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Durham Chronicle (1867), 13 May 1915, p. 1

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was purely accidental burrows 1132.4 taken his gun Monday to - shoot ground hogs, and 'it is believeti “that While getting Lithrough the fence the _ gun was: Wed the contents entering Live hogs are $8.75 Butter is 24c.: eggs, 182. A Caretaker for Durham Ceme- tery Apply at once to C. L. Grant. Durham 5 13 Mr. J G. Wilson, our pOpular cattle man. bought a Ford car yesterday. The National Gun Club will hold a shoot on the cement grounds on Friday. May 14, to which all interested are cordially im ited. Last Sunday was observed in the churches here as Mother's Day, and approprfiate sermons were prepared for the occasion. Mrs. Adam Brown, Jr., offers her household goods for sale bv pub- lic auction at her residence, Oppo- site the show grounds, on Satur- day afternoon, May 15. See bills. The Chor’al Society has been en- gaged to render the operetta, “A Nautical Knot,” in Hanover, on the evening of the 24th, under the auspices of the Boy Scouts. A congregational meeting will be held in the Methodis: church on “'ednesday evening, May 19, for the receiving of repmts.~ ap- pointment of represnetatives and other business. left vsflemed the heart. kilfip‘é 1138mm, Aneighbqr lound the body>Bmows, who was only “.25 years pf. age, leavg his lather Wilfrid McKibbon was arrested 'in Meaford on Sunday, charged with entering the home of Mrs. Mary Charters and stea‘ing a small sum of money. The young It is reported that the Roblin! Government of Manitob1 has re- signefl and a new ministry “ill be formed by Mr. T. C. Norris, L-iLeril leader in the province. The Roblin Government had a maiority of six or seven, and'had held oi‘fice' for about 15 years. The advisability of Canadian farmers growing large crons of flax, in View of the condition cre- ated by German occupation of flax-growing areas in' Belgium and northern France, is urged in a statement issued by the agricul- tural department. man was given his prefiminary hearing and sent to Owen Sound for trial. Major Hamilton Gault, D S. 3., who raised the Princess Iatzicia‘ Regiment, and who has 'ust re- turned to the front after being wounded in the arm, .h‘as again keen wounded, according to a private cablegrnm received by Sir Frederick Williams-Taylor The magor is said to have b981, injured in the .‘arm and the leg. A. deSpatch from Meaford says that the coroner, Dr .Beunett, ,of that. iblzme, ' had received word that the body of Redge Burrows had been found at the back end of his farm, two and a half miles ‘ south of Meaiord The coroner de- ieided the death of. the young mm Beginning on Saturdaymext at midnight. eastern standard time will be the official time in Detroit. This matter of a “more iaylight‘ Inove has been agfimted for sev- eral years. and two years ago' a referendum was taken which showed that the citizens generally were in favor of the cha lge. By the change, the Detroiters will have to move their clocks on an hour. Lenahan 8: McKechnie have pur- chased the “clean-outs” :f The Durham Furniture 00., all new. and first-c1133 stock, consisting of dining room .and bed room'furni- ture, and will place it on sale Sat- urday next, May 15. No article will be disposed of to anyone at any price before 12 o’clock on Satur- day. After that, everything goes at- half price. This is a genuine offer. See display in their back show room. N EWS AROUN o JI‘ U I U" I‘ The band concert on Thursday ° night was a most successful one A good second-hand buggy for! The hall was comfortably filled sale. Apply .to W.J McFadden 2 and the program was 800d The band itself, in the selections ren- -â€" d . - Wanted Goo general servant Ldetred, gave evidence of much im- Applv to Mrs. G. C. Knicker- bocker. \ torovement and all the other num- -_‘ he“ were pleasing contributions. 1-. ,. I- A '_.-___-L-_ “.0 __-__ For sale.â€"A 'num'ber rut young pigs seven weeks old: Apply to Robt. Meade, Varney, RE. No. 1. Don’t fail to attend the Half- price Furniture Sale at Lenahan 6t. McKechnie’s, starting Saturdav at 1:? o’clock. We congratulate Mr. Robt Laidlaw, whose name 'appears amongst the successful candidates at the recent final examination in civil engineering. Bob. passed with honors. A -Card.â€"We, :the undersigned. hereby agree (to sell a package of five standard size 5c. boxes of Silver Tip Silent Matches lor 20c. Quality guaranteedâ€"A. McLach- lan J. '8; J. Hunt-er. ' 12 1? 6:11 The Railway Commission has made a ruling regarding refund A special "meeting of the W0- men’s Council of Girl Guides; will be held in the Armory .