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Durham Chronicle (1867), 6 May 1915, p. 2

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stable; woodshea, small orchard, - A ..:..L+ -nfl rPflSODable. er acre 0‘ .luun, U..- .. , quart _ stable, woodshed, small orchagd, and reasons. 16' College Dental Surgeons of Ontario. etc.; terms right . . Apply at The CMOmcle ”mega Dentistry in all its Branches. {Officeâ€"Over Dbuglas’ J ewellerv Store. I." U â€" -_.- V ty of Toronto. Graduate Roy: LOTS 9 street, W LOTS 8, 9 and 10, K13 A Ulnu street, West Apply 116 AB Jack- 41'16-tf 8013. w Tenders Wanted Whole and Separate TENDERS will be received by - . ,,-.I n“ 4%“ c;‘( n7CIOCk Tenders “ anted ‘and Life Insurance placea m Luvsâ€"3 oughly reliable compnaies. Deeds,; Whole and Separate and Willa-5,; executed on shortest notice. All:t School at Durham, . Plans and specifications mav be Licensed Auctioneer for the seen at the Secretary’s Office,‘Count,y of Grey. Satisfaction guarâ€" Durham, and also at Forster 6:} nteed. Terms reasonable. Dates Clark’s office, Owen Sound. 3 ‘of sales made at the Chronicle ofâ€" The lowest or any tender notifice, or with himself. , necessarily accepted. “______._._._â€"â€"-â€"â€"--â€"-â€"â€"""'"" J. F GRANT, 0 o Secy. High School Board, NOtlce t0 oredltor S A ‘ L‘ “An-4' A? 1-1“: _ L-_.:n smorsxs or CANADIAN non-m deceased.. ‘ wssw LAND' REGULATIONS. NOTICE is hereby guest mum-g muddbetfide “‘0 bb'm'd up We; The wk head 01 , funny, or ant to 11.8.0. 1914, Cap. 121, Sec.z won-n; '5 ‘ a our - Irave soldiers. .. , any male over 18 years old, may 55 that all persons having claims have suffered in the cause of Colonel Golnell, “ho W6 3 quarter-section of against the estate of the said freedom. .cha-rg-e of [the Duchess of flaflflfle Dominion land is Mani- David Allan the Elder, who died; 1‘ naught hospital at iClived t‘obm. angina?” or Aim-ta. 3an laggut the 24th, day tof Marcgl ’ +4» iglan‘d, in a recent letter Mean 11: a , ar in eye ~n . . are reqmre 0 sen I , . ‘ , . .H ' ppe p ”or bv post 1Earepaid or otherwise deâ€"E It 15 0f the greatest importance Noel Marshall, Chtwmfrtlh ' ' that all supplies should be pack- executA-Ve cormnit ee ‘0 £ ' Red CrosstSooxety, tasked I at the Dominion Lands Agency , .. lab-Axency 100' the District. Entry 3112‘s?) tohJ. Rs'lillfotrd of the1 Togn‘ 0 ur am, 'ci or or t e X" ed aecordimz to .1 . g .. dxrectlons and DIE sugar and syrup 119 ”1,33%" andbeAmade abut any‘ t b f th 8th d on an s gency ( 'not ecu ors, on or e ore e ay‘ , . '1 _ Sub-Agency), on certain conditionS’ of May, 1915, their names, ad-z tlgaotmtihe contents Of each pair C61 the soldiers specially 'api ldnesses and descriptions and a‘5 . be_f‘1nY described. on the this 111qu (The society outside, With the rnumber of arti-t y. . glad to mecemve anfy ma Dutiesâ€"8i: month: residence. full statement of particulars of the nature of cles, size of famticles, etc. Full dir- duct and the {armers of upon and cultivation of the land their claims, .and ‘ hf any) held by them»; ections as to packing and what is and Quebec iare {specially In each of three create. 