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Durham Chronicle (1867), 28 Jan 1915, p. 2

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NOTICE is hereby given, pursu- ant to 3.8.0. 1914. Cap. 121. Sec. 56. that all persons having claims against the estate of the said Christina Hug-gins. who died on or about the 213t day of December. A. D. 1914. are required to send by post prepaid or otherwise de- liver to J. P. Telford. of the Town 0! Durham. Solicitor for the Ad- ministrator. on or before the 30th day 0! January. A. D. 1915. their panes. addresses and descriptions and a full statement of particu- lar! of their claims and the na- ture of the security, if any. held bv them. dulv certified. and that atter the said day the adminis- trator will proceed to distribute the assets of the estate among the In the matter of the Estate of Christina Huggins, late of the Township of Artemesia. in the County of Grey, widow. deceased. In the Surrogate Court of the Cqunty of Grey. Baden entitled therewihavi'fig regard only to the claims of which he shall then have notice. A settler who has exhausted his homestead right may take a pur- chased homestead in certain dist- ricts. Price $3.00 per acre. Duties of three years, cultivate 50 acres and erect a house worth $300. The area of cultivation is sub- lect to reduction in case of rough. scrubby or stony land. Live stock may be substituted for cultivation under certain conditions. W. W. CORY, C.M.G., Deputy of the Minister of Interior. DREâ€"Unauthorized publication of this advertisement will not be oaid for. 8514 Dutiesâ€"Six months residence in each of three years after earning homestead patent; also 50 acres extra cultivation. Pre-emption patent may be obtained as soon as homestead patent, on certain con- dttions. In certain districts a homeâ€" ateader in good standing may pre- empt a quarter section alongside his homestead. Price $3.00 per ----‘< of his homestead on a farm of at least 80 acres, on certain condi- tion. A habitable house is re- quired except Where residence is performed in the vicinity. Dutiesâ€"Six months residence upon and cultivation of the land in each of three years. A home- Igeqqer may live within nine miles SYNOPSIS 0F CANADIAN NORTH WEST LAND REGULATIONS The sole head of a family, or any male over 18 years old, may ho'mestead a quarter-section of available Dominion land in Mani- toba, Saskatchewan or Alberta. Applicant must appear in person at the Dominion Lands Agency or Sub-Agency for the District. Entry by proxy may be made at any: Dominion Lands Agency (but not, Bab-Agency), on certain conditions Dated the 3131: dav of December. Notice to Creditors J. ARTHUR COOK WlLL GIVE vocal instruction in singing ev- ery Tuesday afternoon and evening at the home of Mrs. S. P. McComb. Pupils may apply for appointments to Mrs. Ms- C‘omâ€"b at any time. 10 22W REMEMBER THE FAMOUS SPIR- ella Corset; any size, type or price; with perfect laundering qualities, and unbreakable Sti'GlS: positively hygenic. Not sold in Itorea. Mrs. J. C. Nichol, Rep- resentative, Box 107, Durham. Ontario. 