‘this Thurs- day evening, commencing at 4.15 on the unused portion of railway tickets If :the railway companies in Canada fail «to refund Within '30 days on one class of ticket, and. 60 days on another class, they are liable to a fine of $25 00. Miss Gladys Search, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Search. under- xx ent an operation a few days ' ago for appendicitis. and we are pleased to learn she is procrressing favorably Dr. Jamieson has the case. but the operation was per- formed by Dr. Groves of Fergus. Mrs. A. Beggs 8: Son have 1933-: ed the l‘al'cKechn'ie mills, recently operated by F. J. \Velsh. They will. in conjunction' with their present grocery, flour and feed buéiness, enlarge .on the two lat- ter lines, and will, in addition. do chopping ‘as we}. Their opening; announcement appear-slop page 5. ~ On MC nday night Mr. Prudharc. gave the Horticultural Somety a pleasing and instructive address on the flowers of Japan. The at- tendance was not large. but. we understand it was larger than usual. About :25 were present an the address Was listened 1.x; With interest - ' The Red (Cross workers of the. town forwarded to the head- quarters of the society in Toront this Week, 97 pairs of socks, 5:23 rolls of ’ bandages, 40 yards of cheesecloth, 100 packages of cig- arettes, 100 packages of tobacco and 102 plugs of tobacco. or the. bandages, 224 were contributed bv Trinity Guild. On Friday last, shortly after four o’clock, when the school children were in the poet office.» a. valuable gold-handled umbrella. with initials “L. M.” carved on it was removed from the front wicket While the owner was writ- ing a post card at the reardesk. The owner requests that the umâ€" ‘brella be returned to the post office and avioid, further trouble; Nineteen of the boys in training- at Owen Sound will leave to-mox- row as reinforcements. Amongst them are John W'eir. son of Wm Weir of Glenelg, and Percv Bryon 1 of town. They don’t know their destination and are unable to say < Whether they will go first to ," England or France. We uish; them every success and a safe re- l t11rn._ ‘ ‘ ' At a meeting of the council held on Friday night a- settle-' ‘ment was made with Mr. McIntyre and the present lighting system will go out of businese as soon as the hydro is ready to take its Place. The hydro people are now: getting the poles in and we are told they will connect us up with the current about the first of -.o.-¢p will get the thug going as soon as possible and may reach us on- schedule time. The poles they are i placing here have been brought from marsh aeolunflna. and? thev ..‘ McIntyre . The Soldiers" Tobacco Fund, pro- system moted here by Mr. A. H. Jackson, as soon is growing {nicely Much credit is take its. due to Robt. Torry and Geo. Lloyd are now, for canvassing on his behalf, em- _ we are'ployees of the cement plant, and 'up with banding in .as the result of their first of ' efforts, the neat sum of $23.95. IK that it The employees of the furniture but they . company have increased the funds 39' soon . by $1210. The total tobacco "fund 1 us on: contributed todate, and forward- they are led [by Mfr Jackson, is $66.15, and. brought it is expected more will follow}, as ,d I thev'é-rguite a number. have not yet been _ 33':- ."acnvassed, ‘ . ' - Two good quartettes were con- tributed by Misses Wilson and Black . and Messrs. Telford and Harding, all members of the Presbyterian church choir. The Baptist choir was well represented in a duet by Misses Wylie and Walker and Messrs. Bell , and Fallaise, and (the male quartette by Messrs. McCrae, Glass, McKim .and Saunders of ~ the Methodist choir, was a much appreciated number. Messrs. Bunce 'and Giles, mem- bers of the band, gave an instru- mental duet, and Messrs. Buschlen and Bell sa’ang solo each. We mustn’t forget the ‘Tale of 3 Cart,” by Mr. E. D. McClock'lin. He said himself, before starting, that it was a piece of pure mon- sense, but be that as it may, anothâ€" ing on the program was more highly enjoyed. 'Dhe ocrder was excellent, and the voluntary contributions amounted to something over $23. The pro- ceeds are to be applied on band uniforms. In' commemoratioh of. r. :r Can- adian boys who have izfllen on the battlefields of Europe, a ser- vice was held in the Presbyterian church on Sunday evening. It was a union service in the fullest senseâ€"a union of the local clergy- men, a union of the choir and a union of the congregations. Be- cause of'its .larger size, the. Pres- byterian church was selected as The four local clergymen were seated on the platform and each took'a part in. the service-s. Mr. Prudham had charge of 'the meeting and his opening prayer has since been referred to as a masterpiece in expression and fullness. Rev. Mr. Wylie, of the Baptist church, and Rev. Mr -Mor-. ris of the Anglican church, were the speakers .