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Durham Chronicle (1867), 15 Apr 1915, p. 2

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BEING LOT 9. cox. 12. GLENELG.‘ 100 acres: well fenced and m good state of cultivation; good] ForI : good house and ham. pa apply to James Goodwi . 3'61 9th St. 15.. Owen -2 '21 9nd tf Sound. BEING LOT 53, CON. 3, E. G. P.. Glenelg, containing 100 acres: on premises are new frame barn. brick house, sheds and outbuild- ings; running stream through property: about 10 acres hard- wood bush, rest in good state of cultivation. Possession given on Nov. lat, 1913. For further par- ticulars. apply on premises to Mrs John Staples, Rural Route rSpirella Corsets WEB THE FAMOUS SPIR- olh Corset; any size, type or price; vith perfect laundering quantum, and unbreakable steels: positively hygenic. Not sold in Itorel. Mrs. J. C. Nichol, Rep- nlontative, Box 107, Durham. nae-fin 4 18 am GOOD FRAME HOUSE ON GAR- afraxa Street, Durham; ,over a ‘ quarter acre of land; six rooms; stable, Woodshed, small orchard, etc.; terms right and reasonable. Apply at The Chronicle office. 18tf 1 ACRES I\" BENTINCK TOWN- being Lot 26, Concession 3 G. R.‘ Will be sold cheap: (1 title. Apply to George Whiymore. Durham. or Thomas SHORTHORN BULL‘ 12 MONTHS old: dark red. with white mark- ings: eligible for registeation. Apply to Wm. Leggette, Dur- ham, R. R No. 1.. 34tf GOOD BRICK-VENEERED SIX- roomed house on Countess street Durham; good well, stable, and quarter acre of land° immediate possession. Apply at {‘hronichr office. 10 4 1 ti LOTS 8, 9 and 10, KINCARDINE street, West. Apply to All. Jm k- son. 4 1 15 if SYNOPSIS (F CANADIAN NORTH WEST LAND REGULATIONS The sole head or a family, or any male over 18 yers old, may homestead a quarter-section of available Dominion land is Mani- toba, Saskatchewan or Ach*ta. Applicant must appear in person at the Dominion Lands Agency or Sub-Agency for the District. Entry by proxy may be made at any Dominion Lands Agency (but not Sub-Agency), on certain conditions i For Sale A TOP BUCUY, TUDHOPE, AS Aivertisem-mzs of one inch. nbwmaut. insertion. Over one it» amount. Ye Do You W ant Help I Duties-Six months residence. upon and cultivation of the'land in each of three years. A home- steader may live within nine miles 0! his homestead on a farm of at least 80 acres, -.on certain condi- tions. A habitable house is re- quired except where residence is performed in the vicinity. In certain districts a home- steader in good standing may pre- cmpt a quarter section alongside his homestead. Price $3.00 per acre. utiesâ€"Six months residence in each of three years after earning: homestead patent; also 50 acres extra cultivation. Pre-emption natent may be obtained as soon as homestead patent, on certam con- ditions. LR. WM. RITCHIE IS IMMI- grant Agent for Durham and vi- cinity, and farmers wishing help should make application early. 3 25 9 A settler who has exhausted hxs' homestead right may take .a pur-: chased homestead in certam Chet-3 gicte. Price $3.00 per acre. Babes 22. o§v "man.- {n oanh ”Lt-J. A .4»: Vv.-.v 'â€" _, . -â€"Must realde 51x months 10 each of three years, cultivate 50 acres and erect a yous§.wc‘).rth $300. ‘UU VLVVD .- ..V__ The area of cultivation is sub- 1ec-t to reduction in case of rough. acmbby or stony land. Live stock may be substituted for cultivation under certain conditions. W. W. CORY, 'C.M.G., Deputy of the Minister of good as ”9“." For particulat'S. apply to John A. Graham, I'mnr Town 1 8 2 paid for. Prof. Zax fix of ricultural Collag fall wheat crop i House For Sale Bull For Sale Depufiy of the Minister or Intenor. . -Unauthorized publication advertisement will not be. ~- 8 5 12! For Rent For Sale SMALL ADS. m. 253conta for first inserti . and 10 cents format inch and under two inch“. double the above Yearly rates on applicanon. OFFICE AND RESIDENCE A short distance out of Knapp’s Hotel. Lamb ton Street, Loner Town, Durham Ofice hours from 12 to 2 o’clock OFF ICEâ€"Over 5 P. Telford’s office nearly opposite the Regisu office. ReSIdence Second house south of Registry office on east side of Albert Street. Office Hours 9-1] a.m., 2-4 p. 111.. 