418 6m SEVEN ACRES. 1% MILES EAST of Durham: small. but comfort- able brick house, large wood- shed. frame stable and clrivmg shed: running water: daily mail service: good location for tradesman with small family: a snap for the man who acts Quickly. Apply to J. P. Telfnrd Durham, Ont. 9 24t1' ARCEIBALD FERGUSON, Amistrator. bv hi- Solidtor. J. P. Teltord. ” ACRES IN EGREMON '1‘ FIRST 1. 6. Hutton. M. 9., C. M. tlY‘VC .. _ 31:888. aggilggggshesgl“ cenn nt . “VINCE-Over J .P° Telfox-d’s office floors in all stables; sma‘l orch- ‘i ”“1"." "MW-“”6 the RPg'M-d.‘ ”d. well watered: about 3-inflite. Residence Second house muuh acre. of fair hardwood buqh: “t R""“”‘ “m“ ““H‘t‘mi’ “f‘x'h‘lt good state of cultivation. Apâ€" SUV." Utfiw'f‘inuh (”1* “‘°' 3TH" ”1’ to w. J. Wilson, Varnm 111.1..7-91) m. lr'lt-‘phmw Irmumumvv- ‘ tum ‘hmwven um“? and Icsi‘ienm- :11 Lot %, Con. 20, Egremont. Q on inanrl all iluln's. BEING LOT 53. CON. 3. E. ("x. R. Glenelg, containing: 20‘" acres: on premises are new fr 1mg barn brick house. .aheds and outbuL‘ui- ing‘s; rurzntnq stream through Draperty: abut 10 2311-3 hurl!- wood bush, rest in 9:39.! stntc of cultivation. Possession given on Nov. lst. 191:5. For furthm' par- ticulars. apply on premises to Mrs John Staples. Rum] Route No. 1. Durham. Ont eH-lguit: BEING LOT 9. CON. 12. GLENELG. 100 acres: well fenced and in good state of cultivation: good water: good house and ':‘:1'n..Fnr particulars, apply to James Goodwill. 761 9th St. E.. Owen Sound- 2 '21 Rod tf GOOD COMFORTABLE FIVE- room house. in good locality. Apply to Dan. McAuliffe.108tf x 3V9‘rtvirwmanra .6 nne incn, or [633.Wu for first inserti . and 10 cents fox-each “”3“!“le "H7t‘ti0n. Ove: one mob and under two inches. double the fiber. amount. Yearly rates on applimtxon. Spiroi la (‘ursots "arms for Sale. Rent SMALL ADS. 8 '20 4mpd runner particulars may ho had from William Caldera or Robert Mactarlane. Executors, or “V:- w nu; R. H. ISAAC. Auc't'iSneer Dated at Durham. January 7 u.. U; â€" thm and three-eighth; acres more or less. The prOperty will be offered for sale subject to a reserved bid on each of the said parcels. .... v- uul ‘ ham in the County of Grey, containlng twenty-five acres, more or less. Parcel IIIâ€"Lot number Five. CountessStreet. East, BrOWn’S survey. in the said Town of Durham, containing one- In pursuance of the powers vested in them the Executors of the Estate of the late James Fal- kingham. deceased, will offer for sale bv public auction at Hahn’s Hotel in the Town of Durham on Friday the 29th day of January 1915. at 2 o’clock in the afternoon the lands belonging to the said estate, consisting of the following valuable freehold pronerty: Parcel Iâ€"Lot Number Tshree. Con- cession Six. in the Township of Glenelg, in the County of Grey‘ containing one hund- acres. more or less. Pedigreed Yorkshire Boar. at Lot 20, Con. 2. Egremont. John J Queen. Holstein. RE. No 2. 