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Durham Chronicle (1867), 22 Apr 1915, p. 2

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ORES IN BENTINLL Lu"..- being Lot 26, Concession Dl ' G. R.‘ will be sold cheap: 1 ' . to George 0 Whitmore, rham, Devin, RB No. 2, PnceV file. gfi. 318“ _.__.. 9. CON. 12. GLENELQ. ] BEING LOT 100 acres. well fenced and m te of cultivation; good cultivation. NOV‘. lot: 19 a! arc-90‘3““ IDTS 8, 9 and 10, K1) street, West. Apply to bfiice. divnikble ‘ Holstein Conveyancer. Issuer of Marriage Licenses. Money to loan at lowest rates, 0 ‘0 O ‘ ”0839381” Apply ago hrog’flfi and terms to suit borrower. Fire and Life Insurance placed in thorâ€" face. "M “""“‘ f longhly reliable compnaies. Deeds, Mortgages, and Wills, execute on ’ )OD BRICK-VD; u _ roamed house on Countess‘ street Durham; good well, stable, and quarter acre of la-nd° ifnmediate BUD-Agent: M “U ”nut-u--- _ _ _ ‘UV any. agains the estate of the saw mm“ Land” Age?” (”$4333 Dana Allan :the Elder, who riled on or about the 24th day of March . . ‘dencei AD. 1915, ‘are reqmre vatxon of the land; by post prepaid or o ’ Telford of ’the Town BOD. Dutiesâ€"Six months reSluencci upon and cultivation of the land, in each of three (years. A home-g steader may live within nine miles: of his homestead on a farm of! at least 80 acres, on certain condi-E from. A habitable house is re-Z quiz-ed except where residence is? performed in the vicinity. In certain districts a home- steader in good standing may pre- empt a quarter section alongside his homestead. Price $3.00 per “1‘... A habitable house is 1‘8“: dresses an mired except where gesidence is: full statement of particulars of performed it) the vminity. Etheir claims, :and the nature of i any\ held by them... In certain districts a home- the security \{i 'duly certified, and that after the steader in good standing may ore-k emvt a quarter section alongszde. said day the executors will pro- his homestead. Price $3.00 per; ceed to distribute the assets of the acre. iestate among the parties entitled Dutiesâ€"Six months residence inithereto, having regard only to an after earninggthe claims of which they shall homestead patent; extra cultivation. natent may be obtained as soon as:1 1915. homestead patent, on certain conâ€" ditions. also 50 acyesithen have notice. ' Pre-emptiom Dated the 9th day of Anril, A.D. DIARY ANN ALLAN. ! DAVID ALLAN, JR.. ELIZABETH ROBERTSOX‘. Executors by their Solicitor. J. P. Telford rictS. Price $3.00 per acre. Duties vuust reside six months in each} of three years, cultivate 50 acres: ad erect a house worth $300. The area of cultivat' ' b- lock to reduction in case 0 ' .cmbby or stdny land. may be subgtituted for cugtivationi three ears ‘ 2:16 erectya h’guse worth $300. k L’ b 'd f _ Whole and neparate a of cultivation is . “nOC' an 1 rr ge ar- ‘ . . ieorthioallgdnction in case of rough? (3 found uil‘v 0“ an unnatural: TELDER$ W111. be receiver} by mbby or stdny land. Live stock: 1’ . g L. ‘ ‘ * ‘thc undereigned up till 51): O'ClOcK may be substituted for caitivationicrime against his daughter, Ada pm, April 29, 13315, {or the sev- . conditions. ‘ iwas sentenced at V‘Vhitby 2'0 seven ; 9.1"“ trades required In the erec- ' ' O'ston Peniter-tiarv. gtzon and completion Of. a 3131‘ ~ 1 School at Durham, Ontario. nt of the Minister of;' . . . Dep y ‘ Captain Robert H. McKay, \vno‘ Plans and spccmc-ations may be "{seen at the Secretary’s Offire, v , " ”foldFotHn- the building 0 r e lDurham, and also at Forster U 83,â€"Unauthorized publication. saw . of this advertisement will 00:53:31.