9 h°¥“e“the security A duly certified, and that after thc‘ most needed etc ' be _ , . ., xca-n had on assist in this iworthy app :: athgomgggdognc:fl:m condtif“ said day the executors )vill pro-1 - - ’ iceed to distribute the assets of_ the- application to, the Superintendent can-not do «00 map-h for ‘9‘“ 0‘ “PPM '77 Kins Ween East, "déetrs and mm they ex that A habitable house is re-; «Inked except where residence is‘ “tam among ‘the names em“, were“ “"1113 regard Only to‘Toronto. A mew leaflet has inst wish for any Particular certainln the vicinity. - the claims of Awhich they shall dineder in Mama: 33:15:06”; then have notice. rbeen issued in Which all infomma-i they should receive it. mt a quarter section alongside Dated the 9th day of April. A.D.' no” '183W8n '19” the guidance of - . lib Mad. Price $3.00 per 1915, _ ' - . all those :who are helping in the . - 4.5.- m . , ~ z-rea cause. E; . ' _ ' D II 8‘ . MARY ANN ALLAN . Although these are 01 mag! fighefieninm DAVID ALLAN' 373., " ~ ' W ~ i‘ladaies in the to Wn of . Those who are “mm“! the Japanese and one In4 ' Executors. 1, , ' “ m... A! the Red C110” 1115(th real-' have 'been I dO‘ing TOWN- ’l l ' gator” _ grasses a sun may,“ “my.-." .. -__ I; 1115311) .1. Law ‘Dzr , {be needed. 'rhm: andhv‘i- I. P. Telforé. . aw:- , wis ing 8 P R TEE. somcmon. ETC. . , ation early. A553? nearl’y opposita the Registry Funds are spec-many needed for ' “these surgical supplies, as the 325 9 office. Mmbtop 3t..Durham. Anyamoun _____....._â€"â€"â€"-- af monev :0 man a’ 5 D9! cent. on farm 1 Red Cross authomties knzo sV exact- 213; what kinid of instrwment is gropertv. sale needed at the front and in the _____________,_._____â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" w mmq'rxazsi A H Jackson i . l -- _'_..:,._- m mu’umnmw- E hosmtarl‘ - 8 and they *h‘aw'! t0 be Dur- Ambush we are ‘9“ the eighth amon'th 01 FFICE AND RESIDENCE A": f. 11:11::wa Sly-21w .tF'at. Red Cross Society reached "head: 1 New Brunswick, *butw s “g ' g 15 at" gomg‘ quarters recently» in fine form pfiipg i.” flew {York State ' ‘ly- called n'ndea‘ 8 short distance 1:.“ of #30995 Boul.‘ strenuou we: own. Durhanr “ . ~ _’ . - , . odand mu contxninre foa- somepme‘ one scarf and three knitted wnstâ€" oen stances to his Shame i: oficebh mahomlatoz clock 0 ' 0' " to‘come. The at off 1183 f. - we e ve o Ilets, which meme worked bxgvM-iss‘ \ - I-.“II~eanin,<g, or the \efforts __________________._.__â€"â€"--â€"-â€"-â€"-â€"â€"" 'z . ithe Allies is not at under - t . lo 60 “ufioug “I no, c. ‘”I though thae 'cran ybe fitt‘é 331;! J‘M. ”nerds, Of Kphala, Hawaii. . P. mford's "office that the _~general.issimo is.‘ :‘but Enchosed m the package. was a .. forth by flu. women of e Regisu Waiting for a f‘am'orabdle oppOr-‘ note which Said: ‘_“With this Old‘puxchasoe a motor can ' ' ' lady’s pray-ere and best Wishes“ service:‘-a¢- ‘the, front; : ' to- show his .svmpafch: ‘ofiice. Resulence Second Eouieiflgb tunity when the hosts 'of B itain'; of Registry ofice on east si eo rt ‘ ‘ '1‘ . a ‘ - _. , 9.4 p. and m Allies will be hurled‘who leftL‘Englan-d- an 1851.” Ac ‘ ' companymg the message was a Eand rm :0! peace, _ 1 . . ' _ . . . ‘_ . 