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Durham Chronicle (1867), 11 Mar 1915, p. 2

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BEING LOT 9. CON. 12. GLENELG. 190 acres: well fenced and in good state of cultivation; good water: good house and barn For Particulars, apply to James Goodwill. 761 9th St. E.. Owen “MN” 2 '21 906 tf Spirella- Carsets REMEMBER THE FAMOUS SPIR- ella Corset; any size, type or price; with perfect laundermg qualities, and unbreakable steels: positively hygenic. Not sold in stores. Mrs. J. C. Nichol, Rep- meentatiVe, Box 107, Durham. Ontu'io. 4 18 fun Lat 20', COD. 2. Queen. Holstei a] TEX ACRES OF LAN less. on Lambton 5 Durham: considerai for posts. poles an sell cheap. Apply “'hitmore Durham Avif-‘ertmvmonV-a of one incn. nbwguoat insertion. Over LARGE EXPEgIENCE IN HR. ‘11- (‘0..â€" -I-\rn \‘nan1 9 3 RT vocal vocal instruction in singing ev- en Tuesday afternoon and ev'ening at the home f Mrs. S. P McComb. Pupils may apply for appointments to Mrs. Mc- "‘“‘ "* an" time- 10 22t£ FOUR HEIFERS, RISII‘SG THREE, years old. due to calve early: are in good flesh and good colâ€"g ors; or two young cows. due ins April’ one brown filly using 33: make an excellent driver: one? general purpose gelding rising 3.? _, -“ 7‘ n n VA 1 11014:-5 Comb at BANNER OATS, IMPROVED FOR 13 years by hand selection“ also ‘3olden Vine Peas. Price 3c lb. The Oats mentioned abpve grsw All taxes not paid on or before’ tme 15th inst. will be placed in the; Collector’s hands, with three per; 9 c‘amt. added. i SYNOPSIS 0F CANADIAN NORTH:- WEST LAND REGULATIONS 5" The sole head of a family, or: any male over 18 years old, may; homestead a quarter-section of{ available Dominion land in Mani-f toba, Saskatchewan or Alberta; Applicant must appear in personi athe Dominion Lands Agency or, bâ€"Agency for the District. Entry“; by proxy may be made at any; Dominion Lands Agency (but not Bub-AgencS'). on certain cOnditions‘ Dutiesâ€"Six months residencei upon and cultivation of the land; in each of three years. A home-i final. A habitable house is re- united except where residence is; performed in the vicinity. i In certain districts a home-1 steader in good standing may ore-1 empt a quarter section alongside1 hh homestead. Price $3.00 per‘ acre. Dutiesâ€"Six months residence in each of three years after earning homestead patent; also 50 acres extra cultivation. . Pm-emption dnuu ““A u _____ class decorating. Communicate by letter, phone gr ot'nex'wirse if you have work on which you want an estimate. Phone Chesley, Ontario. 'm the field that took a $15 nrize at the Standing Field CrOD Competition in 1914. Apply to W. L Dixon, Lot 15, Con. 22, Eg- remont, RE No. 1. Varney. 3 O! W ~JGm-r, -_.____ and erect a house worth $300. The are: of cultivation is sub- het to rednCtion in case of rough. scrubby or stony land. Live stock be substituted tor cultivation DI 1.1.11: certain conditions. "arms for Sale. 1302 l Singing 'BUR mm; mm. GIVE :‘n+.‘1nf:r\h 3n Sirifing 9". a 1* If“ 1’ SCI" Vice BY Order of Council W B. VOLLET, Clerk. See-41 (511‘? in time. ~13 at Mucliay Fur 316 B Yorkshire 2, Egremont who has exhausted his iclerahlfi‘ U! SMALL ADS. AND. MORE 03 var one amount street. ens hie timber GPtu'L'? 11490utf or loss. 25pm.“ for first inuerti . and 10 cents {01*th mm mob and under two inches. double the above mt Yearly ntoa on applicanon. . L . VLJV. ling riSiIW 3 i No 1 Mar“; éértain dist- acre. Dntiep John J . 114$ )JI‘. 3 a. H. Jackson. THREE; OTA RY PUBLIC coumssxox 951er at Ccvnveywauupr c_. immine- \V'm (11‘ one i -- ‘ 1} ()FFICE-Over J P. Telford’s office 1 nearly opposite the Regismx ; ofl‘ice. Resxdence Secund house sum}: , oi Registry office on east. sidsa of Alhm? ' Street. Oflicejimns 9‘11 a.m.. 2 4 p. FFICE AND RESIDENCE 3 ’ short (instance 6w! 0! Knapp’s Hutâ€"e! numb ton Street, Lower Town. Durham )fice hours from 12 to 3 o’clock i L.a}.e Assist“)! Kn; } Saga. and to 601.191: vâ€"v 11).. 