}, opposite Kingston, in the early Clark‘s office, Owen Sound Db “thirties’, and who Witnesseci the The lowest or any tender not - V â€" - ~ - execution‘ on the. gailows. or the necessarily accepted. The recently organized Board oiirebel. leager, Yon Shnltz, m the ° J". F GRANT. 4 bership; fort m 18.98, died at his daughters Soey. High School Board, . Durham, Ontario. «anal. n3 Arthur has amem an-..“ Yinog'i’nn. on Saturday“ ‘ 'R. R No. 1. of 34. The ~recently '0 Trade of Arthur For Rent L w ant Help”! RITCH_IE 18 mm ‘4 -fl Aha ‘.‘ For Sale , v- Priceville. b’w W ishing hc‘p TOWN- v §CARDII~gE early: ARDH‘ 5} Licensed Auctioneer for -H. JaCkf’é County of Grey. Sat: the sfaction guar- . . Dates N A. H. Jackson. MARY PUBLIC. er. Qanveygncgr. COM MISSION 8m. Insuranc Young!- 0‘ ‘18.] 3259 SIX- stree'; .uvuo Dur-k 3 4: 121‘ ~ ‘ 8r. UU“ V V: a“ Agent. Money to flags Licenses. A 9.933 transacted. DU RHAM 01 all hours. ug. ”1033‘ 30?- ' 1c}: 3ND 3118191:an M ’thort gist-L900 9"“ “Pmafmé: ., Ofice. nearly ofiposnte. the o‘nce. Lambton 5t..Durham. )f monev tn loan a ' 5 09': cent Resistry Any amount . on farm gropertv. Licensed Auctioneer DAN MC LEAN D.r W1). Pickering Dentist._ DR. BROWN _ --â€" A‘. fort 1D 1000, “19% u- --__ v _ residence, Kingston, on Saturday. MARY ANN ALL AN. DAVID ALLAN, J R.. ELIZABETH ROBERTSON. Executm-s. by their Solicitor. J. P. Telford. ,nndlomtofuch s, doublo {ho above . J. SHARP ONT. (Lower Town.) set. , éc. Insurance Loan. Issuer of Mar- general financial busi J. Hunter 5 WW7â€" allowed to part of the Dominion our women; THE RED CROSS COH'JMN ‘89“ :8 thatxhew were ' stay. If we found we should be in . are making great sacrifices {or . ‘the soldier men, in high positions! One of the most interesting ac- the firing “Begum, w counts of the work that is being' leave, but that ' does not seem _ and with; great responsibilities, done for the wounded nd 5' k t nrobable at present: a me a 1 “ 1work of the Red Cross and patri- the front as sent 11) a letter from; - t the; otzs assocratlons as wall as gunnzi n o ' of their wealth that the work may' M'rs. Chauncey Depew to her; ‘ sister. Since the outbreak oi hos-.3i distribution , Of tblagkets; biwetatersl, be carried on with greater ener- .muiflers, shirts .an was 03 8 gv as the war continues and as l . tilitie-s Mr. and Mrs. Deoew have .~ gave them [only where the Officer'our Canadian trOOps take. their 1 l t 81 O J t 3. -‘ . l o a ‘generou y c nver ed thur Chat m charge says ‘theg tire reanfigpla'ccs 1n the battle lme. Be that needed. The other, my gave ]gives nO-W, gives twice. 'leau. 14 miles north of Compiegne, on the main railroad from Brussels dozen 30°” knitted in Nova SCO' _., tia to the Mo-roccans, who. poor; . 'tIt mm; be asked .by our readers .1 to Paris. into a hos 'tal, \‘h‘ h , . m K m ‘3 things, suite-r most horribly thh the socks from Nova Scotia reachel the Mbrocca'ns. Probabl: only three.m1m xfrom the firinO- cold. They, and in fact, all said: how hue and .18 m such close moxizmtv ‘How kind ‘of peeple in far aw-av 1 . . 7 . m this way. The hova SCO‘U“ branch sent them to the Canadian ‘10 the German trenches that thee countries to think of us.’ " o _ u 0 1 _ strams oi the Wacht an Rhine H . .Red Cross nan London. From they that She “33 they were sent to (the British Be! ; on be clearlv heard in the chat- ' . - --..- he Hm tetanus mm.“ mm! from there to the 'Pari of the ,0 Paris. into a hospital, which 13 th’ uff h '1) ‘th mly three miles {r om . '. .. mgs, 8 or most orm 1y wx . ins and .9 . h _ the {frmo cold. They, and in fact, a - the socks Irom Nova Scotia . . ~ ‘1 m sue close moxumtv ‘How kind ‘of peeple in far a l the fbhroccans. Probably :o the German trenches that the. countries to think of us."’ . in this way. The Nova Scotia. . branch sent them to the Canadia strains of the “Wacht an Rhine1 'H’ h was'RCd Cross :in London. From there says that 5 e they were sent to (the British Red: can be clearlv heard in the chat- M'rs. Depew able t0 3‘“ ”me Of the tetanus gCnoss amd from there to the 133%.; »n the main railroad from Brussets uvw- _- tia to the Moroccans, who. poor \ '{rIt may be asked .by our readers eau. _ I I ‘serum that was sonar: 31:16 flat ‘: 2 depot. From {Paris they probably IWaS deep Y apprema e ' so :went to the Chateau .d’Annel hos- chloroform has! ., . . _ . smtal, Whlch as reoogmzcd under him. Depew gives the following“ good supply ‘0‘ graphic description of the worki lately arrived 90 that it ca“ “0‘" * thr- British Red Cross that is being carried on in her. be given to various postea' del ' ‘ J Lu-..“ tNote.-â€"A large supply ‘ *é vital and the ambulance service is ‘ T.oronto Univers' reall.v very good now. The latter. they say, is the best at the front. Hm» are now in direct telephone‘ Mrs. Depew continue-s: “We have ‘ ‘ ,__- -8 AQ‘I‘I‘ Own servant! sen kind friends who have and, thanks to them, ' 8 French C-(LIV- the hOST/lt'd‘S ority oi the Arm" or Red Cross “0" ‘M‘cdical COI‘PS ted to be used\ ciety ave permit “We are SO grate: ul ’Thvese hospitals ’have dres Mrs. Depew continues: ‘The a’l- , behalf or the ministration confines its efforts to doing their «v the large hospital in" 50 ‘5 k1 ow that we are absolutclv the front, so much so that week, the British Red Cross. who th- us several nurse ,- 3 So you must suffer at begin to real last this terrible V 9 zone of t .ncar t lfiring line. It was only on my brought in .T Signing a paper saying We WOuld tor a hard-1 ‘idischarge them in time if danger: ;a-rose and their si nin a “:1 er‘ ; ,.’ . g 2: pp 1 These men ; saying they would take all reS- . i - ~ . . . .. inviolate oar DO'DSlblhty 01 danger upon themâ€" . ' and our \31' I i , '2 5 '° return but ‘ Whole and aeparate NOW ’w m, 2 I'MTENEERS Will be received by privatioins A- --.. Anc‘anofl 'nn fill six o’clock dreadful co Io springs to take Bares-t hospital, miles > they were very Ear my. The doctor in ii I could get them r. Thanks to friends. 1 able to bettel +4- :le of straw and placed a bolster 5. On these ”wug'“. â€" __ _ ‘ dozen socks knitted in Nova Sco- tia to the Moroccan-s, who. p001; things, suite-r most horrib cold. They, and m fact, a ,... mm: m: mnnLe in iar aW-av WItn U3 all” “nu-v v v _ people a-rou d here for work. The} laundry work is colossal; peasants' old do that, supervised by our coachman. and his wife. We can have only two candles to burn, as the electricity must be kept for Inc CJCV‘BADV' wd _ the radiograph and the Operating . * - â€" , room, so it is not always the Miss K- Gillan 0f height of comfort. The thmgs that attended the We'd' have to be constantly renewed in tcr this Week. the Wards (and operating room and The marriage 0: the accessories of the motor ambu- len. youngest dat lan'ces are what we need money M- Gillan, to Mr. {01' and “7C should {be grainUI {Or of HOlland Centre -- Monday at 10 an ”ISU "w vâ€"â€" ‘â€" .v-cv t1 e accessories of the motor ambu- , '1‘ - lattices are what we .. need money M. Gill-en, to Mr. Thomas Moore,” for and we should be grateful for Of. Holland Centre, tOOk place on l aanv sums larve or small. Monday at 10 am. The ceremony ‘ ’ ° u was performed in St. Paul‘s " ‘° church by the Rev, Father “We DOW have arranged With Shaughnessy, of Owen‘ Sound. The the BritiSh Red Cross to send our bride was dressed in a tailored convalescent men straight suit of Holland blue Qabardine