“a: 1.019.03‘. d d ,- 1 new, we 9â€â€œ a†2033 OFFICEâ€"Over 5 P. Telford’s qmce good state of cultivation; ingl' running stream throws!) mperty: about 10 acres har - vood bush, rest in good state of cultivation. Possession given on Nov. Int, 1913. For further par- ticularl. apply on premises to Advoninom“ 0‘ “° Mablt inunion. No. 1 TEE-1:35. ‘Oht- ’ U XOI‘B (mu bun: ‘. . blnglng ? Diseases of Eye, E vocal instrugtion iint singing N319. Jan. 16 Feb Tues ay 3 ernoon an x ‘ .3 evening at the home of Mrs. ISJHWP‘" â€099â€" F. McComb. Pupils may app y ..._,------ “"" “ “ (or appointments to, Mrs. Mc-g Denial C m’o t as t’me. 102211; 0 a 5' 1. ‘ Dr‘ W. c GOOD FRAME HOUSE ON GAR- afraxa Street, Durham; over a , quarter acre of land; six rooms; stable, woodshed, small orchard, etc.; terms right and reasonable. Apply at The Chronicle office. 18tf mm'm FAMOUS SPIR-‘ all: Corset; any size, type or W; with perfect laundering qualities, and unbreakable steels: positively hygenic. Not sold in stores. Mrs. J. C. Nichol, Rep- montntive, Box 107, Durham. Ontu'io. SHORTHORN BULL‘ 12 MONTHS old: dark red. with white mark- ings: eligible for registeation. Apply to Wm. Leggette, Dur- ham, R. R No. 1. 34 tf GOOD' BRICK-VENEERED SIX- roomed house on Countess street Durham; g'ood well, stable, and quarter acre of land' immediate possession. Apply at "hroniclo office. . 10 4 1 if Farms for Sale- Do You W ant Help 2_ Seed Oats For Sale 1 U1 IL)(I [‘1 Under and by virtue of the A TOP BUGGY, 'IL'DHOPF. AS ' powers of sale contained in acerj good its C?‘»\'. FOP {lill'tiCulill‘5. tain mortgage, W'hiCh vyill he 'DI‘O- “9151310 301141 A. Graham, VDPT'I' duced at the time of sale, there TWR- 18 -. will be offered for sale by public ‘auction on Saturday, the tenth -â€"-- â€" ,___, A ‘- ~ ‘ “H" i day of April, 1915, at the hour Of {35$}? § Ethree o’clock inthe afternoon, at "f 5.6%“ ‘ {Hahn’s Hotel in the Town of gfï¬vï¬uï¬ iDurham in the County of Grey by ‘ "'9‘ iDougald M'cPhail, Esquire, Auc- SYNOPSIS (F CANAbIAN NORTH tioneer, the following property, -Wnsr Lam REGULATIONS gnamelw â€" - '- as n L .R. WM. RITCHIE IS IMMI- grant Agent for Durham and vi- cinity, and farmers wishing help should make application early. 3 25 9 A TOP BUGGY, TUDHOPE, AS good as new.Fo1‘ V11t1culd1> ppl} to J01111-.\ (31111121111, L'ppm To“ 11 182 The sole head 0! a family, or! any male over 13 ycvs old, may homestead a quarter-acction of} available Dominion land i: Mani-: toba, Saskatchewan or Albc'ta. Applicant must appear in Deerm at the Dominion Lands Agency or Sub-Agency for the District. Entry by proxy may be made at any Dominion Lands Agency (but not Buy-Agency’). on certain conoi‘tions Dunes-Six months residence! upon and cultivation of the land‘ in each of three years. A home- lteader may live within nine miles of his homestead on a farm of ti least 80 acres, 09 certain cpndi- â€"' â€"v than: - - I V habitable‘house is re- quired except where residence is pea-termed in the vicinity. In certain districts 3 home-i I etude: in good standing may pre- empt q er section alongside In: home. and Price $3.00 per noticeâ€"Six months residence in «chm of three you-aw after earning ngatentzmo 50 acres tent my be obtained u soon as Md patent, on certain con- ham (or. House For Sale Bull For Sale For Rent For Sale TOWN- 35200334 for in! 1»th ‘, and lemme-oh ' Be} On. Jamison a Jameson. gm men . AND summer: A ' 103 Mb ton Strut. Lem Tm, Dal-hull ha 0600 boat: from 18 to 2 o’clock 1 ï¬g E3 \i’ill be at ithe Hahn House, Dev. 5:19. Jan. 16, February 20, March 20, 3 Hours, 1 to 25 p.111. ,_.