7-9 p. m. Telephone communica. tion between office and residence at all hours. Arthur Bun, M. D. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, OF fice in the New Hunter Block. Ofice honrs,8 to 10 a. m. to 4 p. m. and? :09 p. m. Special attention given to diseaseb of women and children. Residence op- posite Presbvterian Church. Into Auiaunt EiLondon Ophthalmic Boa hp. and (.0 Gallon Sq. Thront and Nose Hos SPECIALIST : EYE, EAR, THROAT NOSE Ofiioo:13,Frost St. Owen Sound. DR. BROWN L. R. c. 'P., LONDON. ENG RADULATE of London. New York and Chicago. Discus“ of Eye. Ear Nose and Throat. \Vill be at the Hahn House, Dec. 19‘ Jan. 16, February 20. March 20, Hours. 1 to 5 p.111. Drs. lamieson (9. lamieson. Dr. W. 0. Pickering Dentist. OFFICE: Over J. J. Hunter’s Officeâ€"Over Douglas’ J ewellerv Storp. J F. GRANT, D. D. 8.1.. D. S. I ONOR GRADUATE. UNIVERSI- ty of Toronto. Graduate Roya Cdllege DentaJ Sgrgeons ofGntario. Dentistry In all its Branches. J. B. Hutton. l. P. Telford. ARRISTEL., SOLICITOR. ETC P ()flice nearly opposite the Regis‘n o‘fice Lambton St... Durham. Any amount )f monev M .0211) a? 5 pm- cent. on farm cropertv. Holstein Conveyancer. Issuer of Marriage Licenses. Money to loan at lowest rates. and terms to suit borrower. Fire and Life Insurance placed in thor- oughiy reliable compnaies. Deeds. Mortgages, Leases and Wills. executed on shortest notice. All work promptiy attended to. '2‘ 83'. UUIlvayauuur. ac. Lllau 1m M Agent. doney to Loan. Issuer of “at tinge Licenses. A general financial busi 71888 transacted. A. H. Jackson. OTARY PUBLIC, COMMISSION A ex. _ bnveyancer. 82c. Insurance Licensed Auctioneer for the L ount» of Grew. Satisfactixm 011m- unteed. Terms reasonable. Dates of sales made at the Chronicle of- fice. or with himself. In the Surrogate Court of the County of Grey. In the matter of the Estate of Duxid Allan, (the Elder, late of the Village of Holstein in the (‘ountx of (he), Tounshiu (111k. deceased. NOTICE is hereby given. bursa-- ant to RWSO 1914, Cap. 121, Sec. 56 that all persons ha11n0' claims against the. estate 101' the said David Allan the Elder, Who died on or about the 21th day of March A..D 1915, "are required to send b1. post prepaid or other1|1se de- li1 er to J. P. Telford of the T111111 of Durham, Solicitor for the. Ex- ecutors. on or before the 8th day of Ma1-',1915. their names, adâ€" dresses and descriptions and a full statement of particulars of their Claims. and the nature of the security «if anyyheld by them. duly certified. and that after the said (1111' the executors will proâ€" ceed to distrihutetl1e.ssets of the estate among the parties entitled thereto. having regard only t1 t1“ claims of Which they shall than ha1e notice. Licensed Auctioneer DAN RICLEAN Dated the 1.015. 4154 Mai-Gen. Sam Hughes presented colors to the 24th xKent Regiment last Week on behalf (of the Daugh- ters of the Empire. \Vm. Forrester. pz‘Oprietor of the Mitchell Flax Mills. was nom- inated for the House of Commons bV South Perth Liberals at Mitch- ell on Friday. F. F. Pardee 31.1%, was the principal speaker. The county of Wellington 13 spending $2.000 everv month for patriotic purposes, and last Fridnv afternoon the council decided to purchase a motor ambulan-~e to be sent to the front in France. N otice to Creditors DURHAM. ONT. ( Lmver Town.) Medical Dz’ren‘orv . Executors. by their Solicitor. J. P. Teflord. Dentai Directorv. Legal ‘Dz’rectorv \V. J. SHARP MARY ANN ALLAN DAVID ALLAN, JR ELIZABETH 12031:;ng \; DR. BURT. g regard onlv tr) which they shall ICL. 11 day of April, A.D. There are in Canada to-day many absent :sons whose fathers and mothers nook anxiously for their return. :They are fighting for Canada and the Empire and some of them have already