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Durham Chronicle (1867), 24 Dec 1914, p. 1

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Trmity chm-db made about $30 at heir bazaar on Saturday. E are more favorable than anyWhere incise inCanada., This telxescone. wiflh mountings, will weigh about {.150 tons and will be used largely for nhotographic work. It is ex- pected that With this instrument figno fewer than one thousand mil- ;hons of stars will be photogranheé EDI. Jas. Haskett, assistant Gov- YW“ â€"vv- Brashear Co. The mountings for this monster telescOpe' are heir? made in Cleveland, Ohio, by the Warner Swasly 00.. who made the great Lick telescope. This tel- escope ,will be installed -about seven miles north of Victoria 3.0., as the climatic conditions there Canada is .to have the largest telescone in the wofld. The object or mirror, as it is called in this kind of telescope, is 72 inches in diameter. It was shipped from Bel- gium, where it Was cast, just a iew days before war was declared. In the rough, the casting weighs gm bounds. The grinding and unfla- ing is being done in Pittsbu‘rksfi All the Durham students who wrote at the Model School. Hano- ver. were successful in their exam- ination. The results were publish- ed in some of the Toronto dailies on Friday and the addresses given. The following names ap- pear .from Dunbam and vicinity: Marv McAlister, Viola Rennie Margaret Campbell. Kathleen Rus- sell. Gilbert Durrant Percy Ross. John Ledingham, Arthur Hutton Mav McGoWan, Katy Bell Black Chesley, Lena Legate, Cevlon. Del : Thurston. Flesherton. From the Walkerton Times we learn of the success of J. C. .Damm in a suit against him bv the Petrie Co. for payment of a gaso- line engine he obtained While in business here. He claimed to have taken the engine to sell on commission. but the companvs agent secured an agreement \V hich made the deal equivalent to a sale. some of this excellent stock feed :11on place their orders now. Get our special rate for large quantity off car. The People’s Mills. John McGowan. Pronrietor. 'tire outfit in Victoria. We will receive a car of Molas- Iine Meal in a few days. Farmers and others wishing to procure A sleigh load of young people atttended an anniversary supper at Dromore on Monday evening last. Owing to the storm thev were unable to return till the next day. Stove for sale.-Good cook stove. splendid oven. two grate shelves no cracks, bums Wood or coal. Cheap. Mrs. Murdock, west of Durham, past Ritchie’s. Call at once. a sum of money. Reward for its return to this office Purse Lostâ€"0n Mbnday, be- tween J. P. Hunter’s residence in Upper Town and The Royal Bank a green leather purse containing Rev. Mk. Smith, of Amos church Dromore. preadhed in the Presbv- terian church here on Sunday last. at both services Variety Store Applv to Mrs. Carwardine, Oppo- ite Smith’s Foundry. 2 ou gvuuo u'um DC' For sale.â€"A seven-horse-power ply yourself with IP81 gasoline engine. Apply to C. 8 See our assortment th Sons. Durham rors. Direct import h Mir. W. J. McFadden has sold â€"Central Drug Store summer to Mr. M. H. Knechtel. P. A concert $55.70 Miss Whittaker of Ceylon will handed over to the ling Tuesdav next December 29. Society. ' at the Bappv Hour Theatre For that full. heavy Mr. G. A. Watson at Priceville ter Christmas. Rexali has installed a first-class 'hop-lTabl-ets are a guaran and all blank books at line’s Drug Store To VOL. 47â€"NO. 2496 hing new in Dunham! New Year post cards. sell- one cent each. At the :.