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Durham Chronicle (1867), 22 Apr 1915, p. 7

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OVER flALF A CENTURY IN MUNXCIPAL WORLD R. H. Murray. clerk of the town-E ship of Amabei. who died lastj week, has been a resident of the; township since 1857. He was born in Scotland in 1840, came to Ca...- ada with his parznts in 15-37. locat-i ed in Amabel. where he spent the? greater portion 02 his life. He was: appointed assessor in 18.51. and" held the position {or 21 years. He,2 was next appointed collector and,é treasurer, but resigned after one: year, to accept the clerkship; which he held {or 30 years. From.; 1861 he was census enum‘rator six; times in succession. 3 “In Mr. Murray's posscsxion is an old family Bible, dating back from the early part of the 18th century, and still perfectly intact 'This bears the handwriting oft and which was hanrlel own from John Macdonald, Mr. Iilurlay’s great-grandfather, and also grandfather of the late Sir John Maedonald. This valuable book contains the natal dates of John Macdonald’s ehildrv‘n, the eldest of whom, Ann-e Mac-donald, born September 8, 1375, the grandmother of Mr. Murray, and Hugh. born the 12th of December, 1782, the father of Sir John A. Macdonald. being among the number.” The Canadian-Echo, of \‘Jiarton says: Mr. and Mrs. Harold H. Wass of} Toronto, gave atea on Friday eVâ€" ening to their young friends, at their home on Cornish Road. The tables were lovely with flowers, bridal roses, tulips, sweet peas” and lilies. The hostess looked' sweet in a gown of lace over white satin with pearl trimming. After the usual toasts and speech- es the evening was spent in sing- ing and other amusements. Miss Gladys Burt, soloist of Christ church, rendered patriotic and other selections Those present were: Misses Helen and Berna- dette Walsh, Miss Olive Wass, Miss Rosalind Leslie, Miss Florence Pearce, Miss Mildred Hopkins. Miss Hazel Horswell, Misses Zelle and Rena Knott, Mr. Jos. M. Moore, Mr Roy Wass, Master Chas. Sanford, Mr. Fred McDermott, Mr. Jos. Walsh, Mr. Jas. Bannermzm,\1r. St. (hair Little. Mr. Wm. Neilly. Mr. Elmer Orth and Mr. .3urt Sharp. After singing "Tipperary," and “Godq ax “ the King and wishing the young couple prosperitv and happiness. mitlst laughter and good wishes thev left for their homes. 'Wf have to chronicle the death ni um Of our oldest residents, in 1: James \‘essie. who pafiscd away on Tuesday of last week at the ripe 01:1 age of .01 years. 9 months and 13 days. He was h-">r‘n in Edinburgh. but was only eight years of age when he cameto Canada with his par- (nts. They settled at Paisley Block near Galt, where the deceased re- mained till he was 31 vears of age, when he. married Elizabeth Sudden, after which he moved. 60 years ago, with his young bride. to the township of Egremvmt. th: person of B After coming to this part of the country. he spent three years in teaming betxveen Owen Sound and Guelph, before settling down to actual «farm life on lot 10. concess- sion 2, Egremont, which was then in its primeval wildness. He clear- ed the land and proved himself a fairly good farmer. at which he remained till too Old to perform the heavier duties. He then start- ed bee raising, at which he was eminently successful. April 22, 1915. The family consisted of three sons, John. who remained with him faithfully to the last. sacrific- ing much of his own freedom and comfort for the sake of 11's aged father. Then there was James. and Thomas, whose whereabouts are not known. There were also iour dm:g.1t:zxz, Jane, BeiIL deceased Mar)” .sz s. Rosenkurg \x .10 i9 also 1?.) of t 210 Duz'nam Baptist (11111-11. -lrs. Jumcs dillls. E1029 1133.1 was rec-01119.1 last meek, was :1 resident of 130"“?0111, (111:1 anon: neighbor 101‘ -9315. St. Paul’s vestr‘y’ meeting result- ed in the election of Philip Law- rent? and Jo';'1.1 Queen as 114149115. \V m. McFadden v: as appoin.ed lay delegate to the Synod. * Sunday school will re-Open the first Sunday in May, with mam.- call}; the same staff as last vear. Fall vhcat is showing up well. MRS. \VASS’S RECEPTION. COR "3?. ( oxcp PEG O’MY HEART One day in November Angela receiv- ed the following letter: Dublin. Ireland. Nov. 16. 18â€". Dear Lady of Mercyâ€"l have served my sentence. 