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Durham Chronicle (1867), 20 May 1915, p. 2

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Farms for Sale. 0333 IN BENTINCK TOWN- “p. being Lot 26, Concession 3 W G. B. will be sold cheap: 606 title. Apply to George 'tmore, Durham, or Thomas Davis. RB. No. 2, Pricev ille. Hfâ€" , ‘ BEING LOT 9. CON. 12. GLENELG. well fenced and in 1 good state of cultivation; good “tar: road house and barn. For p‘mm- apply to James Good . 761. 9th St. 1-3.. Owen 221913611! “UV” . . dram! Street, Durham; over a . quart-er acre of land; six rooms; stable, woodshed, small orchard, etc.; terms right and reasonable. Apply .at The Chronicle office. 12H Gleneig, contammg 100 acres: on premises are n . brick house, sheds and outbuildâ€" ings; running stream through moperty: about 10 acres hard-- wood bush, rest in good state of cultivation. Possession given on Bull For Sale BHORTHORN BULL‘ 12 MONTHS old: dark red. with white mark- ings: eligible for registeation. Apply to Wm. Leggette, Dur- ham, R. R; No. 1. 34 tf No. 1. punitive” hygenic. Not sold in; stores. Mrs. J. C. Nichol, Repâ€" ”captive. ' Box 107, Durham. Glenelg' Court of Re- vision The first sitting of the Court of Revision of {the Township of Glenâ€" elg for the year 1915 will be held at the TOwnship Hall in the said township on Saturday, the 5th day of June, 1915, at the hour of 2.30 o’clock in the afternoon, of which all parties having business at said Court will please take notice. Dated this 13th day of May, 1915. J. S. BLACK, Do You Want Help !_ LB. WM. - RITCHIE IS IMMI- grant Agent for Durham and vi- cinity. and farmers wishing help should make application early. 3 25 9 5133 SYNOPSIS 0F CANADIAN NORTH WEST LAND REGULATIONS. The sole head at ; family, or my male over 18 were old, may homo-teal! a quarter-berths of “unable_D9minion .land i; Mani- OTS 8, 9 and 10, KINCARDINE street, West. Apply to A.H. J ack- MH 4 1 15 U tuba, Saskatchewan or Alucvta. Applicant must appear in person at the Dominion Lands Agency or Sub-Agency for the District. Entry by proxy may be made at any Dominion Lands Agency (but not Bub-AgencY). on certain conditions Du ix months residence upon and cultivation of the land In each of three wears. A home- Iteader may live within nine miles| o! hi! homestead on a farm of at lent 80 acres, on certain condi-1 tionl. A habitable house is re- quired except where residence is in the vicinity. In certain districts 0 home- etude: in good standing may pre- empt a quarter section alongside hi! homestead. Pnce 63.00 per ‘Efiesâ€"Six months residence in! each 0! three years after earning‘ homestead patent; also 50 acges; ”mum-v": iiiâ€"lit Bay take a PI“- chased hpmestetd £9 certain dist- House For Sale For Sale one inomumzslomtoiorflmm . Over one inch and under two inch“ L. “noun. You): uto- on applianon. mmous SPIR- 4186!!) Clerk Drs. lamieson é. lamieson. FFICE AND RESIDENCE A short distance cut of Knapp’s Bowl. ' Lamb ton Street, Lower Town. Durham: Ofiee hours from 12 to 2 o’clock { nearly opposite the Regisu oflice. Resulence Second house south of Registry omcp on east. side of Albert Street. Ofiiceflgmzs 9-11 a.m., 24 p. OLIVE.“ vnâ€"v' ___...v. v 113.. 7-9 p. 111. Telephone communichâ€" men between ofiice and residence at all hours. ' Arthur Gun, II. D. j PHYSICIAN AN, D SURGEON, OF 600 in the New Hunter Block. 050(- hours.8 to 10 a. m. .to 4p.m. and? :02 p. :11. 8900181 attentmn given to disease 3f women and children. Bmidance op- posite Presbvterian Church. Late Aunt-m. â€"Boy. Lindon Ophtumuo Ho: 3113:. and :0 Golden Sq. Throct und None Boo SPECIALIST-t EYELEAB,“ THROAT . NOSE ,_ - ~L L‘.‘ M-_ “Anna U" York m1 Chicago. mm 0! Bye. Bar Nose and Throat. Will be at the Hahn House, Dec. 19, Jan. 16, February 20. March 20, Hours, 1 to 5 p.m. â€"‘ 1. G. Hutton. . ‘ Dentist. OFFICE: OverJ J Hunter’s wwwfiéfiigi}; Rimâ€"its Branches. Officeâ€"Over Douglas’ J ewellerv Storm ‘J r GRANT,.