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Durham Chronicle (1867), 31 Dec 1914, p. 7

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This W0rld=Wide War has ,created demand for newspapers unprecedent= ed in history. Matfarlane 8: C0. Tile (’hrmhvle dubbed with The Toronto Morning \Vorld will be. mailed to subécrihers from now tn the lst of January, 1916, for $3.50. Take advantage of this .special offer at once as we are obliged to reserve the right to withdraw it without xmtice as the ramifications of the war may cause a. very rapid increase in the cost, of white paper which will mean a much higher- price for your newsmmer 20 Per Cent. Off The fact lhul (‘rumdn is it. of war 31011;; with the Ctmntry and their Allies the combined for-res of C and Austria‘and the flu-Li that Czinudidn troops are firing line. will have the « increasing our interest sttpggle. ‘ Come to Us for Aliy- thingin this Line z§§§§§O§§§§§§§O¢§§§§OOO¢Av 66¢ QOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOQOOOQO FOR TBE NEW YEAR 1‘ Blank Books ‘ Fyles Note Books Receipt Books Statement Pads Indexes Inks and Blotting Paper BLANK BOOKS THE Hum BANK or CANADA Durham. December 31‘ 1914. Wm mean a much hivhew m- yum newspr-Lper SUBSCRIBE NO\\' ‘ OYSTERS AND FRUIT 5N SEASON 3. A. ROWE For all kinds of Bakery Goods Cooked and Cured Meats. madn is in a, state with the. mother the further f we further fact mp8 are on the “'8 the efiect of interest in the Incest-canto 1869 5 against, Germany O. L. 1192 held their regular meeting on Monday night, Decem- ber 28. and elected the following officers for the year 1915: W M. W. J. Lawrence: D. M' , W. R. W'at- son: Chm" J. McGirr: Rec. Sec. A. Heather: Fin. Sec.. A Aljoe Treas:. J. Brown; M'. of C , T. Rit- chie: Lec.. G. Whitmore. Wishing you, Mr.‘Editor. and staff, and numerous readers. :1 happy and prosperous New Year. ‘1'.__ ‘toiun ---- RHEUMA is guaranteed by Mac- fax-lane 00., who sell it for 50 cents a bottle. “For many years I was troubled with Rheumatism, also with Bright’s Disease of the Kidneys. I suffered awfully. Tried many aa- vertised remedies. After using your truly remarkable preparation RBEUMA, I Was fully cured.”â€" Prof. C. J. Budlong, Sound View. I |\’ Prof. budlong was Quickly Reliev-f Silent “ORG Slmf ed of Both Afflictions by Using 5 eyes holding a lie- Rheuma. f Sorrow sun-n :15 t - ,? never \vitxnesed b If you suffer from any form 01.1) ma iv ”“1 ‘ Rheumatism, remember that. By I: b“ ‘ “ RHEUMA goes to work quickly to‘ "go " 93”“ remove the cause, not simply to “Loubeque ~ he relieve the distress. Many years“ The internstiona that it goes; his eyes Still fastc to the seat of the disease and ex-‘ . ; man before him. pels the poxsonous matter through! And as his eye: the natural channelsâ€"the kidney-5,." away from we m: boEels, liver and skin. Mrfand Mrs. H W. Hunt. an". Master Bertie spent the holidm- wi‘t_h Mr.1a_n_d Mrs._John Cuff M r. “(lâ€"Ilia “Iii-I;S:_'i‘ueodv \lVi‘igkérs and J children are spending the ilolidnwl at the parental home harp I \JILI lblLll'tla Mr. Stanley Livingston of Haw-g over ate his Christmas dinner wit 1 . o his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W ,1 I Livingston. ' Mr. and Mrs. W Heughan Hanover were with their dang-Eat Mrs. Chas._ Reay for Christmas Mr. and Mrs. \V G. McC‘ul‘mo-h "and familv spent Christmas With Mr. and Mrs. A W. Hunt. AIL-m Park. Mrstdmonds, and daughtvxni 1 Mrs. S‘cott. from the west, are? visiting the former’s sister. Mrs-.5 J. W. Vickers ‘ Miss Short. touchchh-éi'g; gone home to Arthur to span holidays. Mr. and Mrs. Donnullv and fan ilv spent Christmas dav witn 31 an]! Mrs. W hitbv at Mnlock. Mr. \Villie iCrZPI'S is home hand the 11 est for the Winter, visiting .is parents and other relatives, RHEUMATISM AND BRIGHT‘S DISEASE. VICKERS W ishing’ the Chronicl staff 1m manv readers a happy and {H‘Us- perous New Year. MCW'ILLIAMS. anfectmner and Grocer ‘v â€"vv‘ Gibson looked at :11 1811881:- Once more Lou “‘79 woken when. from came the shrill screech man’s whistle. followed laid a hand or iron upon his lhonlder. “That will do.” he cried stemly. “Be a man. sir.” Again that mellowed light still swaying from side to