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Durham Chronicle (1867), 11 Mar 1915, p. 3

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BEING LOT 9. CON. 12. GLENELG. 100 acres: well fenced and in good state of cultivation; good water: 200d house and ham For particulars, apply to James Goodwill. 761 9th St. E.. Owen Sound- '2 21 90d tf .â€"â€"â€"â€" BEING LOT 53. CON. 3. E. G. R.. Glenelg, containing 10“- acres: on premises are new frame ban; brick ‘10“.89. sheds and outbuild- ings: running stream through mommy: about 10 acres hard- wood bush, rest in good state of mltivazion. Possession given on Nov. Mt. 1013. For further pa:- ticulzlrs. apply on prermsos to Mrs John Staples. Hur'll Route N0. 7. Durham. Out 04 writ: . REMEMBER THE FAMOUS SPIR- ella Corset; any size, type or price; with perfect laundermg qualities. and unbreakable steels: positively hyzenic. Not sold in stores. Mrs. J. C. Nichol, Rep- resentative, Box 107, Durham. Ontuio. 418 6m J. ARTHUR COOK WILL GIVE vocal instruction in singing ev- ery Tuesday afternoon and evening at the home of Mrs. S. P. McComb. Pupils may apply for appointments to Mrs. Mc- Comb at anv time. 10 22tf Pedigrr-ed . Lot 20, COD. 2. Queen. Bolstci TEX ACRES OF LAND less. on Lambton str Durham: consr‘.!em'r>l'~f for posts. poles and sell cheap. Apply Whitmore Durham. SYNOPSIS 0F CANADIAN NORTH: WEST LAND REGULATIONS The sole head of a family, or; any male over 18 years old, ma)" homestead a quarter-section of! available Dominion land in Mani-; tobn, Saskatchewan or Alberta} Applicant must appear in person a: the Dominion Lands Agency or. b-Agency for the District. Entry} by proxy may be made at any; Dominion Lands Agency (but not Sub-Agency). on certain conditions. Dance-Six months residence! upon and cultivation of the land, in each or three years. A home-i steader may live within nine miles; of hie homestead on a farm ofi at least 80 acres. on certain condi- tion. A habitable house is re-_ calmed except where residence is; performed in the vicinity. i In certain districts a home-i ateader in good standing may pre- empt a quarter section alongside‘ hb homestead. Price $3.00 per, All taxes not paid on or before we 15th inst. will be placed in the Collector’s hands, with three per cent. added. LARGE EXPERIENCE IN HIGH- class decorating Communicate by letter, phone or OtiL{l\\i39 11 you have \1 ork on want an estimate. Pnoae 131. _ Chesiey, Ontario. 2181‘ ”av-*- \\ 111011 \ nu. y- -v'vv vvvvvvv .i‘ ....._ _.-.____.â€". 3., P. TB‘foru. *ARRISIEL, SbLlUlTOR. ETC c Office .earlv oppoxim the Regis'r} ofice Lambtozi 2t..i)urianu. Any amount : if mun.“ Lt. until a? 5 no" cent. on fan) 1 Mcmextv. FOUR HEIFERS, RISIING THREE: years old. due to calve early: are in good flesh and good col-g ors; or two young cows, due inl April“ one brown filly using 3.? make an excellent driver: one: general purpose gelding rising 3.? R. T. Edwards. RR. No 1 Mark-3 Dutiesâ€"Six months residence in each of three years after earning homestexflpatent; 3133 50 ages A'lVertzrhslndnta of one incn. nbaoquont insertion. Omar daie. ' ' ' tf' Holstein Conveyancer. My Issuer of Marriage Licenses. 4 Money to loan at lowest rates. and terms to suit borrower. Fire gand Life Insurance placed in thoir- . '3‘: ATS, IMPROVED FORWUghly reliable compnaies. Dee s. ?.?:'eEiIx{-s%y hand selection“ also'Mortgages. Leases and Wills, -i‘rofden Vine Peas. Price 3c 1i_),'execnted on shortest notice. All The Oats mentioned above guy“: ' work promptly attended to. rm the field that took a $15 urize at the Standing Field Cron Competition in 1914. Apply to W. L Dixon, Lot 15, Con. 22, Eg- remont, R.R No. 1. Varney. 3 33211”! Farms for Sale. Spirella Corsets 30 l U By Order of Council W. B. VOLLET, Clerk. 