‘D.D.8.L.D.8 “__.-L -- l. P. Telford. ARRISTEL, SOLICITOR. ETC Ofice. nearly opposite; the Regisfry office. Lambton St..Durham. Anyamoum of monev to man a? 5 pm: cent. on farm DIODGI'tV. l ULA“; I UUJJKV, VVLum‘wv-vâ€"v L er, Conveiimcer. c. Insurance Afloat. _ Money to Loan. Issuer .nf Max:- uaze Lxceuses. A general financxal bus: noes transacted. DURHAM ONT. (Lower Town.) A. H. Jackson. OTARY PUBLIC, COMMISSION L er Qanveygncer c. lnsuranc: Holstein Conveyancer. ! Issuer of Marriage Licensesg Money to loan at lowest rates,l and terms to suit borrower. Fire‘. and Life Insurance placed in thor-l oughly reliable compnaies. Deeds,‘ Mortgages, Leases and Wills, executed on- shortest notice. A111 work promptly attended to. * o! Licensed Auctioneer for the County of Grey. Satisfaction guar- anteed. Terms reasonable. Dates of sales made at the Chronicle 05- fice, or with himself. L. BIG. 2., LONDON. ENG V RADULATE of London. New Licensed Auctioneer DAN MC LEAN Notice ANY PERSON 3153139 032 Medical Directorv. Yréspagsing on Lot 5, Conces- sion 8, Glenelz, will be prose- cuted. â€"Wm Jack, 'Pr0prietor _‘n A Dr. W. o. Pickering Dental Directorv. DR. BRO WN Lem! ‘Dz'rectorv Malinda“ W. J. SHARP CURE SCAB. WOUNDS SHEAR CUTS by using: Hacfarlane‘s Drug Starr BR. BURT. TICKS, MI'I'ES AND FLEAS . DORNOC'H. , ‘ ! Mrs. G60. flones, also Mrs. Geo ‘The Red Jones, Jr botb. 0! Chatgworth, spent the Week-end With the for _ have received been issued“ .mer’s daughter. Mrs. E. Lueck Cross Societ‘ nan“... 1 west of the burg. is signed b: OTANDARDIZID. much: '9 513 8 Mr. E. Lueck had a bee on Fri- day, cutting shingles, after" which a large number of the young peo- ple spent a most pleasant ,even- my: in music. games, and the dancing of the many fantastic whirls. All report an excfllent time. Mr. R. Douglag of Durham de- livered some pumps to several of the peeple in this vicinity. Mrâ€"s. D. Quirk of Toronté' is spending a few weeks with her daughter, Mrs. Jas. Vasey, and is also renewing old acquaintances around this village. Miss V. McKnight entertained town the name 01 wnlcu “as we... Misses L. McIntosh, Ruby Smith detered by the censor, has been‘. and Miss M. Trafford, on Wednes-' transformed into one huge camp“ day of last week- to: wounded. All adaptable build- The sudden death of Mrs. Henry ' ings, cafes, halls, school rooms,‘ Harrison of Sullivan. on Saturdav, have been rapi ' was a great shock to all of the for hos community. While driving with beds, more her daughter from her home in mattresses, for little Serbia. worn 'Sullivan to Williamsford, the de- out .by too constant wars, is ill ceased took a stroke, and died in equipped to meet the onslaught of less than an hour afterward. Mr. 3 great power. .In the streets. Harrison was sent for, but arrived what misery. The lame, the halt too late. Funeral services were the maimed. Men with damaged conducted by Rev. T. Mills on leg and foot, men nursing broken Monday. The funeral'took place arms or shattered hand8,m:n with at one o’clock to Shiloh cemetery, bandaged heads, men being car- .nm-th of Williamsfo-rd. The de- ried from operating shopsto cafe at one o’clock to Shiloh cemetery, north of Williamsfo-rd. The de- ceased was a member of the Presbyterian church here. "The sympathy of the community is The annual meeting of Dornoch; Women’s Institute met at the? home of Mrs. Daxrgavel on May 12. : to appoint mew officers for 1915 Twelve ladies were in attendance. The president, Mirs. Dvargavel, re- signed, and eM'rs. John Parke was elected in “her place. The rest of the officers were re-elected. Miss Warnock gave a paper on “Wo- man’s relation. to the schools.” fM'rs. Alexander :gave a reading on “What your boy is worth to you on your farm.” The res-t of the members agave quotations from favority authors. \ THE WESTERN FAIR, LONDON. 