side from the fury with which it had been driven Into the low hanging wooden beam overhead. Instinctively his hand reach- A‘ LA , A _,~ ' -~ â€" wouuv to the floor and sum studying him quietly. no glimmer in his eyes. Gibson glared over his head. The sword was All. DI . " a 'bhing note that I fairly tortured the listener’s ears-- ; “Miss Love is on n warship bound for Washington. I believe." "You know a man was murdered in en through many . more trying situations than that." an- ewered LoubeQUe slowly. "since she pitted herself against me." __ rwvv v "Quite so.” Hugo Loubeque turned upon his heel, but the iron grip of the omcer was upon his shoulder, whirling him about so that their faces met. Like a panther Gibson leaped across the floor. seizing the broadswords. Easily. by wrist alone. Loubeque played with the man. His eye held no expression save that of one looking very far away. sad. mouthful. distant. That look of indifference only served to madden Gibson doubly. “Pitted herse'lf against you! Then it was you who stole the papers”- ..A _, I Breathwsfly 25w zlzxx'tvd l and. finding the 29d; sti . flashed inssde- and up the : f Suddenly 1n.- stnppod. ha I He could hear no suuus’l. ; the some one was close u f was being watched. ; “You Wished {0 800 mu- ' never Witn<~>svd before. appearing as if f by magic and now facing him. was ' Hugo Louheque. ? “Loubeque”~ he stmnznered. ; The international spy bowed gravely, 5 his eyes Still Eastern-d upon the young ,' man before him. ‘ And as his eyes bought the carpet. : away from: the magm-iic power of the ! man. all the rage returned to the young I omcer. This man was the one who E had taken his su'eethenrt. His eyes 1‘ raved the room. fighting upon a pair of ! ‘ broadswords crossed upon the wall. He ' 3 caught the smile on the spy’s‘ face :1 when he looked again at him and knew .’ ‘ his thougth had been read. I 1 “Hugo Loubequel” Gibson grasped the amazed man by the shoulders and fairly shook answers from him. Dick Gibson rushed from the estab- lishment finally. an idea in his head ‘ which he cursed himself for not having i thought 01' before~the nnuse where ' he had last seen Lucille. Might not, I was not. this mysterious Louboq'xo the one Whose hand he had seen dragging her from the Window? “A. Hugo Loubequeâ€"never heard of a millionaire by such a name. but be bad the I‘WO hundred thousand to buy it. and 1 let it go." been stolen!" be finally cried. his eyes flashing vindictivoly. “Sold * this necklace soldâ€"who bought It?” “A murdered man in her shit while shp was in the Station house!" he ensppd. “Then she wun't”-â€" He fairly wept In the depths of his emotions. “Then the necklm'e' 1 sold must have Gibson flung upon his heel and left the hotel. black hatred. suspicion. fear. :1 thousand and one ematinns in his heart. At the-jewelor‘s his tale mused the proprietor to nhnost have a stroke of apuplexy. “And you had her arrgsied-nvou had her“~ Daly held the arm that was about to "strikersomhing him with quieting words. Before the manager could answer the telephone bell tinkled. He turned to the detective excitedly. his hand press- ed over the phone mouthpiece. “A Lieutenant Gibson calling on Miss Love.” he explained. "Tell him to wait." Ric-hard Gibson vas little inclined for cross examination when first the two men approached him. Shamed of his unreasoning jealousy of the girl he loved. he had fought the battle out with himself. coming to the eonviusion that there must be a reasonable expla- nation for her conduct. Sergeant Daly regarded him steadily a moment. then told him the reason for his wishing to know everything. Gibson whirled upon the manager. his face livid with rage. fists clinched. ' Continued on page 8‘ LUCILLE LOVE BY=LAW N0. 65; Daily shook his head. "Suicide! I should rather guess not. Look at the man‘s gums. The gun was forced into his mouth and the gums badly bruised in the doing of it. Where can I find this Lucille Love or. Loubeâ€" que?" Continued from oa2'e 6. When the detectives arrived the place was vacant. but the young woman was caught on the fire escape and arrested. paroled in the custody of Mr. Roller. the big jeweler. It is a case of suicide. reant?" :jm zlzxx'tvd up to the door he :cu-Ls still uurepaired, and up the Stairs. ) see me. 811‘?" 