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Durham Chronicle (1867), 13 May 1915, p. 5

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' Ray 13, 1915. The iollowing -are contributors from here oLiao, or one cot each: John Snell, . ~Jilliam Laidlaw, . The amage .Family, Dr. amieson, Mr. and Mrs A. H. Jackson, The .A. R. McKenzie Cot, J. J. Smith and John Smith. Mr. and Mrs. T. Allan, R. Macfarlane, The Ministers of Durham: . Revs. Prudham, Morris, Wylie and Whaley. '. ’. The Teachers: .\ Q . §§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§ #000OOOOOQOOQOOOONQOOOOOO 00000000000006009000609#0009000 9900900009000§§§§§§§§§§§§§ OQOOOOOOOOO§§§§§§§§++§§§§§ §+§§§§§§§§§O§§§§§§§§O§OOW DURHAM’S ANSWER TQ THE ' RED CROSS APPEAL In response to the appeal to ‘ farmers on behalf of the. Red Cross Society, a canvas was i made in town 'the fore part of ‘ the week, and with gratifying success, considering the short tiine at the disposal of the can- vassers. The voluntary action on the part of the citizens is in no way intended sto forestall the gen- erosity of the farmers, to whom the appeal is particularly'address- .ed, For each contributor or body of contributors, a cot will be pro- vided for the comfort of our \vofinded Canadian soldiers at the front, some '0! whoin are now: suffering, and others are sure to ~iollow soon. _ [ The demand is urgent, and the response, to be effective, must ne- cessarily be prompt. Each cot will be labelled with the name of the contributors, and while atize'ns of towns and villages may lend a helping hand, it is to be hoped that farmers by thousands will respond to the call, and reSpond now. - -‘ _ John Kelly, . . John Morrison, Dr. Smith bor- ' DOChM- . N Presbyterian Chm-c} Guild , w _ Mr. and-Mrs. J. D. Abraham and ram) » . Andrew and W] lliam Derby. .We beg to respectfully inform the citizens of Durham and surrounding country that we have taken over the Flour and Feed and Chopping business of F; J. Welsh. and will endeavor to the best of our ability to cater to the requirements of all his customers and as many others as will give us ashare of their patronage. We have put a stock in the Mill of the following staples and will be pieaSed to give quotations :â€" 1 Another W'illiam is of the same Iopinion, Mr. 'W A Cooper, who claims that among other things he , provides three million meals a m soon. ~ , _ 1e demand is urgent, apd the year to travellers on the Canadian 391189, to be effective, must ne- Pacific Railway. MT- Cooper is rarily be prompt. Each cot will not a philosopher, but a practi- tnbutors, and while c'l-tizens 0,1. ' out to investigate and solve this ns and villa es ma ' lend a . ping hand, itg is to )be hoped problem. He wrote to, or consulted [farmers by thousands will personally, the leading stomach Kind to the call, and respond‘specialists in EurOpe, the United ' ' ’ ‘ States and Canada. What he want- ed was the Happy Traveller on his WI 101' mat: cumurrt 01 our‘ .nded Canadian soldiers at} front, some 'of whom are now ering, and others are sure to he. lollowing are contributors 11 here oLibO, or one cot each: >hn Snell, . dining cars, who would really~ :illiam Laidlaw, . 'enioy the three million meals on he famagefamily, lwhich his chefs spent so much 5-, 3:??132’ A. H. Jackson, :trouble. Was the man of 40 hopeâ€" he A. -R. McKenzie Cot, £1993? .J.‘Snuith and John Smith. l .The specialists pocketed their! 31% and Mrs. T. A1130, *iees and gave M'r. COOper not; hemicigfiiaefi,'of Durham- ' quite three million, .but still 1‘ Revs. Prudha M’orr's, Wvlie' treat many opinions to digest. and Whitley:no 1 ' The Wiesbaden man said this, the he Teachers;I McK M Pat is man said that, the London M33999" 313° -' ‘ enzie ‘3‘ man said something else, the New Kenme,-Walker, Gun, Harvey " York man had another cure, while he - Nurses: » . . Misses Weir,¢erby, Lloyd and the Battle. Creek man was in 2. Wilson. class by himself. Yet when their fr; and Mr?- George McKechnie v opinions‘camei to be analysed they [r. and Mrs. 5'- Lenahan, l all had one common point at View, ' ' namely, that the foods consumed in any meal must be. properly blended. Everyone who has sur- Ch 1-3 G “1d v . ‘vived the ordeal knows that it is resbyterian ‘1 n: i .. - I .a mistake- to wash down oysters I? and m“ ’J' 1" Abraham and with brandy. Quite a number feel -35...” L5: 2.3 William Derbv. {unhappy after a mixture of lem- ohn Morrison, Dr. smith bor- AN IMPORTANT Five Roses Flour l'lilverton Jewel ‘ ' . Corn Chop' ' Crushed Oats Purity Flour ‘ _ McGowan’s Eclipse Oat Chop Bran, Shorts- Pine Tree Flour Gold Medal . Mixed Heavy Chop and Fliddlings Get Our Prices on 5 or IO bags of Flour, or Bran and Shorts by “the ton, before buying elsewhere CHICKEN FEED SEED CORN ' ‘ Buckwheat, Corn, Barley, Oats and Wheat Mixed a good mixture for Chickens ' A quantity of Silver Hull Buckwheat, Millet Seed, Flax Seed and Rape Seed; ' A Car Load just in, in barrels and