â€"Five rooms and Varm and comfortable, etc.. shall be wrapped in parch- ment paper, the paper printed or branded with the words ‘Dairv Butter’ at least a quarter of an inch square. We gave the full text of this requirement a few weeks ago‘ but repeat the fore- :going at the request of one of I The Dairy Industry Act of 1914 of the d has a sub-section dealing with Sarah T4 butter put up in prints or blocks. the late It says: “No person shall sell or ed. wh< offer. or have in his possession for Sarah E sale any butter moulded or cut in 1836. ‘ into prints. blocks, squares, or age she1 pats, unless such are the full net her fami} weight of one-quarter pound. where 31 one-half pound, one pound or two 1861 she pounds at the time they are "Torry, a. moulded or cut.” It further re- six were quires that such blocks, souares ”three da In Egrem-ont municipal affairs tion. While this is the general Opinion, so far as We {have heard there are some who think an elec- tion should be held. So there you are. Mr. H. W. Hunt will be a candi- date for the Bentinck Council. We see no reason Why he should not develop into a municipal officer if electes. As yet. we have no idea who the other candidates will be Glenelg‘ Council for the “past year seem to have given good general satisfaction and there are some who think it would be a wise and charitable move to save the election expenses and turn it in as a gift to theBelgians. I Rev. Mr. Whaley, who was in- ducted into the Pmsbyterian church here only a few months ago as a bachelor, is toâ€"day en- ltering the ranks of the benedicts. ,bv uniting heart and hand with 'Miss Murray, of Oxford County. ~W’e heartily congratulate Mr and Mrs Whaley, and give them a Warm welcome as permanent res- idents to our town. measure. .him. Mr. Geo. H. Clark, police magis- trate of Orillia. will address a meeting in the town hall on Tues- day evening next. December 9.9 It will be in the interest of local Option and the speaker will be m a position to show how it works out when the machinery of govâ€" ernment is in sympathy with the Police’Mag'istrate Telford’s de 1 cision in the recent liquor cases: 'here. was sustained last Week bv the Judge in Owen Sound.. Mr _ Telford rendered {his decision iné favor of the hotel men, and the temperance people entered an ap- peal. with the above result. __n_.-v “- herebv agree to sell a package of five Standard size So. boxes of Silver Tip Silent Matches for 20c. Qualitv guaranteed.â€"Alex. Mc- Lachlan, J. 8: J. Hunter. 12 17 6m confer a favor by calling as soon 2 as possible and settling their ac-’ countâ€"W. Buchan, Manager. 2 __'.-â€"v cavnu MJSIUIII. â€"Central Dru 2 Store. , sence of Mr. C. L. Gramt, chairman‘ of the Board, filled the position ’ FPO!!! the proceeds of the A. Y. admirablv, and disposed of the i P. A. concert, $66.7Q have been lengthy program as expeditiousl}yl 'handed Over to the Red CrOSs as b Society, . ”053’ 19 In keeping with the fl m 9 +310 hhntvnon m ______ For sale.â€"A good second 413.1111 Fridav evening last and as usual cuttter. Applv to «WJ. M‘cFadd-en. the hall was packed to its utmost capacity. The presentation of cor-- Sflk mufflers‘ at 50c, 75°“ and tificates, diplomas and medals is $1'00° at Grant’s. always an interesting feature to I Buy goods from Scott, and sup- the Winners and their friends. and 'ply yourself With free tea. ‘- this occasmn «was no exception to “-a..- qu that full. heavy feeling af- ter Christmas. Rexall DySpepsia Everybody should hear undersigned. fore- the times. She was a devoted 2 of member of the Anglican church. also The fuheral will take place Satur- epar- day December 26. at one 'o’clock : at a f vocal solos. Mr. Theodore Fal-L ize. !laise and Miss Florence Barclavé Black’s ! were also contributors to the vo- constitution until a few vears ago. and in the pioneer days en- dured many of the hardships of Linda Teasdale, Bentinck. Schol- arship for highest standing in Form I. Reta I shin for I] The proceeds amounted to $80 of Which .part will be given to the Belgian Relief Fund. ‘ of medals and scholarships: R M. Findlay, Dromore. Princi- iql Allan’s medal for highest standing on Entrance to Normal. Annie Cliff.xDunhan1. Dr. 3amieâ€" Son's medal for highest standing on Entrance in South Grey. Chas. McDougall, Durham. the School Board’s medal for highest on Entrance in Durham school- lcandidates. .Rev. Mix Morris