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Durham Chronicle (1867), 10 Dec 1914, p. 2

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”0 ACRES IN EGREMON T, FIRST buildings. solid brick house, and woodshed; cement floors in all stables; small orch- ard; well watered: about 35 acres of fair hardwood bush; in gOOd state of cultivation. Ap- nlv to W. J. Wilson, Varney. SEVEN ACRES, 1343 MILES EAST of Durham: small. but comfort- able brick house. large wood- shed. frame stable and driving shed: running water: daily mail service: good location for snap for the man who ”acts quickly. Apply to J. P. Telford Durham, Ont. 9 ~24u Spirella Corsets REMEMBER THE FAMOUS SPIR- ella Corset; any size, type or price; with perfect laundering qualities, and unbreakable steels: positively hygenic. Not sold in stores. Mrs. J. C. Nichol, Rep- resentative, Box 107, Durham. A an 1‘..- Boar for Service REGISTERED TAMWORTH BOAR for service. At Lot 141 C051. 3. SYROPSB 0F CANADIAN NORTH WEST LAND REGULATIONS. The sole head of a. family, or my male over 18 ’years old, may homestead a quarter-section of nvfihbleADonginion land in Alani- i512 toha. Saskatchewan or Alberta. Applicant must appear in person agthe Dominion Lands Agency or b-Agency for the District. Entry by proxy may be made at any Dominion Lands Agency {but not Sub-Agency), on certain conditions Dutiesâ€"Six months residence upon and cultivation of the land in each of th’ree years. A home- steader may live within nine miles of his homestead on a farm of at least 80 acres, op_ce_rtain condi- 01355‘ pro .. WV tiona. At "Habitable house is re- quired except Where residence is performed in the vicinity. '. ARTHUR COOK WILL GIVE vocal instruction in singing ev- ery Tuesday afternoon and evening at the home of Mrs. S. F. McComb. Pupils may apply for appointments to Mrs. Mc- Comb at any time. 10 ‘22“ In certain districts 3. home- steader in good standing may pre- empt a quarter section alongside his homestead. Price $3.00 per Dutiesâ€"Six months residence in each of three years after earning homestead patent; also 50 acres extra cultivation. Pre-emption patent may be obtained as soon as homestead patent, on certain con- Apply Ontario. for service. At Lot 14. u Brrf mont â€"Wm. Allan, Jr., new R R NO. 1. 10‘ A settler who has exhausted his? homestead right may take a pur-. chased homestead in certain dist-‘l ricts. Price $3.00 per acre. Duties. â€"Must reside six months in each: of three years, cultivate 50 acres; and erect a house worth $300. } The area of cultivation is sub-a iect to reduction in case of rough. scrubby or stony land. Live stock ma be substituted tor cultivation un er certain conditions. W. W. CORY, CM.G., Deputy of the Minister of Interior. Fifiâ€"Unauthorized publication of this advertisement will not be «mam 1m- 8514 In the matter of the estate of Hannah Hookins, late of the Township of Bentinck in the Countv of Grew. Married Woman. NOTICE is hereby given. pursu- ant to 3.8.0. 1914, Cap. 121. Sec. 56. that all persons having claims against the estate of the said Hannah Hookins, who died on or about the Wtih day of November, A. D. 1914, are required to send bv post prepaid or otherwise de- liver to J. P. Telford. of the Town of Durham, Solicitor tor the Ad- minfistrator. on or before the 318t (law of Degember A. _D._ 1914, their In the Surrogate Court of Countv of Grey. 6,an COMFORTABLE FIVE- )om house, in good locality. .0131? to Dan. McAuliffe. 