bags. Our. Grocery Stock 1s always complete and fresh, as besides buying 111 quantity, quality also IS not forgotten. \Ve are thus able to give our customers the very best possible price. -DAs our shelves have recently been carefullyg done over, OLll customers will now find us in a bette1 position than eve1 to attend to their necessities in the Grocery Line. Every thing Spic and Span, and a good new stock of Fresh Groceries. \Vhat more could the buxing‘public desire. ? Call on us for anything you want in this line. \V e are bound to satisfy. .As the warm weather approaches you will naturalh want Fruit. Try us- tor it. This Is Pineapple season. See our stock before leaving your orde1 for preserving. Phone so for a Rush Order and it will be delivered promptly. We Want Your Butter and Eggs, Cash or Trade. Call and get an Egg Crate to take home with you. .. . . - - We also solicit a share of your Custom Chopping which will have our id 31151: In, In barrels and bags. . careful attention and be properly done. Everything You Wantin the Grocery Line if ' i“ +.‘ WINDSOR SALT “Show me a man of forty" says Will Irwin, “and you show me victim of careless meals. A man called Osler won a knighthood by calling the Man of fortv ‘tool old.’ It should haxe been ‘too dys-i peptic.’ From drug store he rico- chets to doctor. blaming the wea- ther, the money market, the trusts or Teddy for what is really due to Little Mary. Your middleâ€"aged man is at his worst when on his travelsâ€"his only exercise a sad SEEDS THE MAN 0F FORTY Milling Business Changed Hands And at the Lowest Pdssible Prices onade and ice cream. Table beer may be. good in itself, but not if followed by (a cup of cocoa. In. a word, the {odds must blend if“‘the meal is to serve its purpose, and m .'.n particularly so in the case of twin travellers who have little 0|. 2‘ . tunity for exercise. th the aid, therefore, of ex- ::.â€"~rt food chemists and professors, Vlr ('Loper has prepared arrange- :1.c..'.s of courses which can be r: commended by the faculty as perfect blending of food and liquids. These .vuill be printed as suggested menus on the regular cards and placed as suggestions for breakfast, lunch and supper at the disposal of the travellers on the Canadian Pacific this summer. In some ways the railway may lose revenue, for the Blended Meals do not encourage the rich and sometimes costly entrements which gourmets ask for, but the average man will be contented, and will be left in a better mood to enjoy the beautiful scenery through which the railway passes In that way he will be a booster for Canada, and, what is better still, will. be a more frequent pat- ron of the dining car than of the 'hospital for dyspeptic: EDGE BILL. Miss Emma Ritchie, who 18 teaching in Sullivan, _\vas home over Sunday. ._ Born-On Sunday. May” 7'. to Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Greenwood, a son Inspector Campbell visited our school recently and found the school work progressing. very favorably. seeding has now finished ' for this season. .It has been an exceP' tionally fine spring for working Miss Purvis of Markdale w as guest at the home of Mr. I Staples the beginning of week. . of Fred the Sunday school was re -ope.ned improved ip appearance, and sev- on the first Sunday in .May, the eral gaps in the line of trees attendance being 25 around the yard were fined in. Arbor Day was daly obszrved in The trustees assisted in that part our school on Monday instead of of the work The teache1 gener- Friday on sci-aunt of the weath- onst- treated the children with er The school grounds were much canay. - . . . . . A >7>D>>>P>>g>k>>>>>>>>>>b> >>>P>>>>D>t>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>.>>:PPD?:DEEE Improved Leaming,White Cap,Mamm0uth South:- ern Sweet and Comptons Early. A good stock of all the above. Get Our Prices On Wool We intend buying it this year, and will pay the highest price at all times. “Make business brisk for you and Durham by a big and (rightly- directed effortâ€"by a series of adequate advertisements in THE DURHAM CHRONICLE. ' [PAGNATION in one’s business is greatly to be feared and greatly l, to." be avoided. Actionâ€"an effort to get ahead-*keeps a business healthy, wealthy and wise. Visible action is advertising in THE DURHAM CHRoxlcmâ€"a Iresh adver- tisement. each week. The preparation and publiczition of a, new advertise- ‘4 ment is a. sure indication of busmess energy. Custom Chopping To the Merchants of Durham of to-day. Start. advertising N0 W. Keep up "the advertising all through the year, and your business will feel the tonic effect of your action. ',Stalrt Something” is the slogan Messrs. R. Williams, W3, Edge and C. H M'offat degivered ode, four and nine head of (all cattle respectively to Mr. Brunt on Tues- day last. They realized, all told, over $1,000 for the; bunch: ,3 vb. H4 VD, SOL 79.5} .0060; vb. v? vb? .OOA vb.

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