Newspaper reporters are to be excluded in future from the immi. gration offices at Sarnia, accord- ing to a notice posted by .the head officials. . . . .' (- Canadian soldim-s. A campaign has been prOposed in London, Ont, to raise funds to rent cottages 'at Port Stanley, on Lake Eï¬e, for the use of invalided John Rowan of Orangeville, may die as the result of wood-poison- ing. He scratched his finger with a. chisel which had been used to 'scrape paint off some boards. Fm full pm ticul u's consult G T R. ticket Ave! ts m write. Leaves Toronto 10.15 mm. daily. ex- cept . Sunday for Muskoka \th'f, Ht msville. Algtmquiu Park and North Bay. (’«mnectio save made at Mus- kokn \thu-fx'm- 3- uskoka Lakes and at Huntsville for paints on the Lake of Ba) 5. Purlur-Library-Butfvt. car to Algonquin I’m-k : Parlor-Library-Cnfe mu‘ and. ï¬rst-Class coaches to North Jay. Muskoka Lakes Lake of Bays I Georgian Bay Algonquin Park 3 French River Kawartha Lakes" Maganetawan River fimagami, etc. Round trip tourist tickets now on; kale from certain stations in Ontario : at very low fares, with'liberal stop-' m'ers. i ATTRACTIVE TRIPS Mmawmv A. uwmmwï¬ hsssas 14.09 7.18 “ McWilliams“ 11.54 4.12 7.21 “ Glen “ 11.51 4.22 7.31 “ Priceville “ 11.41 4535 7.45 " Saugeen J. “ 11.30 "8.10 11.20 Ar. Toronto Lv. 7.45 Canadian Paciï¬c Railway Time Table Trains leme Durham at 7.15 awn, { and 3.45 p. m. ; Trains arnve at Durham at 11553.10. ' L338 2.“) p.m., and 8.55 p.111. : EVERY DAY EXCEPT SUNDAY : | G. T. Bell. C. E. Homing. - G.P. Agent, D.P. Agent, ' Montreal. Toronto.: |HE J. TOVVXER. Depot Agent “7. CALDER, Town Agent. i l R. MACFARLANE. - Town Agent Trains will arrive and depart as fol ows. until further notice:-â€" 7 Dist. Pass. Agenï¬. Toronto “I. Calder. Town Agent, Phone 3a J. Tow 191-. Station Agent Phone 18 Pal-“ticulars from C.P.R. Tlcket Agents. or wx-i-te M. G. Murphy, D.P.A.. Toronto. R. Macfzu'lane, Town Agent E. A. Hay, Station Agent GENERAL CHANGE OF TIMI: MAY 30 The Idea CONVENIENT“ REAcan Point-Au-Baril French Pickerelkivers ' Severn River Muskoka Lakes Rideau Lakes Lake Ontario Resorts MUSKOKA EXPRESS DURHAM ZEN US CLARK PLANENG MILLS Shingles and Lath Always on Hand At Right Prices. The undersigned begs to announce to residents of Durham and surroundlng country. that he has his Planning Mill and Factory completed and is prepared to take orders for Grand‘ Trunk Railway TIME-TABLE olskc C. I}. HUR\ 13G. 6 fl) v. Walkerton Ar. 12.55 10.‘ 6.34 “ Maple Hill " 12. 38 10.22 6. '3 “ Hanover 12. 30 10.14 6.52 “ Allan Park 12. 20 10. 04 7.07 “ Durham “ 12.06 9. 50 Custom Sawing Promptly At- tended To â€"â€" and all kinds of ~â€" House Fittings SASH, DOORS ‘ 7, 1915. Vacation Home T0 ONTARIO ; When the arl: linally reached its 11! aee in the tent that David had hitch- ml tor it lhele \vas gloat lt‘JUlL 111" he- foze the 1.010. and David blessed the people in the name of the Lord of hosts (verses 12-11)). There is always blessing associated with obedience to the Lord. Chapter vii is one of the most important records in the whole stoiy of Dav id. for it tells of God's un- ‘eonditional covenant with David (on- e: 11111" the eveilasting kin; dom yet to ; be set up on the earth, with Is1ael as its center and an immortal man upon : the. throne of David at Jerusalem (viii. .7 12-24). That David knew that the ' promised non was not Solomon. but the _Messiah. is plainly stated in Acts ii. .30. and Messiah risen from the dead. an immortal man, for no mortal- man could reign forever. The same person i is spoken of in the same way in Isa. lix. 6. 7. and also by Gabriel to Mary ' iin Luke i. 32. 