Paisley Rifle Association has won about {the Wired distinction that any body of markhmen can attain in this country on their target pmctice at home. Thev have won ï¬rst place in the Daim- inion of Canada indoor competi- tion with service rifle and gallery ammunition. The aggregate score of the team of ten men was 3,832 points but of a possible of 4.000 n} the series of matches. Quebec mt? association team :was second. With a score of 3.577. Paislev team also 1300]: ï¬fth place in the team SPOON!!! With .23 calibre sporting 91198, the scores in this aggregat- m’ 3.836. â€With such a perfectly accurate bpdv oi marksman on de- fence. Pmsley would be a place i? be amides! by invaders. The nï¬e association held their annual meehm ‘ on Tuesday evennig. ‘ A A l - _ when steps More «taken to add to the membemmp ha largely as Possible just now and give train- ing intarzet shooting to an who ionâ€"Pain!“ Advocate. ‘ nâ€"v I ucuvII '- “'0 Anyone «may: a sham-h ard dwaflvflm may quickly aceruun ovu- ormion {me whether an :zwentinn is probabiypatemqme. ommunlca. tionss: ricflyconfldenthd. HANDSOO on Patent; 3235 free. Oldest agency-fogmscunpzipateuts. .Aâ€".- AAL-_ A‘ um. "'39. umest agency for mscm'm‘g‘pawuts;w Patents taken thronch Mann (.0. recexve mint notice, {again «game. mthe GOING TO THE FRONT ? _ . - â€"â€"v ' aâ€"~-vâ€"â€"vvv-w A handsomely illustrated wecxiy. largest ctr. (“clarion of any t'ue'mHLc journal. Terms to: Canada. $1.73 a your. postage prepfld. Sold by 99 newsdeglers. December 10, 1914. Do not forget our stock of Dressy Gloves and Mitts which makes a very acceptable gift at this season of the year. We also have Gloves and Mitts to stand the every day hard wear. Are you going to make the Lafly of the house happy this Christmas with a “ HAPPY THOUGHT†RANGE. Scaes nine Famencan. “We have. also opened out a. stock of superior Silverware and i? you} war}; a nice piece for: any of the older members of the family or your friends for Christmas it would pay you to flock over our stock before purchasing elsewhere. All our Silverwhere hears the stamp of the maker. 100 to $2.00, and Toy Horses. Carts. Trains, Autos. Boats. Fire Engines, Performing Ele- phants, and all the Toys that go to make the childrens Christ- mas happy. Marked down to a quick selling price. DOLLS, ranging m price from Yes, to The “Red Front’ Hardware where the) carrv a full line of Toys and Dolls for the Children at ChriStmas. We have the largest assortment that has ever come to Durham to choose from, and as a large number of people are already coming to the front, we advise you to get in early and get your choice. PAISLEY ON TOP. . Black Sold Only by Mfr; Wes. Armstrong of Toronto made a short visit with rdatives Mrs Hickliozg visited over the week-end with her sister in Toronto. “Mia; 51% visited her home in Toronto on Saturday. Miss Millie Henderson, 3 Salva- tion Army officer at Calgarv who is visiting her father, Councillor Henderson. in Osprey, paid her uncle here a visit a few days ago. Miss Leone Bellamv is home from the wast, visiting her par- exts Mr and Mrs. CW Bellamv. Mrs R. Irwin has returned from a month’s visit with her husband at North Bay. McDonald-Cairns.â€"A quiet wed- ding took place at the home of Mr and 'Mrs. Frank Cairns on Wednesday afternoon, December '2. when their only daughter. Pearl. was married to Mr. Alex. C Mc- Donald of Owen Sound. Rev. A. McVicar. B.A.. of this place per- forming the ceremony. The young couple left on the evening train for Toronto and other points, on their honeymoon. 'They will reside in Owen Sound. The Presbyterian choir here. of which the bride was a member, presented her with a handsome cut glass berry bowl Mr. J‘as. HOpps, of the eas* back line we are informed. has pur- chased the Geo. Thompson farm at Portlaw. Married. â€"At the Methodist par- sonasge bv tRev. Jae. Dudgeon on Wednesday y, December a. Mr. Wm Arthur Beaup re of Nottawa vil- lage to Miss ‘Mvrtle Mae Holvrood oi Feversham. In the recent outbreak of diph- theria. Mfr. Frank VanDusen’s elder daughter, (Ruth was one of the victims of the dreaded dis- e~se but we are pleased to learn she is recovering nicely. Eleven c--ses have been repor ted with orlv one death. Rev Mr. Dudgeon is assisting Rev. 