___‘ Arthur Sun, I. D. 1. 6. Hutton. DB. BURT. Sue Assistant Roy. London Ovhttnhnic 8.0a hm, ad co 60110:: Sq. Tin-cot and Non Hos SPECIALIST 8 EYE, EAR, THROAT NOSE Ofï¬ce: 13, Front St. Owen Sound. 8514 J F GRANT, 9.1). 8 .LD. S {10303. GRADUATE. UNIVERSI- ty of Toronto. Graduate Roya College Den-ta) Sqrgeoqs of Ontario. Deutxstry 111 all zts Branches. Ofï¬ce-Over Douglas’ J ewellerv Store. OFFICE‘ ofï¬ce. Lambton ï¬tnDurbam. Auyamount )f monev tr. man at 5 pm: cent. oropertv. N er, Convoyancer.l 81c. Insurance Agent. . Money to Loan. Issuer .0: Mar} maze Lxcenses. A general {manual bum r1338 transacted. DURHAM ONT. (Lower Town.) 0T. er Holstein Conveyancer. Issuer of Marriage Licenses Money to loan at lowest rates, and terms to suit borrower; Fire and Life Insurance placed in thor- oughly reliable compnaie's. Deeds. Mortgages, Leases and Wills. executed on shortest notice. All w rk promptly attended to. L. Ricâ€"fin, LONDON. ENG l BADULATE of London. Newl York and Chicago. Diseases of Eye. Ear Nose and Throat. LOTS 8-, 9 and 10, KINCARDINE street, West. Apply to A.H. Jack- son. 4 1 13 â€Li J. P. TeEford. ARRISTBI., 30111911103." Efm ; Medical Directorv. "Erected thereon is a frame dwelling and barn. Terms:â€"Ten per cent. of the purchase money to be naid in cash at the time 0! sale and the balance of the purchase money to be paid within thirty days from the date of sale with; six per cent. interest. The xprOperty will be sold sibiect to a. reserve bid. be aid Within tmrty uays â€'0‘“ WW ' WV vcxu'i“: mug w :iâ€â€˜r""'.'â€"-n-_ ‘ a . ° . ' . . ' . ‘ 1 . ert wall be 601d To hotel keepers a . all whom .t thlS week attending .0 a. { 11rd 23:55 ttoTal.1 errgggfve gid. . may concern mi . school coimtv'egtignl. 31155 Praia: f rther articulars and Notfce is hereby given that the was appom e e ega e a .- . .. coigitiogs of aalepapply to 30313190: licenseD. Eqnimiisié’mï¬ last East Grey Teachers, com en Gordon Waldron, 18 King Street, for ‘ License 18 rm 0 ~ out a 13113:. Harold Brown, formerly on West. Toronto. Solicitor {or the : GrevagllerXeYï¬t 238111 16, 19“ .. the .High school staff here, but Mortga 993* or t.° ‘ ' . t] .a u fversl‘t student at Wray a Coughhn. 751 Dover- In the Town of Durham, at the $2.?th 'WaBD; vigigor at Reeve court Road, Toronto, Solicitors. Inspector’s Office, at One o'clock McTavish’s on Saturday. Mr. t d at Toronto this 17th day of. pm. when applications for licena- , . ts to . le ve for the Dig-ch, 1915, 3 23 3, ea {or the License Years 1915-1916 ggwgoifpffmhed t: the Toronâ€" w‘u be considered. , , to cavalry. M'r. Arnold Thurston, I - The number of licenses issued who will also go, was home over NOT A STAR “or the year 1914-1915 was: 13393133:- _ _ -r . .._-â€"â€"-â€"---â€". ___.g A. n - l ‘ All and singular that certain parcel or tract of land and prem- ises s‘tuate, lying and being in the Township ‘of Bent‘nc‘k in the I donPt believe he’ll ever succeed on the stage. What makes you think that ? He’s been married and divorced {our times and he’s only a see-' and-rate actor now. l I v --~ w_‘ Eevuï¬ty' of 'Grey and being composer} pf. 19’: mumher eighteen ---AA" A: \cvultlvwvvâ€" vâ€" -_ v __ __-, ’. v in the Third Concessxon west of the Garafraxa Road, and con- taining one hundred acres. more or less. I'M-noted thereon is a frame The constant drop of water Wears away the hardest stone; The constant gnaw of Towser Masticates the toughest 'bone; The constant cooing lover Carries off the blushing. maid; Agd ti}; éoâ€"nstaht advertiser Is tb'e one who gets the trade. Dr. W. 0. Pickering Dentist. JE‘ Over J. J. Hunter’s A. H. Jackson. 