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Durham Chronicle (1867), 31 Dec 1914, p. 3

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G: T. Bell. . C. E. Huruing, G. P. Agen‘ ' D.P. Av Montreal. . 1n: J. T0\VNER Depot Agent XV. CAI DER To \ :1 Agent, Trains lerue "Durham at. 7.15 a.m., and 4.00 p.111. Trains arnve as Du: ban. at 11.4.33..:;;. 2.00 13.m._.' and 8.55 p.111. EV ERY DAY EXCE PT SUN DAY .551 .Z‘UAI: Toronto Lv. '14.) 5.! R. MACFARLANE. - Town Age: Twins will I": in- and deuart ows. until: urthernoticezn Canadian Pacific Railway Time Table Abate reduced fares apply between all stations in Canada east of Port Arthur and to Detroit and Port Huron 'Mich..Buff*tlo, Black Rock. Niagara Falls and Suspension Bridge, N.Y. Full particulars and tickets at G T R. ticket offices \V. Calder. Town Agent. Phone 31 J. anner. Station Agent Phone 18‘ EZENUS CLARK SINGLE FARE December 24-"'. good tor return until December 26 : also December 31. 1914, and January 1.1915 valid for return until January 2, 1915 FARE and ON E-THIRD December 22 23. 24. 2.5, good for return until Dec. 23 also December 30and 31. 1914. and J.n 1. 1915, valid for return until January 4. 1915. CH RISTMAS AND NEW YEAR F ARES House Fittings Shingles and Lath PLANING MILLS Particulars from C.P.R. 'l‘lcket Agents. or write M. G. Murphy, District Passenger Agent corner King and Yonge Streets, Toronto. R. Macfnrlane, Town Agent E. A. Hay, Station Agent FARE AND ONE-THIRD, good going December 30. 31. 1914, Jan- uary 1. 1915. return limit, Jammry 4. 19153. F‘- ‘! Grand Emma 21:: 11MB TABLE S'NGLE FARE, good gning De- cember 31, :1914, and January 1. 1915, return limit, January 2, 1915. Th - undersigned begs“ Lu announce to .residean of Durham an". sun'mmdmg country. that he has his Planning Mill and Factory completed and is prepared to take orders for Affiliated with the Stratford Business College and Elliot, Bus- iness College, Toronto. Write for free catalogue. D. A. McLachlan. President. G. M. Henry, Prinicipal. Competent instructors. Special training for teachers. Special Farmer’s Course. and NEW YEAR TERM FROM JAN. 4. SHORTHIND, BUSINESS AND CIVIL SERVICE COURSES Custom Sawing Promptly At- tended To NEW YEAR’S FARES MOUNT FOREST Business College â€"- and all kinds of â€" SASH,DOORS Durham. December 31. 1914. (. Iinimum charge 200..) v.VV:L2kerfnn A ' Mai-p19 Hill ” ‘ Hanover “ Alum Durham Pricefine “ Saugeen J. “ T (won to LV. ONTARIO C. E. Hurniug ' L) P. Am m. .. 1'01 ntiu. in the Park IDS 2'15 10.30 10.13 10.0.3 9.55 9.41? 93.4 9.1: 9. U.) P" 0" 9 Sir Ednaid Grey announced that iBn‘tain would defend the coast of Flange agai 18!. German warships. Kin-g Albert appealed to King lGeorg: to safe° uard the integrity of fBelgium. Mrs. Woodrow Wilson died. Aug. 7â€"Many Indian rajahs oflered their entire resources. to the Crown. Aug. 8â€"Thel first British troops landed in France. Aug. 6â€"H.M.S. Bristol and the German cruiser Karlsruhe had a. run- nlgg fight on the Atlantic. The Imperial Govemméht accepted Canada’s offer of troops for service Aug. Sâ€"Liege was attacked by the Germans who were beaten back with heavy losses. The British cruiser Amphion was destroyed by a mine with a loss of 130 lives. The mine-layer Koenigin I Mme. (‘uilizaux was acquitted at aParis. ‘ July 29-â€"l-:es‘z.crrade was Bombarded by Austrian warships. Russia 'Ye‘cid‘w! to support Servia :and cram-ed mobilization. ‘L July 30-â€"Re'1grade was occupied by ’the Austrians. ' Britain jut-pared her army and navy *for eventuz’zi‘tfos, stopping all leave. Canada's Military Council drew up ; teqtative plans for \obmzation. Aug. 4â€"Britain declared Germany. Aug. 3â€"â€"-i.