1-3.1 A’ Mucliuy For Salk “if“ 1' 501° ViCC F( )l‘ S ’ Q (310 orkshire Boar. at Egremont. John J 2R SMALL Ros. .ncn, or loss. 25_ceuta for first inset-ti . and 10 cents for each Va? one web and under two inches. double the above amount Yearly rates on applicatton. . MORE acre. Dntiep t0 11 u iU‘U 1 14 \V' i nu “IDIOT I 'atoa on application. ’ tuvuva. uuuusc UUV -I'v'\ Medical 02': ectorv. _-_â€"â€"-m_“._â€"â€". ---' firs. lamieson lamieson. FFICE AND RESIDENCE 3 ’ short distance 6b.“ of Knapp ’3 Hotel numb ton Street Lower Town Durham )fico hours from 12 to- ’ o clock 1. a. Hanoi}. 0., c. M. _France. Eleven ihundred of these ;cia i-ig.Lt Infantry, and have 'ready ' a faith 1mg) force is on‘ At the present time there are Communicable diseases mean any. about 22.000 Canadian so! Eiers in conrtagiouS or infectious disease; and includes as follows: Small Pox, Chicken Pox, Diph- theria, Scar-let Fever, Typhoid Fever, Measles, Glanders, Ger». man Measles, (Cholera, Earvsipelas,[ Tuberculosis, Mumps, Amt‘irax, Bu-é bonic Plague, Rabies, Polio Mye-‘ litis, Cerebro Spinal Meningitis. are members of the Princess Patriâ€" al- been in action three times The remainder are prooa l)’ in the [co oneentration camps, “mile it is not improba'vl'} that bx tnis time 1? lines "f V i ‘ u l -- ,n o k l . o ‘ ‘ ) Of Q “I‘m ' “ it" t ' '1 ‘Ot DC: and any other daseases \vlncn may ._ ' - ’ ' or o 7‘ 1'3 a ' a -. . . ( Filegfiy 03:1,)”; .TtelligwdR £323.: lhonf LEO e T thgrteaL 1h: "int 8 be declared by tne Regulations 0" e L’ t e orce is in e renc s an , , .-‘ oflice. Resxdence Sechd house south un’iel fire to be communicable. of Registry Ofliceon east side of Albei? {Vii th " t} b f th e Communicable diseases that are SL1e:t.0Pfice Hmus 9 11:1. 111.. "4P '0 01 .1e mem 91:5 0' e Quarantined, but NO 1‘ Placardeti: 111..1-9 p.111. Telephone cnmmmiiw first Canadian contingent are in W _ ‘ ‘ txon between office and I'L‘a‘lLiL‘XH'L‘ a: action in the arse of a £9“. 1. ..h00,>1ng Copg113.â€"â€" Persons all hours. , , suffering from. t.:us u18_?a8!._‘ mus; ____,_______.__ ,1,_____,,__. days 0" .a f7“ ‘1‘ 9‘31“” manure It‘ not leave premises, ca'rm-Dt mgx Arthur Gun M D tle as regards Ll" medical and \\ 1th the public 01‘ attan'i 5:90.011 surgicai suj plies as well as wan-m for 3“ “9 ks aLter common em: 11"; ‘ . ' . of \\ 210!) 1311". \l" -h ‘ . ,1 , , PHYSICIAN ANDSLRGEON 0 clothing that \x 11‘. be needed. For , .11 ° - ‘. ,7 £111... “fife _ me in the he“ Hunter Block. Ofliu . « . 0 , ., spasm W100prng anu conga. Lac; .aurs : to 10 a. m. to 4;» m an 7 totla fOI‘CE‘ 0f 0‘ 91‘ ~0~00) mm. '1“ 91“ erased, 3. s‘z‘mz°"{;‘1' 55:; 31".1111 .11" may- “r: m.Spec1a! atgentifm gi'vlgu :0 disease: ()1‘n1(‘;115 qnwou'git of i" ‘81“ Q“."I}1.{"S antim- may be psl'illi‘ttcrl UV )‘t Noam and "alum esuenee o;- ,. ,. . ‘1 w , q r M. . H. meg“, Presbvterian Church. ‘\\ 111 he . 0:;ui1L i .1711 it fall... L.) 1 ,- ,. ‘ 3 ‘1 3. ) ‘ ‘ s . A“--. H--. 3~_.-.-. _ .t 1- it)? 1,1. ‘LL (.Uuld.dll LI i (.1089 2. Chicken Pox.” Pro-9:17», PHYSICIANA \NDSURGEON OF - ace m the New Hunter Block Ofi‘uc .aurs 8 toll) a. m. toll". m. and? to? ‘: 111. Special attention given to disease: )f Nu nen and childmu. Residence 01- ‘Ofiitfi Presbx terian ( ‘hurcb. lath Asaxstaut Rm'. London Oputnhlmlc Ho 3112.. and to!” oilen Sq Throat and Nose Hm- SPECIALIST: EYE, 1A8, THROAT 8L NOSE \ L R c P ,Lommx. ENG "1 RADI LATE of London New ‘1 York and Chicago. - mseuea of Eye. Ear Nose and Throat “'1“ he at thw Hahn House. Dev. 19, Jan. 16, wax-uary 24}. March 2“, Hours. 