6 September 10th to 18th. i The Western Fair of London, 4 Ontario, will maintain its reputaâ€" 1 tion this .year as being one of the . best Live Stock Exhibitions in the Dominion of Canada. Live Stock evhibitoxs are always loud in their praises of the treatment they reâ€" ‘ ceive at London and the amount of business they do there. Buyers are always plentiful surrounded as London is by the best agricul- Etural district of Canada. Although' large cash additions have been ‘made to the prize list for the past three years, this year will surpass ‘them all, when $3 ,000 will be added to the Live Stock and Poul- . try departments. This has been 3 possible through the generous "assistance given by the Dominion; Government The amount has been ’ Hdistributed throughout the differ- ‘ent classes and some new classes and sections added. which will be 1 of special interest to the farmers " and live stock breeders. The prize - lists will soon be ready for dis- 3 tributio-n. Send to the Secretary, 5 A. M. Hunt, Loindon, “Ont, for prize list or any information regarding the Exhibition- The Standmd Blfid Pace!E “PRINCE HEAL” 1 Will make the Season 1915! as follows : HOME STAND, the Chapman Farm. Con. 2, Egremont, near Pollock’s. Corner. - ' TUESDAY. at Dromore for Nodn Home for Night. . \ WEDNESDAY, at Holstein for Noon. then byway of Orchardville to his own Home for N fight. ' FRI DAY, at Wesley Ball’s over Night SATURDAY, in Durham till s‘even in the evening. then home for night. 14th Com. Proton: Dandalk. P. O. ROBINSON SON Proprietors Geo.éThe R931 Crosso The Canadian Red Cross Societ'z' have received an appeal which has ‘ been issued‘by ’the Serbian Red ‘ Cross Society. This appeal, which‘ is signed by M'adama (Lirouitchj~ Wife of the Serbian secretary of state for foreign affairs, who is president, and Lady Boyle. treas- , urer of the society, points out, that Serbia is surrounded bv hostile: and impoverished countries and her‘people have not been able, as the Belgians have "done, to take .refuge in neighboring friendly states. Relief can Only be given by sending supplies and, material help 'and this work can only be contin- ued by donations both ’11 money . and comforts of all kinds. ‘ The correspondent of The Lon- I 'do-n Times wrote recently: “ The town the name of which has been floor, men with body wounds lyâ€" ‘ ing on stretchzers; .all with ragged ‘ blood-bespattered remnants of ‘ what were once uniforms." = ‘ 4»:- The appeal points out that there, is no patriotic fund in Serbia and continues! “When one leaves the organized hospitals and wends one’s way through the crowd of wounded, who block the pave-. ments, and enters a '.-, w-class cafe, the tragedy of it all fills the spectator with a sense ol hope- lessness. There, like c‘ittle upon their beds of straw, lie sufferers from all manners of hurt. The»! remain mute and uncomnlaining. iust as they have been dropped’l down from the incoming trans- :ports. Their wounds, three, four or five days’ old, have yet receiv- ed no attention, save the p) imii ie first aid of the battlefield. Blood- noisoning is setting in, limbs that] prompt dressing would have say-1 ed, are fast becoming victims of the surgeon’s knife. It is aheart- rending sight,” concludes thw correspondent, “to look upon this _ helpless mass and to realize that many .oi them have been sentencâ€" ’ ed to a painful death owing to l mere lack of primitive medical at- ' _ tentio n.” lagon‘y of all the nations. The cry 'of poor little Serbia will not go out in vain to the peOple of thlS' Dominion. Donations, -iiowe-rer small, will be gratefully acknowâ€" ledged bv Sir Edward Boyfe, Bart. ‘Treasurer, Serbian Relief Fund, 63 ;Queen’s Gate, London, England. l Surgical supplies, bandages,1 