West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 22 Apr 1915, p. 1

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ported well. He also tellsfus that ,Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Glass». and Miss May Glass, formerly of this town, are enjoying life in Calgary Mr. “'ill Gadd, of Regina, is spending a few weeks with friends in town and vicinity. Since leaving The Review office five years ago, he has been engaged in newspaper offices in Calgary Medicine Hat and Regina. Times have been flat there since the war and many have been given indef- inite leave of absence. His mother, Mrs. ”Wm. Gadd, who left here when he did, is in Regina, and re- Mrs. Valentine Hahn underwent a serious abdominal operation on Friday. It was performed by Dr. Groves, of, Fergus, assisted by Dr. Button. and so far as can be learn-ed, the patient, though still far from well, is getting along nicely, and will soon be out of danger. Two nurses are here from the hospital, and all possible care and comfort will be provided. We hope to hear of rapid progress. A correspondent tells us that the Dornoch branch of the South Grey “'omen’s Institute gave an order of $15 to Mr. Parke for grey flannel tomake shirts for the soldiers. The ladies of that place are now busily engaged in mak- ing them. The society also bought and made clothes to send to the Queen Mary fund for destitute children in the old land. Some time ago they gave $5 to the hospital ship fund and sent a bale of clothing valued at $8. ' Dr. W'olfe received a letter from his son, Cecil, who, at time of writing was somewhere in the Mediterranean, but as the letter was censored before sending, he was not allowed to tell his where- abouts. The post mark showed it was mailed at Valetta,.in the Is- land of Malta. His destination. we may guess, is either the Dardan-i elles or Egypt. 1 Before Magistrate Poster of Cannington, Thomas Gowans, ed- itor and proprietor of the Uxbridge Journal, was committed for trial on charges of publishing defamatory libel, preferred by Maior Sam Sharpe, M. P., for North Ontario. Bail was granted. Gowans, a few years ago, was prOprietor of The Thornbury 5 Standard. funeral leaving the home about one o‘clock. On Tuesday morning last, Miss Ann Sarah Alexander died at the home of her brother, James, in Bent'mck, after an illness of sev- eral months’ duration. She was 37 years of age. and unmarried. The remains will be interred in Dur- ham cemetery this afternoon. the Mr. C. ‘M. Bowman has been el- ected a director of the Mutual Life Assurance Co. of Canada, head office, Waterloo, Ontario. His father. the late Mr. I. E. Bowman, of Waterloo, was president of the company for many years. Mr. Dan. McDougall, of the civil service, Ottawa, left the capital 13% week for Halifax, from where he sails for England, and will afterwards go to the seat of war. The Ladies’ Aid of the Baptist church will hold a sale of home- made baking and furnish refresh- ments in :the Saunders 8: Aitchison stand on Saturday, April '24. from 3 to 7 p.m. The cement wkor s startel burn- ing on Tuesday. the first load of marl being brought in Mondav night. 'A car load of Harab fertilizer inst arrived. Different varieties. Call and get your reouirements.â€" C Smith 8; Sons. Clover, timothy and other seeds at lowest prices. Central Drug Store. Mr. Robt. Burnett has put up a new awning of the latest design. Buy your clover and timothy seeds at the Central Drug Store. Fred A. Lewis, piano tuner, ex- Decm‘t’ be in Durham m a few weeks. N EWS AROUN D TOWN { \Ve inadvertantly omitted to: evening mention last week the death Ofl the t0“ Thomas Jackson, Sr., who pass:-cl"‘Germa away at his home in Clinton, af-l Reithdc ter a brief illness, on Tliursda5'.l’51t301l C the 8th inst. He was in his 82nd; many“ year, and was well-known toitf‘le mil manyof our citizens. He was born' above ‘ in Yorkshire, England, and since Of that the early ’503 has been a resident that it of Clinton, where he conducted an there i! extensive taiioring and men‘s fur-g lcrn fa: n-ishing business. He was twice; in Wiih married, the second time about 15; the spe years ago, to the late Mrs. H. J,[address Middaugh, who survives, tc-I' people gether with three sons and four patch. I daughters by his first marriage. Sundav. At the 82nd annual meeting of the Upper Canada Religious Tract and Book Society, held a few days ago in St. John 5 P1 esm' terian church, Broadxiew ax enue, Toronto, 3 resolution “as made bv Rev. J McQueen Baldwin call- ing for liberal support fer the society in order that “renewed and greater efforts may be put forth to save this great Dominion from the curse of an impure and ignoble literature.” If such a resolution were put in effect to its full ex- tent, would .not some of the stuff in circulation here be banishe from the market? Dunnville council is putting forth a scheme by which restaur- ants shall pay a license of five dollars a year; also that plumb- ers. gas, fitters, etc., when resi- dents of the town, shall pay :1 similar license, while the lisense charged outsiders shall be 9325 (1 year Mr. J. A. Johnston, wh') owns-(l and edited the Mildmay Gazette for 15 years, sold out the paper about two years ago, but repur- chased it recently and again wields .the editorial quill. During his “off” period he was a Liberal candidate, but met with defeat. The Toronto World of Tuesday says: “Monday, June 28, has been tentatively set as the date for the Federal election, according to a persistent report around the city yesterday. A prominent local Conservative is given as author- ity for the statement.”