1 am free. At first the horrible humiliation or my treatment. or my sur- roundi ngs, of the depths I had to sink to. burned into me. Then the thought of you sustained me. Your gentle voice. your beauty. your pity. your unbounded faith in me. Strengthened my soul. All the degradation fell from me. They were but lgnohle means to a noble end. 1 was tor- tured that others might never know sor- row. I was imprisoned that my country- men might know liberty. And so the load was lighter. The memory of those three wonderful days was so marvelous. so vivid, that it shone like a saw through the blackness or those terrible days. You seem to have taken hoid of my ’28?“ and my eon) and my fife. Forgive me for writing this to you. but it seems that you are the only one I've ever known who understands the main- Springs of my nature. or my hopes and my ambitions-indeed. or my very thoughts. Today I met the leader of my party. He greeted me warmly. At last 1 have prov- ed myself a worthy follower. They think at best l should leave Ireland tor awblle. It I take active part at once I shall be arrested again and sent for a longer sen- tence. They have offered me the position or one of the speakers in a campaign in America to raise funds for the "cause.” I must first see the chief in London. He sent a message. writing in the highest terms of my work and expressing a. wish to meet me. I wonder if it would be possible to see you in London? It 1 am sent to America it would speed my going to Speak to you again. I! you feel that I ask too much do not answer this. and I will understand. Out of the fullness of my heart. from the depths of my soul and with the whole fervor or my being, I ask you to accept all the gratitude of a heart filled to over- flowing. London. Nov. 19. 18â€". My Dear Mr. O‘Connell-l am clad in- deed to have your letter and to know you are free agaln. l have often thought or your misery during all these months and longed to do something to assuage It. It is Only when a friend is In need and all avenues of help are closed to him that a woman realim how helpless she ls. God bless and keep you. Yours In hom- age and gratitude. FRANK OWEN O'COXNELL Looking forward to seeing you. in all sincerity. ANGELA KINGSNORTH. 1 should most certainly like to see you in London. 1 am staying with a distant connection or the family. We go to the south of France in a few weeks. 1 have been very illâ€"another reproach to the weakness of woman. 1 am almost recow ered now. but tar from strong. I have to lie stilt all day. My only companions are my books and my thoughts. That they have net crushed your spirit does not surprise me. I was as sure of that as I am that the sun I: shining to- day. That you do not work activeiy in Ireland at once is. I am sure, wise: Fool- hardiness Is not courage. Let me know when you expect to arrive in London. Come straight here. In a little while the English government may realize how hopeless it ls to try to conquer a people who have liberty in their hearts. Then they will abate the rigor of their unjust laws. When that day comes you must return and take up the mission with renewed strength and hope and stimulated by the added experience of bitter sufferin". l have so much to tell you. but the woras halt as they come to my pen. CHAPTER V. O‘Connell Visits Angela. A '1' 11 A N 1143!. KINGSNORTU stayed only long enough in [re- land to permit or Angela‘s re- cm'ery. He went into the SM;- room oniy once. When Angela saw him she turned her back on him and refused tu speak to him. (“or a moment a flush of pity for his young sister gave him :1 pang at his heart. She looked so frail and worn. so deSper-ately m. After all. she was his sister. and. again. had she not been punished? He was wining to forget the toolhurdy things she had done and the bitter things she had said. Let byguncs be bygones. He re aiized that he had ncgievted her. He would do so no longer. Far from it. When they returned to London all that would be remedied. Ho wouid take care of her in every possible way. He felt a genuine thrill course through him as he thought or his generosity. By night she was In a fever. To an of this Angela made no an- swer. Stung by her siivhee. he left the room and Sent for his other sister. When Monica came he told her that when- ever Angela wished tu