fallen on the field .of honor. Some of them will never return, but their mem- ory will live in the thoughts of their country c£or all time. Others will be stricken with sickness. or suffer wounds, {and they will need all the attention that human agency can give them. The duty of looking ,after these sick and wounded soldiers devolves upon the Red Cross Society and it 13 only by the assistance and sup- port of the people of Canada that this work can be carried on speeci- ilv and \\ ith efficien y. 0:0 0:10 I Wonderfully are the peOple of Canada responding to the call for service. Even (the little children are doing their duty and old people who iare long .past thei al- loted span of life are working with a magnificent spirit of love and self-sacrifice for the cause of humanity. When (the history of this titanic struggle is Written not the least splendid chapter will be that dealing with the work of the men, women and children of the empire on behalf of those who have held its honor high among the nations ‘of the world. But the work cannot lag or stop for one instant. As the war progresses. as new continvgents leave Canada for the seat of war, the demand will .in prOportion be greater than lever. The society appeais more than ever «to the peOple of this country to work' and strive in the great cause, \and it is confident |that the appeal will be answered ‘as nobly as it has been in the past and as it is being answered lat the present time. ! In no spirit of self-congratulaâ€" :tion, but gravely, as those who ;ha\'e performed .a duty lying: to itheir hands, (the people of Canada ‘ may take stock of the work which thev have been the means of ac- complishinv. They may do this more readily because they have not yet achieved the end of their self-sacrifice and because the need to which they have ministered grows rather than diminishes Re- cruits are necessary in this sphere as in others and recruits are won bv making known the exigencies of the situation. THE RED CROSS COLUMN \Vith the main objects and pur- poses of the society the nation is suffic'ently familiar. The nation knows also that motor ambulances have been provide-Tl for the tram-:- port of the wounded from battle- field to base hospital and have been kept in sufficient running or- der through these difficult winter days. It knows that vast (manti- ties of stores have. been shipped to England and thence to Frame to be applied in the nursing and care of the soldiers. that special ap- paratus has been purchasec. that comforts. otherwise impossible t1 obtain. have. been secured. These benefits have been’ made rmaotirmâ€" hle because the means of provid- ing them was ready to hand. But these thenefits represent, a?- ter all, only the material and ‘0’)S- itive side of what has become one of the «greatest works of mercy in the world. To measure the Red Cross Society justly it is neces- sary to put lists of material thirgs out of mind and to reckon. not in terms of goods supplied. but in terms of pain and suffering ohvi- ated and alleviated. It is neces- sary to think that. had this socieâ€" ty not existed. the burden of sor- row and anguish which the war has laid Upon our sol-"tiers would have been increased many fold. FRIDAY. APRIL 1(‘. 1731-3 :In the Town of Durham, at the Inspector’s Office, at One o‘clock ‘n.m., when applications for licens- .cs for the License Years 1915-1916 wvill be considered. a The number of licenses issued fifor the year 1914-1915 was: i Town of Hanover..- 4 Village of Ncustadtm -.. 2 Township of Normanby 4 i The applications for licenses for 11915-1916 are as follows. 1 Town of Hano'» er... ... 4 Village of Neustadt.