BEING LOT 9. CON. 12. GLENELG. 100 acres; well fenced and in good state of cultivation; good water: good hous‘e and‘ barn. For Tampa GOOD ROUGH-CAST T-ROOMED house, w ell, \\ oodshed. horse- stable, orchard, and about t\\i acres of land: com eniently s tu- ated in Durham. Apply to Mrs. John Schutz, or Mrs. .135. Mc- Fadden. 6 3 2p inns; running stream through pronerty: about 10 acres hard- wood bush, rest in good state of cultivation. Possession giVen on Nov. lst, 1913. For further par- ticulars. apply on premises to In John Staples, Rural Route No :1- Durham. Ont. 944pdti LOTS 8, 9 and 10, KINCARDINE street, West. Apply to A.H. J ack- son. 4 1 15 if SYNOPSIS OF CANADIAN NORTH WEST LAND REGULATIONS. The sole head 02 9 family, or; any male over 18 years old, mayl homestead a quarter-section of. available Dominion land is Mani-' toba, Saskatchewan or Alberta} Applicant must appear in pension" at the Dominion Lands Agency or Sub-Agency for the District. Entry by proxy may be made at any Dominion Lands Agency (but not Sub-Agency), on certain conditions Dutiesâ€"Six months residence upon and cultivation of the land in each of three years. A home- steaderimay live_within nine miles No: 1; *Dunham. Ont. WEB THE FAMOUS SPIR-l on: Cornet; any size, type or who; with perfect laundering animal. tad unbreakable steels: podtively hygenic. Not sold in stores. Mrs. J. C. Nichol, Rep- montative. Box 107, Durham. or! Tuesday afternoon and evening at the home of Mrs. S. F. HcComb. Pupils may apply (or appointments to Mrs. Mc- Comb at any time. 10 22tf of his homestead on a farm of at least 80 acres, on certain condi- tions. A habitable house is re- quired except where residence is performed in the vicinity. Advertisements or one man nbeequent insertion. Over 00D FRAME HOUSE ON GAR- afraxa Street, Durham; over a quarter acre of land; six rooms; stable, woodshed, small orchard, etc.; terms right and reasonable. Apply at The Chronicle office. 18tf In certain districts a home-! nteader in good standing may preJ empt a quarter section alongside; his homestead. Price $3.00 peri Dutiesâ€"Six months residence in each of three years after earning homestead patent; also 50 acres extra cultivation. Pre-emption patent may be obtained ag goon as _ --... Do You W ant Help '2 LR. WM. RITCHIE IS IMMI- grant Agent for Durham and vi- cinity, and farmers wishing help should make application early. 3 25 9 A settler who has exhausted his homestead right may take a pur- chased home'gtegd in certain“d§§_t-_- wvâ€" "'â€"â€"_ 11cm. Price $3.00 per acre. Duties â€"Must reside six months in each of three yearS, cultivate 50 acres and erect a yousewqgth $300. L fhg‘ggauof-vc-ï¬l‘iiééiiâ€"dï¬ is sub- ject to reduction in case of rough. scrubby or_ stgny l‘an_d. Live stock , ,,|L-_-‘_2A_ 3.8;..63 avï¬bgiitu'tea for cultivation under certain conditions. W. W'. CORY, 'C.M.G., Deputy of the Minister of Interior. Nï¬-Unauthorized pnblicatxon at this advertisement will not be nnh" (or. 8 514 Gordon Clysdale, aged '21. of Moore township. was killed when a team he was driving ran awav. Chas. Hayward, who purchased R. H. McDowell’s farm, has a slab of wood in the heart of which is the exact outline of a human face, says the Tillsonburg Liberal. The wood, which is of maple, was cut on the farm adjoming his old home in Shawbridge, Quebec. and is quite. a curiosity; ‘ . . . Spirella Corsets .._‘â€"~ -‘ i“..- _-â€"d mestead patent, on certain con- House For Sale' House to Rent For Sale ., CON- 3. 25, Concession 3 be sold Cheap SMALL ADS. non. or loâ€. 2510013“ for ï¬rst inserti , and meant: for each n: one inch and under two inches. double the thovo amount. Yearly ates on spplicamon. 100 acres 2 Drs. lamieson 6:. lamieson. FFICE AND RESIDENCE A short distance out of Knapp’s Hotel, Lamb ton Street, Lower Town, Durham Oï¬ce hours from 12 to 2 o’clock OFFICEâ€"Over J P. Telford’s ofï¬ce nearly opposite the Regism ofï¬ce. Resxdence Second house south of Registry oflice on east side of Albert Street. Ofï¬ce Hours 9-11 a.m., 2-4 p. 111.. 