‘.ritain presefited an aulti- i matum to Germany demanding her’ Withdra wa} from Belgian territory. 3 Aug. Zâ€"Gc‘rmany declared war on Russia and invaded Belgium and- Luxemburg. ' man frontier V ‘â€" , July 31â€"Tne German fleet was warned of? the Danish coast. French troops m::‘."L“;;‘.'rcd close to the Ger- Russia pnpured to mobilize her army and We other European powers took precuuzionary steps. Germany declined to consider Edward Grey‘s peace plans. July 2?â€"-»-'i"I:e Kaiser returned to Berlin from a holiday and conferred with his mi: isters; Sir Edward Grey tried tooarrange a settlement of the Austroâ€"Se-rviun dispute. Borderers tired c 111g four pr-r'sons Austria ("1d Servia broke off diplo matic relations July 23â€"â€"-Th:1 Bank of Nova Sec i absorbed the Metropolitan Be 111:. Cavalry ( zzzrged a mob in St ’031. duringa astrpet car strike riot. The K01"'1f:ata Maru leftV Vane. 1'11". with her 11': 111111 passengers July 24.xustria serVed an u‘t3n11 tum 011 So rxia demanding in1111e:i1. t' satisfqmion for the murder of Ar ~11 duke Francis Fezdinand am: his 113 9 July 25-â€"'!":1e [(121355 01111 See“; LVAS! July 22m The Home Rule confers? over the exams on of Ulster Irazhe 3 (201111336 te deadlock. Mme. (7; at Paris. :5 Ho O. t a} ux was placed July ZOâ€"King George :‘G‘XEG‘J'Gi great fleet of over 200 war \' at Portsmouth. (f. o _\ 1 July 10â€"The Conservative Govern- ‘ment in Manitoba was returned to ;power. ‘ July 11â€"The Empress of Irciand in- iquiry Commission presented its re :port, placing the blame upon the ‘IStorstadt. July 19â€"The Hindus of the steamy Komogata Mam battled fierce!) vi h the police of Vmcouver King George called a conferc‘nm ‘0? all party leaders on the Hour Rui: question. July 14â€"The Home Rule. amenrlinz: bill passed its. third reading in 12:)? House of Lords. July 15â€"General Huerta resign-til as provisional President of Mexito. The House of Lords rejected t1): Plural Voting Bill. July 16â€"The town of Hearst, On tario, was destroyed by a f‘orest fire A plague of army worms appeare.‘ in Ontario. Chester, N. B. July 6â€"The Court of Appeal decided that the Hindus on the Komagata Mam could not enter Canada. ‘ July 8â€"The House of Lords adopted the total exclusion amendment to the Home Rule Bill. June 30--The Mexican Peace Con- ference at Niagara Falls ended. JULY July 1â€".Austria proclaimed martial law in two provinces inhabited mainly by Servians. much rioting having oc- curred durinw anti-Servian demon- strations. The clergy and military ofTV1§ma began an agitation for a punitive war on the Servians. June 28â€"Archduke Francis Ferdin- and and his wife were assassinated at Sarajevo. Bosnia. June 29â€"The Conservative 1 was returned to office in Ontario. June 23â€"Hon. S. H. Blake died at Toronto. ' The Home Rule amending bill was introduced in the House of Lords. June 25â€"Salem, Mass., was almost wiped out by fire. The Big Events of Year 1914 ;;easrs.Bouof1er Beck, A1 Dr. Roddick were knighted. July 3â€"Joseph Chamberlain died at ,nndon. Continued from page ,2 AUGUST ublin mob.‘ kil r. LL on Sir Cardinal Ferratta, Papal Secretary, died at Rome. ' Oct. 12â€"The Germans began a Oct. 11â€"Twenty German bombs were dropped on Paris, killing four persons. Oct. 10â€"King Charles of Roumania died. ' The Germans advanced against Ostend. Oct. 8â€"Antwerp was occupied by the Germans. Oct,9â€"Col. J. H. Burland, head of the Canadian Red Cross, diéd in Eng- land.