recog, nize his magnanimity she could send tor him. She would not find him unforgiving. To this Angela sent no reply. When the fever had pu<sed and she was stronger :lrreungem Ms M re made for the jumne) to London. Mrs. \\'rexford was a gentle little white capped widow. whose only hapv pincss in life seemed to be in worry- ing over others' misfortunes. She was on the board of various charitable or- ganizations and was a busy homer in 'the field of mercy. She worshiped Angeia. as she had her mother before her. That something serious had oc- curred between Angela and her broth- er Mrs. Wrexford reaiized. but she could find out nothing by questioning sAngeia. Every time she asked her ' anything relative to her attitude Ange- ‘ia was silent. As Angela ‘aiked unstcadily to the carriage. leaning on the arm of the nurse. Nathaniel came forward to as- sist her. She passed him without a word. Nor did She speak to him once not answer any remark of his during the long journey on the train. When they rencmd Londun she re- fused to go to the liiugsnm-Lh house. where her brother lived. but went at once to a distant cousin of her mot!» er‘s. Mrs. Wrexfom. and made her home with her, as she had often done before. She refused to hold any tur- ther communication with her brother. Her answer: dc spite the ministx ntions of her sister. Monica and Mrs erxford. One Gav she bum. 90 Hrs. W rexford Continued from page 6. n‘ever to. speak or net mower agam. Mrs. Wrexford respected her wishes and watched her and nursed her through her convalescence with a ten- der solicitude. When O'Conncu's letter came Angela showed it to Mrs. Wrexford. together with her reply. ”Do you mind if 1 see him here?" Angela asked. “What kind of man is be?” “The kind that heroes are made of.” “He writes so strangelyâ€"may one say unreservedly? Is he a gentleman?“ “In the real meaning of the wordâ€"- “0f good family?“ “Not as we estimate goodness. His family were just simple peasants." “Do you think it wise to see him?” “I don‘t consider the wisdom. I only listen to my heart.” “You-you love him?” “So much or love as I can give is “Oh. my dear!” cried Mrs Wrexrord, thoroughly alarmed. “Don't be afraid," said Angela quiet- ly. “Our ways lie wide apart. He is working for the biggest thing in life. His work is his life. 1 am nothing.” “But don't you think it would be in- discreet, dear. to have such a ’ man come here?” “Why indiscreet?” “A man who has been In prison!“ and Mrs Wrexford shuddered at the thought. She had seen and helped so many poor victims of the cruel laws, and the memory of their drawn faces and evil eyes and coarse speech flash- ed across her mind. She could not rec- oncile one coming lnto her little home. Angela answered her: “Yes, he has been in prison. but the shame was for his persecutors. not for mm. Still. lf you would rather I saw hlm somewhere else"â€" “Oh, no. my dear child. It you wish It”â€" “Very well, Angela." said the old lady. “As you wish." “I do I just want to see him again, as he writes he does me. I want tn near him speak again. I want to wish him gudspood on his journey." A week afterward O'Connell arrived in London. They met in Mrs. Wrex- lord’s little drawing room in Mayfair. They looked at each other for some moments without speaking. Both not ed the fresh lines of suffering in each other‘s face. They had been through the long valley of the shadow ot sor- row since they had last met. But O‘Connell thought as he looked at her that all the sutl‘ering he had gone through passed from him as some hideous dream. It was worth ltâ€" these mouths of tortureâ€"just to be tooking at her now; worth the long black nights. the labors in the heat of the day with life‘s. outmsts around him, the taunts of his jailers: worth all the infamy of It just to stand there looking at her. She had taken his life in not two lit- tle bands. He had bathed his soul all these months in the thought of her. He had prayed night and day that he might see her standing near him just as she was then. see the dump of her eye and the silk of her hair and feel the touch of her hand and hear the exquisite tenderness of her rok-e. 13.0 stood nmte before her. She held out her hand and said sim- ply: "Thank you for coming. “It was good of you to :0: me.” be answered hoarsely. “They have not broken your mm or your courage?" 