114 9 £112.. and no Gullah Sq 'l‘hmx: and Now Hm SPECIALIST : f E:'-:"L;,__‘_ZAԤ, THROAT NOSE J F GRANT, D. D. S .L. D. S. HONOR GRA DUA'I‘E. UNIVERS‘I ty of Tnmnm. Graduate Row. Tnllege Dental Surgeons uiflntarm Demistrv in all its Branches Officeâ€"Uvm- Dnuglus’Jeweilerv SUM-v. ‘iagn Linewses A general financia 195:9 tramncfe'}. DURHAM ONT (LOWGW Town ‘ _ , -_ -, -V - er Conveyanoer. 8m. Insurance $29111. . \Snney to Lnaxz. Issuer of Mar- MgnALnrengeh‘ A general financial bus; -‘7. A ’v -' rice NT Yurk My} (Wham). Diseases of Eye. Ear Nose and Throat \\'ill be :lt thc- Hahn House, Dwu 19, Jan. 16, February 21), March 20, Hum-s. 1w 5 p.m. Lute Assxatant Roybnmlon Uuhmanun- H. )F A. H. Jackson. [F’YI‘ARY PUBLIC (,0\3] memtars’ i. P. Teifard. exuglsvrszh St.;1;ll?!’l‘01{. m" Opertv {1 short distance east of Knapp’s Hotel. Lamb ton Street. Lower Town. Durban; )fiice hours from 33 to .3 o'clock Drs. lamieson 6:. lamieson. M3109. raw RESIDENCE. a} 1 dceiu the New Hunter Block. Uflic ours. 8 to 10 a. m. to 4 :a. m. and 7 t -. :11. Special attention given In disease r women and children. Rnaidence an (mite Presbvteriafi thumb. ' L 5-K WN 0N DON. EN( of London. )HYSICIAN A ND SURGE N. Oi Office. nearly unposite the Regis‘r) :8. Lambtou ~‘t.,I)urham. Anyamomn nnuev to man a? 5 p9“ cent. on raw :1 IVâ€"Lot number Ten, Queen Street East. Brown’s survey, in the said Town of Durham. containing one-quarter of an acre. more or less. >1 Vâ€"The Westerly portion of the First Division of Lot Number Twenty-seven. Con- cession One, West Garafraxa Road. in the Township of Bentinck in the County of Grey. containing _ ”Shhirty- ‘kâ€"AA A-‘J LLâ€"‘_ Boar for Service Office Arthur Gun, M. D. Medical Directorv. Us Sale of Lands . J. SHARP ml QDI'rgrl‘on’ ail/42.! Direction) DR. BUR}. :8. Pickering Dentist. ()ver J COM MISSION )WH" ~‘mmd. unter 1149 REAL 1381 ATE FIRM IS U‘NDEr: ..._.; A.RP.EST T. méi'mL. T,A M. FERGUSON President. Secretarv, TEN ACRES OF LAND, MORE OR less. on .Lambton street, east of Durham: considerable timber. fit for posts‘ poles and wood Will sell cheap. Apply to George Whitmore Durham. 114 9pdtf The annual meeting of the Priceville Agricultural Society will be held on Thursday the 2131: dav of January. 1915, at 1 o’clqck Dan. .3 Five members of the real es- ,tate firm of MeCutcheon Bros. .Were placed under arrest in .Tor- onto on Friday last. There are numerous people in this vicinity to Whom this will be good newsâ€" those who have got bitten 1)" this firm.. One gentleman near Flesh- erton sued last fall for the return of $500 bound up with the firm- and several others have smaller amounts. The company has been doing: business for several vears. and no doubt their victims are Widely distributed throughout the country. If other districts have long ago. It required the new Attorney- General, Hon. I. B. Lucas, after the McCutcheons, and he lost no time about it. He w rest was ordered by the Attorney- General after nearly a month’s investigation and the change is conspiracy to defraud.