7-9 p. m. Telephohe communica- tion between ofï¬ce and residence at all hours. ï¬co in the New Hunter Block. 0500 hours, 8_to 10_ mum. â€to 4p._m. and 7 :09 A A- J:n\nn“ PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, 0F- nous. 0 w {U a. lull. luv ‘3 y. as. uâ€"â€": - -- p. 111. Special attention given to diseases of vyomen and children. Raaidence op- posite Preshvterian Church. SPECIALIST : EYE, EAR, THROAT . NOSE 011100: 13, Frost St.01ron Sound. DR. BROWN L. R. c. 2., LONDON. ENG. BADULATE of London. New York and Chicago. Diseases of Eye. Ear Nose and Throat. \Vill be at the Hahn House, June 19. July 17. August. 21, September 18 Hours, 1 to 5 p.m. Dr. W. 0. Pickering Dentist. OFFICE: Over J. 85 J. Hunter’s [1 - Eyv ï¬of Toronto. Graduate Roya College Dental Sqrgeons of Ontario. Dentistry :21 all its Branches. Ofï¬ceâ€"~0ver Douglas’ J ewellerv Store. J. 6. Hutton. D (mice. nearly opposite the Registry ofï¬ce. Lambton St..Durham. Anyamount )f monev to loan a? 5 per cent. on farm gropertv. L‘ er, Conveyancerf 8w. Insurance Agent. . Money to Loan. Issueronf Mar- riage Lxcenses. A general ï¬nancxal bus: ness tramacted. DURHAM ONT. (Lower Town.) Holstein Conveyancer. Issuer of Marriage Licenses. Money to loan at lowest rates, and terms to suit borrower. Fire and Life Insurance placed in thor- oughly reliable compnaies. Deeds, Mortgages, Leases and Wills, executed on shortest notice. All work promptly attended to. A. H. Jackson. NOTARY PUBLIC, COMMISSION k or, _C_omesancgr. c_. Insurgpce Licensed Auctioneer for the County of Grey. Satisfaction guru'- anteed. Terms reasonable. Dates of sales made at the Chronicle of- fice, or with himself. ANY PERSON FISHING OR trespassing on Lot 5. Conces- sion 8, Glenelg. will be prose- cuted.-â€"\Vm, Jack, Proprietor Licensed Auctioneer DAN MC LEAN J. F. GRANT, D. D. 5.1.. 1). s rONOR GRADUATE. UNIVEï¬SL IheS Iandard Bred PBBBI “PRINCE IDEAL†l. P. Telford. ARRISTEL, somcmon.__ mo. HOME STAN D. the Chapman Far-m, Con. 2, Egremont, near Potluck’s Corner. \ TUESDAY. at Dromore for Noon, Home for Night. Will make the Season 1915 as follows: \VEDNESDAY, at Holstein for Noon, then by way of Orchardville to 1113 ~ own Home for Night. FRI DAY, at. Wesley Ball’s over Night. SATURDAY, in Durham till’seven in the evening, then home for night. ' 14th Con" Proton, Dundalk, P. Q, Arthur Gun, M. D. Dental Directorv. Legal ‘Dz’raclorv. W. J. SHARP ROBINSON SON mw'mx Notice ropri‘etors Three young men. Angus Camp- . bell, Angus McDonald and James 1, Conley ,were before Magistrate McMulle'n in the town hall on Tuesday evening of last Week ,on the charged assault, laid by [Frank Sullivan. Campbell and McDonali were found guilty and fined, the former $5 and costs, in an $10.55, and the latter $2 and Icosts, in all $7.25. The charge ‘against Conley was dismissed. The parties all live near the Irish Lake and the scrap occurred late at night after returning from M‘arkdale, Where some of them had been imbibing. The magistrate pointed out the serious nature of the crime, following and attack- ing an individual in the dark. but the complainant appealed for for leniency towards the offenders whom he did not desire severely punished, but that the offence should not be repeated. Mr. Guy Magee, employed with M. Scully, moved his family from Maxwell last week to Mrs. Vau- Dusen’s residence. Mr. R. N._Henederson announces the marriage of his daughter, Maude Violet, to Mr. H Leslie Stafford, on Wednesday, June 2. at Winnipeg. A number from here attended the sports at Kimberley on the Kin g’s birthday. By an unnecessary lash\ of the whip to the horse, a young cou- ple driving into town Saturday morning were suddenly capsized from the buggy at Clayton's corner Though the young [adv was thrown some distance, both occupants escaped injury, but some damage was done to the upturned buggy Reeve McTavish gave. attention to the streets last week and had considerable grading and gravel- ling' done. Mrs. Jamieson received further \vord last week from her son. Bert, who has been invalided from the hospital in France to Engiand, and is now improving. Miss Annie Richardson of Tor- onto, is visiting her brother, Robert. Mrs. W’ Kelleher of Toronto is visiting her cousin. Mr. P Quigg. Mrs. R MCG ruther oi Markdale' 5 spent Thursday with Mrs. Jamieâ€" son and mother. Mr. John Runstadtlsr of Toron- to was in town Friday and mot} many old friends.