1 g ‘ so {at by the Canadian! A young ,lmvryec, to: ‘ all hours. - frontiers. . .v t" 7171mm. ENG p B C P ’ O The heavy losses suffered bv tpe ' 4»:- BADULATE. of London. New gallant troops who «took art in‘ to gevmdfbo York and Chwago. m - . . P - While the lappeal 10f the SOCiGtY kind he not We! Hyman Nose and Throat. ' 'e glorwue battle ' Oi heavet t ba.’ co has been 'met in a ’ “Ti? be at. gm Hahnzgogase, 3%. Chappelle shows clearly that evenlfor e: c ' ‘ used at born ‘19, . an. 16. ebruaxy . ou‘c . . local successes cannot be gained: , , .. without great 10s; of Life. The: , 5 5““ “3d“ ‘1. the 01““: for her.. “A? Ereater portion of these casual- '3 “m ”OOPS ‘at the. from are ' (3 “Perhaps I ties. are wounlded ~‘and lives canlsu-pplied with I’thls aluxua'y. Plpess cheap. I wi only be eavesddfihexn these wound-3' tobacco in (tins, kpleuig tobacco, and . some moneg ' ‘smok-es of tall kinds will be we!â€" As fast xa! ed men are attended to ram t1 '. p p y ’ come-d at'headqusagrters and also. hi. m he wan | 3 . Dentist. , K and w-h -h . . -. ‘mflgfflunter’a have evig'yt .;egfc‘:10;;;l?:neneum:: 1: money to .buy :t'helm._flt is flat ne- Where has I F. GRANT, D. D. S-zLJJ. 8. their disposal. A «large amount of « ”SSW-v to pomt (mt what 3. great ought out HONOR GRADUATE. UNIVER'SL medical supplies have! been sent deal 0‘ ”mm“ and “935?” 1‘: much woul ty of Toron Gvaduape ROY!» firom the Red Cross both “to En- wipe 0f baccy affm‘ds 0321 so. a box of rt? driers in the trenches} and m hosPl- . mother bu; drugg‘i/s-t, ' ‘ De ta) 8 ' foam . bonegeDengistrygyffigzso Brancltgs. gland ' from Canada and from 'Omceâ€"Over Douglas’ Jewellerv Store. Canada to the 1T0!“ during the ‘nast weeks, .anld :as the war pro- ‘izesiezdid st-Lll larger amount mll, Another larg " ' ‘ ' Red Cross suppliers tal. 'boy, named of the young use severa thOught it {0? e conSI-gnment left Toronto 21 A", Anna“ “vnr9 face an . and ”601103 5"!- Throat srzcmusr : A 'E, EAR. THROAT nose 1°63“ ‘ plished. DR. BROWN L. B. o '9 ‘ ‘- c P LONDONEVG The] er, Conveyancer. Agony.“ Mpney ‘0 L“ any A. H. Jackson. g 0mm PUBLIC, cmxmsmw.1 . 1' 8m. Insurance; L 9’. Qonvgygfwg .3... tumor of Mar”. | WV â€"-vv ' ness transacted DURHAM. aDu tvl’mu 5v wâ€"u- __- and Life Insurance placed 1:1 0:13th reliable compnaies. J Mortgages, Leases and executed on shortest notice. Ann-AAA i'n Licensed Auctioneer_ for' the3 County of Grey. Satisfaction gum--I anteed. Terms regsongple. Datcs'. .2.1. ":1 ‘ .ice; or «am hamself. g - - . is snown My M“ -,- E 01d lmen, cotton and flannel W111 past three weeks .tw alu ays be acceptable and thereâ€" 48 cases each arr“ NOthe t0 Cl‘BdltOrS {must be many housewives who am A large ’cons In the Surrogate Court of thelhave table cloths, towels, sheets, :lsoyrecetV e d from ~ . whach hate (beenJused sufhcwntly 3,600 socks from of to enable them to be replaced. If chapter of the D31 DaVid Allan, the. Eld‘el‘ . late of, every householder zwezre to ive . , the Village ’0‘ Holstein, in the? one sheet one towel ‘and one iab- Empame. These latte County of Grey, Township Clerk.‘L 1 th ’ h t' 1 t g b d for the War {Conta deceased.. ‘ e 00 , .W‘ a a 0 0.‘ an ages hi0“. , . :could be made :to bind up the: NOTICE is hereby given. nursu-g . . ant, to 11.8.0. 