-- 2 5 Township of Normanby . All petitions relating to the granting or refusal of licenses must be filed with the Inspector at least four days before April 16 1915. Parties interested will gov- ern themselves accordingly. The medical correspondent of the London Times said recently: “I haxo fol'loxxed the work of our sick and \x ounded since the outbreak of {the “11121 have soon the \\ ork of the society devclop from what were rough and mark: beginnings to its present norfec- tion of organization. Day bv (MY the lot of the wounded man has To hotel keepers and all whom I": may concern Notice is hereby given that the Board of License Commissioners for the License District of South Grey will meet on. WM. ALLAN anense Inspector, South Grey O .0 ‘0 Q. been rendered more and more easy, detail after detail of his per-’ - . < . sonai comfort has been cons °ideredx \othmg much to rcport on this and provided for. and finally. to w eek only 1..ud,siusl1 311:1 such comfort luxuryâ€"in a media :11 like. \ sense llas b"3en added‘,, I “7,. “n+:r.n +‘anf (~th flnn 1x1!\\\'§1\0’ To listen to the expressions oil gratitudeâ€"expressions which put] even lavish generosity to shameâ€"‘1 is to feel that no sacrifice can be too great when our soldiers are thus restored to health. The res- toration of a single one of our heroes to health would be reward enough for almost any self-denial. But this work measures its results not in units but in thousands. Save for this great work hundreds of lives which have been saved would have been lost and awhole world of suffering added to the grim total of the war. If there is anyone in Canada} who is not bearing some share oii the burden of a world-wide war : in which the very life and fabric! or our empire and :dominion are at '. stake, he is not worthy of the' name he bears or of the country of which he is a citizen. There (must be few in Canada who are: not doing something, but there are some who could do more. The cries of wounded and suffering men cry out {to us ina‘the darkness and call upon us .for help. Can we turn a deaf ear to them in their hour of victory and death? We, must deny ourselves everything if necessary, in order that our coun- try may be victorious. All of us cannot fight, all cannot hear the actual brunt of war, but all can do something, however little it may be, for the cause of mercy and humanity. The Red Cross Society appeals to every Canadian, rich or poor, young or old. to assist in thz great work. All donations, medical supplies, comforts for the sick and wounded soldiers, tobacco and all kinds of luxuries, should be sent to the provincial headquarters in the different provinces or to the head office at 77 King Street. East, Toronto. Wherever possmle, sup- plies saould fine sent ,to the pro- \‘incial offices. Never a “run” has the sap made this season. About once a week it oozes a few drops and then grows tired. Mr. Vincent Morrison of Berlin Collegiate Institute, and Miss Lizzie, of Owen Sound, spent the Easter holidays at the old home on the 8th concession. Having returned from McGee. Sask.. to Ontario, some time ago. Miss Myrtle Hunt is spending .1 fortnight with kindred in the old neighborhood, belore leaving my Oxi‘ord, Mich. where a good 1):;â€" sition awaits her. Miss Benn of Arthur, who 1111:; taught in Sop. 8.8. No. .3 since the new (year. resigned her posi- tion before Easter, to accept .1 more lucrative «one down country Mr. \Vm. Pa3lor sold (lg nt nice butcher cattle to Jas. Gr. Wilson last week. .They netted a nice liL- tn; pllc 0-; 1110.1cx, yet tilelc \x'ab'n'L' a pile of proiit in feeding them. We' notice that Frank McAssoy has erected a shingle mill and has. a big .pilc 01 .Slliflgl’.‘ {impel on hand. 'lixe ratepayers of the :uwnship will be pleased to learn that. the cuuncu mas made a sozrtlement with Mr. :J. C. .tuoss or uh,- buA‘c‘, amt tuus :avom-gd me heauy C061,: of a sumogzun couri lawsuit. Mr. and Mrs. 'lhcs. MC Vallv hm \ bcen Scrumslv ill 01' late. 