West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 24 Jun 1915, p. 1

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bv one son, Mr. Sam. Lindsay, 0f . the Vancouver police department, .and one daughter. Mrs. R W Tamm- of .Pafialey, Ont. 311'. Haslett was a brother-ix;- law to Messrs. Thomas and A W. H. Lauder and Mrs. ‘V. J. Young of this place. His widow survives. The Victoria Province, of June 3 repOrts the death of Robert Lindsay, a relative of Mrs. J. C. Nichol of the Midda'ugh ,House. It 583’8: The body of Mr. Robert Lindsay, an aged Ontario pioneer, was found beside his bed in a position of prayer on' Sunday night. A pioneer of the “Queen’s Bush” in Ontario, and, a home- steader of Blderslie, County Bruce he moved to Vancouver about two years ago and had ’ since lived With his son, Mr. Sam. LindsaY. 3641 Union street. He is survived A telegram was received here Friday announcing the death at Winnipeg the previous day, of Mr. J J. Haslett of that place, after a short illness. Mr. Haslett was a man of about 60 years of age and "was well known here. The re- mains were brought east and were interred at Belleville on Manda?- in the rink to-night. It will only cost you a dime to get 1n, and the cost to get out is entirely under your own control. The Band has always been a generous or- zanization and we would hate to do without one. To keep going it needs money. Are you going to do vour bit? A number of the members of the South Grey Temperance Asso- ciation met Monday night in the Methodist church to present an address to Rev Mr. Prudham. and express their appreciation for ser- vices rendered during the past three years All present were a unit in regretting his departure, and wished him success in his new field of labor. The Methodist church, Varney have decided to hold a garden party on Tuesday, June :29 The services of a professional elocu- tionist from Toronto are being secured and a good programme is being arranged. Tea will be served from 6.30 to 8. Admission 25c. and 15c. Further particulars nexL week. A Card.â€"VVe, the undersigned. hereby agree to sell a package of five standard size So. boxes of Silver Tip Silent Matches for 20¢. Quality guaranteedâ€"A. McLach- Ian '3’. J. Hunter. 12 1? 6m The work on the Hydro is pro- gressing favorably. Poles art: be- ing erected on town streets. but we still have doubts about the current being turned on in the} early days of July. Miss Clarice Spencer. principal of the elocution department. To- ronto College of Music. has been secured for the garden partv at Varney. All ladies interested in Red Cross work will meet at the Armory at four o'clock on Satur- dav afternoon. The Canadian Order of Forest- ers will attend service in Trinity church on Sunday evening the 27th of June. 2 Have you seen those cloth- bounJ pocket editions of popular fiction. 20c. each or three for 50c.. Macfarlane'fs Drug Store Corp.-â€"A car load of feed corn. also a car of fresh bran, just in. Get prices before purchasingâ€"- John McGowan. The half-price furniture sale continues at Lenahan McKech- nieis. Autos for hireâ€"Competent driv- ers furnished and rates moderate. The Garage, Durham . 624 The annual picnic of Hutton“ Hill school will be held on Wednesdav afternoon, July 7. {Baseball match in the evening. Everybody inVited Pretty and useful articles for the June bride at Macfarlane's. B3" Your examination tablets at the Variety Store. VOL. 4 N EWS ARO UN D TOWN from the Sunday school conven-l The Sunday, school convention :for Glenelg and Egremont was and Mrs. R. Noble met with an ac- iheld yesterday afternoon and cident, through their horse be- {evening in the church at the coming frightened at an a-utomo- :Rocky. The attendance, program. bile. Mrs. Noble jumped, but MN. : collection and supper have all Milburn hung to her post till the i been pronounced good by a man buggy was overturned. The horse = capable of judging. The principal ran away and the buggy was bad- outside speaker was Aquila Lucas, 1v smashed, but the ladies. who International secretary of the In- were badly shaken up, were 110‘: {tea-national Sabbath School A880- injured sexiously. ciation, . Notwithstanding reports that repairs cannot be procured for Peter Hamilton implements. I mav say the firm is stronger than ever .sinc: amalgamating with the John Deer Plough Company, and I can furnish anything wanted in Peter Hamilton goods or repairs. David Madill, Agent, Markdale. 3 A garden party, under the aus- pices of the Durham Band will be held in the rink on Thursday ev- ening. June 24. A good musical. program will be rendered and refreshments of all kinds .vill He provided. Admission 100. Proceeds in aid of new uniforms. 