- The Mutual (Life of Canada Head Office, Waterloo, Ontario. (ic-nexal Agent for Grey and dBruce (foun- ties, A. J. Chisholm, Owen Sound Ontario. Correspondence- SOlif'itCil and information (:hoorfuliv fur- nished. Correspondents will please note that a war stamp is not neces- sary on their news budgets if envelopes are left unsealed. The rate is just the same as tormex 'yl [es boots.“ Men’s Ehitgvpk.sh1:~?; at $1: men’s new ties, etc. a. L Grant A nice selection of ladies waists. well Worth your inspection; also gem‘ethi‘ng _good and new in lad- 1 The law now requires that but- iter wrappers be printed. If vou gleave your orders at The Chronicle i office the work will be done prep- 1 erly and promptly. ! A spark from a boiler cause-:1 (1 Wm, 000 fire in a sawmill owned by 1 Wm. Pedwell, near Owen Sound. The mill was burned to tne 5 ground. The Ladies’ Guild of Trinity church will hold a sale of home- made cooking and white goods in Calder’s hall on Saturday, May 1, commencing at 2.30 pm. In response to the efforts of' John Farrell, G-oveznment agent.‘ 30 unemployed men of Petrolea‘ signed contracts to work for thei farmers of the diStrict. : and guest towels, at the Varieéy Store. ‘ Just received.â€"A new stock of stamped goods, including centre pieces. tray cloths, pillow slips A good selection of fresh garden iseeds at Central Drug Store. f I It you want butter Wrappers.; i'I‘he Chronicle can supply you. We’ 'have the good kind. i Just arrivedâ€"A car load of always the best. For sale at right prices. J. W. Blyth, Varney. ! Prof. Reithdorf of Woodstock College, delix ered an interesting lecture in Chesley on Saturda) e\ ening, to a large audience in the town hall, his subiect being, “Germany and the War.” P101. Reithdorf gate a striking exp 0- sition of the conditions it - Ger- many, and described with interest the militaiy caste, which rules abOVe everything else the destiny or that nation. He pointed out that it is a 11 ell-known fact that there is insanity in the I-Iohenzol- lern family, this being exemplified in Wilhelm II. The arguments of the speaker \\ ere fo1ce£ul and his address will long remain with the people of Chesley, says the des- natch. He Spoke in Mildmay on x)_}yi on the floor below. He was badly bruised about the head and face, one shoulder being injured, and one of his wrist bones fractured. He remained unconscious for a time, but is quite rational thlS morning and :‘Vill be all right in the course of a couple of weeks. It was purely accidental. The boy made a mis-step at the tOp of the stairs, and in trying to regain his equilibrium swung himself over the railing at the middle landing. It’s surprising how well he escap- It’s surpriSing how Well he escaped, Melxille Greig, a boy of about thirteen or fourteen ve zsrr . 1‘ age. and a nephew of Mrs. Calder, had the misfortune yesterdav to tumble over the bannister in com- ing.,. down stairs at the school. He fell several feet, fighting forcibly The license commissioners met at the inspector’s office, il"l(‘, on Friday, when licenses were. granted the same as last year. with the exception of the Sear- bo-rough House in Hanover. Ap- plication was made by a largely signed petition to grant a license at Nenagh, (but the boarl delay- ed giving a decision. The Durham Choral Society have arranged to reproduce “A Nautical Knut” at B'l'arkdalo, on Friday evening of next week. April 30. nndor the auspices of the Daughters of the Empire. “’0. hop:- thc efforts Of our young peoplu will please the sister town, and we think they will. Th2 town council has provided A public garbage ground a liitlc cast of the creamcry, and citizens arc required to deposit all clean- ings from their premises on the placc provided. Anyone failing to comply with the law will be prosecuted. One of Pastor Russell’s disciples held forth in the town hall, on Sunday afternoon, but iudging from the «size of the audience, the cult has no great following here. Principal Allan is the first pur- chaser this year of a five-pas- senger Ford car. “'0 wish him success, and many happy joy rides. As there are only three boats and a canoe left, persons wish- ing to