9 We, his great. brooding 1 :m of melancholy and ! the young oflivcr had 1 wit-ct] abruptly. . yvt was posi- to him. that he __‘ vâ€"vâ€"_ A. D. 1915‘. commencing 31:11}; hour of mine o’clock in the foreâ€" noon and continuing till five o’- clock in the afternoon of the same day: ' -v- v vv L‘lllca and planes by the Deputy Return- ing Officers and P011 Clerks‘ here- inafter mentioned, that is to say: 011 liganday the 4th day of Januayy CAGE â€" 2. That the votes of the said ratepgyersghgll be taken on this rate payer 8 3113.11 be taken on this Are yoii id favor of obtaining from the Hydro-Electric POWer Commission of Ontario a supply of electric power? 1. That the following question be submitted to the ratepayers of the Municipal Corporation of the Town of Durham entitled to vote on money,Byâ€"Laws: THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of, the Town of Dur- ham enacts as follows: WHEREAS the Municipal Coun- cil of the Corporation of the Town of Durham deems it advisable to submit to the ratepayers of the said Town of Durham entitled to vote on monev Bv-Laws a Ques- tion as to whether the said rate- payers are in favor of a supply of electric power from the Hydroâ€" Electric Commission of Ontario. A By-Law to take the vote of the ratepayers of the Town of Durham entitled to vote on mon- ev Bv-Laws. on a question to be submitted Whether the said rate- navers are in favor of a supplv of electric power from the Hydroâ€" Electric Power Commission of Ontario. ; TAKE NOTICE that the {ibch I is :1 true com" of a monoscd jiv- :L:1W which has been taken into lccmsidcmtion and will be finally passed by the Council of the Mun- Iicipiility of the Town of Durham “in the event of the assent of the ;electors being obtained thereto» :after one month from the first [publication thereof in "the Dur- "ham Chronicle” the date of iwhich first publication Was the !10th day of December A. D. 1.014. and that the votes of the electors of the said .Municipality will be taken thereon on the day and at the hours and places therein} fixed. ‘ ' In North Ward at George Shier’a store. by Clifton El- vidge. Deputy Returning Offi- cer. Vernon Elvidze‘ Poll Clerk : j 5. The Clerk of the (Iouncxi of fthe said Town of Durham shall faitend at his ~affice in the '1'0‘..'.1 50f Durham at ten o’cloc:~: .531 134‘ f {on 1104):) of Tuiesday the fifi‘ v of Janus ry A. D. 1915, to sum uh .thc number of votes [01 am?! gazainst the By-Law. i 4.01] Siltllldflv, 111x 50(1) ‘ : d11v of January, 1915, 13111 \1 .11‘131‘ 4' E; the said lown of D131‘ “:11.11 Sitf‘i‘.‘ attend at the Councilf 119.3111: 31‘ :311 ,ten oclock in the forenn 311 to :1r3- ( gpoint' persons to attend 1-11 {In ; {various 11011131}: plat-"S :1f13 U- «f is111d.11nd at the 111111 S1: 1 ~; mint: up of the votes 13. i Ithe Clerk on behalf of U1. 1311-" 80115 11111133th in and 31133111, 01‘ Opposing the passing of 1 ‘ 2‘! jBy-Law respectively. I Dated at the Council Clm the Town of Durham the day of January A. D. 1915 of the Municipal Corpo‘ ration of the Town of Durham. Nutice TAKE NOTICE that the On Monday the fourth dav of January, A. D. 1‘15. commencing at the hour of nine 0 ‘zclmk in tin forenoon, and cuntinuing till five o’clock in the aftcrnoon o- the same day. by t'fl‘,‘ f'<)ll:\‘.‘~..':“.'j Deputy Returning: (Efficc-rs; 3. The votes of the electors <>f the said Town of Durham shall be taken on this By- Jaw at the fle- lowing times and places, that is to say: ‘2. This Bvâ€"Law shall take ef- fect from and after the final passing thereof by the Munivizxd Cbunucil of the Corporation of the Town of DLrhaIn. 1. That By,â€"Law No. 0'32 of t.'.'. Municipal Corporation of the 'lown of Durham be and the same is hereby repealed. THEREFORE, the Municipal Council of the Corporation of tEm Town of Durham enacts as fol- lows: W'HEREAS it is deemed adxis-i able to repeal By-Law No 52-" commonly known as "The Local Option Bv-LaW” of the Muni(si;:.