â€"-Fleshert0n Advance. on conditions of the hotcls in this township. l'or ini'<.:r1nati<m oi" Council. 'ommittcc to receive no pay.~~- (Sari iwi. Fisher -- Whitcl'or(--â€"-'l'hat Mrs Walsh 1w rcâ€"a'ppointml caretakcr of the township hall at the same salary as formerly, $10. payable half ycariy in ad\‘1111cc.-Car1'ied. \‘s'hitci'ordâ€"Fishcrâ€"Thzlt the fol- lowing accounts be paid: J. L. Rowan, wood for town- ship .hall .................. Hospital for Sick Children 100 13.5. Schauss, rep. culvert lot 5, cons. 5 and 6 ...... 100 Municipal World for Council 575 Mrs. Walsh, 3;; years salarv 500 ,J. Krclicr. rep. bridge, lot . 22, con. 11 ..................... 65 ‘Mccling of Council at date 10m: J.l~l. Otto. re 191-1, $2 and $10 ' f for lamps for tp. hal‘.-. 12 00 Municipal cll-ction expenses (‘55 .3 'limcs Printing (30., Pctcr- borough, election su'p’s 5% L. Loos. rep. road grador... 500 8.8. No. 16, Aytou, bal of {loin-Murc- money.-. 7.: 54 J P. Lynch. refund tax error of assessor ...... ' in the Township Hall, Ayton, on Fchruary 10 at 10 a.m. to recech the auditor‘S’ renort and fnv mmâ€" {fir [-v.-. ;s-\ LIL. “ball 1C W hitefoid â€""'111"'0mâ€"â€"l hat cillms } lains'm. 1 min. 1' Ryan be a committee to R 311â€"“ 111te10rdâ€"lhat Mr An~ drew Schcnk be asked to 3.3.11 ~- drum his l<3tt11 0f Don-13111311313 13. 1914, to the to“ 11sh1p COUNtil ten- dering his 113sig1111ti011 us t<z~".\;;â€"- ship t 11 ,ginvm' “Cania 3d. _-‘ :11 business. The Reeve took \t‘he big chair and addressed the council at some considerable length. asking; their co-Operation of all the members, keeping in View that motto, “low taxes.” He said if this was don-3. he. Mr. Ryan. would guarantee an acclaimation for 1916. Mr. flyan in- troduced Byâ€"laws Nos. 1, 2 and of 101.3, which were given their proper rraLEings. and on motion of Whitel‘0r<1â€"-Fulsing‘er were mus «i and engrossed in the By-lav.’ ham; P.yam~Filsingcrâ€"lhat Mr (M. ens. rnto'pnyvr. '00 elected arnum- her of the local board of Malt: for three Mum's â€"-(..‘a.-'riv-l. a.m. The clerk administered the declarations of office.The members then formed a council, as fol- lows: Reeveâ€"Wm. H. Ryan. Deputy Reeveâ€"J. Whitef-ord Councillorsâ€"D. Fisher. R Bar- bour, A. Filsing'er. ' NORMAN BY COUNCIL. The members elect met in thé township hall. Ayton, as per stat- ute. on Monday, January 1]. at 11 Annual Meeting Boar for V berv Ice 7 my For Sale THE DURHAM CHRONICLE: report a ml for :ii will at ‘ruary 10 and that all part-- C‘Oun- :md l't’lmrt gon- S.C Buff Leghorn 11â€"Cock, J.R. Richards, J. Donnelly; hen, Rich- ards. Donnelly: cockerel. Richards Donnelly; pull-et, Donnelly 1 and 2; pen, Donnelly. R.C Buff Leghorn 4â€"Cock, Don- nelly 1 and 2; hen, Donnellyu Black Leghorns 6â€"Hen, J. Her- bell and2; pallet, Hertell'and 2. 