33. and the kingdom thus {foretold will surelv and literally come. That the ehmch is the kingdom. iDOO- that the kingdom is here now. that it ‘ MTS- Delamere 'Of Stratford, wife is only a so ’called spi1itual kingdom 0f Capt. T. G. D elamere. com- and within us. is wholly without foun- manding No. 1 Company, 18': dation in the word of God. The much ‘ Battalion. in France, has received . ‘ . ,. .. . , .. 0 , . misunderstood 8.15111, 111 Luke xvn. -1. a letter from her brother, L-1eut. J. would not he so misunderstood if- peo- B M' , . orrison who states that he I 1 ce tha the word‘ were 5 )oken- ’ p e 1ot1 d t b I saw' a Canadian soldier who to hlaspheming hypocrites. 'lhe mar- ginal reading is the correct one. Da- had been crucified by the Germans vid s thought at this time was 'to build At Bracebridge on Thursdav Au- a temple for the Lord. and even X11:- o'd.rer And Peter Morreau Were ac- than the Diupllet encouraged him but quitted of the charge of murder- the will of the Lord was otherwise .1111: Robert Hayde, a storekeeper, (chapter "ii 1-3" compare 1 Chron in Honey Harbor, on March 27 1914. xvii). The plans for the building were ‘ Charles Stewart section fore- given to David. and he was allowed to make great preparation for it (1 Chron. 1111.311 Of the CPR at Milverton, xxviii. 12. 19; xxix. 1-51. Note David's discovered the body Of a well de- question when he heard of this won- iveloped infant floating in the derful King and kingdom (vii. 19; I «water. The coroner Was notified. Chron. xvii. 17) and compare the ques- Stratford Methodist district tion of the disciples in Mark iv. 41. meeting was held at T Trinitv He is the same ii: 3.11 the Bib’le styl'yo’ . church on Thursday of last week. an: His name is Wonderful. “it!!- i A resolution ‘m passed pledging on Him we caï¬ do â€thing but it as ’ the members 11:0 put forth every branchesweabideinthe Vine He will; mama-mm . .. effort to carry the Calm-is Tern... as M“ ‘ ‘peranceActinPerth on June 24. i One of the inost grievous things in so called church work of our day is the worldly methods which seem to have been adopted on all sides inStead of praye ° and fa sting and looking to the Lord alone to (arty on His work in His way by His Uoiy Spirit. As truly as the Lord gave Moses that plan of the tabernacle and David the plan of the temple (I'IX. XXV. 9. 40; 1 Chron. xxviii. 2. 11):. leaving no room for sag- gestions or improvements or modifica- tions of any kind from them. so has Iie as plainlr told Us ilis plan for subdu- ing this world to Himself and lililiiill" it a new eatth wherein tiwelleth rig-h:- eonsness. We are not permitted to he (-ont'ortnetl to this present e\'il World in any way. nor are we to think of making this world. which lieth in the wicked one. a righteous world. for it cannot be done while the devil is its goal. ruling as he does in politics and in commerce and in social life and also in much that is called religions. [See my tract entitled "The Set-rot of Mis- sionary Interest.“ L. K.. box 210. I-iarrishnrg. I’a.} ednm. When ille Lord instructs us as tu hu“ He desiros His work to be done there is nothing for us to do but obey and avoid :11! methods but His own. The Lord of hosts dwelling be- tween the (herubim (1erse2; 1 Chron xiii. (3; l ..an1. iv. 4; PS. lxxx. I) tells of the 1'11ercy of God in Christ and of His provision for communion with us (Ex. xxr. 21. 221. for it is our priri~ lege to say "'1 ml} .our fellowship is with the Father and with His Son Jesus Christ".(l John i. 3). Although David's desire to provide a place for the ark in Jerusalem was com- mendable. he was certainly out of fellowship with God in the way he took to accomplish it and in his adopt- ing the method of the Philistines. when he really knew better. as we shall see. David’s folly in the matter of a new cart to hear the ark instead of the shoulders of the priests (chapter vii. 3; I Chron. xiii. '1': xv. '2. 