‘ Mr. J R. Hogg 01' Manor. Sask.. and b1 other Andie“). of Alberta, are on a holiday visiting oldi friends at Flesherton and vicinity. 1 Editor and Mrs. Rutledge, and Mr. and Mrs J. E. \Valkcr of Markdale, motored over on Thursday evening and We were bleased to again meet these old 1deased friends. Mr. Geo. McTavish was at Owen Sound on Friday. Mr. F. (5:. Karstedt is in Owen ' Sound this week serving asjury- man. i A lengthy liquor trial Was 1101-11 in the town hall on Fridsgxï¬m'erâ€" ing last when Magistrates Mc- Nulle‘n and McTavish 1011?: . charges laid by IDSPCCtOI‘ Hrilhm't I against Robt. Irwin. GIL“). Stu'trt ' and J. LOWIOI' for having wet, goods shirped in for purpose of' sale, but the exidence failed and the case was dismissed. "Inlter Kerton of Fevcrsham was charg- ,ed with receiving a case of ale. contain‘ng more than the luv allows and it was confiscuicd. :Fred Halgrove of Eugenia was ~charged with being drunk. but succeeded in getting a dismisâ€" ssal. Lawver Henry of Mark-isle. prosecuted, and Mr. McDonald of {Owen Sound was counsel for the ! defendant‘s. Mrs. Herb. Smith of Murkdulc visited in town on Friday after- noon and gave us a pleasant c311. A baseball match on Friday ev- ening between Fleshex‘ton and Markdale High schools. played at the latter place, was won by the boys from here with a score of 8 to 2. ‘ The sacrament of the Lord's per was diSpe-nsed in the Presby- terian church on Sunday, at which there was a large attendance of communicants. Four new mem- bers were received and baptism was administered. Rev. J .Dudgeon goes to Tor- onto this week to attend the an- nual conference. Mr. \V. J. Boyd and family mo- tored to Mt. Forest on Sunday, and M‘r. and Mrs. Buskin to Guelph. Dr. E. W. Paul of Toronto visit- ed relatives in town on Saturday. The doctor and family holidayed with his parents at Feversham laSt week. _ Mr. W. Hanley of Ottawa was a. visitor at W. J . Stewarfls and other friends last week.- Mr. Harold Mitchell, of the PLESHERTON. m DURHAM CHRONICLE. nyedi Daniel Paquette of Mc'S‘rregor, ham lost a valuable horse in a pecu- lliar way. It rolled on. its back be- as a .tween a pile of straw and a fur- Standard Bank, 'Graiton. was home over Sunday. at the home of his son, line. " ‘Capt. Dr. E. K. Richardson of Toronto, commander of the Sec- ond Brigade, Canadian Field Ar- tillerv, is reported as having been offered the command of the 30th Battery of Toronto, a new unit to be raised immediately. Capt. Richardson is the senior officer in the 9th Battery, Toronto, and will receive the rank of Major. His friends at his old home here are pleased to learn of his merited pro-motion. _‘ J Mflr Thos. Styman of Toronto, formerly of England, is on a week’s holiday at Mr. G Mitchell 5 Miss McQueen spent Sunday with friends at Durham. Pembroke has now liquor stores. only two A. W. Smith is Barrié's n.e .v cherk and treasurer. Midland council has school dd- bentures at 102.64%. The death of Mrs. Herrick. sr.. occurred in Luther, aged 9-2 ‘M'atthew Wilkins. one ‘of Or- angeville’s oldest citizens, died at the age of 86 A young man in Prescott was fined $50 and costs for assaulting a policeman. .Cecil Murray, aged 16 W33 drowned at S‘imcoe. through the sinking of an old boat Lawrence Gibbons of Gil‘ford had six head of cat Ht? :1; cidentallg, poisoned with Paris green. Capt. Angus B’l'cCauley. one of the best known of the old ship- masters. died in Midland last week. John Goodison, founder and proprietor of the Goo-3i.