rent one by the season should apply at once to W. A. M;- Gowan or J. A. Brown. Mr. Ezra O’Neill. of D’nsmore, Sa-sk., will accept thanks for re- mittancc. He doesn’t forget to pav his sub. Chcsley intends to hold a coleâ€" bration on Victoria Day. When is Durham going to have 'a public demonstration of any kind? Dr. D. Jamieson has returned from New York, where he has been attending the post-graduate school, taking up special work. Tested and found 0.1:. Rennie’s XXX Clover and Timothy seed. Mrs. A. Beggs Son. The municipal census of Chesley gives the town a .populdUOD of 1,901, or 32 less than last year. From the Way the dust flies. the water wagon should be on. the job soon. ‘ The High School Board is again advertising for tenders for the erection of a High School. This is horse fair day, and it looks as if it would be a success Thornbury is to have a new school. Get our prices on seeds before buying. Central Drug Store. DURHAM, ONT., THURSDAY, APRIL 22, l9l5 We nor our neighbors never in- dulge'in any of the fudge that the Toronto management uses, and you can take it from us that there w ill be some grand exhibi- tions of Canada’s National Game; _up here this summer. The local lacrosse season has opened and the boys have 911199 (1v Ebeen out for practice Con idering Ethat Durham has been out of the gutted stick uozld, so far as a intermediate team is concerned for several years, this ye it"s team shapes up Well. Possibly no local team ever shaped 111) so ' , from present indications we feel it is up to us to warn all the other towns to “look out for us” this year. However, We were over in Hanover the other (lav and they, too, seem full of the same optimistic bug. It is surely the proper way to start the sea-â€" son. Even the Toronto baseball club has it, and this ye Hr the) have the greatest team in their historyâ€"on paper. But then, thev always have. With Durham and Hanover, however, it is different E. .3 VVVVVVYVVWVVVVV‘ In :3 $2.: WYVV'Y‘VVVYVVVV VVVVVVVY As it is now approaching the 15th of May, it would be wenl for householders, and occupants generally, to {see that back yards. closets, cellars, Wells and all surroundings are thoroughly cleansed, in accordance with the Public Health Act Commencing on that date the Health InSpoctor will begin to make his rounds. Word has been received bv Mrs. Gunkthat. her son. Cecil Gun, \‘s’hO left New York a few months ago for England, after a cruiso to SoutliA America, :has enlistol in the British navy, and is no“ in .train- in; ‘at Chatham, England. 1va CK- pccts to :be transferred soon to one of the ships of the line. The Epworth League of the Methodist church had an interest- ing time on Mbnday evening. The Pilgrim‘s Progress was the rfen-- oral theme, and from this «nota- tions and references were freely made. Appmpriate music was giv- en at intervals. A tea-meeting and entertain- ment is to be held in the Ebenezer (VickorS) Methodist church on Monday, the 26th. A good pro- gram of addresses and musical items has been prepared. Admis- sion 25c. and 150. A Card.â€"We the undersigned. herebv agree to sell a package of five standard size Sc. boxes of Silver Tip Silent Matches for 20¢. Qualitv guaranteedâ€"Alex. Mcâ€" Lachlan, J. J. Hunter. 12 1? 6m Mrs. D. B. McFarlane was ser- iously ill {or a few days, but, we are pleased to learn, has taken a turn for the bettel, and recovery is new look pd for. AAAAMAA’AANAAMAAAAAAAAALA AAANANMMAMMAAAAAAALA Mt. Forest Confederate. THE clean press of Ontario should back up The Durham Chronicle in a crusade that it has entered against licen- tious literature. In an article a few weeks ago it denounc- ed that class of vile litera- ture circulated in Durham and elsewhere and pro- nounced it unfit to find a place in respectable homes. It named no publication, but Jack Canuck of Toronto put on the cap and gave The - Chronicle an editorial tro-uncing, and the Durham paper hit back. More power to The Chronicle man’s elâ€" bow. We don’t know much personally about the publi- cation in question. but it has unsavory reputation and some of its items have been pointed out to us. We never cared to read it, much less to buy it. It is said to have a very large circulation. indicating that there is an extensive depraved appetite for its stuff. If half of what is said about it is true it should not only be denied the privileges of the mails, but should not be kept for sale by any decent news vendon CLEAN JOURNALISM. 5'0: '57??? 1110 Frest- H {'3‘ «‘0 q 0 5 I 'WWVQTiâ€"GVVV‘FiGWiiivwvv l VVVVYVVVVVVVVVVYVVVVVVVVYVVV'VVVVVV' _..~ -OOOI” (-9 H .4 "D VVvl \ I M-.-â€" ..â€"â€"â€"â€"_â€"â€"â€"_.-. ,3 :5 ('1‘ U7 bâ€"l 7.) y..- # :r‘nly f'“ u-wd N O J (3 (-9- O )4 J. J. HUNTER Repairing Promptly Attended To OOOQOOOQQQ....,. 0000.0 L...........OOOOOO 120 , reg. 1.00,... ~73 $1.00 PER YEAR C .0

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