1914, Cap: 1.21, See“ wounds that our brave soldqers; Colonel G orrell, . e suffered m the cause of charge of the but ’h 'd . " t e sax freedom. inaught hospital a1 on or about the 24th day of Marc? ’ doe ' ': gland, in a recem AD. 1915 ‘are require to sen l . :. ' . . . 'Noecl Marshall 'chza by post prepaid or otherwise de-E bhltt ‘5 I? the Egreallllest Importance executive cominitt-e n a a supp es s ould be pack-_ Bed Gross-Sooiety, innit) t°hJ° P1901: t i th E ‘ d ' f ur am 'ci or or e 2"" . c ,- E ' .,, . p o ’ ~ e a cordmg :tO ghrectlons and 913 sugar and 353% ; ' efore the 8th day; . .. r . 3' of May, 1915, their names, adv: 233311;??? "use? each parcel the soldiers speci ‘dresses and descriptions and a, . . u y , 'crmbed. on the this luxury. lThxe I . outsmde, thh the number of artiâ€"= glad to meceit'e- a‘ 5; full statement «of particulars Of __ . Lg“- .ma Hm nature of.cles, size of lamticles, etc. Full dir- duct amid the afar CARY PUBLIC Guummmuu- _, - ’ i based from ‘the proper sources. 1‘, Conveyancer, 8m. Insurance; 0- Money to Loan. Issuer of Mag-I‘ Nevertheless, anyone can roll Limm‘”: A general financxal bu“ {band-ages and these are needed by __A with 10'_1ashes at we cut} days and .10 a; the 'end 01.60. :qrgeons of Ontacxgo. . gland buglas’ J ewellerv Store. 108036 M _________.__...__â€"-â€"â€"--â€"â€"â€" past ll ‘Dz'rectorv . _ ‘ grass ______.__..â€"â€"-â€"-â€"â€"------"“‘.be m P. Telforé. n--- t ages 11-01: ,pl'ope‘l'ny 'L'ULLLU‘ 04!th '. ‘ 1 . “““ l . .onveyancer. En'Ot be sent (and the .Canazdaan Red It is :an. inter If Marriage Licenses.; Jan. 3% lowest rates, i that all w: amt orrower. Fne ' bandages should {not do so unless Toronto, .est'mg fact to note ‘amt t Cross Societ {ear 1. ». - e ’r y . neatly requests that from August (30 to December 0115 Sent from ‘rv J - ' ho ’unwe‘rtaahe t0 send In 31 Last 3,543 cases “79333 and from December 31 to con lmace placed inDth%r- ! they are ed t e compnaies. ee 6,3 -" P'I’GPM‘ 0 carry out :1 1 b h“ d” t 1 and Wills ‘exactl th . . _ . .Apm 151t1~e hum .er s mpe. to a - of ’ y e mstructxo‘na gn en led 5,148. Thus 1,600 moxe cases of Leases ‘ shortest notice. All i them. These {bandages we made 2 were shipped durino' the past ear 1v attended to t. ' ' .nch, 2-1. ' ' . - I A anch, 3 Inch, 4 Inch, 5 three and a halt months than “0] evious four months. 1 0 not include to her than Red xv} ______________.__._.___â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" d Auctioneer Emch and :6 1nch,:and five yards during the pr ’ . long. A cheap grade of unâ€" These shipments d- MCLEAN . bleached factory c’otton should be anv article sont 0t . - -use- and they must be torn t “ ' - ' uctxoneer for th M ’ no w . - e cut, and tightly well ed on bandW’Oross supphes :1; é“? rey. Satisfaction gnaw. ______ anamn nntos'. age rel-hug machines. ‘ he ' I m1 . ‘ D J; lâ€"kn “mar .15 d-om-g 1ts share ‘ . SHARP {Lower TownJ 1. the the eighth ~intent}: *tth'e milieu ibut word has been re- ceived from {England that band- lages not ,pmperlg trolled should; sinot be sent (and the Canadian Red % Cross ’rSociety {earnestly requests Et-hat all who Inndmt-azke to send in ibamdagxes should {not do so unless Ethey are prepared to carry out. ." exactlv the instructions given illia: offemsive movement will1 'rily be an expensive one :ndreds of thousands of m be lost. while a contig- *‘vv‘ â€"_ : It is 0" {the greatest importance - fihâ€"at ~au supplies should be pack- executive committee pf the Ca .ed aCcordmg ito directions an d. Red Cross-Society, tasked that ;t.hat the contents ’of each Parcel ole sugar and esyrup be sex ‘1 should be fully described. on the the soldiers specially 'ap't'dec outside, with the ‘nfiumbem of arli- : this luxury. {The society will Icles, size of hmficles, etc. Full dir- 2'de to'mecemve any maple :gectio‘ns as to {packing and What is duct and the iarmecs of O: 'J most needed, etc» can be had on and Quebec tare {spem ' y ask assist in this Worthy appeal. 1 O I Happhcatmn to, the Eu rin ___ ‘ pe Page“ can-not do ttoo mmc‘h for 0-11 - 1 _.-_ 54.1.1317 Dane cannon: may: nuu In”; ______ , . '. ”'“w "'~ . .. chiefs, night- shirts and . it 'can telwou!’ , Vice at thé front“; the» many ines'wg-i .. _. _ mum are valuable, ~'I\ha‘~t isone of es of gratitude that comes, across thfimea to the splendid band I, _‘of__ -‘ - ‘ +4. . The Yukon ;..¢mp:.‘er, Ni U] Another large conSIgnment of 11 Red Cross suppliers left Toronto a then 435 cases were 4 8,696 cases have left headquarters .and supplies {I om all parts of the country continue 'to arrive every I day. Among :the supplies sen-t last week were 4,861 shirts and 5,805 socks, besides a large assortment‘ , of other articles. \ Colonel Gorrell, who ‘is m charge of {the Duchess of Con- naught hospital at ‘Cliveden, En- gland, in ;a recent flatter to Mr. Noel Marshall, chairman. of the‘ executive committee sot the Canad- , in fins, kplzuig tobacce, andgsomse- move: of tall kinds will be \velâ€" y. . atheadqusan‘ters and also AS fast as ‘hl‘s f-exe . . - him he wan ito the tee knitteu Warsawâ€" : worked bngiss >i Kohala, Hawaii. i‘ : paékagew was a 1 forth by thm, meme . :‘F‘W’ith this old \purchaae a moto and best wig-11:95.. service «hat- the front; and wishing ! ad in 1851.” Ac-' to-show his: sympathy with ~ the ‘ ”message was a movement, he presented a lad.“ {the sender -who, with a $5 ‘bill to be handed to‘ ryfin sunny Hawaii,the officers of the Moneton Red hen. our brave 301-- 3 Cross, accompanying the unsolicit- " " ~ed donation ”(With these words: “Do not allow {yourselves to be» come weary én- well-doing; give. of your-time {and your money and d 'beâ€"for Britain +4. . ' ~ ed, iCross Auxiliary‘ .ario, have for some , your sons, fif nee time :3 small khaki { must win; mo matter W11"! at the ped during the past ear .as Id :1 half months than “Charles Yerkes.” 3 previous four months. The lad .took the boxes of soap .pmen.ts do “0t include to his purchaser, the druggist “fit other than Red who, - openâ€"eyed with surmise. Le so @1565 inqumfed where he had got them. are» i - “I bought them 'at the auction,’ he said proudly. ' L-e west is doing 1ts.shaar~. “I could have “W (the fact that m the self,” complained the . e weeks “’0 shipments Cf .zbuxt as he .had promised to , 8-8011 arrived- from C31” the soap he had to keep h’s: large 'co-n-sfignment was word. rived from Hamilton and That Wa 21:93 from the ' ' 5 Charles Yerkes abecame {am- These latter Barticles were ous in both {England and Amarict N‘Var {Contingent ASSOCia’ as a financier and a conductor 4 «Mn thi‘nreSS enterprises,â€" 3. Full deS-' 3. are print- ench‘pn the 1150 11481119 above the of Con- . veden. En- The officers and men in camp at Ler to M1" London hare \volunteered for .i‘mâ€" .11. 