through to the Paris hOSpital .ts cloth, and a white hat trimmed soon as they can be moved. even with two white willo iv plumes and lying down, to 'give place to a white veil. The «bridesmaid. wore others, and when you think 01‘ the a suit of brown serge, with :1 others waiting in cold stations for brown hat to match. The brother a train to carry them, you can see of t‘ze groom, Mr. Guy Moore, the difference. I could tell you acted as best man. After the cere- ‘- ~ 4 ...... mm vnnn'J couple, amidst “We now have arrangeu with c the British Red Cross to send our 1 convalescent men straight g through to the Paris hOSpital .lS . soon as they can be moved. even lying down, to 'give place to others, and when you think 01‘ the others waiting in cold stations {or a train to carry them, you can see the difference. I could tell you some very interesting things but my lips are sealed. {It is a hard life, but «a most thrilling and in~ terestin-g one. {Our surgeons may well be proud of «their reeordâ€"no tetanus, and only two cases of ,. ganérene. One man who had his arm amputated and who we thought could not live, is now convalescent and has gone to Paris. Best of all not one case that has gone from this hospital but 3 what has done well, and a men " already back “at the front. I t recommendation Red Cross, {and we tent. Do you realizu no one from here This is n ICILBI‘ ILU'ALL s. -_- all who read it, be the means of inspiring many :this country to do their share ,behalf of the brave men- who doing their «work so noblv : suffering so «greatly. We can begin to realize the horrors this terrible war until we are I the zone of fighting and see J and night the constant. stream wounded and maimed men, m m in the prime of life, is: of the om the trenches brought in fr 1 ter a hard-fought fight. .they were allowed to found we should be in lines We- would have to that ' does not seem we doing for them too much? This country ”has 1V to the occasion :ou'ntry to do their Buzuc "";Ch951ey. \ ' f 0f the brave men who are Mr. and Mrs. Stafford 0f Berk- are not in favor of the Conserva- : their “V‘O‘l‘k 3° noblv a“ageley, spent Sunday with Mr. and tire Government for causing ,the ring so «greatly. We cannothrs. Fred Stafford, south of here. difference in postage stamp rates. to realize the horrors 0i There are represehtativesto 4 But we wonder if the Liberal par- fltil we .3" near number of papers from “Dornoch,” tx' ,would not have done the same ng and see da"§and “West Dornoch,” 60 W9 thing if they had been in power? 0f the Mr. John Morrison of “Ye Edit- from or‘s" town. spent Monday with l terrible war u £008 of fighti . night the constant stream ”fathought perhaps some dad and maimed men, many ‘ readers wonld like to hear 19-min the prime of life, being “Central Dornoch” occasiozuliy. 'friends in this burg. gh‘t in from the “31101105 3“ Some 0'3 the people around here-l Wedding bells are still ringing. hard-fought fight. ‘ _- .- . __, _~ ._ ,‘n,i .,..-._ V- .. - » : ,,‘,-_,__._.,.__.â€"-.-â€". - ~ - >_ > V , .,_. a. 1 an m, but the time to assist is 'v' when the» me bearin, ations and misny Of “113 diul conflict and always_ is {1 letter , from a . v ' ‘Il ALVLVO :tter from a ladv'l Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Lueck, also 11 short distance 3 Master Percy and Miss Edna Lueck 8' lines, is seeing the x spent the week-end with Mr and realities Of “'3‘" “Hm-s Jones and Mr. and Mrs. Thos. very deeply impl'csséflvcath-ers, of Chatsworth. it: and will perhaps}! Mr. Elmer Trafford intends 0‘1 inspiring many in‘ spending the summer months in to do their share oniCh-‘JSley. \ brave men- who are Mr. and Mrs. Stafford of Berk- .vork so noblv analg'eley, spent Sunday with Mr. and Jun- A: me 'are fio'hting' to 1:00? 