blankets, sheets,' pillows, towels dressing gowns, pyjamas, bed ‘i‘ackets, surgical shirts, cholera belts, and all kinds of comforts mav be sent either to 77 King St East, Toronto, and marked clearlyr “For Serbia,” or they may be sent to Lady Boyle, 5 Cromwell 'Road, 'Kensington, London. Eng RED CROSS NOTES The following cablegram has 'been received by Mrs Plumptre ‘ secretary of the National Service ;Committee, from Mr. J. G. C01;- émer, secretary of the (fanadian ‘War Contingent Association: i“Articles most required are socks jcolored handkerchiefs, and extra ‘ comforts such as tobacco, cigar- ettes, pipes, matches, soan. confec- tionery, cocoa, cake, tooth brushes stationery and sundry other use-; ful articles. The association is subâ€"3 5 plying. these regularly and will continue doing so while resources permit. Supplies of ”socks and 3; handkerchiefs and money for . other comforts cordially welcomed :1 'There is no difficulty about trans- \ nortation. All our consignments are sent through the milimrv for- ; svardin'g officers on this side and In France and the authorities are ‘c0-0perating with us cordially.” ”I 11.7,]! g 1. 3“ This appeal cannot fail to go to the warm hearts of the. Canad- ian people, “who have {one so much for gallant Belgium and for their own p-eOple, and yet who will forget another gallant ally who is suffering the most terrible â€"A-â€"-â€"- A: "11 ‘II-ho vnnfinns. The cry The following articles were sent to the Canadian soldiers at the front during the month of March bv the Canadian War Contingent Association: 12,364 pairs of socks. 48 cases Of tobacco» and pipes, 1,003 mnlcardigans, 3,014 mufflers. 3' 003 hel- 3‘mets',‘ 3,606 pairs of wrisflcts 93 :ietY 1 dozen towels, 65.000 cigarettes l ha5114,000 boxes of matches, 1.3.76 box- Red es of confectionery, 11 sets of. rhichiboxing gloves, 12,!oot-b'ms. 41 litch, '; baseballs, 12 tennis balls. In connection with the Informa- tion department of the Canadian Red Cross Society, Colonel Hod- chairman of the executive com mittee, says that this branCh of lthe society’s work continues with lcharactecristicactivity. The ladies 4 'are most enthusiastic and pains- taking and the many workers in the different portions of the . country and in France are re- lporting regularly to the office as ltto the condition and irogress made by the sick and wounded. “ Col. Hodgetts continues: “Not 1‘the least interesting and import- ~ant portion of the work is the iglsupply of the Red Cross supplies L and comforts to the scattered! ’ Canadians, the visitors reporting‘ as to the soldiers’ wants and the? ‘aarticles being parcelledup and I mailed. to the patients. Col. Hod- £1 getts remarks that he is sure that _" this work will appeal to Canadians is.” they will feel that what they r1‘have contributed to the Red Cross hiSociety is being properly and . |ef£iciently disposed of. I I In conclusion C01. Bodgetts says: “I might state there is no vacancy for any applicant ' from Canada. nor can I hold out any hope of any lady who is venture- some enough to cross the Atlantic securing work when she arrive- here as there are many 9n the waiting list.” Mrs. Plumptre, superintendent of ' Supplies, Canadian 'Red C1053 So- ciety, has received ‘the following verv interesting letter from Miss Edith Campbell, matron of the Duchess of Connaught. Red Cross hospital at Clivedeu. M- “Col. Hodgetts tells me he is sure you and the kind ladies who have helped so sniendidlv would- be interested to :hear from us how greatly appreciated all your ef- ‘fo‘rts have been and hosv useful {and sensible the gifts are, blank- ets, sheets, dressing :gowns won- derful bedside bags, filled with everything a man needs,.e\'en to a pipe and paper. “The jam syrup, biscuits, am les etc. and lonely plum cake .xe gaxe them on Easte1 Sunday, all came 0\ er in