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Durham Chronicle (1867), 24 Dec 1914, p. 3

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Trzxins'leaze Durham at 7.13 n.n:.. and 4.00 p.m. Trgins armve at Durham :ltllASaJn. 2.0013411" :md 8.553111. EVERY DAY EXCEPT SUNDAY G. '1‘. Bell, . (7. E. Hal-hing. G‘.P. Agent. [).P. Agent. Montreal. Toronto. J. TOW'NER. Depot Agent V". CALDER, qun Agent SINGLE FARE December 24-25, good for return until December 26: also December 31, 1914, and J..nuary 1.1915 valid for return until J :muary 2, 1915 FARE and ON E-THIRD December 22 £3. 24. 25, good for return until Dec. 28 also December 3|):1nd31, 1914. and J an 1, 1915, valid for return until January 4, 1915. Above reduced fax-es apply between all stations in Canada east, of Port. Arthur and to Detroit, and Port Huron Mich..Buffalo, Black Rock. Niagara Falls and Suspension Bridge, X". Full particulars and tickets at G T R. CHRISTMAS AND NEW YEAR FARES Canadian Pacific Railway Time Table Trains ows. um .11 4. 1915. CHRISTMAS and NEW YEAR'S 1914-15 ONE-\VAY FARE, good guing December 2% and 25. return limit. December 26, 1914 : also good going December 31. 1914. and January 1. 1915. return limit. January 2, 191;"). FARE AND ONE-THIRD, gum] going December 22 25’. 24. 25, return limit. Dcwcnrber 28, 1911: ; also good going Decmuber 3t). 31. 1911, Jan- uarv 1. 1915. return limit. January A . 2 7.21 " wan “ 11.56 .5 .11 7.31 “ Priccvmv “ 11.16 9 .25 7.45 " Snugvan. ” 11.35 9 55 11.20 A!“ Town)?” Lv. 7.45 5 L. BLACFARLANE. - Town Ag.“ Particulars frmn‘(7.P.R. 'l‘lcket Agents. or write M. G. Murphy, District Passenger Agent corner King and Yunge Streets, Toronto. R. Macfnrlane, Town Agent E. A. Hay, Station Agent ”" 5' ticket offices W'. Calder. Town Agent. Phone- 34 J. 'l‘nwner. Station Agent Phone 18 Affiliated with the Stratford Business College and Elliot Bus- iness College, Toronto. Write for free catalogue. D. A. McLachlan. President. G. M. Henry, Prinicipal. Competent instructors. Special training for teachers. Special Farmer’s Course. and NEW YEAR TERM FROM JAN. 4. SHOBTHANU. BUSINESS AND mm mm (mums PLANING MILLS {Era Hunk fiazé 1:1ME- T ABLE ZENUS CLARK palm - - ONTARIO MOUNT FOREST Business College Decembe: 24. 1914. The nndelsigned begs to, announce to residents of Durham and surrounding couniry. that he has his Planning Mill and Factory completed and is prepared; to take orders for' . f Shingles and Lath Always . on Hand At Right Prices. Custom Sawing Promptly At- tended To (Minimum charge :3 â€"- and all kinds of â€" House Fittings SASH, DOORS will arrive and depart i] furthn' noli("e:â€"- P.M. P.“ Iv. “ :LIk mfmr AI.1.00 10.3") “ M: IN» Hill "12.43 10.13 “ HannVPl' “ 12.: 5 10.05 Durham in the ,SHX 9.19 9.07 H? to meet Him in the air and be forever m Him (I These. iv, 16-18). 913””!wa LEssnx IX.-â€"Cbrist Crucifled. Mark xv, 22-37. Golden Text. Isa. liii. 4. “Surely He bath home our griefs and carried our sorrows. Yet we did es- teem Him stricken. smitten of God and amivtod." Numbered with trans- gressors. put to death as the vilest criminal. jeered and mocked as He hung upon the cross, forsaken by His Father. the agony of it all we cannot bpgin to imagine. but we can hold fast the words “His own self bare my Lassox X.â€"Christ Risen From the Dead. Mark xvi. 1-8; Matt. xxvilj. 11-15. Golden Text. Luke xxiv. 5. 6: “Why seek ye the living among the dead? He is not here. but is risen." Alive forevermore and having all pow- er, seated at the right hand of God. our Great High Priest. waiting for the time to restore all things of which the prophets have spoken. LEssox XL-The Great Commission. Matt. xxviii. 16-20; Luke xxiv. 44-49. Golden Text. Matt. xxviii. ‘20. “Lo, 1 am with you always even unto the end of the world.” As Adam was not complete without Eve. so the last Adam waits for His Eve. the church, now being gathered from all nations by the preaching of the gospel in the power of the Holy Spirit. which was never intended to win the world to Christ in this age. but. like Elimr. ob- tain a bride for the only Son. LESSON VII.â€"-Jesus and Peter. Mark xiv. 53. 54. 