10 Stf Sum-nee: Qddresses and descriptions' ””mm’" ., -mu- ! and a full statement ’0‘ particu- Facilities for examination of .‘ lars of their claims and the na- timber. and further information” ture of the security, if any. held will be provided 11 . . . . pon apphcation bv them. dulv miledv and that to m. “A. D. Watts, ResidEnt ED‘! after the said day the adminis- . . . . trator will proceed to deliver the mgtaoéoée Commission‘ Eugen-l assets of the estate among the .. partiea entitled thereto..having , All tenders shall be in the Com- regard only to the claims of 'migsion’s office, Continental Life which he shall then have notice. Building. Toronto, by December . . Aflministrator. Unauthorized publication of this bv his Sohmtor- J. P. T911011 advertisement will not be paid for ' Notice to Creditors Tn Rem 20, Egremont. SMALL ADS. incn. or less. 25 cent.- for first inserti . and 10 cents for each )ve: one inch and under two inch”. double the .6070 amount Yearly rues on application. {0'22 9pd 418 6m ’ l“FI(’E-â€"Over I) P. Telford’s office ( “mu-1y oppnsite the Registay ofiivr. Hesu‘h-nve Second house south ut 13:th nfliw- m: east side of Albert SI n-w’, Hffiwt- Ham 5 9-1] 21.11:” 2-4 p. m.. 7-!) p. m. 'l‘alvphone cmmnunica- Iiun ht-twm‘n ul‘fiw and residence at .1?! Emmy». OFFICE AND RESIDENCE A? short distance east of Knapp’s Hotel, ! Lamb ton Street, Lower Town. Durham Dfiice hours from 12 to 2 o’clock Diseases of Eye. Ear Nose and Throat. \Vill he at the Hahn House, July 2‘) 0M. 19. November 16. Dec. 21, Hum-a. l tn 33 p.111. 0fޢre--Ovpr Douglas' Jewellerv Stow. Drs. Jamieson lamieson. 3. a. Hutton. J F GRANTJLD S.L.D S ONOR GRADUATE. UNIVERSI- ty of Toronto. Graduate Roy's Yollege Dental Surgeons ofOx. tario Dentistry in all its Branches. l P. Teiford. mmwszh somm'ron. ET( ('flice. nearly opposite the Regis‘xx :fite Lambtou at. Durham. Anyamount " :ucmm tn man a? 5 99- cent on farn "nmrn )h‘ E‘i/‘E Holstein Conveya’ncer. Issuer of Marriage Licenses. Money to loan at lowest rates, and terms to suit borrower. Fire and Life Insurance placed in thor- oughly reliable compnaies. Deeds, Mortgages. Leases and Wills, executed on shortest notice. All work promptly attended to. ‘ er. Jonveyancer. 8w. Insurance “zen? Money to Loan. Issuer nf Mar- ‘iaga License» A general financial busi- mrc .‘ratuzacfed, ' B. (‘3 9.. {JUNDON ENG U ; ‘RADULATE of London NP“ 1 York and Chicagn DHYSICI .1“ \AND SI'RGEON OF 606 in the \ew F’ mnter Block Offiw 11.. ts to 10 3.111. to 4 p m. and? .. . g. ‘mw in' attautim; uium t0 dismxsr: 's'w'nt‘u md chiidreu. Rmsidem-e «:t‘ ‘ilTr' Pru-hvmri:n (‘hurch. IENDERS WILL BE RECEIVI I) bv the undersigned up to Thursday evening, December 10.- for the erection of a school for S S. No. 3, Bentinck, during the summer of 1915. Plans and Sp((:i-: fications may be seen at the cf- fice of the Secretary-Treasure1~.; The above building is to be bempleted by September 1 1915 â€"J. W. Vickers, Secv. -Treas 19 A. H. Jackson. NOTARY PUBLIC. COMMISSION Tenders will be received by the undersigned up to Saturday De- cember 12 for the position of care- taker of the Baptist Church. Dur- ham. duties to commence at once. For particulars, apply to W. MOFFET. A. BELL or F. W. SEARCH. HYDRO ELECTRIC POWER COMMISSION OF ONTARIO TENDERS are requested for the purchase of certain maple, bxron, elm. basswood. hemlock and ash timber on the pronerty of the Commission at Eugenia Falls, near Flesherton. Ontario. V‘ “V "I..