West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 3 Jun 1915, p. 7

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The following are the men who left Owen Sound on Tuesday of last week. and are now in train- ing at Niagara for ox erseas ser- vice : CAPT. DAVID RUSSELL DOBIE age 43. Owen Sound. single, pub- lisher. nine years‘ service. 313t Regiment. LIEUT. CHAS. HERBERT Mcâ€" DOUGALL. Owen Sound, age 27. single, horn in Canada, civil en- gineer, one year 315‘: Regt.' LIEUT. J AS. MERKITT HAY, Owen Sound. age '25. single, born in Canada. manufacturer, no pre- vious service. (TO. SERGT.â€"MAJOR THOMAS ROBINSON NORTON. OwenSound. age 35. married, born in Canada, refrigeration engineer. six years 10th Haltoa Rifles. six years colcr- sergeant Slst Regiment. drill in- structors‘ and Q.M,S. certificate CO. £2,313. EDWARD EYERETT' MILLER. Owen Souni. 1ge 40. born in Canada. druggist. three vears 315’: Regiment. SGT. WM. SAMUEL NEATH, Owen S‘ound. age 35. married, horn in England. sex en vears in Bedfordshire Regiment. two vears col. -sgt. 3151: Regt ergeants certificate. SGT. THOS. EDGAR GIBSON. Markdale. age 21. single. born in Canada. far'mer, four years Can- adian militia, sergeant's certificate SGT. ALBERT EMERSON BEL- LAMY. Flesherton. age 27. single. born in Canada. salesman. ten vears militia; sergeant’s qualifica- tions SGT. THOS. RANSOME Owen Sound. age '39. married. born in England. moulds-r. nine years Roy- al Marine Light Infantry, two years in Blst Regiment. Sergeants certificate CORP. HERBERT EATON. Owen Sound, age 33. married. born in England. stationary engineer, no previ as service; sergeant's certi- ficate. CORP. JOHN WILLIAM FRED- ERICK RROWN. Owen Sound age 29, married. born in England. labâ€" orer. three years Essex Regim:n:, Sergeant’s certificate. PTE. GEO. RICHARD BECKETT Owen Sound. age 24, single,‘born in Canada. farmer. no ‘uz'eVi/Jus service. PTE. OIXBERY BRITTDN Mea- ford. age :21. Sinai-P. barn in Can- ada, Chauffeur: no previous ser- vice. ' PTE. CHAS. FOATM'AN. Owen Sound, age '25. married, born in England. laborer: no gzl‘OVEOUS service PTB. W31 EARL BROWNR1D Maxwell. age ‘20, single, born Canada. telog'raphu'. nu mexi service. ' PTB. ERNEST BROOKS. Dun- dalk. age 15., single. born it] Can: ada, farmer, one your 318C Rerzt. PTE. PERCY ROY RRX'ON. Du“- ham. ago 19. single. 1mm .22 Cat?- uda, teamster. no 1,-revimxs sez-vlco. PTE. ARTHUR BURMANR -( wen Sound. 11g? :25. single, burn in. Canada, chairmaher. two vearc 318T. Regt. FIELD. Owen va‘u". :HTC.‘ 35. H??- 2’19, born in {311211er luburor. no previous service. PTE. ANDREW STEWART CAMPBELL. Owen Sound. {we .0 single. born in (.‘ana-rlu. [031115.01- no previous service. PTE. STEPHEN CARR. Om“: Sound. age 9?. .. ing 0 1) mi 1: (‘a ada, laborer. n.) prmioas mice. PTE. DANIEL (,‘LEVi‘IPLIiX7 Owen SU‘HUCL' ago 31. .‘cxdowm' horn in Canada; driver. IhI‘C? yrs 3lst Roz-gt. PTE. THOS. COLE. Owen S-iounl age 22’. single. born in (21:13:13 lather. no PFCVifHJS service PTE. BERNARD P USSELL CRANXEY. Owen Sound. age :25. single. horn in Canada. 5-111013 no previous service. ford. age :20. single. bprn in Scot- land, farmer. no previuus service. . PTE. CLEMENT CRAWFORD. Owen Sound. age 1.9. single. horn in Canada, farmer. no m'evious service. IN TRAINING AT NIAGARA PTE. NELSON ROSS CROWE. Owen Sound. age 15. single. barn in Canada, laborer, one vcar 31$: Regt. PTE. STEWART (.