7-9 p. :11. Telephone cmmmmica- non between ofiice and residcnw n1 all hours. I‘LU‘VAuov --â€"- ._ , - tice in the New HuLtâ€"er Block. 03%: ‘.ours.tf to 10 a. m. to 4 p. m. an _7' to!- ~ m. Specxal attention given to dxsaaaer if women and children. Residence 0;- wos‘xte Ptesbvterian Church. 3:)HYSICIAN AN D SURGEON , 01“ tice in the New Hunter Block. ‘ Qfl‘ic‘ 23m. Jamie-son a lamieson. . l. 6. Hutton. ‘ I York alld Chicago. Queues of Eye. Ear Nose and Throat \ViH he at th» Hahn House, Dev. 19, Jan. 16, Fe-bru'ru'y 2‘). March 2“, Hunt‘s, 1 m5 p.111. ()mtwwOver Unuglas' Jeweller“ SLOI'P. V er Conveyauner. the. Insurance- Agent Money to Loan. Isms: nf Mar- ' "38.26 Licenses A general financxal bus: . 193$ travmacted. : DURHAM O\T‘. (aner Town. ) Holstein Conveyaneer Issuer of Marriage Licenses « Money to loan at lowest rates . and terms to suit borrower. Fire and Life Insurance placed in thor-x iough‘y reliable compnaies. Deedsu 'Mortgages. Leases and Wills. executed on shortest notice. AH work promptly attended to. J F GRANT. D. D. S .L.D. S HONOR GRADUATE. UNIVERSI- i. ty of ' Toronto. Graouate Royh ".nnege Dana! Surgeons of Ontario Dentistry in :1“ its Branches )f amuav MODS? tV . f ARRISTEL, Office. heart) SHORTHORN BULL! 12 MONTHS old: dark red. with white mark- ings: eligible for registeation. Apply to Wm. Leggette, Dur- ham, R. R No. 1. 34 tf Too late for last week. We are having beautiful Weather for the season of the year. LLVuU\ V‘ \u *J Mr. and Mrs. Will Brown of B-un--- reminder of the havoc of mc’Odem essan were guests on Sundav atywar. The casualties up to October the home of Mr. W. R. .Watson i3!” were approximately We are glad to report Mrs. Jas.’ There has been much heavy fight- ." i . “i - \“l'e i. . ( .Ve Hopkins some better, after 112: s nce, ill 11 appears t) in recent severe illness. heri been to the full as deadly as that got“ the earlier engagements. The Last Thursday evening the home long lists which. are being publish- of Mrs. W. Lee was the scene of a e? 93‘1“ day show what numbers fleasant - , 0 our best are being daily lai . ‘ gathering, when the low round the positions they so neighbors met to say good-bye to gloriously hold. It is to relieve Mrs. Lee and family. before leav-' those amongst them who are not ing for their new home, and to ipresent to her a slight token of and Supplies. The sufferings of irespect. They will be much missed our soldiers will be great and 'as.they were kind and obliging: only by a lavish and prompt ex- ;neighbors. il penditur; will their pains be mitiâ€" 5 We extend our sympathy to Mr. gated and their prospects of re- .and Mrs. Herb Allen. who lost COVEI‘Y improve-d- 57.000.‘ past relief that We ask for money" l {9.02ng without the ‘v-‘-‘V~ u‘.‘ “--_‘ r- ceedings accordingly. Whenever a householder knows or has reason to suspect that any person within his family or house- hold, or boarding or lodging with him. has any communicable dis-â€" ease. he shall, within 12 hours. give notice to the Secretary of the Board of Health, or' M. O. H., in. writing, or the notice may be given to the Secretary of the Board of Health or the M. O. H. in: his office. No householder in whose dwelling there occurs any communicable disease shall permit any person suffering from such disease to leave, or any clothing re- _ ,A n-_-L:~'.J Last Thursday evening the home of Mrs. W. Lee was the scene of a pleasant gathering, when the neighbors met to say good-bye to Mrs. Lee and family. before leav- ing for their new home, and to present to her a slight token of respect. They will be much missed as they were