9’ “No." he ropned tmsNy; “they are the stronger." AH the whfle he was looking 9! the pale face and the thin tx'nnspam-ncy of her hands. “I thought they woum he.” she said proudly. “But you have suflerod too. Yen have been ill. Were you ilk-danger?" His voice had a vatch of fear in lt as he asked the, to him. terrible question. "No. It was just :1 fever. It is past. I am :1 little weak~a little tired. That will pass 100." "If anything had happened to you- or ever should happen!" He buried his face in his hands and moaned: "Oh. my God! Oh. my God!" His body shook with the sohs he tried vainly to cheek. Angela put her hand gently on his shoulder. “Don't do tha t.” she whispered. He controlled himself with an effort. “it will be over in a moment. Just a moment. i am sorry.” He suddenly knelt at her feet, his head how-ed in reverence. “God help me!" he cried faintly. “I love you. I love you!“ ’ She looked down at him. her face lransligured. ' He loved her! The heat 0: her hm t spoke it. “He loves you!" The throbbing of her brain shunted it. " 1e loves you!" The cry 01 her soul \x‘hisrpered it. “He loves you!" She stretched out her hands to him: “My love is yours, just as yours is mine. Let us join our lives HIM giro prefisvdf’ Ue iookod up at her in wonde'r. “l dam-1n. “2an what 1 ami" "You are the best that is in me. We 0 are mates} “A (19353221! A nggar!“ "You are the xmblcst of the noble.” “A coux‘ict.‘ "Our Suviuur was crucified So that his people shuuid he redeemed. You have givvn the pain of your body so \ [)::lt)‘013f ”guide ”lay be free.” _ “it Wouldn't be fair to you.” he pleaded. â€" “If you leave me it will be unfair to us both.” ,3 I out her hands to him: yum-s, just as yours is join our lives HIM give suffering and we 01‘;- THE DURHAH CHRONICLE He folded her in his arms. “I“ give the best or my days to guard you and protect you and bring you happiness.” Three days afterward Nathaniel Kingsnortb returned iate at night from a political banquet. died to a whisper. It had been a great evening. At last. it seemed that life was about to give him what he most wished for. His dearest ambitions were. apparently. about to be realized. He had been called on ma stanch Conservative to add his quota to the already wonderful array of brilliant perorations of seasoned statesmen and admirable speakers. Klngsnorth had excelled himself. Never had he spo- ken so powerfully. Being one of the only men at the banquet who had enc Joyed even a brief glimpse of Ireland. he made the solution of the lrish ques- tion the main topic of his speech. Speaking lucidly and earnestly. he placed before them his panacea for Wben he left the gathering he was in a condition of ecstasy. Lying back amid the cushions during his long drive home. be closed his eyes and pic- Irish ills. His hearers Were enthralied. When he sat down the cheering was proionged. “Then arose a picture of her sister Momea." Continued on page 8 happy now." and her voice 91¢§9§¢§+¢k05#0000090006900099006.0000. §§§§O§ 09 09 0009090 9 99 9 §§¢v§ §§§¢§§§§Q§§O§§§OO+Q§OOQ 0.0 0 Call at ‘ A .¢ooo¢¢o¢¢¢¢oooooo¢ooooooo90¢OOOOQOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO E. A. ROWE : PfiSlTWEL-Y THE LARGEST SALE IN CANADA OYSTERS AND FRUIT IN SEASON T he People’s Mills Bsan. Se orts. Low Grade Flour, Chop .n‘ All Kinds, No. l Hay. etc., kept con- ~tant£y on hand. Eclipse, Soverign and Pastry Flour am! Roiled Oats Breakfast Cereal hand. F arinvrs :md Stuck ()wnm's shmxld hy in :L qn'm- ~it\ uf this Exrv‘dmn (Toad-Linam- fnz' Spring and Smmm'x' Fee-ding. };;.:1)iugrqu.ds itfm' Ynmeg Pigs, (hives. Eh". “Mk” Milan (Mws Min; and puts Hm‘sus in prinw mmdilinn rm ~c: dug: in far! it, makes (‘.\'(e:'yt_lling gulhnt i'} foul t0. Although it advanced $111M pvc hm whulesnh) “'0 am svllin at .‘H H w um: w uld [Hi t'. 52. W.) gu-r <ilxglt' sack, $1.!Hpg1- sm- m [m f zunln .. .md ‘51 8.") m Inn 10%; Fm1 all kinds of Bakery Goods Cooked and Cured Meats. JOHN Mai} OWAN ‘gA‘oo 'i‘ELEPHONE No. 8 ,Night or Day) 1'3wa thing in our line at lam»: p: ices {m- (Huh. E. A. ROWE’S \Vc have :1. qzmntity 01' the ophhr 900690OGOOOOOOOOOOQQGOGOfiaooc§802t£{s¢ Molassine Meal is 0A P1 Gives Dirt 3 Hard Time. Confectioner and Grocer ’I ’c ";l‘_

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