‘ Oct. 7â€"T'he seat of the Belgian government was moved from Antwerp to Ostend. ’ Oct. 6â€"The' C; decided to raise 22,000 men. Oct. 5â€"‘Two Ru vaded East Prussia. Oct. 3â€"The Allies extended their left wing to winthin 30 miles of the Belgian border. Premier. Sept. 2 «The British cruiser? Aboukir, Cressy and Hegue were sunk. Aviator Collet dropped bombs on a German hangar at Dusseldorf. Sept. 28â€"'I‘he General Conference of the Methodist Church met at Ottawa. Sept. 23â€"Sir James Whitney died at Toronto. Sept. 26~~The Russians drove back the Austrians near Przemysl, Galicia. Sept. 28â€"Fierce frontal attacks on the Allies’ position were repulsed. Sept. 29â€"The Germans opened fire the Antwerp forts. ' Sept. 20--~â€"':“ne famous cathedral at Rheims was dystroyed by «he Germans. Sept. 21â€"-General Beyers resigned as Commandant-General of the South African forces. Sept. 17â€"4rhe Britiâ€"SH tra Fisgard II. foundered with 21 lives. Sept. 18«â€"'1 Termonde. The Russians won victories in East Prussia cam-r the Germans and Aus- trians. . ' Sept 14â€"â€"â€"T}:e Germans retreated across the River Aisne and the great Battle of the Aisne commenced; vâ€"-VV\.. Sept. 15-~'i‘pe operatibrâ€"lâ€"of the Home Rule and We‘sh Disestablishment Bills was suspended for one year. Sept. 13â€"â€"-'."?~.e British and French hotly pursued the retreating Germaps. Wofd rein-had Ottawa that eight of explorer Srvi‘annson’s party were dead or missing. wâ€" â€" -“MVU. General Ruszky’s Russian army crushingly defeated the Austrians at Rawa. Sept. 10â€"J’remier Botha announced that South .5 frica would give its whole- hearted snmrwt to Britain. Sept. 11â€"-â€"The Servians captured Semlin. ' Sept. 9--Announcement was made *n the House of Commons that Indian troops were on their way to France. Sept. 7-â€"â€"The allies successfully turned the German advance toward Paris. Sept. 5â€"The Germans started to retire, huge armies gathering along the Marne for battle. â€"vâ€"" â€"v~--w. Sept. 3â€"The French seat of govern- ment was transferred to Bordeaux Cardinal Della Chiesa was elected Pope. Sept. 4â€"-The German advance in France recieved a severe check. Sept. 2â€"The Montenegrins defeated the Austrians at Bilek, Bosnia. Aug. 31â€"An Austrian army was de- cisively defeated by the Russians at Zamose. Fierce fighting occurred in the Val- ley of the Meuse. Aug. 30â€"A German aviator dropped bombs on Paris. An order was issued to mobilize! Canada’ 5 volunteers at V cartier. Aug. 20â€"Pope Pius die. The Germans occupied Brussels. Extra taxes to meet Canada’s war appropriation were approved by Par- liament. . g Aug. 21â€"â€"Brussels was ordered to pay a forty-million dollar war tax. i ! Aug. 28â€"Admira1 Beatty‘s fleet sank four German war vessels in Heligoland Bight. Aug. 25â€"Austria declared war on Japan. Aug. 26â€"-Togoland, a German Afri- gn possession,'surrendered to the ritish. ‘ Aug. 27â€"-'l‘he Germans advanced well into France. Aug. 24-The British and French started to retire from Mons. The Dominion Parliament voted the $50,000,000 asked by the Government for war expenses. Aug. 22â€"T'he battle of Mons started. Aug. 23â€"Japan' declared war on Germany. The bombardment of Namur was begun. A“... g,--P..e British fleet had I but. . \sith uerman submarines sink- 1.' g 0.29 0} [. em The Belgians and French engaged the Germans in a great battle neu- Waterloo. Aug. 18â€"The Dominion JParliament met for a special session. The British cruiser Pathfinder Aug. 17â€"The Belgian capitaj was moved to Antwerp. A French army checked the Ger. mans at Dinant. Aug. 16â€"Japan served an ultimath on Germany to withdraw from the Orient. soil. The French evacuated Mul- hausen. ‘ Britain declared war on Austria. Aug. 13â€"T‘he Germans reached Louvain after heavy fighting. ‘ Aug. 14â€"The Germanssufllered ter- ibly in attacks on the_Llege torts. Aug. .Lw-s ne Germans occupied the town of wage. France d-sclared war on Austria. Aug. 12â€"Fighting began on French. ‘2’ .s“ Y.