-,(m Thresher C0,, died suddeniv at his home in Sarnia. John M'cKay, aged about 5) years, dropped dead while doing carpenter work on a boat in C01- lingwood harbor. Seventyâ€"five English ch’llren. orphansd by the war, will be brought to the AnnieAn-ierson home at Stratford. Wm. Michael, aged 83 "cars, of Hamilton township, [9 ll deai dir- ectly after greeting a brother who had come to visit him. News of Old Ontario Pembroke has 27 grocc‘ry stores, which The Observer con- siders a very fair showing: for a town with a population of less than 8,000. Thorold town council decided to 2'0 on with the construction of a sewerage system in St. Andrews ward at a cost of $225,000. - The old gas works at Simcnc, unused for years since natural gas was discovered, are being rofiitod and will be used as :1 storehouse. The boiler in D. C. McKenzie's tannery at Dundalk blew up and made a complete wreck of the brick addition in which it “as located. Fort, thousand trout fry {rm} the Ontario Governmzn; hut: 110:" at Hamilton have been depuslt =d in EWart‘s and Bell's l.:1kes,w03L of Markdale. At Smith‘s Falls sneak thieves took advantage of 10W Water in the Rideau to plunder boathouses. Lowness of the Water pnaltlul them to crawl under doors. Ernest Twigger, aged '20. a deck hand on the steamer Iro- quois, was killed on the Cornwail canal. He was caught between the side of. the boat and the cop- Giving- :is his excuse that he wanted to join the Mounted 1-2;.- fles, Howard Swartz of Berlin. pleaded guilty to stealing $30 from his father’s clothes. At Orangeville, .3 copper cylin- inder for a soda Water fountain in Alex. 'Walker‘s bottl’ng works exploded. Fortunately no one was near it at the time. ' .For conducting a sale in C01â€" lingsvood without an auctioneers license, as required by a county by-law, J. A. McCabe was ï¬ned $100 and costs. The two-year-old daughter of Will Elack, Amaranth town line picked up her father’s razor while he was engaged for a moment. and cut her fingers severely. row and was unable to get up Pigs attacked it, and its inï¬mnes were such that it had to be killed .cKee of Toronto «1“,.7 4th The Red Cross Column‘ 1 All" the information which is fil- ' tering through from Serbia shows- how terrible are the horrors through which that gallant little allv is passing. The plague and suffering are unspeakable \ and amid all that is being done tol ease the lot of our wounded sol- diers and of their French and Belgian comrades it is right also to remember the claims of the ,Serbs who are fighting 50‘ gal- lantly against vastly superior numbers. Before the Serbian peo- ple had time to recover from the exhaustion of the two Balkan wars they were plunged into the present struggly, with the result that at first the most essential medical appliances as well as l’druâ€"gs for the relief of the wound- !ed were totally lacking. This want has been supplied in some degree, but there remains an urgent need for money in or- der that medical and surgical sup- plies may be sent with all possible haste. Again and again we are assured by those who are working in Serbia that if it were nossible for Canadian people to see the Ditiable condition of their wound- ed Serbian allies, they would be instantly moved to render aid. Already the urgent appeal has reached the hearts of the Canad- ian people and a number of so- 'cieties and individuals have gen- :erouslv donated money to the iSerbian Red Cross and Relief lFund. Serbia. comes to us not merely in a general appeal to our generos- itv and charity, but she comes as a nation to which We owe a verv great debt. While in time. we are going to drive the hOrdes of barbarous invaders from the soil of France and Bel, ium, We must never forget that the ï¬rst brunt of the fight was not borne by the great nations, but by the small nations of Europe. Serbia cries out in the throes of a dreadful tragedy and her cries reach to the American continent. 