â€" vcâ€"wvâ€" vâ€"â€" tv bv March 1‘ 1915. _ Tenderers! 'V " "W" H mm \rUlecxn shall also quote a price per Whereas I, Ida Levine. of the thousand feet for timber on slnd- Town of Durham in the Countv of ways, without such clearing or Grey merchant. did on or about burning. ithe 3rd flaw 'of October, 1914, inâ€" w ' stitute proceedings against Euphia » Facilities for examination of ; Keller of the Towne’hd of _ itimber. and further information. ‘ man-by, charging her p with N3; will be provided upon application tainin oodcs d f :. to Mfr. 'A. D. Watts, Resident Emu-item: 2 un er 313° pre gineer of the Commission. Eugen-l Now I, the said Ida Levine, do in Ontario. hereby retract and Withdraw the ‘An tenders shall be in the Com- charge, 80 made by me against ‘mission’s office, Continental Life the sand, 13qu Kellger and 89010-- Building. Toronto, by December ' ze to ;her for hava institute i 10 1914 prOceedmge against her as w A, GARY- aforesaid ' ass'maut lioy.London Uphmmmzc Hos mrc‘io 603 km Sq Throat and N089 Hos- UlfRHASi ' ONT. (Lower Town. Tenders Wanted Medical Dz’rectorv. Arthur Bun. M. B Dr. MC. Pickering Dentist. I- .‘ Tenders \Vanted SPECIALIST : "AR, mean _ nose Denial Dz’rectorv u X\. 6%“ WN W. J. SHARP I ,eyal ‘Direa‘arv nd \ \‘n‘I I‘;W.|I ‘Oi at Y “:D, 3‘ BR. BURY. ()ver J J Hunter’s. '9 We fancied our budget looked somewhat bunty last week. and' on investigation discovered that we overlooked the first part Pos- sibly it (may .yet _be a little in- teresting. so we will let it go through. The annual meeting of the “corn cutting outfit” Co., Lim- ited. met at Mr. Bert Watson’s home last Tuesday evening to straighten- up their business. After placing $15 to capital account. Finance Minister Jas. Petty was able to declare a (liVlt‘l-fijd of about three per cent. to his tu'o favorites. while the rest of Liz:- bunch. himself included. having: extra cutting. 'had to he cont}; with less. The annual meeting .of the Var- [nev Grange was held last Fri .av evening. Worthy Master Dr. GUM. Leeson presiding. For number. it was the best tmweting‘ of the VIHnn :and everyone was apparentlt' !hi2hlv pleased with the progless land business transacted during the year. During the year nurâ€" chases to the amount of $1993.35 were made throth the Grange which goes to show that the mem- 'bers of Vainev Granwe are wide - iawake business fellows. After a Igood deal of business was dealt i with. the Master vacated the chair and called on the Past Master T. .McNiece. to proceed with the election of officers for the en- isuing year. which resulted as ‘follows: Master, D. Mclh ride. ‘Overseer. J. Wilton: Lecturer. T. rMcNi-ece: Rec.-Sec., J. W. Blyth: ---â€"-_ o ‘Cox'. Sec., W. Grant; Treas.. G. M. :L-ees'on: Chaplain. J. Petty: «Stew- .ard. J. Wallace: Asst. Steward, J. McIlvridfe: Auditors, H. Wilkinson and W. Blyth. Our new nCiO'hhor. ‘Mr. Foster. Sr. fill-:1" fia‘afuJ Bow! \‘1’ Who lately “UPC" aused M" Adam Morrison, H. Batchelor 1.31. ($1811 Kellors f:,1r111 took unto hims1-1f a cross. 