'lhe 11L- tm‘n nas ICCLHGX‘CJ nL-r ichLr \1_., 01 but; tnc iormer is far £10m be- ing? wuzl. me monthly meeting 01' inc Zion brancn o; the Women’s Insd- tutc- mad :1 spuciihly mucesslui meeting at me humc of 311:. M. J. Davis on ’inursdzw last. 1 xxx-my- l‘our lumbors Were present and made a line job of quitting ti‘m autograph quilt, (which has about 350 names Ion it. '1 ha: 111223118 :35 and when :‘(heir consort comes 0"; there is no Idling what mics-c some lover will pay 101' that qmlt. \ ‘ Last “ma-ck ml'v. J. McNally salt! “Teddy." his hardy driu‘r. to Mr. Noble 01' town. and Mr. J. Leâ€" Vino. coaxed us with a lag “all 01' bills to part with “i."i'ank." our high-spix'itctl gray. '11th little gray llild marv \‘im aml "gil’ about him than all the coll-Lloc‘xl- 0d Clyllus that (‘\'(‘1' We're Emmi. Mr. P. L‘vlut‘calfe drove his win- 8011:;- daughter ‘i’luwbe out. to 50-; he? auntie. 'M’rs. J. J. i’L-az't, tho br-g‘ianiug 01' last \a'vok. ‘1? 3".)- turned the 1"(_;»llm\"in_g day. while she remained the 1'05: of tliv $3.10 '0111z11110d the rest (13. inc \\ eek. We more 111N130! 10 have him gixo 'us a call 0.1 3123\1311' back as few 1119.11 11°11 This 10111151111: are better posted 011 current maL- tars 111111 he. Mr. John Clif [0 arm £9.11:in of Durham spent the \‘CL’i'i‘liâ€"k‘lli the Darcy homestead. United in life for OYOI' 3; they were mot long; scymwte: death. Mr. Wm. Andersv'm 3' away on March 23,011d :u't illness of less than :1 Week. Anderson passed awav on S a ---vâ€"'_ a. morninO' from 1111 attazrk o1 pneu- monia. Mr". And 115011 \1 as t1111l:‘,.1 pioneer mot her. and hes-i1.l .15 m 1,- th- ering a family .uf 1-11111'1». of her town, has through life born rams: solicitous for the welfare of those around her. £11 .111er with «a (1:111: Dhysmal and m:- -nt.11 11011 is. she has reared :1 1311' re familx. \\ ho toâ€"dav are making life a 5ucrzess. For many years she has 19911 :1. member of Zion Methodist churr‘a ahd always 110 ady to gixe a help- ing hand in tim’: of neod.0\1i11;: to two of the sons -coming from Montana. the funeral is delayed urg'til Thursday. when interment Will take place in Zion cemetery TR AVERS-TON. Q 9 0.4.80 [e and Ianux the \‘cemiâ€"cn Ck. Mrs. Sunday :1“ pneu- (n .3 Cd W e notice that some are plowing for the past few days down west of here, but not much done in this vicinity yet. The sick peOple are ~iseginning to get better. Whooping cough south from here is quite prevalent. A number of young children have ii. Mr. Watson of Egrc-mont is cut- ting wood for some of the soutn line farmers for the last few days. The Rev. Mr. Matheson gave his‘l last sermon last Sunday on a ser- ies of sermons preached bv him during the last six Sundays His l‘ theme last Sunday was “Is Para- dise and Heaven the same?” Mr. Matheson always ‘bases his sub-t ie-cts on a firm foundation. Con- sequently, he proves his remarks during his discourse from a scrip- tural point of view. The Presbyterian church choir is losing their good and faithful orâ€" ganist, nee Emma Conkey Mrs. Harrison. is joining the Methodist‘ church, of which her good hug-l band is a faithful member, and although the church she served so faithfully for the last few vears as! organist regrets \her removal from] them, yet they congratulate thei good peOple of Ebenezer church in' being the gainers. Miss Edna S ack-i ett of town is her successor, a young lady of excellent qualities J as a musician and organist. Mr. Arch. 'E. McDonald is ship- ping a car load of potatoes from Priceville to Saskatoon. Sask. Archie has a ranch up in that country and be things he can sup- pl}r the inhabitants with tne good potatoes grown in the vicinity of this town. 1 "___‘__ POtatoes are cneap and ilour dear. 1n the land or som: or our forefathers they lured well on potato-es and nerrmg the most or the year, and rat sald notatoes and nuttermxlx we 3 good “mate’ at home, wnile Sandy said, “you- tat-o and sg‘addan (herring) were biadh gaSta aig an tlgh’ or pota- toes and herring were mine tood at home. We heart-g a ma.) who is Worth thousands tell us not long ago that ms lamer‘s tummy thu for months in the tall on potatOeS and milx, and when there was no milK, on potatoes zmd salt. WhV not now tnose that are (lepenomg on buymg all tmir ‘atmdes vase potato.:s \sim their L‘mead, when they can get the \best of potatoes for 40:. or 53. We are sure that it would DC tar cheapc' than giv- ing :54 a hundrui 101' Hour, but sommimes pride and poverty don’t agrcc, 111‘ [1195' are Lad coru'ades. Cattle Iced IS also scarce and we notice 21 Int of Cilttli‘ and horas crying ’(0 mam: a living 13v horSLs crying 'L’o 11111118 :1 living 13v pic L110“ 21: 121113 g10u11d but its “01.50 01211 11\ 111', on pummes and soadaan. 