2 Glenelg Centre Baptist church will hold their annual garden party on Friday evening, July 2 at the residence of Mr. Jas. Mc- Gillivray. The usual program of refreshments, sports, music and addresses will be carried out 3 All invited. ' Dr. Macdonald, editor of The Globe, will address a patriotic meeting in-Price-ville on Tuesday evening, June 29. Proceed-s in aid of the Toronto Base Hospital Fund. Mr. Macdonald is a very forceful speaker and well Worth hearing. Co Mr. Jacob has proved himself a good honorabl‘e citizen and a capable workman and his with- drawal from the concern will be a decided loss We regret to learn that Mr. Jacoo' has decided to sever his connection with the C. J. Furber Mr. Jas. Atkinson sold his 100- acre farm just out of town. on the Durham road to Mir. “Falter Fer- guson of Normanbv. Mr. Atkin- son retains possession till the first of March. ‘We have not learn- ed the price paid. “'e regret to learn that Mrs. Valentine Hahn, who underwent a critical Operation a few weeks ago. had to submit to another op- eration on Tuesday Since then. her condition has improved, and we hope for her rapid recovery. About forty members of the In- dependent Order of Foresters at- tended in a body at the Presby- terian church on Sunday evening, when a very apprOpriate sermon was preached by Rev Mr. Whaley The High School Entrance can- didates, sixty-nine in number completed their work here yes- terday afternoon. Now for a few weeks of anxiety, waiting to learn the results. For saleâ€"Coal heater, gasolihe stove, sideboard, sewing machine kitchen table, bed springs and other alticles. Apply to Thomas Stimson. Albert street. 2 Twenty-five per cent. discount on all fancy goods during the month of June. At Central Drug Store. *0 w..- Paris green and hellebore at right prices. Central Drug Store. I i 1 i Flags! Flags! Flags! Do you want a flag for Dominion Dav and other holidays? Read the ad. on page 7 of this issue. Buy your sheep dip at the ncen- tral Drug Store. Half-price, dou- ble strength. This is dipping time. Try Kreso Dip, 25c. and 50c. tins at Macfar- lane‘s Drug Stow See our splendid showing of elite cut glass, fancy china. At Central Drug Store. For June Brides.-25 per cent off all cut glass and fancy china at the Central Drug Store. Ladies’ wash skirts in Rep, Re- tina and p.k., from $110 to $2.50. at Grant’s. $4 J.“ 'w L. Mi Don’t forget that. Mr. J. L. Hughes will deliver a patriotic address here to-morrow night. A good musical program will also be furnished. It’s free, except a collection. Mrs. Ed. Bailey of Allan Park, underwent an operation for ap- pendicitis a week age, and is now being attended to by Dr. Gun, at the residence of Miss Carmount, up town. Do you Want a .flag for Domin- ion Day. Read the ad. on page 7 of this issue and learn how you can procure one at first cost. If you think of June weddings and- think of invitations, think of us: we print them in the latest and best designs of type and stationery. After the wedding ceremony the guests sat down to a sumptuous repast and after all had regaled themselves the evening Was spent in music and games. The manv useful and costly presents show the esteem in which the young couple are held. Mr. and Mrs. M'acKay have taken un‘their resi- dence in.Duvrh'am, Mr. MacKay having _a position with the J. D. Abraham Company. The bride Wazs attractively attir- ed iI} a white allover shadow lace dress trimmed with silk, and car- ried a bouquet of carnations and roses. MacKAYâ€"BARBER. On Wednesday, June 16, at 5.30 ip.m.. a pretty wedding was so]- emnized at the home of the bride s Inarents, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Barber. when their second daughâ€" ter, Hazel Irene, was united in wedlock to Mr. Melbourne. Mac- Kay of Durham. The wedding march was played by a younger sister of the bride, Miss Ella Bar- ber. Rev. B. M'. Smith. the bride's pastor, officiated, and only im- mediate relatives were present Those from a distance were Mrs. Bert. Craigie, and Miss Tressa MacKay of Paris, and Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Morton, Jr.. of St Marys. I Priceville has bills out announc- i'ing a patriotic concert. and " I'Priceville may always be depend- t Eed upon for doing the thing up , Dr. Macdonald, editor of The ill be there, and We know him well enough 'to promise the audience a good fiery speech, 'gfull of patriotic fervor. Fear men ;can do it better and all who can 1 Ishouuld hear him. 3' Then they have Donald C M'ac- 'Gregor, who stands at the top as 93 baritone vocalist. Only the most 'chronic dyspeptic could hear him land not be delighted. - , These two men are the drawing 1 icardzs of the evening, but in ad- 'dition they expect to have Rev-s. . ~Fergu'son, Smith and Whaley. ! Hon. Dr. Sproule, R. J. Ball, H. H. - .Miller and M. K. Richardson The l :SWinton Park Orchestra will alen Will you contribute your mite to this worthy cause? Mr. Peter Mc- Arthur is chairman of the seating committee and seat reservations may be made by writing t >_ him at Priceville. prumlse a good concert and we‘ll have no retractions to make. We understand further that one private citizen is bearing the whole cost of the entertainment, and all the proceeds will be given in aid of the annnfn Dnnn T3,..