66-72. Golden Text. I Cor. x, 12. “Let him that thinketh he standeth take heed lest he fall.” When a true disciple allows the devil to work in him and speak through him it is a great victory for the adversary and dishonor to Christ. but the unfailing and urwhngirzg love of such a Saviour. who loves His o“ u to the end in spite of all their failures. is an exceeding great comfort. Lnssnx' \‘Ill.-Je;<us and Pilate. Matt. xxvii. 11-26. Golden Text. Matt. xxvll, 2‘2. “Pilrvrn with unto them. What shall I do then. with Jesus. who is called Chxict?" Betrayed by one who 01‘0- few'wl to be Ili< denied by one Who was really and truly Ills. condemned to dmth by the religious rulers. Who thought that they were God's chosen ones. and now handed over for execu- than by the state which testified to His innocence. LESSON V.-â€"The Arrest and Trial of Jesus. Matt. xxvi, 57-68. Golden Text, Isa. liii. 7. “He is brought as a lamb to the slaughter, and. as a sheep before her shearers. is dumb. so He openeth not His mouth.” This lesson is an awful illustration of the enmity of the human heart to God. who is only Love. Their ill treatment of Him as they hound Him to death is almost unbe- lievable. He submits to all without a murmur or reply. Lassox VI. - Sowing and Reaping, Gal. vi. 1-10. Golden Text. Gal. vi, 7, “Whatsoever a man soweth that shall he also reap.” We “are seeing the meekness of Jesus as He suffered in our stead. and nothing is more becom- ing in us than lowliness and meekness and long suffering (Eph. iv, 2). If we are crucified with Christ We must ever reckon ourselves dead unto self and sin and alive unto God. Lassa}: XII.-The Ascension. Luke niv. 50-53: Acts i. 1-11. Golden TeXt. Acts 1. 9. “He was taken up. and a cloud received Him out of their sight.” He will come again. this same Jesus. and His body. the church. will ascend LESSON IV.â€"Jesus and Judas. Matt. xxvi. 47-50; xxvii. 3-10. Golden Text. Matt. xxvi. 24. “Woe unto that man through Whom the Son of Man is be- trayed." The last lesson seemed to be Christ and the devil face to face, as in the wilderness. This is Christ. and the devil is a professed believer. who dares to profess friendship by a kiss. and Jesus tolerates it. The betrayer’s testimony to the innocence of Christ is very strong. Lessox HI.-â€"ln the Garden of Geth- semane. Mark xiv, 32-42. anden Text. Matt. xxvi. 41. ”Watch and pray that ye enter not into temptation." Our ut- ter inability to appreciate either [iis sufferings or His glory is seen in the sleeping of these three men in the gar- den and on the Mount of Transfigura- tion. His longing for some human sympathy may be seen in His “Could- est thou not watch one hour?" THE INTERNATIONAL SERIES. 8031M? SEHEDL 1.25503: 1. - Christ Anoi. Burial. Mark xiv. 1-11. Go! Mark xiv. 8. “She hath done couid." This is not the am Luke vii by an unnamed w< that by Mary at Bethany s; fore the Passover. It was ‘ felt deVntion of :1 bumble. heart. and He accepted it an ed of it and rnpruved those x fault. Lesson Xlll.â€" Fourth Quarter, For Dec. 27, 1914. Text of the Lesson, II Cor. v, 14-21. Quarterly Review-Golden Text, Gal. vi, 14â€"Ocmmentary Prepared by Rev. D. M. Stearns. LESSON ll.-'l'he Last Supper. Mark xiv. 12-25. Golden Text. I Cor. xi. 26. “As often as ye eat this bread and drink this ("up ye do show the Lord's death till He ('mue." Note the Pass- over greatly desired and its future ful- fillment in the kingdom. The thought of that glory should keep us very hum- ble now and deliver us from all strife and ambition us we think of What it cost Him to obtain it for us. The bread and wine should always say to us. "Till He ('ome." ie accepted it and :1 rom'uved those who nointed For Solden Text. me what she anointing of woman. but r shortly be- ts the heart- .ie. beiieving and approv- :e who found J. Bade How, “the millionaire rhobo.” has issued a call for the annual hobo meeting in San Fran- cisco in February. Christmas Morning Christmas Eve. Dream, little childl The glowing: coals Are painting pictures on the wall. Out from the quivering shadows there . You almost hear the thrilling call Of “Merry Christmas. little maid! I hope I‘ve brought your heart’s desirelf, And Santa's shadow just above Grows lifelike by the leaping fire. Dream. little child! The Christmas air ls glowing with your visions bright. And all the joys tomorrow holds Are shining on the page of night. Dream. little child! And may the years To you their richest treasures leave. And may all happy dreams prove real That come to you this Christmas eve! Dream. little child! The shadows fall. Over the land the mystic veil That hides the marrow from our eyes ls swaying in the starlight pale. Dream. little child! 