West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 14 Oct 1915, p. 1

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Rev. Mr. \Yhaley’s address on “Boys." delivered Monday night at the tea-meeting in Varney. was well worth hearing and contained many thoughts that everyone should know and consider. Few men have an easier and freer gift of speech. and few can take the common. everyday incidents of child life and clothe them in 1a};- guage so as to make them appeai to the whole of an ordinary audi- ence. Mr. W'hxaley was a boy him- self. and.- he is still a boy in heart, in spirit and in sympathy. We only wish we could reprodruce the words, thoughts and feelings Of .that excellent address. Mr. Joseph Newton. of Pennsyl- vania. spent over Sunday with his aged mother. Mrs. Newton and sister. Mrs. Geo. Sparlino. Mr. Newton. who is a business man. an n:l also a local preacher in con- nection with the Methodist Epis- conai church. occupied the pulpit of the Methodist church here or. gun-f’ 3y evening. He came here to see his mother. who is over 90 years of age. and quite feeble. He left for home Monday morning. .' ( and it seems the fatal'ity was the result of the boy suddenly dodgy ing‘ through a procession on the street. and jumping directly in front of the oncoming auto. On Thursday of last week Char- lie Franklin. :1 boy nine years of age. was struck by an automobile while crossing a street in Own: Sound. and died on Saturday at the hospital. The auto was being driven by J. Howey of Masai-s, l‘urn'flto, TU years 01 ago. an?! fur 21.213“: years a resident of Beni- inc-k, died on Saturday. and inter- ment took place. at Latona ceme- tery on Tuesday, Where Rev. Mr. Mills of Dornoch officiated at the (‘fi'rsequies. He leaves a widmv, one son, John. in the west, a married daughter in Toronto, and a daughter, Cassie, at home. s2 tried. He has also an arsm: barge against him for burning is: brother's barn on the same Vening of the alleged murd r. )nto Daniel Will-:19. born near ._ fl {’H‘sDRO 135205.155!) FOR DLR= AVNWFRSARY SERVICES IN N 52%”!8 A33 550 U $5 D ‘EGW N :3 mm B“; NMEMBER FIRST VA! NE‘ NETNODIST CHURCN 70 imes office till the in repaiz. or other mile. The loss “as ",9, one. 7)th IS ‘A 'u t.‘ Y L" 2.‘ 31119:? St. Thom be put- till the of Special.â€"Factory to face Optical lsale at R. L. Saunders’ Variety lStore. Durham on Fridax and Saturdav, October 22-23 We will again sell regular $3 to $55 value rimmed spectacles and eye-glasses for :51. Remember. you get a guaranteed gold-filled frame with best quality white crystal lenses land your eyes properly tested by our expert Opticians, all for $1. You run no risk whatever in in- Exesting in a pair of these glass- es. as the same quality are soli e‘v ery where for from $3 to $5. The satisfaction they have gix en thou- sands will satisfy you. If You think you need glasses, don’t hesitate. but come to us for a free examin- ation of your eyes. -Messrs. Hugh- son Baker, graduate Opticians of Toronto. with over 20 years’ ex-i nerience in fitting glasses, will' conduct this sale. LOWest prices double vision and special ground lenses. Satisfaction guaranteed. what the condition of the weather. Last week we repOrted in good faith that Mr. Wm. Scarf had en- listed for overseas service. st brother. Tom, told us, and when doing so. he “'38 apparently sin- cere. If intended for a joke, it wasn’t a' very bright one, and ii‘ the report is not true we are in no \vay responsible. \Ve try to report things as correctly as we can. We desire to retain the pub- lic confidence, and if we make a wilful misrepresentation we don‘t deserve it. The efficiency of the lac-1'! waterworks system has been add- in! to by the construction at the source of supply of a concrete settiing tank, which takes care of all sediment from rainfall and other sources. Previously. after a heavy rain. the Water would be- come cloudy. and remain so fox some time but the settling tan}; ha 5 done awav with ail this and now patrons of the service enjoy c'ear sparkling mater, no matter what the condition of the weather- The shells are of the 601b, tun. and me to be fullx machined and many for shipment. It will mean an expenditure of about three ' uzu'ters of a million dollars. { October 1min" C'mtest month 'fi\'e11 by the Sei1eila Corset Co, 11 special effort is beine' ma 1e to extend sales and as every lad" is :1 possible \xeax'e 1‘ (111:1 possinle buy er, she 5110111 :1 act 111x215 :1 percentage of the proceeds xvii! be devoted to patriotic 11111110505. Enquire of Mrs. J. C. Nichol Owen Sound has received an order for 100.000 high explosch shells. and machinery is being but in. The Cllhndifin Krona-11$”: tinn‘xlit run Com: The Chronicle to Jc ”Mary ‘1‘. for $1, to new subscribers. '1 C :1 .1 macninery is being Canadian Malleabiz has the contract. 1isf:ed and rates moder I'a Durham - at rc~.â€"Competent driv- \‘O OSZ 31:10 11‘0"?