1 In?) p.111. mu For Sale SHORTHORN BULL‘ 12 MONTHS McWILLIAMS. Too late for last week. We are having beautiful weather for the season of the year. Mr. and Mrs. Will Brown of Bunv essan were guests on Sundav at the home of Mr. W. R. .W'atson We are glad to report Mrs. Jas. Hopkins some better, after her recent severe illness. Last Thursday evening the home of Mrs. W. Lee was the scene of a pleasant gathering, when the neighbors met to say good-bye to Mrs. Lee and family. before leav- ing for their new home, and to present to her a slight token of respect. They Will be much missed as they were kind and obliging neighbors. We extend our sympathy to Mr.'gated and their prospects of re- and Mrs. Herb Allen, who lost COVGPY imPI‘0V9d-- their house and contents bv fireé A recent article written by the on Saturday last. medical correspbndent of The Mrs. Sproule is Visiting her Times describes the work that has mother, Mrs. John Whitmore, at lately been done by the R‘.A.M.C' present, who, we are sorry to say, ' at Boulogne. Lord Knutsford stat- is not enjoying the best of healthy?d a few days ago after a per- Mr. and Mrs. Joe LaWrence are somal visit lto that place that it moving this week to their neWI was amazingly perfect. 'Dhat 18 home on the 20th of EgremontJhlfiPh praise coming from a -lifeâ€" We are sorry to lose them from? 10118 expert in hospital manage- our midst. but how that happiness. ment. The medical correspondent and prosperity will attend themponfirms it to the full. When the in their new place of abode. gcorrespondent wrote a few days Mrs. M. C. Scott of town visited ago, every wounded British sol- for a_coup1e of days _last week filer‘m.BoqI9g_tne was receiving Mrs. M. C. Scott of town visited for a couple of days last week with her daughter, and attended the wedding of her grandson. Mr. Reuben C. Watson. to Miss E. Mor- rison. Mr. Geo. Lawrence has been con- fined to the house this last three weeks with an attack of sciatica. We hope he will soon be able to be around. as the spring work will soon be on. t; , .. . Mr. Tom. Moore had the mis- fortune to have a couple of head of cattle injured by the train. last week, one so badly that it had to be killed. _ V 62'. Conveyauner. 8m. Insurance- Agent. Money to Loan. Issuar nf Mar- riage Licenses. A zanerai financial busi 'IQSS tratmacted. DURHAM ONT. (aner Town.) Mr. G. A. Watson viras so unfor- tunate last week as to lose a val- uable horse. Mr. Reuben (‘3. Watson and bride are moving to the farm vacated bv Mr. Joe Lawrence. We Wish them an abundance of happiness and pnospeyity. . 1H Jacksun om RY PUBLIC. coumssxon er Convesaumr c.1nsuranc t}; 0 f 3,1829 UN. old: dark red. with white mark- ings: eligible for regxsteation. Apply to Wm. Leggette, Dur- ham, R. R No. 1. 34 tf J F GRANT. D. I). S .L.D‘ s "ONUR GRADUATE. UNIVERSL [ t}; of ' Tor-mm». Graouate R0370 â€"â€"()ver [hmglas’ Jeweller? Storm 3' 1' ”mum. {5'30 mate h [30:31!- ml 61:: genus of(n:.ario Dentistry to all its Branches Dr. W C. Pickering Dentist. Dania! Dz’rcclorv ‘W. J. SHARP Lem! ‘Dz’rail'orv J31 DR. BURY. ("CRY :1 OI- HOOtPT’S (‘w an Smlnd l Since the Canadian Red (firms 'Soci -t}' issued its appeal lor funds fund supplies a \x'ondcrful answer ;has been made. We are filled with tlmnki'ulnws and pride at the result. W: were confident from . the first that it would be magnifiâ€" .::cnt. and it is a splendid exam- ple of the liberality. humanitv and patriotism of our people. But tsi:.;>i:gi; 1'10 r.