‘RVN‘K- SHANK. Owen Sound, age 20.,mar- ried. born in Canada, plumber, no previous experience. PTE. HARVEY JAMES CURRIE Owen Sound age 18,sing19, horn in Canada. messenger, no pre\ ions serxice. PT E. GORDON DAQ G ETT Thornbury, age 19, single. barn in Canac‘a, teamster. no previous ex- Derience. ' PTE. ERNEST EDWARD BEN- NETT, Owen Sound. age 18. sing‘o. born in Canada, farmer. no previ- ous service. PTB. WILLIAM DENNIS. Owen Sound, age 26, single, born in En- zland, sander, no previous ser- vice. PTB. COULSON D'DuGLASS East‘Linton, age 2?. single born in Canada. farmer, two years alst PTE. JAS. DOWNING. Owen S'd age 36, married, born in Canada. teamster, three years 3131: Regt. PTB.‘ PERCY EVANS. Chat?- PTE. EZRA ISAAC FAWCETT. Kimberley, age 32, single. born i’n Canada. farmer, no previous ser- V 15;. PTE. ROY WINFIELD FELTIS. Owen Sound. age 21, single, born in Canada, farmer, no previous service Vice. 3“ V JV.- . PTE. GEO. FREDERICK FISK. Owen Sound, age 39, maz'ried, born PTE. THUS. ALFRED RI'T'UTR- PTE. JAR. COVENTRY. \Vorul- l .w in PTB. ALBERT GEO. FORDHAM. Owen Sound, age 21, single. born in England, finisher, no previous service. in England, six years First North- ampton N. W. Frontier. i 011 e11â€"Sound, age 29, married, born in England, groom, no previous service. ‘ PTE. HARRY AGNEW FRASER. Owen Sound, age 18, single, born in Canada, moulder, one year 315t Regt. PTE. HARRY GIBSON GREIG, Owen Sound, age 21, single. born Canada, farmer, one year in 313?. Regt. PTE. JOSEPH GRIGXON, Owen Sound. age 26, single. born in Canada, laborer, one year's service PTE. ERNEST EDWARD HALL Owen Sound. age 22, single, born in Canada, sailor, one year 315t. PTE. FRANK ERNEST HARDY, Owen Sound, age 25, single. born in England, farmer, no previous service. PTE. GL ADVVIN WASHINGTON HASKETT, Markdalo, age 2;, SE n- gle. born in Cana 121, mil“ 3y foxe- man, no prexious serxice. PTE. AIZBERT HASWELL, Owen Sound, age 24, single, born in En- gland, laborer, no previous service PTE. WILLIAM ARCHIBALD HAWKINS, Cape Rich, age 18, sin- gle, born in Canada, clerk, no previous service. PTE'. HERBERT FREDERICK HIBBLIN, Meaford, ,age '20, singze born in Canada. woodworker. three years in militia. PTE. HERBERT GEO. HICKEY, Wiarton, age 35, married, born in England, farmer, no previous ser- vice. i PTE. THOS. SPENCER FREDâ€" i ERICK HICKEY, Owen Sound, age 29 married, born in England, shoe repairer, no previous service. ~,__ “" bTE. ERIC'STANLEY HILSDEN, Owen Sound, age 24, born in Can- ada farmer, no previous service. PTE. PO“ ELL \ICHOLAS HOR- T0\, Ouen Sound age 34. mar- tied, born in Canada. real estate agent, one \ear “lst Regt. ' PTB. ERSEST HOYLES Mar-.1; dale. age 49, 5111019.. bmn in E11- lund, farme1, six venrs Auxilian forces, one \ear South Afxica: 501- geants cextilicate. BUGLER ALBERT HYAM. M111- nhvaO. Maggi?” single, 110111 in England no prexious SE‘I\iC€‘. PTE. \V‘\1.JOHI\ I.\\ES. O\\en Sound. ge 18 single bow in Canada,a 11111101 111181, three months 3lst P39; t.; se1geant s cei‘tiiiC'l Ito. PTE. ARTHUR JOHNSON Cev- 1011, age 18 single. burn in C111111111.1 farmer. 110 pre\ ious serx 1ce. PTE. HERBERT JAS. JOHNâ€" STO)‘. Omen SoumL age 25. mer- tied, 110111111 (311111111, engineer. three y am 315;: 11821.: corporles certificate. ’ â€" I‘- PTE. mam- :guux (HARLES KELLY Durham. 1100 27,5i‘ng19. born in Cunala, ha I: czlerk, no pxev ious SL‘1\iC (3; 5m 3;":th s cm- Lificate. PTE. ARTHUR HENRY hli- â€" NETT.‘ Thornbuxy, nge :29, max-- ried, born in England. teamstox'. no px-eviuus experience. PTE. .AUGITST‘CS KI.