11‘. Morrison. win-some hclhmzuv a fen 1.1â€"10ks'MJrA 131% thihielv) 1‘4 «413(191'5'011, ago. and thvv have moved opt): ° 11 9150111 - 33101. the premims. and have boo-u“; ST. PLâ€"R. (xl'ex1cr0818. married life in :1 sensible 1111:; Jr. Pr._â€":M. AU‘dQPS'OD- M- Morris- becoming manner, Mr. Foster is :1 on. W. (Ire-enwoocL. .J. .Morrmun, ".1ti1m' sz‘nsihln. industriams yuunu" râ€"M. A. MOR'ILEY. Teachr'r man. 11nd we hope 1110 may nc-x'm', . J _ have any regret in settling: down 7 NO. 2. Eu wEMO‘Nz. “'93“ the COI'DW‘S- T Jr. IVâ€"J. Kerr. IE \Voods. Mr. \Vm Strumt enurtaimd’ Sr IIIâ€"I Barbour 13% MchM;_ quite a number of his {11' nds at en. E. Noble. his home on *Friday 9\ ening’ ilast. Jr. 'IIIâ€"II'Méead, 1W Marshall- The 13th annual beef ring meet- ins: for this locality was held in .Watson’s school house. No. 1 on .Thurs-dav evening last. November 26. 31 of the 32 members being present. President T. W'allace took the chair. and called upon the sec- retary-treasurer, D. MicIlvride to proceed to business. During the season. 32 head of cattle were slaughtered. the total weight nut lin being 13 516% lbs.. the average .weight being 424% lbs. Counting the cattle at an average of $70 each would total the value at $2240. There were none rejected. |~showmg the healthy state of the fcattle raised around here. 'Dhe .meetin-e: throughout was most ;harmonious. and passed off like .clockwork. everyone apparently ;beine: satisfied with the working :out of a 32 ring. Steps were ! quickly proceeded with to form another ring.r for 1915 and almost completed. The clouds rolled by, and we finish-ed taking up our turnips last Fridav and Saturday. ’Twas a little cold. but you didn’t feel it. Messrs. Jas. Ball and Wm. Stewâ€" art arrived home from the west on Wednesday last. They both look well. Mr. Jae. W'ilton gave a very practical talk on his experience and opinion of growing SM‘PPt clover. and appeared quite con- vinced :that it was a clover which. although in its infancy. would in the near future come to the front. It is onlv a twoâ€"year Dlant. rich in nitrogen. and conse- quentlv well adapted to soil fertility. It looks from here as though the G. T. R. and the Post Office Deâ€" partment had made a sad bangle of the mail service. Tth‘ first maill train does not reach here till sav about '11 ‘am. Then. in the inter- ests 'of economy the first mail is not delivered from the station to the post office until both the Stratford and Guelph trains have arrived: thus the post office de- partment saves seven or eight cents a day by cancelling one 'trip of the mail delivelv van and keeps a whole community xxait- 1i~ng for an indefinite period. The smail carriers on some of the rural lroutes had all t‘hev could do to get over their beats in davligxht under old conditions, when the ’roads were bad. 'or the train was ‘late. whidh latter was more often ethe case than otherwise. Under the new schedule. and with the Ishort winter afternoons, it is 1 difficult to see ‘how they will cov- er the routes_ at all, groping BAR RISTON’S POSTAL SERVICE around in the dark for rural box- ea. The people don?t expect anv consideration from the Grand Trunk. although it was largely their money that built'the road: but with the Government, it is different. they being in office by the will of fihe people, should be accommodatingâ€"Review, Dated - at Durham,. November 25. 