'Tis Christmas eve. Dream while the mastic hours glide by. Each wind that blows the snowflakes wild ls laden with sweet mystery. THE DURHAM CHRONICLE. 69699ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo 999.?650599999$§§§>>§9b?§k$99¢9+w??®®9»0¢0¢999‘§§§0 OQOQOQOOQQQOQQOOOOQOQQO00¢96¢Q¢§¢¢¢¢O¢¢¢¢¢¢Q¢¢4¢O§z 990 Oatmeal Millers. 3 o Qoooooooooooéoooooooooooo06904660900900.0490606000¢ 9 f§§§§§§§§§§+§§§§+§§§§¢+000 4‘ OOOOOOWMMWO 09996000OOOOOOO‘OOOOOOOOOO“‘...¢“..‘oo.a¢.¢.5og... f; The Down Town Shoe Stored. S. Mollraith fizwmfiw $33$V$$$$¢V8¢333$83333¢6333$31 Starting On Saturday, November 29th, we hav away FREE with every FIVE DOLLARS worth pefore Clmmstmas: one pound of our best tea, r'notwithstanding the Increase m the price. .And to the person buying the largest value exceedlng $12-00 we W111 glve 31» Ladies’ Sweater valued at $3.06 and to the next in order we will ive . ° . , ,- one dollar. g a pan. of Mens Gloves vamed at e decided to give 0f goods bought Christmas Presents for EVERYBODY FREE ‘fi We have a large assortment of Blankets. Tweeds and General Dry Goods to select from, and our values are not to be surppassed elther m quality or p) ice. We have also a large assortment 0f Ladles’. Girl’s, Men’s and Boy’s Sweaters at prices that cannot be beaten, $3.00 Sweaters for $2.00 and others equally low. A full line of Fresh Groceries always on hand. The Rob Roy Cereal Mills Co. All goods bought before the war and om customers get the benefit One of the best selected stocks of Fancy Goods and Nov elties in OLD GREY fm Christm is and New Year Gifts. AT SPECIAL PRICES What we have we hold and What we have’nt got we’re after VVAH ON PRICES N 0 War Prices 1! ere Are We Discouraged? Central Drug Store Durham Meerschaum I’ipes-â€"Briar Rookâ€"All Kinds, from 250 to $8 *‘amcy Cigar Casesâ€"1*‘ancy Tobacco 1%mchvsâ€"Tohaccos and Cigars Vinling 7iolin Bows Mouth Organs Pip e S C i0 8'. a .r s a _ 11d S mo k e l. S? S u n d r ie 8 Imported and Domestic Perfumes In Fancy Package and Bulk. Parisian Ivory Toilet Sets Parisian Ivory Manicure Sets Parisian Ivor;y Chicks _ _ Parisian [vm-V Odd Pieces Gift. VVlmt lwtlmwn-12mm uwfnl gift; (um you get than a “we pair of Slippers, Mitts m' Cloves. \Vc have a. good' supply in stock. and wmxld lw pleased to have you call and see. them, whether you purchase ur not. Prices within the reach of all. Tho question arises. What will I purchase for :L Christnms “’8 have n large stnnk nf Hosiery at close prices. Trunks. Valises, Sllit Cases, Etta. at a, sum]! advance on cost. At This Season ofi the Year Everybody is Thinking and Planning for Christmas. CORN CHOP The Largest; Stock-~31'hu Lowest Pricesâ€"The Host Servic Bibles and H ymnals Willards Forkdipped Chocolates Parisian Ivory Military Brushes SOLiD EBONYâ€"In Toilet; -Manicure and Milimrv Sets Our terms on price. W'e dq Thv Newest, Hand Bags. Music Rolls. \VaLlIe‘. Brush Gases, 13‘th Etc. We have a. good stock of CORN CHOP on hand that we are selling in Ton lots at about the. same price as Oats, and every Feeder knows that Corn is better feed than Oats for feeding stock. If you want heavy feed get our prices on this feed. as it is good value for the price we are asking for it. We have other good Feed on hand ail the time. at pxices as low as we can make them. If you have(‘ 1min est market pnces Grain at our Elev in and bring. The BUM. and meanest (Tnm-olntes Made. Cal} in and SW (mr Display~â€"\\'e will not be Undersold We Are an I: \re Paying from PHONES ms on Feed are strictly Cash.or Grain at market W'e do not give any Credit. lave Grain of any kind to sell we will pay high- ’kot, prices for any quantity of Oats or other .t our Elevator. CUSTOM WORK AND REPAIRING AS USUAL empty feed sacks. if you have any bring them Will pay you Fl VE (Imus each fox all you \VAR UN PRICES Leather Goods S. SCOTT SC to In “any Packages and Bulk. 50c for Oats at our Elevator 4 and 26 On tario lll‘SQS, THREE.

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