\\t. 0“"‘11 Sound, age 2.0. single l): mm in Cm - :1; ’a. gauicnor, no px-e \i'. m» 591W 1C0 PTE. ARNOLD KIRKU P. O“ on Soun :1, ago 18.51ngle, bun in En- gland no pr'tmims smxice. PTE. GEO. HEARY KITCHIRG, Ouen Sound. age 36.13)”) in En- lan:1_ laborer. n ) H'mious senice. PTE. ALFRED HENRY LOU-(:- HEED. Owen Sound. age 31. mar-- ried, born in Canada, laborer. no previous service. PTE. “'31. ANGUS )ICCASKILL LL“- 0“ en Sound. age ‘25. mauled. km in Canada. labmex. txxo v9.1: 5 591- \ice. PTE. \\ )1. HUGH )Icg‘LELLA_ND flu. V'-'. AAvvâ€"â€" _~ Owen Sbund, age '27). married born in Canada. plasterer. ,n') pre- vious sex-vice. PTE. HAROLD MCCONKEY. Priceville. age 26 single, born in Canada, laborer, {our years West Point. _â€"-_A “iv v--- vv PTE. HY. CARTER )chNTOSH, Owen Sound. age 18, single. born in Canada, butcher, no previous service. PTE. FRANCIS HLGH Bic-LEN- NAN, Chatsuorth age :21 single. born in Canada. millex. one \931 3lst Regt. . PTE. FRANK EDWARD 3 IL- LIER, Owen Sound, age 26, single, born in Canada, cigarurpken. no previous service. ° " PTE. ARTHUR PERCIV'AL MORGAN. Meaford, age '24, single. born in Canada, teamster. three years Glamorgan Imperial Yeo- PTE. jAM‘Es FRANK McTEER. Owen Sound. age '23 married ”horn in Canada, butcher, no previous service. PTE. HOWARD MARSH. Chats- \\ orth age 22,single,b01n in Can- ada farmer, four \ems 315‘: as Sgt. of stretcher-bearers. PTE. WILLIAM MARTIN. Owen Sound age 21, single, born in Canada, lather, no pxexious sei- v1ce. PTE. EARL MARTINDALE. Owen Sound, age 21. single, born in Canada, fireman. one year 3‘lst. manry. "'15-'1'133. JOHN CLARK MURRAY, Owen Sound. age 18, single. born in Ireland, one year 313-t Regt. - PTE. JOHN LUDINGTON OS- BORNE, Meaford, age 18, single, born in England, farmer, no pre- vious service. PTE. SAMUEL ARTHuR PAR- SONS. Meaford, age '24, single, :. ROBT. EDWARD FRANCIS IIENR Y KEN- born in England brick burner, |previous service. ' P-TE. ALEX. ADAMS PATTER- SON, Meaford, age 38, married born in Sco'tland, wood printer. 11 years R. N. gunner. PTE. WILLIAM PEARSON. Owen Sound, age 32, married barn in England, chairmaker. ten years 3151: Regt., corporal’s cer- tificate. PTB. IRA SHERMAN PERIGO. Feversham, age 22, single born in Canada, miller, no previous service. ‘ ' PTE. THOS. PETHER, Thorn- bury, age 37, married, born in England, market gardener. two years in South Africa, five years 31':' gegt., sergeant’s certificate. P‘JE. RICHARD PETHER, Clarksburg, age 38, married. ,born in England, market gardener. tsVO years South Africa, Iive years 3‘.st Regt., sergeant’s certificate PTE FRANK POTTS, Owen S'd. age 18, single, born in Canada, clerk, one year 3153: Regt, serâ€" gean‘t’s certxficate. PTE. JONATHAN . WOODCOCK RENNIE, Owen Sound, age ‘26, sin gle, born in Scotland, pattern- maker, three months 3lst fiegt. PTE. DAVID ROBERTS, Owen Sound, age 24, single, born i1 England” sailor, no prex ious ser- \' ICC. PTE. RUSSELL. ROBINSON. North Keppel, age 19, single, born in. Canada, sailor, no preVious ser- vxce. PTE. BERTRAM ROSS, Owen Sound, age ‘3, single, born in Cana'ia, salesman, no previous service. PTE. ERNEST DAN’L SCHWAN. Owen Sound, age ‘24, born in Can- ada, train‘man, no previous ser- vice. PTE. SYDNEY FRANCIS SCOTT Owen Sound, age 38, married, born in England, teamster, no previous service. PTE. JOB". WESLEY SHIRE Owen Sound, age '20, single, Dam in Canaaa,1aincel, no pie\ious service. PTE. GEO. ALBERT SMITH, Meaford, age 21, single, bJI‘D in Canada, fimsher, three years 318'( Reg-L, sergeants certificate. PTE. WM. SMITH, Clavering, age '23, single, born in Canaan, sailor, no previous sex-Vice. BUGLER CHAS. FREDERICK THOMAS, Owen Sound, age :20, single, born in England, veneer layer, two years alst Hegt., 15 months St. John’s Amtuiance. PTE. ARTHUR TILSOS, Owen Sound, age '24, married, born in England, baker, no yrevious sor- nee. PTE. MATTHEW TUCKWOOD. Owen Sound, age 19, single, born in England, finisher, no m'ex‘ious, service. ' PTE. REUBEN READ TU PE Oxenden. age 4:2,m marxiel, no 0 in Canada, faxmer, one VL ear South Africa a nd B PTE. JOHX SEDGWIC‘K TURN- ER. Clzu‘ksburg, ago 20, Single. born in England, bookkeeper, 01‘- ficm's’ training class. PTE. ‘ RI'SSELL L .