'ARY PUBLIC, commssxox DR. BROWN Denial Dz’rectorv. Mortgage Sale Legal ‘Directorv \V. J. SHARP For Sale '0'... THE RED CROSS COLUMN The list of casualties that ap- =pear regularly (in the Canadian newspapers cannot fail to bring 'home to each one of .‘the the grim meanties and tragedy of war and lthe duty that Iaus upon each citi- !ru:n of this country to take his o1; :newspapers cannot ‘3“ to bring orously atmckzd without success 5 'home to each one of (the the grim in the Vosg'es,†and without doubt~ ‘ ;realities and tragedy .0‘ war 3.551 you attached no importance to ‘ lthve duty that 13-115 upon ““13“" these few words, despite the fact lzen 01' this ‘30“th to take ms or that they meant that an at- ‘her share in the burden that all Jack had been made. Nevertheless, ‘ lmust bear in order that.the cause 3 innumerable acts of. heroism were. 'tor which we are fighting may enacted that evening. 5 2 triumph in the end. Our 9°1d‘er3‘ “‘Just after ten the Boches atâ€"i have DOt only borne the“ bap’l tacked us. The snow was thick and xtism of fire, but have taken 3 their footstgps were inaudible, ‘prominent part in the: greatest whilst a slight tog allowed the Sale engagement since the enemy ,to get past our wire en-â€" battle of the Marne. The casualâ€" mama,†and they were in our r ties are heavy, but not too heavy. trenches before we knew anythim'zi; for the splendid results that were had happened. We fought like ' gained, and the braYerv and madman. The enemy was not onlv' steadiness of our soldiers from armed with rifle and ï¬xed bay- ' the mmimon have wbn “â€3“" (met! but in the belt of each man - miration of the hardened British was a. little long knife, and once L soldiers, from the Commander-1m they got this in use we were as Chief down to the humble 10mmy. gnod as dead. The German offi- The appeal 0" the Red Cross 80" oers stood well in the background ciety never went out to “â€8 people! and cursed their men continuously. 0‘ cm“ W’“‘ greater few." or; The scene was terribleâ€"the groan seriousness than to-dav and it 15‘ of the dying, the moan of the *3 impossible to sufhmcntly impresi' wounded; and above all this the I I _-_-...-_ AC [nus ‘A- _ '1 country the great need for further! faise. As midnight'struck I fell.’ Miurie assistance and encouragementg! The poor man pointed to his ardsou The hospitals ‘th the people 9‘ bandaged arm and hand. _ gToron Canada have equipped . FY their “I passed on to where aZouavc Mrs. 1 generosity have now Within their was propped up by pillows and 31- Head. walls the Canadie‘n soldiers who; ter a while the man consented to sham. have taken part in a great and tell me the true episode. “The Mis: }memorable COMHCt' They 31:8 be- bugles had just sounded the Easte intg‘ .nursed'back to health m or- charge, when, with bayonets fix- Torou d-er that they may be able once ed, our regiment jumped from its Marly; more to take m?“ places m the trenches and made straight for! My. battle “39° T118“: thoughjts are the foe. A rain of missiles poured busm Ann“ -AA‘- UUU'L UL stuv. u...