5" While we are assisting our fclgi- an Allies and French comrades we must not forget that Serbia has fought with a magnificent bravery and deter- mination against the most dread- ful odds, and while ravaged bv a dread disease. Canadians were. ever ready to heln when assist- ance was needed and never was it needed as it is to-day in the little kingdom of Serbia. Donations in money may be sent to Sir Edward Boyle, Bart . Treas- uxer Seibian Relief Fund, 6.: Queen 8 Gate, Land-,on S\ '\ ' Eng- lz1nd.l\10ney and supplies, such as blanketS, sheets, {011818. night shirts. flannel shirts. flannoi Shiits, In amas, bandages slip- pers, and medical supplies mi 1111 kinds mav be sent to Lady L Hit. treasuier Serbian Rei CrOss So- ciety 5 Cromu 911 Road L011d0_.11 S W Engl.1:111. T_l1€se supp i: s 111.11 11dso be sent to 77 King’stieet 1i. 'Toronuh and nn11ked “Soflnu RED CROSS NOTES The following official announce- ment has been issued by the Canadian Red Cross Societv: The Canadian Red Cross Com- missioner cables under date. Max 13 stating that the Red Cross Societv must refuse to accept shipments of goods designated for anv special hospitils or officers as 1hcv are unable to gufu‘an‘ice de livery under proscnt war con-1H tions. The Canadian Red (‘r..:ss has E‘Iidea\018d to co “.1va with the \iishes of individuals and 0th - or socieths as far as inssihi? by for“ arding designated goods. int in View of the cable. quotei 4119\9 the society is compelid to gixc notice that from this time no goods can be receiveda c its offic- cs addressed to particular in .9: 2i- tals or officers. The public is assured, however, that every Canadian officer comâ€" manding a medical unit in con- nection with the Canadiln troops has been requested to draw upon the general stock of Red Cross goods, goods {or the use of his hospital or qmbulance. _ .â€".‘ The Canadian Red Cross So- ciety now has depots in England and two or more places in France. from which goods are distributed b'v electric motor lorries. The so- ciety is therefore in a position to distribute goods to all Canadian hospitals and 'it calls upon' the Can-adian p60ple to suripiy the goods which the wounded and DURHAM BRANCH, III Perfect Safety. Quick Assets. Reliable Service ~ 1 , We solicit your account in our SAVINGS DEPARTMENT The A,B,C of Banking OF CANADA ASSETS OVER $48,000,000 imeuuaggngmggaumm 18 PUBLISHED VERY THURSDAY MORNING At the 'Cbronicle Printing House, Gmafraxu Street. ‘ ‘ Tan Cnnomcu; will be sumptmn ‘any address. free of magi: â€"$1.50 my be charged if not no paid. The datc to which ever) s nbecription is paid is denoted b the number on the address label. No paper :11 continued to all arrears are paid. exnept n th Option of the proprietor. Advertising Rates Advertisements without specincoir‘ect-ione Id be published till forbid a.) .1 charted accord i Tmeie ntnoneeeâ€"‘ ‘L( n. ' ‘ :Fonnd. " ' ‘Forlgfle’. etaâ€"50 cents for ï¬rst insertion. 25 cents for not enbeeq uent. neertion. Alladvertieements ordered by stranger. n as be naid for in adv-nee. Contract rites for yen-.3 advertisements niehed on application to the ofï¬ce. m U N DERTAKER and Funeral Directom chture memg on sharia: notice. :FURNITURE f3 AND MW‘MM Full line of Catholic Robes, and black and white Caps for aged people. DURHAM. ONT Mmmm" Such supplies as soc-ks, flannel day shirts, cotton surgical shins, sheets 60x90. pillow SUNS to “fit pillows of 23x17. abuu‘; .0 inches longer than the pillow. and sur- gical ï¬ressings are no decl in un- limited quantities and will be gladly received by all local branches of the Canadian Red Cross Society or at the head of- fice. 77 King St.. East, TorontO. UN DERT AKIN sick require. fiice. 77 King- St., SHOW ROOMSâ€"Next to Swallow' Barber Shop. RESIDExCEâ€"Fex door South of \V. J. Lawrenae’a blacksmith shop. M 1-. M. Kress has opened a shop at, the rear of the furniture gnaw mom and is prepared to do all kinds of tinsmithing. Undertaking receives special attention Rugs, Oilcloths Window Shades Lace Curtains and all Household Furnishings TINSMITHING EDITOR AND Pnopmmon. Embalming a Specialty EDWARD KRESS 7 For transient sdvernaement ’ cents per line for the ï¬rst inset ° tion; 5 cents pet-line Each aubu- nh n.'__'_- , For transien t . IRWIN m Poplin and Pailiettcs aasbmer Bose Etc. 178 10, .1915. flannel