'Jomes in special services in In‘istioge this week Mr. Jos. Duncan has purchased Mr Geo. Watson’s brick residence, now occupied by Mr M. E Wright. who Will not be called on to move till spring Mr Mark (Stewart is busv ‘mak- img interior improvements in his residence. recently purchased from Geo. , Bellamy. Division Court Was ‘held here 01.. Friday, but the sitting was verv short, With nothing of im- portance to report. The High School Literary Soci- ety had :3 good meeting on Fri- dav afternoon last. 'We-ll preoared papers on Austriaâ€"Hungary were given by Lillian McPhail and Mur- rav Legate. and readings bv Sadie Sproat. parsonage. Miiss Pearl Cairns, whose marri- age was reported in The Chron- icle last week. was presented with a handsome cut glass berrv bowl bv the hesbyterian choir here, of which she was a member. A number from here attended “The Temple of Fame.†given at Markdale on Fridav evening last. and speak highly of the produc- tion. Tax collector Wright was on his annual rounds in the village last week and the ratepayers were oleased to find their liabilities somewhat lower than a year ago. On Thursday last a bunch of nimrods from the village and Tor- onto ljn-e south engaged in a scrub hunt. and in the evening; ioined a large companv at the home of (Mr. and Mrs. Ed Best, where a splendid fowl supper was served and a iolly evening was spent. Mr. Robt. Clark, Who moved from near Rock Mills to Idaho a few years ago, returned with his family last Week, and we learn is likelv to purchase a farm and remain in thei‘old neighborhood. ‘ Bee; d. w siéwgrt‘" ‘of‘ Owen Sound. spent Mondav forenoon with 'Rev. Mr. Dudgeon, at the Two loads of the Methodist En- worth League members visited the home of IMr. and Mrs. John Parker recently ’married. and gave the voung couple a miscellaneous shower. During the evening. re- freshments *were served and an enjoyable socialqï¬me was spent. 7 At the monthly meeting of the Womenls Institute last week. Mrs. Robt. Best. delegate to the recent convention in 'Toronto, gave an excellent report of the proceed- ings. Timelv subjects were taken no bv Mrs. C. W Bellamy and Mrs. 'R. ‘H Moore, the former giv- ing a good paper on “Making Christmas cake 'and pudding.†and the latter a short talk on “How to help our members have a Merrv Christmas.†The Presbyterian Ladies" Aid held their annual meeting.r at the home of Mrs. A S. VanDusen on the lst inst. and elected officers for 1915 as follows: Hon. Pres. Mrs. VanDusen: Pres., Mrs D. McTavish: Vice Pres, Mrs. Price Teeter: Sec.-Treas.. Mrs J Blackburn: Visiting committee. Mrs. J. L McMullen. :Mrs A. H111- rison. Mrs. J'os. Hadley .The treasurer’s statement showed the societv to be in a prosperous condition. .with 37 members on the roll. It was resolved that new furniture be purchased for the pulpit. FLESHERTON. At the sacrament of the Lord’s Supper in the Presbyterian church on Sunday flbere was a large at- tendance of communicants. At the preparatory service on Fridav evâ€" ening. five new members were received. one by certificate and four young men on profession of faith. Mr. Pliny Loucks has had 'a val- uable horse severely injured. a stake penetrating the breast deeply. Five cases {of ale addressed to C. Maxwell arrived at Fleshertun Station some days ago. and were seized by Inspector Beckett. wail.â€" ine' for the owner to call for the goods. The evidence of the in- spector was taken before Magisâ€" trate McMullen on Monday. and no one being found to claim the liquid. it was confiscated. 'lhe goods came from the. O’Keefe Brewery, Toronto Mr. Fred .Karstedt, J12. is spend.- ing a few days in the city. Mr. and Mrs. T‘hos A Strain of Porcupine. former residents of Flesherton. announce the imarri- age of their daughter. Edna on November :7, 'to Mr Ho“ 41d Mil- ler of Porcupine. The stork paid a visit recently to the home of Mr. and Mrs. P. J McKee. 