kind and obliging neighbors. We extend our sympathy to Mr. and Mrs. Herb Allen, Who lost their house and contents bv fire on _Saturgay last, “u“ o “V; IN: -wvu, IV ll. JVOII. theirahguse and contents va firm A recent article written by the on Saturday last. {medical correspbndent of The Mrs. Sproifle is Visiting her Times describes the W034: that has mother, Mrs. John Whitmore, at lately been done. by the R‘.A.M.C present, who, we are sorry to 533.1,; at Boulogme. Lord Knutsford stat- is not enjoying the best of health.zed a “3“,? days ago after a per- Mr. and Mrs. Joe Lawrence age sunal next ‘to that place that 1t moving this week to their neWI “(as a'magmgly perfect. Tlhat . 18 home on the 20th of greqontjhxgh p-ralse veommmg from a .hfe- ‘-“~ -___-_L .:_ LAâ€"_:Jâ€"A‘ “A““AHA We are sorry to lose them from our midst. but hape that happiness and prosperity will attend them in their new place of abode. Mrs. M. C. Scott of town visited for a couple of days last week with her daughter, and attended the Wedding of her grandson. Mr. Reuben C. Watson. to Miss E. Mor- mson. Mr. Tom. Moore had the mis- fortune to have a couple of head of cattle injured by the train. last week, one so badly that it had to be killed. _ Mr. G. A. Watson was so untor-' tunate last week as to lose a val- uable horse. Mr. Reuben C. Watson and bride are moving to the farm vacated bv Mr. Joe Lawrence. We Wish them an abundance of hap'oiness and prosperity. . Mr. Geo. Lawrence has been con- fined to the house this last three weeks with an attack of sciatica. Medical Directorv soon be on. Arthur Gun, Dr. w. G. i’ickering fientist. EAR 06"2101 Dircdorv -} H“ For Sale W. J. SHARP gm! ‘Dz’racl'orv 1254 l Kuy.L-mdon Ophtnkmzw Bu 2 011cm Sq Thrmt and Nose has ' £ ( SPECIALIST: ' i \ R, FHRDAT NOSE‘: BR. BURY. 1, P. Teiforé. MCWILLIAMS. Over 3 85.1 Hunter’s \‘t (”“13“ H‘Oflfld‘ l I At the present time there are about 22.000 Canadian 50! Eiers in France. Eleven hundred of these are members of the Princess Fatri» cia Lith Infantry, and have a1- W 1 pa upon the {suppartc Cl‘OSb the urgenL 0V“? 10111' In 111011 sollic-rs. \V Lia: quantity of sup sent to our bruu‘ fr:_,).:‘:.t if eve: ;,' were to do sum grant cause. Ml but 41‘. um .xl-:)-:s{;!‘n!‘~t For the past two mo-us quantitiws of new cotton have be headquarters. Those- suimhlu" for making and bandages, and t not knit or give dc. The Red Cross ‘ I5: Colun‘n For the past tun mocks enur- mous q1lt11111.1 -s uf 111:1 1121-111 and MW cation 114w: bet-:1 3-..1t to l1e-_.111211111111:-1's. 'ihr-S? me 011121111111” 111111.111“ 101‘ making into (izessings and Dancing :13. and t. pose. ‘1 110 (:11 111- not 1:11.11: 01 01x13 donations can (10 t 1011‘ little part in the Work of 111 my even if it is only rolling b111111g93. While the Canadian contingent \\ as in 0.. mm) at Salis- bury t 11': demand for supplles \\ as not 1'.1a1'ticula1ly hem y. but now ill fulfil it to “731.113 Sll'pplie that the soldiers are about to enter the trenches and take an active part in tiis terrible. war the society will have all 19 can do to keep them warm and look after them when they are Wounded or sick. Since the Canadian Red Cross Soc-i my issued its appeal [or funds and supplies a wonderful answer has been made. We are. filled with tlmnki‘ulm-ss and pride at .the result. We were confident from the first that it would be magnifiâ€" cent. and it is a splendid exam- pic of the liberality. illumanitv and patriotism of our people. But tnngl; t‘:e response has been magnificent it is not enough. We appeal again to these noble qual- ities of Lie British race and again we are confident that our appeal will ‘ne heard. We shall continue to call upon our countrvmcn and countrvwomen to give [or this sacred cause so long as the. need for money and material lasts and we feel certain taaf thev will con- tinue to give for it to the utmost ()l' Lavir aoility. .