of Trinity church presented the scholarships, and Principal Allan {discharged a like duty impre- senting the medals. Rev. Mr. Wthaley presented the Lower (School Entrance «to Normal certif- ‘icates and Inspector Campbell pre- :’sented the Entrance certificates. EEach in turn had a kindly com- mendation for the teachers andl efficiency of their work. “Alice in Wonderland” was the chief number and was well per- formed bv {a number of the Third Form. Those taking part were Misses Marguerite Hutton. Edith, Edge, Zell Crawford, Reta Roberts 3 Marv Findlay, Marion Marshall.. Marion Calder, Russdl Eccles ! Norman L-enahan, Merrill Pru-- ham. Cecil Towner, Frank McIlâ€"z raith, Edgar Reenwick and Ian Campbell. Miss Mary Smith acted as ac- companist and discharged her duties very efficiently. The Japanese Love Song: and the choruses so Well rendered bv pa- tu‘ols of the Girl Guides. were liver productions, and elicited much applause and favorable com- ment from the appreciative audi- ence. Miss Oldfield gave a recita- tion. and her sister‘ Miss Harriet Oldfield, pleased all with effective as possible. In keeping with the time the program was largely of a patriotic character and much vim was given to the rendering of Rule Britannia, We’ll. Never Let the Old Flag Go, and other patâ€" riotic song's. now so common throughout the Qength and breadth of the British speaking world. Tlhe commencement exercises for ‘Dunham school were held on daughters. The COMMENCEMENT EXERCISES DURHAM, ONT. board’s medal for highest rance in Durham school. Roberts. Holstein, Scholar- r highest sYanding in Form . Clark. and Mrs. Fr'ewd Pg calling cards examine our large :heir orders. We Styles in statiOn- since. In ‘ 3 late Clark; family of J" sons and survivors R THURSDAY, DECEMBER 24. 1014 of f A very quiet wedding took place 'last Saturday afternoon about 3.30 at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas McAnulty, when their .‘voungest daughter, Louise Wilhel- ‘mina. was married to Mr. Frank E. J. Bunce. 'Dhe Rev. Mr. Morris Dr. D. Jamies-on. Sneaker. ONTARIO’S NEW CABINET The .ew Ontario Cabinet under Hon. W. H. Hearst as premier. was announced in yesterday’s papers, as follows: W. H. Hearst. Premier. R. A. Pyne, Minister of Education. W. J. Hanna. Provincial Secretarv J. S. Duff. Minister of Agriculture. I. B. Lucas. Attorney-General. F. G. McDiarmaid. Minister of Public Works. 1 T. W. McGarry, Provincial Treas. i v G..H. Ferguson Minister of Lands I Forests and Mines. J. J. Foy. Minister Without Port-g folio. - ‘ R. F. Preston. Minister Without, ‘ Portfolio. 1 A hockey schedule for District No. 3. Junior Northern League comprising Hanover Mt. Forest and Durham. has been arranged as follows: - Jan. 1 Hanover at Mt. Forest. Jan. 8 Mt. Forest at Durham. Jan. 19 Hanover at Durham. Jan 22 Mt. Forest at Hanover. Jan. 25 Durham at Mt. Forest. Jan. 29 Dunham at Hanover. I The Council has signified a Willingness. we understand to zgive the owners $3000 for the fportion of (their system inside the town, and for anything we know it might be well for them to ac- cept the amount which the ap- anv compensation. but we refuse to favor any such policy. One thing is certain. that the adoption of Willie Hvdro will cause a large diminution of patronage to the present owners. and as an in- creased use of the Hvdro will re- duce the cost to the town and to town users the opposition of a private concern (will not continue popular very long. It simply re- solves itself into a question of increased cost to users, to the detriment of what will be Virtually a municipal owned plant. We hope the parties interested mav come to an amicable settlement. ! HOCKE'i SCHEDULE congratulations. Han-over at Mt. Forest Mt. Forest at Durham. Hanover at Durham. Mt. Flor-est at Hanover. Durham at Mt. Forest. Dunham at Hanover. O". . I ++++v+++++w++¢+++++++m+ do "2'°3-+‘§°++++++++++++% W $1.00 PER YEAR

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