‘_-_AL Aâ€" OCTOBER SEPTEMBER Canadian Government se a second force of Russian armies in- British training ship Germans destroyed a. loss of W a S British Indian troops won a over the Turks at Kama. Dec. 10â€"The British Ad] gave out the casualties inf-he Kaiser Wilhelm was reported ill. ‘ Dec. 8-~General Beyersl rebel, was reported drov attempt to escape. Dec. 2â€"»(361'102‘211 De Wet was (€8D' tured at ‘3’3terburg. ' Austrian troops occupied Belgrade. Dec. 3--â€"Pr._ezi1ier Flemming resigned the Premiership of New Brunswick. Dec. 4~~The Russians claimed a big victory at Lodz. ~ g .“ Q Dec. 5â€"~â€"‘:2r titanium} Osler resigned from the Toronto University Board of Gorzrncrs as a protest against the non-disn'iissa} of German professors. Dec. 7â€"The Germans were- reported defeated in Poland by the-RuSsians. Dec. 1â€"Geuera1 Joffre formally gu- nounced the annexation of a section of Alsace. / "--vu My ”k. LL01L. Nov. 30â€"-â€"KingGeorge wentto Fram 3 to visit the troops. Portugal dedared itself on Vihe side of the Allies. Nov. 27â€"The warship Audacious was repoyted being repaired alt-Belfast. Nov. 24â€"1‘errific fighting occurred between Ypres and La Bassee. United States troops evacuated Vera Cruz. Nov. 23â€".% German submarine was rammed and sunk off the cmqtt of Scotland. Nov. 21â€"??‘iritish aviators (22%;): bombs on rhv Zeppetin shc'rfis Friederichshaven. Nov. 22â€"â€"Fi1"teen Canadian d‘mt left Salisbury Camp for France. N CV. 20“] volted agains Announccrmmt was made of Mr. George Bury}; appointment as gr-‘mtr-Ll manager of the (ERR. in SKC'Dfâ€"‘RITI‘I to Mr. I). .‘-.Z<‘-.\71(:0H. Nov. 19â€"~-'I“h 0 New Brunswick “graft" commission made its report. Mr. Lloyd George announced his proposals for :dditional taxes on tea, beer and imomes. Nov. 17â€"D. R. Wilkie, President of tho__ImperiaI Bank, died at Toronto. Nov. 16-â€"T3m Princess Patricia Light Infantry Regiment left Salisbury for Winchester. Genera} Roma's decisive defeat of De Wat wax announced. Nov. 14â€"Lord Roberts died in France. Hon. Wm. Templeman died at Vancouver. The German attempt to reach Calais was frustrated. Nov. 9â€"-The first Canadian hospital unit loft Sa’isbury for France. Nov. 10w-Tho official statement was made that Carl Hans Lody had been shot in the Tower of London as a Spy. The Admiralty announced the de» s‘,z‘1:('ti('\:l of the German cruiser Em- dvn and {1‘ 3 bottling up of the Koenigsâ€" 1--” Nov. 7â€"â€"-'l‘he Austrians suffered 8 severe defeat at the hands of the Russians in Galicia. NOV. QMTIIE‘ first Cannflian hmnfl-ol Nov. 1â€"The cruisers Monmouth and Good Hope were sunk in battle with a German fleet off the coast of Chili. Nov. 2-«Martial law proclaimed in Egypt. . Nov. 3-â€"-British warships bombard- ed Turkish forts in the Dardanelles. Nov. Sâ€"The German cruiser Yorke was sunk in Jahde Bay. Nov. 6-â€"'I‘sing Tau surrendered to the Japanese. Belgium. - Oct. 13â€"A‘ B'oer commando under Col. Maritzrdse in rcbellion. . Thousands of Belgian refugees landed}*'“'fi1 England. The Belgian capital was m’oved to Havre, Frat: ce. Oct. 14â€"The first Canadian contin- gent arrived at Plymouth. Oct. 15â€"‘1‘he Brit‘sh crvi L was sunk by a German submarfi‘ nu T‘. . ° ‘ ‘ 8188.!!th onensxve movement along 300 "‘1‘- -1 _,-â€"° VVV of batt3e front in Prince and NOVEMBER The cruisers Monmouth and DECEMBER 3e Khedive Of 152; t Bzitish conxro'i. ’itr ish aviators d m Zeppefin shod D p 1) W§m+mmww$owu e gflfiflfin Qfiflfififlfififi.§flflflflflfldfifl§ is 6Ԥ+6¢6446A$AAAA4+%# 3} asegeéséefieé$fiaamag ~' \\ \‘s..