1914. IDA LEVINE. Witness: Florence M'cCoakerv. T0 WHOM IT MAY CONCERN BLYTH’S CORNERS. THE DURHAM CHRONICLE. HONOR ROLL FOR NOVEMBER - NO.‘.' 11. BENTINCK. Sr 'IYâ€"E. Sharp, 8. Lawrence ‘Jr. IVâ€"M‘. Webber. Sr. IIIâ€"I. Alexander A. Mbun taan. Jr. IIIâ€"M. Lawrence. H. Moun- tain. \ IIIâ€"M. Alexander, G. Ritchie. A Knlixsley, P. Noble. 'A. Armstrong and 8. Sharp Equal. Iâ€"H. Lawrence, I. Armstrong. Pr C.â€"E. Styles. IE. Noble F. H-onkms. Pr. B.â€"L. S'iharp. Pr. A.â€"R. Styles. NO. 8. GLENELG. Sr. IVâ€"K. McNallY. Jr. IVâ€"G. NVilliamSu L. x‘vjm‘risan C. Paylor. J. {MOI-risen. Sr. IIIâ€"J. Ritchie. J1. 111â€" H. RitchiL. Sr IIâ€"Ivl. Boyd J. Boyd. W. Mouison, H. Batchflol g‘vl. Glen cross. .Monison. Jr. Iâ€"E. Ritchie, E. .~\xzdvr'=.on, M. Anderson, .L. Paylor. Sr. Pr.â€"R. Gl‘encross. Jr. Pr.â€"M. And-erswm. M. Morris- on. W. Grze-emVQQCL, J. MorrismL ~â€"M. A. lVIOR'lLEY. Teachf'r Jr. IIâ€"C. McMeeken iand B. Evic- Mieeken equal, M. Pollock and E. Wilson equal. Sr. Pr.â€"K. Allan. Jr. Pr.â€"M'. Lennox. A. Lennox. J. Marshall. 'Jr. 'IIIâ€"If'iMead, cw Marshall. A. Noble. 'R. Barbour,» iD. Kerr. N 0. 9. GLEN ELG. Sr. IVâ€"J. .3811 M Haley. iL. Al- ioe. . . Jr. IVâ€"V. Ritchie, «M. Atkinson Sr. IIIâ€"M. DaVriSJA. Lindsav 0 Bell. Cr. Bell. Sr. :IIâ€"R. Davis. R. McFarlane. Bell. Cr. Bell. Sr. :IIâ€"R. Davis. R. McFarlane K. Davis. Jr. IIâ€"M‘. Mightuon G. Lindsay W. 'M'itchell, D. M-cInnis, Iâ€"J. Bell, M. Bell. L‘vw‘v' "VuL Jr. IIâ€"JTC M’cMeeken iand B 312c- Meeken equal, M. Pollock and E. Wilson equal. Sr. Pr.â€"K. Allan. Jr. Pr.â€"M'. Lennox. J. Marshall. â€"E. J. McGirr, Teacher N0. 9. GLENELG. L“..“ A. Lennox. Sr. 109. . . Jr. IVâ€"V. ‘Ritchie, «M Atkinson Sr. IIIâ€" M. Davis (A. Lindsay 0 Bell G. Bell. Sr. :IIâ€"R. Davis. R. K. Davis. Jr. IIâ€"M'. Mighton G. Lindsay, W. Mitchell, D. M-clnnis, Iâ€"J. Bell, M. Bell. Sr. Pr.â€"S_. LaWrence. E. Har- grave. and 'H. Ritchie euual. M. Horst. Jr. Pr.â€"â€"J. McGinnis. â€"E. NO. '15. GLENELG. IVâ€"J. Edwards. 1E. Cook. R. ‘IVâ€"K. Eidwards Sr. Peart. Jr. Sr. IIIâ€"W. Jackson 1E. McClock- 11in U. McGilliV ray. Jr IIIâ€"C. Cook and J. Peart eq , s1ume flhe role W. Gray,_R . flMc‘Cloclilin; IVâ€"J. Ben M Haley. 1L. A1- McFarlane. Scott, Teacher. (‘ountV Constable \\ m 111315111111 laest VV eek had tVVo ped lleis up fo1 selling mens suits VVithout 1:11.11 necessaiV license ‘One appeared at Grand Valley bef01e Police MaOis- 1 trate Tate. VVho.1acco1ding to the game of law. took 25 simoleons and the cost. time. paper. etc. ' from him. The other, by a V1 011-1 d-erful stroke of fortune. had thei honor of appearing before the ever-smiling Police Magisuarei Falconer. bV fal the best looking gentleman Who eve1 left Shel- burne by the .C. P. R. As Mr. Fal- coner was (in town attending the sessions of the county council and being a clothing merchant of some ability the constable thought it would 7be »well to have these two {gentlemen meet. They met all right and the celemony was performed in the presence of a few favorite friends. During the signing of the registerâ€"court registerâ€"the police magistrate sang “O Promise Meâ€"that Vou will not [do it again. The peddler’ 5 going away suit VV as of cloth which was minus $25â€"th-e gift to the RM. After a honeymoon trip to ‘Licen1seville.