‘ -- n. _ It is a debt besides. of gratitude and love. These men have given their life blood for the sake of Canada and the Empire. Canada. will not weary of tondring' them in their pain. It is the glory of this society that poor and rich have given to it according to thr‘ir abi‘rities, and tha the remotest nnvt'q nf Hm ‘Dominion have con- “>'â€"â€"â€"â€" Dazts of the Dominion tributed to it. LLUQVUU- \v‘! ov- The generosity with which the peeple of Canada have given t0 the Red Cross Society shows the pleasure they take in it, and their satisfaction with the. way in which their money has been ap- plied. We ask them once more to continue their contributi’ms to this best of all causes. We ask them until the Bet! Cross have nursed and have soothe] the very last W 10 bleed for Canada: in this \Vflt‘. \II The following eoisodea were gathered together by the corres- pondent of the Daily Telegraph in ‘a' flying visit he miid to various hospitals of the allied forces in the north of France and ihey will give an idea of what the Red Cross is doing for the sick and wounded. This correspondent The number of ' licenses issued for the year 1914-1915 was: I l ‘ Town of Hanover...... x...... .. 4 1 Village of Nenstadt... 2 Township 01 Normanby 4 l l The applications for licenses for 1915-1916 are as follows: Town of Hanover“... ... 4 ; Village of Neustadt... ...... 2 ' Township of Normanby . ... 3 All petitions relating to the ; granting or refusal of licenses must he filed with the Inspector at least tour days- before April 16. 1915. Parties interested will gov- ern themselves accordingly. To hotel keepers and all whom it may concern Not ce is hereby given that the Board of License Commissioners for the License District of South Grey will meet on st four days before 11pm 1n. ""1“- * _ .' ,. . . i. Parties interested will gov- 3:1" W' J' {.everauho W481"â€tT°r' themselves accordinglv. on. 0 recent y un er snecxa rear- - ment, has returned home and 15 WM; ALLAN " ’ t d ' t ° (1 anense Inspector, Soutl; Grey.l reï¬fgiï¬_§}fg§5%§§3§§f°‘§§{5'1 3, ' t'o - â€" â€" ' Mplm ““0‘9 ‘5 vanv v‘ g... u..- â€"""u-'"â€"‘ ° " Alpine Chasseur. You most ' cer-- The services in the churches on 339313;: tgï¬adg} tainly .saw the communique that Sunday .were appromiate to‘ m . . read: “Last might the enemy vig- Easter Day. The sermons were °n°t I‘m to bring orously attacked without success Resurrection themes, and the 4 me Of (the the gum in the Vosges,†and without doubt choirs gave special Easter music. ragedy .01 W3! 3.90. you attached no importance to The ptulpits were prettily decorat- :aus upon eaclrciti- these few words, despite the fact ed with plants and Easter lilies. :ntry to take his or that they meant that an at- Among the Easter visitors here is burden that all .-tack had been made. Nevertheless, were: Ron. and Mrs. I. ‘13 Lucasof g rder that.the cause ‘- inoumerable acts of heroism were , Toronto, with the latter’s par- 1 are fighting ‘Pay enacted that eveninig. gents, Mr. and Mrs. M. K Richard- . 9 end. 0‘“ soldier-3‘ “‘Just after ten the Boches‘ atâ€" i son; Mr. Stanley Thurston, editor 1 ' borne the“ bap’l tacked us. The snow was thick and of The Weekly Sun, Toronto, vis- 1 but have taken a their footsteps were inaudible, ited his parents: Mr. and. Mrs. Jeff , 't in t11": greatest whilst a slight fog allowed the Thistlewaite of Toronto. visited :ement “we" the enemy ,to get past our wire en-â€" the farmer’s parents: Mr. and Mrs. . Marne. The casualâ€" tanglements and they were in our . W T. Hodgsonn oi Owen Sound ’ but â€0t too heavy. trencth before we knew anything i visited the latter’s parents, Mr id results that were had happened. We fought like ‘ and Mrs. W. Trimble; Mr. Roy the We‘re†and madman. The enemy was not onlv‘Burgess of Listowel was a visitor our 30mm“ from armed with rifle and fixed bay- at Mr. W. A. Armstrong’s; Mrs W. have wen thead- (met: but in the belt of each maniAsnderson and little son Chester, he hardened But!