‘of the evening and both addresses were full of: sym- pathy. and delivered with an in- tense earnestness. The music was good and the selections Appro- priate to the occasion. ‘ the place of meeting. The congre- gation was large, the place being literally packed and many turned away for want of accommudation At the close, Rev. Mr. Whaley addressed the audience, during which he made a special appeal for support, the proceeds of the offering. to be applied to the enâ€" dowment of a cot for the wound- ed Canadians. The offering amounted to 9547, three dollars less than the sum required. The shortage will likely be supple- mented; in any event the proceeds W131 be used for patriotic purposes. Mr. George Lloyd of this place, who Wanted to enlist some time .ago, but was rejected for some slightreason, has persisted in his determination, and a day or two ago received word to report at Owen Sound to-morrrow. . A boy with such determination gives no Victoria, B.C. ,is under martial law as the result of attacks upon German establishments by 'mobs bent on revenge for the sinking of the Lusitania. euglglce of cowardice and should w make a good fighter when the proper time comes. We wish him success. THE MEMORIAL SERVICE DURHAM, ONT” THURSDAY, MAY .3, ms THE BAND CONCERT ! Division Court was held Monday zbefore Judge Widdifield There fivere only a couple of cases of importance. Sam. Patterson is in trouble. Last Sunday or the Sunday before, he was at the Presbyterian church and a day or two ago lie discov- ered he had a waterproof, ai‘pair of gloves land a. hate that didn’t belong to him, and somebody else 2nd vice-president, Mrs. J. S Mc- Ilraith: secretary-treasurer. Miss 'M‘. McGirr; district director, Mi's M'. H Knechtel; difectors, Mrs 5 Patterson, Mrs. .C Ramage has his. The articles Sam has are all good, and he’s at a loss to know whether he stole the other fellow’s apparel or. the other felé low stole his. He doesn’t seem to‘ think there’s much difference in the value of the articles exchang- ed, but he would like to trade back as the coat he has now is a little large for him, and he fears that the-coat he used to have is a little small for the other fellow. As some time elapsed before Mr. Patterson made the discovery, it is, quite possible the other party to the trade hasn’t found out yet. If the reader of this item h..s a light-colored Waterproof. We would just ask him to take it by the collar, turn the inside towards himself, lift up a loose inside flap iust below the collar, and .if he sees Sam Patterson’s name there '-he hasn’t his own coat. No, it’s 'Patterson’scoat he has, and it’s Quite likelythe one Patterson has is his. If the two culprits get to- gether, they’ll be able to settle the “-matter without trouble. 'Wright vs Mighton.-â€"Auion by the plaintiff to secure pairment for brick the defendant claimed Were not mérchazntable. -He'nrv for plaintiff, H. H. Miller for de- fendant. Judgment reserved - Vaughan vs Sullivan. â€"Action to recover damages for breach of warranty on purchase of mare. J. P. Telfoard for plaintiff, Henry for defendant. Judgment reserved. WHO STOLE T HE COAT '9 DIVISION COURT :' 4° . i+++++++++++++0+++++++¢++++++*++++++++¢++++*+++++++§ :V'VV' VWVVWVVVVWYVWVWOVVYVVVVYVVWYWVWV vwmo Something New ‘ in Waists and; ‘ Middies ‘ ALiS‘t MSpeciais _ For T he .Wide= ‘ ‘ Awake Buyer 25 pairs Men’s Shoes and Oxfords. any pair $2.49 50 pr. Women’s Shoes and Oxfords, any pair .98 40 pairs W omen’ 5 Shoes and Oxfords, regular ' 2. 25 to 2 50, any pair ............. 1.49 50 pairs Misses’ Patent and Dongola, regular 2. 25 to 2 .50, any pair... .... ....l. 79 25 pairs {Boy’s and Youth’s, 1n lace or button [.98 15 pairs Women’s Tan Ruubers, reg. 1.00.... .73 . S. F. MORLOCK Silent Matches. 3 boxes for Riehard’shSoap, 7 bars for Tea, Black or Mixed, per pound Canned Goods, 3 cans fer ........... Salmon, 2 cans for ....................... Cornfilakes, 2 packets for ...... '.. The Store of Honest Value Repairing Promptly Attended To We have just received a nice assortment 01 Ladies’ Waists in Raw Silk, in the newest styles‘. Also fine muslins in all'sizes, call ,and see them, and get your size and choice. The price Will suit. We have something new in Middies for the girls, White Linen with Blue and Red Trimmings. If you need anything in New Embroideries for Summer wear, we have What you want in any Width. Grocery . Specials ................ 0 O O O O O $1.00 PE .OOOCCCCCCOODCOOOCC. .OOOOOOOOOOOOO‘OOOOO sooooooooooo 00.000 00‘0000000000230 12c .25c .250

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