-ilf Corpoiration of the Town of; Durham. - i By law to R pea] By law No. :32 m the Corporation of the Town of Durham. ' \V. P. Paterson, Pull le‘l'k In \Vest “73rd at Town Ha bv John Smith, 11:13.), (fizcurr Kress. P011 Clerk. In East Ward Store, by '-\V. 11 W. P. Paterson, In the North \Vard at (3m Shier’s Store, 1)\' (.1-1}; )11 Vidg‘C. 1).“.0 . \ L 1".110 1 L16. Poll C ark. 0f the Municipa! Corpo= ration of the Town of; Durham. . XV. B. VOLLET. Clerk. Town of Durham 1e votes ’~.‘~" “ * 11f of ms per-l and mum: ti-.:_:;l Lssing of 19%“! . LV. 3 the Councd of Durham shall? Fi] 1:1sz g r / 1111mm 1‘ in;g 8‘/=L‘AVV N0. 054 3 YT Mayor. (7102" lows} AND WHEREAS the total amount required by “The Muni- cipal Act” to be raised annually bv special rate for paying the said debt and interest as herein- !after provided is the sum of ‘$1.133.39. - AND WHEREAS the amount of Fthe Whole rateable prOperty of ‘the Town of Durham according to the last revised assessment roll‘ thereof is the sum of $585,035.00. I AND WHEREAS the amount of I the existing debenture debt of the said Municipality exclusive'of local improvement debts secured by special rates or assessments is the sum of $41,083.83, whereof no part of the principal or inter- est is in arrears. , ! AND WHEREAS it is desirable to issue the said debentures at one time and to make the prin- cipal of the said debt repayable by yearly instalments during the period of twenty years, being the currency of said debentures, said yearly sums being of such reSpect- ive amounts that the aggregate amount payable in each year for principal and interest in reSpect of the said debt shall as nearly as: possible equal the amount so pay- able in each of the other nineteen years of said period (as shewn inl Schedule “A” hereto annexed\ AND WHEREAS in order there- to. it will be necessary to issue debentures of the said Town of Durham for the sum of $19 000.00 as hereinafter provided (which [5 the debt intended to be created bv this By-LaW\ the proceeds of the said debentures to be applied to the purpose aforesaid and to no other WHEREAS it is deemed advis- sable and necessary to raise hv Wav of loan on the credit of the Municipal Corporation of the 'Town of Durham the sum of $13,000.00 to provide for the purchase of that portion of the present existing electric lighting plant. situate Within the limits of the Town of Durham. and also to provide for the cost of Works. plant, machinery and appliances necessary for the distribution of electric power in the said Muni- cipal Corporation of the Town of‘ Durham to be supplied by the Hydroâ€"Electric Power Commission of Ontario .~\ liv-Law to authorize the bor- rowing" the sum of $13,000.00 bv the issue and sale of (leiwntum-rt. to provide for the purclmse m” that portion of the present elect- ric lighting plant situate within the limits of the Corporation of the Town of Durham. and also for the cost of a plant to distribute electric power to be supplied by the Hydro-Electric Power Commis- sion of Ontario First published the 10th December A D. 1914. l 4. On Saturday, the 2nd dav iof January A. D. 1915, at .the fClerk’s Office in the said Town of gDurham at ten o’clock in the :foren-oon. the Mayor will in Writâ€" iing‘ signed by him appoint two {persons to attend at tho final isumming up of the votes bv tin- .Clcrk of this Corporation and (2119 nperson to attend each D(‘)lii7‘.§-’° inlace on behalf of tho permns in- ?t-erested in and desirous of the answering of the said quostion in ;the affirmative, and a like num-l ?ber‘-'on bohalf oi the persons in- itorestod in and desirous of the jansworing of the said question it) the negative respectively. 5.3119 5th day of J11 uary A. D. 1915, at the Clerk’s Office in the Town of Durham at ten o’clock in the forenoon is .ilf’l‘LFij} appointed for the summing" 11;) im the Clerk of tile Corona-HEM) the number of Votss giacn in 1' a afiirmaLive and in tin.- titl‘gdiix'z' respect :V 13'. TAKE NOTICE that L310 abnx'v h a true copy of a By-Law mum-r1 in me Municipal Council of rim: Town of Durham on the 9th day 03' December A. D. 1914. Made. passed and the Council Chamber of Durham this cember. A. D. 1.914. In. West Ward at the Tow Hall bv John Smith. Deput? Returning Officer, and George Kress. Poll Clerk. ..â€".