- x-"-. It is an immense need and an urgent need. The statement of the British losses. whicri the Prime Minister Of England, Rt. Hon. 11. H. Asquith. made recently in the House of Commons. is a poignant reminder of the havoc of modern war. The casualties up to October long expert in hospital manage- ment. The medical correspondent confirms it ”to the full. When the {correspondent wrote a few days ago, every wounded British sol- dier in Boulogne was receiving- the best which skill and equip- ment could give .him. The numbers of wounded were great after the {prolonged and furious fighting around Ypres, which had been waged forxmany days. But the au- thorities have risen to the occa- (sion and one great result is that iifié‘sékféi‘e caseus can‘now be treat- ed :in France, and so spared the suffering and the dangers of a I cross-channel passage. ' m1“: franqmrf frnm fhe front. L). I‘g-J The transport from the front, which is the most trying and the most critical stage for many of 30" wounded, has been support- able as possible by the use of an admirably equipped gosoit‘al trgiu cnrryitn‘g over 200 beds. A hospital train for 500 patients is one. of the oh‘wcta for which the British Red Cross have asked for money. There will be plenty of passeng- 9 500105}; THE DURHAM CHRONICLE. ,\ arrlvm )ux- miliion ,3. 11:5 50-. 5. Win: a mug somet. SQQJJC me n t S 111 ii w 111211 c191 h at headv'uzax-mew meats it is 1:11- iciemly 1311;: '8'; M‘3 0f the Red â€"L utmost. ) {1121 2-: e [113 in l \ the A Few Hints Regardirg Health Act Commwmcable diseases mean any. contagious or infectious disease.i and includes as follows: Small P0X: Chicken Pox, D1Ph“Se-cretary of the Board of Health theria, Scarlet Fever, Typ-hOid by the attending physician and Measles, Glanders, Ger-.tzhereafter Wee}: byfveeifh of tthe . ‘ J . - .5. progress or o nerWise. ' e no me man Measles, Cholera, BTW Slpeld '{must specify the location in the T=u-bercu10315, Mumps, Arntnrax, Bu" 5 municipality where the diseased ‘ bOHiC Plague, Rabies, POND 313'9-‘1p9rsonlriwes. . . . 'r 'n ‘ i 'c htls: Cerebro SP‘m’a‘ M“ png'tl‘"? School teachers muct exclude all and any other diseases “'111011 may ' pupils from attending sc‘mol who be declared by the Regulations {have a suspicious rash. sore to be communicable ithroat. or other symptoms oi al _ _ , asusp-icmus nature. unti Communicable diseases thatda,l:‘:§sucii pupil or pupils shall furnish quarantined, bUt 1‘01 .Placur e“° "a physician’s certificate that the v - w ‘ , _ "f “-l "3 fl *' 1' "i ‘ v) r - 1. Whooping Cougn. -â€"â€" Persons (“SW1“- 0L SYIHpJHNs an Ant com cnffny'ino‘ frnn‘i this discus: “111:1;mu'nicahl-G 01‘ contagious. Fever, .O. H. 2. Chicken POX.â€"P(‘I'SH3 fermg from this iiisvuh ‘ leave M'emis:_-s. mix win or go to scjowl until have fallcn of a")! h sion from tne -.1. 0. II. 3. Mumpsâ€"Persons s: from his riiscase leave premises, mix public, or go to SI; .c full? \VQT-ks f1’( :11 the. C03 ment of tie attack, and swelling has suhsitled. "n orablc conditions a 55-10:“ 10d may be allowed by M. Communicable )isea: M ust be Placarded: 3.. Diphtheria.--Susplc: :muruntmeg‘: untzl dirlgn fiz'med or dism-oved. A 2. Scarlet Fever (5.13:1 111i11 1.1. -- Suspected cases «(11311111111113 1mm diagnosis is comicm 111 11 1ei~=:_1:11\â€" ed. Undoubted cases (111:1 antineu dor six weeks. 01‘ until (1. 351111.1111 ,1- tion or peeling of the skin is com» plete, or no s11" t 1101t 111 11:18:11 01 aural discharge r main 3. Measles~Period of quannw tine three weeks, if all desrmamm tion or peeling of skin and cough has ceased. 