8.0 Brown Legh’orna 21â€"Cock, L Klemmer 1 and 2; hien W Con- nor, Klemmer; cockerel, A G Luxton, Vollett Son; pullet L. Klemmer 1 and 3, Grier Bros. 2; pen, W. Connor 8.0 White Leghaorns 15â€"Cock. F. Saunders, Luxton; hen, Saunders, Connor: cockerel, Grier Bros., J Vollett Son; pullet, Grier Pros., Connor; pen, A. McDonald . ___"I --------- H, Lux'ton. Sumatra Gameâ€"Cpck. Luxton. Pit Gamesâ€"Cock Luxton; hen, Luxto:n; cockerel, Luxton; bullet, Luxt-on. Pyle Games 3â€"Hen, Harvey J, 2. Indian Games 11â€"Cock, F. H W. Hickling, J. M Latimer. A. G. Lux- ton: hen, Hickling, Latimer; cock- grel, Luxton; pullet, Hickling‘, Brown Red Games 3â€"H’en. N Harvey 1 and 2. Black Red Games 6â€"- Cockerml N Harvey 1 and 2; pullet, Harvey 1 and 2. 'R.C Rhode Island Red 5â€"AH to Grier Bro-s. Columbian \Vyandottes 4â€"-(‘ur.:k. 1. hen 1. cockerel 1. E. ‘Hildohrémdt D-ominiques Gâ€"All to Luxtnn. S.C Rhoda Island Rods 26-â€"(_,‘ook. Grier Bros.. J Gibson: hon. Griffir Bros“ 1, 2, CW. Lang: cockerel. A. McDonald 1 and 2. T. Morton; pullet. A. McDonald 1 and 2. (i W’. Lang. Partridge Wyandottes 6â€"Hen. A G.Luxton 1 and 2; pullet, A Mr- D-onald, Luxton. \Vhite Wyandottes QOâ€"Cock, E (‘rriel' BI‘OS., J. Fleet: hen, Grim" Bros., Fleet; cockerel. Grier Bros,I Fleet. J. Donnelly; pullet. J}? Vollet Son. 1 and 3, Grim" Ema; pen. J. Vollett Son. § Golden-laced \VyanclottoS~-All m Hhavmes, Bantums_1Qâ€"(;uck Luxton. _ . arVey 1 and 2, (Bauer Brns.: Ha’jWN’ 1 and 3, Grier 1 Silver laced Wyandotto Jaâ€"ka. comierel; N Harvey. I‘rl‘ior 1 C. P. Kinnee 1 and 2; hen. C. P. pullet, 3- Harvey. Grier Bros Kinnee 1 and 2, A. G. Luxton; g . ‘ cnckcrel, Luxton. Kinnee; bullet, Iffltntamsilao \. 10â€"C<)ck. Ha Kinnee 1 and 2; pen, Kinnee 1, 2. ‘ ‘ x on _ ,en’ ‘Luxton, H1“ 0 7 hv‘l‘nl- T _ Huetcalfe. 1, 2 and 3: cockorols, I. \Vhite 'v OPDiDR‘tOD 7â€"C'lck, (3. IE. Metcalfe, 1. 2 and 3; pullers, J. Lang, W. Connor; hen- Lang, EE. Metcalfe, 1, ’2 and 3; Don. J. W. (.‘Onnor; cockercl. Comm:- 1 bullet. Hanna. Connor; pen, Connor. White Rocks 28â€"C0ck. W. Mm:â€" H‘Oudvans 6â€"C0ck. A. U Luxton: donald, W .Connor; hens. \V. Con- hen, W. Connor. Luxton: cockere]. nor, \V. Macdonald 2 and 3: cock- [JUXt0n; pu119t, LUXtOD, COUDOI‘. erels W. Connor 1 and 2 T. Rinâ€" ,. . nie: ,ImlletS, H. Huber. W: Connor “lute €1.95th Black Polandsâ€" 2. 3, 4 and 5; pen. W’ Connor. ;Hen, 1411313011; Dullot. Luxton. Buff Rocksâ€"All to Grier Bras f 8-8 Hamburgs S-J. R. HiChideSa A. Luxtoni hven,‘ Richards. Lang-z Partridge Rocks 18â€"Cock. C H cockerel, RIChaI‘GS; bullet, .iichâ€" ON'IIS, A G. Luxton; hen. H. Mat- ards. l W axd 2. A C‘. Luxtnn; _ , , .» ‘ ‘ ' .. ‘ :ggkeslzoll R1 Matthex‘vsrl and 2; .Campmes '5‘C0‘5'k 1811 ‘3. HH‘K- 51111915, 1%. Matthews 1 and 2 A.I'i-. IIIII-lg;1-COCkCM‘l- Hmkling: PLUM. - ' Pg 0- Luxton: pen, R. Matthews. 1“ ma' White Rocks '28â€"COCk. \V. Mm:- do-nald, W .Connor; hens. \V. (fon- nor, W. Macdonald 2 and 3: cock- erols, W. Connor 1 and 2, '1‘. Rinâ€" nie: pullets, H. Huber. W. (301mm- 2. 