-~- : 3. A true copy of this Bv-Law ishall be published in the following newspaper on the days hereinaft; r mentioned. that is to say: In 5“The Durham Chronicle” on the 510th. 17th. 24th, and 3lst days of jDecember A. D. 1914, resnectivcly. iand a com? of this By-Law sdtall i'be posted at the several polling: {places mentioned and at the Port jOffice in the Town of Durham. of {h t .fiunicipai v zetinn Hf the 91 “U? t .1: Cue hour, day and place rein fixed for taking the votes ghe electors the polls will In: .\D I‘L RZHER TAKE NO'I for W B. VOLLET Town (I! authorize the bor- n of $13,000.00 bv sale of dawnturm. UUCC IlClpai Orp0= the [nun (,f in enacted O " O \Y n I) \.. " Ch; 009 7‘07] TAKE N0 a true cop has been an-l Whi bv the of the event ()1 lwferred to in the foregoing Bv- Law, showing how the amount of $1133.39 therein required to be raised annuallyr by special rate is apportioned. Year Principal Interest Total 1916 $ 353 39 $780 00 $1133 39 1917 374 61 758 78 1133 39 1918 397 08 736 31 1133 39 1919 420 91 712 48 1133 39 1920 446 16 687 23 1133 39 1921 472 93 660 46 1133 39 1922 501 31 632 08 1122 20 Dated at the Council Chamber in the Town of Durham this dav of January A. D. 1915. 1927 1928 199“ 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 1935 8. The Clerk of the Council of the said Town of Durham shall at- tend at his office in the said Town of Durham at ten o’clock in the forenoon of Tuesday. the Fifth dav of January A D. 1.01:3. to sum up the number of votes for and against this By-Law. 1924 x i. On Saturday, the Second day of January A. D. 1.915. the Mayor of the. said Town of Dur- ham shall attend at the Clerk’s Office at the said Town of Dur- ham at the hour of ten o’clock in the forenoon to appoint persons to attend at the several polling places aforesaid and at the final summing up of the votes ‘ov the Clerk on behalf of the persons interested in and promoting: or Opposing the passing of this Bv- Law respectively: On Mondav the 4t‘1 dav of Janu- arv AND 1915, commencind at the hour of nine ociock in the fore- noon and continuin" till five 0- clock in the afternoon of the same day by the 10110 «mgr Donut? Returning: Officers and P011 Clerks: 6. The votes of the e of the said Town of Dnrlmr be taken on this By-Law a following times and places is to say: p a. This Bv-Law shall take et- fcct on and from the final passâ€" ing thereof by tin:- Municipal Council of the 'i‘own of Durham. 4. During the currency of the said debentures there shall be raised annually by special rate on all the rateable property in the Town of Durham the sum of $1.133.39. for the purpose of paying“ the amount due in ens-h uf the years for principal and inn-râ€" erst in respect of the said dr-‘t‘t (as shown in Schedule “A" hen-to annexedJ 3. The said debentures shall bear interest at the rate of Six per cent. per annum. payable yearlv at the office of the said Bank at the Town of Durham and shall have attached thereto cou- pons for payment of the said in- terest, which coupons shall be signed by the Mayor and Treas- urer of the said Town of Durham. the Treasurer thereof. and the Clerk of the said Town of Durham shall attach thereto the Corporate S931 0f the said M‘llnioinalifv $ 13000 00 $ In West Ward at Hall by John Smith ”Returning Officer. Kress, Poll Clerk. In East \Vard at George Thompson’s store by W'. H. Bean, Deputy Returning Offi- cer. Wm. P. Paterson. Poll Clerk: In North Ward at George Shier’s store. by Clifton El- Vidqe. Deputy Pt-turning‘ Offl- cer. Vern-on Elvidge, Poll Clerk: Principal Interest $ 353 39 374 61 397 08 420 91 446 16 472 93 501 31 531 38 563 27 597 06 632 88 670 86 711 11 753 77 799 00 84-6 94 897 76 951 62 1008 72 1069 24 $780 00 758 78 736 31 712 48 687 23 660 46 632 08 602 01 570 12 536 33 500 51 462 53 422 28 379 62 334 39 286 45 235 63 113 ‘ 181 77 124 67 64 1 Total $1133 39 1133 39 1133 39 1133 39 1133 39 1133 39 1133 39 1133 39 1133 39 1133 39 1133 39 1133 39 1133 39 1133 39 1133 39 1133 39 Schedule ‘ A” uu mm the Corporate said Municipality. 660 46 632 08 602 01 570 12 536 33 500 51 462 53 422 28 379 62 334 39 286 45 235 63 181 77 124 67 64 13 the electors Durham shall 'â€"Law at the the Town Deputy Georg-e Mayor. Clerk.

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