On SUDdaV 9‘ enmg last, Mr. S. I O I v .0 ‘ Tree entertainment on Decemlrriuses solos. duets, etc. AdmiSSion SCOtt to“ a headlong tumlle 22 _\ good program will be rr.,,_:‘2.5c. Tickets may be obtained from (10“!) a long flight of staiis in o A h _ ‘ l . o . 3'.) ‘ ‘0 dered. and an eniovable evening is‘anv member of the somety. Pre- P15 â€5190““ and as a nStilt a. assured Admission 15c. schooljceeds in aid of the Belgian Relief {5 nursmg 8 bandaged head and . ° ° 3F d 18 OthGI‘WISB feeling sore. It’s 1 children free. . un . l , ’wondcr the old gentleman escap-l i o , . ' l The Council on DIOndav lllfl'illl Tllf‘ Hle‘O-EleCtrla Bv-LaWF Ill)- ed as well as he did. and many a’ responded unanimously to a,pearing in this issue had to be . largely signed petition to carrvaa-‘Si‘d bV’ the 001130“ at a SW“ the insurance of $1,000 on the lggeicial meeting last night, and to .f Mr. David Borthwick. who 1%: ‘ have them published long enough here for the war about a monthlto meet the 199331 requiremeits. ago. The first premium ;iiii(;~i'.."..s:W9 were compelled to hOId the to about $70 lpaper back a few hours in order . lto give them place in this issue. The Baptist Christmas Sunday: school entertainment will he may.“ on Tuesday evening. tle 1212;} of‘ ' 0 December. A good program i::! The Renirew gltzilchinei‘ltvk C: in preparation. Admission, adults’leltedflma ers 0 90‘†‘ no n 15c children 10c Proceeds to be‘Standard Cream Separators, En- " ' ' . ' ' . . . w :1 equally divided between the 391_ gines and Scales, hate ma e an ‘ 2i†and Red («1.05.3 Funds , ioffer to their agents that if each J . will sell one machine in the month 031V two weeks t1“ Chl‘iStmi‘S' l of December. on if all sell enough » . t . l . and at the present writing there : t0 EQUAL Of 8 for each agent 1}} . Isn’t a SpeCk 0f snow on H)“ l that morth. the comm-11W Will d"‘ ground. The weather is cola! amil - - al _-500 to . _ . . _ ‘ h ° .- - lnate an addition is . cracking match tips. and. imitatâ€" . clear and dHSt 13 £13m: “1 the"'Belgian Relief Fund. The agent life has been lost over a less: dangerous tumble. “Business as: usual†is his motto. and however3 unfit. he felt he was down to. business bright and early on; Monday morning. There are about; 20 steps in the flight and hel . i . . never took a rest till he struck; This is one of the Circumstances .. . . the floor. 13 feet. below the} over which we have no control. starting point. Mr. Fred Reay, who lives a; short distance north of VickersJ had the misfortune Sunday morn-E ing last to have his barn and: stables totally destr0ved by fire? We are told it was caused by s‘ hov about nine or ten vears of? age. The lad. is seems. had an? ~ - . .. saw shooting them off. he was' ’ . - - .. amusing himself in the barn. The- the Sicighing perlOd WI“ Dr. 0 'l‘ d n' ... thie (‘t 'r 't d t' s t f're to the stiaw I . es- av mor 111;... ‘ t‘ x‘P- anl 9 1D --e i ‘ '. shorter than usual. unless 1.11)-, n u . 3British squadron under Vice- estimated at $3.000 or over. We wrartments have sent to tâ€? Bel‘lAdmiral Sir Frederick Sturdee. understand the property was in-f ians.goods consisting 0f clOth-lThese vessels were engaged in sured for about $1.500. .' bOOtS- shoes, 9395- stockings lthe sinking of the Monmouth and v l 1’ mderwear. Christmas COI‘fCCtl‘m‘ l the Good Hope on November 1. The Durham tbraiicliidof th§.v:(.’1-g .lrv and dolls. Some Of the WW“ l Two colli-ers were captured. and mens a ntsttiltiu: ' e f 2:“ 9031' erchants have shown much gen-{the Dresden and Nurnberg made $953â€â€" : Thieirs 33:19 Beccrhsber n3] OSitV in contributing to during the action anrl are beâ€" VI: “tn i) d' ‘ v’ t 1 ; 1139' one merchant’s donation ing pursued. The British casualties ‘ 1m v f1 ieilwere presen ' ant :1 1"‘01131532 to nearly a hundred are reported to be few. The Gerâ€" most eniova e time was spen '| Mrs. Rev. Wvlie gave a most inâ€"? llarS’ worth 0f EOOdS- Th9 man-s lost over 1800 men . ' I -- . . terest ng a er on Scotland. She ' _achers and children Wish to ex-, l p p . . . do t 11 wl~ol Last week We reportedthat the snoke of its rugged appearancei ress the" gratitu ‘ O a ‘ bakers had increased the price of and its beautiful scenery: of its ' ndered such vahiable aSSistance - bread from 100. t0 1‘30. for a 23-3â€) people. their dress. and other The teacher and children of loaf. Since then. it has been de- characteristics. the difference beâ€" ickers school gave a verv en- cided to raise the weight of bread tween Scotland of old and Scot-| 'yable concert and box social on to the legal three pound standard land of the present. and closed ’ _ ’dav evening last. The recita- and the price now asked is 14c. bv giving the beautiful noem.: t 1 ,. 