4. Small Pox. 3311;111:111 ma- 1i;lu‘ scabs} h'axe fallen off, and pm'mirs. ,sion from M. O. H. to remove p.19. card. Notice of existmxcv 0f rinin‘x'x-fl‘mâ€"o cable or Contagious divas»? {9.11% be made in writing by the at' mi in? phyician to the M.O.H. \. 1 in 1‘2. hours. Notice of recox'cr'v my death, must also be made in the sam: manner to M.O.H. by mtvnz'râ€" ing‘ physician (Sec. 55 Health Act. Physicians i'n :litvn'hmn’s mus: make their oun (iiil'gl‘ii)5i5. If in doubt, quarantine {iii diagnosis i.: confirmed or disprm’ed: if con- firmed, placard. if ('iispr._“)‘vs(l, r: lease through the 31.0.}1. The M. O. H. is not compelled, by ream: of his Office. to Visit and confirm, or otherwise, the diagnosis at rcaziy made by the attending Dina sician. If, however, the M. O. H has brought to his attention by notice in writing hat communi- cable diseases of one kind or other were being neglected in respect. to quarantine, it would be his dutv. without fee, to (notify the attend~ in‘g' physician, and Visit such c3599 to judge whether or not the diagâ€" nosis was correct, and take pro-â€" ceediznigs accordingly. in: his office. No householder in whose dwelling there occurs any communicable disease shall permit any person suffering from. such disease to leave, or any clothing or other personal property re- movedtwithout the consent of n o-‘ ‘_ M'..0:.H., who may forbid such re- movaL or may prescribe the comâ€" t1: suffi'l' (V) U camwt. pumice i SUI‘ ~. 1: mania» suf 1 :11‘ 1m». I} The penalty is the same to house-holder as it is to the ~3hysiâ€" cian for neglect to report suswpiâ€" Ecious cases. ditions for removal (Secs. 53 and 54, Health Act). All cases of Typhoid and Tuber- culosis must be reported to ‘the Secretary of the Board of Health by the attending physician and thereafter week by week of the progress or otherwise. The notice must specify the location in the municipality where. the diseased person Lives. . 3 N0 privy-vault. cessxmfl or res- §servo'u‘ into \‘.’.1ich a prix'v, water ‘ciosct, stabh or: 51.11.72: is draincd 'shail be csi'a'é')liShL-d until the '-a'{;1);'m’a1 of 3.1. O. H. has l_,.c‘:en ub- ». taiabed. All wells in use, whether nub- lric or private, must be cleaned out before the lst of July in each 3031.33.) old well s‘zall he used as a privy p ‘i\:y vault ()1 Ci‘55})()(l. I) Q 52am mg a' )W: “"i( privicss, Casspuols, 0113's. enrarzxge, filth and manure, 0:} which . date tue Iloalth IDS';)J‘Ct<)1’ commences to make .935 rounds of inspection. Subs .uc-n‘dv t‘:n‘(_)ugh 11w yum tm 11‘314‘1 Insp ct )1. upon 11min :3: ‘ :iLi;:g. will 'isit ant (3:) 1::t '11} v‘ T‘n'emisr-s .\ *1 PRO-) 0r \\}1 Min Swine shall not be 1;: ;t v. the limits of the mlmki‘; :11 t} cap: in pens, with film": free from standing matx, regularly cleaned and disini‘a and distant at least 100 fee: dwdling house, school house church. 110118 Sinughtcr houses are sutqcct to insvrcxion under direction uf the board 01‘ Hi‘alt:'l. Ni) pcrsan shall keep slaughter houses, except ‘uv Txmnfisfion.in uwifing, 0f the Board Of Health. Slaughter 11011505 Inust be 200 yards iron} dxvenjng house, and 75 yards from public agrect. N0 filth, swe-epings, pup other mattr‘r shall be 3110‘ be deposited on the streets \Ve I'Pgret to" learn that Mrs MCI nignt is 'Imt impro‘fing last as her many {riondq m, dos: Mr. Robt. G. Leding‘nam attendâ€" ed a sale in Holland mux'nsiiip last Week. and brought: Rome 3 veiy handsome d: aug‘xit 110:50. 82 UCK is not selling at. \'r»\* high prices at present arouni lime v» 110*) one takes into ccmsuleration the price of grain and hay. ‘ A Messrs. Rabb an} Walpoio of Durham were t111'~.;111g31 th.‘1,.€’ parts some time latelv and disposed Ufa manure sproa ader to R. Le 111101.3111 and also a number of cultix at ms to farmers 9211' to \i ‘zl1g1. 