- hf 6-24 on the east the Russians are com- ing back and W ill likelv keep on coming. The alliance of Bulgaria u 1th the enemy forces has given strong, quick drix e, they see -1 DOSSible union with the Turks. and then a clear road to Constantin- ODIe. The .Bulgars have opened war with the Serbians, but do not seem to meet with a great meas- re of success. The Russians are and British, and however dismal the situation may look just now, the Austro-Germans are facing a check to their southern progress. LV u: uessrs aonnston Allen. clerk !: employed by A. S. Huntei Son: .A C. Ben '11 teller in the Standa od {Bank heie; Lance McGirr cleili. a’empim ed by R. Burnett and John is S-tedman, printer. an employee of :The Chronicle office. The day 919‘ l3ious th£3 journeyed to London gto enlist, but as they 33' ere desu~ .ous of enlisting With the Tlst Battalion, 33ere directed to a11p'113 1 at Walkerton. Thev will join their Icompany on Friday of next Week. Ye wish the young men every success, and ‘hope the exampi e set by them and those 33ho ha3e . come before, may be followed b3 a .good many of the single men of Durham and Vicinity. .â€".- â€"-o-â€"..â€".--_ .-er'oia is now the centre of the 33 ar storm and the probability is th: struggling nation Will share the fate of Belgium should the éGei‘mans be successml in invading the country. Germ-any and her ,allies are hemmed in at the Westa : Iby the French British and Canad- ians; at the north she is able to make no headWay on. the Baltic; _._...-. .3 - A sale of home-mafia baking M11 ‘41 1 2,1- 1191::3111; Calders H1111 on Sat ur- Ixf " 11.3 11ftcrno<m1ext at " ()CZO'“ U LIA. under the '1 15;)10081‘11‘ the \‘1 11-- 'mcn q Iz1stit11te.'lec1 Wil' also saved. Pxocopds i-n nir} m“ 111.1 trol. to a certain extent. the c-‘uzt :of his own lighting. and to reduce it to a minimum. unnecesmrv ,lights should not he allowed ‘hurn continuously, as they ham) been during past years. Meters. will be used by all litmseholflers. and the. economy of turning the switches will readily be let rne'l. Vie are perfectly aWare of the fact that lights burning continu- ously, as they have bee?) under the flat rate method, will cost more than formerly. but what's the use of burning :1 current when no benefit is to be derived? Get ready for the current as soon as it comes, and let us start off with :1 good list of users ‘ o in as I'm Afr rmati DURHAM, 1 be ready O tne part Of ma special meeting: of tl.e Tuesday night, Mr. James, 11‘0 engineer, gave out tn? tion tha the curr'm: :é‘cossary wiring be 5 5' as possible. eems to be an unfmm the their benefit inspector will 1' :ovembe generally Wher L59. is the strong use for the 3111 of the new six's 116095 to turn on 1H] NGCQSPI". !‘ 1 allowed they hav PS. BIete: n y reside .1 RV passin uln- 331* A case of special interest was decided in the Goderich police court, when Magistrate Reid fined Crasu' Murray, of Goderich; for bringing liquor into» a Canada Temperance Act county for other than his personal use. The South Grey Te-achers’ vention is being held here t and to-morrow. The regular vention work will be in the e and “co-night an “at home” be hem in the hall. 1 Harry H1 kllled in a Strathcon-a ‘ --' ber. Other literature bearing the names .of responsible persons. on either side of the question, is rec- !ommended for distribution, and the whole membership of the church enjoined to give the question most prayerful and thoughtful consideration and to vote yea or nay. The question will be determined by the votes of those voting. Those not voting are assumed to agree with the decision of the majority of those voting. It is hoped that this vote may be decisive, one Way or othe . ‘ ' change of pulpits for this object where thought desirable are to be arranged personally. The question of church' union is to be voted on again on the sec- ond and third Sundays of NOVem- ber. Other literature bearing the A Well attended meeting was ; hill at Owen Sound on October 5, 1at which an excellent report of [the Work of Mr. Mie's in the Lion‘s Head, Lindsay and Spry field was received and adopted. Two resignations of pastors were tziliilei'l. one to be dealt with on October 19, the other :at the De- cember meeting. The names are Withheld till resignation is dis- posed of. The amount expected from the Presbytery for the gen- eral work of the church this year. including missions, is $18,500. The allocations to congregations is the same as last year, and all ministers are urged to do their utmost to secure the amount. Ex- change of pulpits for this object Where thought desirable are to be arranged nergnnnllv Miss Bimnnain disc barge. 1 the duties of organist and acted also as accompanist to the different soloists. The proceeds of the tea amounted to over $40. exception. Each speaker happy; mood and the :u thsz'h longer than usual (Vic‘ (1109 m w‘arying the (1100. mg 512:. .chads [{0‘63 'uogyiaoxa unguaa‘ 1: sum. 5N1 gum; a» 3m azcmdod s.\'u.\~.{u 10L! 9.11: 1.103 sun g0 szuuoam 11; sossodppv xxaqcna "IN. pm:- .1350sz “N 2231141-“ .19: €3.93 pun *m:[{\' w.“ um; .xq Enfs'b‘C-IEE‘LJU 33121.1(h).i;ldu amnion? um 3-553 -«Iq oms 8 'quan go amp and aszzodmg Ssgm AQ shunnp‘aa 0-qu pun 0103 '8 °u0{.\‘o;) 3.0 .mmz; -l;f.1§A\ SSHT .~.'< ‘aaoaua m: zuyynp ~fo ‘soms 0a.: {1 nzgoqa om .qu s-Js:z.1 «up 30 1391315110.) LLIz:.I:§o.z<i JILL 'B’Lxg;.\.azu an .10 osmsuagci sq; .1111: 01 1312 album ‘1: 1011 smx 0.13m 15E OWEN ‘SOUND PRESBYTERY Hunter, 19 years old, was an auto accident near f the majority of those is hoped that this vote decisive, one Way or "f 'l "M 3;.â€" . 73‘” .- n ng held here to-day W. The regular con- will be in the school rv-q e attendance. -1 were of the 2305 eight o'clock an 1'- equest ‘E:>>P>>>>>P>>>>>v>>>>b >>>>>>>P§>>>E>>t>>>>>>§ $1.00 PER YEAR

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