0 v creditable to all who took - many of whom gave eviâ€" nce‘of good'abilitv. Dr. Jamieâ€"' .11 was present and very effici- large loaf and action might have den and Miss Ramage and al L-‘rman. Jim Park was one of any time. A couple of weeks ago M’cGirr. A Scotch tea was tiheni audience with a number of 20-ounce loaf was not enough, and ten cents was made. the proceeds‘ o l O a fine spectacular number. public and we understand that the meeting that a butter and; _ door receipts and the pro- complaints were made and the egg shower be held at Mrs. Beggs’ of the sale of boxes 2,0! the patriotic funds. ‘\ ; We offe 500 b g M¢4.t.b 1.- r.‘- I, .0- " Ews ARO UN D TOWN flour at 31‘ bargaiii :riceqmgai‘i MEET: G liNAleOUSL‘ IN Ladies requiring calling cards V discharged the duties of been instituted against them at duet bv the Misses Weir andl ‘ 0' star DerfOwners. and delighted they decided that five cents for a served. for which a charge of ‘ ply yourself W’th free tea. 1'01'0115 songs. The teacher was consequently increased the price amounting to over $9. The meet-lane making-fifteen photos on the jstrong character in one of the to six cents. Tlhis was not a pop- ing was closed by singing Auld dozen. Call/and see the new styles. glogues. and the military drill ular change With the consuming Lang Syne. It was decided at: F. W. Kelsey. FAVOR 0F HYDRO ELECTRIC! A fairly representative meeting: of ratepayers assembled at the! hall on Tues-day evening to dis- cuss matters in connection with the ad-Option of the HvdrO-El' system. :Ctricl In the absence of Mayor Blaca. at whose call the meeting Was assembled. Reeve Calder was el-l ected to the chair, and W. Irwin! to the secretarys‘hip. Mr. Calder. on rising. an- nounced the reason for calling the meeting. and went on to explain the various steps leading up to a; consideration of the Hydro-Elect- ric and how the council proceeded to ascertain. a value of the ex- isting lighting system. The light- ing of the town dated back about '20 years. The street lighting. on the original contract, cost the town for years about $360, but now the total annual outlay for street lighting and municipal reâ€" quirements totaled up to about $900. He proceeded to say that: no franchise .had ever been given? to anyone. and no privilege be- yond the privilege of i'slacing poles on the various town streets. Under these conditions, the town was under no obligation to the present company, but in fairness to the present company he felt that compensation should be al- lowed. and with this end in vi :w the plant. had been appraised. in sections. so that a satisfactorv and equitable arrangement coul'l he made. The part of the plant within the corporation had. ac- cording to expert valuation was fix-ed at about $3.000. and the ‘portion outside the town. coiisist‘ ing of poles, dam. wireing. dyna- mos and other machinery, amount- (‘d’ to $7.000. This did not include real estate, but gave data on which the. town might proceed to purchase either all or part of the present plant and e’illllH‘JC‘ZBL. The valuations were read in deâ€" tail and the question thrown open for discussion. Mr. McIntyre had an offer in to supplv light on the basis of a ten- -years’ franchise. or to sell the portion of the plant lying within the. corporation. For the latter he asked $5,000. and at the close of the ll‘lGCtlnfl a resolution was adopted authorizing the council to negotiate with Mr. McIntyre for the purchase of the plant. and to submit a by-law to be. voted on at the time of the municipal elections. to test the. feelings of the electorate in regard to the adOption of the Hydro-Electric. Messrs. A. Catton, A. S. Hunter