3, 4 and 5; pen, W’ Connor. Black Cochinsâ€"All to Luxton. White Cochinsâ€"All to Connor. Black Langshansâ€"All to Luxton. Barred Rocks 24â€"Cock. J. If. Metcalfe. J. W. Hanna: hens. J.E Metcalfe. 1, 2 and 3: cockorols, J. E. Metcalfe, 1. 2 and 3; pullers, J. 3. Vletcalfe, 1, 2 and 3; pen. J. W. Hanna. Kinnee, Partridge Cochihs 5:03}: hon 1, W. Connor; pullvt Light Brahmas 8vâ€"â€"C0ck, nor; hen. W. Connor, Luxton: cockervl, \V. (3013' Lang; pullet, W. Cannon t'on. E The fifth annual show of the [Durham Poultry AssociatiOn Was held in the town hall on January 1-19-21, and was a great success. iSix hundred birds were on exhibi- i‘tivon, which is about ‘200 more t‘: an last year. Mr. G. A Robertson of St. Catharines placed the a“ 32:15. Belou “ill be found the mum's l ,and addresses of exhibitOrs and ?awards: Dark Brahylag 4-â€"A11 to Luxton F. Saunders, Durham. W. Clarke, Durham. J. Voltht Son. Durham. J. Donnelly, Durham. C. P. Kinnee. Durham. J. M. L-a‘timer, Durham. A. (j. H. Luxton, Mount. .Fnrost J. Hurtul, Hanover. J. R. Richards Listuuxl. \K'. Macdonald, Durham. C. H. Oyns. Durham. 1-3.. Calder, Durham. H. M. Huber, Hanover. J. Fleet, Hanover. L. Klemmer, Hanover. R. Matthews. Durham. J. E. Metcalfe, Han-over Grier 131103., Owen Sound. J. Gibson, Durham. W. Connor, Durham. F. Havens, Durham. E. Hildebrandt, Durham. T. Morton, Durham. W. J. Ritchie, Durham. N. Harvey, Durham. Herr: . W. Hanna, Dundulk, Jr). '7 l H. W. Hickling. Flasherton . Binnie, Priceville. No 0 d DURHAM’S POULTRY snow THE A W .11, \V. Cofmur, (7.“ -XltDSI 3k 1. and \V. C0 n- 11X- ' ‘â€" Muscovyâ€"Old drake, Luxton; “lawn; __m_ duCk? LUXtOD 1 and 2; young â€"-’._â€"“_'“â€"”"â€"“' "“~' drake, Luxton 1 and 2; duck. WAS PALE-J L . t . ut on Cookâ€"The tea i A.'O.V. Ducksâ€"01d duck, Luxton: ed, ma’am. young duck, Luxton. M" trissâ€"I noti4 Tumbler Pigeons, pairâ€"Lang. seemed very weal u - ‘- - Magpie Pigeons, pairâ€"Luxton. I hke this quau lyours,” said a visi A.O.V. Pigeons, pairâ€"Luxton. 1 2. ‘ I can get lots of o . ' “No, sir,” said, th4 Guinea Pigs, pairâ€"W. Clarke got local Option.” D THE Indian Runnerâ€"Old drake. Lux- ton; duck, Luxton; young drake. Luxton; duck, Luxton. R-ouenâ€"Drake. J. R Richards. A. Luxton: duck Luxton. Richards: young drake, Richards, Luxton; young duck, Luxton, Richards. Pekinâ€"Drake, R. Calder, C Lang; duck. Lang. Calder; young drake, Lang. Luxton; voung‘ duck Lang, Luxton. - â€"-\â€"‘, uttlltâ€" I goose, Lang: young goose, Lang. Embdenâ€"Gandor, Lam". Aylesbury Duckâ€"Drake. Luxtoxzz duck, Luxton; young drake. Lux- ton, young duck, Luxton cockerel, Luxtofi: pullet. Luxton. A.0 V. Turkeyâ€"Cock. Luxton: hen; Luxton; pullet Luxton. Toulouse Geese â€"â€" Gander, "Lana“: Bronze Turkeysâ€"Hon, cockerel, Luxton: bullet. Silver Grey 1)(.)I‘kiflf.