‘-sponsc nus new: magi Ziicsnt it is not enough. \\ e appeal again to these noble qualâ€" ities of Lie firitish race and again ‘we at“ confident that our appeal "will he heard. We shall conti-iuc to call upon our countrymen and countrvwomen to give for this sacred cause so long as tie need for money and material lasts and .wc feel certain tiat they will con- ’tinue to :give for it to the utmost of L: if anillty. i it is an immense need and an iurgent need. The statement of the {British losses. which the Prime. EMinister Of England, Rt. Hon. 11. SH. Asquith. made recently in the lHouse of Commons. is a poignant reminder of the havoc of modern ,‘war. The casualties up to October 131. were approximately lThere has been much heavy fight- ing since, wh'ch appears to have {been to the full as deadly as that :of the earlier engagements. The ' long lists which are being publish- ed each day show what numbers- of our best are being daily laid. low round the positions they . so gloriously hold. It is to relieve {those amongst them who are not past relief that we ask for money and Supplies. The sufferings of aour soldiers will be great and ionly by a lavish and .prompt ex- ; penditur: will their pains be mitii- gated and their prospects of re- ‘ covery improved- 57.000. ‘ Notici- of existence of" colimn‘nitw- cable or contagious dismse '.::‘.i*-i be made in writing by tie at" Ni inf! phyidan to the M.O.H, \ a in 12 hours. Notice of I‘(_’(_t(l‘.-:i"‘v’ o; death, must also be made in the same manner to M.O.H. by art noâ€" ing physician .(Sec. :35 Health Act. Physicians in zlltt‘Ii-iranrf: must make their own diagnosis. If i;; doubt, quarantine tiii diagnosis i.: confirmed or disproved: if con- firmed, placard. if disproved, r. lease through the M.O.H. 'i‘he M. O. H. is not compelled, by reason of his office. to visit and confirm. or otherwise, the diagnosis al- ready made by the attending niiya Sician. If, however, the M. O. H has brought to his attention by notice in writing that communi- cable diseases of one kind or other were being neglected in respect to quarantine, it would be his duty. without fee, to notify the attend-- inig physician, and visit such cases to judge whether or not the diag- nosis was correct, and take proâ€" ceedings accordingly. Whenever a householder knows or has reason to suspect that any person- within his family or house- hold, or boarding or lodging with him. has any communicable dis- ease. he shall, within’ 12 hours. give notice to the Secretary of the Board of Heatithi, or“ M. 0. PL, in. Writing, or the nOtice may be given to the Secretary of the Board of Health or the M. O. H. in: his office. No householder in whose dwelling there occurs any communicable disease shall permit any“ person suffering from. such disease to leave, or any clothing or other personal property re- Em’oved,_Without the consent of the best which skill and equip- ment could give .him. The numbers 'of wounded were great after the- !prolonged and furious fighting around Ypres, which had been awaged for \many days. But the au- thorities have risen to the occa- zsion and one great result is that ithe severe cases can‘n-ow be treat- ed :in France, and so spared the ‘sufferimg and the dangers of a gcross-ehannel passage. S'wi'e‘tv tn semi pli'fis t) on ml.) (.‘m-ps tn mac-t upon t V i great cause. -\ll -’_'f1';'l")Z)T knit; a}. (rdnzmt give aiuz'ge sums of mummy. but all tan {10 same; ling. For the past two week's enurâ€" muus quantiti-s of (:1qu linen and new cotton mu'e lean ,5: ;;t to 110-.1i..i:;um'ters. Those are eminently suitdl‘i" for making into dressings and bandages, and host? who can- not knit (1‘ give donations can do their little part in the work of mauve-y. even if it is only rolling band'igvs. While the Canadian contingent was in camp at Salis- bury t 1e demand for SU}JD11€S was not yum-ticularly heavy. but now that the soldiers are about to enter the trenches and take an active part in his terrible war the society will have all 19 can do to keep them warm and 109k after hem when they are wounded or A recent article written by the medical correspbndent of The Times describes the work that has lately been done by the R‘.A.MI.C' at_ Boulogme. Lord Knutsford stat- The tra-nSport from the front, which is the most trying and the most critical stage for many of to" wounded, has been sup-port- able as possible by the use of an admirably equipped hospital train carrying over 200 beds. A hospital train for 500 patients is one. of the obivcts for which the British Red Cross have asked . for money. There will be plenty of passeng- W The Red Cress ' =5: Colun‘n fuifil it t ;il:‘~ su‘ppli 1 C‘ THE DURHAM CHRONICLE. so azxfiicienuy 1311p'Sb supparters of thb Red peopl c of Ca )1: S} g (1 me lies lt sufficient Eunâ€" .o Army Medical 3 requirements. of Canada de- xnil suljmn duty "‘vcs that they 1;} utmost. mi WLU‘.“ chill at headquarters, nents it is im- S enur- 1;: n and ‘th to zinnmlv A Few Hints Regardirg Health Act Small Pox, Chicken Pox, Diph- theria, Scarlet Fever, Typhoid Fever, Measles, Glanders, Gerâ€" man Measles, (Cholera, Esrvsipelas, Tuberculosis, Mumps, Atnt‘n'ax, Buâ€" bonic Plague, Rabies, Polio Mye- litis, Cereb-ro Spinal L-l‘oningitis. and any other diseases which may be declared by the Regulations to be communicable. Communicable diseases that are 2. Chicken Poxâ€"Pm fmwng from this (Lisa: leave promises. mix v: .ers for-both when it has been pro- .mdedt Burt trains cannot go every- ‘wher-c and often the wounded must be brought long distances to ithem, while in many cases, from congestion of lines by military trains, it is quicker and easier to bring the patients to hospital by motor ambulance. 01‘ go to SCJOWI ufntil have fallen off 3,111 111: sion from the 31. O. H. 3. Mumpsâ€"Persons s from t 1is disc-age leave premises, mix public. 03' go to 5:; .. fuur weeks from the co ment of tie atcack, and a swelling has sxfi'zsirlcd. " 17 uULLC ()i’ go to Si; .0 fuur \\ was from 12:10 c0111 ment of t1e atcacg. and u swelling has subsided. 7'11'! orable conditions a 5.10:1 10d may be allowed by .‘11. '( 1. Diphthori 1.21 “Susp Ilcio 1s mamantmc 1111t l diagn 1511 i; ii: 1119 1d or dis;11<1ve An 11. ~11. mi CZSr 1111.3: i111 (11111.:1nt2210d 1’ 111210113101 3' (*xa111i11zxti111s negativ:1 findings. Pi.‘.i.:d (111:1:‘u11zi1101'1f 1111.1(111‘1'1tsd 1 twee-in, three weeks, if cmmalvsa muse is complete and no S'n't‘ throat, nasal or aura! dischargmt remain, or if after 12 days dumâ€" tion, two negative swabs with 2'- 1‘2-110111‘ interval are shmvn to t?;(" satisfaction of the M.O.H. 2. Scarlet Fever (Sczlt'l'i'iizxr1\.--.,‘ Suspected cases q'namnthud un’LJi dlagnosis is confirméd or t,‘-.i~'-‘)s‘o\'-â€" ed. Undoubted cases (film'ahtirled' dor six weeks, or until clawiguamw tion or peeling of the skin is com-â€" plate, or no sore t 22'oz-1t. n ..) nasm or aural discharge remain. a-.. .. _ A....-A-_- - M‘..0:. 3., who may forbid such re- moval, or may prescribe the corn- Large gifts of money and sup- plies in huge quantities are need- ed. and. needed now. Money is alâ€" Ways useful, for there are so many things that the society wish to, buy that cannot be sent in by the Willing workers. Th’s. is a time when: every loyal citizen of the British Empire is called upon to make some sacrifice for the cause of his. country and the tri- umph of right over might. What. better sacrifice can he or sh make than by- sending a donation... however small .it may be, to the Red Cross Society. One or two dollars would [not be missed by many, but What comfort and relief at may bring to some suffering soldier, who is fi iglhiting for every- thmng that we ho dear. I 'Any sums of money or supplies may be sent to any or. the provincial branches, or to the head office, 77 King street, East Toronto. .~--vwn-â€" ...