J. P. Telford, Gilbert McKc-chnie the old musket. and some of these C Ramage. J. P. Hunter 'F. Lena-‘ han John Smith Principal Allan, streets. Predictions for ‘1 hill“! lin this localitv is Mr. Ed. Hopkins. ing a number 0f youngsters hi) i J' 8' Midlmith‘ W" J' Young and, others took part in the discussion. and all expressed themselves as' favorable to the adoption of the â€'0 longed by a late spring :man cruisers. the Scharnhorst. Hf†and soon the whole place was in : system. . ' . . iGniesnau and Leipsic Were Slan flames. The stock and implei‘nt‘nts ; Mr. James, a representative , The 1711th 5311001 Chum?†â€f near the Falkland islands bv :1 were saved. but the total 1055 JS from the Hydro Commission, ar-" e second. third and fourth de- rived bv the night train and was ! able to give a great deal off ivaluable information to the satisâ€"l isfaction of the audience. The pro- , I posed cost per horsepower to the town at the start would be i the neighborhood of $33, but this. A I would soon meet a material re- duction. Only three and a half years ago. the work was started in the Niagara Peninsula in .13] towns. Since then, the systems have been extended so as to in- clude 70 towns. and the deveIOp- ment of several new powers of which Eugenia is now in progress, The vote on the resolution to; Mr James assured the audiencel I -- was. dialogues and drills werelper three-pound loaf. For some “The Bail-flies Cuddle Doon.†Mrs. negotiate with Mr. McIntyre andgb time past. we do not know how T. McGirr then gave a reading for the submission of a by-law I long. the bakers have been selling from , “The Bonnie Brier Bush.†, was carried unanimously. and the; bread weighing only ’Zlélbs. 1:0 the Solos were given by Miss McFay- vote Will be taken. Câ€"‘m."~_- Buy goods from Scott, and sup-: From ' now until Christmas 8 a: 9' VV'V V'VVVVVVVV'W'VVVV'V The poultry {house of Gunms. .. . legal 24â€"ounce loaf is now insisted store on Thursday, December ~17. ' Limited, at Harriston. was burned g‘unted to over $60. The net on. The result is an additional in- aid of the poor mothers of Toron- land nearly 5,000 fowl, being made ,‘pts. we understand. Will go to crease of one cent on each small to. Anyone who wishes may as- lreadv for killing, were smothered loaf. or Me. per large loaf. aist in this worthy object. IOr burned to death. vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvveVVVVVVV'V'V'VVVVVV'VV'V'V7 I l l ! I l I i l t G l l I I l I l 9. 51A p D b O /' ' A New Assortment of Ladies’ and Misses ' Plain and Fancy Tweed Coats. Our Showing of Select Fall Coats com- prises a. Splendid range of Choice in Fabrics, Colors, Styles and Prices They are. High Class in several individual features sin-11 as Cut, Style, Trims, But- tons and other ways; they are different from the usual run of Coats, and prices uncmninonly low $10.00 $12.00 $14.00 $15.00 Call and See Them. \Ve have what you want. I You know rimt old saving “Birds of feather flock tOgether’L-zxe tug-e a certain amount of pride in offs-ring you Stanï¬eld's [Tushrinkable Underwear because we are following in our business the same principles that havemade this Under“ ear such a W( :Iiderful success. It was only natural that: we in our endeavor to oi‘l'ér you real values, should become inter- ested in the sale of Underwear whose makers have bad quality and value their watch work for over 25 years. This not only holds good in Underwear. but throughout our entire store you will ï¬nd proofs of careful buying for your beneï¬t. We want you to see Stanï¬eld’s ï¬nelv knitted all wool garments for winter wear, which are without a doubt the best on the market, the many other fabrics and weighs of Stanï¬eld’s Unshrinkable llnderwear.â€"the hats, shirts, ties, shoes, etc, we have here for you. We must know how to buy and sell ï¬if we are to give the best service to you. Our entire effort is to improve in these two directions. .1. a .1. Human “AwauumnMAAAA W‘ o Si.oo PER YEAR W0 â€a.“ “ow“ .' , ( AAAAMAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAALAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA L‘AALA‘A‘AL‘AMA‘AAAAA AAA AAAAAAAMAAAAI AAA AAAAAAAAO OAAL