{5 “â€"â€" (fuck. A. G. Luxton 1 and :2; hen. W Cm;- nor, Luxton; ccmkem-l. Luxtun; pullet, Luxton, Connor. \Vhile D0rkings~All to Luxtun. C-OlOred ])Orking_Hni. Luxtnn, Buff Orping‘ton 19 â€"C<_)(-,k. W, Ritchie. W. Clarke: hen. W ('larke 1 and 2, A.G Luxton: cockerel. W. Ritchie 1 and 2; puliet, Ritchi‘.‘ 1 and 2: pen, Ritchie. Black Orpingtons 10 ~Cock. W. Clarke, J. Gibson; hen. Clarke 1 and 3, Luxton; pullet. Luxton. and Anconas H. Rance; Binnie; Rance. S.(.‘ Black Minm as 18 G Luxton; hen A Mr an:1?Luxt0n J.Gi11z~;<111 Luxton. (11138-011; pullct McDonald Law)“ a- RC Black Min-orca 8-â€"-1 Havens 1 and. 2:11:91). ‘1 and 2; cockerel. Havens; Havens 1 and 2. Black Spanish 1 and 2. 9F @AMADA Andalusians 6â€"H G Luxton; ~pui White Minorcas -1 ~ch ' For severe wounds, cuts. skin diseases, eczema and all skin troublesâ€"for adults or for children, there'is nothing to equal the great herbal healer Bantams IQâ€"Cock. N and 2, Grier Brns.: hon 1 and 3, Grier Bros; Av arvey. Grier Bros . 10â€"Cock. Har\'0_\'. Binni son: COckt 3t, Luxfon :‘11. N. rial‘vgv 8â€"47‘00k. . Ha\'(_ I i-I‘ior Bros Luxton Havens, Ha\ en 5' T '3, Havens Luxtun 901121 Vons hulk qfic‘slvs‘w'mod. Jurisedbythaé \V “I like this quaint little town of yours,” said a visitor, “I suppose I can get lots of oxygen here.) “N 0, Big,” sgi_dl the native, ,“v've’vo mumsâ€"1 noticed that it seemed very weak the last time. Contract rates nished on annlim ‘v'. - -.v.. . 3 cents per line each anba- - quent insertion niinion measure. Profession: cards not exceeding one inch $4.00 beranntm Advertisements with ' ' hanged accordingly mnmentnoticesâ€" ‘Lt at. ’ ‘zFunnd ' “ or 8319, etc, 00 cents for first insertion " IS PUBLISHED VERY THURSDAY MORNING At the Chronicle Printing House Street. . Gan Full lime of {htLhulicl . _ {ubes and whltc (hips fuz- au‘ed m \Ve stand ready to make good anything that they guarantee. years and have heard no complaints. BUY “Stanfields and he hnppv. Nu more «In ',itlking - this is guaranteed bv the manufacturers ‘Ve have sold the goods for WAS PALE-LOOKING. \Vlwn buying underwear n.1- way< buy the best: it Lasts longer, feels more («unfini- able and will save, ynur ten)- per. It is very trying on the tempertn try andsqueeze a “40" body into a “36” shirt. h...__- EDWARD 'RRESS Snow Rooms-4‘ Barber Shun. . dmn' Sullth 0f '\ bhwksmirh shun How about an Overcoat. \Ve have :1 few at bar- gam prices. ~. L. GRANT Embatming , ...-, uc (-nargea :f not, do 'paidTâ€"fggz‘a“; ch ever) ~ubscription is paid is denoted b mbm or the address label. K ' mat to all arrears are paid. nxnept at :h of the proprietor. mum AND PRUP Our Guarantee t rates tor year. 5 aDblication to the The Remedy 21mm 0 notice. (:12. January 28, 1915. Ordered quite exhaust- \V . . vxt In Swalhvw' {HSIDI‘1N(_.‘Hâ€"~ 2‘ ex ieut advertisement fine for the firgz inoe nu .‘nâ€" "* F.1d vertmemenu P Office Specialty tubes, and his." ged people. o b) atran gong R-l ETOR dawn 1 Io Galahaxo tn:

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