splendid condition and the men enjoyed them soâ€"a creat af- ter the trenches. The surgical dressings, binders, slings, etc“ all are so useful and saved u such a lot as me only had to make up [01 cm first dressings for the operâ€" ating room. also. from supplies sent £10m home. “All the little parishes roundI here have formed their committees and are collecting and sending to us twice a week a lot of iresh eggs, also once a week cake for Sunday tea. ‘Poor boys, t-hz‘y cer- tainly deserve all the good things of life, they are so brave and cheerful and in many cases it is only a- case of getting fit and well to return to the trenches, others, of course, never van. 1 wish I could express their th unk- fulness and ours better, theirs for all they receive1 ours for the icy of having such things to give and work Wifh. The casualty lists of the Canad- ian officers at the front have re- cently contained a number of relatives of the officials of the Red Cross Society. Both sons of Sir John Gibson in the persons of Capt. Colin Gibson and Lieut. Frank Gibson. have been wound- ed. Col. Byerson, president of the society, has lost one son, Capt. G. C. Ryerson, whose name appeared among the killed in the recent casualty list, and another son, Lieut. Arthur 'Ryerson, has been wounded, though fortunately not seriously. Lady Drummond has lost her only son, Lieut. Guy Drummond, and the son of J. N. Young, president of the Hamilton branch of the society, has been wounded. Capt. K. R. Marshall, son of Mr. Noel Marshall, who has ed, and Interest Compounded Half- Yearly on Deposits. :75 ‘. We solicit your account in our F SAVINGS DEPARTMENT , DURHAM BRANCH Johagenh‘_________!_!_.____'_______ THE STANMRD BANK Established over Forty-one ASSETSOVERW i DURHAM. ONT. iii 01mm maumm IS PUBLISHED VERY THURSDAY HORKING At the Ohmnicle Printing House, Garafmn street. ' ' ‘ Tar. Cumulus will be Enmpuw an? nddxeu. free of mass.“ “ “w“ “mu” {5.6.1:}... free of postage“ Rates - . .1 30pm- wmwshleinadvam â€"81.50 my be charged if not so paid. The date to which ever) . nhscrintion is paid is denoted s the number on the address label. 1V0 genera: continued to .11 smears m psid. except st th option of the proprietor. ’ ' For transient sdvertisement Advertising cents per line for the first in.“ Rates . ~ tion: scentsperline each snhsc» quent insertion minion measure. Profession curds not exceeding one inch $4.00 per snnu Advertisements without specific directionsvl he published tin forbid a: .1 charged accord Tmsientnoticesâ€""hst. ":Fonnd.' "For ., etcâ€"50 cents for first insertion. 25 cents for each- -snhseqnent nsertion. All “vertiaémenm ordered by stranger. Ir us be mid for in adv-mac. Contract rates for yany advertxsomenu tux niahed on application to the olfice. ' U N DERTAKER and Funeral Director\ Picture Frammg an Shams notice. SHOW Roomsâ€"Next, to Swallow.’ Barber Shop. RESIDENCEâ€"Ne: door South of W. J. Lawrenu's blgcksmith shop. ! Full line of Catholic Robes, and blw'k and white Caps for aged people. been seriously ill with nneumoma. has now rejoined the forces. . o 0...: At Boulogne, France, a Canad- ian Red Cross office has oeen es- tablished under the direction of Capt. Playlock. assistant commis- sioner. The society have purchesed one lorry for the purpose of con- veying supplies to the various, hospitals and another lorry was donated by Mr. Cdnrad. UN DERT AKIN G Mr. M. Kress has opened a. shop at the rear of the furniture show room and is prepared to do all kinds of tinsmithing. Undertaking receives special attention new Silks. Band EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR. Rugs, Oilcloths - Window hades Lace Curtains and an Household Furnishings Embalming a Specialty A. BELL URNITURE W. IRWIN In gPovlin and Paillcms zashmer Bose ER. AND

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