‘he VV ill again re- of a clothing peddler. â€"OrangeV ille Sun. Sr. IIâ€"E. (Cook, J.B. Haley and H. Firth eq., J. «Beaten. Jr. 11â€"M. Beaton. Sr. Iâ€"E. McRae. Jr. Iâ€"W. «Edwards. C. Robson, W. Anderson. Sr. Pr.â€"B. Beaten. \M. Halev. C. Greenwood. Jr. Pr.â€"M. B. Anderson. C. Pob- .son. C. Anderson. Average attendance, 27. eâ€"W. IR. Wallace. Teacher. (NO. (6, BENTINCK. Sr. LIVâ€"E. tTWflJHIley. Jr. IVâ€"S. (Mic'Callum. 'W. Boyce. Sr. IIIâ€"H. Bailey, \E. Cox, \V. Adlam. ‘E. Boyce M'. Bailey. Jr. IIIâ€"A. McCallum. J. Twam- ley, .R_._fBoyce, E. Boyce. Sr. IIâ€"G. Torry, «G. Brunt, G. Brown. ‘H. McCallum E. Vickers. J. Vickersi. tD. Burns. Jr. IIâ€"L. M'cCallum, M. Adlam. Iâ€"B. Boyce. G. Brunt. Pt. IIâ€"G. McCallum, 'V. Bailey. S. Reay, CP. 'Reay. E_.. Uiq'ruoh. 7 Pt IL."J.McD6na1d. M. McCal- lum. C. Nwoble 35:. Adlam, A. Un- ruh. W. Vickers. ' â€"-J. M. C. "Wylie. Teacher. DURHAM SCHOOL. H. S. DEPT. Form IIIâ€"R. Eccloes.‘E. Edge, G. McCuaig. R. Robertg, N. Lenahan. Form-'IIâ€"L. Teasdale, G. Camp- bell. H. Hannam. D. Mc‘Auley. G. Hasti'e Form Iâ€"R 1C3mpbell. A. Cliff. J. Wylie. \V. Lawson. E. Ritchie. Jr. IVLF. Lawrence. G. Doug- las. C. Buschlem B. Lauder. S. Abraham. Sr. 'IVâ€"S. M‘cCrae, C. McGirr, E. Browning, H. Brooke, 'M._Koch. KOCh. kA. McGowan. 'A. Smifih. Jr. IIIâ€"D. Johnston, D. Heather, W. Abraham, EH. Falcgner, B. Pet- tigrew. Sr. IIâ€"W. Jacob, A. McAuliffe, A. Kresys‘ iW. 'Vollett, S. Domnelly Jr. IIâ€"C. McGfirr, E. Willis, E. Levine. L. McDonald. M. Cliff. Jr. IIBâ€"W. ZWeLSIh, M Saunders, R. McDonald. M. Crutchlev G. Watt. Sr. Iâ€"R. ‘Bogle. C. McRae and W. Brvqn eq., A Eamon. F. Hon- kine. .McDonald. Jr. IAâ€"G. Don-Deny, K. Milne, N. Lloyd. ‘H. Morton, iG. Thompson. Jr. IBâ€"E. Burnett. 1A. Hewitt R. Jacob. F. Krees, J. Lefever. Primaryâ€"M. Pettigrew. P. .Wilâ€" 1L8 M. Abraham. C. Murray, A Martin. I A 'WAR ‘OF PEACE â€" THE WAR; AGAINST TUBER c U L0 3 I s. ' XMAS SEALSâ€"EVERY SEAL A: BULLET IN THE FIGHT. THINK OF THE POWER OF THE ONE CENT SEAL. THINK OF 1ng Further news of flhe Christmas Seal Campaign ms to ‘hand. The General Managers of all the im- portant banks in the province have written cordiallv endorsing the camnaig'n, and instructing Seals to be placed on sale'at the branches 'of all their banks. The organization is straining everv nerve to get a supply of Seals Dlaced in the (hands of everv teacher in the province within the next few days (this has a par- ticular importance, as a means for school children to put into ac-- tion the instructions iand exhort- ations of thousands of teachers on Tuberculosis Day in the schools. Business men’s committees, manu- itacturers. merchants‘ and others. Sr. IIIâ€"M. {Holmes R. Snell. W lâ€"H. H. Willis. Teathcr. P. S. DE’PT. iare sending out bppeals to their: friends. The Sunday school secre-l taries of all denommations are en â€" 5 2 ' ‘- Sam 0 a 3' snagvucarfgge Affgbflogl sficzlqerfi H! the Chronicle Printing House, Guiana" head of the Catholic Arcciadigcesev Street. of Toronto, has approve o . a i‘circular no the priests. Speclal DURHAM. ONT. :s'peakers again plagewthi ccamâ€" -~--â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€"m_ I ' b f revthe 'Boys '01" on a . '1‘ 1 , J '?