- L rn‘ab- Dunham schools will reâ€"opon on Tuesday, January 5, at 9am. §++++¢o+o++00004++o+¢-94“» o 'ono WWW Dec. 21"â€"-Fierce fighting â€" ocZurred between the Russians and Germans along the Emma River. ' reorganized. Dec. 24â€"A German aviator flew over Dover, dropping a bomb. Dec. 15â€"The Austrians admitted a severe defeat in Servia. The German cruiser Comorant was interned by the Americans in Guam. ‘ Dec. 16â€"A German cruiser squadron shelled the towns of ScarborOugh. Whitby and Hartlepool on the Eng- lish east coast. Over 125 persons were killed. Senator Jafiray died in Toronto. Dec. 17â€"Great Britain declared a protectorate over Egypt and deposed Khedive Abbas Hilmi. King George inspected the Can- adian troops at Salisbury Plains. Dec. 18â€"Britain named Prince Hus- sein Kemal as Sultan of Egypt. Dec. 20â€"The Princess Patricia Can- adian Regiment went to France. ‘ Many Canadim officers enlisted with Kitchener-’5 territorial army t6 reach the front earlier. Atlantic fight as seven mxea. Dec. 13â€"A report from Petm'srad Dec. 14â€"The Servians recaptured: Belgrade. -: The Down WEE} be m give qur customers gsod goods at ciose prices. a "A“? (at: N“ k)“ $3.: w. raga“? fiream; OUR AER- mans Qmiimfi Drug Store Durham v‘v All goods bought before the war and our customers get the benefit. One of the best selected stocks of Fanny Goods and Novelties in OLD GREY for Christmas and New Year Gifts. \Iemsc lmum Piposâ€"Bii: 1r Rootâ€"«All Kinds from" .150 to $8 Fancy (,‘i gm (‘.. sesâ€"l‘ .2111: v '] uh: u co Pam: husâ€"Tohzmm 1s and Cigars What we have we hold and What we have’nt got we’re after WAR ON PRICES No War Prices Here Pipe _, S L a S 1" .i( 4' t- 1’ ‘1 . a ‘Hd S 1110 k .e S .1' k 7 S u n (I 1’. le S In Fancy Package and Bulk. Parisian [Vury Toilet. Sets Parisian Ivory Manicure Sets Parisian Ivory Clocks T).--_: 2 , Parisian} vorv Odd Pieces ‘I If... ‘ WAR. ON PRICES Imported and Domestic Perfumes '1‘} Thanking you all for your patronage during: ti 2: past year and ‘v 'ishing you ail a fiappy and Prosperous New Year We are yours for. a larger and better business . Bibles and 11 ym nals \Villm'ds Forkdipped {3110001211398 -\ II V.- l. euisian lvmy \Iilitauy Brvushyes SOLID EBONYâ€"~11] Toilet ~Municure and A The Best and Cleanest Chocolates Made. In Fanvy I’m'k (‘ I ‘5. I l . H l a n d S ,0 ,0 ., ( ’ l] F D is 'JnvNewvs Hand Bags. Music Rolls. \V:: BHlSh U: was. Etta, Etc. Largest, Stockâ€"wThe Violins CUSTOM WORK {Town Shoe Store: E. S. Mellraith S. SCOTT Leather Goods Violin Bows ‘ ... A AA,» ,3 f. 4.5 Aug #.A4+¢¢¢.‘..“.W AND REPAIRING AS USUAL playâ€" bow ‘est Pl"i('l"R-â€"Th(’ Best ServicP ~\Ve will not he Under-sold M unicure and Militm-v Sets This must mean HIGH PRICES for ARM LANDS. Take a. hint, BUY NOW. I Farm and Town properties exchang- ed. If you wish to BL‘Y or SELL, BOR- ROW or LEND it wilI PAY YOU WELL to write or phone H. H. MILLER. or better still hitch up and g0 and see him. If you have ANY MONEY from $300 Up to any large sum, [1. fl. MILLER will in- vest it for you on good mortgage security and charge you nothing. Why invest your money with Sharks in Western town or city lots? Or why have itlying‘ at 3 per- cent. when it might :L: we" earn you twice as much on first rate land mortgage security? Have .QOYI'IC‘. sense. Let Mr. Miller in- vest your money on a good mOrtgage. H.H. MILLER, Hanover 3- WAR OR PEA? jMEN MUST LIVE H. H. MILLER, the Hanover Gon- veyancer, nfiers some GREAT BARGAINS in Farm Lands in BentinckEgremont. Nox-manby. Garrick. Brant and West- ern Provinces. Send for List. Mens’ livings come from FARMS, Beef sells up to $9. 00 per cwt. Pork to $10. 00. Market authorities believe these prices will continue. Mouth Organs allots. I” __ UFSL’S. Ontario and Bulk.

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