4th line. Artemesia, to whom was born a son. Mrs. J. M Duncan was called to Heathcotelast week by the illness of her brother, Mr. Geo. Turner, Whom. we learn ‘has passed away. The deceased formerly lived near Eugenia. and was verv highlv I‘L‘S- Dected. Marriedâ€"At the home of Mr. and Mrs. Julian. Flesherton. on the 2nd inst, M'r. J R Luc-h to Mrs. Kelly, both of. Osprev. Rev J. Phimister of Maxwell performed the ceremony. Rev. M’r. Jhnes, who «has a brother with the British soldiers in France, received ward last week of his being wounded in battle. The first dav after re- turning to the ranks from the hospital. he had one arm ha 1v shattered with the enemv’s fire 0:. 0:. .:Q 0:. O}. O: These Reduced Prices are for Cash Only. Do not Fail to get in on this Bargain Sale In'l‘an, Chrome, EnglisbKip. Urns Calf and Mule Skin. Reg. 83. 50 Sale . $2. 50 Men’s English Kipp. A wane:- proof boot. Regular 83.25- Sale price $2.79 Men’s Urus Calf. A strong water- £2?§§Z‘.‘T’."ï¬â€˜if3fé 82.79 1 ,200 Pairs of Men’s 86 Women’s New Fall Styles A chance for everyone to save money. We are overstocked. These are hard times for merchants and customers alike. This big offering of bargains will meet you half way in your efforts to economize. Good Shoes at almost Factory Prices. Men’s Heavy Work Boots +¢+++++++++++++++++++4+++++é++++++++++4 THE DURHAM CHRONICLE Read This Bargain List FINED FIVE DOLLARS. For striking a boy on the face with a Wihip while he was trying to climb on a sleigh. Wm. Charlton of the north end Was fined $5 and costs in the nolice court on Saturday. During the splendid sleimhing‘ a little over a week ago. the young lad triei to get on Charlton’s sleigh to have a ride. The latter picked uh a Whip and gave the boy a severe cut across the face. the mark of which he carried with him on Saturday when he told the magis- trate about it. “Most men.†said His WOrship “would have [(2112 the bov to iump on instead of Ihitting him with a Whip. Fi\e dollars and costs. or la daxs m iaii Charlton paid up he fix 0 oddâ€" Owen Sound Sun. A Household Router? Dr. Morse' s Endian FaGOt Pills exactiy meet the wed which so often arises in C\ cry famiiy for a medicine to 0pm up and rczsulare the bowels. Not only are til: 3' (-{fvrzix'e in all cases of Constipatmn. 1,..t they hcip greatly in brczzki: 1:) a (Cid or La Grippc by CiL‘ilIlii.;{ r:-.:t the system and purifying the 1.3th In the same way they relieve or cure Biiiuusncss. Indigestion, Sick lfz-udgu'hcs. Rheum- atism and other CUIIHI'UH ailments. In the fullest sense of the words Dr. Morsc's Indian Root Piils are :7 Men’s Genuine Elk Skin, reg. $3.50“. sale Men's heavy Chrome, 18 inch top Regular 85.50. Sale price ................ Exactly like Cut, in Patent, Colt. or Velour Calf. neg. $4.50. sale ..... $3.50 Gimme-ta.) Buttoned A Beautiful Shoe with Goodyear Welted Sole. Reg- ' nlar price $4.00 Sale 82.49 Women’s gunmet a! blucher with cuban heel and Goodyear Sole \Vomeu’s Patent Blucher with Cuban Heel. and (n‘umdyear Snle Regular price». $4.00 Sale price. .......... $2.49 Women’s Shoes VVomens Pagent But.- mn, reg. $4.00. Sale Men's Shoes For Street Wear oooooooooo '1â€? +’2"!‘++‘I‘%4' *4%%+%M#%¢M++$++MM+%++ +*}+M+++++++' ; $2.49 $3.19 " ++++++++++~z~++o+++++++++++++++++++++++++¢++++++m+++ Men’s Gunmetal Blucher with Mat. Calf Top. Reg. ular 84.50. Sale...†$2.‘9 Men’s Patent Blucher With flex- ible Good ear sole Reg. 34.50.y Sale.. . . $2.49 Men’s Gunmetal Buttoned. a beautiful shoe for evening wear Regular price $4.50 Sale price .......... $2.49 Men’s Tan Blucher reg. 35.00. Sale price $2.49 3:3: 33% 33?; $2.49 Regular price $4.00 Sale price ...... . . . . Patent leather Ankle Pump. Regular pnce $3. 00. 2- no Sale price Us Patent leather pumps with Lm-n sole and French heel Reg. price $350 oOSale $2.50 Two strap kld pump. with turn sole and French heel Reg. price $3.00 Sale $2.00 SALES AGENT l 91.91 Women’s Pumps For Evening \V em- if") $2.49 Boy’s Shoes This is YourChance Buy NOW Reg. $3.00. Sale...†3" I U Boy’s School Shoe. A real solid shoe m blucher cut one that will keep his feet dry, Reg. $31-00 Sale. $2.19 Youth’s Gunmetal. Buttnned, a real dressy shoe. Reg. $3.00. Sale. . . . 32" 9 ingly and ‘5' pounterfull at Children’s Boots reduced accord- Girls Vici-Kid, in bsï¬hTâ€"umon- ed and Gunmetal Bluchex. ular price 82. 25. Sale pace â€81.65 Men’s Patent Oxford reg. $4.50. Salefprice Children's hole whole 2 ‘9 ...... s .