101‘ t.1L pour (11111.1) 11n- imals that are LompL LllL L1 to pick a ll\1lg UL SLilI‘V ’L11e1u11e131 101 the late Malcohn Brawn ()1 ($021: 11111:1L11'L11 01 'me :uuerax «o; the late Malcolm Brawn m Con: 11:11. :20an 01' Markdale, tom: place to the cLeu'LcWL-y 111 “as 1m”) on .Tues- day, the 0th inst. Mr. Zeatrm. who was m “1.5 62nd yum ‘wua‘ one 01' the pianeers 01' 1110 norm lme. Glenelg, coming therein the elf: C‘ehtre. About ('41.; ‘3’ L141“. ’0'; L.L\3 0d his days. 311'. Benton was 111-J\'uu u) tutti llAglUC u ucrc llc GNU 19 on “9.6 n95 :lav of The remains \ 111 b9 old honi. the 1-9813: lmothvr. Angus Hour DURHAM BRANCH, £11}? ixelly, . U I PRICEVILLE. , d Established over Foriy-one Years '505, "flea-LP Glen- 20 years ago he ASSETS OVER $48,000,000 The A, B, C of Banking Save Systematically Take Care of the Cents and filtimately Become Indepen- dent 179 Ve solicit your account in our SAVINGS DEPARTMENT OF CANADA 11111 11111151111111111 IS PUBLISHED VERY THURSDAY MORNING At the Chronicle Printing House, Gan Street. Subscription Tan Cnnomcu will be sen any addxeaa. tree of postage Rates . - $1 OOper yearmayable'in advance â€"Sl.30 may be charged if not no paid. The data to which ever) - ubarription is paid is denoted b the number on the address label. 30 “spud: continued to all arrears are paid, amt nt Lb when of the proprietor. ' ' For tmnsient advertisement. Adventmmg cents per line fdr the first inn Rates . - tion: scents parlineeach nub“. quent inmti o'n mimon measure. Profession cards not exceeding one inch 84.00 per annnm Advertisements without specific directions“ be published till forbid a) .1 charged account 5 Tmnsie nt nonceeâ€" ‘L( at. ’ ‘=F‘ound.“ "For 0. etaâ€"60 cents for first insertion. 25 cents for can i subsequent martian. All advertisements ordered by strangers nus be mid for in advance. Contract rates for year.y advancement. in: nished on application to the oflice. U N DERTAKER and Funeral Directorw> Picture Frammg (m short“: notice. Mmm a.“ DURHAM. .ONT Full line of Catholic Robes, and that and white Caps for aged people. M‘“‘ UN DER-T AKIN G \Ir. \I. Kress has opened a shop an the :9.- n of the fur nitme snnw mom and Is pr'epmed to do all kinds of tinsmithing. Undertaking receives special attention 11 Snow Roomsâ€"Next to Swallow' Barber Shop. RESIDENwâ€"Nex door South of W. J. Lawrr-nne't blacksmith shop. Avoid :: Ammyances Rugs, Oi‘lcloths Window hades Lace Curtains and all Household Furnishings TINSMITHING FURNITURE EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR EDWARD Embalming a Specialty Vx'lmn buying undo) \"z'm- a“:- ways‘ buy the host: it !a_sts lnngm', feels mum comfort- nbie and will save your tem- per. It. is wry flying on (he tmnpvrtn try and sum-97.9. :L "40" [may into :L "36" shirt. “"9 stand ready to make gum! anything that they guarantee. “"9 have. sold the goods for years and have heard no «rumplalints. Buy “Stanfield‘s" and be happy. Nu more >11rinking: this is guaranteed by the nmnni’acturer’s. C. L. GRANT A. BELL How about an OVPx'Pnnt \Ve have :1 few at bar- gain prices. \'.¢:()rr0\\'ing 0st in thiS. time of bereavement. W. IRWIN 1r iculars at this We extend con Our Guarantee The Remedy sad and lonely. Mrs Was “'5'“ known :1 here she and be!" m; some yams. Her is at. Top Cliff will AND April 15, 0'1 5 her su: life. she KRESS r yams. Her Top Cliff will 5 a kmd girl '. Garafmxm the! \‘ ' 1915.- )iGn ing‘ only have nu time of W ll ll

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