\_ uuL.v.A.L. 16kt? .471. O. H. is not compelled, by reas:r.: of his office. to visit and confirm. or otherwise, the diagnosis al- rca'ly made by the attending nhys sician. If, however, the M. O. H has brought to his attention by notice in writing that communi- cable diseases of one kind or othr" were being,r neglected in respect to quarantine, it would be his duty. without fee, to notify the attend-- mg physician, and visit such cases to judge whether or not the diag- nosis was correct, and take proâ€" ceedings accordingly. 3. Moasles~Period of quaran- tine three wee (S, if all Mesrzuax tion or peeling of skin and mugh has ceased. Physicians in attvn :Ime: 111115: make their 01111 Lill"11’)‘)ia If in doubt. quarantine {iii di1gnosis is confirmed or (improved: if can- filmed,placa1d if dispmmd, 1'; 102180 tghroug h the \l.O.H."1he M. 4. Small P0x.â€"-â€"Quarun:im- Lila" scabs have fanen oft and pornfis Sim] from M. O. H. to remoVe pin card. \oticv 0i existencc- vi ain'nnn'izn- cable or Contagious (lismso uni-i be made in \xriting bx tlf‘ . "it N3- in? phyician to the M. O.H ‘. i in 12 hours. Notice of 1'o(u.'L-:v u death, must also be made. in tic: sam: manner to M. OH ‘nv wt m3- ing' physician (Sec. 55 Hea ‘th Act. Communicable I ust be Placarded: ”80851 ave 1: ermis sons suf in pull?!“ suffcrin with l 2111 fax.- n " ditions for removal (Secs. 53 and 54, Health Act). The penalty is the same to householder as it is to the ~311ysi- cian for neglect to report suSpi- cious cases. All cases of Typhoid and Tuber- culosis must be reported to the Secretary of the Board of Health by the attending physician and thereafter week by week of the progress or otherwise. The notice must specify the location in the municipality where the diseased person lives. School teachers muct exclude all pupils from attending sc 1011 who have a suspicious rash. sore throat or other svmptoms of a suspicious nature. until such pupil 0r punils shal‘ furnish a phvsician’ s certificate that the iisz: use or s3mptnms are not comâ€" municable 01 120111311; ious. All wells in use, whether nub- lric or private, must be ::l;aned out befom the lst of Julv in each vcal No) 01d \\ 011 s 3‘] })9 used as a 1:1i\\_'.1)2i\:v \auit ()1 cmsmul. s'na t a '21 1'8 (.1 Dams: mua‘c have up on m- hofore 1' each year of all 1 ing animal an}. prides, c.'~sspuols 1'4.) make Subs‘»..._u< 3:; (I. U1 L Inc: M‘rs. Jas. Buchanan, nee Miss Cora: Johnstong is spending a Week with her aged grandfather, Mr. Robt. £0319“! west _of the village. Mr. H- Hughes. and sister left for Chatsworth, where they intend to make their home, last Monday. On the eve of their departure, the old home was invaded by a number of their neighbors. and friends, to express regret at their departure and. to Wish them happiness in their new home. A meeting of the Dornoch fresh beef association is called for Thursday might of this week. It appears there are a couple of shares not taken up, a matter which t_1_1e members regret. regula‘ly c1 and (iiSLR'nt dxk‘vllirng 11c Siaughtcr houses are suitvject to insv';-.cxi(‘.n under dirertion of the board 01' Hcaltfil. No person shall keep slaughter houses, except bv purmission. in writing, of the Board of Health. Slaughter houses must be 200 yards from dwelling house, and 75 yards from public 5.1‘i3et. Mr. W. Home of Strnugfield Sask., who lately joined the cranks of the benedicts. \xith his 011:1'111- ing bride spent a few ex‘enmgs in the vicinitv. We congratulate the. estimable couple and wish them all happipess. Mr. J. Smith of Arthur. brother of Dr. J. L. Smith, is spending a few d-ays_ in thqvfllag‘e. Mrs. W. Buchanan of Elderslio. who has been spending the winter with Mr. and Mrs. W. Smith. left last week for her home. No filth, sweepings, puptfl‘ or other mattr‘r shall be allowed to be deposited on the streets. We regret to learn that Mrs. ‘1‘- McKnight is 'not improving is last as her many friendq wouid dosiz'e. Mr. W. Smith spent a couple of days the latter end of last week in_ Bruccflcounty. Mr. Robt. G. Ledi ng ham at end-g ed a sale in Holland «1 1n91m. last Week. and br'1u0'1t 'ome vezy handsome draught horse. Stem: is not selling at vr1'v high prices at present arouni here, when one takes into consuieration the price of grain and hay. 3- __,_._ ....