1:215) 1.11011 qht about the death of Uzzah, tetror in the heart of David and the ark resting for three 111onti1s‘in the house of Obed- David having been established as king over all lsrael began at once to think of a place for the ark of the Lord. the symbol of the presence of the Lord in the midst of His people. The last record of the ark was when the Philistines returned it in a new cart with an ofl’ering; the men of Beth- shemesh transgressed by looking into it, and 50,000 perished; they were glad to send it on to Kirjath-jearim. where it found a resting place for many years in the house of Abinadab in the hill (1 Sam.vii,1). I think that there is no men- tion of it during the reign of Saul. In our lesson chapter and in chapter vii. 2. it is mentioned sixteen times. and in the parallel record in 1 Chron. xiii.~ xv and xvi it is mentioned twenty-tire times. It always suggxsts righteous- ness which God requires, but also that righteousness provided in Christ. who is the end of the law for righteousness to every one that believeth. The blood on the mercy seat speaks of the sacri- ï¬ce on Calvary, and the cherubim beat- en out of the same piece of gold as the mercy seat tell of the oneness of Christ with His redeemed. Text of the Lesson, ll Sam. vi, 1-19; Ps. xxivâ€"Memory Verses, Ps. xxiv, 7-10â€"Golden Text, Ps. cxxii, 1â€"Com- mentary Prepared by Rev. D. M. Stearns. Lesson lX.â€"Second Quarter, For May 30, 1915. SUNDAY SBHEDL INTERNATIONAL SERIES. W2»: 7.1.4 mm ing Robert Hayde, a storekeeper, in Honey Harbor, on March 27,1914. Charles Stewart, section fore- man of the C.P.R. at M'ilverton, discovered the body of a well de- veloped infant floating in the water. The coroner was notified. Mrs. Delamere 'of Stratford, Wife of Capt. T. G. Delamere. oom- manding- No. 1 Company, lst Battalion. in Fiance, has received a letter from her brother, Lieut. J. B. Morrison, who states that he The members of the third over- seas contingent at Sault Ste. Marie have received orders to leave for Niagara camp. There are 150 officers and men from the Soo. James Wilks. alias Walters. was sentenced at Niagara Falls to one ye ear’s imprisonment in the On- tario Reformatory on a charge of theft. The Seaforth band has ourchas- ed a double B-‘Ilat bass ins-tru- ment. for which $275 Was laid. It is said to be the only one of its kind in Canada, Warren Potts, a middleâ€"aged man in the employ of the Atkin- son maz‘ble Works, Simcoe, at- tempted suicide by cutting his throat with a jack-knife. The council of To'ttenham is giv- ing cash prizes fer the three best kept yards, both front and back; Within the village, during the sea- son of 1915. It is said that the Trehf Valley Canal will probably not be opened until the Spring of 1916, as there are a number of obstruc- tions to bet moved. \"ilfrid Moore. a 19-vear-old farmland employed by George Davis, near M'cIntosh Mi115.- was kicked in the stomach by a colt and died instantly. . The dam at Jackson's Mill at M'illburn was blown up by dyna- mite for the third time Within two years. Mr. Jackson believes it to be spite work. W'm. Bender, proprietor of the Commercial hotel Hensall. was fined $3 00 recently for a second offense of selling liquor \xitliout a hcense. In a whirlwind campaign. Moa- ford undertook to raise $6,000 for the Canadian Patriotic Fund and got $9,000. ' Wm. Newman, 21 well known and prOSperous farmer near Allen- ford, committed suicide bv shoot- ing himself with a shot L'un. James Wilson, a prominent {32‘- mer near Appleton. was fatally in- iured when run over by I. seeder while about to unharness the team. Delos R. Davis, K.C., of Am- herstburg, the first colored man admitted