~'\\\ RENCL‘ \\ ALLA( E, Oxxen Soangl ag“ 15. single. boxn in Canada. factm'y hand. no previous service. A disastrous fire occurred in Or- ‘angeville on \Vednesday night of .last week. which at one time 3threatened the destruction of the 'most valuable blocks in the place. iIt started in a stable about mid- :night, and spread to the .three- .storey mercantile block on John iMcKim. and occupied by him as grocery store and butcher shop, and other offices. The upper flats lwere used as rooming apartments and several of the occupants had very narrow escapes, some being taken out of upper windows, while others slid down ropes. The entire McKim block was gutted, the loss being placed at £15,000, with insurance of $12,000. GENT, Owen Scan-:1, age 18, single, born in Canada. tool maker, no previous service. PTE. JOHN WEIR. Durham. age 19 single, born in Canada, farmer, no previous service. PTE. ERNEST WHITE, Owen Sound, age '21, single, born ?n Can- ada farm-91‘, no previous service.' PTE. GEO. WHITE, Murphy‘s. :WC "8 max-,ried born in Canada. no 1 rm ious sen ice. . ["11” JESSE \VILKI\S Owen Sound. age 33 man' 9d, horn 'in England, snwmillor, no krevious service. PTE. \VALIER JAS. WILSON, Owen Sound. age '28, single. born in Canada, moulder, no previous service. I . PTE. NAAMAN WRIGHT. Owen Sound, age ’28, single, born in Canada, marble cutter, no ‘preâ€" \‘ious serxice. Sound, age :22, single, born in Canada. barber, one year 3lst. PTE. DOUGLAS 'OUNG Owen Sound. age 18, single, bozn in Canada. gardener, no pm. \ious service. PTE LOUIS ZEIGGELDwen S’d, age 21,5ingle, burn in Canada. woodworker, no previous ser\‘ice. To clean leather use neatsioot oil and beeswax in equal quanti- ties. melted over hot water, with twice their bulk of turpentine. Apply soft, but not liquid, put- ting on barely enough to absorb. Polisn with asoft piece of flannel. PTE. JOHN PARKER WEA- PTE. ‘J. ALEX. \VRIGHT. Owen FIRE AT ORANGEVILLE. a lieutenant s Ci‘l‘ti.~iCJC€ A. What a wealth of classic mvth and ancient legend lies behind the pomp' and wreck of history that the shores bf the HelleSpont, or the Dardanelles, have witnessed! says The Youth’ Companion. Why-is it called the “Belles- pont”? Because “pontus" means a sea, and because the Greeks nam- ed this particular sea for Belle. the goddess who fell into its Waters while she was riding through the air above them on the ,ram of the Golden Fleece. Through the same strait at a later time sailed Jason and Ar- gonauts, in search of the Golden Fleece. Why the “Dardanelles'? In hon- Or of Dardanum, a city that Greek -colonists founded on the strait not far from ancient Ilium, the Troy of classic history. Ilium! The walled citylof Priam, the des- cendant of Dardanus, that the Greeks captured by craft after the ten years’ siege of which Homer sang. ‘ The plains where Agamemnon led his Argive hosts echoed last month to the thunder of guns on the British battleship Agamemnon. Near by towers Mount Ida, where Aphrodite won the golden apple, the prize of beauty that led to the wars and woe-so of Ilium: and where the gods gathered to watch the embattled Greeks and Trojans. THE STORIED STRAIT §§§+§§++O+¢O¢+§§+§§+§o¢¢¢¢909§§§O§§§§+§§6§§+OOOQQOO¢ 9 Call at 00 9000‘ E. . C f t' ' A. ROWE . 2.3332322: .4. 000000 00 000 000000 0000000 000000000 00000000000000000 §§§¢§§4¢§¢§§¢§+§§§§§§§¢Q§§ §¢§+§N§§§§§§§§§§N§§§Q§§t PfiSiTWELY THE LARGEST SAlE IN CANADA OVSTERS AND FRUIT IN SEASON For all kinds of Bakery Goods Cooked and Cured Meats. E. A.’ ROWE’S It Costs so Little and Does so Much.

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