0f the medciate service 3to m1 the vacuum- the Canad- c‘es in the first contingent caused 3d that “1"” by the recent casualties. be sent *35 , . 1- . ._ . . Ermtmen 1-“ the :luagara dISt' * For sale.-â€"A number <f young fippzeciated . . . . ty W111 beamct say that *there 13 pro§mse of pigs seven sweeks 01d. _ ~ C C A ‘new altitu dereéord by for 0111‘ 501: engaged Thursday 6m setting - up flight of 10,000 feet in a hydro- at Pensacola express; 3 machinery in an implement vi'are- aerop1.;ne was made 0211‘ luxury, house, died suddenly of heart‘ Florida, by Lieut. 'P. N. Benin-gel .. failure. ~ ' on Saturday. ___._._ ____ . , “_ ,_ ”so. - . of $3M. frhé‘ people of the‘ n Tetritdry ‘have supported ~‘ Red Cross. in a generous; START DE A FORTUNE. n “-Y .. O l 0 platform. When the soap came unâ€" der the sauct-io‘neer’s hammer the! boy’s little piping voice made the first bid. The other buyers were so amused at has {youth and his seri? ous manner {that {they let him carâ€" 'rv off hi'stransaction without a ‘eontest, and the {boy got L2 boxes \of toilet .so'ap fiat a small fraction .of their value. ”When. the auction- -“'"AMAA unusual business career. years Charles Yerkes :be ous in both {England an as a financier and a I will {sell - ganmmpuou a" “â€"" " ~â€"-- ‘ y add! can. free of postage 22:, formerly o! .41 so my} be. awysyfl'pngflnffivmu . , fl ._ . o I no so pa: . e da *but mo“ Dractlt- gen-wheat) rgbmpfion is b2?“ is denoted g, . State, was '~ re- 1 1mm ex on t 6 recs la . 'o gape:- di ' . ' continued to all arrears are paid. exec t M: sh lest sad 011“ ,um- ; opncn of the proprietor. p have done that m yâ€" plained the . druggist, .had promised to buy he had to keep h’s V‘“"_ .‘v _ . Gwrfldfoi 'Haxriston. while A ‘new altitu derecord by . Thumday 6m setting .- up flight of 10,000 feet in a hydroâ€" W in an implement Ware“ aeromee was “made at Pensacola, died suddenly at heart‘ Florida, by Lieut. P. N. Benin-gen. ' ' on Saturday. 0 1111 11111111111 11111111111: courteous 'l'reatmm a We sbfiéit your accounthour SAVINGS DEPARTMENT ; . 18 mums» my rumour nommm It the chronicle Printing House. Gamma. Street. \ , and {31 Funeral Dlrgc‘tqrfi? ' ' For transient ndvertxeement Advertmng cente per line for-the first in». Bates ‘ 3 tion; scenteperlineeaoh tuba- qmt ineertmn minion measure. Profoun- ‘- onrde not exceeding one inch “.00 per nun Advertisements without Income direction he published till forbid a) .1 charged moor-aw Transient notaeeeâ€""Lt at. ' ‘:Found." ”For ownâ€"50 cents for first insertion. 25 cents fox: one) I { onbeeq ueut assertion. momw All a'dv'ertisementa ordeged by strangers u as be mid for in advance. Contract rates for you-J advertisement: tn: nished on application to the ofico. DURHAM.0NT. A. BELL UNDERTAKER my 6, 1913. EDITOR AND Paovmm‘on. In agnomcu will be_ sea W. IRWIN In 2mm: and Paillcms aasbmer Bose Etc.

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