111233 are a popular pair of :13; 31115. and seen:- to get the lions share of the business here. Mr. W. Smith spent a couple of days tho latter end of last. week in Bruce county. Mr. W. Boyle of Strougfield, Sask., who lately joined the ranks of the benedicts. with his charm- ing bride spent a few m‘omngs in the vicinity. We congratulate the estimable couple and wish them all happigess. n 7"‘1 “ 'L wM15. W. Buchanan of Eldmslie. who has been spending t‘ me \n 'ntex with Mr. and Mrs. W. Smith left last week for her home. WM}. J. Smith of Arthur. brother of Dr. J. L. Smith, is spending a few days in thqviliage. A meeting. of the D0rnoch fresh beef association is called for Thursday night of this week. It appears there are a couple of shares not taken up, a matter which the members regret. -wâ€" ‘â€"â€"v _â€"_w__._ -â€" M‘rs. Jas. Buchanan, nee Miss Cora Johnston; is spending a Week with her aged grandfather, Mr. Robt. Corlett, west _of the village. Mr. E. Hughes and sister left for Chatsworth, where they intend to make their home, last Monday. On the eve of their departure, the old home was invaded by a number of their neighbors and friends, to express regret at their departure and. to wish them happiness in their new home. U} m mat animai rm THE STANDARD BANK f) rs (ownm's or occu- .z’ue pr cmises C101 had we the lst 05 3121} in all putrid and (loamy- DORNOCH. en made in Established awer Forty-01w Years The A,B,C of Banking .9 allowed to streets. [From Date of Deposit r34 We solic It your account 11: our ivery Dollar Earns Interest OF CANADA ASSETS OVER $48,000,000 this nattm‘ wou A. BELL ”'UNDERTAKER {HE BURHAM EHRUNIELE 18 PUBLISHED VERY THURSDAY MORNING A! the Chronicle Printing House. Gamfmxc Street. . . Tax Cunomcut will be sen Subscriptlon any address. free of DOOM Rates 81 mper yummyableinsdvm ~$1.50 may be charged if not so paid. The datc to which ever) ubacription is paid is denoted b (he numnm nr tlm address label. No gape: ([1 continued to all arrears are paid. except at ch mum of the proprietor. ' ' For tnamn‘eut advernsemeum ‘ Advertlslng cents per line for the first lune! Rates . tion: 5 cents per line each sub“. quem insertion mimon meamre. Profnssiont cards not exceeding one inch $4.00 per annum Advertiaemema without specific directions V‘l be published till forbid a) 1 charged aceoramgly Tmnaientnonmnâ€" 'L( St. ‘ ”Found.‘ “For Sale. . A“ ‘ â€"â€"'- â€" -- _ uuuuuu - ‘tvs “IV. em,-â€"-50 cent-a for first insertion. 25 cents for out: aubaeq uent, '11 aertiun . Allgdvertisomems ordered by strangers n as b6 mud for in 8d\‘nfl('8. Gourmet ram for year.y advertmemenm gm :11st on applicatiun to the ufiice lS and ‘Funeral Director DURHAM. ONT. {full linenff‘alhnli‘ 3’. Ubt and whitv( ups for aged At Portage du Fort, four miles from Renfrew, a Durham cow owned by J. E. Dolan has given birth to four heifer calves. three living. The French Minister of Justice who recently obtained the passage of a bill aiding mobilized men to get married by proxy, has de- cided to introduce a bill to make divorce absolute when the decree is signed, instead of after alapse of two months. Snow Ru Emnm AND Pmmmu'mu Avoidzz Aimoyances Embalming a Speciaity we memg (’22. 512 ”(7/56 . \\ hen lmving ui. “tum am a‘o- Wa\\‘ hm the. host '- 2r lust: lunger feels more u. n. ‘m‘ 't- able my} “ill saw you: Imu- [)91'. It is very trying (2'!) the temper-tn try and squeeze :1 "~10" body into a. “36" shirt. \Ve stand ready to make good anything that Lhey gnaran t ee. How about an Overcoat “’9. have :1 few at bar- gain prices. Buy “Stanfield's” and be happy. No mnre shrinking; this is guaranteed by the manufacturer’s. \Ve have. sold the goods for years and have heard In, cmnplaints. W. lRWiN ,, L. GRANT nit: Our Guarantee The emedy I) \\ 11. 1915. U pen n :d blank 1077..

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