43 I 5“ évafiés DEPARTMENT W DURHAM BRANCH risen splendid- 3013‘!) KW and 1 A . "J ed :11: be bacoo in all farms. .are badly need- ed. These may .be sent to the dif- !ferent provincial headquarters or zto main headquarters at 77 King an 1 street, East, Toronto. warm clothing of all kinds, to- Medical and surgical supplies] CENTRAL DORNOCH. Mrs. Herbert Trafford, also her two sons, Roy and Albert, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Trafford, of Desboro. M'iss K. Gillan of the Queen City attended the. wedding of her sis- tcr this week. The marriage of Miss Mae Gii- len. youngest daughter of Mrs " A.‘-A every of t'ze groom, Mr. Guy Moore, acted as best man. After the cere- mony, the young couple, amidst showers of confetti, 19"1; for the bride’s home, west of Dornoch, where a dainty lunch was served to the many friends of the young -. In the evening, a number bride and groom. The evening was: whiled away with games and .dancing, and as the solar rays. , Hankâ€"1155, wan-vâ€" -_ dighted up the eastern horizon, the ts left for their homes, with g gm ong and hap- 1many Wishes for a i lpv lilo for Mr. and Mrs. Moore. :The young couple left Tuesday for :a short honeymoon, after which lthey will return to their future lhomc near Holland Centre. ! Sorr),r to hear of Mr. {McGillivray’s accident. Hope he 'will soon be around again. ‘ Sorry to hear Mrs. Watt has I'been laid up with a bad attack of 111.1). grippe. Hope to hear of her 12 Speedy recovery. Stewart L r J .1 ’ L‘-A "M:‘;.“G D‘JC’CUJ vav - _"\1 We are glad to see the smilingl face of Mr. Edward Simpson, who; is once more wielding the hammer? in the blacksmith shop here. ‘ Mr. Harry Jones, who has been in Chesley for the winter, is once more on the old plantation west of here. ‘ v ‘ ‘â€" A‘fln Establishecl over Forty-one Waste and - ' 18° ME nuagggmgganmm ASSETS OVER “3.000.000 OF CANADA ’alue Your Money. 18 PUBLISHED . VERY THURSDAY nonmm At the Chronicle Printing House, Ganfim Street. ° ' Tan Cnnomcu will he sat” lptmn my addxesa. tree of pastas: 88‘03 . 31 mperyesr ptnblein‘dv ' ' ‘ anon ~$l.so my be charged if not so paid. The date to a h'zch ever) a nbecription is paid is denoted 0 (he numb ~t on thn address label. 30 m continued to 311 «rears no pad. exam n r591.101 of the proprictor. ' ; ° For transient ndvernaencnab Advemmg cents per line for the first in» Rates . .. tion; scent. perlineeach whee. quent‘ insutton minion measure. Profession cords not exceeding one inch “.00 perm“ Advertisements without specific direction.“ he published am forbid a: .1 charged “comm ‘l‘nmeientnouceeâ€" ‘L( et. ' ‘=Fcund.‘ ”For etcâ€"co cents for first insertion. 25 cents for «on bseqnent neertion. A)! advertisements ordered by stun gen ll us be mid for in .dnnco. Contact rates for you-.5 advertisement. in: pishod on application to the oflico. DURHAM. ONT. A. BELL U N DERTAKER and Funeral Director“, Picture Frammg rm sham: notice. Full line of Catholic Robes, and blN-l and white Caps for aged people. Emron AND PROPRIETOR Snow Roomsâ€"Next to Swanaw' Barber Shop. Rnsmnxcnâ€"Fu door South of W'. J ‘ Lawrenu‘t blacksmith shop. UN DERT AKIN G Mr. M. Kress has opened a shop at. the rear of the furniture show room and is prepared to do all kinds of tinsmithing. Undertaking receives special attention Embalming a Specialty FURNITURE Window ha des Lace Curtains ‘ and all Household Furnishings - l Rugs, Oilcloths i EDWARD KRESS W. IRWIN TINSMITHING April 22. 1915- In :Povlin and Pailmlcs Glasbmcr Best AND

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