to the Bar in Ontario, died at his home, aged 69 years. Over 17 tons of old papers, mag- azines, etc., were gathered and shipped away by the Women‘s Patriotic League of Elora. Midland sold its $40,000 Worth of school debentures at a premium of $1,057. Ten tenders were sent in only one under par. Alex. Joyce. at young carpenter from Toronto, was fatally in‘ured bv a fall from a scaffold at Orillia. James Tonner, of :Preston. was drowned while bathing in the Grand river, near the Waterloo county gold club’s links. The death 'of Joseph Stone, of Shelbwrne, removes (an old pioneer of Melancthon township. Dccea.e d was 86 years of age. Markdale was visited by a ter- rific main and hail storm. ‘3ver 250 lights were broken in the Anglican church. county gold club’s links. W'm. King of Wiarton was .given three months in jail by magistrate B. B. «Miller, for annoying ayoung‘ lady of that place. Barrie Will build a library with The corner stone of a new Presbyterian church was laid at Alliston. ‘ ‘ The Methodist church at Clare- mon'st is to have a new lighting system. There were (28 applicants for the head mastershi-p 'o-f Barrie Colleg- iate Institute. Mrs. Brooks, of Mitchell, is 91. but has knitted 28 pairs of socks for the soldiers. Thornbury is to have a new school, to cost $16,000. In one week, three deaths oc- curred in the Beaton House bf Refuge. NEWS OF- OLD ONTARIO Keep Young Turkeys Dry. The main things in raising young turkeys is to keep poults perfectly dry and never allow them to get wet. They should be kept indoors until the dew is ofl’ the grass and never be allowed to be canght in a shower 01 rain. f Selecting Breeding Hens. In selecting the hens for the breed- ing pen in the spring the «following factors have been found by observa- tion and experimentation to be essen- tial to heavy egg productionâ€"namely: First. breeding from heavy producers; second. the use of mature birds, prefer- ably hens. not pullets; third, line breed- ing rather than too close inbreeding or out tossing; fourth, ' breeding from birds which were early producers as pullets; ï¬fth. selecting birds which show a good, vigorous constitution; sixth. selecting for egg type ion". rather deep bodies, with abundant room for the organs of digestion and reproduction: seventh. selecting larg specimens of the breed; eighth, select- ing late motlers. since they are usual- ly the best winter layers; ninth, breed- ing from birds which have shown by records to be persistent layers; tenth, selecting birds that eat well, rise early and retire late. for such birds are usual- ly heavy layersâ€"Orange Judd Farmer; ‘ I‘rtmerly growing poultry is accom- iplisaed only by close attention to the leading essentials. This does not mean the pampering: of chicks or stock. They can be checked by (.n'erkindness. But it does mean that every one who is successful must. pay attention to the known la rs of successful rearing. The feed rations of different successful poultry keepers may vary slightly, but the same foundation is behind themâ€"- namely. elements to make bone and uscle. There should be at least three to four square feet of space for each fowl. A well balanced ration of bran, ground oats. mealed alfalfa. middling. in a dry mash and placed before the chicks‘at all times after they are eight or ten days old is a good practice. A good mixture is “.200 pounds of bran, 1C0 of middlings. 