-“- a -â€"â€"'-â€"v w-“ " l‘. he in attendance and Miss Irwin as accompanist and DURHAM. ONT., THURSDAY, JUNE 24. HYMEN EAL u... Orchestra will also -â€"â€" --'~ wthx the suffrage of the people algam for election, unless he has grounds for the belief that he should again oe elected Speaker. As the prac- tice 0‘ om- {Tammnan ‘D-..n....-hl exemplified in the Imperial Par- liament. the only ,relialole guide for all Dominions. “As the Speakership is the high- est position to which a member can .be elected by his peers, it is not in keeping with the dignitv of the position nor the practice in the mother Parliament 'that the occupant of the chair should seek “It is pleasing to know that While honored by the confidence and respect of the people 01' East Grey and after many years faithful service in the House, 1 have been by,my peers elected to the high position of Speaker, that is the first commoner or the Dominion. I am now striving" to discharge the duties of office faithfully and well, and to main- tain the dignity of the chair, of as “Nearlv thirtyâ€"seven years ago I was accorded the honor of being chosen the standard-bearer of the party in East Grey for the then iapproaching election and “I haye ibeen returded as Member for the constituency from then until the been renewed“ I have ever appre- ciated the great honor conferred and have been most grateful and thankful to the people for it. and as long as memorv lasts I shall cherish the “Owing to the position I occu- pv as Speaker of the House, the proprieties of the situation de- mand that I refrain from taking part in. or attending any volitical gathering of a party mature- either in my own behalf or “that of others. therefore mv absence from the gathering to-day. The niext order of business con- ;sisted in the :nomination of a candidate to contest the constitu- ency at the next Federal elec- tion. The names of the present member, R. J. (Ball, and the presi- dent, Mr. Wm. Breexse, were niac- ed before the convention, and as Dr. Sproule, the representative of East Grey for the past 57 years, was about to be nominated, the secretary was asked to read a statement from the Doctor and the convention acquiesced in his desire as expressed in the follow- ing letter to the electors- f dale. ‘ H‘oll’mdâ€"J. Perd'ue. *. . Protonâ€"W. Goodfellow, Dun- Idalk. Artemesiaâ€"VV. M'cLorugherv Ospreyâ€"W. .L. Taylor. ' Durhamâ€"A. H. Jackson. Hanoverâ€"G. Bozel. Neustadtâ€"A. Weinert. I Fle.sherton--W. Boyd. i Markdaleâ€"W. Gibson. Chaat‘sworthâ€"G. W, Collins Dundalkâ€"S. Bell Markdale was selected as next place to hold the annual meeting. District Vice-Pr'esdleints were appointed as follows: Sullivanâ€"J. Thompson. Destro. Ben.tinck-G. Brown. dent: Dr. Campbell, Markdale. vice-president; Dr. Ego, Mark- dale. secretary: D. M'cTavish. FleShertOn, treasurer; Irwin Mor- rison, Osprey, and W. J. lullamV. Fle-swherton. auditors. l The Conservative convention Iheld here on Friday afternoon I was a great success. The hall was {literally packed and many" of the audience were unable to secure seats and standing room was at a premium. ' M'r. Wm. Breese of Chatsworth proved himself an (efficient presi- dent and Dr. Ego of M'arkdale acted as secretarv .pro t-em in the absence of J. {W. Tucker. who left the riding on (the organization of th newly adjusted constituency in October Last. The following officers were e1- ected for the ensuing year: Wm. Breese.‘ Chsa'tsworth, -presi-j Glevnelgâ€"R. T. -Edwards. Mark- CONSERVATIVE CONVENTION us‘v UL L116 cnalr, as in the Imperial Par- only ,reliable guide nent "that the air should seek 9. people agam he has grounds belieâ€"ti i915 $++$+++++++++¢+++++++++++é J". J. HUNTER Highest Price Paid for W001 i 3:» 3 5N m _ ::3 :=3 9.59.3. Q‘< 055° EULQ E c 8,?2. =wc£ U) 83.§ 1:: (D (I) W m {> D F -.I 9? a < m ;> 70 AIAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA¢§ LAAMAA LADIES’ WAISTS Fine White Muslin, reg. $I. 50 {01‘ 98c LADIES’ WASH DRESSES In Striped Gingham, Neatly Trimmed for $1.98 Print and Gingham in Dark Colors for 98¢ Progress Brand . HOSIERY SPECIALS 25 Dozen Ladies’ Cotton Hose 2 for 25¢ Gingham and Muslin in Dainty Styles at lowest prices. Everything the best. We will give a pair of Sus- penders with every Suit pur- chased. CHILDREN’S DRESSES MISSES’ DRESSES $1.00 PER YEAR

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