§§§§ce§ 3.1.0qu to be held at .Eubscrlptwn .gxfiggnggggeggl;ggg Belleville “and at Guelph, secre ‘ ates - $1 00peryear.paygbleinmm tarires of the Y.M.C.A’s. through â€"$1.50 may be charged if not. 80 paid. The date _ to which ever} ubscription is paid is denoted by ; out the provm-ce are alreadv the number or am address label. . . KO ,mper (1.8- Evading in their orders. EVerV contmuofd go all air-ears are paid. ”"813?“- me LH't-Itutlzation which cooperated in ”NM 0 t epropnetor. “ u") cum puign in former vcars. LS g Advertising fégtirausxlfim. :dvertmemepu I. a j 0 4 . a h.11‘d at. work 3,958.11] tms wear and Rates . . Lion. Pu me or the first mac.- . . , . . Seems perline each subs! - ground has been broken m :19“ ;quent Insertion mimon . , . , 4. Professioml (mart-91's The Seals serve a tnree- L iaé‘ds "0t “*‘deflh‘me HIV-h $4.00 , . ’ . ' ‘ ""h.-.‘ " ' M 3 “c ' ' Vertlsementfl “’ltr out Huecific dlr‘TtiOnS w; l f‘ .1 3". Wu} ;)(_).3( {'be‘l 0n tilt EKICI‘ ‘Qf {be published tin forbid an .1 chmgud acmrmn -. - mil“ matter. the." 01%} 1." «1 1n" b‘ ; Transxeat notices? ‘L( 8k. ":Found.‘ “For S; e." 3.1,.1- ()1 Christ 331215 (1.1195’1'2 tht‘V ‘Muâ€"SO (menu for first insertion. 25 cents for l . . r. .. ,o I _ .) 3 _- _ _ 1.'i‘(}(l.1lnl 1.11' :zn‘l “la-3 tht L Mat , subsequent insertion. - . " ~ - -. ‘ . x ( 5 ‘)'I- f Allfldf’eriiStllnexxts on U ‘L‘ ”f th" Alfilbk()lhl. 1‘1}? H )5] ‘ qbe Haul formathnnce. at w u banning-rm Instltutlon tux" . . . , - Contrast rates for )‘Pat‘._\' ““W‘Hmvmenta f“ ' thoâ€":0 :lf: GCtP-il \\'1Ln COD sum D0911 ‘nished on application to Ibo ufiice (mi 11' Inc-mi. and thvy m'uvme; money to carrv on and to evanui Ulct‘. great lih~szuing \Vo‘x‘li. Wm-k‘ ‘ W. IRWIN on ‘1le .distribuiion of the first: EDITOR AN!) levmu'rcm thzu- ’ miilizm hi ruls is already urO-f 0)."-.-;:-.1;;:.J: Supriies cam be had at i - , . . _ . l }u:ul..1_1;1uers Nutlonal Samtm-mm: A. BEI I 3.55p- zxtiun C'..:.‘II'L’I‘ of (R'Hh‘zrc and: I R . :55 SII'L’E Ls 'Iforonto. 191151! by 511'?! tigers :2 us I : | i 1 Mens ’ livings come from FARMS» Beuf sells up to $9 00 pet cwt Pmk to $10. 00. Market authmities believe these piices will continue. This must m ”in HIGH PRICES for ARM LANDS. Fake :l hint. BUY NOW. E If you have ANY MONEY from $30011}, to any large 5 m. H. H. MILLER will in- ‘vest it for you on good mortgage 3 security and charge you nothing. \Vhy invest your mom-y with Sharks in lVVestern town or city lots? 01' Why have it lying at, 3 per cent. when it imight as well earn you twice as much inn first. rate land mortgage security I" EHaNe sumo Seuw. Let. Mr. Miller in- .vesr your mmwy on a good mortgage. WAR OR PEACE MEN MUST LIVE ; Mrs. Davis "of Toronto is visit- sing her parents, Mr. and Mrs. D ‘Mcharlane. at present. ‘ Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Allen spent . one day last week with Mr. and -M.'rs. D. Donnelly of Hutton Hill. The Collipnson Bros. have pur- '.chased a_ ggsoline sawiqg outfit. H. H. \IILLI‘ R, the Hanover Con- \' ( vane er, Hffm s sumo GREAT BARGAINS in Fa! m L Hinds m Hentimk. ngeumnt. Nm manh}. (‘ nr°i( k. Bxant and \Vest- rn Provinces. Semi for List. Rum and "lmxn pummties exchang- ed. If you “ish to B" Y or SELL BOR- ROW or LEND it “ill PAY YOU WELL to wxitv ()1 phm e H. H. M“ LER 01‘ beam still hitch up and go and see him. Mr. Jva's. McGillivrav and Mr. Thos. Wlhdtmore, returned Sutur- dav last. after a week’s visit with relatives in Bruce. F viii-gs Stdfiefiofiée; Mono Road, is visiting her cousin. Miss Tern Newell. H.fl. MILLER, Hanover Mr. and Mrs. R. J. McGillivrav visited relatives in Bentinck re- Gently. “VG. v.