†was a. little long knife, and onceeof Edgeley, and Miss Watson of the Commesier-m‘ they got this in use we were as Toronto visited their sister, Mrs. the humble 10mmy. acod as dead. The German offi-QR. G. Holland: Mr. Robt Bellamy of the Red Cross 80" cers stood well in the background of Toronto. visited his home; and cut out to the people, and cursed their men continuously. i Mr. Harold Karstedt was home th‘ greater fervor or; The scene was terribleâ€"the groanifrom Shelburne. an to-dav and ‘t ‘5‘ of the dying, the moan of the] Among those abroad were: Mr. Bufï¬cwnfly impress' wounded; and above all this the and Mrs. Geo. Mitchell, Mrs. O W. 3 and women of our, bugle-r was playing the Marseilâ€" Phillips, Miss Irene Wilson, Miss *reat need for further' laise. As midnight struck I fell.’ M'ruriel McTavish, Mr. Geo. Rich- and encouragement.'| The poor man pointed to his ardsom, Mr. Frank Duncan, at . . ‘bandauged arm and hand. gToronto; Dr. Little at Ingersoll: equipped . E“? the" “I passed on to where aZouavc Mrs. Richard Bentham at Lion's “’8 ’DOW With“) the“ “ma nmmnod nn bv nillows and al- Head. Miss *Reta Ruskin at Fever- Notice ~says: "My ï¬rst visit was to ' the hospital where» I spoke with an Alpine Chasseur. You most cer- tainly .saw the communique that read: “Last night the. enemy vig- V15 -.., Lsxuaa. A message from the front in the: Caucasus gives a remarkable- instanco.of horoism displayed in" certain Russian Sistr-rs of Mercy. who. with a hospital train. were temporarily capturéd by the Turks and afterwards rosoued Aft-“r the capture of the train the Turks stm‘fnd to kill the wounded, but- tho Sisters threw their own bodies in tho Way. M‘anv of tho mpriimi orrir-riios have also shown great brnvr‘rv. Onn pan Twish-N“ in?" “in firing line ten times, each time carrting out a wounded man on his shoulders. I I A‘ A For being drunk in a local op- tion district, Mr. F. Hogarth irom near Kimberley, was beiore Mag: istrates McMull-cn and idcravisn j here last week, and pleading gull-i tv was fined $20 and costs, in alli over $26. Hogarth said the liquor was supplied by a friend wh-oml he was taking to Flesherton Sta-i A- tion. Returning here, he was un- able to take care 02 himself., and: Constable Hales took him inl charge, with the above result. ‘ The annual Easter thank-offer, in}: meeting of the Methodist W.‘, M .S. was held om‘Thursday after-l noon last, and was a plz‘msant and; Iill‘OfitaJDI-Z‘ meeting. The Presi’lyter- ian and Baptist societies having been invited, greetings were con- veyed by Mrs. .(R.e\'.\ McViear in. a thoughtful address. Refreshments were served at the close of the meeting. 1 Fourteen Ford autos, 45 fanning mills, 5 threshing outiits, one steam engine, one gasoline tractor.’ and one ploughing outfit, sax-s the Nee-pawa, Man, Press of last woes, is the business alrezmy done, this spring by .lV'r. Charley Pedâ€" lar, wno iormerly resiueu ~iere. 3 Charley is a hustler and an es- ,laA \zlthLL\ “V -â€" .â€" , -_ tog-med resident of Neepawa ’be- ing‘ one of the aldermen of the town. Marri:~d.â€"On Wednesday. March 31, by Rev. B. C. lK'e-rr, a: me 13:11;- tist church, Flesherton, Mr. Wal- ter 1511:;le 01‘ Rom; Aims LO Mass Lizzie Osborne. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Osbloruo. The young couple will rcside on the 8th concession, fkrtqmesia. 1' OLIL UU'L:\;::GDIUIIO gill bktbb\ Un~§u Messrs. (9r. C'llin'son and son of Ceylon have bought Mr. A. Mcâ€" Ra‘e’s farm near that village, and D. D. D'icLa'ug'IIHn has bougnc th: late R. McGill’s 50-acre 1m. Miss Zilla Trimblc entertained about forty young peoydc at an on30yabl-e party one evening last \Vc'cx. L116 I‘LD UJ LL11 LI ‘4ou - held a cake sale on 15.111111 dag. Proceeds over $6. 00. Miss Hattie Cole is home {10m Toronto, spendjng_ a week with .9.1'. vanâ€"v Mr .and Mrs. Ed. Best, Toronto line, have moved to 33121). Mm- Tavish’s farm residence near the camat-ery. The Presbyterian Ladie-S’ Aid .LVJ. v“ Lv --â€"--- C7 her mother, who had the misfor- tune to fall a few days ago, and sustained severe bruises. We are pleased to learn the esteemed elderly _lady is "improving. ‘- n-â€"A‘“:\ M'r. Wells Whittaker, a V student at Kingston, whio is going to the War with the second contingent.- visited his parents near Ceylon, and called on old friends here on Saturday, ' Mrs Harry Piper met with a bad accident last week. She was attacked by the ram of her flock, and had one of her lower limos broken in two places. Drs. Carter and Little reduced the fractures. Mr. and Mrs. J. J Brown. daughter. 111-! The readers of this pap2r will he“ nd -. pleased to learn that there is at} inlleast one dreaded disease that sci-:1 1ence has been able to cure in all?’ 9r-.its stages, and that is Catarrh \V',1Hal1’s Catarrh Cure is the only} epipositive cure now known to the: Vnd,medical fraternity Catarrh being? 'a constitutional disease, requires 32 Cl‘- ., . . 2 in nonstitutxonsl treatment Hay ' ‘ 33: “’ ° ' 1 ! on- eatarrh Cure IS taken mternalqn: n. "‘ acting dime“? upon the blood and? nts mucous surfaces of the syStemi the thereby destroying the foundation; 1of the"‘disease. and giving the pa-; Itient strength by building: up the: ill-2‘ . . . . ‘ ‘ one.fullbtlfutltfll. and assisting nature: tmx'. in domg 1ts \R‘Ol‘lt The .})}‘x’,‘,i)1‘13t(?r5 the? “3!"? SO mutt. faith 11) ltS cugatlx'e lastpo‘VOrS that they offer One hand- 0.m=,red Dellars for any case that it .edeails to cure Send {or list of tea-- 1 timonials mien Mrs. Va'nDuse'n has returned} from an extended Visit wit: her; son at Cheek-y. ! rivilvi'ss D011T1~urst0n Miss erght, \1) 4.: Elsie Vx’1rwht N -ss Alva Lever are home their schools f0“ th e ELJISLC’C Miss Mabel Boyd, and. Miss C: 551? of â€\lalkda 19. were Visitors Mz. \‘v J. Bowls on. CH)’: 1 Frid Miss Dir-11 Thurston a:-.i‘0;11;::1;‘:i011 her brothers to the city 0:1 Mon- day. to visit for a fc 11' (1113's. Miss Hoimcs is \isitiz‘ 2; friends in 'C-th citv this week. Mr. Ila P: rigo, who is ~1i: h the soldiers training at Owen Sound visited his sister, Mra.A1be1t Stewart, on Saturc ay. The l‘ttlc Misses Doris Boyd and Annie Jackson of Esl'ar‘rdqio. are visiting Miss Aleda Mitchell this week. stipation Mr. B: :1 Sharp 0 is engxge ing‘ a couple of buildin 0‘5 Jim Lawrcncc. i Mrs. W’. J. Perry and daughter Rita, returned to Toronto Friday. aftrn‘ a three \veeks’ Visit with her sister, Mrs. C. Ritchie. Miss A-nnic Scott is spending: the Easter holidays with hCr n rents, Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Scott. Sc 'eral from this burg attended the reception at Mr. James Brown’s on Thursdgxy ovvenin". Mr. A. M. Bell is spending the Easter holidays at his home at Pine Hill. Misses Annie and Agnes, and Mr. E. McGirr, are holidaying: with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Th-os. McGirr. A most successful meeting of the. Women’s Institute was held at the home of Mrs. Neil McCanznel. Splendid papers were given by Mrs. C. Ramagc and Mrs. John â€Graham. Thirty-one ladies were , pregen-t: ‘ 1xv--_. -c n“.,.