- -..â€"-- -.- Mossr;. Rabb an} Wapoie of Durham “ere tin mg 1 th me parts some time lately and disposed cf :1 manure spreader to R. Le 1;: 1152;? am and also a number of Cultivators to farmers near 1: .e \illage. They are a popular pair of agents, and seem to get the lion’s share of the business here. i1 0 u S THE STANMRD BANK u \' amaucn’cly through the y Health Insp..-ct::)r, upon 11; .":'i'Li;:g. will. Visit uni cor premises whereon 0r Whu nit has been made in this "111912111 not be limits of the muni in pens. “itl if from standing V darkly clva-nod and Lil's C0\ isL’a'fxt at least 100 foe-i ng house, schoa} house established until Of 3.1. '0. H. has has DORNOCH. s (ownw‘s ave premise: re the lst o Established otter Forty-01w Years cessymsl or res- a privv, water 51.11.:iis (iraim-d ,eposit Your Savings ularly‘ . OF CANADA 01‘ OCCU- m attm‘ I] U i1 18 PUBLISHED VERY THURSDAY MORNING At the Chronicle Printing House, Gamfmxc Street. IHE DURHAM EHBUNIELE Snmription Tax Cnnomcu; will be sen any addmes. free of posts“ Rates . 41.50 mnv ha 10?}. uTAgefcyear‘ paygblp uLngm .‘A. -A v- -.., r‘ . V\l-| . pa.) BUR? 111“” â€"$1.50 may be charged if'not 80 paid. The dag so which ever) uhstription is paid is denoted b the union»: or the address label. No gape:- (11 continued to all arrears are paid. ”new at a mm.» of the proprietor. ° ' For tnansient advertm Advertmng cents new line for the fi: Rates . tion; 5 cents per lim- eac quent insertion mimon meannre. Pr< cards not exceeding one inch $4.00 pe Advertisements without specific diree be published til] forbid a) .1 charged an Tmnaieotnotweuâ€" ‘Lun. ‘ '=Found.’ ” etaâ€"50 cents for first insertion. 23 cents subsequent martian. Alladverttsomems ordered by strangers I ha naid for in advnnca. Contract ran»: for year.y advertmemente niehed on applxcation to the office At Portage du Fort, four miles from Rentrew, a Durham cow owned by J. E. Dolan has given birth to four heifer calves. three living. The French Minister of Justice who recently obtained the passage of a bill aiding mobilized men to get married by proxy, has de- cided to introduce a bill to make divorce absolute when the decree is signed,°instead of after aiapse of two months. DURHAM. ONT. Full line of and whitu ( tr flu". in.“ mats/«o. m way/h. Avoid :: Almoyances g - . mm Ru It“: Emnm AND PROPRJE'nm \Ve stand ready to make good anything that they guarantee. C. L. GRANT \Ve have scold the goods {or years and have heard nc cmnplaints. Buy “Stanfield’s ” and be happy. Nonmxeshxinking; this is gumantved bv the man ufactm er’s Embalming a Specialty m: Framing (Hz. 512‘ 110/ fig. VVhen buying ui.‘:"=-vr\\"+a_r a}- ways: Im}: the host f it 318% longer, feels more Puffifni't!’ able and will save your 1.3m]- pm-. It is very trying (:3) the tempera) try and squeeze 7!, ”40" body into a "36" shirt. Hm ' ahnut an Overcoat “’9 have :1 few at bar- gain prices. KS“! URNITURE Our Guarantee For tnanm‘ent pdverueemenu cents pet line tor the first in”! tion; 5 cents per line each subu- -- \ h.‘_ 4-. -7 The emedv Bathuliv {nbem and blank am I'm- ;xgod people. D measure. Profession: inch $4.00 per annum specific directions V! .1 charged 3000111111eg ' ‘d’ound.’ "For 8:10. \\ 11, 1915. strangers n as S Izorl 1' for own". .H 136 n“ 2m

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