- .7 0 Miss Winnie Binnie of Owen Sound. returned to her home here last week. Mrs. Nat. Whitmore Spent one dav last week with :her daughter. Mrs. Robt. Wells of Allan Park. TH E TWO ARTISTS MEET. 95' 3mm a9” ”Flee “WMdmanb ‘vlflamumyhnhwhu- “advised“ SAUGEEN VALLEY. McArthur 1811! nor trauma-m. gdvernsemenu IO Advert g gents pm lune for the first mac.- l Rates_ . .. non; 5 cents perline «ach subs! - . on measure. Professional ;cards not exceedmg one me .11 $4.00 per anntm . f Advertisements without upecific directions '1 ‘ 1 be nublished till forbid a! 1 changed 3000mm -. . f Transient noncesâ€" ‘L( 31. ":Found.‘ ~ etc,â€"50 cents for first insertion. 25 cents for 3.61 subsequent insertion. Alladvertisemams or be Daid for in ad \‘aLH‘e. contraCC rates for K'Paf‘A‘ (idVQ‘I'IHQInnn‘. 8.. I . . demd by strangers :1 us a 0 Subscription TEE CHRONICLE will be sen Rates . . “"3 “am“ free of postage â€"Q1 Kn Inn“ ha -3} _(X_)_Beerrym¥‘pgy‘ble “Imam -- w W. ,uu . wlele Inadvm â€"$1.50 may be 0113. Wed if not so paid. The date to which ever) ubscription is paid is denoted 0! the number m: ”as address label. No vapor (1.8- continued to all arrears are paid. except-gt. me "1-1 h r of the proprietor. Advertising For Lraxnsxeut. advertisements. I. 09“” D0! line for the first mac..- Rates . . Li‘)!‘ ‘ C nun‘ .n Ila‘u I:_- , I I g and I Fun‘eral Director fixture memg ("2- Sit-0’7? notice. i 3 i f FURNITURE AND . UN DERT AKIN (i “‘r ‘r‘. ‘g. Full line of Catholic Robes, and blank and white (Paps for aged people. of the Glen Sundayed with latter’s parents‘ Mr. and Mrs. Jo Beamn. Mfr. was. McGillivray, J r., parents. have moved into a; ‘ new house. and are quite com fortable. . - Misses Mabel and Elsie Beato , from Durham; spent Sunday wi their parents here. ' Wedding bells are ringing.- i Mr. M. Kress has opened a shop at the rear of the furniture s'nnw room and is prepared to do all kinds of tinsmithing. Undertaking receives special attention SHOW ROOMSâ€"«Next Lu Swal‘v'v' Barber Shup. RESIDENCEâ€"I ex (1001' South ()f \V. J LameDO'E blanksmith shun Avoid :: Annoyances and all Household Furnishings Embalming a Specialty EDWARD KRESS “'hen buying undezwear al- ways buy the best; it lasts longer, feels more comfort.â€" able and will save your tem- per. It: is very trying on the hem perm try and squeeze a “40" body into a "36" shirt. Buy “Stanfield‘s” and be happy. No more shrinking : this is guaranteed by the manufacturer’s. \Ve have sold the goods for years and have heard no complaints. W'e stand ready to make good anything that they guarantee. How about an Overcoat We have a few at bar- gain prices. Rugs, Oilcloths Window Shades L a c e Curtains .. L. GRANT TINSMITHING Our Guarantee December 19, 1914. The Remedy 3.78

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