“ annd Miss Edna M. Ritchie is sps'nâ€"ding the Easter holidays in Toronto. .1 Addiesa F.J. PHENEY z: Sold by all Druggists, 75c Take Hall’s Family Pills for con- L \. My“. v. Mr. John \Vcir of Establishea aver Forty one Years TH E STAN_1A13113ANK H: DARKIES’ commas. Jay (writing. chic is spz'~1'1ding' spent over the. W001: cm} at his rs in Toronto. ' home here. Everyone is pleased to (1 Agnes, and see John looking hale and hearty. holidaying: with; Mrs. Dan McCormick of Swinton and Mrs. Th-os. é Park spent the past week with Mr. land Mrs. Henry Lawrence. 1 meeting of the. Miss Minnie Andrews is holiday- r was held at 3 ing‘ .at her home here. Neil McCanznel.’ Mr. and Mrs. R-obt. Lindsay at- vere given by 3 tended the funeral of Mrs. Wm. md Mrs. John Grierson, Bentinck. one ladies werel M'rs. Albert Noble, and Mr-. Wm- l Noble, of Durban}, spent Sunday at Perfect Safety. Quick Assets. Reliable Service 1 k‘UUIL - U1 Mu “â€5, - Owen Sound Mr. John McGirr s. Toledo, 3 ASSETSOVERW the‘ and in st ‘ Funeral Director 3‘3 {HE nunmtgaumm ' 18 PUBLISHED VERY THURSDAY XOMmï¬ At the Chronicle Piipting House, Gum-an: ' Tn: Chroma: rm to sumption 3:: “new. in. o! putt: "a.“ A. “_ , __ _ _,,II A MW .41 cow’s-x â€JIM“: â€I“ 41. 50 my be cut-pail†nor“. we to which over} .ubocdption in pa 4 10 d the number an flu adds“ 13501.3. and! continued to :11 am no In“. “mun opuon of tho propflotor. ' to: mount odvom oo-onb Advortuing cent. per lino for tho tut III. Batu . run: Samantha-ooh out... quest mouth: ninton moo-um. PM cords not. oxooodinu on hot “.00 pront- Advortioononto without opodflo direction '1‘ ho onblhhod an forbid u 4 o Macadam-"Lt n. ‘ “Wound." "For our-to out. for ï¬rst {mom :8 out. for not Ionbooquont 2mm. n1 “artist-moan ordorod by «anon too. ho void for in Monaco. Conn-act rota. for you; dunno-Iona m niobod on oppliooflon to the oï¬co. iUNDEBTAKER ‘.\ ,n 11‘ DURHAM. ONT. chl‘ura Framuzg‘ m:- slwrfe's notice. SHOW ROOMSâ€"Next; to Swallow' Barber Shop. RESIDEXCEâ€" Fe: doanmxth of \V. J, Luwx-(rze‘s blacksmith shun. @‘W‘v‘ V "a. “"‘r 0.» ~z~ <9... Full line of Catholic Robes, and him-k and white Caps for aged people. FURNITURE UN BERT HUNG Qty-«n. ,,._ Mr. M. K mss has opened a shop at the rear of I he furniture .snmv t'nmn and is prepared to do.) all kmds of tmsmithing. Undvrtaking receives speck} attentiun EDI-wk AND Pnopmmon. Rugs. Oilcioths Window hades Lace Curtains and a“ Household Furnishings Avoid :: Annsyances I EmbaBming a Specialty E DVVARD KRESS A.†‘A‘ â€I? A. BELL \V'ho :1 buying undo: xvi-war al- wav: hux the heist: it M515 Inngm feds mute. c<)lnfuz'3- ab: 9 and u in «me yum tem- p‘er. It is \my thing «.11 1 w H». n}. .( x [H t!) .mdu; wvm L-"lU had} intn .1 “Jo shin. Buy “Sianï¬cld’s and #6 h:!".p§'. N«)mnrv:~hxinking: â€129 is gt uaxnnto, ed by the nmnufact urer’s. “'0 have sold the gnods for years and have. 11mm} m. complainte. '3‘ “'0 stand rmdy to make‘ good 311thth that they gnaraxflee. W..,. IRWIN Haw about an Oven-nut \Vcluwvzl few at bar- gain prims. TINSMITHRNG April 8. 1915. . L. GRANT Our Guarantee The Remedy AND 178