100 of ground oats, 100 of mealed alfalfa and 15 per cent of high grade beef scraps. The best grade commercial chick feed is scat- tered in the litter four or ï¬ve times a day until the chicks are eight weeks old, when coarser grains are fed. When milk can be obtained cheaply enough it is a welcome addition to the ration. The neglect to provide proper feed and the absence of green food is an- other cause. and when the hot: days of summer come the failure to furnish shade. either natural or artiï¬cial. will retard 2'0\°Lh. Check in the growth of the fowls means that much delay in their maturity. Too much heat or too little during the early days of the chicks’ lives will cause them to receive their ï¬rst check. Placing them in growing quarters, where they are compelled to stay in poorly ventilated buildings and are overcrowded after they have been tak- en from the breeder or hen, is'the second check. tors. where in the majority of cases but froui one to twvo square feet of floor Space is given to the fowls. Over- cruwding both buildings and land has brought failure to manv, and the ad- \‘ive against this plactice Shouid be heeded. One can see in the majority offlpoul- try yards 21 larger number of fowls than can be properly accommodated. This is also seen in brooding. The error is carried on to the-laying quar- of a great death rate, but is time cause of chicks receiving setbacks that no amount of feeding can overcome. Overcrowding Cause of Culls and Un- . dersized Fowls. When taken from the brooder and placed in colony coops on range or in yards, great care should be exercised that plenty of ventilation is provided the chicks and that no crowding is necessitated. The poultry raiser of the future will recognize the fact,more and mare that overcrowding from the incubator to maturity has caused more culls and undersized poultry than any other one cause. It is not the cause GIVE THE CHICKS ROOM. Shelter from sun and rain must, of course, be provided for the hen and her flock of young chicks. It is well to have a small run for the hen in connection with the brood coop and a wire door that can be closed at night for protection against marauders. The brood coop shown is one much favored in Ithode Island. It has glass about halfway across the front. The main suggesrion in regard to this coop is that :1 wire door that would pass back of the slatted portion of the front would be an improvement. POULTRY an? EGGS panow Central Drug Store Q§O§§O§O§Q§§§§§Q§O¢¢§O §§§¢¢¢¢§§+§§¢4§§§9006609529 OOOQMOQONOOWQOOQW OOONOOMWW “9600¢¢¢¢§¢4¢4¢¢¢¢¢‘4§¢Q¢19000OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO O §§+§9§¢¢§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§¢§WN§Q§NM ,vv The Rob Roy Cereal Mills Co. I f yo uwant good heavy mixed feed try our “Chieftain Corn Feed†it gives good satisfaction Prepare Your Stock 2 ~ for Spring : Central Drug Store Opposite the Old Stand By Using the Celebrated Chesney Veterinary Remedies for all kinds of Stock. Special Reduction Sale. fl». In order to reduce our generalzstnck of Dry Goods. Groceries, Ready ‘Mades, Blankets, Sheeting etc., we have decided to gmake a Special Reduction on Everything in stock. starting on Intending purchases may rest assured of getting even better bargains than we offered last spring. A trial order will convince you. Come in and ask 5. SCOTT American Com, per 100 lbs. $1.60 Chieftain Corn Feed.per ton$3o oo Oats Shorts, per ton ...... $30.00 Bran, per ton ............ $28.00 Special prices in over ï¬ve ton lots Manufactured and for Sale only at SATURDAY, JANUARY I6, 1915 V 7" V'YVVVYVVVV' ‘Y‘ PHONES Chesney’s Heave Powder Chesney’s Cough Powder Chesney’s Cleansing Powder These Remedies have been before the public for a quarter of a oentuary. Chesney’s Dry Murrain Powders We Are Paying 60c for Oats at our Elevator Chesney’s Alterative Powder (Jhesney’s Horse and Cattle Spice an All Round Tonic and Digestive for Acute Indigestion. A Guranteed Remedy. The best Blood Puriï¬er for stockey legs, grease, scratches, etc., etc. Oatmeal Millers. 4 and 26 Durham, Ontario 35$ “5:3